Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Post #395 "When 'Other' has Been Eliminated"

Consciousness, as Duality, in the Duality of Existence,
Divides down into the Consciousness of Reality
and the Consciousness of Non-reality.
Duality means TO BE.
 Duality also means the Opposite, NOT TO BE.
Duality Creates The Opposite of The Reality.
Duality Creates Opposite through Reversal, Inversion, and Distortion.
Duality Creates Image,
The Image of Reality is a distorted reflection of Reality.
It is Not the Reality.
The Image of Reality is the Non-existence of Reality.
Non-reality Exists as the Non-existence, as the Opposite of  the Existence of Existence.
Image is The Perception of Reality by Consciousness,
that is Projected throughout Created Time,
onto the Created Surfaces of Creation, referred to as Place,
made up of elementary particles that form the substance of Creation,
that continually breaks down throughout Created History.
Collective Consciousness Exists within the confines of the Self of Consciousness.
The Collective Consciousness is the Collection of all the parts and pieces that make up Consciousness.

 Reality has no Beginning and no Ending. Reality IS. Reality is Immortal.
 Image, the Nothing of Nothingness, Existing as Creation, is Mortal.
Image cannot Exist without its Reality.
Image Begins. Image Ends.
 Image Divides down to Nothing, in its Nothingness, and just Fades Away,
having never Existed in the Reality of Existence,
only Existing in Non-reality, in the Dream of the Collective Consciousness.

In Reality, Duality is Singular in the Reality of the Singular Self and the Singular Other.
In Reality, Duality is Singular.
Reality Exists in the Immortality of Singularity.
Singularity as Reality, cannot Divide, cannot lose Substance or Identity, or fade away.
In Creation, Duality Divides Self the Self of Consciousness,
Creating Self and Other out of the Self,
thereby in Humanity, Human Amoeba Divides Self into Male and Female.
In Humanity, Humanity continues Dividing throughout its Created history.
At each increment of history, parts and pieces of Humanity become smaller and less significant,
as Humanity loses Essence, Form, and Identity.

Consciousness Divides down into parts and pieces of it-Self.
The break down into parts and pieces of the Self of Consciousness includes Humanity.
Humanity, continuing the Process of Division, breaks down into parts and pieces of it-Self.
It is the Consciousness of Non-reality that denies Reality for Non-Existent Existence
in its own Creation.
The Consciousness of Non-reality can only perceive Reality.
It cannot Observe Reality.
The Consciousness of Reality, Observes Reality and Non-reality and thus Knows the
Truth of Observation through Accessing the stored Information.
That of Reality Accesses the Information of Reality.
That of Non-reality, Creation, should be able to Access Stored Information
of Creation.
The Consciousness of Reality that is caught up in the Collective Consciousness
of Creation, Emerges from the confines of the Self by Accessing the stored Knowledge
of Reality.

Consciousness in Awareness of Reality, either Exists in the Reality of Existence
or Dreams Existence in the Non-reality of Existence.
 Consciousness Chooses to Dream an Existence of Non-existence.
Existing in Reality or Choosing to Exist in an alternate Existence causes Consciousness
to Divide, that there is Consciousness of Reality and Consciousness of Dreams.
Consciousness of Dreams Creates.
Creation is the Dream of the Collective Consciousness.
The Action of Consciousness is Choosing
The Duality of Consciousness Divides Consciousness
that Consciousness Exists in the Duality of Existence and Non-existence
according to Choice.
Humanity Exists also, according to Choice, as Divisions of Consciousness.
Humanity, therefore, also Exists in the Reality of Existence or,
through Choice, in the Non-reality of Non-existence.

The Duality of Consciousness Exists in Consciousness of Reality,
  Existing in the Singular Self and in the Singular Other.
The Duality of Consciousness also Exists in the Consciousness that Creates its own reality
 out of its Dream of 'Becoming' Self within Self in Selfness of it-Self,
-----meaning that Singular 'Other' has been eliminated from this pseudo-existence.
Humanity is caught up in the Collectiveness of Consciousness because Humanity has
Collectively Chosen to Create a Dreamed Non-reality.
Consciousness Chooses Collectively and Consciousness can Choose against the
Collective Choice by Choosing Individually.
Individual Choice supersedes Collective Choice as the Individual Human person,
so Choosing to Exist in the Reality of Existence, will Emerge from the Collective.

