When Water is Removed From Water,
Land Appears.
When Darkness is Removed From Darkness,
Light Appears.
When Bad is Removed From Bad,
Good Appears.
When Evil is Removed From Evil,
Holiness Appears.
When Satan is Removed From Satan,
God Appears.
When Image is Removed From Image,
Reality Appears.
Creation is Duality.
Duality Divides.
Division is a Multiple.
What Divides, Divides Again,
and Again,
and Again.
Creation is the result of Division.
Where there is Division, there is Choice.
What Chooses is Consciousness.
Consciousness is therefore, Duality.
Humanity is Duality.
Duality Exists because Choice Exists.
Consciousness, in Action, is Consciousness Choosing.
Creation is the result of Division.
Where there is Division, there is Choice.
What Chooses is Consciousness.
Consciousness is therefore, Duality.
Humanity is Duality.
Duality Exists because Choice Exists.
Consciousness, in Action, is Consciousness Choosing.
Creation is a Multiple of Choices.
What is Chosen, is Chosen Again, and Again, and Again.
Because of the Unfolding of Consciousness Choosing,
Time is/was Created.
Because of the Unfolding of Consciousness Choosing,
Time is/was Created.
Because of the Unfolding of Consciousness Choosing,
Humanity is Born, Again, and Again, and Again.
Humanity is Born, Again, and Again, and Again.
When Water is removed from Water,
Land Appears, Again, and Again, and Again.
And When Night is Removed From Night,
Morning Appears, Again, and Again, and Again.
----Until there is no more Water,
and no more Darkness,
and no more Bad,
and no more Evil,
and no more Satan,
and no more Image.
If there is no more Water,
is there Land?
Does Land Exist without Water?
Does Land Exist without Water?
and if there is no more Darkness, is there Light?-----Is there Morning?
And if there is no more Bad, can Good Exist?
And if there is no more Evil, can Holiness Exist?
And if there is no Satan, can God Exist?
and if there is no Image, can Reality Exist?
Reality can ONLY Exist if there is no more Water,
--- if there is no more Darkness,
----if there is no more that is Bad,
----if there is no more that is Evil,
----if there is no more Satan,
and if there is no more Image.
--- if there is no more Darkness,
----if there is no more that is Bad,
----if there is no more that is Evil,
----if there is no more Satan,
and if there is no more Image.
Can Reality Exist where there is Water?
Then, can Humanity Exist if there is no more Water?
Do we Exist if Water Exists?
Do we Exist if Water Exists?
Do we Exist because Water Exists?
Are We Real if Darkness Exists?
Do we Exist because of Darkness?
Do we Exist because we know the Bad?
Do we Exist if we know Evil?
Does God Exist because Satan Exists?
Do we Exist in Reality if we remove Image?
So then, what IS Image?
Is Image Water?
Is Image Darkness?
Is Image what is Bad in Creation/
Is Image then, Evil?
Is Satan Image?
Can Image Image Image, again and again and again?
---and then, where is Reality?
The Elementary breakdown of the workings and origins of Creation will be
found in Water,
in Darkness,
in what we Perceive as Bad,
in what is Evil,
in Satan,
or in Image.
This further reduces Creation into smaller and smaller Parts and Pieces of Elementary Particles
that Image what Exists beyond Creation,
---of what is Perceived as Bad, that is, Bad for the Self.
---of what is Perceived as Evil,
for the excuse to abuse and Obliterate,
---and for what is Perceived as Satan, as an excuse to Create God.
The Dream reduces down to longing for the Power of the Land,,
---for the Light of Created Knowledge,
---for Goodness to attend to our needs,
---for the Sacredness of our Identity,
---and for God, for God's Infinite Power.
---for what is Mortal Image to Become Immortal Reality.
But, We ARE Image because we ARE Mortal.
Our Land gives way to Water.
Our Light gives way to Darkness.
Our Goodness gives way to what is Bad.
The Sacred gives way to Evil.
God gives way to Satan.
and Efforts to Immortality give way to Mortality,
no matter the efforts of religion and science!!
In searching for Reality:
If we remove Land, we must also remove Water.
If we remove Light, we must also remove the Darkness.
If we remove Goodness, we must also remove the Bad.
If we remove the Sacred, we must also remove the Evil.
If we remove God, we must also remove Satan.
