Saturday, November 8, 2014

Post #175 "Lost Reality"

What is Real? What does Real mean? Have we confused what we think of as real with Reality itself? There is Reality and there is the image of Reality. We do not understand that if Reality exists, non-reality must also exist. To get any understanding of what is Real ,we must distinguish what is Real from what is the image of Reality. That which is created is not real but is image. Creation is the image of Reality. As Creation is created, creation exists in its own created Time, in its own created Place or surfaces, and in and on its own created Substance. But neither its Time, its Place, nor its Substance is the 'stuff'' of Reality. Image can only reflect in its own Time, Place, and in its own Substance all of which are nebulous and do not exist to Reality. Creation is made up of the dreams, desires, and the choice of Intelligence. Intelligence chooses. The function of Intelligence is Choosing. What is created begins and ends and consequently does not exist at all to and in Reality. Creation is image. To those in creation, to humanity, there is great confusion over God. Creation has created the God of Creation so consequently is unable to see that which is Reality and sees and replaces Reality with its God, god and gods...all representative of humanity itself. The God of Creation is the image of Reality. The transference had to be made to allow for Intelligence to become God for there lies deep within humanity the desire to become God. Intelligence can never become other than what it is for creation is image. As Creation is image, creation's God is image. Creation and its God are the image of Reality.

Intelligence Choose to become what it is not. The result is image...what Intelligence sees itself as. Intelligence creates Perfection and then tries to live in that perfection. So to, Intelligence creates God as Intelligence sees God as perfection. The result is the image of Reality, known as God. Would not an image be the distorted reproduction of its own efforts , thereby creating itself and providing for its own reality? Image is projected desire that forms matter from its own energy when coming in contact with is own created surface. Image is energy that grows from desire. Desire created the energy from which choice brings about created reality. Can an image that has resulted from projection of an interpretation of Reality onto a created surface be without distortion? Can Reality be projected in the first place? Can Reality be projected or is the 'imaged' reality that which is projected? If Reality could be projected on to Intelligence as in humanity, that humanity that desires and chooses, would the planned transference take place? Would this desire, would this choice, would this resulting projection, bring about the transference that would change one into another? What would happen, then, to the one who is the object of the desire and the choice. Could this 'primary', this desired Essence, still exist? Of course, it could not exist in the newly created scene of Time, Place and Substance with its image functioning as God of Creation. The deal of the transference is that only one remain. Only One can exist. The desired primary Essence must be dealt with...must be destroyed. A entirely new scene would result, for God is One. Only one God can remain. Creation can not deal with Reality so has removed Reality by erecting its walls of earth and galaxy, blocking any possible view of Reality. How could reality be seen if so desired? .......through religion?........through science?

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