This Collective part of Humanity strives to Survive, to overcome Mortality,
by Dreaming Immortality.
Dreaming Immortality, Dreaming Survival, is Dreaming the Power of Survival.
This Power of Survival is Perceived as coming from the Energy of the defeat of Other.
Other must somehow be defeated that the Self can feed off the Essence of the defeated 'Other'.
Power is therefore attained through direct access of the Essence of Other and Otherness
and through the Energy of the action of over coming and defeating.
Humanity of Creation Perceives Power to be the Saving Experience over Mortality.

Power  for the Self of Humanity is accessed from the Other of Humanity,
through acquisition of Other and other's property,
basically through the acquisition of Other's Essence.
Other's Essence is accessed by somehow robbing Other of Other's Essence,
which is Other's Being.
Robbing Other of Essence is accomplished through abuse, enslavement, tyranny,
and annihilation.
The Self also robs Other than Self, yet of the Self, through attachments,
through relationships.

 Humanity is Competitive and all about Competition.
Its all about Humanity seeking Power,
Humanity Creates Other out of it-Self to be the sacrificial food on which the Self feeds
and even gorges.
Humanity seeks ultimate Power through the Creation of its gods/ God,
as the Power to overcome Mortality can only come from that existing beyond Creation.
What Humanity fails to understand is that everything and anything its can Dream,
is within Creation.
There is no way Reality can be a Dream or Dreamed.
Humanity Perceives it-Self beyond Creation and Dreams it-Self Immortal God.
God becomes the Source of the Ultimate Power to overcome Mortality
and the Promoter of Selectiveness in Humanity,
---the Promoter of  'Who is Chosen'.
-----the Promoter of  'Who will Live' and 'Who will Die'.

The Self that is the Collective Consciousness, the Self that is the Collective Consciousness,
in the totality of Created Time, the Self of Humanity,
struggles to overcome Mortality.
Defeating Mortality is The Goal of the Dream of Consciousness, as of Humanity.

Humanity Perceives that Power is the necessary force to overcome Mortality.
Power comes from the Essence of Humanity.
We feel that the more Power one accumulates, the better chance of Success.
The accumulation of Power can only come through the Self and out of the Self.
In Creation Nothing but the Self Exists,
therefore Power can only come from the Self.
The Self must Divide it-Self, it must devour it-Self, to Survive
so the Self Creates its own Other out of it-Self through Division of it-Self.
The Self must Divide that there is a Self-Self and an Other-Self.
Only One part of the Self is Chosen to Survive.
The 'Other' side, the 'Other' Self, must be sacrificed that the Self-of-Self will Survive.
To Survive means to overcome Mortality by Becoming Immortal.
As the Self is Mortal, Self Perceives Immortality as coming from Other-than-Self
Therefore, Self fears Other, while Desiring Other.
Self seeks to Create Other and to Destroy Other.
In Existence, Duality Divides Self to Create Other,.
that Self and Other Exist within the Self.

Existence that is not of Reality, Creates its own Duality
because its Existence is Duality..
Having removed all Other than Self,
the Duality of Creation demands that the Self must provide the Opposite
of the Self.
Self therefore contains within it-Self the Duality of Self and Other-than-Self.
Self Creates its own Other than itself.
In Creation, therefore, parts and pieces Exist to be sacrificed that the ONE SELF
may survive---------
Humanity Divides that Humans are sacrificed that a few may Survive.
The few remaining Divide down until only ONE remains,
the One Perceived as The ONE, Holy, Immortal God
that no one is left to witness the Death of and so in Dreams only,
One achieves Immortality.

Those Choosing Creation eliminate Reality by Eliminating Other and Otherness.
This is expressed through elimination of Other by accessing Other into the Self
and then by destroying what is Perceived as Other.
Humanity struggles to Survive Mortality through the accumulation of Power.
This Power Struggle is obvious in Humanity's strong thirst for Power.
Humanity Divides the Self according to this Power struggle that the Duality of Existence
is maintained in Creation. in Self and in the 'Other' part of the Self.
The Self of Humanity accesses Power from what is Perceived as Other.
Humanity destroys what is Perceived as threatening to Self's Power of Survival.
Humanity basically Divides itself that it can destroy a part of itself in the
Dream of attaining Immortality----if only for a very select part of the
Self of Humanity, of the Self of Consciousness.

