Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Post #325 "World Domination"

The Duality of Existence gives Consciousness Choice.
There is the Consciousness of Reality.
There is the Consciousness of Non-reality.
Consciousness of Reality is Consciousness of Self and Other in Singularity.
Consciousness of Non-reality is Self of Division.
However, Consciousness of Self in Non-reality does not cancel out Other in Reality.
No matter what the Choice, Reality and Other Exists.
Consciousness of Non-reality, Creates its own Existence.
This Existence is Created by the Self of Consciousness within it-Self.
As the Self of Division Exists in the Duality of Existence in Non-existence,
it Exists as a Duality within itself.
This Duality is best expressed as Self-of-Self and Other-of-Self within the 
Creating and Created Self.
This means that this Existence in Non-reality will fade into Non-existence.
Hence the Reason for Creation.
Creation is the Dream of Existence, the Dream of Reality, within the non-reality
of Non-existence.
It is the Dream that sustains the pseudo-reality of Becoming what it Chose not
 To Be.
It comes down to the Singularity of Other.
The Existence of the Singularity of Other brings the Self into the Singularity
of Entity,
the Entity of Immortality.

It is the acceptance that there is something that Exists along with but 
separate from Self.
This is basically the Choice.
The Choice for Existence with nothing besides the Self results in Creation,
in the Self removing all that is Other leaving only it-Self in which to Exist.
 ---in Creation, that which is made up of Created Time,
in a Created Place,
out of Created Substance.
However, Existence is Duality.
Duality, if denied, will recreate itself at the expense of the excluding Chooser---Consciousness.
The Consciousness of Exclusion, in an existing but denied Duality, cannot sustain itself.
This Self of Exclusion will destroy itself.
In its pseudo-reality of Creation, it Creates its own Death.

Consciousness Becomes Aware of its Created Existence and experiences the prime 
The prime emotion on which all other emotions are based is Fear.
Fear is the reaction of Consciousness to its Choice of Non-reality.
The Consciousness of the Self of Exclusion Fears its own Created Mortality.
Consequently, the Dream of Consciousness is 'To Become'.
In a sense, 'To Become' is to transfer the Essence of Other onto Self that Self
'Becomes' the Other plus Self, therefore containing within Self the totality of
As Creation is The Process of Division,
its Dream is a Dream of Becoming.
Becoming is Process.
The Self of Creation, the Self of Division, Dreams of Becoming Reality,
thereby conquering and defeating Immortality.
But the hitch is, that 'The Becoming' excludes Other and Otherness,
as in the Singular Other of Reality.
Only Self can 'Become'.

The Excluding, Creating Self of Consciousness, the Self of Creation,
exists in a Created pseudo-reality of Fear.
This Excluding Self, Fears its Creation that somehow
 cannot sustain itself within its Self-of-Self.
Reacting to its Fear, this Self of Creation, this Humanity, this person,
struggles to sustain itself against Dividing down through Creation's Process of Division.
This process of Division that will not stop Dividing itself into a Collective Whole
made up of parts and pieces of itself.
 ---The Divided Self that Dreams of Becoming Entity,
---that Dreams of having no parts and no pieces,
---no Division,
and no Mortality.

Both the desire for the annihilation of the Other of Singularity that threatens Selfness
and the Dream of Becoming that Other that saves Self from Self,
exist in Dichotomy in the Divided Self of Consciousness that brought about a Creation of
the Process of the Divisiveness of Non-existence.
In a sense, the difference between the Existence of Existence and the Existence of
Non-existence is Division.
It is Division that Divides down to Nothingness.
In Existence of Self and Other,
the removal of Other
brings the Existence of the Self into Non-existence,
into Non-reality.

How does this play out in our 21st century world?
How does this Self of Consciousness function in this Creation, in this world
it has Created?
Accepting that Fear is the basis of all Human emotion, is it  possible to Observe Fear in action?
Those persons who have Chosen Observation of Reality can Observe Fear in action,
however most of Humanity Exists in the Nothingness of Oblivion.
Awareness of 'Nothingness' is Perception.
The World does not Observe.
The World can only Perceive through its Selfness
Humanity, in general, cannot Observe and is Aware only of what it desires to Perceive within
the confines of the Divided Self of Creation.
These Fear the Observation of those that are able, through their Choice, to Observe.
What is feared is that their Fear may be Observed.
Humanity employs many, many cover-ups to the Observation of its Fear.

The Collective Consciousness is the Collection of the parts and pieces of Consciousness that
have broken apart in the struggle to obliterate Other and Otherness.
Yet these parts and pieces struggle against the loneliness of Self to seek some semblance
of Self in the brokenness of the parts and pieces.
In Creation the loss of Other is sought in the Self through the Creation of Power.
Power in Creation is the Energizing of Fear.

