Existence is Duality.
Consciousness Exists in Existence.
Existence Exists in Consciousness.
Consciousness is Duality.
Consciousness is Duality.
The Action of Consciousness is Choosing.
Existence is Duality because Consciousness Chooses.
Existence Exists because Consciousness Chooses.
Consciousness Chooses Existence and Consciousness Chooses Non-existence.
Consciousness Chooses Reality or Consciousness Chooses Non-reality.
Consciousness Chooses within the Existence of Existence.
Existence IS.
Consciousness IS.
Existence is Duality because Consciousness Chooses.
Existence Exists because Consciousness Chooses.
Consciousness Chooses Existence and Consciousness Chooses Non-existence.
Consciousness Chooses Reality or Consciousness Chooses Non-reality.
Consciousness Chooses within the Existence of Existence.
Existence IS.
Consciousness IS.
Consciousness Chooses because Existence is Duality.
Existence is Duality because Consciousness Chooses.
Consciousness in Duality Chooses Existence.
Consciousness Exists in Duality of Existence..
Consciousness Exists in its Choice of Existence as Existence is Duality.
Consciousness Exists in Duality of Existence..
Consciousness Exists in its Choice of Existence as Existence is Duality.
Because Consciousness as Duality Chooses,
there Exists Existence in Reality
there Exists Existence in Reality
and there Exists Existence in Non-reality.
Existence in Non-reality is Unality.
Unality is the absence of Duality.
As Existence is Duality, the Non-existence of Duality is Unality
Unality could be understood as the Void of Pre-creation.
Because Pre-creation is a continuous beginning and ending,
Unality is Existence of agitated Energy that basically spins, but goes nowhere.
Existence in Non-reality is Unality.
Unality is the absence of Duality.
As Existence is Duality, the Non-existence of Duality is Unality
Unality could be understood as the Void of Pre-creation.
Because Pre-creation is a continuous beginning and ending,
Unality is Existence of agitated Energy that basically spins, but goes nowhere.
Existence as Duality Exists and Non-exists.
Existence Exists in Reality.
Existence Non-Exists in Non-reality.
As Existence is Duality, Duality Exists as Duality in Duality and in Unality.
Unality as Unality is unable to Exist in the Duality of Existence,
and so Non-existence Exists as Unality.
Existence is Duality of Self and Other.
'Other' means the Entity of what is not Self as Self means the Entity of all that
is not Other.
In the Reality of Existence, Self is Entity of Self.
Self is not a Whole made up of parts of it-Self.
Self Exists as Self.
In the Reality of Existence, Self is Awareness of Self as Self.
Self is Awareness of Other in Entity of Other and Otherness.
Self is Aware of Other as Other than Self.
Self is Aware of Entity of Other.
In the Reality of Existence, Other is Aware of Entity of Self.
As Self is Aware of Other, Self is Aware of Self as Self.
Self is Aware of Entity of Self.
In Reality, Self Identifies Self through Identifying Other as Other.
In Non-reality, Unality is Aware of Self as Divided from Other and, consequently,
Divided from Self.
Unality has absolutely no effect on the Reality of Existence.
However, as Unality is a frustration of the Duality of Existence,
that Existing in Unality,
emotionally react, as in Fear, to Existence in the
solitariness of Existence in Unality.
So far, in this ontology, the idea of God does not seem cognizant.
One does, however, get a sense that the idea of God, if there is an idea of God,
will emerge in Unality
an God is Perceived as Unalism that constantly becomes confused with a
complex and contradicting Dualism.
In history, God emerges as Humanity becomes Aware of Mortality.
The idea of God comes from the Fear of Mortality.
Actually, the idea of God grows as the Fear of Mortality grows.
The Fear of Mortality gives rise to Civilization.
The Fear of Mortality grows through never ending Divisions of Civilization
The more Humanity develops Fear of Death and Dying,
the more Humanity embraces the Process of Division that marks Creation.
