Creation is a process of Division,
thereby the Creation of Self is also a process of Division.
The goal is the achievement of Perfection
----the Perfection of Self,
----the attainment of the Perfect Self.
Interestingly then, the perfect Self is the result of a process of Division.
Being that the Self of Consciousness removed/removes the Singular Other of Reality,
the Other is created within Creation, outside and away from Reality, to serve the
purpose of Witnessing and Validating the Self.
Consciousness replaces the Other of Reality with the created Other of it-Self
that Self may be brought into its own created, pseudo-reality as the fulfillment
of its dream and its Choice of Becoming.
'Becoming' is not completed into 'Being' until the goal of Perfection is accomplished.
The goal of Perfection can only be modeled or imitated from that which was removed.
What was and is removed is the Other of Reality.
Consequently, it would seem that the First Cause elimination of Reality was the elimination
of that which was dreamed and desired,------the Other.
Why would Consciousness remove the very source and inspiration of its dreams and desires,
-----the Other of Reality, and through removal of the Other, totally give, loose touch with,
and destroy it-Self-----destroy Reality???!!!!!!
The only possible answer is that Consciousness dreamed, desired, and Chose to enter
the state of 'Becoming' in a state of created reality to BECOME that Reality.
To 'Become' all that it was not.
Consciousness Perceived the Self and the Other as ONE in it-Self.
This Other was Perceived as the source of Perfection for Self,
Self needed to devour the Essence of Other of Reality to Become what was Perceived
as Perfection bring into it-Self that Perfection as itself,
that Perceived Perfection that was a threat to those parts and pieces of Consciousness
that formed the Collective.
The Self of Consciousness was Self of Entity and Self of Infiniteness until the Choice,
until Consciousness struggled within itself with the Choice of Being or Becoming,
------with the Choice of Observing or Perceiving.
Both Choices lay within Consciousness,
basically the Choice to accept or reject Reality.
Of course, Creation is the result of rejecting Reality
for there exists
Reality and the reality of Non-reality.
Its all a matter of Choice!
Consciousness looses entity and becomes a whole made up of its own parts and pieces
that can choose as the whole and choose as a part, choose as a part of the Collective.
Consciousness becomes now a 'hornet's nest' of the Collective containing parts that Chose and Choose to Perceive and parts the Chose and Choose to Observe.
Reality exists in Consciousness only in those few that have Chosen to accept
'What Is'
.Non-reality exists in the Collective consciousness in the majority of the parts that have Chosen
to 'Become' and entered their own creation.
This is the chaos of pre-creation that opened the void of Nothingness and stirred the waters to
a frenzy bringing forth the basic elements that created Time, Place, and Matter-----the
stuff of Creation.
The dream removed the object of desire that it could Become that which was and is removed.
The dream removed the Other of Reality that needed to be Other that Self could be
Observed, Witnessed, and Validated as Self in its Entity as Self, existing with but
independent of Other as Other and Self are Entity within Reality as a such are Infinite.
That which is Entity is Infinite!
It is only in breaking apart Self that Death results.
The Self of Consciousness created Death in its ability to Choose.
Consciousness became 'collective' as it gave up Entity to divide itself in choosing
to accept Reality or to Create.
The Choice for accepting, (To Be) or to reject, (To Become) was and is within Consciousness.
Upon activating its ability to Choose, Consciousness became a dichotomy within itself.
Consciousness IS
and Consciousness ISN'T.
It seems that Consciousness divides itself and then goes around looking for its pieces
as it realizes that Perfection is Entity.
We seek to become one and yet the very thought of uniting into oneness causes great
chaos and results in further division.
What did Consciousness in its awareness of Self and Other---the components of Reality,
Observe in Self and Other to bring about the choice to eliminate Reality and, yet, also
desire that 'Other' or was it that 'Otherness',----the Essence of Other (Otherness) for Itself?
In the creating Self, Consciousness must have Compared itself to Other and in Comparison
chose to Observe or Perceive Itself and to Observe and Perceive Other.
So, Self Perceived and in Perception, Other must have seemed 'Beyond',
'untouchable', 'greater than', Self.
Did Self begin to Feel, and then Feel threatened by Other?
Did Self begin to Think and plan to Compete with Other?
Why would Self Think to Compete with Other if not to Win the Essence of Other
for Itself------
thereby diminsihing Other to the point of extinction and of increasing Self to the
point of totallity of Itself plus Other.
Like cannibalism. devouring the essence of another to become that 'other'.
So let's try to sum up---------
Self divides itself from Other thereby eliminating Reality.
Self creates, creating within itself the pseudo-reality of Self and Other of Self.
Self divides Self that its can Perceive itself, Witness itself, and Validate Itself as Self,
Self longs for what it eliminated, Self longs for the Other it rejected and
becomes the root of the creation of religion,
religion, that demands Worship,
that demands Worship to Witness and Validate Itself,
to and by Itself
as the Perfection of Self in Becoming that which was
Self rejects Other of Reality, rejects Reality
Self Divides Self into Self and Other of Self.
Self destroys Oher of Self through need for worship,
creating an elite Self and a Slave Self
that 'other', that will be sacrificed to bring to bring Perfection of Self to Self Self of Self
that further divides that the Self of Self and Other of Self of Self which is again
sacrificed that through worship, the many layers of Other of Self are sacrificed until----
until what????
------Until One remains,
the Perfection of One,
containing in its Selfness, the essences of all the 'Other'.
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