Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Post #332 "The Creation of Creation, 2017"

A foremost scientific concept says that Creation resulted from the Big Bang 
"when photons of light were first set free and created the cosmic microwave background."
 (Steve Nadis. Astronomy. April 2007). 
Out of a Void, out of Nothingness, an event occurred and occurs that unfolds from a beginning 
and hastens to an end. 
Creation, made up of Time, Place, and Matter, Existing or Non-existing in a Void of Nothingness in 
which vague parameters designate Place, spinning and rotating cycles designate Time, 
and from these comes Matter/Substance,
the stuff of Earth including Humanity.
Creation, according to science, is the stuff of atoms and basic elements.
Creation, according to religion, is the work of a supreme Being Who Created all things.
Both religion and science (Faith and Reason),
admit to an ending,
that is understood by religion,
as a prediction that, "heaven and earth will pass away..." (Mark 13:31) 
and by science,
 as an observation of the break-down of atoms into smaller and smaller subatomic particles,
until finally losing all definition,
also just pass away.

That Creation, beginning as an event,
is moving to and approaching its end, is becoming more apparent with each passing day. 
This movement, this process, from beginning to end, from life to death,
is accelerating as is the universe accelerating.
The recently discovered fact of an accelerating universe blew scientists' previous assumption of
a decelerating universe totally apart. 
A mysterious Energy is said to be responsible for the accelerated rate at which galaxies and space
itself are being pushed apart.
Space, systematically, is expanding,
 as galaxies are being carried along with its movement.

Creation is Process. Process is movement.
Movement defines beginning and end.
The movement of Creation, however, is not toward wholeness or unity,
but is a movement that is constantly breaking down into smaller and smaller parts and pieces
of itself,
each part and each piece, a cell, carrying an imprint, a memory.
Reference for this concept comes from religion and from science---
from Faith and from Reason.

According to biblical Genesis,
the action of Creation is described as Separation:
God SEPARATED light from darkness.
God SEPARATED water from above from water from below.
God SEPARATED sky from land,
and finally, God SEPARATED Female from Male.

defining Creation from the instant of the Big Bang,
sees this movement, not as a formation,
but as a release of atoms that SEPARATED into the basic elements.
This movement of Creation, then,
is a movement of DIVISION.
Creation is a Process of Division that Divides down from its beginning to Nothingness
at its ending.

At each increment of this movement of Division, the rate of Division accelerates.
The Observation of this movement is called Time.
Time moves with the acceleration or deceleration of the Universe.
As the movement of the universe is Accelerating,
the movement of Time is Acceleration.
As the movement of Time is accelerating,
the rate of Division is Accelerating.
 Creation is Dividing down faster and faster with each division of Time.

Consequently, Time is also occurring at a rate of accelerating Division.
The movement of Time accelerates at each increment,
each increment a further breakdown into smaller and smaller parts and pieces.
These parts and pieces then move farther and farther apart at accelerating rates of speed.
Creation is thusly, described as a Process---a Process of Division.

Accordingly, Creation cannot be Observed as Real of Reality.
Creation can only be Perceived as real in the confines of the Self, within the Self,
of Consciousness.
Creation is real only to those who Exist in that Creation,
---in that dimension of Consciousness.

Real assumes Entity.
Creation Divides.
Creation Divides over and over again until "heaven and earth passes away",
until the atoms of Creation break-down into smaller and smaller subatomic
until finally, losing  all definition,
also just pass away

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