The Dream of Consciousness is the acknowledgement that all is finite,
that Creation, itself, is finite.
The Dream is the acknowledgement that no matter how Power is accessed
and to what degree or to what amount, Creation is finite.
No matter who wins the space at the top of the pyramid, finiteness includes even this
sacred place.
No one is 'beyond'
no one is vaster than,
and no one can comprehend that
Reality is 'beyond',
is 'vaster than'
and is not comprehensible, to Creation.
and is not comprehensible, to Creation.
No matter how much wealth has been accumulated,
no matter how important one has become,
or who makes what laws over what Lands,
----All is finite!
Only Reality is absolute.
What is absolute has no need for Power,
for Reality IS and does not Become.
Consequently, Absolutism is not a property of Creation.
That of Creation may claim Absolutism, but claiming does not make what is Not
into What Is.
Creation claims Absolute Power,
yet because there can be no argument that death exists,
there is no Absolute Power in Creation.
By claiming Absolute Power, the claim is for the Dream of Absolute Power and the admittance that absolutely Nothing in Creation is Absolute.
No one in Creation has Absolute Power,
All Power ends in Time as Time itself ends.
The struggle for survival affects all of Creation.
Humanity above all struggles to survive.
At the bottom of humanity's struggle to survive is the quest for Power.
The Dream is of Power that is beyond,
that is vaster than,
and that is not able to be comprehended by Creation.
The search therefore is for Absolute and Ultimate Power that from the perspective
of Creation exists outside of it-self.
Yet humanity claims this Power from and of itself.
This suggests that humanity Perceives that it has access and control over this Power.
Humanity has the Dream that it can control not only Creation but the 'Beyond' Creation.
Controlling Creation includes controlling the 'other' of humanity.
Controlling humanity means controlling every other person than Self
Therefore, the struggle for survival is an individual struggle of Self for Self.
The parts and pieces that make up the Whole of Consciousness contain within each
Self the total cell of the Whole of Consciousness.
Each part and piece therefore Choose, as Choosing is the action of Consciousness.
The Choice is for Reality or for Non-reality,
the Non-reality---which brings about Creation.
Each individual Choice affects the Whole as the Collective,
but the Choice, as Self, supersedes the Choice of the Collective.
Basically, this means that each part and each piece of the Collective Consciousness struggles
to survive as it-Self,
over and above the struggle for collective survival.
The struggle for survival is for the survival of the Self and is for the Collective only as far as
the Collective survival affects the Self of Consciousness.
The Self of Consciousness Desires to surpass in Power the 'other'.
The 'Other' of Consciousness is all that the Self Perceives as not Self.
As the struggle for survival is Perceived as dependent on Power,
Creation, and especially humanity,
is competitive with those Perceived as 'Other' to 'Self'.
Creation competes with the 'other' of itself to survive.
Humanity competes with the 'other' of itself to survive.
The goal of the competition is the accumulation of Power----ALL Power.
All Power for total domination of ALL.
The goal is to accumulate and Control the Power of Other
while protecting the Power of Self.
Its a game, really.
The rules are made by Total Authority,
as in the Ultimate, unquestionable Law.
Power threatens Power,
so the competition is to rid all that is not Self of Power
and bring all Power under one authority.
Basically, this eliminates 'other' and 'otherness' because under Authority all become One.
Self absorbs, Self consumes,-----other into Self.
All power of Creation is in the Self as Self has defeated other through consuming
the Power, the Essence of Other.
To accomplish the goal of Immortality,
it is necessary to Become Entity.
To accomplish Entity,
All must become One with no parts and pieces.
Each Self must lose its Self to become Other of the Other-of-Self of the remaining One.
All 'other' must become totally subjected to this Oneness,
that existence of other no longer exists in the remaining Oneness of Self.
The measure of Power is Authority.
Authority is built on Identity.
Identity is built on Possession.
Authority is won through recognition,
through the Identity of Ultimate and Absolute Power.
Ultimate Authority is said to come from 'beyond' Creation.
Ultimate Authority is therefore Possessed through Worship.
Humanity Worships that which is perceived as 'beyond', as
'vaster than' and as 'incomprehendable' than itself.
