Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Post #311 "The Singular Other of Reality"

Existence is Duality; Reality and Non-reality,
Non-reality meaning Creation.
Reality is Duality; expressed in the Singular Self and the Singular Other
Non-reality is the Duality of Image and the abyss of Nothingness.
---the Image of Reality and the Chaos of 'Nothingness'.
Non-reality is the Duality of the projection of the Image of Reality
and the projection of the Image of Nothingness on to the surface of the
Dream of Creation.

The Image of Reality and the image created by the personification of Nothingness exist as
conflicting in Humanity and in Nature,
This conflict is appeased by Humanity,
through the identification of the chaos as the Duality of 'Good' and 'Bad'.
As Existence is Duality of Existence and Non-existence,
its Image, Non-reality, is also Duality.
---as Non-reality is the Duality of the distorted and inverted Image of Reality, with the
personification of the image of Creation suspended over the chaos of the
abyss of Nothingness.

Non-reality continues Duality in 'Good' and 'Bad',
  'Good' and 'Bad', personified through the Dreaming Consciousness,
seeking Immortality,
 become the Duality of 'Sacred' and 'Evil'.
Seeking Immortality insists that Humanity projects itself beyond its Creation.
'Beyond' its Creation means 'Beyond' itself which Self is the Self of the Collective Consciousness.
The Collective Consciousness is The Creator of Creation as Creation is its
Dream of 'Becoming'.
In reaching 'beyond' itself  and outside of itself in an effort ti give itself Power, over itself
over its inherent Mortality,
Consciousness continues to Dream by attempting to define its Power as
'beyond' all Power,
as vaster than all Power,
and as incomprehensible to be untouchable and
seeks Power to emerge from itself but totally within itself.
This Self of Consciousness cannot call itself out of itself to Be itself
without the Other that its has Obliterated through its Choice to block
Reality and exist in its own Creation of Itself.
The Self of the Collective Consciousness cannot stop or Control
its Process of Division
and is Aware of the disintegration of its Selfness.

Consciousness Dreams Absolute and Ultimate power that it may Save itself.
Consciousness Personifies the Dream of Absolute and Ultimate Power that it can claim that Power
 as its own.
---that it can Control this Power,
---that this Power has Authority over Mortality.
Humanity takes possession of this Power through Personification.
Humanity claims ownership of this Ultimate and Absolute Power through NAMING the
through creating a history of this Power,
that finally, it may claim Ownership.
If the Self of the Collective can gain Power, over the other selves of the Collective,
the Self of Power will possess not only its own Power but also the power of the
Whole of the Collective.

The unidentifiable Power is Named 'God'.
Humanity claims 'God' by Naming and by creating an Identity for its God.
The Self of the Collective claims possession and Identity.
This Self of the Collective, of Humanity, possesses God.
Through its God, Humanity creates an Identity for itself.
Humanity claims the Right to total Control of Creation,
through Possession,
through Identity,
and through the Law of its God.
Consciousness exists as Duality.
Consciousness, as Humanity, exists in the Duality of 'Good' and 'Bad',
and selectively exists as 'Sacred' and 'Evil'.
'Good' and 'Bad' vary in the Collective Consciousness as 'Good' and 'Bad' depend on Survival.
Each part, each Self of Consciousness Perceives 'Good' as Survival for itself,
 and Perceives 'Bad' as threat to its own survival.
There Exists the Duality of Consciousness of Reality
and the Consciousness of Creation,
Creation being Non-reality.
It all depends on Choice,
as Choosing is the action of Consciousness.
Choice exists collectively as in the Collective Consciousness
 and Choice exists Independently
as in Individual Choice.
Collective Choice remains in the Collective.
Individual Choice can and must emerge from the Collective to exist as Reality,
in Reality.
 The Other-of-Self of Consciousness is the reflected Image of the Singular Other of Reality.
As reflection, the reflected Image is projected over chaos of 'Nothingness',
the Other-of-Self of Consciousness is as is its image,----- inverted and distorted,
thereby containing within itself the Dream
of the actuality of the pretense of existing as Image.
The Singular Other of Reality is the actuality of the reflected Otherness in Other.
The 'Other-of-Self of Consciousness is the reflected, but distorted and inverted Image
of the Singular Other of Reality,
 as Creation is the distorted and inverted reflection of Reality.

Humanity Dreams itself as reaching outside and beyond itself and yearns to
escape the confines of its own creation.
Humanity Dreams of escaping its own created Mortality.
Humanity Dreams itself reaching for and attaining a Dreamt Perfection.
A Dreamt Perfection exists in the longing to 'Become',
as all Humanity Dreams in Ultimates and Absolutes,
thereby in establishing Perfection, it must penetrate 
its own Creation, its own created limitations, its own Self.
Thereby, Humanity resets new boarders
and new boundaries rather than moving 'beyond'.
Humanity can create a world, and then a universe, and then a galaxy,
and then a cosmos,
only to discover that all of these are merely extensions of its Dream of
and remains a Dream.
no matter how far the Dream seems to extend.

