Continuing the discussion on division, we noted that we can look into ourselves, as people of division, to find the hidden truth of who we really are. There is much truth about ourselves and our choices hidden in our stories: our nursery rhymes, our tales, our scriptures, our lore, and especially in our ancient stories and myths. The ancient, mythological biblical story of the first man and woman in the garden of Eden begins with an almost buddy-buddy relationship between God and Adam whom God just created in God's own likeness. It is all very peaceful until, whether or not a third character emerged, turned into battle zone of who did or didn't do what. The third character was probably created so as to have a victim on which to place the blame for the betrayal. But we all know about betrayal and the resultant violence that often erupts. Actually, the second character, the woman, was also created a victim. Also one on whom to place the blame of betrayal. The blame was totally Adam's. Adam had the only identity as being an image of God. Eve did not have an identity. Nothing says she was created in God's image. There is nothing today to give her identity other than a rib of Adam. She was just Adam's rib. She did what Adam wanted her to do. Adam desired to become God. Eve picked the apple and handed it to him. The decision to eat was his. Adam's purpose of eating an apple from a forbidden tree, was and is, to become God. As archangel Lucifer desired to become God, so did Adam. Meaning, so does humanity. There lies deep within humanity the desire to become God.
This story does not seem to follow very well the story of the battle in the heavens but seems almost a parallel as the thrust of the stories are basically the same; archangel Lucifer wants to become God as does Adam. But what of our quest to understand the reality of violence? Does the Garden story reflect violence through loss of identity, division and fragmentation through the desire to become God? Why would Adam desire to become like God when he was already created in God's image? Of course, we have already investigated the true meaning of image. (Please refer to posts 5, 16, & 17)Was there a loss of identity? Yes, there was. Eve had no identity. The snake was Adam's alter ego, Eve was Adam's scape goat. Eve was not God's image. Eve has no identity. She was an add on with no particular function or ability but being a cover-up for Adam that continues to this day. This extends also to the battle within each person between so-called male and female characteristics.
The violence erupted in the second son who battled and killed his brother. This extended situation continues in Israel/Palestine today as civilization establishes its identity by conquering the wilderness; as civilization conquers wilderness until nothing remains, and people strive to conquer people. For a few people can exist with billions of trees and forests but no one can exist with billions of people and a few trees on a world of cement and blight.
(next post on civilization versus wilderness)
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Friday, August 29, 2014
Post #123 "Division to Violence"
To understand division, let's look to ourselves as people of division for the truth of our being lies within ourselves. Expression of our Truth can often be found in our ancient stories and myths. There are two ancient mythological accounts that are applicable here. The ancient biblical/mythological story of the battle in the heavens (the story as found in ancient Jewish literature and referred to in the biblical Book of Daniel,) between the good angels and the bad angels, points out the division between good and evil. The division extends to and is amplified in our present day world as we become more fragmented and diversified people. The division is startling and is depicted as a battle. Each side has its leader who then becomes leader for the totality of existence including our present time. The leader of the 'good' side comes to be known as the Creator God who leads the legions of good angels. The leader of the 'evil' side is noted as Lucifer, as Satan, as Devil, leading the so-called bad angels. These bad angels or devils are very much a part of today's world and have become remodeled into the cute and the cartoon, even into 'naughty' instead of evil. (the glamour side of evil). In these creation stories, God is equated with light while Lucifer becomes known as the Prince of Darkness. Here the process of division is seen at work. As God divided the waters, the light that divided the darkness also divided. Here we see the division of good from evil. In our time this division inverts and re-aligns...darkness becoming confused with light and light becoming confused with darkness. All just adding to the chaos. Early in the story, that which would come to be called evil, divided from that which would become called good. Evil became evil in the division, in the choice to divide. Evil made 'evil' evil and 'good' good. The battle expresses the division that issued from the choice of Lucifer and followers who were dissatisfied with who or what they were. The whole gist of the story rests on the fact that Archangel Lucifer wanted to become God. Lucifer attempted to destroy the 'Other'/the Reality that he would assume the Other's identity. Interestingly, it seems that Lucifer needed help. He needed to bring in other angels. He needed to create division. For the plan to work, violence was necessary. Violence was necessary to obliterate that which stood in the way to claiming the other's identity for one's own. Wanting to assume another's identity signifies the absence of identity in the first place.
The story depicts the loss of identity that characterises those who perpetrate violence as a solution to their loss. The division is further depicted as causing a separation, a division of heaven and from creation. Creation becomes the vehicle for the division of evil from good. Basically, creation becomes the vehicle for the creation of evil and good. Creation, here, separates itself out and becomes known as 'evil'. It calls the 'other' 'good'. Not necessarily with the best of connotations but as something 'other' than itself. The division, the need to create a space apart, actually causes creation to come about. We now have a division of forces so powerful that it is described as a battle. As creation itself is a constant moving and changing about of its basic elements so also the battle of precreation continually rages, becoming more intense and more subtle at each increment of history. The story unfolds, our story, becoming more violent at each passing phase of Time.
The division of forces further divides and appoints, and continues to divide and appoint, leaders, (God and Satan) which have over the centuries acquired many more names and designations. The division continues into the need to remove a side from what is now the 'other side' and the creation of many more 'other sides'. With it the terms 'good', 'bad', 'evil', 'holy'. We have, above all, now established sin. The reason given for the battle was that archangel Lucifer desired to become God.
There lies deep within humanity the desire to become God. This desire touches all aspects and phases of created life. The desire to become God is behind all choices and determinations and is the very basis of human thoughts, dreams, and aspirations. It establishes life cycles, patterns, customs, alliances; the very structures of created life. The desire to become God determines human behavior. The desire is rooted in human consciousness and unconsciousness. Every phase, every level, every step, is a piece of the unfolding of the movement to become God as is every stage of evolution. The desire is the force of, and the actuality for, the perpetual search for perfection. Humanity as Intelligence, sough and seeks Perfection. But what is Perfection anyway, but being God? God and Perfection are One.
(The second story to follow)
The story depicts the loss of identity that characterises those who perpetrate violence as a solution to their loss. The division is further depicted as causing a separation, a division of heaven and from creation. Creation becomes the vehicle for the division of evil from good. Basically, creation becomes the vehicle for the creation of evil and good. Creation, here, separates itself out and becomes known as 'evil'. It calls the 'other' 'good'. Not necessarily with the best of connotations but as something 'other' than itself. The division, the need to create a space apart, actually causes creation to come about. We now have a division of forces so powerful that it is described as a battle. As creation itself is a constant moving and changing about of its basic elements so also the battle of precreation continually rages, becoming more intense and more subtle at each increment of history. The story unfolds, our story, becoming more violent at each passing phase of Time.
