According to the Choice of Consciousness,
Creation is pseudo existence.
Creation is pseudo existence.
As pseudo-existence, the purpose of Creation is to remove Reality
Creation removes Reality by taking its place.
Creation is existence that pseudo exists as a disguise of Reality.
Of course, the disguise is just that, a Disguise that cannot exist in the reality
of its Reality.
Creation imitates Reality.
Creation's goal is to take the place of Reality in Existence.
What determines the goal?
If creation does not really exist,
for what purpose is it called into being, yet not able to exist,
for what does not exist in Reality does not really exist at all.
It would seem, then, that the non-existence of innumerable non existences
could occur.
These non-existences would have to occur through Consciousness
that is not Conscious of Reality,
but is Conscious of its ability to Create,
that is not Conscious of Reality,
but is Conscious of its ability to Create,
and then to dwell within its own created non-reality.
These Created existences must be like wisps of haze and smoke
that come and go about the parameters of Reality,
---merely insignificant blips on the screen of Reality.
that come and go about the parameters of Reality,
---merely insignificant blips on the screen of Reality.
These blips are reminders that Consciousness Chooses its existence and that
through Choice,
Consciousness Is or Consciousness Dreams.
Consciousness Is or Consciousness Dreams.
Dreaming is not Being.
To Dream is to not Be,
but to only exist in the possibility of 'Becoming'.
but to only exist in the possibility of 'Becoming'.
The Dreaming Consciousness is made up of parts and pieces of itself.
These parts and pieces are unable 'to Be' and can only Dream 'of Becoming'.
The only Dream possible for the Consciousness made up of Parts and pieces of
itself is to be One.
To Become that One, that Entity, which it is Not
To Become that One, that Entity, which it is Not
Yet its Choice was to Create out of itself that which makes up Reality.
As Reality is the duality of Self and Other,
Self and Other exist because Reality Is
and Reality exists because Self 'IS' and Other 'IS'.
Self and Other in Reality ARE Self and Other and do not 'Become'.
In Reality Self Is Self because Other Is Other
and Other Is Other because Self is Self.
In Reality, Self is totally Self in its Self-ness
and Other is totally Other in its Otherness.
Self and Other exist in Singularity.
Self and Other are Self and Other as Observed, Witnessed, and Validated,
----Self by Other as Self
and Other by Self as Other.
Self in Entity of Self.
Other in Entity of Other.
Creation, as Dream of Consciousness, exists entirely within the Self of Consciousness.
Other has been obliterated and so Self of Self has not been Observed as Self,
nor Witnessed as Self,
and certainly never has been Validated as Self to Self.
Consequently, Self of Self does not know Self into the Existence of Reality.
Consciousness Dreams the Dream and then enters the Dream,
nor Witnessed as Self,
and certainly never has been Validated as Self to Self.
Consequently, Self of Self does not know Self into the Existence of Reality.
Consciousness Dreams the Dream and then enters the Dream,
seeking its fulfillment.
Of course, the only fulfillment of Dreaming is the Reality that cannot
penetrate an existence that does not exist.
Searching for fulfillment of a Dream creates another Dream, that creates another Dream,
that creates another Dream, on and on.
that creates another Dream, on and on.
All seeking fulfillment by a Reality that does not exist in the Created pseudo-reality
of Dreaming.
This Perceived existence has no Observation of Itself as Self,
no Witness of Self as Self,
and certainly Self is not Validated as Self and so breaks itself into parts and
pieces of itself seeking frantically to be Observed, Witnessed, and
brought into Validation as Itself in its Self-ness.
In Creation, in the humanity of creation, the Dream is seldom as Dreamed,
but is behind layers and levels,
is behind cycles and generations
that make up who those in Creation that have Chosen to Dream.
is behind cycles and generations
that make up who those in Creation that have Chosen to Dream.
In Creation, Nothing is as it appears.
History has been laid out on heaps and piles of reasons and motives for those happenings
and those 'becomings' that make no sense at all.
The human mind has been shaped by the facades and fronts that humanity hides behind.
If, some how, all the debris could be shoveled aside, even for a moment in Time,
what would be apparent?
What would be the underlying reason, the underlying purpose of such deceit?
How could the depth of lies and deceit have become so dominant and all-prevailing
as to have covered over humanity's ability to Know itself
through Observation and not through Perception?
through Observation and not through Perception?
