Monday, November 4, 2013

Post #4 Creation-Reality or Non-Reality?

The Intellect is the determining factor of consciousness, thereby its function is Choosing. Consciousness, through Intellect, Chooses. Consciousness accesses Knowledge, chooses and according to choice, functions either through Reason or through a primal Awareness. The Intellect of Non-Reality, through Reason, chose or chooses to become Reality but what occured and occurs is not that which was desired, for it cannot become what it is not, and instead of becoming Reality becomes the Image of Reality. This is the impulse that churns the void. This is pre-creation. Churning produces heat. Heat produces moisture. From heat and moisture, elementary particles, such as quarks and electrons form. These elementary particles undergo further development through the interaction and influence of pre-creation forces. In these particles and electrons are the building materials of creation. Creation is created: Time begins ticking, Matter forms, Place appears-the reflecting surface of the projection of image. On this surface called earth or galaxy or cosmos, the drama of creation unfolds.

We know these elements of Creation do not exist in themselves, pop in and out of existence, and convert back to the original energy of the churning void of no-thingness. We know they do not really exist in Reality but only in our own Creation, our created reality. The basic elements and we ourselves exist in our own reality, created throught the power to Reason by our Collective Consciousness and our Collective Unconsciousness through pre-time and throughout all of created Time. We choose to access Knowledge through Reason or Awareness. It's all a matter of choice-to become image makers or not, to become the creators of Creation, or not. Choice is made collectively and individually.

What has the energy of the collective consciousness and collective unconsciousness created? What has Intellect created? Does this Creation equal Reality or does it equal Non-Reality? Just what has been created? What has been created is Image. What we create and have created is Image. Image has beginning and end. Image cannot be sustained. We are Creator. We are Image-makers. We desired to become that which we were not. What resulted is that we created our own reality. Reason cannot access reality so what resulted, what we created, is the image or the reflection of Reality. Our reality is a created reality. Consciousness chooses. Choosing is the action and purpose of Intellect.

As we are absorbed farther and farther into a pure mechanical world the ability to access Primal Awareness diminishes to the point of extinction as being in a state of robotical, mechanical dependancy. What was more easily accessed in past history is now, through unuse, becoming much more difficult to access. We do not know how anymore to access this source of Knowledge.

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