The division of forces further divides and appoints, and continues to divide and appoint, leaders, (God and Satan) which have over the centuries acquired many more names and designations. The division continues into the need to remove a side from what is now the 'other side' and the creation of many more 'other sides'. With it the terms 'good', 'bad', 'evil', 'holy'. We have, above all, now established sin. The reason given for the battle was that archangel Lucifer desired to become God.
There lies deep within humanity the desire to become God. This desire touches all aspects and phases of created life. The desire to become God is behind all choices and determinations and is the very basis of human thoughts, dreams, and aspirations. It establishes life cycles, patterns, customs, alliances; the very structures of created life. The desire to become God determines human behavior. The desire is rooted in human consciousness and unconsciousness. Every phase, every level, every step, is a piece of the unfolding of the movement to become God as is every stage of evolution. The desire is the force of, and the actuality for, the perpetual search for perfection. Humanity as Intelligence, sough and seeks Perfection. But what is Perfection anyway, but being God? God and Perfection are One.
(The second story to follow)
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Post #122 "Have We Sinned?"
What is evil? What is sin? Who calls the shots? Who ever determined evil from good and sin from holy? The answer is quite obvious....religion. Religion determined and determines evil and sin which also includes the counterparts, good and holy. So is religion reliable or are religions institutions institutions of power and power empires? Is religion what it says it is? Is religion needed to be 'saved' from our 'sins'? Do these attributes of humanity, sin and evil, exist or are we who we are? If the original sin is the division of Intelligence from Reality, than all else follows suit. In fact, who has ever defined what that Original Sin of religion, that we all need baptism to be saved from, really is? Is religion necessary if there is no sin? Actually not. Religion exists to save humanity from its sin and yet there seems to be the possibility that religion created sin and evil to give itself a purpose for existing.
Let's apply this consideration of the division of Intelligence from Reality, along with and to, the presence of violence in our present lives and throughout recorded history. It would seem, then, that there is a direct correlation here. It would seem to indicate that violence is the basic result of division, of separation, of the original division and resultant separation of Intelligence from Reality. How does a person react when they have suffered some kind of separation... some kind of division? This all certainly implies some sort of alienation. In division, someone will have to suffer alienation. As we all know, alienation is not pleasant and is harmful to varying degrees. We have all been affected. We have all experienced alienation and we all fear it in our lives from birth to death. As creation is a process of division, we are all caught up in this division. This division leads ultimately to our breaking down into pieces to our death as the breaking down and death of creation itself. So the question again. Have we sinned? Religion says we have. Religion says that it can save us from our sin.
Now let's get practical. We are people of violence. We are people of division. We are also game-players. We pretend we are doing what we are really not doing and pretend we are not doing what we really are doing. Remember, its all a choice. We are all caught up in and contribute to the collective consciousnesses but also choose through our individual consciousnesses. We join whatever in pretense to cover up that we are really massing against the masses. Here's an example..."let's form a team"!. A team for what but to stand against the commonality and in some way, defeat them?!!! Then we talk about love when we don't know a damn thing about love. We choose to love that we may divide down, often to just two. Two people against the world. Now, isn't this division? Isn't this separation?
Let's apply this consideration of the division of Intelligence from Reality, along with and to, the presence of violence in our present lives and throughout recorded history. It would seem, then, that there is a direct correlation here. It would seem to indicate that violence is the basic result of division, of separation, of the original division and resultant separation of Intelligence from Reality. How does a person react when they have suffered some kind of separation... some kind of division? This all certainly implies some sort of alienation. In division, someone will have to suffer alienation. As we all know, alienation is not pleasant and is harmful to varying degrees. We have all been affected. We have all experienced alienation and we all fear it in our lives from birth to death. As creation is a process of division, we are all caught up in this division. This division leads ultimately to our breaking down into pieces to our death as the breaking down and death of creation itself. So the question again. Have we sinned? Religion says we have. Religion says that it can save us from our sin.
Now let's get practical. We are people of violence. We are people of division. We are also game-players. We pretend we are doing what we are really not doing and pretend we are not doing what we really are doing. Remember, its all a choice. We are all caught up in and contribute to the collective consciousnesses but also choose through our individual consciousnesses. We join whatever in pretense to cover up that we are really massing against the masses. Here's an example..."let's form a team"!. A team for what but to stand against the commonality and in some way, defeat them?!!! Then we talk about love when we don't know a damn thing about love. We choose to love that we may divide down, often to just two. Two people against the world. Now, isn't this division? Isn't this separation?
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Post #121 "The Original 'Evil' Choice"
Let's get down to it. What initiated Intelligence to make the first choice? What choice by Intelligence caused the loss of Reality? As we have previously noted;...we can find some answers in ourselves. In our dispositions, our genetic outlooks, how we express ourselves, in our stories, in our religions, in civilization itself, just to list a few. If we put ourselves in the original position of Intelligence and its relationship to Reality; what would we feel? What would we choose? What was Intelligence thinking about as to a possible outcome of its choice? Actually, we know the outcome. The choice of Intelligence brought about the great separation between itself and Reality. I would suggest that this situation of separation is at the root of violence, war, and crime today and throughout all of history. It seems obvious that no 'good' came out of that first choice. Consequently, one could suppose that evil resulted, that here, before Time began, 'evil' was birthed. Now let's state it clearly...the first 'evil' (evil as determined by religion) was the choice by Intelligence that brought about separation----separation from Reality. Why 'evil'? "Evil' because from this event our brokenness, our pain and suffering, our death resulted. From here, creation unfolded and unfolds; all a process and repetition of the original action. Creation, the process of division, unfolds from the originating division of Intelligence from Reality. That first action that brings and brought about brokenness and death, is and was, division....the result of the first choice.
We are all a part of that choice for we all have been causes of division. Division is division and as we can see, precedes Time itself. Division brought about Time. Time is all about division...years into months, months into weeks, then days, into hours... How can we not see that we all share in the choice, when division is our very nature? We can't even identify this basic characteristic in ourselves. When we come together, when we join, in some way, to form some union with others, we see it a uniting. But it's not a uniting. It is the opposite of uniting. It is a division. What we see as coming together in actuality is dividing...that is an effort at grouping only to divide away from and stand against, the rest of humanity. Here, in pre-creation, before photons of light were first set free and created the cosmic microwave background, before the biblical God of Creation divided the light from the darkness and waters from above from waters from below, division began. Division continued as amoeba gave birth to male and female. With religion further breaking humanity down into camps of power centered around the representative God, civilization becomes identifiable. The division continues ever on in the increase, as humans divide into race, into color, nationality, political groups and now, in disguise, especially into sports. Joining sports teams so we can stand against and prove ourselves better than everyone else.
began with religion...what God would represent us and empower us? This God would have to be more powerful that all other gods. Is this unoity? No, it is not unity. It is a divinision from other sfor power....power for what purpose? Overcoming others? In the nane of our God?