Humanity constantly resets its capacity through Creation to delay its process of Division
from reaching its final break-down as the pieces become smaller and smaller,
until loosing all definition,
 fade into its Nothingness.
 No longer able to Dream
or sustain its Image..

Basically, when the Dream ends, Humanity ends.
Humanity is afraid to let go its Dream and its ability to Dream.
Humanity must think itself in terms of what it could Become,
rather than in terms of what it IS.
Humanity Perceives itself in terms of potential,
in terms of Ultimateness,
  and Absoluteness,
in other words, in Creating and then in Becoming God,
----that Humanity clings to its idea of God
as its goal to penetrate its own created walls.

It is the Idea  of God and the Idea of Perfection that keeps Humanity from
sliding into Oblivion.
God and Perfection being one and the same.
The Collective Consciousness Chose and Chooses to eliminate the Singular Other
of Reality, thereby eliminating Reality.
This Choice greatly alters Consciousness as Consciousness blocks the Self and Other
of Reality.
By refusing Other, by blocking Other,
Self looses Other,
 but in the process,
Self looses Self as well.

There is a great difference between the Self of Consciousness that Chooses
 and the self-of-self of the Collective, creating Consciousness that
Chooses to Create..
.This Self of Reality, as Consciousness,
gets caught up in the Collective Consciousness,
because it is Consciousness,
but the Self of the Consciousness of Reality,
 knows it does not belong there,
It Observes that it does not belong in the abyss of the Dreams of
This Self of the Consciousness of Reality Observes that it does not fit
into the Collective
as well as the Collective resents its being there.
The last thing a Dream needs is to be Observed as a Dream and a witness of Reality.

This Self somehow knows that it belongs to another Existence.
This Self knows that it can and that it will emerge from the Collective.
This Self Exists in the Dream of the Collective but also in the Reality of Reality.
This Self knows that it is Observed and Witnessed as Self of Self because it  has
not blocked the Observation and Witness by the Singular Other of Reality,
that through this Observation and Witness, it will Validate itself as
Singular Self in Reality.
This Self knows of the Singularity of Other as the Singularity of Other exists
and is not Dreamt.
This Self of the Consciousness of Reality does not attempt to create
---through Possession,
--- through Identity,
 --- or through taking Control as authorized Law maker
and Law enforcer.
This Self does not attempt to personify a Dream,
Name the Dream,
Possess and be Possessed by the Dream.
Identify and be identified by the Dream.
Or Rule and Control through the Dream of Becoming God.

God Exists in the Dream of Other-of-Self of the Consciousness of Creation.
This Dream exists entirely in the Self that has Chosen to eliminate Reality.
This Self of Creation,
 Dreams itself into a beyondness,
into a vastness,
into an incomprehensableness
that Exists in another Existence,
all seeking to move beyond itself into an unlimited, incomprehensable

The Self of the Creating Consciousness seeks to escape its own created walls.
This Created Self creates an escape through the projected Dream of itself in
meaning it does not exist Now but Will exist in some future existence.
But as Humanity is victim to creation's Process of Division,
humanity creates the Dream of Becoming.
This Dream of Becoming must have a Promise.
Humanity creates its God as the fulfillment of a Promise,
Humanity creates its Dream of Perfection.

Humanity is impatient with its God and creates its Gods.
Humanity keeps its God and its Gods in existence through Worship.
Worship determines who and what is God.
That which threatens survival and that which saves one from oblivion.
God threatens survival through punishment for disobedience to The Law,
yet God also Saves from Eternal damnation or from Oblivion.
God is Worshipped as Lord over damnation or as Savior.
So there is the Damning God
and there is the Saving God.
Could this God of Creation be one and the same?

The Self of the Collective Consciousness is Self-of-self and the duality of
The Self of Non--reality experiences duality as does all of existence.
This self holds within itself the essence of the duality of existence.
Existence basically is, the 'what Is' and the 'What Is Not',
the Being and the Becoming.
The Self is very aware of the Duality existing within its self ,
 for the self continually breaks down into self-of-self and self-of-other.
Self-of-self always seeking to obliterate its otherness,
either through destruction or through consumption.
This is obvious in humanity as humanity is not comfortable with other-than-itself
and seeks to remove it either through destroying it or through consuming it;
either way, it ceases to exist.
A nation can remove another nation through war or by accessing
its Lands, Resources, and People as its own.

Its all the same.
Its all a Choice.
Reality or Non-reality.



