Monday, March 7, 2016

Post #220, "What Is 'Good'?"

What is 'Good'?
What does 'Good' mean?
What determines 'Good'?
Does the meaning of 'Good' determine the meaning of  'Evil'?
How does 'Good' and 'Evil' differ from 'Right' and 'Wrong'?
Could one assume that 'good' and 'evil' are terms of spiritual judgement?
Then, could one assume that 'right' and 'wrong' are terms of civil judgement?
Each set of terms is determined by a set of standards.
These terms of spiritual judgement, 'good' and 'evil', are determined by 'God'
or a ruling deity.
Those of civil judgement are determined by society, by a society that
is determined by civilization versus wilderness.
Interestingly, Civilization is characterized as 'Good' while Wilderness is
characterized as 'Evil'.
These judgements determine standards of 'right' and 'wrong,'
'good' and 'evil'.
No matter which judgement is rendered; spiritual judgement or civil judgement,
Authority is the determinate.

'Good' and 'Evil' are determined through Authority.
'Right' and 'Wrong' are determined through Authority.
Is all Authority the same?
So---God is the Authority on Spiritual Law
So----Society is the Authority on Civil/Social Law-----
 Civilization is determined on Law.
Civilization is determined on Authority.
Where does Authority express its control over Society through Law?
Law is expressed through the written word, Spiritually through religion
and socially through politics.
In each case, spiritual and civil, who or what constitutes Authority?
Who or what determines 'good' from 'evil' and 'right' from 'wrong'?
Would not the answer to spiritual Authority be God?
Is not God the spiritual Authority that determines and enforces the Laws of 
'good' and 'evil'?

Is not the king or the president or the elected officials that which determine
and enforce the Laws of Society?
From whom does civil Authority get its power?
We know spiritual Authority gets its power from God.
Can we conclude that All Authority, spiritual and civil, comes from God?
Is civil Authority independent from spiritual Authority?
Is God ultimate Authority?
Then whose God is Ultimate Authority?

Is God, in his Authority, Ruler of the World?
Is Civil Law, 'Right and 'Wrong', not based on Ethics, 'Right' and 'Wrong'?
Is Ethics not the ground rule of Civil Law?
Is the ground rule of Ethics not based on the ordained code of morality as God's
ordained code of morality?
Therefore, does government and Law come under religion, under the God of
Religion, defined and prescribed through the Scriptures/Bible?

Scriptures is the recorded history of Authority.
Only the Elect, those Elected by God can inherit God's Possessions.
under the 'Divine Rule of Kings' or as 'Sons of God'.
God created All.
God rules All.
All under God's Dominion, God's 'Divine Rule'.
The Elect call themselves 'Sons of God'.
This means that the 'Sons of God' inherit God's Possessions, God's Name/Identity,
and God's ultimate Authority.

Possession means The Land------ALL Land.
Possession of The Land includes Possession of ALL resources.
Possession of Resources includes ALL people of The Land.
Such is the Divine Right to inherit All.
But whose God is the God of such Authority?
And who says-----?
Is God, God?
Or----is God what we dream to Become?

Possession, Identity, and Authority-----do these not equal total Economic Power?
--------in God's Name??????????