Division is Process
Process is movement from a Beginning to an Ending.
Division defines and Creates Creation.
Creation is therefore, a Movement.
As Existence is Duality, Creation is Duality.
All that is in Creation is Duality,
because Creation is a Process that Creates and Destroys itself.
All that is in Creation, including Humanity,
Creates and Destroys the Self;
the Self of Existence,
the Self of Consciousness, the Self of Creation,
the Self of Humanity.
Duality is expressed through Choice.
The Choice is always between the Self in Singularity with the Other,
or in the Self Destroying Self and Selfness
through Elimination of Other and Otherness .
Creation, as a Process of Division, Moves from a Beginning to an Ending.
As Existence is Duality, Creation is Duality.
All that is in Creation is Duality,
because Creation is a Process that Creates and Destroys itself.
All that is in Creation, including Humanity,
Creates and Destroys the Self;
the Self of Existence,
the Self of Consciousness, the Self of Creation,
the Self of Humanity.
Duality is expressed through Choice.
The Choice is always between the Self in Singularity with the Other,
or in the Self Destroying Self and Selfness
through Elimination of Other and Otherness .
Creation, as a Process of Division, Moves from a Beginning to an Ending.
Creation, seeking Survival for it-Self and from it-Self,
seeks Power.
In Creation, it is only through Power that Survival is possible.
Power builds and Power destroys.
Power Builds that Power can Destroy.
Building is for the purpose of Destruction.
Destruction is not possible if there is nothing to Destroy
Building provides the object for Destruction to occur.
Power is Created through Selection.
What will be accepted and what will be eliminated.
As Power of Survival depends on acceptance and elimination,
the Self emerges as Self.
Self outside Reality and the Singularity of it-Self and Other
is the Mortal Self.
This Self struggles against its very nature of Mortality.
This Self knows it will End as it Began,
elementary Particles that emerge from frenetic energy,
seek similarity and group accordingly for the purpose of annihilating those
particles least like themselves,
---all preliminary to Human selection that determines Self and Other.
Self Accepts Self and all that defines Self,
but must accumulate Power for Survival,
and so Creates Other from it-Self
that Other, through elimination,
provides the Power for the Self to Survive.
Destruction of Other by Self, Creates Energy for Self-survival.
Energy is Created through Accumulation and through Destruction.
Basically, Self Creates Other for the sake of Destroying Other,
thereby empowering the Self.
Self devours Other's Energy and Essence.
Self Divides Self to Create within it-Self an Other.
Self diminishes Self.
Self can no longer be Identified as Self.
Self is no longer the Self of Reality in Singularity with the Singular Other.
Self in Self no longer Exists in the Reality of Existence!
As Elementary Particles Divide down until Nothing remains,
so does Humanity Divides it-Self down,
so does Creation.
All Elementary Particles,
as in Creation,
as in Humanity,
Divide down, losing all substance,
just fade away.
Grouping Through Selection.
For the sake of Survival, Elementary Particles Group.
For the sake of Survival, Humans, as Particles Group, as do all
components of Creation-----all components basically Elementary Particles.
Selective Grouping accumulates and discards basic Elementary Particles.
Selective Grouping accumulates and discards Humans as Elementary Particles.
The accumulating and discarding depends on Choice,
the Choice of Consciousness,
and as noted, Choice depends on Duality.
The act of Choosing is Energy.
Choosing produces Energy.
------the Choosing of Consciousness, of Particles of Creation, of Humanity,
produce Energy.
As Consciousness Chooses, Choice is without value until value is applied.
The Value of the Choice of Consciousness, as only Consciousness can Choose,
is dependent on Self.
In Reality, Self Exists as Self and Other Exists as Other.
In Non-reality, Self Exists by Annihilating Other.
Self either Exists in Reality in Singularity with Other in Singularity,
or in Non-reality, Self Exists in solidarity with
Self within Self.
This Self in Self continues to Divide,
while Self in Singularity with Other in Singularity, IS.