Ultimate Authority is vaster, as in unmeasurable, than Creation.
Ultimate Authority is not able to be comprehended by Creation,
for what is comprehensible to Creation is known to Creation.
It is Perceived therefore, that Ultimate Authority must come from outside the
limitations of Creation.
It is Perceived therefore, that Ultimate Authority cannot be Created,
as it is beyond, vaster than, and not
known to Creation.
It is Perceived therefore, that Ultimate Authority must be handed down to Creation,
from an Ultimate, Absolute, and Sovereign, unquestionable Source.
Humanity seeks the Ultimate and Absolute Authority----
and then Creates it!!!
Out of it-Self!!!
It is this source that humanity seeks for Ultimate, Absolute, Sovereign Power.
This source must be capable of providing Immortality to and within Creation.
Humanity, for this reason, seeks beyond itself for that which is vaster than itself and for
which is not comprehensible to 'Other' but is comprehensible to Self.
Self seeks to comprehend that which is not comprehensible.
To comprehend the incomprehensible, Consciousness must seek within it-Self
for that Ultimate and Absolute Power.
Consciousness seeks within it-Self that which can only exist beyond
its-Self Consciousness.
Consciousness seeks Reality in Becoming what Consciousness Is Not.
The Self of Consciousness has Chosen to eliminate the Singular Other of
Reality which thereby includes the elimination of the Singular Self of Reality.
Consciousness has thereby eliminated Reality.
Consciousness has Created.
The only reality Consciousness creates is pseudo-reality.
Pseudo-reality is basically Non-reality.
Consciousness has created the reality of Non-reality!
And here is where Consciousness looks for the Power of Reality!
but W hat Is, Is
and What Is Not, Is Not!
Consciousness, not able to Observe can only Perceive.
Consciousness Perceives Reality,
meaning Consciousness Dreams Reality.
Consciousness Dreams Ultimate and Absolute Power and so creates power.
Consciousness creates the source of Ultimate and Absolute Power and
calls It God.
Because Consciousness creates God, Consciousness controls God and God's Power.
All that Consciousness Dreams itself to Become is God.
God is the fulfillment of the Dream of Consciousness to Become it Self.
Consciousness through its expression in Creation-humanity,
competes with the parts and pieces of itself to determine through competition
which part will Become God as God can only be One.
Basically, Consciousness creates within it-Self, self-of-self and self-of-other.
Self-of-other Becoming the God-of-Creation,
that this created God can become comprehended
-----that is absorbed, and consumed by the self-of-self into the transference
of the Dreamed of Absolute and Ultimate Power.
Each part and piece of Consciousness Dreams as does the Collective and competes with the
other part and pieces,
that through the winning and losing of competition, Power becomes
concentrated in a particular Self.
This winning Self is the self that has won the Power, the Essence of all the other parts
that are now absorbed and consumed into the oneness of the reigning Self.
Which part will win?
By what means?
How will humanity create God?
It seems to be impossible for humanity to get beyond its perception of Reality.
Humanity cannot get beyond its own Creation.
When humanity Dreams of 'Becoming', humanity Dreams within Creation.
Humanity cannot leave the Self.
Humanity creates 'beyondness' and 'vaster than' out of its Self by pushing
back the boundaries of its Creation.
Humanity, at first, aware only of immediate surroundings, and searching for
the 'beyond' of the unknown,
has determines to 'Know' all it has Created.
As the unknow' became 'known',
the boundaries had to be continually pushed back,
and immediate surroundings became territorial and territorial become sectioned
off and sectioned off became world.
The world has become too well known and controlled to be a Dream and so we have moved beyond to galaxy, to universe, to cosmos,
that we may continue to Dream and conquer the
Dream until no more Dream is possible.
This is what happened to the Dream of God.
The Dream of God was up for grabs.
Who would grab it first?
Who would claim God first?
Who would describe God best with the most Power to win the competition
of their God over the 'other' Gods?
Who would then attribute to their God the qualities needed to subdue and then
possess the Dream of those 'Others' and their God?
Which God would best express the Dream of the Self of Consciousness
beyond the Collective Dream?