Friday, April 21, 2017

Post #310 "The Creation of Non-Truth"

How many people are concerned with Truth?
Like what is Really True?
How many people are content with what is not True?
Who would really want to know what is True,
especially when one can Create one's own reality?
---and, of course, we live in our own reality.
--- are we compelled to live in another's reality?
Do we Dream our own Dream?
---or do we Dream and believe in another Dream than our own?
It seems that the search for Truth is the Choice
that can only be done by Individual Self that can and will emerge from
the Collective Consciousness.

Humanity seeks to Control.
Humanity feels anxiety when Humanity feels out 0f Control.
Why is this?
Humanity seeks to Control its own created reality.
If Humanity has Chosen to create, what has Humanity Chosen to Believe?
Does Humanity have Control over its own beliefs?
 Does Humanity freely Believe in its own beliefs,
in its own Moral Code?
---Or are its beliefs the beliefs of an Authority figure
and a moral Code used as a Controlling device?

Do we consider those that do not believe as we do, as 'other'?
Are we uncomfortable with those 'others'?
Do we feel the need to Convert them to our way of believing?
Is what we believe True to Reaity or true to Non-reality?
There exists the Truth of Reality
and there non-exists the truth of Non-reality.
What do we believe as Truth or
or what do we believe as true in creation?
What is true to creation is the distorted, inversion of the Truth of Reality because
creation is the distorted inversion of Reality.

Does our need to believe affect Truth?
Do we sacrifice Truth to a need to Control?
Does Control take precedence over Truth?
Do we seek Control over our beliefs or do we seek Control over Truth?
Is Truth threatened for us by our beliefs?
Is Truth threatened for us by the belief of another's truth or the truth of a
Created system?
Do we seek Control that we may exist in our own reality?

Does existing in our own reality necessitate destroying the influence of
another reality?
Do we feel that for the freedom to do this, we need to Control?
To be in Control we need to take Possession.
Can we control what we do not Possess?
And where do we draw the line on Possession?

What we do not Control can be a threat to our Existence,
and existence seems to be determined on survival.
The way to Control is to gain Possession over what is desired.
Do we not try to take Possession of All that it is Possessable to Possess?
---after all, what we do not Control is a threat to our Existence.
We eliminate what we cannot gain Control over-----
like people's minds.
like people's souls.

and what of God?
 Is it possible that the Singular Other of Reality is the root to humanity's search for God?
Did the Dream of God originate in the Singularities of Reality;
in the Self and in the Other?
As Consciousness blocked Reality and Chose the Non-reality of itself over the
Singularity of the Self of Reality, Self Created within itself the
Divided self-of-self and other-of-self.
Self Created within itself a struggle against the Mortality of its own Creation.
In order to struggle against the Mortality of Creation, Consciousness created 'Good' and 'Bad',
from here, Consciousness Created Sacred and Evil.
Sacred became Holy and set apart.
Evil Became Sin and the ultimate threat to survival.
Sacred and Holy Became personified in Nature, in Creation,
that it could be controlled
 for it was seen as a great source of Power.
It was wondered that if this great source of Power could be controlled,
If it could be Controlled,
then Maybe it would become a great source of Power used TO Control.
Maybe through this Source of Power, the Self of Consciousness could
Control All of Humanity, and All of Nature,
and ALL of Creation

But, Reality is Immortality,
Reality is Entity.
Reality is the Singularity of Self and
the Singularity of Other.
Reality is Immortal because
Reality is Entity,
Reality is Entity because Self Exists in Singularity
and because
Other Exists in Singularity.

There is no Mortality in Reality.
Self accepts Other as Other in Singularity
 that Self can accept Self in Singularity.
There is no Mortality in Reality,
therefore there is no Control of Self over Other
or Other over Self.
In Reality there is no struggle for survival
because there is no struggle between 'Good' and 'Bad'
There is no struggle between 'Sacred' and 'Evil' so there is no need for personification
for the purpose of Control.
There is no Competition for the Possessions of Survival,
no need for Wealth.
There is no need to struggle for Identity as the Singular Self has been Observed as Self,
has been Witnessed as Self,
and has been Validated as Self by its Observed and Witnessed Self.
Singular Self Possesses Selfness.
Because Singular Self is Self to Self, Self Observes and Witnesses Other as Other.
Other as Other IS Other.
Other does not need Worship to BE OTHER.
Self does not need to Worship.

Other does not make Laws for there is no need to Control.
There is no need for Laws to be obey
thereby creating superiority over inferiority
There is no Sin for there is no Evil.
There is no Evil for there is no Division.
There IS Existence in Reality.

Is the Singular Other of Reality the root of the idea of God in Creation?
Is the God of Creation the inverted, distorted Image of the Singular Other of Reality?
Is it possible that this thought carries through from the original Duality of Existence
 that determines the Choice of Consciousness,
 Is it posssible that this thought continues into the process of Division, (Duality) that so marks Creation,
---that this thought carries through all the Divisions,
beginning with the Division of Humanity into
Male and Female,
---that this is the root to Humanity's ideas of God?

