The Self of Consciousness is Aware of Self.
The Self of Consciousness is Aware of Other.
In Reality, there is Self and Other.
Self and Other Exist in Reality.
Consciousness Chooses,
for Choosing is what Consciousness does.
The Self of Consciousness Chooses the existence of Other,
for it-Self but not for Reality.
This Choice only affects Other for Self,
as Other exists in Reality
Will Other exist as Other for Self?
This is the Choice.
The 'Other' of Reality is in total Essence of its 'Otherness'.
Meaning that in Reality, Other is Infinite Entity.
This is the Other that Observes, Witnesses, and Validates the Selfness of Self,
which is the Essence of Self as Self, in its own Entity and Infiniteness.
Other Exists!
In Reality, Other exists.
If the Self of Consciousness Chooses to annihilate Other,
Self also annihilates Reality.
When the Self annihilates Reality, the Self creates another existence.
In this created existence there is only Self.
Self Creates!
Self Dreams
and out of its Dreams, Self Desires.
Self Desires To Become Other than it is
In Self's Choice to annihilate Other,
Self Becomes Other.
So that within Self, there is Self of it-Self and Other of it-Self.
Self Divides it-Self into parts and pieces of it-Self that it may survive.
Very basically----Self cannot survive without Other.
Self cannot be Self is there is no Other.
Self cannot define it-Self if there is no Other by which to define it.
Without Other, Self cannot identify Self and claim its Essence as Self.
To be Self, there must be the Essence of Self that Identifies Self.
In Reality, Self is Self because it fully contains the Essence of Selfness,
as Other is fully Other because Other is the Essence of Otherness.
In creating, Consciousness Divides it-Self into parts and pieces of it-Self
for it-Self to exist, Consciousness needs the Essence of Self and the Awareness of the
Essence of Otherness.
In Dividing, Self no longer is or resembles the Self of Reality,
because the Self of Reality is Entity.
The Self of Reality is Infinite.
The divided Self of Conscioiusness is the Self of Creation.
The divided Self is in many, many parts and pieces of it-Self.
This Self continues to divide as Time moves on through history.
As this divided Self continues dividing,
the Essence of Selfness also divides
and the struggle for survival intensifies
to the frantic and desperate pulse of today's world.
In Creation, then, Self drains Self as Self divides and struggles against it-Self,
for Other is not the Other of Reality but is the Other of its-Self.
Self creates Other out of its-Self for survival.
Self creates Other-of-Self to provide Essence to be it-Self.
Essence is transferable.
Essence can be lost,
and Essence can be amassed, it can be stockpiled.
It has been and is hoarded, traded and stolen.
We all know how the loss of Essence feels.
We experience it daily.
We feel drained------what are we drained of ?
We are drained of the Essence of Selfness
and we look to Other to restore our-Self.
We do not exist independently.
We are, through Choice, a part or a piece of the Collective Consciousness.
We have Chosen to be here with all the parts and pieces of many Selves,
all striving for survival in a comparing and competing existence,
all searching for, grabbing for, conniving for, hating and killing, for the Essence
of life, the Essence of Selfness.
We create Other out of our-Self that we may devour the Essence of Self that we
conveniently create out of the Other of Self for existence.
We are what we create our-Self to Become.
We create Other out of our-Self that its Essence may be devoured as food,
as Essence is transferable.
We live in a creation that says, "I want my own Essence plus your Essence.
I want All Essence, for Essence is what it is all about.
Its all about what I possess,
who I am,
and how much of you I control".
Its all about Essence.
Its all about how much of my-Self I can create into Other until I am exhausted
and totally out of Essence and there is no more Other to where I can go.
So we have Choice.
We may say it begins with Consciousness as we are a part of Consciousness.
The Choice is that some, probably just a few, will opt out of the Collective
These Selves will Choose to Observe rather that to Perceive what is Reality from what
is creation----the Image.
As Consciousness, we all are caught up in the Collective
but through Choice can emerge.
These not only can emerge from the Collective,
but Must emerge.
For those Choosing to Emerge, there is no plan,
no blueprint, nothing to sign up for, no purchase price,
and nothing to join.
Its just the Choice.
If the Choice to remain in Reality is made, there is nothing more to do
for your Gods will come down,
for all that was Worshipped will be Observed as it is
and not as Perceived to Become.
When Worship of Becoming is removed there is no longer a need to create
Other out of Self as the Other of Reality will exist with the Self of Reality.
Its lonely--- emerging from the Collective.
and the Collective is not welcoming,
as those who Perceive are not comfortable with
those who Observe,
for those who Observe, Observe What Is and do not Perceive What Will Become.
The destruction of the Other of Reality results in the destruction of Self.
Self cannot annihilate, remove, ignore, banish, abuse, kill, or destroy Other
without destroying Self.
Without Reality, Self creates Other out of it-Self.
Other Becomes the sacrificed Self that provides the food,
the Essence for Self to survive.
Humanity divides it-Self into Self and Other:
into Male and Female
into Native and Stranger
into Rich and Poor
into Ruler over the Masses
All caught up in the Process of Division that is the action of that which is created
and does not exist in Reality
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