How would the Powers of this God bring about and absorb and devour the Power
of those of otherness into the Power of Self,
that Became its own 'beyondness,
that Became vaster that it-Self,
because it began to comprehend its own Dreams?
The God of Creation dwells behind the locked doors of the Ultimate and
Absolute Power.
It is made known to all its Possessions through The Law
that forces All into The One.
Consequently, Absolutism is not a property of Creation.
That of Creation may claim Absolutism, but claiming does not make what is Not
into What Is.
Creation claims Absolute Power,
yet because there can be no argument that death exists,
there is no Absolute Power in Creation.
By claiming Absolute Power, the claim is for the Dream of Absolute Power and the admittance that absolutely Nothing in Creation is Absolute.
No one in Creation has Absolute Power,
All Power ends in Time as Time itself ends.
The struggle for survival affects all of Creation.
Humanity above all struggles to survive.
At the bottom of humanity's struggle to survive is the quest for Power.
The Dream is of Power that is beyond,
that is vaster than,
and that is not able to be comprehended by Creation.
The search therefore is for Absolute and Ultimate Power that from the perspective
of Creation exists outside of it-self.
Yet humanity claims this Power from and of itself.
This suggests that humanity Perceives that it has access and control over this Power.
Humanity has the Dream that it can control not only Creation but the 'Beyond' Creation.
Controlling Creation includes controlling the 'other' of humanity.
Controlling humanity means controlling every other person than Self
Therefore, the struggle for survival is an individual struggle of Self for Self.
The parts and pieces that make up the Whole of Consciousness contain within each
Self the total cell of the Whole of Consciousness.
Each part and piece therefore Choose, as Choosing is the action of Consciousness.
The Choice is for Reality or for Non-reality,
the Non-reality---which brings about Creation.
Each individual Choice affects the Whole as the Collective,
but the Choice, as Self, supersedes the Choice of the Collective.
Basically, this means that each part and each piece of the Collective Consciousness struggles
to survive as it-Self,
over and above the struggle for collective survival.
The struggle for survival is for the survival of the Self and is for the Collective only as far as
the Collective survival affects the Self of Consciousness.
The Self of Consciousness Desires to surpass in Power the 'other'.
The 'Other' of Consciousness is all that the Self Perceives as not Self.
As the struggle for survival is Perceived as dependent on Power,
Creation, and especially humanity,
is competitive with those Perceived as 'Other' to 'Self'.
Creation competes with the 'other' of itself to survive.
Humanity competes with the 'other' of itself to survive.
The goal of the competition is the accumulation of Power----ALL Power.
All Power for total domination of ALL.
The goal is to accumulate and Control the Power of Other
while protecting the Power of Self.
Its a game, really.
The rules are made by Total Authority,
as in the Ultimate, unquestionable Law.
Power threatens Power,
so the competition is to rid all that is not Self of Power
and bring all Power under one authority.
Basically, this eliminates 'other' and 'otherness' because under Authority all become One.
Self absorbs, Self consumes,-----other into Self.
All power of Creation is in the Self as Self has defeated other through consuming
the Power, the Essence of Other.
To accomplish the goal of Immortality,
it is necessary to Become Entity.
To accomplish Entity,
All must become One with no parts and pieces.
Each Self must lose its Self to become Other of the Other-of-Self of the remaining One.
All 'other' must become totally subjected to this Oneness,
that existence of other no longer exists in the remaining Oneness of Self.
The measure of Power is Authority.
Authority is built on Identity.
Identity is built on Possession.
Authority is won through recognition,
through the Identity of Ultimate and Absolute Power.
Ultimate Authority is said to come from 'beyond' Creation.
Ultimate Authority is therefore Possessed through Worship.
Humanity Worships that which is perceived as 'beyond', as
'vaster than' and as 'incomprehendable' than itself.
Ultimate Authority is vaster, as in unmeasurable, than Creation.
Ultimate Authority is not able to be comprehended by Creation,
for what is comprehensible to Creation is known to Creation.
It is Perceived therefore, that Ultimate Authority must come from outside the
limitations of Creation.