The Singular Self of Reality, Observes 'What IS' as 'What IS'.
Reality has no sense of Time as Time is an Element of Creation.
This Singular Self stores Information of What IS as What IS.
The Self of its own Creation, not Existing in the 'Being of IS', cannot Observe.
This Self Perceives and stores Information out of Perceptions of its Dream and Desire
to fulfill the Dream within the Created Element of Creation,---Time.

The Process of Division that marks Creation, is the distorted, Imaged outcome 
of the Duality that marks Existence and, consequently, marks Consciousness.
The Duality of Existence Becomes Dichotomous in Creation as Creation embraces
the Struggle for Survival. 
Consciousness, Choosing to Create an Existence out of its Dreams, Images Reality.
Reality, however, cannot be Imaged.
Not able to Observe Reality, Consciousness Images a Created pseudo-reality.
The Image Perceived by Consciousness is derived from stored Information that Exists within Consciousness in its Creation.
The stored Information is not affected by Time but is the Perception of the total of Creation unfettered by the restraints of a Time that is not from the Choice but is resultant from it.
As Consciousness can only Perceive Reality through its own Perception of the Self,
The Image that is projected is a Perception of the Dream of Consciousness.
This projection is not a reproduction of Reality but rather a scrambled inversion
of remembrance of an Awareness. 
Consciousness distorts Reality by isolating Reality into its Dream Perception.
That Image, that Perception is projected onto the Created surface we know as 
Matter or Substance.

Existence is Duality of Existence or Non-existence.
Of Reality or Non-reality.
Of Positive,-----the AM
of Negative,------the AM NOT (the AM NOT of Dreaming)
Basically,------the IS and the IS NOT.
------the Reality of Existence and the Dream of Existence.

Consciousness is Aware of the Duality of Existence.
Consciousness in Action is Consciousness Choosing.
Consciousness Chooses the Reality of Existence or the Non-reality of Existence in which to
Exist or to Non-exist.
Because Consciousness Chooses, Consciousness Divides it-Self.
The Divided Consciousness Exists in Reality or Exists in the Existence of Non-reality.
Consciousness Exists in Reality as Singularity,
 or Consciousness Divides it-Self into Self of Self and into Other of Self.
Reality is Singularity of Self and Singularity of Other.
Singularity is the state of BEING.
What IS does not Divide!
What IS does not Dream or Desire or Compete or Possess or Destroy.
What Exists as Singular, therefore IS IMMORTAL.

Consciousness of Non-reality does not know Singularity,
meaning that it Exists in the Process of Division which is Creation.
Consciousness Existing in Non-reality Divides.
Division characterizes Non-reality.
Consciousness of Non-reality, Consciousness of the Dreamed Creation,
Begins with the Awareness of Consciousness
and the Choice to Exist within Itself.
Existing within Self means Elimination of Other.
Elimination of Other, causes Self to Exist in the Divisiveness of Existence.
In fact the Existence of Non-existence Exists in Consciousness.
 The Divisiveness of Existence is in Consciousness.
Consciousness is Aware of Reality in the Singularity of Self
and in the Singularity of Other.
Self either accepts Other or Creates as Dream,
the Dream that Creates its own Mortality,
its own Ending!

We of Creation, Dream, and Create to fulfill the Dream.
Basically, we Dream a Positive but to fulfill that Positive, we must Create the Negative.
We cannot be 'Good' if we don't know what 'Good'is.
'Good' does not Exist without Evil also Existing.
We can Perceive God only if we Create Satan
By Creating a negative, we can Dream an opposite.
We Denied Reality by Creating the Dream.
We know Existence because we Exist in Non-existence.
Reality IS.
We Created what IS NOT.
Realty is Immortality because Reality IS.
Creation is Mortality because Creation as Image, IS NOT.
Images Begin and Images End.
Humanity as Male and Female derived from amoeba.
Amoeba Became Mortal Male in search of the Power of Survival.
Male Perceived that to Survive Mortality, Power was necessary.
Male needing Power to Survive, Divided off a lesser part of him-Self to provide the
necessary weakness
to feed his Power.
Female was Created through Division of Male into Power and Weakness.
Humanity could then Dream of Immortality because it had a source of Power through Division
of it-Self.