We are all a part of that choice for we all have been causes of division. Division is division and as we can see, precedes Time itself. Division brought about Time. Time is all about division...years into months, months into weeks, then days, into hours... How can we not see that we all share in the choice, when division is our very nature? We can't even identify this basic characteristic in ourselves. When we come together, when we join, in some way, to form some union with others, we see it a uniting. But it's not a uniting. It is the opposite of uniting. It is a division. What we see as coming together in actuality is dividing...that is an effort at grouping only to divide away from and stand against, the rest of humanity. Here, in pre-creation, before photons of light were first set free and created the cosmic microwave background, before the biblical God of Creation divided the light from the darkness and waters from above from waters from below, division began. Division continued as amoeba gave birth to male and female. With religion further breaking humanity down into camps of power centered around the representative God, civilization becomes identifiable. The division continues ever on in the increase, as humans divide into race, into color, nationality, political groups and now, in disguise, especially into sports. Joining sports teams so we can stand against and prove ourselves better than everyone else.
began with religion...what God would represent us and empower us? This God would have to be more powerful that all other gods. Is this unoity? No, it is not unity. It is a divinision from other sfor power....power for what purpose? Overcoming others? In the nane of our God?
Monday, August 25, 2014
Post #120 "The Choice for Evil"
The action of Intelligence is choice. Intelligence chooses. The absolute, most basic choice by Intelligence is the choice between Reality and Non-reality....the choice between Reality (whatever Reality may be) and the 'nothingness' of the abyss. This has got to be the most difficult of all questions to ponder and try to understand. We, humans, stand apart from the choice and yet are very much a part of it. This choice is the choice of the collective consciousness and collective unconsciousness. But this choice is also the choice of the individual consciousness. We become swept away by the crowd and yet we sense that somehow we are each responsible for our own choice. We all feel the sense of needing and even the urgency of discovering that which is Real, for when we have made that discovery we know that everything that is upside down will turn upside right and become Real. This is our purpose and in its accomplishment we will know who we are....collectively and individually. The search is an individual search, something each must do for and by themselves for there are no formulas, organizations, plans, blueprints, or maps and guides for the course that must be taken. Each age, each generation, each layer and level of civilization finds the quest more difficult and the Truth harder to reach, because each layer is another layer of image all piled on top of each other.
We are violent people. It has everything to do with choice...collectively and individually. Violence is a part of human nature even though we would like to think it is not. Suppressed violence is made-up of all the characteristics of the void of Nothingness. Intelligence is attracted to that of Nothingness/non-reality. It is simply our nature. Our present technology has created a total non-reality. Intelligence is so totally emerged in this non-reality that it is possible to spend an entire life time in the images of technology that go way beyond into replays of replays of replays projected onto as many surfaces as we can conjure up. Each replay, as projection, becoming more and more distorted, until there is absolutely no semblance of Truth at all. ..each generation more confused than the preceding generations.
As there is no Truth remaining, Nothingness becomes a curiosity for individual consciousness and certainly for the collective consciousnesses. Curiosity and a loss of Truth, to the degree that the personal search for Truth, becomes ridiculous. Why search if the escape world of technology can satisfy longings for possession and desire for power to survive?
(continuing next publication)
We are violent people. It has everything to do with choice...collectively and individually. Violence is a part of human nature even though we would like to think it is not. Suppressed violence is made-up of all the characteristics of the void of Nothingness. Intelligence is attracted to that of Nothingness/non-reality. It is simply our nature. Our present technology has created a total non-reality. Intelligence is so totally emerged in this non-reality that it is possible to spend an entire life time in the images of technology that go way beyond into replays of replays of replays projected onto as many surfaces as we can conjure up. Each replay, as projection, becoming more and more distorted, until there is absolutely no semblance of Truth at all. ..each generation more confused than the preceding generations.
As there is no Truth remaining, Nothingness becomes a curiosity for individual consciousness and certainly for the collective consciousnesses. Curiosity and a loss of Truth, to the degree that the personal search for Truth, becomes ridiculous. Why search if the escape world of technology can satisfy longings for possession and desire for power to survive?
(continuing next publication)
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Post #119 "The Creation of Evil"
Where did evil come from? What is evil? Is evil the same for everyone? Then, what is good? These are not easy questions but are at the root of who we are and what we are about. Finally, what causes evil? What causes a person or persons to become capable of violence, destruction, stealing, lying? On the other hand, what causes a wild animal to be unpredictable as in trustworthy or not? Is a wild animal that attacks, mauls, and finally, even kills, evil? Is the animal evil or is the animal doing what wild animals do? Then, how do we avoid being attacked, mauled, or killed? We try to avoid contact with the animal. We divide...either isolate the animal or remove ourselves from its proximity as best we can. Are we, like wild animals, also just doing what we do and being what we are? So what of a so-called evil person? Is the person evil or is the person just being who he or she is? Are we all capable of being evil? Are we basically evil? Are we capable of good? Are we basically good? What is the difference between good and evil? Who is capable of making a distinction?
If a person belongs to a community or a cult that runs itself on its own determined principals as to obedience of an ordained leader and that leader instructs its members in criminal ways, what determines good from evil? Would it not be obedience to that leader to be good and do as told, no matter how violent we may determine the action to be, or would disobedience to the leader not be seen as evil? If one is from a foreign culture and do not obey the laws of that culture, as in stopping for a red light, is this evil? Is this person evil for breaking a law or is the action itself what is evil? And how many times do repeated offenses make the person evil? How many lies make a liar? How many thefts make a thief?
On a very basic level, how does evil begin to function and take over a life? It would seem to have to begin with some kind of separation. Separation or division seems to be a root of evil following fear. Separation begins with division. "You are not like me and I am not like you". Separation begins with loss of identity through division. The main step on the way to becoming a criminal is loss if identity. It would be hard to be destructive or violent to what seems to be 'just like me'. When a person feels that they are not welcome, to not being included, to actual shunning, they feel they are thought to be inferior and consequently have lost a part of themselves. They have lost face. They have lost identity. They fear further loss of themselves up to and including total loss. They fear. They just fear. They do not know who they are or where they fit in. They are not accepted or even feel they are acceptable. They are angry. They have lost personal power. They are losing and have lost their power of survival. They are desperate. They will seek to somehow regain their lost pieces, their lost identity, their lost power of survival. They look for restitution. They look for their lost pieces. They must reclaim themselves. Someone has to pay. They will seek revenge, because in their eyes their offense is not as great as the offense committed against them, going all the way back to their root. The score must be evened. Because they feel broken off from some aspect or all of society, they feel the need to regroup and on their own terms. In this turmoil, it is evident that destruction, violence, and heinous crime will result.
We are touchy about separation. Separation is at our root going back to the precreation choice of Intelligence to separate or divide itself away from The Reality. That choice was never the choice or the action of Reality. Whatever or whoever made that 'other', that lost side, that Intelligence of which we are all included, chose to divide from Reality. Why? We must consider the word 'divide' for it is pertinent to our understanding of creation as a process of division. The word suggests that Intelligence was and is in some way in on Reality but also in on the abyss of Nothingness. That original choice of Intelligence to separate is tricky to comprehend. But as we ourselves are of Intelligence, we can look to ourselves for a possible understanding. The answers lie within our own makeup, within our psyches, within our stories, within our religion and our myths.