Is the Denial of the Singularity of Self and the Singularity of Other of Reality,
 the Choice of Consciousness
that marks the Duality of Existence,
that Consciousness would be in the Control,
 and thereby would be the Creator of its own Existence?
----That Consciousness Dreams of and yet, in Duality, resents that which it has Denied?
---and Fears, not What it has denied,
but the fact that it Has denied Reality?

If so, then basically, Consciousness Fears its own Creation.
This is profoundly true, as Existence in Creation is Mortal,
thereby Humanity is Mortal.
Would Humanity not, then, be fearful of what is Truth?
Would Humanity, then, be more apt to be Fearful of determining what is True
and what is Created as truth by those seeking Power over Existence?

Would these Competing Selves, then, not form a Power group to access the Power of
the other-of-selves for the purpose of Controlling the Truth of their own created reality reduced
to the truth of those Power seekers of Possession,
seekers of Identity,
and as Law makers and Enforcers?
Those who seek Control.
Those who Create the truth of Mortality.


Friday, April 14, 2017

Post #309 "The Chaos of Pre-Creation"

The Chaos of Pre-creation exists in Consciousness.
It Exists in the Collective Consciousness.
--in that Duality of Consciousness that has Chosen Non-reality over Reality.
--that has Chosen Existence in the Self,
 rather than in the Singularity of Self
and the Singularity of Other.

This Choice created Chaos as the Creative Consciousness of Becoming has blocked Reality.
Blocking Reality blocks Entity
and by blocking Entity, blocks Immortality.
In this Choice of Non-reality, Reality Exists only as an Image.
Reality as Image, exists only as the Dream of 'Becoming'.
---exists only as the Dream of Image Becoming Reality.
The Dream of Reality is the Dreaming of Becoming the Singularity
of Self and the Singularity of Other,
but totally within the Self.
The purpose is the Extinction of Other and Otherness,
that causes the Extinction also,
of the Singularity of Self.
Self losing Singularity is Self losing Entity.
Self losing Entity is Self becoming a Whole made up of parts and pieces of itself,
that continually Divide down until becoming so small just fade away
into Oblivion.

The Reality of the Dream is the extinction of the Other that results in the Extinction
of the Self in Reality.
---Self violating Self.
Self Perceiving 'good' and 'bad' in itself.
And on a deeper level,
 Self 'Sanctifying' Self as Savior and Redeemer,
 while 'Condemning Self as 'Sinful' and 'Evil,'
for Self also Exists in Creation as Duality. 
Meaning that the Self creates its own reality.
The Self can only create within it-Self
and so perceives it-Self as Duality.
Self images Self as Entity of Self and Other.
Self images Self as Entity of Self and Other and creates within itself,
'good' and 'bad'
and 'sacred' (holy) and 'evil' (sin).

This gives Self the opportunity to grow 'beyond' itself and 'vaster' than itself
by accessing its otherness, its Essence, into its-self.
As in the process of eating,
---that which is eaten becomes part of the eater.
---as the conversion of otherness into selfness through Possession.
What is Possessed, loses Identity.
The one possessing gains Identity, as winner over looser.
The Observable Reality is that Self has removed Other
and recreates 'Other' out of it-self,
thereby replacing Self with a Divided Self,
that will find Self and Other within itself
for the purpose of destroying what is not perfect in it-self,
that will create Other out of itself,
that 'other' becomes bad, evil, and sinful
and must be obliterated.
Self becomes Savior by destroying 'bad' within it-self,
by destroying 'Sin' and Evil' within 'itself,
even though 'bad' and 'evil' and 'Sin' are only Perceptions of the Self,
even though 'Bad' and 'Evil' and 'Sin' do not Really Exist!

Basically what happens it that 'bad', 'sin', and 'evil' are created that
the dominant Self has an excuse for eliminating the weaker Self from
the Game of Survival.
Self Perceives Existence as Self,
thereby attaining for Self Entity and Immortality.
Self Perceives its reality as the elimination of all that threatens survival.

Self becomes the 'other' Self.
This other Self must have total Control,
meaning total Possession over the totality of Creation.
This Self seeks Control over All,
over All Creation,
over Humanity and Nature.
This Self seeks Control over ALL Reason and All Minds.
This Self especially seeks Control over Existence 'Beyond' Existence.
and so Dreams that Existence into its Awareness.
This Self Dreams of Controlling and Possessing its Perception of Eternity.
All the Self of Perception knows is Non-reality
and so Dreams are created out of  the abyss of 'nothingness'.