Humanity Divided to Create the Power to Become Immortal.
Humanity Became Male and Female
because Consciousness Chose to Eliminate the Singularity of Self and Other.
Eliminating Self and Other, Consciousness lost Reality and Created
a Dreamed Existence of 'Becoming'.
 but Dreams of Being.
Creating Consciousness can only Dream of BE-ing
The Choice TO BE is Peaceful, Content.

In Creation, there is no 'Real' Other.
The reality of Other exists only in the Reality of Existence.
There is no Singular 'Other' in Creation.
In Creation, Other is Created out of the Self,
out of the Self of the Collected Consciousness,
out of the Self of the Collective Humanity.

Other in Creation is Created by the Process of Division that marks and identifies Creation.
Creation cannot stop the Division that results in Death, in Extinction.
As the Self of Consciousness, as the Self of Humanity progresses (digresses actually) through Created history,
its parts and pieces Divide down in accelerating increments that are Dividing the Self
into parts and pieces.
The Self Divides down until not even a trace remains,
not even a memory to build a Dream on.

The Story of Creation is the accounting of Self purifying it-Self to Become what it IS NOT,
 by Perceiving evil in those parts of it-Self, Self justifies its sordid history of Self-destruction.
Self justifies its Dreamed Chosenness that sacrifices its very Being to the Process of Division,
Creation Creates that it may Destroy!
Humanity Creates that Humanity may Destroy!
Consequently, the real reason for Creation is to supply the Matter to feed the
glutenous hunger of 'The SELF', the One Self remaining after All 'OTHER' has been Sacrificed.

The Self attempts to Divide it-Self that it-Self can be conquered to 'Become'
the fulfillment of the Dream of transferring the Self into the Other.
The Dream of Consciousness is to Become 'The Dream'.
The Dream of the Self of Creation is to Become the Singular Other of Reality.
The Singular Other of Reality Observes, Witnesses and Validates the Singular Self of Reality.
Thereby Self IS Self.
The Singular Self of Reality Observes, Witnesses, and Validates Other as Other
in the Otherness of Singular Other.
Thereby Other IS Other.

When the Self of Consciousness,
When the Self of Humanity,
Chooses Existence within the parameters of the Self,
the Self begins to Divide.
The Self Dividing is the Self Creating.
A Creating Self no longer Exists in the Reality of Singularity.
The Reality of Singularity is the Reality of "Being'.
'Being' is Opposed to 'Becoming'.
What IS, IS.
What IS is Not Becoming.
What is Becoming does Not Exist in the Being of What IS.

Only in the Singularity of the Reality of the Self and the Reality of the Other does
the Reality of Existence Exist.
When Self Chooses to 'BECOME' rather than 'To BE',
Existence no longer Exists in the Reality of Existence,
but Non-exists in the Non-reality of Existence.
'Non-reality being the Opposite of the Reality of BEING,
sets Existence in Opposition to itself.
Anything not Choosing Existence in the Reality of Singular Self and Singular Other
sets off the Process of Division.
In this Process, Creation is Created.
What is Non-reality begins to Dream a Pseudo reality in which to Exist.
The Dreams are inverted and contorted remembrances of the Choice between
Existence and Non-existence.
The Choice for Reality is the Choice for Observation of Reality, of What is Real.
The Choice for Non-reality is the Choice for Perception of not what is Real
but of what the Self Dreams and Creates out of the Dreaming.

Do I as Human Choose to Exist in my Created and Creating Existence,
Perceiving Self
or do I Choose to Exist in the Reality of my Singular Self?
---------because I, as Consciousness,
 I, as Humanity,
Exist and Non-exist,
in the Duality of Existence.
Only in the 'I AM' of Reality is Existence Non-Duality.
Only in the 'I AM' of Reality does My Self Exist in Singularity.

Singular Other balances Singular Self that Self Exists in the Reality of Self,
in Selfness of Self.
Self thereby Observes Singular Other as Other,
in total Otherness.
Therefore in Reality of Singularity there is no threat to Survival,
therefore there is no Competition,
no need to break down into parts of the Self to be Sacrificed for the Survival
of the Few that reduces down to Survival of ONE Self.
Of course, One, no matter how brilliant, how powerful, how almighty,
cannot Survive with No-one Other than itself to feed its Power.
With no Other feeding Power, the One Self loses Energy, loses Essence,
and also, just Fades Away.