What IS, IS, and Cannot Divide.
This frenetic energy of Choosing, agitates to a climax, ---to an apex.
seeks Power.
In Creation, it is only through Power that Survival is possible.
Power builds and Power destroys.
Power Builds that Power can Destroy.
Building is for the purpose of Destruction.
Destruction is not possible if there is nothing to Destroy
Building provides the object for Destruction to occur.
Power is Created through Selection.
What will be accepted and what will be eliminated.
As Power of Survival depends on acceptance and elimination,
the Self emerges as Self.
Self outside Reality and the Singularity of it-Self and Other
is the Mortal Self.
This Self struggles against its very nature of Mortality.
This Self knows it will End as it Began,
elementary Particles that emerge from frenetic energy,
seek similarity and group accordingly for the purpose of annihilating those
particles least like themselves,
---all preliminary to Human selection that determines Self and Other.
Self Accepts Self and all that defines Self,
but must accumulate Power for Survival,
and so Creates Other from it-Self
that Other, through elimination,
provides the Power for the Self to Survive.
Destruction of Other by Self, Creates Energy for Self-survival.
Energy is Created through Accumulation and through Destruction.
Basically, Self Creates Other for the sake of Destroying Other,
thereby empowering the Self.
Self devours Other's Energy and Essence.
Self Divides Self to Create within it-Self an Other.
Self diminishes Self.
Self can no longer be Identified as Self.
Self is no longer the Self of Reality in Singularity with the Singular Other.
Self in Self no longer Exists in the Reality of Existence!
As Elementary Particles Divide down until Nothing remains,
so does Humanity Divides it-Self down,
so does Creation.
All Elementary Particles,
as in Creation,
as in Humanity,
Divide down, losing all substance,
just fade away.
Grouping Through Selection.
For the sake of Survival, Elementary Particles Group.
For the sake of Survival, Humans, as Particles Group, as do all
components of Creation-----all components basically Elementary Particles.
Selective Grouping accumulates and discards basic Elementary Particles.
Selective Grouping accumulates and discards Humans as Elementary Particles.
The accumulating and discarding depends on Choice,
the Choice of Consciousness,
and as noted, Choice depends on Duality.
The act of Choosing is Energy.
Choosing produces Energy.
------the Choosing of Consciousness, of Particles of Creation, of Humanity,
produce Energy.
As Consciousness Chooses, Choice is without value until value is applied.
The Value of the Choice of Consciousness, as only Consciousness can Choose,
is dependent on Self.
In Reality, Self Exists as Self and Other Exists as Other.
In Non-reality, Self Exists by Annihilating Other.
Self either Exists in Reality in Singularity with Other in Singularity,
or in Non-reality, Self Exists in solidarity with
Self within Self.
This Self in Self continues to Divide,
while Self in Singularity with Other in Singularity, IS.
What IS, IS, and Cannot Divide.
This frenetic energy of Choosing, agitates to a climax, ---to an apex.
Particles group through Selection to Create Power.
The goal of Grouping is formation of Support Groups that combine Power for the
purpose of Elimination.
Elimination is Choosing through Identification of 'Good' and 'Bad'
of 'Sacred' and 'Evil'.
These support groups Identify Particles for Keeping and Particles for Eliminating.
This Grouping system Identifies Power that is Positive Energy.
This system also Identifies Negative Energy that moves contrary to Positive Energy,
thereby continuing the Process of Duality,
----the Process of Division that identities Creation.
Through this process, Self is Identified through qualities of Power.
This Process also Identifies qualities of Weakness.
Thereby the Divisions of Creation are established.
Self is established as Power, as Positive Energy.
This is Self is Identified throughout Creation as the Self of Power.
The Self of Power must remove its Weaknesses to Survive.
This Self of Power Survives by removing Weakness,
through Destruction,
through Abuse,
through Slavery, through War,
through Domination,
through Intimidation.
through Elimination by Creation of an-Other
out of the weakness of the Self.
