Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Post #16 "Reality and Image"

Reality IS. Reality is totality. The image of Reality is not Reality! Image is image. Reality does not in any way depend on image, yet image, through its desire to be Reality, exists, because Reality exists. Image chooses to exist but being image can only 'become' ('becoming' sets Time in motion) as image is process with beginning and ending, and so can claim no existence other than to itself  (self-its own created Matter) and in its own created 'Place' ('Place'-the reflective surface of the projection). The Choice brings from pre-creation, Matter into Place that it may become in Time that which it chooses to image-Reality. (A reminder-The elements of Creation being Time, Place, and Matter.)

Image plays out on the stage of Creation. The word 'playing' helps explain the action of image. As image plays its role the image breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces of itself and consequently becomes more and more faded while moving through the levels of Time/history.What history views as progression, is actually distorted and inverted and is more accurately, regression. An overview of image presents itself throught  the lens of history as progression, but at a deeper level of truth, the truth of a disintegrating universe is undeniable.

The choice to become/image is the result of the process of Creation-division. Division is the breaking down into myriad pieces and sections. Image contains only the distorted memory of Reality. That memory becomes more and more distorted and broken with the passage of Time for the memory is contrived of hopes and desires, not so much of what is, but of what is hoped for and desired. Eventually, in Time, image begins to see itself as that which it seeks to become for image is the personification of Untruth. Untruth denies Truth . Untruth refuses to admit to the reality of Truth. Untruth exists in a state of denial. The energy output of Untruth is denial-a negative/destructive energy. Image sees itself and identifies itself as Reality. Image knows itself as the Reality! Such Untruth! Image cannot allow for the existence of Reality, for even just a glimpse would prove the unreality and the untruth of Untruth, of itself. Image denies the existence of Reality that it may exist and that it may exist in the place of that which is Real.

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