What is threatening must be Obliterated through Possession.
This Self creates Other and brings Other into itself through overpowering,
as in Controlling through taking Possession.
---Possession determining Wealth.
Who has the most Control is the Wealthiest.

Possession in Creation begins with The Land.
Possession of The land means Possession of All Resources.
Possession of The Land and All its Resources means
Possession of All The People of The Land.
Possession of The People of the Land.

Possession of The People of The Land means possession of the Minds of the People
and their ability to be Aware and so to Choose,
---Choosing being the Action of Consciousness.
In Creation, this is the key to Wealth.
It comes down to total Control is Control of All The Land,
All the Planet.
Economic Control is Total Control of Land, Resources, and People.

Possessed people lose Humanity through Possession and become the
property of the Self of its own Perception.

What happens when a People become Possessed by another Self that has created its
own created reality?
What happens when a Self existing in that Self's created reality, assumes the
reality of The People of The Land and implants their Essence into its own
Essence of Self?
What happens when people are forced to accept and live in another self's
Dream of 'Becoming?

That created Self assumes the Essence of The Land and The Resources and The People
and Their Essence,
Their Power and
They Themselves are left without
the Essence of Being and become Property.
They, The People, no longer have their Self,
They lose their humanity----their Identity.
They lose their means to Survival.
 They lose their Right to Reason,
They lose their Choice of Consciousness.
They enter the Chaos of Pre-creation,
that exists beyond the parameters of Time, Place, and Matter.


Saturday, April 8, 2017

Post #308 "Moral Code and The Law"

The Moral Code and The Law
or is it
The Law and The Moral Code?
Which determines and which follows?
What determines 'Right' from 'Wrong'?
---the Moral Code or The Law?
Is it the Choice of Consciousness?
 Then, if it is Consciousness,
is it the Choice of Individual Consciousness?
is it the Choice of the Collective Consciousness?
If Right and Wrong is determined by the Collective Consciousness,
which Individual Consciousness, (which part or which piece),
is in Control of the Collective?
Is the Collective Consciousness Controlled by an Individual part or piece of the Whole?
How do the parts and pieces of the Collective, gather within itself,
the Power to Dominate the Whole of the Collective Consciousness?
Is there, indeed, an Individual part that gains control of the Collective,
--- through Identity?
---through Possession?
---as Ruler?
---through the Dream of Becoming?

Basically the Collective Consciousness is what it is through the Choice 'to Become.'
Meaning that 'to Become' is to block the Existence of 'Being'.
The Existence of Being is blocked for the Non-Existence that admits to an Existence that does not yet Exist in the Reality of Existence by its Choice.
 This Existence is Perceived as 'Becoming' because it has not yet achieved that degree
of Becoming that which Identifies Perfection.
Perfection is a 'Becoming' that can never Exist.
Perfection can only exist in the Dream of Becoming.
'Becoming Perfect' is not of Reality.
Becoming Perfect exists in the Perception of Selfness,
that totally exists in the Perception of Selfness,
 as the Observation of Otherness,
as the Singularity of Otherness
has been blocked and does not Exist in this Non-existence.
The blocked Perception of Self can only Exist in the Self
therefore being Non-existent to and in Reality.
This means that the Dream of the Collective Consciousness is the combined Dream of the
Collective To Become a Oneness.
Somehow the Collective Dreams have to Become the Dream centered in a Oneness.
BUT, Whose Dream is the Dream of Oneness
 and which part and which piece determines the Dream of the Collective?
Does this not mean that One part or One Piece is going to rise up to obliterate the 'other'
parts and pieces,
and inflict on them its Dream,
not of the Collective's Dream but of the Individual Dream?
Would this not result in Dominance and the creation of 'Good' and 'Bad',
 'Sacred' and 'Sin'?
Would not this Individual Oneness perceive itself as The Oneness that controls the
'what is now 'otherness-of-the-Self and could be visually perceived as the
Top of a Power Pyramid,
all other parts subjected and reduced to the nothingness of sub-humanity and non-humanity,
all 'other' parts made 'other' for the purpose of Creating a greater, glorified,
spiritualized, Image of Self in Oneness?
Who, in the Collective Consciousness has the Right to determine a Moral Code?
Which part, which piece, of the Collective Consciousness, has the Right to determine The Law
that deprives Consciousness of its basic action of Choosing?
---that deprives Humanity of its basic Essence?
 ---that recreates humanity as sub-humanity and as non-humanity?
As Existence is Duality.
As Existence is the Duality of Reality and Non-reality.
As Existence is the Duality of Self and Other.

As Consciousness exists,
Consciousness exists in both Reality and Non-reality.
Consciousness in the Reality of the Singular Self and the Reality of the
Singular Other
 is Infinite Entity,
meaning no Fear and no need to Compete for The Power of Survival.