The Self removes its weakness by Dividing itself into Self and Other.
Self Survives on the Power of defeating Other.
Other is sacrificed.
Self devours energy from defeated 'Other'.
Self is thought to Become Purified by removal of All Other and All Otherness.
The Self of the Collective Consciousness and the Self of the Individual Consciousness,
as applied to Humanity,
also believes that Becoming Pure,
is Becoming like God when All Sin is removed.
The more Other and Otherness is removed from Self, the more Self claims Perfection
and moves closer to Identity as God.
Perfection and Godhood is attained by purification of the Self.
Religion identifies this process of accumulating Power through destruction of Other,
as the 'Forgiveness of Sin'.
Religion is the first to identify 'Other' and 'Otherness' as Sin.
Religion identifies Good and Evil,
'Good' replacing Self and 'Evil' replacing Other.
Religion is the first place that Identifies Self through removal of Other.
However in sacrificing the Other of it-Self,
Self only defeats it-Self,
-----thereby demonstrating the underlying Power Process that governs the systems
Humanity has Created for the same purpose,------
Survival of the Self.
---Survival of the Self through sacrifice of Other (Other-than-Self)
Survival of the Self leads to all Other-than-Self being sacrificed,
that One, the Self-of-Self,
may survive.
This is the plan of One World Dominion
All Groups Particles that Other can be Identified as Other,
that Self, only One Self, can remain.
One Self remains to take Power from all Identified as Other.
-----over all Robots Created out of the Self.
All Others have been eliminated by Becoming Robots of the Ruling Self
that remains.
Robots are Selves that have lost Selfness.
Survival is not meant for the Group, however carefully Selected,
but always, due to the process of Division,
comes down to the remaining Oneness.
One will continue Dividing down, destroying all others,
until One Self remains.
And in this magnetic pull to Oneness,
comes our idea of God.
The God we Dream we will Become
because we have Invented Immortality that our-Self may Survive.
Even the idea of God comes out of Humanity's Dream for Humanity.
God comes down to the Dream of One, One perfect One.
God is Humanity's Dream of Becoming,
and in this Dream is the thought of Survival.
However, what Humanity Dreams is Not the 'WHAT IS',
but IS the 'What IS NOT'.
Non-existence thereby Created.
God becomes the ultimate escape for Humanity from the walls of Creation.
and the walls of the Self within the Self.
God Becomes the object of Self's Becoming.
Perfection is said to be characteristic of God.
Perfection is God's,
yet does not Humanity aspire to be Perfect?
How else could one escape the 'otherness' of the despicable?
As Humanity aspires to Perfection,
does not Perfection, then, not Become defined by Humanity on Humanity's terms?
As God represents Perfection,
and Humanity strives for Perfection,
does Humanity not Create God,
according to Humanity's Awareness of Self?
There is no escape from the Choice of Consciousness to Create,
through Elimination,
the Image, the Dream, of the Singular Other.
The Choice, that through the Elimination of Other,
results in the Elimination of the Singular Self.
The Self of Reality Exists in the Reality of Self and Other in Singularity.
The Self that Creates, Non-exists in the Non-reality of the Self
that cannot stop breaking it-Self down,
because it has Eliminated everything besides the Self.
At the Apex, expansion tapers off.
Power Groups of Particles, focused on Survival of the Self through Elimination of
all determined as 'Other',
destroy weaker and smaller particles and groupings.
Human Power groups, focused on Self-survival,
through elimination of all determined and judged as Other,
destroy those weaker and smaller Particles of Humanity.
More notably, the movement effects the Whole, the Collective.
The destruction of the weaker by the more Powerful, weakens the Whole.
The Collective is weakened and moves closer to annihilation as groups form
into preservation of a Created Self
through Annihilation of a Created Other.
'Other' is only the Other of the Self,
Its diminution diminishes the total Self, the Collective Self.