If we Choose Reality, we must remove Image.
If we remove Image,
there is no Mortality!
In Water,
in Darkness,
in Badness,
in Evil,
in Satan,
is our Fear.
These are the Divisive Elements of our Creation.
These are why we Divide and Divide and Divide again.
These reside in our Choice to remove Reality by removing All that is not of the Self.
The Self Fears the Waters of its Birth.
The Self Fears the Darkness of its Womb.
The Self Fears what is Bad and harmful.
The Self Fears Evil.
the Self Fears Satan.
The Self Fears that it is Image and thus is Mortal,
the Self Dreams Land,
and the Self Dreams Morning Light.
The Self Dreams Good and Goodness,
the Self Dreams Sacredness,
and the Self Dreams God.
The Self, more than anything, Dreams Immortality.
The Self of Consciousness Dreams Immortality within it-Self,
but there is no Immortality within the Image of the Self,
because the Self is not Observed as Self or Witnessed as Self by Other,
that Self can be Validated as Self by the Self in its Selfness.
Self within Self cannot Exist in Reality if Other has been removed,
for Reality is the Observation, the Witness, and the Validation of Self as Self by
Other as Other in Singularity of Self in Selfness,
and in Singularity of Other in Otherness.
Other is Other, Validated as Other, by Other,
because of the Observation, and Witness
of the Validated Self in the Singularity of its Selfness.
Creation is Image of Reality.
Creation is Duality end expresses within it-Self, the Duality of Existence,
----as Existence IS and Existence IS NOT.
Consciousness, through its action of Choosing, accepts Reality or CREATES
an Alternate Existence.
An Alternate Existence to Existence is Non-existence.
Consciousness, in Duality, Chooses to Exist or Not to Exist.
Humanity is absorbed in 'The Parts and Pieces' of Consciousness.
Humanity Non-exists in Non-reality, Collectively,
or Exists in Reality, Individually.
The Choice for Creation is always the Choice for Existing Collectively.
Individual Choice for Existence over-rides Collective.
The Individual Choice for a 'Part or Piece', of Consciousness or of Humanity, is to Individually
Emerge from the Collective Human Consciousness.
We Fear Darkness, so we Dream new births in morning light.
We Fear Water, so we Dream of Possessing the Land.
We Fear what we perceive as Bad for us, so we Dream big Dreams of what
we may Become.
We Fear Evil. We Fear we may Be Evil,
and so we Dream of 'Holy', and of 'Sacred'.
We Create Satan to Image Who We Are.
We Create God as Dream to Who We will Become.
We Create the Dream of Immortality,
of Holy and Sacred, of Good and of Morning,
and of Possessing the Land
to express what totally needs to be 'Beyond' and 'Outside' of the Womb
of our Created Existence within the Self of Consciousness,
within the Self of Humanity,
Because we cannot experience or express beyond our Created Existence.
We of the Self, cannot Observe what is REAL.
We can only Perceive within our Dream.
We are totally incapable of Observing Reality if we Exist in the Non-reality
of our Dream.
In Reality there is no Water, so there is no Land.
In Reality there is no Darkness, so there is no Morning and there is no Light.
In Reality there is no Badness to Fear, and so there is no need for Goodness.
In Reality there is no Evil, so there is nothing 'Holy' or 'Sacred'.
In Reality there is no Satan and so there is no need to Create God.
In Reality there is no Image and so there is no need to Dream
We Dream to Create the Non-create-able.
as we Exist in 'WHAT IS NOT'.
Do we Exist if we know Evil?
Does God Exist because Satan Exists?
Do we Exist in Reality if we remove Image?
So then, what IS Image?
Is Image Water?
Is Image Darkness?
Is Image what is Bad in Creation/
Is Image then, Evil?
Is Satan Image?
Can Image Image Image, again and again and again?
---and then, where is Reality?
The Elementary breakdown of the workings and origins of Creation will be
found in Water,
in Darkness,
in what we Perceive as Bad,
in what is Evil,
in Satan,
or in Image.
This further reduces Creation into smaller and smaller Parts and Pieces of Elementary Particles
that Image what Exists beyond Creation,
---of what is Perceived as Bad, that is, Bad for the Self.
---of what is Perceived as Evil,
for the excuse to abuse and Obliterate,
---and for what is Perceived as Satan, as an excuse to Create God.