Of course, the Consciousness of humanity has chosen to exist within itself.
Certainly this choice has changed the way the way the Self of humanity sees itself.
This is the Choice that changed the ability to Observe into the determination to Perceive
for the Reality would destroy the Dream
This is the Choice that changed the ability to Observe into the determination to Perceive
for the Reality would destroy the Dream
In fact, humanity Perceives its existence.
Humanity is living in its Dream.
But the Dream cannot conquer the Fear of what it has Created,
for it has Created its own Death through its denial and obliteration of the
Singular Other of Reality.
Humanity is living in its Dream.
But the Dream cannot conquer the Fear of what it has Created,
for it has Created its own Death through its denial and obliteration of the
Singular Other of Reality.
This humanity, the Self of Consciousness has Created its own pseudo-reality,
and has no idea of Other and Otherness.
and has no idea of Other and Otherness.
This created humanity has no concept of Self as Self has never been Observed as Self,
much less Witnessed as Self with no Validation if itself of what Self Is.
Humanity is locked up in itself as Self and so turns on itself
and sees itself as a Dream,
sees itself as a fake,
and at the fundamental, knows it-Self as un-Real.
This is the existence the Consciousness of Humanity has Created for itself to exist in.
So then, what can humanity trust as trust-able
and what is trust-able if there is no Reality?
What is that basic, underlying purpose?
What underlies all the competitiveness and struggles of who we are?
There is the very basic struggle for survival in a created Place that only knows its death.
All struggle with this Mortality
All struggle with Fear because of the Mortality that most of the Consciouness of humanity
has Chosen.
Remember, that Consciousness Chooses.
Consciousness Choosing means Consciousness is of the Dichotomy of Existence.
Because Consciousness Chooses,
Consciousness proves the Dichotomy of E xistence.
Consciousness can Choose the 'Either' or the 'Or'.
Because Consciousness Chooses,
Consciousness proves the Dichotomy of E xistence.
Consciousness can Choose the 'Either' or the 'Or'.
Consciousness therefore does not exist as Entity,
therefore Consciousness Consciousness cannot claim Immortality,
Unless-------------------Consciousness so Chooses!
The Existence of Consciousness as the Entity of Immortality is in the
Singularity of Self and the Singularity of Other in Reality.
To deny either or both is to deny Reality.
To deny either or both is to deny Reality.
The Consciousness of the Humanity of Creation frantically searches for what it has
What it has eliminated is the Singular Otherness of the Other in Reality,
thereby, eliminating from Self its Self-ness.
Self divides Self, desparate for Other to call it into Being
for Self cannot claim Immortality if it cannot claim Being.
So the Self of the humanity of Creation Dreams itself many faces.
It creates many doors and many galaxies to hide behind trying not to be found out
for what it truly is.
for what it truly is.
Humanity seeks to Validate itself through further creation that disguises its true
motives and graspings at means of survival.
Each part and each piece becomes classified and identified in the struggle.
Humanity is Divided according to ability to access and protect Power
because Power is transferable.
Power seeks Power.
Each part and each piece of the Consciousness of the Self of Creation seeks Power
to survive.
Consciousness can not get away from the dichotomy of what it is and so divides
itself into a semblance of self-of-self and other-of-other.
All for the sake of Power.
Self looks to self-of-self to combine the Power of similar or related parts and pieces to present a stronger and larger Power in the Game of Competition.
Self-of-Self looks to protect its Power while seeking to access Power from
the other sources of Power.
This game constantly shifts Self-of-Self and Other-of-Self back and forth,
as the Game of protection of Self and accessing of Other seeks its own personal advantages.
Self-of-Self looks to protect its Power while seeking to access Power from
the other sources of Power.
This game constantly shifts Self-of-Self and Other-of-Self back and forth,
as the Game of protection of Self and accessing of Other seeks its own personal advantages.
Self looks to 'other-of-self' from where to access Power.
However, this 'other-than-self' began as Self-of-Self.
Through the Game of Competition, 'Self-of-self' easily becomes 'Other' when the
Desire for Power shifts from Protecting or Saving to Accesing.
However, this 'other-than-self' began as Self-of-Self.
Through the Game of Competition, 'Self-of-self' easily becomes 'Other' when the
Desire for Power shifts from Protecting or Saving to Accesing.