To begin understanding, firstly, we must realize that Intelligence must exist apart from the Intelligence of Reality and yet be capable of kind of proximity and the effects of that proximity. It divided... Intelligence divided from Reality. Here is the first and basic step of the process of division that defines creation and, by its very nature, brought about creation. Now creation was never the goal of Intelligence. The take over was the goal, the switching of places with Reality. But what was intended did not happen, but what did happen was the facsimile, the creation of image ....the image of Reality. In other words, the scheme was a failure. But what we must not loose sight of, is what this sets us up to be. We are people, with characteristics, with scars. We have remembered what we chose and how we failed. This has all become a part of our psyches. It is deeply embedded in our genes. It has made us who we are and we don't like it. We do not like who we are. We don't like violence and yet we are a people of violence. We say we know love, yet violence thrusts its way and pushes all else aside, for we are people of fear. We are a people of lost identity. We are people of shame for the mistake we were caught at. We made the wrong choice and brought about the opposite of what we hoped for. We carry this shame. But more so, we carry the fear of what we have done. We are people, that above all else, are people of fear. People of fear need to counteract that fear and so we have a great need for power. To belong to, ensures power. To control ensures power. To be needed, to be respected...... money, property, ensures power......ensures identity....covers fear.
Please refer to Posts #63, 78,and79.
To be continued next post... BB
If a person belongs to a community or a cult that runs itself on its own determined principals as to obedience of an ordained leader and that leader instructs its members in criminal ways, what determines good from evil? Would it not be obedience to that leader to be good and do as told, no matter how violent we may determine the action to be, or would disobedience to the leader not be seen as evil? If one is from a foreign culture and do not obey the laws of that culture, as in stopping for a red light, is this evil? Is this person evil for breaking a law or is the action itself what is evil? And how many times do repeated offenses make the person evil? How many lies make a liar? How many thefts make a thief?
On a very basic level, how does evil begin to function and take over a life? It would seem to have to begin with some kind of separation. Separation or division seems to be a root of evil following fear. Separation begins with division. "You are not like me and I am not like you". Separation begins with loss of identity through division. The main step on the way to becoming a criminal is loss if identity. It would be hard to be destructive or violent to what seems to be 'just like me'. When a person feels that they are not welcome, to not being included, to actual shunning, they feel they are thought to be inferior and consequently have lost a part of themselves. They have lost face. They have lost identity. They fear further loss of themselves up to and including total loss. They fear. They just fear. They do not know who they are or where they fit in. They are not accepted or even feel they are acceptable. They are angry. They have lost personal power. They are losing and have lost their power of survival. They are desperate. They will seek to somehow regain their lost pieces, their lost identity, their lost power of survival. They look for restitution. They look for their lost pieces. They must reclaim themselves. Someone has to pay. They will seek revenge, because in their eyes their offense is not as great as the offense committed against them, going all the way back to their root. The score must be evened. Because they feel broken off from some aspect or all of society, they feel the need to regroup and on their own terms. In this turmoil, it is evident that destruction, violence, and heinous crime will result.
We are touchy about separation. Separation is at our root going back to the precreation choice of Intelligence to separate or divide itself away from The Reality. That choice was never the choice or the action of Reality. Whatever or whoever made that 'other', that lost side, that Intelligence of which we are all included, chose to divide from Reality. Why? We must consider the word 'divide' for it is pertinent to our understanding of creation as a process of division. The word suggests that Intelligence was and is in some way in on Reality but also in on the abyss of Nothingness. That original choice of Intelligence to separate is tricky to comprehend. But as we ourselves are of Intelligence, we can look to ourselves for a possible understanding. The answers lie within our own makeup, within our psyches, within our stories, within our religion and our myths.
To begin understanding, firstly, we must realize that Intelligence must exist apart from the Intelligence of Reality and yet be capable of kind of proximity and the effects of that proximity. It divided... Intelligence divided from Reality. Here is the first and basic step of the process of division that defines creation and, by its very nature, brought about creation. Now creation was never the goal of Intelligence. The take over was the goal, the switching of places with Reality. But what was intended did not happen, but what did happen was the facsimile, the creation of image ....the image of Reality. In other words, the scheme was a failure. But what we must not loose sight of, is what this sets us up to be. We are people, with characteristics, with scars. We have remembered what we chose and how we failed. This has all become a part of our psyches. It is deeply embedded in our genes. It has made us who we are and we don't like it. We do not like who we are. We don't like violence and yet we are a people of violence. We say we know love, yet violence thrusts its way and pushes all else aside, for we are people of fear. We are a people of lost identity. We are people of shame for the mistake we were caught at. We made the wrong choice and brought about the opposite of what we hoped for. We carry this shame. But more so, we carry the fear of what we have done. We are people, that above all else, are people of fear. People of fear need to counteract that fear and so we have a great need for power. To belong to, ensures power. To control ensures power. To be needed, to be respected...... money, property, ensures power......ensures identity....covers fear.
Please refer to Posts #63, 78,and79.
To be continued next post... BB
Monday, August 18, 2014
Post #118 "Creation to Nothingness"
Creation is a process of division. Creation divides itself down until nothing remains. Here, at nothing, Creation reenters Nothingness. Creation emerged from Nothingness, and again, through its own choice and determination, ends itself. Creation actually devours itself. So in our sense of Time unfolding, Creation was at its healthiest, its least divided, and the closest to what would be considered the Perfection of un-reality. Perfection is most obvious and attainable in the beginning of Creation before all the division unfolded. Now, in our technological world, isn't this a suprise? We have in previous posts discussed the creative, so called, scientific division of the atoms and elements that brought about creation. Now let's take a look at the social process of division and its effects. The first societal division of creation is the division of basic amoeba. Amoeba broke down, amoeba divided down, into male and female...not quite the biblical creation story of female from the rib of male. It has been argued which came first, the egg or the chicken or male or female, but it remains that amoeba is neither and both. Male and female emerged from amoeba. Why the split? After all, consciousness had the choice to do as it desired, as with all of creation. This choice of Intelligence is not under the rules of Time unfolding and so is made in Timelessness....knowing no beginning and no ending. This choice came from the dreams, desires, choice, and consequent effects of Intelligence. When Intelligence analyzes and assesses the outcome, the final questions will have to be asked....."did we succeed? Did we accomplish what we set out to do? Have we attained Perfection? Have we become God? Are we, indeed, God? Have we created Infinity? Have we become Entity?" (If we return to amoeba, as amoeba is closer to Entity, there will no longer be the division of amoeba into male and female. If we conquer death, there will be no need for childbearing and birth...we are definitly on our way here). If we find that we have mastered creation we will, indeed, have become the God of Creation. When we have again returned to the amoeba state, when we have created life in a test tube, we will indeed have become the God of Creation. When we have conquered death and no one dies, we will indeed, have become the God of Creation. However, the God of Creation is Non-reality. The God of Creation begins and ends in the Great Nothingness.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Post #117 "Within the Womb"
What is it like to live within the womb of creation? What is it like cut off from Reality? What is it like living within Time? We should know, we the people of the womb. We should know, we of beginnings and endings. We of birth and death. We know about beginnings, consequently we have no idea of what occurred before us, outside our awareness, we of Intelligence, we of consciousness. We know only our ideas, our planning, our choice. What does 'beginning' mean? What do the opening words of the bible mean by "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth....". What does science mean by saying that in the beginning creation resulted from the Big Bang. What about 'endings'...both religion and science admit to an ending that is understood by religion as a prediction, "heaven and earth will pass away...." (Mark 13:31) and by science as an observation of the break-down of atoms into smaller and smaller particles until finally losing all definition, also just pass away.