Humanity centers its-Self in Survival,
in how to annihilate Death through Division and God provides that central Division.
God is Created to determine who will survive Death from who will be granted
God is Created to determine who has Power from who is weak and vulnerable.
God is Created to Validate Power through Possession, through Identity,
and finally to who has Authority over all Creation.
And here we see Unality at its best as all Other and Otherness is destroyed
that One, only One will qualify as Human over a world of puppets.
That One will emerge as God in total and complete Unality-----
----that in Reality does not exist.
Humanity Perceives Immortality and Dreams its potential,
for Immortality lies within the
Self of Consciousness.
Humanity Dreams the potential for Immortality in the Perfection of the Self.
Humanity must conquer all that threatens survival.
Humanity Perceives the threat to survival, not in it-Self,
but in all that is Perceived as not of the Self.
Humanity Perceives Other than Self as the Enemy to survival.
Humanity blames all 'Other' and all 'otherness' for its Existence in Mortality.
Humanity Created God to absolve it-Self from annihilating Other.
To justify the annihilation of Other,
the Self of Consciousness/Humanity
Creates God,
that God Creates the Righteousness of Self against the Evil of Other.
In other words, God is Created to Choose 'Self' and condemn 'Other'.
God is given the responsibility for the Choice,
that Self deserves to be rewarded
for the Death it has Created through its Dream of winning Immortality.
In Creation, Immortality becomes a prize to be won by those whose accumulated
Power conquers all 'Other' and all 'Otherness'.
Somehow Creation, somehow Humanity, must Divide itself that one side is rewarded
and one side is condemned.
The Self of Consciousness seeks to restore to it-self the Reality of the Duality of
Singular Self and Singular Other,
that through Duality of it-Self, there Exists Entity and through Entity,
Through Division, Humanity seeks Entity.
Through Death, Humanity seeks Life
Self of Unality seeks to bring Self and Other or Duality into Self,
into Unality, into Oneness of Self.
Yet Oneness, yet Unality, annihilates Duality, but only for it-Self.
Reality is the Entity of the Singular Self and the Entity of the Singular Other.
And in this Duality is Immortality.
Unality simply cannot sustain Immortality.
Science knows that a cell will divide itself down to Non-existence.
Information of the Reality of Existence Exists in Reality.
Only the Observation of Reality can Observe Singularity,
Entity and Immortality.
What is Perceived through the Self is the Dream and not the Reality.
Perception Dreams .
Observation Sees.
Information of Non-reality is stored and is accessible to Non-reality.
Non-reality cannot access Information of Reality.
What Information Non-reality has of Reality is only the Perceived Information of Image.
Information of Non-reality is accessible through Observation of Non-reality as
Non-reality by Reality.
Existence Exists in Reality.
Existence Non-Exists in Non-reality.
As Existence is Duality, Duality Exists as Duality in Duality and in Unality.
Unality as Unality is unable to Exist in the Duality of Existence,
and so Non-existence Exists as Unality.
Existence is Duality of Self and Other.
'Other' means the Entity of what is not Self as Self means the Entity of all that
is not Other.
In the Reality of Existence, Self is Entity of Self.
Self is not a Whole made up of parts of it-Self.
Self Exists as Self.
In the Reality of Existence, Self is Awareness of Self as Self.
Self is Awareness of Other in Entity of Other and Otherness.
Self is Aware of Other as Other than Self.
Self is Aware of Entity of Other.
In the Reality of Existence, Other is Aware of Entity of Self.
As Self is Aware of Other, Self is Aware of Self as Self.
Self is Aware of Entity of Self.
In Reality, Self Identifies Self through Identifying Other as Other.
In Non-reality, Unality is Aware of Self as Divided from Other and, consequently,
Divided from Self.
Unality has absolutely no effect on the Reality of Existence.
However, as Unality is a frustration of the Duality of Existence,
that Existing in Unality,
emotionally react, as in Fear, to Existence in the
solitariness of Existence in Unality.
