Tuesday, October 25, 2022

 Post #418


Before we can understand WHO WE ARE, we would do well to look into WHAT WE ARE.
Looking for an answer we must look to the Past, but not to a hundred or more years ago but to the 
root cause; to First Cause.
As to the Basic Duality of Existence at First Cause, to the Basic Duality of Consciousness at First Cause, we must add the Basic Duality of Humanity at Humanity's First Cause.
Therefore, the Duality of Humanity as Consciousness, has the Option of Existing in the Reality of Existence or in the Non-Reality of Existence/Non-Existence.
In Duality, Existence Exists and Non-Exists.

Consciousness Exists in Duality.
Humanity exists in Duality.
Because of the Duality of Existence, Humanity, as Consciousness, has CHOICE.
Consciousness/Humanity Chooses Existence in either Reality or in Non-Reality.
Humanity Choosing Reality Abides in the Reality of BEING.
Humanity Choosing Non-Reality DREAMS of What It Can BECOME.
So, as Reality IS, 
Non-Reality IS NOT.
Non-Reality Exists in the Dream of  'Becoming',
But 'Becoming' is NOT Existing in the NOW of Reality.
"Becoming' suggests the impossibility of ever attaining The Dream.
For Humanity, The Dream of 'Becoming' always remains just a Dream.
The Frustration of the unfulfilled Dream helps define Creation and helps define Humanity itself.
Basic Emotions, such as Fear, Frustration, and Anger, arise at '1st Cause'.

At 1st Cause, Consciousness and consequently Humanity, are AWARE.
Consciousness/Humanity is Aware of Self and of Other-Than-Self.
Consciousness is Aware that Reality IS Self and Other-Than-Self.
Consciousness/Humanity Compares Self with 'Other-Than-Self'.
As Consciousness is Aware, Consciousness COMPARES.
Consciousness/Humanity Compares Self to Other-Than-Self through Observation or through Perception.
The Choice is to Observe 'Other' as 'Other' IS or
to Perceive 'Other', not as Other IS, but through the Perception of the Self.
The Choice to Perceive determines that Other is not as Other IS but as Self Dreams Other to 'BECOME'
in Self's Dream Existence.

Out of this Dream Existence, Consciousness, (the Consciousness of Humanity), Creates
a Pseudo-Existence we know as Creation.
In the Duality of Existence, Consciousness Creates the Opposite of Reality.
Consciousness Creates through Perceiving Reality and then Projecting the Perception onto
a Perceived or Created Space, called Earth, in Created or Perceived Time, as  in days, years, etc..
Thus Consciousness calls our Dreamed Non-Reality into the Non-Existence of Existence.
The Collective Consciousness calls this Dreamed Non-Reality, Creation.

The Choice of Consciousness/Humanity to Observe determines Other as TO BE, as Other IS,
thereby allowing Self to also Exist as Self IS, in ENTITY of Self, in the Singularity of Selfness,
 and therefore, in IMMORTALITY.
Consciousness/Humanity Dreams of IMMORTALITY.
The Perceiving Self-of-Consciousness Compares its Choice of Creation to Existence in Reality.
In the Comparison, Self is Aware of the Mortality of Creation to the Immortality of Existence in Reality, thus provoking the Basic Human Emotion of Fear at the loss of Immortality.
Self is Aware of its Mortality and so Life becomes a struggle against all that represents 
'Other Than the Self'. 
Self blames Other for causing Self's Mortality. 
There is a determination that if 'Other' can be Eliminated, 
Self will be able to Access Other's Immortality.
Self Creates Other as Enemy that threatens Self's Survival.
As Enemy, Self feels justified in seeking Obliteration for Other-Than-Self.
Through constant Division of the Self by the Self, Self Loses all Definition, all Identity, 
and just Fades into Oblivion
The Self of Consciousness, the Self of Humanity, Choses to Create its own Death!

In Non-Reality, Self is Aware of Other only through the perception of the Self,
so that Other as Other cannot Exist.
This Choice has no effect on Reality being the Existence of Self and Other.
Basically, in Non-Reality, Self removes Other.
In Creation, in Humanity, the Self cannot accept Other as Other IS and so struggles to 
remove all Other and all Otherness.

Creation is a Process of Division that has BEGINNING and has ENDING.
What has Beginning and Ending does not Exist in the NOW but only in a Dream State.
Creation, with Beginning and Ending, is The Opposite of Reality.
Reality IS!
Creation is a Distorted, Inverted, IMAGE of Reality.
Image has Beginning and Ending; thus Creation has NO BEING. 
What Begins and ENDS cannot and does not Exist in the Reality of BEING.