We live within a confining Place, called creation, called womb, and we do not know that there is existence beyond our limitations....the sky seemed limitless but now in history we are beginning to suspect that it isn't. Now, finally in our Time, we can move from seeing just sky to seeing way beyond into the universe, galaxy and cosmos. It is difficult to know that which we cannot see. This extended parameter is now the parameter of our existence . A few years ago our parameters were the far-reaches of the known world. But did not the universe exist even then when we were not aware of it? And what of matter or substance..... all that which is our worldly value, all that that we possess? As substance converts back to energy, what do we own besides a pocketful of energy? Our parameters have fooled us into thinking that there is Nothing beyond our creation...our creation being the limits of our imagination-- -beyond all that we have dreamt, beyond all that we are dreaming, and beyond all that we are yet to dream. All this dreaming, all this planning and all this yearning that makes us who we are, all totally outside Reality. We have it wrong. While we think that anything beyond our creation is void or Nothing......our creation is Nothing. Reality lies beyond, safely outside of our dreams, plans, but not beyond our Choice. Choice is always ours.
We live within a confining Place, called creation, called womb, and we do not know that there is existence beyond our limitations....the sky seemed limitless but now in history we are beginning to suspect that it isn't. Now, finally in our Time, we can move from seeing just sky to seeing way beyond into the universe, galaxy and cosmos. It is difficult to know that which we cannot see. This extended parameter is now the parameter of our existence . A few years ago our parameters were the far-reaches of the known world. But did not the universe exist even then when we were not aware of it? And what of matter or substance..... all that which is our worldly value, all that that we possess? As substance converts back to energy, what do we own besides a pocketful of energy? Our parameters have fooled us into thinking that there is Nothing beyond our creation...our creation being the limits of our imagination-- -beyond all that we have dreamt, beyond all that we are dreaming, and beyond all that we are yet to dream. All this dreaming, all this planning and all this yearning that makes us who we are, all totally outside Reality. We have it wrong. While we think that anything beyond our creation is void or Nothing......our creation is Nothing. Reality lies beyond, safely outside of our dreams, plans, but not beyond our Choice. Choice is always ours.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Post #116 "The 'Why' Question"
Why did Intelligence divide itself away from Reality? Why does Intelligence divide itself away from Reality? Why does Intelligence choose to create? Why does Intelligence choose to create Time, Place, and Matter----the stuff of creation? Is the answer to these questions lost in the haze of millennium upon millennium, way beyond any possible notion of history and so consequently, beyond our ability to understand? Or is the answer accessible, even though lost, under the debris of who we are and what we believe our functions, dreams and desires to be? All we need to do is to understand who we are and what we desire and choose, to answer the question of why Intelligence chose and chooses to create. We are all the Collective Consciousness and the Collective Unconsciousness. We are all Intelligence. And it doesn't matter one hoot where we come from or in what time period we live or have lived. Intelligence precedes Time, as Intelligence creates Time. The answer to why did Intelligence divide itself away from Reality by creating its own reality out of the 'nothingness' of the abyss is the same answer as to who we are and what do we choose and desire.
Here is the answer: There lies deep within humanity the desire to become---the desire to become something it is not. The desire to become something we are not. This desire touches all aspects and phases of created life. This desire of Intelligence of all-time and all-place is behind all choices and determinations and is the very basis of human thought, dreams, and aspirations, from the beginning of history up to the present. It establishes life cycles, patterns, customs, alliances, the very structures of created life. This desire determines human behavior. The desire is rooted in the collective consciousness and unconsciousness. Every phase, every level, every step, and every stage of evolution is a piece of the unfolding of the movement to become the Reality, to exchange places with the Reality as Reality is One and not a sum of parts. The desire is the force of, and the actuality for, the perpetual search for Perfection. Humanity seeks Perfection, but Perfection is not found in un-reality. Perfection is not found in Nothingness. Perfection is not found in pieces and parts or in finitness. Perfection can only be found in Reality. What is Perfection anyway, but the Reality... the Infinite, the Entity. But what is perfection, anyway, but being Real? Reality (some may say God, or Jehova, or Allah, or Yaweh, etc.) and Perfection are one.
The answer to the 'why' question is connected with the reason that Time was created. Time was created by Intelligence for the purpose of becoming ....'becoming' meaning something not yet but dreamed to be attained; hence the need for Time....Time for an unfolding of a plan. Time---to create a beginning that moves to an ending. (Please refer to Posts #19 and 20). Time admits to the reality of non-reality, to the presence of Nothingness for only Nothingness can be discontent, dream, and choose to be other. Nothingness chooses its own removal, separation, or division from Reality. It didn't have to be this way, you know. It's all choice.
Here is the answer: There lies deep within humanity the desire to become---the desire to become something it is not. The desire to become something we are not. This desire touches all aspects and phases of created life. This desire of Intelligence of all-time and all-place is behind all choices and determinations and is the very basis of human thought, dreams, and aspirations, from the beginning of history up to the present. It establishes life cycles, patterns, customs, alliances, the very structures of created life. This desire determines human behavior. The desire is rooted in the collective consciousness and unconsciousness. Every phase, every level, every step, and every stage of evolution is a piece of the unfolding of the movement to become the Reality, to exchange places with the Reality as Reality is One and not a sum of parts. The desire is the force of, and the actuality for, the perpetual search for Perfection. Humanity seeks Perfection, but Perfection is not found in un-reality. Perfection is not found in Nothingness. Perfection is not found in pieces and parts or in finitness. Perfection can only be found in Reality. What is Perfection anyway, but the Reality... the Infinite, the Entity. But what is perfection, anyway, but being Real? Reality (some may say God, or Jehova, or Allah, or Yaweh, etc.) and Perfection are one.
