How many people are concerned with Truth?
Like what is Really True?
Like what is Really True?
How many people are content with what is not True?
Who would really want to know what is True,
especially when one can Create one's own reality?
especially when one can Create one's own reality?
---and, of course, we live in our own reality.
--- are we compelled to live in another's reality?
--- are we compelled to live in another's reality?
Do we Dream our own Dream?
---or do we Dream and believe in another Dream than our own?
It seems that the search for Truth is the Choice
that can only be done by Individual Self that can and will emerge from
the Collective Consciousness.
Humanity seeks to Control.
Humanity feels anxiety when Humanity feels out 0f Control.
Why is this?
Humanity seeks to Control its own created reality.
If Humanity has Chosen to create, what has Humanity Chosen to Believe?
Does Humanity have Control over its own beliefs?
Does Humanity freely Believe in its own beliefs,
in its own Moral Code?
---Or are its beliefs the beliefs of an Authority figure
and a moral Code used as a Controlling device?
Do we consider those that do not believe as we do, as 'other'?
Are we uncomfortable with those 'others'?
Do we feel the need to Convert them to our way of believing?
Is what we believe True to Reaity or true to Non-reality?
There exists the Truth of Reality
and there non-exists the truth of Non-reality.
What do we believe as Truth or
or what do we believe as true in creation?
What is true to creation is the distorted, inversion of the Truth of Reality because
creation is the distorted inversion of Reality.
Does our need to believe affect Truth?
Do we sacrifice Truth to a need to Control?
Does Control take precedence over Truth?
Do we seek Control over our beliefs or do we seek Control over Truth?
Is Truth threatened for us by our beliefs?
Is Truth threatened for us by the belief of another's truth or the truth of a
Created system?
Do we seek Control that we may exist in our own reality?
Does existing in our own reality necessitate destroying the influence of
another reality?
Do we feel that for the freedom to do this, we need to Control?
To be in Control we need to take Possession.
Can we control what we do not Possess?
And where do we draw the line on Possession?
What we do not Control can be a threat to our Existence,
and existence seems to be determined on survival.
The way to Control is to gain Possession over what is desired.
Do we not try to take Possession of All that it is Possessable to Possess?
---after all, what we do not Control is a threat to our Existence.
We eliminate what we cannot gain Control over-----
like people's minds.
like people's souls.
and what of God?
Is it possible that the Singular Other of Reality is the root to humanity's search for God?
Did the Dream of God originate in the Singularities of Reality;
in the Self and in the Other?
As Consciousness blocked Reality and Chose the Non-reality of itself over the
Singularity of the Self of Reality, Self Created within itself the
Divided self-of-self and other-of-self.
Self Created within itself a struggle against the Mortality of its own Creation.
In order to struggle against the Mortality of Creation, Consciousness created 'Good' and 'Bad',
from here, Consciousness Created Sacred and Evil.
Sacred became Holy and set apart.
Evil Became Sin and the ultimate threat to survival.
Sacred and Holy Became personified in Nature, in Creation,
that it could be controlled
for it was seen as a great source of Power.
It was wondered that if this great source of Power could be controlled,
If it could be Controlled,
then Maybe it would become a great source of Power used TO Control.
Maybe through this Source of Power, the Self of Consciousness could
Control All of Humanity, and All of Nature,
and ALL of Creation
But, Reality is Immortality,
Reality is Entity.
Reality is the Singularity of Self and
the Singularity of Other.
Reality is Immortal because
Reality is Entity,
Reality is Entity because Self Exists in Singularity
and because
Other Exists in Singularity.
There is no Mortality in Reality.
Self accepts Other as Other in Singularity
that Self can accept Self in Singularity.
There is no Mortality in Reality,
therefore there is no Control of Self over Other
or Other over Self.
In Reality there is no struggle for survival
because there is no struggle between 'Good' and 'Bad'
There is no struggle between 'Sacred' and 'Evil' so there is no need for personification
for the purpose of Control.