Power is Created through Selection and Disposal,
thereby Creating the Images,
thereby Creating the Dream,
and of the Reality of Singular Self and Singular Other
in Creation.
Creating removes Reality.
Only Image
and only Dreams,
In Creation, Self seeks to empower it-Self that the empowered Self can overcome and
destroy the Other.
In destroying Other, Self actually destroys Self.
Only Self without Other Exists in Creation.
There is NO Singular Other in Creation.
Consequently, there is No Singular Self in Creation.
Groups are formed through Selection for the purpose of amassing Power.
The amassed Power then Identifies Self from Other for the purpose of Elimination.
Elimination Creates ultimate Power for the Self-groups as the Self groups claim Power
from those groups Eliminated.
This describes the Process of Division that defines Creation.
This Process defines the movement of Elementary Particles as well
as the movement of Consciousness, hence, of Humanity.
The Pre-creation agitation is Identifiable as Consciousness Chooses to Exist or to
The act of Choosing to Eliminate the Reality of Existence for an Existence in a Created
Pseudo-reality incites movement as Fear results as Reality is Lost.
Fear Creates the Chaos of Pre-creation.
Chaos Produces Heat.
Heat Produces Moisture.
Particles form.
Particles Group through Identity and Selection.
Selection Divides Consciousness and Selection Divides Creation.
Selection also characterizes Humanity.
In Creation there is no Singular Other,
yet the Process of Division cannot be slowed or stopped.
In fact, the Process of Division Accelerates at each layer and level of history.
Parts and Pieces become smaller and smaller,
Humanity and Creation itself,
Become more and more broken at each increment of Time.
We Humans have Become more and more broken over the span of history.
We only delude ourselves into thinking that all of our innovations and gadgets
are improving ourselves and our lives.
Creation cringes as to manifest that we are indeed, bringing ourselves to the brink of
As elementary particles group according to Identity and Status,
Creation groups for the Power of Survival.
Humans Identify Humans, like themselves,
from those determined as not like themselves.
Thereby the Self is established by applying Power and Status,
for the purpose of amassing Power to Eliminate weaknesses,
----to Eliminate the weakness
-the Other side of the Self..
Some Particles, some Humans,
are accepted into a group and some are disposed of.
Each way, accumulating and disposing are ways of Creating Power.
Selection Divides Consciousness into Self and Other-than-Self.
----Self Dividing Self as Consciousness is Duality.
The Dividing of Self Imitates the Reality of Singular Self and Singular Other.
This Division however can only take place in the Self as Singular Other has been Eliminated
from Creation.
Creation is basically, an Imitation of Reality.
What else could Consciousness base its Dreams on and attempt to Imitate?
Image cannot Exist without its reality
Creation IS Image.
Image cannot sustain.
Through selective grouping, Particles Create Power.
This Power is greatly expanded and accelerated as groups establish Self and Other.
The goal of Grouping is formation of Support Groups that combine Power for the
purpose of Elimination.
Elimination is Choosing through Identification of 'Good' and 'Bad'
of 'Sacred' and 'Evil'.
These support groups Identify Particles for Keeping and Particles for Eliminating.
This Grouping system Identifies Power that is Positive Energy.
This system also Identifies Negative Energy that moves contrary to Positive Energy,
thereby continuing the Process of Duality,
----the Process of Division that identities Creation.
Through this process, Self is Identified through qualities of Power.
This Process also Identifies qualities of Weakness.
Thereby the Divisions of Creation are established.
Self is established as Power, as Positive Energy.
This is Self is Identified throughout Creation as the Self of Power.
The Self of Power must remove its Weaknesses to Survive.
This Self of Power Survives by removing Weakness,
through Destruction,
through Abuse,
through Slavery, through War,
through Domination,
through Intimidation.
through Elimination by Creation of an-Other
out of the weakness of the Self.
The Self removes its weakness by Dividing itself into Self and Other.
Self Survives on the Power of defeating Other.