Some part or some piece of the Collective Consciousness must have determined
Collective Power
Collective Power that coerces, bribes, or threatens, other parts and pieces to
give up Identity to the that 'Power' part,
 that Power Piece, that basically, is seeking Control over the
This Power Part has the Dream of Oneness.
This Oneness is accomplished through using the 'collectiveness' of the
Collective Consciousness,
meaning---with the help of the Collective.
---meaning the sacrifice of the Human-ness of the Collective.
---meaning using primal Fear as Power over
and using primal Fear as in Control of

The Power Part must grow in Power by accessing the Power, the Essence, of the parts and
pieces that make up the Whole of the Collective Consciousness
Fear is the basic emotion of Consciousness that has Chosen to remove Reality.
With the removal of Reality comes the absence of Entity and Immortality.

We are all under moral codes
and certainly under Laws,
all kinds of Laws.
Where did this begin?
Did it begin in religion's Creation Story---- the story of disobedience?
or did it begin in the Science Story of breaking atoms down into elementary particles
under the forces and pressures of Pre-creation?

Let's take a third approach to this quest for Truth
and continue looking to the Duality of Existence as Reality and Non-reality.
Consciousness proves the Duality of Existence as the action of Consciousness is Choosing.
Reality Expresses Existence as the Duality of the Singularity of Self
and the Singularity of Other.
Singularity means that Self and Other are totally independent as independent Entity.
Yet Self is Self because Other is Other.
Other calls Self into its Selfness by its own Existence as Singular Other.
Because Reality Is,
Reality Exists.
Reality has no beginning and no ending.
Reality knows Immortality.

When Consciousness Chooses Non-reality,
Consciousness blocks out the Singularity of Other,
and so blocks out Reality.
The Consciousness of Non-reality therefore loses Duality and sinks deeper and deeper
into it-Self.
This Consciousness is never independent of it-self and therefore does not know Entity.
This Consciousness Exists within it-self as a Whole made up of its own parts and pieces.
This Consciousness of Non-existence exists within itself as a Collective of its own parts
and pieces that continually break apart into smaller and smaller parts and pieces
until fading away into Oblivion.
This Consciousness Creates.
This Consciousness creates its own Creation.
This Creation of 'good' and 'bad',
sacred and evil.
It begins here with the Choice of Consciousness.
Its all Choice:
Consciousness Chooses Existence.
Consciousness Chooses its 'Becoming'.
When Existence is within Self, Existence as Duality is compromised.
There is no Entity.
There is no Immortality.
Consciousness explodes into the chaos of Pre-creation
Consciousness explodes into Creation's Process of Division
and begins dividing itself down into light and darkness,'
into water and land...........
into 'good' and 'bad',
into 'sacred' and 'sinful'.

Consciousness feels Fear.
Consciousness struggles to overcome its Fear.
Consciousness struggles to survive.
Consciousness Competes for the Right to Survival.
Creation is an Existence of the tearing and shredding of all that exists in the womb
of Creation,
desperately trying to remove all traces of what is
Perceived as Other-in-the-self
that Other, that threatens the Existence of the Self
that Oneness at the Top of the Pyramid

So what part or what piece of the Collective Consciousness known as Humanity
in Creation,
 Fears most the threat of its own Extinction.
and tries to Control its Fear by removing all threat from all it considers
as 'Other-then-itself'.
All parts of Self will be eliminated by Self by Perceiving selfness
as otherness,
Each part and each piece eliminated
by the Law
and Codes of Morality
eliminating all 'otherness' until One remains called 'Self.
The ONE at the TOP of the pile of sacrificed Humanity'.
The One who makes the Law for all others to obey.
The One that creates the Moral Code.

What Interferes with the
action of Consciousness?


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Post #307 "The Right of Consciousness?"

