God is created. God is the distorted and inverted image of Reality. Our world is a patriarchal society so our God is a male god. Along with this, our society worships power. Our society worships male attributes: power, competitiveness, toughness. Elevated forms of worship began as crude attempts to appease nature... to personify nature... to name the gods that evolved through personification. What began as appeasement evolved into worship....appeasement--the root of worship. Worship--the means of conquering fear. After all, it is not very masculine to be afraid and what causes fear must be dealt with. Worship is the basis of religion. What we worship is our religion. In present times that which we worship has multiplied over and over to the point that our religion has divided and diversified more times in more ways than we could possibly be aware of. Keep in mind that worship/religion began in fear. Has this basically changed? Is fear still the underpinnings of what we worship? Do we feel a lack of control over our fears? Does not religion help us deal with those fears by providing a means of control...giving us that something 'to do'? Is worship, is religion, what we hang on to for 'just in case'? Does worship lie at the base of our survival....threatening it and yet determining it?
Has our methods of worshipping basically changed? Savage man chanted incantations. Would we not call this prayer? We chant at certain group events such as sports. What is more worship than sport events, pitting one person or one group against the other, in a competition to see who is the greatest--to see who is the best, and if God is our symbol of power,--to see who is the most God-like. Here the word 'Perfection' can be substituted for the word 'God'. Religion says who we are more then anything else whether we profess a religion or not. What we worship is who we desire to be. If religion or elements of religion are thought of as superstitious it is not surprising, as primitive religion has deep reverence for what we would describe as superstitious and remains at the base of who we are. We may not find it possible to determine what is superstitious from what is real in our created world. One might argue that belief is superstitious. What remains is that what we worship, which is our religion, grew out of primitive religion through an evolutionary process.
The terms for God, the names given to God, also grew out of an evolutionary process. Whatever language or languages did with the early terms for the genies, the imps, the trouble-makers, to the gods of tribal society, the trouble-makers of nature, became that which was feared and dreaded...the basis of God. The names have changed but not the fear and dread. These names, these terms evolved into our terms for what we name or how we refer to God/gods. As civilization developed, god/gods and then, God, developed in the evolution of civilization. God was a term, a name, that developed with civilization. The more people grouped and regrouped throughout history, as in dividing down, the word for 'that which must be appeased' developed, but always remained 'that which must be appeased'...to this day. That ancient fear is present in each and everyone of us and is a part of who we are and what we desire....what we make our God. If one does not believe in religion, one is usually careful to keep a door open 'just-in-case'.
God is the God of Creation. God is created according to our specifications. Does this mean there is nothing more? Absolutely not! We, as the collective unconsciousness, have just chosen to do our own thing and through the walls of creation have blocked out that Reality that we cannot name, possess or control.
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