So far, in this ontology, the idea of God does not seem cognizant.
One does, however, get a sense that the idea of God, if there is an idea of God,
will emerge in Unality
an God is Perceived as Unalism that constantly becomes confused with a
complex and contradicting Dualism.
In history, God emerges as Humanity becomes Aware of Mortality.
The idea of God comes from the Fear of Mortality.
Actually, the idea of God grows as the Fear of Mortality grows.
The Fear of Mortality gives rise to Civilization.
The Fear of Mortality grows through never ending Divisions of Civilization
The more Humanity develops Fear of Death and Dying,
the more Humanity embraces the Process of Division that marks Creation.
Humanity centers its-Self in Survival,
in how to annihilate Death through Division and God provides that central Division.
God is Created to determine who will survive Death from who will be granted
God is Created to determine who has Power from who is weak and vulnerable.
God is Created to Validate Power through Possession, through Identity,
and finally to who has Authority over all Creation.
And here we see Unality at its best as all Other and Otherness is destroyed
that One, only One will qualify as Human over a world of puppets.
That One will emerge as God in total and complete Unality-----
----that in Reality does not exist.
Humanity Perceives Immortality and Dreams its potential,
for Immortality lies within the
Self of Consciousness.
Humanity Dreams the potential for Immortality in the Perfection of the Self.
Humanity must conquer all that threatens survival.
Humanity Perceives the threat to survival, not in it-Self,
but in all that is Perceived as not of the Self.
Humanity Perceives Other than Self as the Enemy to survival.
Humanity blames all 'Other' and all 'otherness' for its Existence in Mortality.
Humanity Created God to absolve it-Self from annihilating Other.
To justify the annihilation of Other,
the Self of Consciousness/Humanity
Creates God,
that God Creates the Righteousness of Self against the Evil of Other.
In other words, God is Created to Choose 'Self' and condemn 'Other'.
God is given the responsibility for the Choice,
that Self deserves to be rewarded
for the Death it has Created through its Dream of winning Immortality.
In Creation, Immortality becomes a prize to be won by those whose accumulated
Power conquers all 'Other' and all 'Otherness'.
Somehow Creation, somehow Humanity, must Divide itself that one side is rewarded
and one side is condemned.
The Self of Consciousness seeks to restore to it-self the Reality of the Duality of
Singular Self and Singular Other,
that through Duality of it-Self, there Exists Entity and through Entity,
Through Division, Humanity seeks Entity.
Through Death, Humanity seeks Life
Self of Unality seeks to bring Self and Other or Duality into Self,
into Unality, into Oneness of Self.
Yet Oneness, yet Unality, annihilates Duality, but only for it-Self.
Reality is the Entity of the Singular Self and the Entity of the Singular Other.
And in this Duality is Immortality.
Unality simply cannot sustain Immortality.
Science knows that a cell will divide itself down to Non-existence.
Information of the Reality of Existence Exists in Reality.
Only the Observation of Reality can Observe Singularity,
Entity and Immortality.
What is Perceived through the Self is the Dream and not the Reality.
Perception Dreams .
Observation Sees.
Information of Non-reality is stored and is accessible to Non-reality.
Non-reality cannot access Information of Reality.
What Information Non-reality has of Reality is only the Perceived Information of Image.
Information of Non-reality is accessible through Observation of Non-reality as
Non-reality by Reality.
Information of the Reality of Existence is not referred to as stored because 'stored'
indicates Time.
The Existence of Time lies outside the Reality of Existence.
Stored Information of Non-reality is accessible to Created Non-reality,
if Non-reality learns to access it.
Creation of God is Creation of Unality Perceived in the Mortal Self of Consciousness
that is oblivious to Reality.
if Non-reality learns to access it.
Creation of God is Creation of Unality Perceived in the Mortal Self of Consciousness
that is oblivious to Reality.