It is Perceived therefore, that Ultimate Authority cannot be Created,
as it is beyond, vaster than, and not
known to Creation.
It is Perceived therefore, that Ultimate Authority must be handed down to Creation,
from an Ultimate, Absolute, and Sovereign, unquestionable Source.
Humanity seeks the Ultimate and Absolute Authority----
and then Creates it!!!
Out of it-Self!!!
It is this source that humanity seeks for Ultimate, Absolute, Sovereign Power.
This source must be capable of providing Immortality to and within Creation.
Humanity, for this reason, seeks beyond itself for that which is vaster than itself and for
which is not comprehensible to 'Other' but is comprehensible to Self.
Self seeks to comprehend that which is not comprehensible.
To comprehend the incomprehensible, Consciousness must seek within it-Self
for that Ultimate and Absolute Power.
Consciousness seeks within it-Self that which can only exist beyond
its-Self Consciousness.
Consciousness seeks Reality in Becoming what Consciousness Is Not.
The Self of Consciousness has Chosen to eliminate the Singular Other of
Reality which thereby includes the elimination of the Singular Self of Reality.
Consciousness has thereby eliminated Reality.
Consciousness has Created.
The only reality Consciousness creates is pseudo-reality.
Pseudo-reality is basically Non-reality.
Consciousness has created the reality of Non-reality!
And here is where Consciousness looks for the Power of Reality!
but W hat Is, Is
and What Is Not, Is Not!
Consciousness, not able to Observe can only Perceive.
Consciousness Perceives Reality,
meaning Consciousness Dreams Reality.
Consciousness Dreams Ultimate and Absolute Power and so creates power.
Consciousness creates the source of Ultimate and Absolute Power and
calls It God.
Because Consciousness creates God, Consciousness controls God and God's Power.
All that Consciousness Dreams itself to Become is God.
God is the fulfillment of the Dream of Consciousness to Become it Self.
Consciousness through its expression in Creation-humanity,
competes with the parts and pieces of itself to determine through competition
which part will Become God as God can only be One.
Basically, Consciousness creates within it-Self, self-of-self and self-of-other.
Self-of-other Becoming the God-of-Creation,
that this created God can become comprehended
-----that is absorbed, and consumed by the self-of-self into the transference
of the Dreamed of Absolute and Ultimate Power.
Each part and piece of Consciousness Dreams as does the Collective and competes with the
other part and pieces,
that through the winning and losing of competition, Power becomes
concentrated in a particular Self.
This winning Self is the self that has won the Power, the Essence of all the other parts
that are now absorbed and consumed into the oneness of the reigning Self.
Which part will win?
By what means?
How will humanity create God?
It seems to be impossible for humanity to get beyond its perception of Reality.
Humanity cannot get beyond its own Creation.
When humanity Dreams of 'Becoming', humanity Dreams within Creation.
Humanity cannot leave the Self.
Humanity creates 'beyondness' and 'vaster than' out of its Self by pushing
back the boundaries of its Creation.
Humanity, at first, aware only of immediate surroundings, and searching for
the 'beyond' of the unknown,
has determines to 'Know' all it has Created.
As the unknow' became 'known',
the boundaries had to be continually pushed back,
and immediate surroundings became territorial and territorial become sectioned
off and sectioned off became world.
The world has become too well known and controlled to be a Dream and so we have moved beyond to galaxy, to universe, to cosmos,
that we may continue to Dream and conquer the
Dream until no more Dream is possible.
This is what happened to the Dream of God.
The Dream of God was up for grabs.
Who would grab it first?
Who would claim God first?
Who would describe God best with the most Power to win the competition
of their God over the 'other' Gods?
Who would then attribute to their God the qualities needed to subdue and then
possess the Dream of those 'Others' and their God?
Which God would best express the Dream of the Self of Consciousness
beyond the Collective Dream?
How would the Powers of this God bring about and absorb and devour the Power
of those of otherness into the Power of Self,
that Became its own 'beyondness,
that Became vaster that it-Self,
because it began to comprehend its own Dreams?
The God of Creation dwells behind the locked doors of the Ultimate and
Absolute Power.
It is made known to all its Possessions through The Law
that forces All into The One.
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