The Dream reduces down to longing for the Power of the Land,,
---for the Light of Created Knowledge,
---for Goodness to attend to our needs,
---for the Sacredness of our Identity,
---and for God, for God's Infinite Power.
---for what is Mortal Image to Become Immortal Reality.
But, We ARE Image because we ARE Mortal.
Our Land gives way to Water.
Our Light gives way to Darkness.
Our Goodness gives way to what is Bad.
The Sacred gives way to Evil.
God gives way to Satan.
and Efforts to Immortality give way to Mortality,
no matter the efforts of religion and science!!
In searching for Reality:
If we remove Land, we must also remove Water.
If we remove Light, we must also remove the Darkness.
If we remove Goodness, we must also remove the Bad.
If we remove the Sacred, we must also remove the Evil.
If we remove God, we must also remove Satan.
If we Choose Reality, we must remove Image.
If we remove Image,
there is no Mortality!
In Water,
in Darkness,
in Badness,
in Evil,
in Satan,
is our Fear.
These are the Divisive Elements of our Creation.
These are why we Divide and Divide and Divide again.
These reside in our Choice to remove Reality by removing All that is not of the Self.
The Self Fears the Waters of its Birth.
The Self Fears the Darkness of its Womb.
The Self Fears what is Bad and harmful.
The Self Fears Evil.
the Self Fears Satan.
The Self Fears that it is Image and thus is Mortal,
the Self Dreams Land,
and the Self Dreams Morning Light.
The Self Dreams Good and Goodness,
the Self Dreams Sacredness,
and the Self Dreams God.
The Self, more than anything, Dreams Immortality.
The Self of Consciousness Dreams Immortality within it-Self,
but there is no Immortality within the Image of the Self,
because the Self is not Observed as Self or Witnessed as Self by Other,
that Self can be Validated as Self by the Self in its Selfness.
Self within Self cannot Exist in Reality if Other has been removed,
for Reality is the Observation, the Witness, and the Validation of Self as Self by
Other as Other in Singularity of Self in Selfness,
and in Singularity of Other in Otherness.
Other is Other, Validated as Other, by Other,
because of the Observation, and Witness
of the Validated Self in the Singularity of its Selfness.
Creation is Image of Reality.
Creation is Duality end expresses within it-Self, the Duality of Existence,
----as Existence IS and Existence IS NOT.
Consciousness, through its action of Choosing, accepts Reality or CREATES
an Alternate Existence.
An Alternate Existence to Existence is Non-existence.
Consciousness, in Duality, Chooses to Exist or Not to Exist.
Humanity is absorbed in 'The Parts and Pieces' of Consciousness.
Humanity Non-exists in Non-reality, Collectively,
or Exists in Reality, Individually.
The Choice for Creation is always the Choice for Existing Collectively.
Individual Choice for Existence over-rides Collective.
The Individual Choice for a 'Part or Piece', of Consciousness or of Humanity, is to Individually
Emerge from the Collective Human Consciousness.
We Fear Darkness, so we Dream new births in morning light.
We Fear Water, so we Dream of Possessing the Land.
We Fear what we perceive as Bad for us, so we Dream big Dreams of what
we may Become.
We Fear Evil. We Fear we may Be Evil,
and so we Dream of 'Holy', and of 'Sacred'.
We Create Satan to Image Who We Are.
We Create God as Dream to Who We will Become.
We Create the Dream of Immortality,
of Holy and Sacred, of Good and of Morning,
and of Possessing the Land
to express what totally needs to be 'Beyond' and 'Outside' of the Womb
of our Created Existence within the Self of Consciousness,
within the Self of Humanity,
Because we cannot experience or express beyond our Created Existence.
We of the Self, cannot Observe what is REAL.
We can only Perceive within our Dream.
We are totally incapable of Observing Reality if we Exist in the Non-reality
of our Dream.
In Reality there is no Water, so there is no Land.
In Reality there is no Darkness, so there is no Morning and there is no Light.
In Reality there is no Badness to Fear, and so there is no need for Goodness.
In Reality there is no Evil, so there is nothing 'Holy' or 'Sacred'.
In Reality there is no Satan and so there is no need to Create God.
In Reality there is no Image and so there is no need to Dream
We Dream to Create the Non-create-able.
as we Exist in 'WHAT IS NOT'.