The answer to the 'why' question is connected with the reason that Time was created. Time was created by Intelligence for the purpose of becoming ....'becoming' meaning something not yet but dreamed to be attained; hence the need for Time....Time for an unfolding of a plan. Time---to create a beginning that moves to an ending. (Please refer to Posts #19 and 20). Time admits to the reality of non-reality, to the presence of Nothingness for only Nothingness can be discontent, dream, and choose to be other. Nothingness chooses its own removal, separation, or division from Reality. It didn't have to be this way, you know. It's all choice.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Post #115 "The Walls of Non-Reality"
The choice to create was made by Intelligence. It was always by Intelligence. Creation was never the choice of Reality much less the work of Reality. Why would the Reality ever choose to have anything to do with what was not Real? Intelligence chose to create, to remove itself, from Reality! 'How' and 'why' are big questions here. As to the 'how' question: If Intelligence chose to remove itself from Reality, it would have to divide itself, separate itself, away from Reality by creating a space apart, a space outside of. How does one separate from Reality? This would require division lines or walls......some kind of parameters, some kind of separation. But how does one create walls between Reality and Nothingness? As Reality exists, the only way to divide away from Reality would be to not exist at all or exist in another way that was not Real (which is the same as not existing at all). This though, would not be existence of another dimension but something like another dimension, another existence. Basically, creating is a bringing forth out of nothing. Creation was called forth out of the abyss of Nothingness. Intelligence gave birth to Image. Intelligence gave birth to a shadow land that does not really exist---except to itself.
Creation itself is a separation from Reality and so is like an enfolding womb giving birth and sustenance to that which it contains. These walls of creation are made up of the elements of creation: Time, Place, and Matter. Each of these elements is a further block, blocking creation from Reality for Reality knows no Time, Place, or Substance; substance as we know substance, which is the substance of Non-reality. The purpose for creating Time is and was 'becoming' create an unfolding for the purpose of creation. That which was dreamed of and desired by Intelligence was not able to happen at once but was a process that demanded Time for the transformation to occurr, for the 'becoming' to occur. Place was needed as the reflecting surface on which to caste the image. And Matter was the stuff of creation...the stuff that makes it all seem so Real.
Creation itself is a separation from Reality and so is like an enfolding womb giving birth and sustenance to that which it contains. These walls of creation are made up of the elements of creation: Time, Place, and Matter. Each of these elements is a further block, blocking creation from Reality for Reality knows no Time, Place, or Substance; substance as we know substance, which is the substance of Non-reality. The purpose for creating Time is and was 'becoming' create an unfolding for the purpose of creation. That which was dreamed of and desired by Intelligence was not able to happen at once but was a process that demanded Time for the transformation to occurr, for the 'becoming' to occur. Place was needed as the reflecting surface on which to caste the image. And Matter was the stuff of creation...the stuff that makes it all seem so Real.
Friday, August 8, 2014
Post #114 "Creation's Departure From Reality"
Out of a void, out of Nothingness, an energy sets free photons of light that begin creation by creating the cosmic microwave background. What was this primal energy that begat creation? What caused this energy? Why did creation begin here and in such a manner? Did creation begin here or did creation originate in an idea from the mind of Intelligence that stirred and fussed about in the abyss of Nothingness? For the abyss was always there. The abyss was not created. The abyss exists! In Timelessness, there was Reality and there was the abyss, because as we all know... if there is Something there must also be Nothing. The dichotomy was always there....the first division.......Something and Nothing. If Something is taken away......there is Nothing. So, there was Reality and there was Nothingness....the Abyss of Nothingness.
What could possibly be the reason for Intelligence to do what it did? do what it does? Why would the Intelligence want to create? Why would Intelligence want to cause the stirring, the action, the pulsating energy of creation? Why would Intelligence desire, choose, to create? What caused the restlessness? If there was Something and there was Nothing, why would Intelligence choose Nothing? Perhaps it was because Intelligence was unable to influence or change Reality? It would seem then that this whole mess called creation was desired and called into its own being by Intelligence with, whatever Reality is, not being involved at all but allowing it to happen. Ironically, Reality provided the impetus that stirred in the mind of Intelligence. (More about this in Post #115 to come)
So, the action of separation is an action of Nothingness! Reality was and is not involved in creation. This certainly makes sense...why would that which is Real desire to create that which is not Real? Why would Reality desire anything other than Reality? But why, why, why, would Intelligence desire to remove itself from Reality? This is what it all really boils down to....Intelligence desires and chooses to remove itself from Reality by creating its own environment. This environment must then, set off creation from Reality, set itself apart from or divided from Nothingness causing a division, a rift line between itself and Reality. Notice here the process of division at work in initial functionings of creation.
What is necessary for division? What is necessary for separation? Very clearly cut separating lines would be necessary, as in boundaries, as in walls. What walls would separate Nothingness from Reality---Creation from Reality? Three things would be necessary: Time, Place, and Substance/Matter.....the three properties that make up creation.... the three elements of Creation.
(Post #115 to come will develop this idea of the dividing lines of demarcation)
What could possibly be the reason for Intelligence to do what it did? do what it does? Why would the Intelligence want to create? Why would Intelligence want to cause the stirring, the action, the pulsating energy of creation? Why would Intelligence desire, choose, to create? What caused the restlessness? If there was Something and there was Nothing, why would Intelligence choose Nothing? Perhaps it was because Intelligence was unable to influence or change Reality? It would seem then that this whole mess called creation was desired and called into its own being by Intelligence with, whatever Reality is, not being involved at all but allowing it to happen. Ironically, Reality provided the impetus that stirred in the mind of Intelligence. (More about this in Post #115 to come)
So, the action of separation is an action of Nothingness! Reality was and is not involved in creation. This certainly makes sense...why would that which is Real desire to create that which is not Real? Why would Reality desire anything other than Reality? But why, why, why, would Intelligence desire to remove itself from Reality? This is what it all really boils down to....Intelligence desires and chooses to remove itself from Reality by creating its own environment. This environment must then, set off creation from Reality, set itself apart from or divided from Nothingness causing a division, a rift line between itself and Reality. Notice here the process of division at work in initial functionings of creation.
What is necessary for division? What is necessary for separation? Very clearly cut separating lines would be necessary, as in boundaries, as in walls. What walls would separate Nothingness from Reality---Creation from Reality? Three things would be necessary: Time, Place, and Substance/Matter.....the three properties that make up creation.... the three elements of Creation.
