"How did this Choice of the Collective Consciousness to Become God transfer
into history?
How did this Choice shape and become that history of the struggles of humanity
in contrast to the excesses of humanity------
like humanity against humanity?
----the 'if you have it, I want it' syndrome.
We begin to pursue these questions through the Collective Consciousness.
The Collective Consciousness, through its Choice to Become, eliminates Reality
by setting up within itself the dichotomy of Self and Other.
It is the 'Other' of the Collective that dreams itself Reality.
The Collective Consciousness, through its Choice to Become, eliminates Reality
by setting up within itself the dichotomy of Self and Other.
It is the 'Other' of the Collective that dreams itself Reality.
However, the Collective does not Observe Reality as it IS, but Perceives itself as
Reality, as the Singularity of Reality, which is Other to Self in Reality.
Reality, as the Singularity of Reality, which is Other to Self in Reality.
It is the Self of the Collective that provides the Worship of its 'other' that creates
the God of Creation.
the God of Creation.
According to religion's First Cause, we now have God mythologically in place,
ready to set off the First Seven Days of Creation.
According to science, we now have the pre-creation basic elements and force fields
in place, ready to kick off creation with a mighty 'Big Bang'.
Now Creation is a story of many things, but in particular, and for this purpose, it is
a story of division.
Division sets off the first beat of Time, as Division will also beat the last beat
of Time, when it all ends, as Creation will no longer be able to divide.
When the Choice of Intelligence was made to Become, the cells of Consciousness
divided over and over again into many species and smaller divisions of itself,
including humanity.
divided over and over again into many species and smaller divisions of itself,
including humanity.
In humanity, some of these cells grouped into clusters of power and clusters of
weakness, clusters of male cells and female cells, of elite and commonality-----
weakness, clusters of male cells and female cells, of elite and commonality-----
one group eating, one group eaten.
Science has suggested that energy stores information.
This accounts for humanity having that very vague, very distorted and inverted
remembrance of the Reality it Chose to replace by imaging within itself the
Self and Other of Reality, thereby eliminating Reality by hiding behind the walls
of creation.
remembrance of the Reality it Chose to replace by imaging within itself the
Self and Other of Reality, thereby eliminating Reality by hiding behind the walls
of creation.
It worked!
Reality was eliminated from and by Creation.
But-----there was, and is, this very faint remembrance of something beyond itself,
of something out of reach, of something very intangible and outside and exclusive
of Creation.
of something out of reach, of something very intangible and outside and exclusive
of Creation.
This faint remembrance is like a hole left when something is removed.
That which was removed is far gone but a hole remains as a faint remembrance
of the loss-----the loss of Reality.
Could it be that this 'hole' remains uncomfortably in the psyche of humanity
causing restlessness and a sense of frenzy?
It had to do with the dream.
That which was removed is far gone but a hole remains as a faint remembrance
of the loss-----the loss of Reality.
Could it be that this 'hole' remains uncomfortably in the psyche of humanity
causing restlessness and a sense of frenzy?
It had to do with the dream.
It felt like desire.
There was this yearning To Be that which Was Not.
It caused a great yearning for Perfection-----
if one could be perfect, then maybe-------------------!!
-------then may be one could Become God.
So the Collective Consciousness Created God.
if one could be perfect, then maybe-------------------!!
-------then may be one could Become God.
So the Collective Consciousness Created God.
This yearning, this quest for perfection transferred into the development of civilization,
of technology,------here, where one group feared effects of Nature/creation, the other
group sought its Power, sought its Energy.
group sought its Power, sought its Energy.
Some parts of the Collective Consciousness/of humanity felt empowered, felt the
'beyondness', the vagueness, the 'out of reach-ness' in and about their Self.
They looked to their lesser self for assurance of their specialness.
Actually, without knowing the word, they sought Worship.
They needed Worship as much as they needed food so they fought, threatened,
imprisoned, enslaved, killed and maimed for the food and the Worship
They looked to their lesser selves and took them captive, took their
possessions that they became weaker, forced them into slave labor that their
bodies became broken and useless, killed their children that they
would not multiply, raped the women to deprive them of their humanity,
and all endless atrocities that forced the lesser to Worship the Powerful,
'Otherself,' thereby declaring its Self----God of Creation.
This was all acted out and ritualized through Belief Systems.
This was how the masses were taught and forced to create God, through Worship,
over and over again through these exercizes in dehumanization.
It's all about Worship for Worship Creates our God.
Through Identity these 'Anointed', these 'Chosen', acquired Godship, the persona
of God, the Power of God and especially, the Possesions and Authority of God.
It was assumed that these favors were theirs through special relationship
to God that made them the Heirs of God's Possessions, God's Identity, and
God's Authority.
One could hardly tell the difference between them and God.
They began to resemble the God they were creating.
God began to resemble his creators.
God took on human qualities
They gave God a Name so God would have Identity that they could inherit.
They gave God Possession as Creator.
All belonged to God the Creator.
This God was The Only God,
meaning no one else could claim what God owned
and God owned ALL.
This God was their God
no one else could claim what their God owned
so that.in the Name of their God,
they claim ownership of ALL.
The claim is the Land, ALL the Land
The claim is the Identity as legal, inherited owner
The claim is the Authority to govern, rule and Possess
the people of the Land.
'beyondness', the vagueness, the 'out of reach-ness' in and about their Self.
They looked to their lesser self for assurance of their specialness.
Actually, without knowing the word, they sought Worship.
They needed Worship as much as they needed food so they fought, threatened,
imprisoned, enslaved, killed and maimed for the food and the Worship
They looked to their lesser selves and took them captive, took their
possessions that they became weaker, forced them into slave labor that their
bodies became broken and useless, killed their children that they
would not multiply, raped the women to deprive them of their humanity,
and all endless atrocities that forced the lesser to Worship the Powerful,
'Otherself,' thereby declaring its Self----God of Creation.
This was all acted out and ritualized through Belief Systems.
This was how the masses were taught and forced to create God, through Worship,
over and over again through these exercizes in dehumanization.
It's all about Worship for Worship Creates our God.
Through Identity these 'Anointed', these 'Chosen', acquired Godship, the persona
of God, the Power of God and especially, the Possesions and Authority of God.
It was assumed that these favors were theirs through special relationship
to God that made them the Heirs of God's Possessions, God's Identity, and
God's Authority.
One could hardly tell the difference between them and God.
They began to resemble the God they were creating.
God began to resemble his creators.
God took on human qualities
They gave God a Name so God would have Identity that they could inherit.
They gave God Possession as Creator.
All belonged to God the Creator.
This God was The Only God,
meaning no one else could claim what God owned
and God owned ALL.
This God was their God
no one else could claim what their God owned
so that.in the Name of their God,
they claim ownership of ALL.
The claim is the Land, ALL the Land
The claim is the Identity as legal, inherited owner
The claim is the Authority to govern, rule and Possess
the people of the Land.
Its all quite political really.
God is all about Possession
Identity and
And His Heirs.