Consciousness Chooses.
Choosing is the Function of Consciousness.
The action of Consciousness Choosing confirms the Duality of Existence.
To be Consciousness is to Exist.
To Exist is Awareness of Existence.
To Exist is To Be.
Because Consciousness Chooses,
Existence is Choice of Being
In the Duality of the Existence of Being,
there must Exist the Duality of 'Not Being'.
And here, in this Duality, Consciousness functions by Choosing,
-------'To Be'
or 'Not to Be'.
And this is truly 'The Question'.
What Chooses 'Being', IS.
What Chooses 'Becoming' Is Not,
because its Existence is in the Dream of 'Becoming'.
Being is Reality.
Dreaming of 'Becoming' is Non-reality.
Reality Exists.
Non-reality does not Exist.
Therefore Existence is the Duality of Reality and Non-reality.
Determined by the Choice of Consciousness.
Consciousness Chooses as the Collective Consciousness
and as individual parts and pieces of Consciousness that make up the
Whole of Consciousness.
Thereby each part and each piece of Consciousness Chooses
for itself,
 and for itself in the Whole,
thereby determining
 whether the Whole of Consciousness works for or against
the survival of the Self.
Duality outside of Reality becomes Division.
Duality in Reality is Singularity,
as in th e Singularity of Self
and the Singularity of Other.
Outside Reality All Divides against it-Self to the point of Cessation.
to the point of Non-existence within Non-existence.
All outside Reality breaks down, through Division, until the parts and pieces,
as in the division of atoms, just fade away.
This Division fades into the Existence of 'Nothing'.
The conclusion is that 'Nothing' Exists!
The conclusion is,
 that Existence is the Duality of Existence and Non-existence
of Reality and Non-reality.
Conscquently, Existence is also Truth and the Existence of Non-truth,
------the Truth of Reality
-------and the truth of Non-reality,
Consciousness Chooses.
This is the function of Consciousness.
And here begins the Story of Creation,
the Story of Humanity,
the Story of what we call 'Civilization'.
It seems, does it not, that history records humanity's struggle for Survival.
Of course, it follows, that history is the Story of the struggle of Creation for Survival,
because somehow our Existence is determined by our Choice,
due to the Duality of Existence.
It seems that, Individually, some of us Chose or Choose to Exist
in Reality
or to Exist in Non-reality.
Being that Consciousness Exists in its Duality,
all Consciousness exists as a Collective.
Individual Choice Exists in the Collective.
This Duality of Choice
is the cause of the chaos that Exists and determines Consciousness, it-Self.
A part or a piece of the Whole of Consciousness that Chooses Existence in Reality
will Emerge from the Collective.
The action of Emerging is the result of the Choice of Choosing Reality  
The action is not the action of the part or the piece (the individual person),
of Consciousness.
There is no effort on the part of the human that Chooses to emerge from the
Collective Consciousness.
The process of Emerging Unfolds for the person so Choosing,
because the Choice Exists.
The Choice never did not Exist.
History is the Story of Survival and chaos within the Collective Consciousness,
within Creation.
We cannot stop the destruction of humanity by humanity,
or of Creation by Creation.
Its all about Choice.
Who will survive?
Does survival of a part depend on the destruction of another part?
Somehow Humanity seems to feel that it does.
Humanity is Competitive.
Humanity Competes within itself, within its parts and pieces,
for the Power of Survival.
Certainly this must be the influence of the 'Nothingness' of Existence.
If survival depends on destruction-------------------Wow!
The destruction begins with Consciousness Choosing.
Consciousness Choosing is not just a Right of Consciousness,
but a Function of Consciousness!
Some parts and pieces of Consciousness assume a Right over the 'other'
parts and pieces
What part or what piece of Consciousness has the Right to deprive or
even to interfere with another
part or piece's function,
-------the primal, the bases of Existence?
of What????
Of the fundamental action of Existence,
Who would possibly,
through Fear of Mortality,
determine to subjugate the very action of Existence,
way beyond the Right of Existence, 
seeking to rise up so far in Selfness,
in the non-existence of the Dream of Becoming,
claim a Right over Existence
to the Choice of Individual Consciousness?

Monday, April 3, 2017

Post #306 "Who Is Self?"

The search for Power is Competitive.
The One with the most Power is the Winner.
The Winner is the Survivor
Winning is all about Survival.
---as Competition is all about Winning.
Competition demands that the Winner is One.
Winning comes down to Oneness.

Competition Destroys all Otherness.
Competition destroys all others, that One will remain.
Only One can remain,
for Division is the action of Competition.
The One that is Winner has Divided and Destroyed
All Others and All Otherness.
The Self is One

All that threatens survival must be eliminated.
Survival becomes a tug between Power and its antithesis--Weakness,
To remove what which threatens,
Weakness must be conquered and sublimated
 into the Power of advancing Supremacy and Superiority.
---that of weakness,
being destroyed through loss of Power,
through loss of Identity.

What was once Identified, through Power, as 'not-of-self',
resided in what was considered Other as Otherness.
The Power that was 'not-of-self,'
was perceived by Self,
as threatening to the Power of Self.
Self Feared this Power of 'not-of-itself' would overcome the Power of itself
and Self, loosing Power,
would succumb to the Mortality of Creation.

Self perceived that Otherness within it-self,
 needed to be overcome,
that its Power of Otherness
would become Possession,
the Prize of Competition,
 and thereby Convert to the Power, to the Wealth of Self.

Through the Power of Possession,
the power of Identity also became Vaster,
Thereby enlarging Self Beyond it-Self
and Beyond its Selfness.
Thereby Creating Self Vaster than itself.
Thereby making Self incomprehensible to Self.
Self no longer Knew other as Other nor Self as Self
Thereby giving Self Superiority and Supremacy,
---Self claiming Ultimateness and Absoluteness.