(Post #115 to come will develop this idea of the dividing lines of demarcation)
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Post #113 "Increments of Creation"
Creation is a process of division. It is a process of dividing increments or levels and of becoming increments or levels. Before creation, before Time began, the first level, the first increment emerged..... pre-creation. The action of Intelligence impacting Reality brings about this first level as non-reality emerges from Intelligence's view as pre-creation, seeking a surface to reflect upon, to set its image upon. This need to reflect, to become the Other, to become the Reality, is the impetus to create. Non-reality results from circumstances created by Intelligence which lies outside of Time, outside of Place, and outside of Matter, consequently this whole process of creation has occurred, is occurring, and will continue to occur. From this it could be deduced that non-reality did not, and does not exist outside of itself, meaning that non-reality is not real and does not exist to Reality. Non-reality exists only within itself and is real only to itself. This does not mean that non-reality is a part of Reality for this would be a contradiction of Reality. Non-reality could be looked at as a shadow, as a shadow existence of Reality. Non-reality reflects but is not a part of the primary object. Non-reality results under certain circumstances as caused by Intelligence. The primary object/Reality, in no way, depends on the no way depends on non-reality. If non-reality is a breaking away from Reality it could never have existed. And in actuality, it doesn't. This does mean, though, that non-reality has absolutely no effect on Reality as non-reality is the distorted, disengaged image of Reality. From the first division of non-reality reflecting Reality, creation occurs as the void of Nothingness begins churning with the freneticism of Intelligence that contemplates the premier emergence of non-reality.
Intelligence seeks a reflecting surface for the projection of its interpretation of Reality. Intelligence creates the image. This created reality, Intelligence's own interpretation of Reality is according to its own desire and choosing, for the action of Intelligence is choosing. The reflecting surface, once again, is what we know as creation. Science records this as the Big Bang when photons of light were first set free and created the cosmic microwave background. Religion records this as the Genesis Creation Account. Notice in all accounts, creation is a separation---a division from exists (Reality) and one does not.... Non-reality/Creation). (Please refer to post #3, "The Creation of Creation") It could be said that life began as Intelligence's interpretation of the entity, or oneness of Reality. But Intelligence can not sustain this oneness which is basically its own distorted reflection of Reality's Entity. Intelligence's reality breaks down....over and over again. It all breaks down and divides until nothing (Nothingness) results.
Creation exists in its own created Time but this Time does not exist in Reality. Creation exists in its Place but this place is fading away and does not exist in Reality. Creation exists in its substance or in its matter, but this also is fading way and does not really exist. And so, Creation, consisting of Time, Place. and Matter exists only to and of itself but does not exist in Reality. Time, Place, and Matter, breaking down into smaller and smaller pieces of itself, returning to the original void of pre-creation, of Notthingness.
Intelligence seeks a reflecting surface for the projection of its interpretation of Reality. Intelligence creates the image. This created reality, Intelligence's own interpretation of Reality is according to its own desire and choosing, for the action of Intelligence is choosing. The reflecting surface, once again, is what we know as creation. Science records this as the Big Bang when photons of light were first set free and created the cosmic microwave background. Religion records this as the Genesis Creation Account. Notice in all accounts, creation is a separation---a division from exists (Reality) and one does not.... Non-reality/Creation). (Please refer to post #3, "The Creation of Creation") It could be said that life began as Intelligence's interpretation of the entity, or oneness of Reality. But Intelligence can not sustain this oneness which is basically its own distorted reflection of Reality's Entity. Intelligence's reality breaks down....over and over again. It all breaks down and divides until nothing (Nothingness) results.
Creation exists in its own created Time but this Time does not exist in Reality. Creation exists in its Place but this place is fading away and does not exist in Reality. Creation exists in its substance or in its matter, but this also is fading way and does not really exist. And so, Creation, consisting of Time, Place. and Matter exists only to and of itself but does not exist in Reality. Time, Place, and Matter, breaking down into smaller and smaller pieces of itself, returning to the original void of pre-creation, of Notthingness.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Post #112 "Are We REALLY Living Longer?"
Are we really living longer? Are we living longer than people at any other time in history? We think we are but in Reality we are not. We are not living longer because Time itself is moving faster and faster. The movement of Time is accelerating. If Time is moving faster---minutes, hours, days, years are moving faster and faster, consequently, we also are moving faster and faster through our lives. Can't you feel it? Can't you feel the hecticness and freneticism of our lives and life-styles? What a difference in the pace of life from only a generation or two ago. For instance, in music---songs used to be popular for a longer time, maybe even a few years. Today's songs barely have time to go into print before becoming obsolete. We are living in a disposable age. We have lost the appreciation of art, artisans, and true craftsmen, and now judge quality on efficiency, sales, and mass production. The world is being moved about, flattened, and redone, in a matter of hours by large earth-moving equipment. But have our lives Really improved? Is the world any saner or our environments any safer or healthier? It seems not so. We are broken people and we are breaking into smaller and smaller pieces of ourselves at each increment of Time. At each level of the division of Time, an increment occurs. This rate of division establishes the rate at which Time moves.(Please refer back to blogs #3, #9, and #13). The rate at which increments divide down into smaller increments moves Time faster. Creation is a process of division. The process of division is an accelerating process.
Creation is not stagnant but is in the process of becoming. Creation is in the process of becoming itself, of creating itself and then recreating itself, over and over again. By using itself in the process of becoming, creation needs energy, so uses itself by eating, by devouring, itself. Thereby creation becomes smaller and smaller. When something new and innovative occurs it is at the expense of something already existing. Creation creates itself through destroying itself. This rate of division is accelerating and the pieces are becoming smaller, consequently, we, of Creation, are also breaking into smaller piece of ourselves. We are becoming more broken. We are broken people. In the process of division: at the first increment of Time, division occurs. At this first division, one becomes two. At the second increment of division, two becomes four. The rate of division has doubled. At the third increment of division, four becomes eight and then eight divides at the next increment and on and on until days, weeks, years, become smaller and pass with accelerating speed. What we experience as a week now may well have been a year a few generations ago. We are not, in Reality, living longer but we are living faster. The by-word for today is 'busy'. No one has enough Time. Time is passing too quickly!
Creation is not stagnant but is in the process of becoming. Creation is in the process of becoming itself, of creating itself and then recreating itself, over and over again. By using itself in the process of becoming, creation needs energy, so uses itself by eating, by devouring, itself. Thereby creation becomes smaller and smaller. When something new and innovative occurs it is at the expense of something already existing. Creation creates itself through destroying itself. This rate of division is accelerating and the pieces are becoming smaller, consequently, we, of Creation, are also breaking into smaller piece of ourselves. We are becoming more broken. We are broken people. In the process of division: at the first increment of Time, division occurs. At this first division, one becomes two. At the second increment of division, two becomes four. The rate of division has doubled. At the third increment of division, four becomes eight and then eight divides at the next increment and on and on until days, weeks, years, become smaller and pass with accelerating speed. What we experience as a week now may well have been a year a few generations ago. We are not, in Reality, living longer but we are living faster. The by-word for today is 'busy'. No one has enough Time. Time is passing too quickly!
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Post #111 "How Real is My Reality?"