This is the inbred tendency for Humanity to be uncomfortable with and to reject
all that is not of Self but is Self that is Perceived as 'other-that-Self'.
The best human Game to protect and access Power is to form relationships.
These relationships are based on similarities of Identity and Possession.
The purpose is to join forces to present to the enemy a formidable presence as the Game
is all about competition.
But each participant strives to prove its value above the value of the
other parts and pieces.
The combined force is to protect one's Power, one's Essence and is to access
and siphon off the power, to siphon off the Essence of the other-than-Self.
This power or Essence of 'otherness' then absorbs into the Self and becomes Power
to Self.
These relationships are based on similarities of Identity and Possession.
The purpose is to join forces to present to the enemy a formidable presence as the Game
is all about competition.
But each participant strives to prove its value above the value of the
other parts and pieces.
The combined force is to protect one's Power, one's Essence and is to access
and siphon off the power, to siphon off the Essence of the other-than-Self.
This power or Essence of 'otherness' then absorbs into the Self and becomes Power
to Self.
To win the competition, an enemy must be created from the parts and pieces of
the Collective Consciousness.
The 'other' part of Self is sacrificed into becoming enemy to Self.
As enemy, Self now becomes Predator, determined to destroy that which is
Perceived as threatening.
the Collective Consciousness.
The 'other' part of Self is sacrificed into becoming enemy to Self.
As enemy, Self now becomes Predator, determined to destroy that which is
Perceived as threatening.
'Other', as enemy becomes the hated part of the Self.
We hate 'other' because we are dependant on 'other' to be enemy to be used for our nourishment,
As enemy, other-than-Self is used as an access to further Power for the Self.
We hate 'other' because 'other' has Power and that power is a threat to the Power of Self
As enemy, other-than-Self is used as an access to further Power for the Self.
We hate 'other' because 'other' has Power and that power is a threat to the Power of Self
We Desire to Possess the power and Essence of Other that we may survive.
Here is the root of Civilization.
Humanity groups to protect Power/Essence.
Humanity creates enemy.
Humanity creates enemy that enemy may be overcome as Victim
and 'Possessed' into nourishment for Self.
Possession becomes major identity for Power.
Power in Creation is determined by Possession.
Self Victimizes Other-than-self through Possession of Other and other's Possessions,
thereby taking over the power, the Essence of Other through its other-ness.
Self thereby becomes more of Self,
while Other as enemy ceases to exist.
The engorged Self demands more nourishment and more enemy must be created
from the 'other-than-self'------more and more 'other' becoming Self,
more and more 'other-than-Self' becoming Enemy..
Humanity proves itself Mortal in its search for Power.
The tool humanity uses is Competition.
Competition is Deadly.
Each part and piece of the Collective Consciousness Fears Mortality.
Creation, especially humanity, seeks Power to Survive.
Power becomes threatening to survival and Power is essential to survival
The Dream is the accumulation of Ultimate and Absolute Power to conquer all
threats to survival and to insure Immortality.
Because Creation is based on beginning and ending,
Ultimate Power is Perceived as having to be Beyond and Vaster than Creation.
There must be Power beyond and Vaster than the Power of Creation
Creation admits its Mortality by Dreaming of a 'Beyondness' to Creation.
Humanity Creates out of its Dream of Entity and Immortality,
an existence more Powerful than Creation.
The Dream includes the Ultimate Power that exists in the One-ness that Controls that
Ultimate and Absolute Power.
Humanity Dreams and Competes for the position of becoming The One-ness that Controls Ultimate and Absolute Power,
for the Perception is that that One-ness will be Beyond and Vaster than Death and Mortality.
So this Dream becomes the Story of who we Perceive our-Self to Become.
This game assigns roles to the parts and pieces of Consciousness.
As the story is the story of Competitive power the roles are;
Who will be Predator?
Who will be the rescuer or Savior?
Who will be the Victim?
How will the roles play out?
As each role will be the Perception of the parts of the Collective Consciousness
to Self-of-Self and to Other-of Self and to the degrees of Power perceived
in each--------where did the story begin?
Where is the story now?
and Where will the story end?
The story must begin in the Perception of Power and how to access it.
The access of Power begins with Fear.
Power is born in Fear.
A Dream of power ignites in the Collective Consciousness that divides
Self from Other.