The Emotion of Fear converts into an Energy that is capable of Generating what Creation
knows as Power.
As Fear is the direct result of the annihilation of Singular Other and Otherness,
the annihilation of Reality,
Power, is sought in Creation as the antidote of Fear.
The experience of Fear propels Humanity into the frantic generation of an antidote
for the Fear of Mortality.
Power is Perceived as Survival in Creation,
and there are no 'holds barred' in its pursuit.
Power seeking becomes a game that pits Self against Self in the womb of Selfness.
Self-of-Self seeks out Self-of-Self to accumulate Power to challenge Other-of-Self,
making Self-of-Self  twice as large and twice as powerful.
This enlarged and stronger Self takes on Other-of-Self
for its Energy of Self
 that emerges as Self-of-Other is broken
down into Self-of-Self and Other-Self
of the broken-down Self-of-Other.
This does seem confusing but Division works through constantly recreating itself
to break itself down.
Such is the action of the Process of Division.
Creation recreates, Creation rebirths itself,
that it can continue the Process of Division.
Birth to Death, over and over again,
each time Self recreates Other within itself out of itself,
that its can energize itself through
the destruction of Other and Otherness.

Here's a break-down of Consciousness in primal Awareness of Reality/Non-reality:
Self Divides from Reality, from Other,
---because Self in Perception cannot define Other,
---because Self cannot control Other,
---and because Self cannot comprehend Other.
The definition of Other is that Other is not Self.
If Self attempts to define, to control, or to comprehend Other,
Self no longer Observes Other
 but Perceives Other through it-Self.
Basically, Other is no longer Other.
Other is Obliterated.within the Self-of-Self.
Self devours Other or
Self vomits Other from itself.
Either way,
Other is Obliterated.

The Collective Consciousness is a collection of the parts and pieces of the Self.
The Process of Division is a Process also of Addition.
This means that Other is Divided from Self and Added to Self.
The Division or Addition of Other-of-Self is Determined by the demands of the
Fear of Mortality.
The opposite of Division is Addition.
The opposite of Mortality is Survival.
All mixed up in the freneticism of the Non-reality of Creation, of Humanity.

Translated into today's world,
how does Self Perceive Other and Otherness?
Can Self build itself up by adding more Self,
by accumulating parts and pieces of Perceived Self
until many Selfs (selves) form a Collective of Power?
---by this Power that would be accumulated by the Energy of the destruction of many 'Others'?
---by the Energy, that could only be accumulated through accessing the Power,
through accessing the Essence, of what is perceived as Other, as Otherness?
Could accumulated Energy, accumulated Power,
be grown in size and magnitude to Selfs (selves) of such Power,
as to threaten the Existence, in Creation, of all the Other-of-Self
parts and pieces of the Collective Consciousness?
Basically, if all the parts and pieces of the Collective Consciousness become Collectively
Other to a dominant Self,
the Collective Consciousness would become Other.
This would be World Domination,
World now as Other,
being subjected to a controlling,
and Ruling Self,
 that has drained all Power from the subjected and powerless masses.

Could so many Selfs (selves) be amassed as to form One great Self,
One Self made up of the Power of eliminated Otherness that Becomes One,
through accumulation and that then continues eliminating Otherness as Self breaks down,
until One stark, total Alone-ness remains?
Would not this great total Alone-ness not be the Created God that begins and ends Creation?
And would this great Alone-ness be the Self or the Other of Existence?
Could Other amass Power that Other would Become the Self of One great Otherness?

The Singular Other of Reality would not Create.
Reality would not Create Non-reality.
Singular Other could not Create Singular Self, as
Singular Self Exists.
Singular Self and Singular Other are Entity,
Singular Self in Selfness
and Singular Other in Otherness.

 Division to Fear to Power

How Humanity Divides Creation, Divides itself in The Struggle for the Power of Survival
is the Story of Creation.
Self, caught up in the Process of Division, Divides it-Self into Self and Other.
Self gives birth to Self and Self destroys Self.
This is so for Creation..
This is so for Humanity.
This is so for the Self of every person within them-Self
This is so for the Self as it gives birth to Self that it can Obliterate its Other Self.
For the Self is also Duality,
-----Duality of its Self and its Other Self.

Self struggles to survive Mortality through power of Survival,
yet Power of Survival is the Energy of the destruction of Other.
Self Creates Other out of itself that Self will survive by destroying Other.
The Self of Humanity seeks to access Selfness to destroy Otherness.
Self selects and accesses parts and pieces of itself from within the Collective Consciousness
that most resemble itself,
 to transfer into a larger, more powerful Self.
This larger Self competes with 'Other parts and pieces of itself to defeat Other
and access the additional power to itself,
thereby growing even more powerful.
The process of Division contains within itself its mirror-image,
that which is Perceived as addition is actually Division.
As in birth supplying the Essence of Death.
As there could not be Death without Birth

How does Humanity Perceive its Selfness of Self and its Otherness of Self?
Can Humanity be Aware of the Process of Division that is represented by Mortality?
What happens when the Self struggles to Survive?
When Self struggles to survive by amassing the Power of the Collective Consciousness,
would this not be seen as building Power structures,
that are built on a Self-of-Self, that becomes disposable
when power is drained
 and is then demoted to Other---to be disposed of?
Do we all not fit into Self and Other?
Self when in control
and Other when being used for our Power, for our Essence?
Total control by total Power-------does this not seem like a Dream of
Ultimate Power?
of World Domination?
of the Essence of all,
of the domination and subjection of the Collective Consciousness,
drained, unnamed, and possessed, by a Ruling Oneness? 

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