How real is my reality? What is Reality? Physicists admittedly seem baffled as to just what is real. (Please refer to Post #1 "The Reality of Non-reality, What is Real"for reference point). Is my reality real because it is real to me? If my reality is real to me, does it matter if maybe it is not real at all? My reality is certainly not Real to everybody of all Time and all Place. But how could this be? The existence of my reality brings into scope my own existence. If my reality is not real beyond myself, do I exist beyond myself? Scientists seem puzzled, and rightly so, for it is very hard to admit that there is existence beyond or even outside of what we experience as our own existence. This puzzle brings up further questions as to wondering...if there is a 'beyond existence', do we have access to it or at least knowledge of it? Is it even possible to have knowledge of it much less access to it? Has religion conjured up a possible answer with a reality that is Real or is religion"s answer with an image designed to bring about a control system of political roots? If the hypothesis presented in this writing of creation being an image of Reality has any value, it would seem that the very presence of an image existence proves the reality of a Reality beyond the scope of our thoughts and imaginings.
Holographic science seems to be the best tool we have to understanding what we can know as image of a Reality that our existence only reflects, and as holographic science implies, reflects through distortion. It is difficult to understand that no matter how accurate the reproduction, the image just is not the Reality. As to creation...creation is the image of Reality. Creation can never be Reality. The impetus to creation is the Collective Consciousness of Intelligence, the Intelligence, the Awareness, of all Times and all Places of creation that desires to be what it is not. The desire is never to be the image but to be the Reality. Who would ever choose to be an image? Our very human personas scream out against this insinuation.
So how does this imaging come about? Let's take a shot at an explanation. When the desire to become Reality stirs the primordial abyss of Nothingness, energy, frenetic energy produces heat, heat which produces water, and through various chemical reactions, produces matter, the stuff of creation. Matter, the stuff of creation is image of what Intelligence surmises reality to be. It cannot be Real because it is not is outside reality. It is a surmised guess as to Reality. We guess at Reality according to our needs and desires. Our needs and desires always boiling down to the need and desire for power. These needs seem to be our recipe for Reality.
Holographic science seems to be the best tool we have to understanding what we can know as image of a Reality that our existence only reflects, and as holographic science implies, reflects through distortion. It is difficult to understand that no matter how accurate the reproduction, the image just is not the Reality. As to creation...creation is the image of Reality. Creation can never be Reality. The impetus to creation is the Collective Consciousness of Intelligence, the Intelligence, the Awareness, of all Times and all Places of creation that desires to be what it is not. The desire is never to be the image but to be the Reality. Who would ever choose to be an image? Our very human personas scream out against this insinuation.
So how does this imaging come about? Let's take a shot at an explanation. When the desire to become Reality stirs the primordial abyss of Nothingness, energy, frenetic energy produces heat, heat which produces water, and through various chemical reactions, produces matter, the stuff of creation. Matter, the stuff of creation is image of what Intelligence surmises reality to be. It cannot be Real because it is not is outside reality. It is a surmised guess as to Reality. We guess at Reality according to our needs and desires. Our needs and desires always boiling down to the need and desire for power. These needs seem to be our recipe for Reality.
Friday, August 1, 2014
Post #110 "The Search for Unity"
Create Reality? Create Entity? Create Something as opposed to Nothing? Impossible!!!!!! How many ways have we searched for unity? What does unity mean? How many realities have we tried to create? How many groups or relationships have we tried to form or become a part of? And what of Something?.....if physicists are unsure of what constitutes Nothing, how can anyone be sure of what constitutes Something?
Can Intelligence unite? Can Intelligence unite with Intelligence? Through all of our lives, what we know is what we are a part of, to whom or what we belong to-for better or worse. Who are we? Where do we come from? Can we find common cause that we may find meaning (a sense of purpose) for us to adhere to each other as in marriage or family or social group or religion or through our work and all the associations we seek out? We feel that belonging to these groups brings a sense of wholeness or belonging into our life, that we fit in, that we are accepted, that we are affirmed, that here we can achieve a sense of our identity. Intelligence seeks unity. Basically, we seek Entity as perfect unity. We seek Wholeness. We seek Something rather that Nothing. We seek what is Real.
But what happens when we seek to become a part of something...some group, some relationship? We hope for a sense of belonging, a sense of oneness. How close can we come to that perfect unity, to Entity? How close can we come to being Something rather than Nothing? How close can we come to creating Reality? How close can we come to becoming God or whatever Reality or Entity or Something represents to us? When we try to create Reality, only image results. When we try to create Entity only division results because our idea of unity, of joining or belonging is not what we think it is. Joining a group is to re-form, to break away from the whole to re-form into smaller segment, or pieces. Humanity is broken and in innumerable pieces from the constant and relentless breaking away from the whole by breaking off pieces of itself to form segments or smaller units from itself and of itself. Intelligence's idea of Entity is a summation of parts. But Entity does not consist of parts and cannot be formed by a summation of parts. Entity is Entity and not our idea of unity. Entity is not a summation of parts. Reality is Reality. Reality is not made-up and so does not have parts. Reality Exists.....meaning Reality is not able to be created. When in attempting to unit or join or form, the whole is sacrificed. What is accomplished is the creation of Nothingness. Such futility creates Nothingness for there is no understanding of Something, Entity, or Reality when Intelligence chooses to create.
Can Intelligence unite? Can Intelligence unite with Intelligence? Through all of our lives, what we know is what we are a part of, to whom or what we belong to-for better or worse. Who are we? Where do we come from? Can we find common cause that we may find meaning (a sense of purpose) for us to adhere to each other as in marriage or family or social group or religion or through our work and all the associations we seek out? We feel that belonging to these groups brings a sense of wholeness or belonging into our life, that we fit in, that we are accepted, that we are affirmed, that here we can achieve a sense of our identity. Intelligence seeks unity. Basically, we seek Entity as perfect unity. We seek Wholeness. We seek Something rather that Nothing. We seek what is Real.
But what happens when we seek to become a part of something...some group, some relationship? We hope for a sense of belonging, a sense of oneness. How close can we come to that perfect unity, to Entity? How close can we come to being Something rather than Nothing? How close can we come to creating Reality? How close can we come to becoming God or whatever Reality or Entity or Something represents to us? When we try to create Reality, only image results. When we try to create Entity only division results because our idea of unity, of joining or belonging is not what we think it is. Joining a group is to re-form, to break away from the whole to re-form into smaller segment, or pieces. Humanity is broken and in innumerable pieces from the constant and relentless breaking away from the whole by breaking off pieces of itself to form segments or smaller units from itself and of itself. Intelligence's idea of Entity is a summation of parts. But Entity does not consist of parts and cannot be formed by a summation of parts. Entity is Entity and not our idea of unity. Entity is not a summation of parts. Reality is Reality. Reality is not made-up and so does not have parts. Reality Exists.....meaning Reality is not able to be created. When in attempting to unit or join or form, the whole is sacrificed. What is accomplished is the creation of Nothingness. Such futility creates Nothingness for there is no understanding of Something, Entity, or Reality when Intelligence chooses to create.
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