Other is sacrificed.
Self devours energy from defeated 'Other'.
Self is thought to Become Purified by removal of All Other and All Otherness.
The Self of the Collective Consciousness and the Self of the Individual Consciousness,
as applied to Humanity,
also believes that Becoming Pure,
is Becoming like God when All Sin is removed.
The more Other and Otherness is removed from Self, the more Self claims Perfection
and moves closer to Identity as God.
Perfection and Godhood is attained by purification of the Self.
Religion identifies this process of accumulating Power through destruction of Other,
as the 'Forgiveness of Sin'.
Religion is the first to identify 'Other' and 'Otherness' as Sin.
Religion identifies Good and Evil,
'Good' replacing Self and 'Evil' replacing Other.
Religion is the first place that Identifies Self through removal of Other.
However in sacrificing the Other of it-Self,
Self only defeats it-Self,
-----thereby demonstrating the underlying Power Process that governs the systems
Humanity has Created for the same purpose,------
Survival of the Self.
---Survival of the Self through sacrifice of Other (Other-than-Self)
Survival of the Self leads to all Other-than-Self being sacrificed,
that One, the Self-of-Self,
may survive.
This is the plan of One World Dominion
All Groups Particles that Other can be Identified as Other,
that Self, only One Self, can remain.
One Self remains to take Power from all Identified as Other.
-----over all Robots Created out of the Self.
All Others have been eliminated by Becoming Robots of the Ruling Self
that remains.
Robots are Selves that have lost Selfness.
Survival is not meant for the Group, however carefully Selected,
but always, due to the process of Division,
comes down to the remaining Oneness.
One will continue Dividing down, destroying all others,
until One Self remains.
And in this magnetic pull to Oneness,
comes our idea of God.
The God we Dream we will Become
because we have Invented Immortality that our-Self may Survive.
Even the idea of God comes out of Humanity's Dream for Humanity.
God comes down to the Dream of One, One perfect One.
God is Humanity's Dream of Becoming,
and in this Dream is the thought of Survival.
However, what Humanity Dreams is Not the 'WHAT IS',
but IS the 'What IS NOT'.
Non-existence thereby Created.
God becomes the ultimate escape for Humanity from the walls of Creation.
and the walls of the Self within the Self.
God Becomes the object of Self's Becoming.
Perfection is said to be characteristic of God.
Perfection is God's,
yet does not Humanity aspire to be Perfect?
How else could one escape the 'otherness' of the despicable?
As Humanity aspires to Perfection,
does not Perfection, then, not Become defined by Humanity on Humanity's terms?
As God represents Perfection,
and Humanity strives for Perfection,
does Humanity not Create God,
according to Humanity's Awareness of Self?
There is no escape from the Choice of Consciousness to Create,
through Elimination,
the Image, the Dream, of the Singular Other.
The Choice, that through the Elimination of Other,
results in the Elimination of the Singular Self.
The Self of Reality Exists in the Reality of Self and Other in Singularity.
The Self that Creates, Non-exists in the Non-reality of the Self
that cannot stop breaking it-Self down,
because it has Eliminated everything besides the Self.
At the Apex, expansion tapers off.
Power Groups of Particles, focused on Survival of the Self through Elimination of
all determined as 'Other',
destroy weaker and smaller particles and groupings.
Human Power groups, focused on Self-survival,
through elimination of all determined and judged as Other,
destroy those weaker and smaller Particles of Humanity.
More notably, the movement effects the Whole, the Collective.
The destruction of the weaker by the more Powerful, weakens the Whole.
The Collective is weakened and moves closer to annihilation as groups form
into preservation of a Created Self
through Annihilation of a Created Other.
'Other' is only the Other of the Self,
Its diminution diminishes the total Self, the Collective Self.
Power is Created through Selection and Disposal,
thereby Creating the Images,
thereby Creating the Dream,
and of the Reality of Singular Self and Singular Other
in Creation.
Creating removes Reality.