As Self accumulates Power
through the transference of the conquered Power of that which is not of itself,
Self assumes Superiority and Supremacy,
and becomes more and more the Dream of Self,
yet looses more and more Selfness.
 All the while, the Power, the Essence of 'that which is 'other',
diminishes into 'Nothingness' and disappears
into the 'stuff' of Selfness-of-Self, the Matter of Creation,
the 'Nothingness' of the Void,
thereby negating the true Essence of Selfness to Self
 and Other.

Self Perceives Self as Power.
Self Perceives itself as 'Beyond' and Vaster' than it-self.
Self Perceives Other as Weakness.
Self Perceives Other as sub-human or as non-human.
Self, through its ability to Choose,
 contains within it-self Power and Weakness.
Self frantically seeks to rid itself of weakness,
to rid itself of imperfection,
to rid itself of Mortality.
Such is the struggle for survival----
Power over Weakness.

Hatred of Self for Weakness of Mortality.
Hatred of Self for Desiring what threats Survival.
Hatred of Self for such Weakness.
Self cannot accept it-Self because of its Perceived Weakness.
For this reason it becomes necessary to Divide the Self,
echoing the Duality that marks Existence itself.

Self Identifies Mortality in itself as 'otherness'
In other words,
that it does not belong to Self
and must be removed.

Self Dreams itself Immortal,
Self Dreams Perfection.
Self Dreams it-self Perfect.
Self Dreams it-self Perfect as God is Perfect.
Self Dreams it-self as God.
Self Dreams it-self God.
Self and God are One.

To block what weakens Self,
to remove the Weakness,
Self Creates Division as Self is of Creation
and also Divides
as in Male-female,
Male - power
Female - Weakness
Good - Bad,
Sacred - Sin / Evil
Of course, female must be removed as weakness to Male and becomes
Identified by Male as 'Bad', as Evil, as Sin.
Male has never accepted Female as Human as him-self is Human.
 and what is female,
 and what becomes female,
 also becomes a different kind of Human,
a lesser kind of Human,
---that of no Power ,
---that of no consequence.

The female,
the weakness of Male,
the bad, the evil, the sin, must be removed from Male by Male
as the threat to his survival,
as a threat to his Power of Maleness,
as a threat to his Goodness.
As a threat to his Holiness and his Sacredness.

To justify this slaughter,
To justify destroying this Mortal part,
 this Mortal piece,
Self must Perceive Self as Divided
--- that there now exists in the Self
Mortality and Immortality,

Immortality, Winning by destroying Mortality,
Mortality winning when existence is but a Dream.
Self, no longer Identified within itself
but as 'Beyond' Self into the personification
and fulfillment of its Dreams.

This Process of Division that is the Identity of Creation
is indeed a system of the division and transference of power.
This system could be visualized as a pyramid in shape,
-----wide on the bottom, at the first rung,
the first level, the first layer.
This bottom layer having the largest distribution of Power
through Possession,
through Identity,
and through The Law.

Under The Process of Division that defines Creation,
the first level Divides.
Division eliminates,
----what was once one is now two,
---what was once Self in now self-of-self and other-of-self,
meaning self Divided.

Self Divided Identifies weakness in its otherness.
This weakness that must be removed as survival is threatened.
Self Identifies weakness as other-than-self.
Self is aware of Self and names Self, Male.
Self is aware of and fears its weakness
and names its weakness names his weakness, Female.
as female threatens the Power of male to survive,
and must be removed.

Female is Loser and is removed by loss of her Essence to Male as Winner
and becomes sub-human and non-human to Human Male Dominance,
to Human Male Supremacy,
to Human Male Superiority.
And Human Male Becomes
and Absolute
in Ultimate and Absolute
that seeks to Destroy All not it-Self.

The second level of the pyramid shape is much more Powerful but much smaller.
It has Become much more Selective.
Fewer qualify as Human,
More and more are removed to sub-human
or to non-human status
to other-than-human Identity,

Again; under the Process of Division,
the pyramid shape divides.
 Self-of-self divides it-self into self-of-self and other-than-self.
but  its only through the Perception of Self,
only through the Dream of Self Becoming 'other' than what Self IS.
Self cannot Control the Division
and so cannot see the Reality of what is Destroying it-Self.

Self eliminates what it considers weakness,
because 'Weakness itself is the threat.
Self Identifies weakness economically, politically, and especially religiously
all for the Process of Division and Elimination.
Of course, Winner takes All,
 and again enlarges the Self through Division,
 on the next level,
and the next,
until there remains but

The One at the Top.
The Ultimate.
The Absolute.
The One who eliminates all Other.
The One Self that has become One with God
God Becoming Self
that Self Becomes God.