There is no Competition for the Possessions of Survival,
no need for Wealth.
There is no need to struggle for Identity as the Singular Self has been Observed as Self,
has been Witnessed as Self,
and has been Validated as Self by its Observed and Witnessed Self.
Singular Self Possesses Selfness.
Because Singular Self is Self to Self, Self Observes and Witnesses Other as Other.
Other as Other IS Other.
Other does not need Worship to BE OTHER.
Self does not need to Worship.
Other does not make Laws for there is no need to Control.
There is no need for Laws to be obey
thereby creating superiority over inferiority
There is no Sin for there is no Evil.
There is no Evil for there is no Division.
There IS Existence in Reality.
Is the Singular Other of Reality the root of the idea of God in Creation?
Is the God of Creation the inverted, distorted Image of the Singular Other of Reality?
Is it possible that this thought carries through from the original Duality of Existence
that determines the Choice of Consciousness,
Is it posssible that this thought continues into the process of Division, (Duality) that so marks Creation,
---that this thought carries through all the Divisions,
beginning with the Division of Humanity into
Male and Female,
---that this is the root to Humanity's ideas of God?
Is the Denial of the Singularity of Self and the Singularity of Other of Reality,
the Choice of Consciousness
that marks the Duality of Existence,
that Consciousness would be in the Control,
and thereby would be the Creator of its own Existence?
----That Consciousness Dreams of and yet, in Duality, resents that which it has Denied?
---and Fears, not What it has denied,
but the fact that it Has denied Reality?
If so, then basically, Consciousness Fears its own Creation.
This is profoundly true, as Existence in Creation is Mortal,
thereby Humanity is Mortal.
Would Humanity not, then, be fearful of what is Truth?
Would Humanity, then, be more apt to be Fearful of determining what is True
and what is Created as truth by those seeking Power over Existence?
Would these Competing Selves, then, not form a Power group to access the Power of
the other-of-selves for the purpose of Controlling the Truth of their own created reality reduced
to the truth of those Power seekers of Possession,
seekers of Identity,
and as Law makers and Enforcers?
Those who seek Control.
Those who Create the truth of Mortality.
It seems that the search for Truth is the Choice
that can only be done by Individual Self that can and will emerge from
the Collective Consciousness.
Humanity seeks to Control.
Humanity feels anxiety when Humanity feels out 0f Control.
Why is this?
Humanity seeks to Control its own created reality.
If Humanity has Chosen to create, what has Humanity Chosen to Believe?
Does Humanity have Control over its own beliefs?
Does Humanity freely Believe in its own beliefs,
in its own Moral Code?
---Or are its beliefs the beliefs of an Authority figure
and a moral Code used as a Controlling device?
Do we consider those that do not believe as we do, as 'other'?
Are we uncomfortable with those 'others'?
Do we feel the need to Convert them to our way of believing?
Is what we believe True to Reaity or true to Non-reality?
There exists the Truth of Reality
and there non-exists the truth of Non-reality.
What do we believe as Truth or
or what do we believe as true in creation?
What is true to creation is the distorted, inversion of the Truth of Reality because
creation is the distorted inversion of Reality.
Does our need to believe affect Truth?
Do we sacrifice Truth to a need to Control?
Does Control take precedence over Truth?
Do we seek Control over our beliefs or do we seek Control over Truth?
Is Truth threatened for us by our beliefs?
Is Truth threatened for us by the belief of another's truth or the truth of a
Created system?
Do we seek Control that we may exist in our own reality?
Does existing in our own reality necessitate destroying the influence of
another reality?
Do we feel that for the freedom to do this, we need to Control?
To be in Control we need to take Possession.
Can we control what we do not Possess?
And where do we draw the line on Possession?
What we do not Control can be a threat to our Existence,
and existence seems to be determined on survival.
The way to Control is to gain Possession over what is desired.
Do we not try to take Possession of All that it is Possessable to Possess?
