Friday, December 21, 2018

Post #384 "Building the Wall"

Humanity Fights.
Humanity Creates Wars.
Humanity Builds Walls.
We are a Waring, Fighting People.
And we are Wall-Builders.

In Jericho of Israel/Palestine, there is a Tel that has been in formation for more than 4,000 years.
The Tel is a multi-layered pile of what was once Walls all built one on top of the other to the
present height of a small mountain.
Each layer/each level of the mound represents a settlement.
And of course, we all know that settlements are nothing more than Walls.
These Walls tell the Stories of a People organized through the Creation of Time.
Each Level tells the Story of The Land.
Each level tells the Story of the Resources of The Land.
Each Level tells the Story of the Identity of those inhabitants----
who they were,
what they did,
and how they felt,
how they Created and how they Destroyed.
But more than this, it tells the Story of how these particular People, at this particular Time
continued the Process of Division that marks All of Creation.
The People of each level, of each layer, felt Fear.
In each level the Fear was the Fear of Mortality.
In each level the struggle for Survival intensified,
Consequently the more the struggle to defeat Mortality,
the more the People, and indeed, all of Creation, Divided and broke apart,
into smaller and smaller pieces over the passing of Time.
The People Fought, and there were Wars
and more and more Walls were built and more Wars were fought. 
For We are Wall-Builders.

 Wall Building portrays Humanity as Dividers.
We Divide everything.
We especially Divide ourselves.
We Divide ourselves that we can Fight,
that we can Compete,
That we can go to War.
We Fight, we Compete, we go to War, We Build Walls, All for the purpose of Division.
We  need to justify ourselves or face Who We Are.
And so We need the Blame to rest on not 'Who We Are'
but on 'Who We are Not'.
It Becomes clear that the Process of Division is a Process of not 'What IS'
but of 'What IS NOT'.

Very interestingly, that Tel in Jericho, does not show 'What IS'
but shows 'What IS NOT'.
Not a single Settlement remains'.
No People, No Walls!
----just a huge mound of debris, silted over through centuries of wind and desert sand,
and covered with scrub vegetation.
ALL Gone.
ALL Destroyed.
Through Fighting,
Through Competing,
Through War,
and All the Walls that spelled out 'Who We Were'
and 'Who We Were NOT'. 
Now spell out
 'Who We Are'
and 'Who We Are NOT'.

We Are Wall Builders.
because we Divide.
and when we build,
we build that we may have something that we may Divide.
We Divide that we may be Saved.
for we may only be Saved through someone being Sacrificed.
'Someone' being Sacrificed cannot be Self.
It is Self that must be Saved.
We need an Other.
We need an Other to be Sacrificed,
to be Mortal,
that we may become Immortal.
 So that is What we Create.
That is Why we Create.

We Separate the Self, the Self of Humanity into Self-of-Self and Self-of-Other.
Humanity Divides,
into 'Who should be Saved' from 'Who should be Sacrificed'.
Because somebody or something must be made responsible for our Mortality,
for Creation's Mortality!
It Cannot be our-Self!
We must Create an 'Other'.
'Other', as in Scapegoat,

We have done a great deed if we can remove Evil.
Indeed, we are Sainted through our ability to remove Evil.
But we must first Create Evil that we can remove it.
We Create Evil through Division,
that we are Righteous in our Wall-building,
that we are Righteous in Creating our Sanctity through Death and Destruction.
 that we are Righteous in naming ourselves Savior and Redeemer,
that we are Righteous in naming ourself God!

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