Only Image
and only Dreams,
In Creation, Self seeks to empower it-Self that the empowered Self can overcome and
destroy the Other.
In destroying Other, Self actually destroys Self.
Only Self without Other Exists in Creation.
There is NO Singular Other in Creation.
Consequently, there is No Singular Self in Creation.
Groups are formed through Selection for the purpose of amassing Power.
The amassed Power then Identifies Self from Other for the purpose of Elimination.
Elimination Creates ultimate Power for the Self-groups as the Self groups claim Power
from those groups Eliminated.
This describes the Process of Division that defines Creation.
This Process defines the movement of Elementary Particles as well
as the movement of Consciousness, hence, of Humanity.
The Pre-creation agitation is Identifiable as Consciousness Chooses to Exist or to
The act of Choosing to Eliminate the Reality of Existence for an Existence in a Created
Pseudo-reality incites movement as Fear results as Reality is Lost.
Fear Creates the Chaos of Pre-creation.
Chaos Produces Heat.
Heat Produces Moisture.
Particles form.
Particles Group through Identity and Selection.
Selection Divides Consciousness and Selection Divides Creation.
Selection also characterizes Humanity.
In Creation there is no Singular Other,
yet the Process of Division cannot be slowed or stopped.
In fact, the Process of Division Accelerates at each layer and level of history.
Parts and Pieces become smaller and smaller,
Humanity and Creation itself,
Become more and more broken at each increment of Time.
We Humans have Become more and more broken over the span of history.
We only delude ourselves into thinking that all of our innovations and gadgets
are improving ourselves and our lives.
Creation cringes as to manifest that we are indeed, bringing ourselves to the brink of
As elementary particles group according to Identity and Status,
Creation groups for the Power of Survival.
Humans Identify Humans, like themselves,
from those determined as not like themselves.
Thereby the Self is established by applying Power and Status,
for the purpose of amassing Power to Eliminate weaknesses,
----to Eliminate the weakness
-the Other side of the Self..
Some Particles, some Humans,
are accepted into a group and some are disposed of.
Each way, accumulating and disposing are ways of Creating Power.
Selection Divides Consciousness into Self and Other-than-Self.
----Self Dividing Self as Consciousness is Duality.
The Dividing of Self Imitates the Reality of Singular Self and Singular Other.
This Division however can only take place in the Self as Singular Other has been Eliminated
from Creation.
Creation is basically, an Imitation of Reality.
What else could Consciousness base its Dreams on and attempt to Imitate?
Image cannot Exist without its reality
Creation IS Image.
Image cannot sustain.
Through selective grouping, Particles Create Power.
This Power is greatly expanded and accelerated as groups establish Self and Other.
At apex, the Process reverses, what was expanding, contracts,
as the particles attack and destroy each Other, breaking down unto
as the particles attack and destroy each Other, breaking down unto
more and smaller cells to the Point of Return
to the basic elementary particles.
Those remaining lose all definition until just fading away
into the Nothingness from which Creation is born.
The implication is that all that all of Creation and all that emerges from Creation
undergoes the same process of Movement,
--- from a Beginning to an Ending.
In the Reality of Existence that which Begins and Ends DOES NOT Exist.
As Existence is Duality,
what Exists Must also NOT Exist.
From this Duality,
Consciousness has Choice
'The Creation' of religion is aptly understood as being 'Made From Nothing',
and this is well said.
Creation IS made from Nothing.
Nothing being the Non-reality of Existence,
the Non-existent side of Existence.
the Duality of Existence as 'Being' and as 'Not Being'.
Because Creation is Process, Creation defines the Process through layers
and levels of repetition.
Each layer and each level is a further breakdown of the Process that Begins
only to gather speed to the climatical Ending.
The Beginning and the Ending appear the same,
with infinite particles that amass and then retreat to the original particles,
with infinite particles that amass and then retreat to the original particles,
in a burning cauldron-like Pre-creation Chaos.