 The Self of Humanity cannot remove Duality, as Duality is a condition of Existence.
When Self removes Other, due to Duality, Self Divides it-Self.
In Non-Reality then, and due to the Duality of Existence,
Other Exists as 'Other-Of SELF,
meaning Self Divides it-Self into 'Self-Of-Self' and 'Other-Of Self'.
Duality occurs in the Self.
The Self IS Duality.
We, are Duality.
We have Created many layers and levels of Pseudo-Existences and attempt to Exist 
or Non-Exist in them all.

The Self's Existence in Duality causes Conflict between its Selves,
(the Self-of-Self and the Other-of-Self), thereby threatening the survival of Self.
Self Exists in Individual Cells of Humanity that make up the Collective Consciousness.
Each Cell while Existing and therefore Choosing Collectively also, through 
Individual Consciousness, can Choose Individually. 
It does seem that Individual Choice is Rare and most people Choose to Exist according 
to Collective Choice.

Self eventually Divides itself down to loss of Identity and then, to 'Nothingness'.
Self, as Creation, eventually loses definition and fades into 'Nothingness'.
Self, fearing Obliteration, meaning loss of Identity, frantically Dreams, while struggling to Survive.
Here we witness the ugly downside of the Self of Humanity.
We, of Humanity, perceive Power as the Essence of Survival. Survival really meaning Immortality.
Survival Becomes the Goal of Existence.
Humanity Perceives Other and Otherness as the Cause of its Threatening Mortality.
It seems that we feel that the more Power we can amass, the more we avoid Mortality.
Our Lives, therefore, Become struggles for Power.
We Compete for Power.
Power is why we Compete.
We Compete with Other, that Other's Power Becomes our own.
If we win, we access the Power of the Defeated.
If we Lose, we Lose Power to the Winner and we become the Inferior.
For a Male, this is losing Masculinity.
No Competition is Innocent!
The Struggle for Power being the Reason we Live to Compete.
We Compete because any Power that is not our own we Perceive as a Threat to our Existence
and a Threat to Masculinity.
Competition and Winning; accumulating Power, are Male Characteristics.
Loosing is Weakness and a sign of Femininity.
In Duality, Male (Strength), and Female (Weakness) Exist in each Cell of Humanity.

Power cannot Exist without Weakness,
therefore Power Creates Weakness as Food for Survival.
The Powerful Create the Weak for the Purpose of Providing Food, with which to keep increasing 
their insatiable appetite for Power. 
The Weak are actually Created to be the source of nourishment for the Powerful.
The Self of Consciousness needs Power to Survive.
The Self of Consciousness Perceives its Survival in the Male as the only 'true' Human.
As the Source of Nourishment, the Female is perceived by Male as 'Other'. 
It is the Self that Creates Other-Than-Itself with which to Compete for Power, 
as Power is a commodity of Creation.
The Power of Creation cannot increase on its own. Creation cannot grow the Power of Immortality.
 Creation can only break down into Pieces that Exist only in the Dream of the Self-of Self  
Competing for Immortality.

In Fear of Mortality, Humanity Divides the Self to Create a source of Power with
which to Survive. As Nothing else exists besides Self and Other-Than-Self, 
Self must Divide the Self in order to provide the Self with the Weakness with which to 
Feed the Strong. 
Ex., Male Creates Female, Humanity Creates all the Divisions of our Pseudo-Reality:
 religious, political, racial, etc.
Power needs Weakness to Exist, therefore Power Creates Weakness by Creating something 'Other'
than Itself to Sacrifice.
As in Competition, a winner takes Essence from the Other-Than-Itself, the loser,
with which to Empower It-self. Essence meaning Life-Force.
Each of us is a Cell of Consciousness.
Each of us is a Self of Humanity.
We, of Humanity, Perceive Other-Than-Self as a Threat to our Survival,
thereby holding Other to be responsible for our Mortality and all 'other' misfortune.
Those we hold responsible, must pay!
Thereby we justify abuse, degradation, torture and all forms of de-humanization.

Striving to remove all that is Other, we Divide ourselves down until we lose our Identity.
Without Identity we fade into the Nothingness of Oblivion,
thus continuing the Duality of Existence through Division.
In Humanity this Duality begins in the Self and becomes evident in the Duality of 
Male and Female and all further Divisions with which we Choose to live our Lives.
The Duality continues, breaking down into the myriad Dualities of Humanity.
As Creation is a Process of Division, so too is Humanity.

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