Thursday, May 4, 2017

Post #314 "God, Self, and Other"

Existence can only be Self and Other.
Yet Self has a problem with Other.
Self cannot let Other be Other,
Self either seeks to eliminate Other
or seeks to change Other into Self through amalgamation.
Its like Other had better be Self or not Exist!
Now really!!
Could this be the whole system and purpose of Non-reality?
It does kind of explain history.
It does put a slant on the world we live in today.
It certainly explains Mortality

If we can assume Self and Other,
where do we put God?
Obviously we would have to put God in either Self or in Other.
Is God Self or
is God Other?
Is this conundrum, a Choice of Consciousness?
Have we, has Humanity, deified Self?
or have we, has Humanity deified Other?
Does God not have to be Worshiped to be God?
We Worship many things and many people,
does this make these things and these people, God?
Then----does God Exist for some and not for others?

Does God Exist in Reality or in Non-reality?
It seems that when people look to Ultimate and Absolute Power, people 
look to God,
yet people seem to claim this or Dream this for themselves.
Now this really confuses the question of God.
It all seems to come down to Power,
Absolute and Ultimate Power.

Does Absolute and Ultimate Power mean
Absolute and Ultimate Possession?
Does Ultimate and Absolute Possession indicate the presence of God?
Or does God include Absolute and Ultimate Possession?
Does it all come down to Possession?
Possession means Absolute and Ultimate Control?

Is God found in the Power over Mortality?
and is the Power over Mortality Identified as God?
Is Possession seen as the Power to survive?
Is Wealth confused with Survival,
Survival being Control over all that is 'Other'?
Does Wealth indicate who is Self and Who is Other?
What happens when many parts and pieces of Consciousness congeal into
a mass to separate Self from Other thereby providing the Self with vaster
Dream Power over the 'Other' parts and pieces of Consciousness?
How is God determined or how is God Created in the amassing and dividing of Consciousness
that certainly seems to be Creating its own Existence totally oblivious of Existence
beyond its own Creation.
When Consciousness amasses through division of its parts and pieces,
is not Mortality reinforced?
---as the Whole, the Collective, is affected by each Choice for and against survival?
Does it not seem that survival in Creation implies the survival of One over the 
survival of the Whole?
Does it not imply that survival of the Whole is not possible in the Dream of Becoming?
Does it not imply that somehow there is the Dream of One, overpowering the Dream
of the Collective, to Become the One of survival?
Is not that which explains the accumulation of Wealth?
Wealth can only be the means to survival.
So the survival of One is paid for by the Identity of the Collective as 'Other'.
Of course, as Other, does this not give Ultimate and Absolute Authority to 
Self to Annihilate all that is determined as 'bad', as 'evil', and draining the 
possession of survival from the Whole into the One?
Is it in Possession, in Wealth, that the Identity of Self and Other becomes confused,
and so promotes the chaos of the Void of  'Nothingness' that birthed Creation?
Who would Choose to be the God of this Chaos?
Who would Choose responsibility for this confusion of Powers?
What is Power anyway?
There is no Power in Reality.
Power is a Creation for Survival.
Power is the means to Division and destruction no matter how it is Identified.
There is no Power in Reality.
There is no struggle for Survival for Self and Other Exist in Singularity.
 Each, Self and Other, is Entity.
Self is Self because Other is Other.
Self does not struggle to be Self 
because Self IS.
Because Self IS,
Self does not Dream of Becoming.
Because Self IS, Self is Entity.
Because Self IS,
Self is Immortal.
Only that which is Created has beginning and because it has beginning,
It will End    

So in Reality, there is no need for Power and, consequently, there is no need to 
Somehow, Power, Possession, and Worship work together for the same end,
---the same end being Existence in a Created non-reality
There is no need to Create in Reality.
The Singular Self  is Entity
The Singular Other is Entity.
Would the Singular Self or the Singular Other Create a Non-reality existence
when Existence is the Duality of Being and Non-being,
of Reality and Non-reality,
of being and of Dreaming of Becoming.

God Creates.
Because God Creates, God Possesses.
Because God Possesses, God has Power,
God has Control.
Does God Choose to bring into Non-being that which has the Choice of 
Being or Becoming?
Is there a God of Creation?
and if so, is God the Self or is God the Other?

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