Self Divides into parts and pieces of It-Self.
Self is made up of Predator, Savior, and Victim.
Each part is dependant on the other parts to be it-Self
as a predator needs a Victim to be a predator and a Savior is needed to
survive the chaos.
It is perceived that when all roles come together that Entity will be
won and Immortality will follow
But the catch is that the Perception of Consciousness is that Entity is One
and Immortality can only exist for Self.
This means 'Other' must be annihilated.
This is the annihilation of the 'other-of'Self
and its accompaning 'otherness'.
Consciousness exists as Predator, Victim, and Savior,
when it removes the Singularity of Self and the Singularity of Other.
Only in Choosing Reality can one Observe that which is Reality,
instead of Perceiving that which can only exist as Dream.
Power is in the Perception of Self and Other in Creation.
Power does not exist in Reality.
Reality Observes Self as Singularity and Other as Singularity,
each in Entity and Infiniteness
The search for Power cannot be limited by the restrictions of Creation.
The Dream pushes the borders of Creation out into the 'Beyond', into
a Vastness that is considered incomprehensible.
The imagination of Consciousness Dreams a pseudo-reality of images that
reflect the Dreams of humanity for it-self.
In this Dream, each part and piece of the Collective Consciousness raises itself
up to The One position at the 'Top'.
The Winner who has defeated All others.
The tool humanity uses is Competition.
Competition is Deadly.
Each part and piece of the Collective Consciousness Fears Mortality.
Creation, especially humanity, seeks Power to Survive.
Power becomes threatening to survival and Power is essential to survival
The Dream is the accumulation of Ultimate and Absolute Power to conquer all
threats to survival and to insure Immortality.
Because Creation is based on beginning and ending,
Ultimate Power is Perceived as having to be Beyond and Vaster than Creation.
There must be Power beyond and Vaster than the Power of Creation
Creation admits its Mortality by Dreaming of a 'Beyondness' to Creation.
Humanity Creates out of its Dream of Entity and Immortality,
an existence more Powerful than Creation.
The Dream includes the Ultimate Power that exists in the One-ness that Controls that
Ultimate and Absolute Power.
Humanity Dreams and Competes for the position of becoming The One-ness that Controls Ultimate and Absolute Power,
for the Perception is that that One-ness will be Beyond and Vaster than Death and Mortality.
So this Dream becomes the Story of who we Perceive our-Self to Become.
This game assigns roles to the parts and pieces of Consciousness.
As the story is the story of Competitive power the roles are;
Who will be Predator?
Who will be the rescuer or Savior?
Who will be the Victim?
How will the roles play out?
As each role will be the Perception of the parts of the Collective Consciousness
to Self-of-Self and to Other-of Self and to the degrees of Power perceived
in each--------where did the story begin?
Where is the story now?
and Where will the story end?
The story must begin in the Perception of Power and how to access it.
The access of Power begins with Fear.
Power is born in Fear.
A Dream of power ignites in the Collective Consciousness that divides
Self from Other.
Self Divides into parts and pieces of It-Self.
Self is made up of Predator, Savior, and Victim.
Each part is dependant on the other parts to be it-Self
as a predator needs a Victim to be a predator and a Savior is needed to
survive the chaos.
It is perceived that when all roles come together that Entity will be
won and Immortality will follow
But the catch is that the Perception of Consciousness is that Entity is One
and Immortality can only exist for Self.
This means 'Other' must be annihilated.
This is the annihilation of the 'other-of'Self
and its accompaning 'otherness'.
Consciousness exists as Predator, Victim, and Savior,
when it removes the Singularity of Self and the Singularity of Other.
Only in Choosing Reality can one Observe that which is Reality,
instead of Perceiving that which can only exist as Dream.
Power is in the Perception of Self and Other in Creation.
Power does not exist in Reality.
Reality Observes Self as Singularity and Other as Singularity,
each in Entity and Infiniteness
The search for Power cannot be limited by the restrictions of Creation.
The Dream pushes the borders of Creation out into the 'Beyond', into
a Vastness that is considered incomprehensible.
The imagination of Consciousness Dreams a pseudo-reality of images that
reflect the Dreams of humanity for it-self.
In this Dream, each part and piece of the Collective Consciousness raises itself
up to The One position at the 'Top'.
The Winner who has defeated All others.
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