---after all, what we do not Control is a threat to our Existence.
We eliminate what we cannot gain Control over-----
like people's minds.
like people's souls.
and what of God?
Is it possible that the Singular Other of Reality is the root to humanity's search for God?
Did the Dream of God originate in the Singularities of Reality;
in the Self and in the Other?
As Consciousness blocked Reality and Chose the Non-reality of itself over the
Singularity of the Self of Reality, Self Created within itself the
Divided self-of-self and other-of-self.
Self Created within itself a struggle against the Mortality of its own Creation.
In order to struggle against the Mortality of Creation, Consciousness created 'Good' and 'Bad',
from here, Consciousness Created Sacred and Evil.
Sacred became Holy and set apart.
Evil Became Sin and the ultimate threat to survival.
Sacred and Holy Became personified in Nature, in Creation,
that it could be controlled
for it was seen as a great source of Power.
It was wondered that if this great source of Power could be controlled,
If it could be Controlled,
then Maybe it would become a great source of Power used TO Control.
Maybe through this Source of Power, the Self of Consciousness could
Control All of Humanity, and All of Nature,
and ALL of Creation
But, Reality is Immortality,
Reality is Entity.
Reality is the Singularity of Self and
the Singularity of Other.
Reality is Immortal because
Reality is Entity,
Reality is Entity because Self Exists in Singularity
and because
Other Exists in Singularity.
There is no Mortality in Reality.
Self accepts Other as Other in Singularity
that Self can accept Self in Singularity.
There is no Mortality in Reality,
therefore there is no Control of Self over Other
or Other over Self.
In Reality there is no struggle for survival
because there is no struggle between 'Good' and 'Bad'
There is no struggle between 'Sacred' and 'Evil' so there is no need for personification
for the purpose of Control.
There is no Competition for the Possessions of Survival,
no need for Wealth.
There is no need to struggle for Identity as the Singular Self has been Observed as Self,
has been Witnessed as Self,
and has been Validated as Self by its Observed and Witnessed Self.
Singular Self Possesses Selfness.
Because Singular Self is Self to Self, Self Observes and Witnesses Other as Other.
Other as Other IS Other.
Other does not need Worship to BE OTHER.
Self does not need to Worship.
Other does not make Laws for there is no need to Control.
There is no need for Laws to be obey
thereby creating superiority over inferiority
There is no Sin for there is no Evil.
There is no Evil for there is no Division.
There IS Existence in Reality.
Is the Singular Other of Reality the root of the idea of God in Creation?
Is the God of Creation the inverted, distorted Image of the Singular Other of Reality?
Is it possible that this thought carries through from the original Duality of Existence
that determines the Choice of Consciousness,
Is it posssible that this thought continues into the process of Division, (Duality) that so marks Creation,
---that this thought carries through all the Divisions,
beginning with the Division of Humanity into
Male and Female,
---that this is the root to Humanity's ideas of God?
Is the Denial of the Singularity of Self and the Singularity of Other of Reality,
the Choice of Consciousness
that marks the Duality of Existence,
that Consciousness would be in the Control,
and thereby would be the Creator of its own Existence?
----That Consciousness Dreams of and yet, in Duality, resents that which it has Denied?
---and Fears, not What it has denied,
but the fact that it Has denied Reality?
If so, then basically, Consciousness Fears its own Creation.
This is profoundly true, as Existence in Creation is Mortal,
thereby Humanity is Mortal.
Would Humanity not, then, be fearful of what is Truth?
Would Humanity, then, be more apt to be Fearful of determining what is True
and what is Created as truth by those seeking Power over Existence?
Would these Competing Selves, then, not form a Power group to access the Power of
the other-of-selves for the purpose of Controlling the Truth of their own created reality reduced
to the truth of those Power seekers of Possession,
seekers of Identity,
and as Law makers and Enforcers?
Those who seek Control.
Those who Create the truth of Mortality.
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