The Essence of Self is Self.
The Essence of Other is Other.
Self of Reality is Entity.
Other of Reality is Entity.
Self of Reality is Entity means that Self is Self and is not Other.
There is no Other in Self.
Other of Reality is Entity means that Other is Other and is not Self.
There is no Self in Other.
In Creation, Self Desires Other to complete it-Self, as Self is not Entity.
Self seeks Entity through Other.
Self seeks Entity as the means to Infiniteness,
for what is Entity has no beginning and therefore, no ending.
Entity is of Reality, meaning Entity IS.
Entity Is and will not 'Become' what it 'Is Not'.
Consciousness of Self, is Self Aware of Self.
Self recognizes its Selfness through the Observation of Other.
The Other of Reality Observes Self as Self through Otherness.
Other, by being Other, Witnesses Self's Selfness.
As Self accepts the Observation of Other to its Selfness, Self accepts it Entity
and Infiniteness.
Self Is Self through the Observation, Witness, and Validation of Other,
therefore Other Identifies Self as Self, that Self can Be Aware of it-Self
as Self, in Reality.
This Self of Reality IS what it IS because it has accepted the Observation, Witness, and
Validation of its Selfness by Other.
Self accepts its Selfness through the Validation of Selfness by Other.
Self accepts its Selfness through the Validation of Selfness by Other.
In Reality there is only Self and Other, consequently, there is no other Other to accept
Self as Self.
It is only as Self is Aware of Self, that Self can Be Aware of Other.
As Self is Aware of Self, Self Observes Other as Other and in Observing, Witnesses
its Self as Self and Other as Other.
Through Validation of Self as Self by Other, Self accesses its Essence, that is,
Self's Identity.
Self knows it-Self as Self.
Because of Other, Self can know it-Self, through it-Self, by it-Self, and in it-Self.
Self Is Self and Other Is Other because the Essence of Self Is Self
and the Essence of Other Is Other.
Essence is in no way interchangeable in Reality.
In all ways, Self Is Self.
Because Self Is, Self remains.
There is no Past or Future in Reality as Time does not exist in Reality.
In its Essence, Self is totally Self, complete in its Self, in no way Desiring Essence from Other.
Self and Other Existing in Reality, each as Infinite Entity.
However, there is Choice.
Consciousness Chooses To Be or To Become.
Creation is the effect of the Choice to Become.
'Becoming' moves outside of the Reality of 'Being'.
'Becoming' is process.
'Becoming' is the process of beginning to ending,
of birth to death.
As Consciousness Chooses 'Being' or Becoming, Consciousness Divides.
Consciousness Divides into parts and pieces because of Choice.
Consciousness Chooses Reality or Begins to remove Reality.
Consciousness Chooses out of Awareness of Self to Self and Self to Other.
Self is Aware of Self.
Does Self accept Self's Essence of Self?
Does Self accept Self as Self Is?
What happens to Self when Self is Aware of Other?
Can Self Observe Self as Self Is,
or does Self begin to Dream of it-Self accessing the Essence of Other?
Does Self Dream of somehow 'Becoming' Other through accessing or absorbing Other's
Does Self somehow Desire the Essence of Other to exist as one,
not as Other,
but as Self containing both the Essence of it-Self and of Other?
Does Self Desire the Essence of Other?
In history,
Does Self desire the possessions of Other?
In history,
Does Self Desire the Identity of Other?
In history,
Does Self Desire to take Authority over Other,
to make Laws, rules, and Commandments to absorb and take over the Essence
of Other?
To bring the Essence of Other into it-Self as food to nourish and sustain that which brought
about Creation, established Time, Place, and Matter, to fulfill its Dream of Becoming?
Where is Reality?
It remains in Self, in the Essence of Self,
and in Other, in the Essence of Other.
Only in the Entity of Self, in total possession of Selfness and
only in the Entity of Other, in total possession of Otherness
is there Infinity.
and the Essence of Other Is Other.
Essence is in no way interchangeable in Reality.
In all ways, Self Is Self.
Because Self Is, Self remains.
There is no Past or Future in Reality as Time does not exist in Reality.
In its Essence, Self is totally Self, complete in its Self, in no way Desiring Essence from Other.
Self and Other Existing in Reality, each as Infinite Entity.
However, there is Choice.
Consciousness Chooses To Be or To Become.
Creation is the effect of the Choice to Become.
'Becoming' moves outside of the Reality of 'Being'.
'Becoming' is process.
'Becoming' is the process of beginning to ending,
of birth to death.
As Consciousness Chooses 'Being' or Becoming, Consciousness Divides.
Consciousness Divides into parts and pieces because of Choice.
Consciousness Chooses Reality or Begins to remove Reality.
Consciousness Chooses out of Awareness of Self to Self and Self to Other.
Self is Aware of Self.
Does Self accept Self's Essence of Self?
Does Self accept Self as Self Is?
What happens to Self when Self is Aware of Other?
Can Self Observe Self as Self Is,
or does Self begin to Dream of it-Self accessing the Essence of Other?
Does Self Dream of somehow 'Becoming' Other through accessing or absorbing Other's
Does Self somehow Desire the Essence of Other to exist as one,
not as Other,
but as Self containing both the Essence of it-Self and of Other?
Does Self Desire the Essence of Other?
In history,
Does Self desire the possessions of Other?
In history,
Does Self Desire the Identity of Other?
In history,
Does Self Desire to take Authority over Other,
to make Laws, rules, and Commandments to absorb and take over the Essence
of Other?
To bring the Essence of Other into it-Self as food to nourish and sustain that which brought
about Creation, established Time, Place, and Matter, to fulfill its Dream of Becoming?
Where is Reality?
It remains in Self, in the Essence of Self,
and in Other, in the Essence of Other.
Only in the Entity of Self, in total possession of Selfness and
only in the Entity of Other, in total possession of Otherness
is there Infinity.
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