Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Post #312 "The Division of the Self"

Non-reality Exists!
'Nothingness' Exists!
There IS the Reality of Non-reality!
As Existence is the Duality of Existence and Non-existence,
of Reality and Non-reality,
Consciousness Chooses Existence in Reality
or Chooses Existence in Non-existence---in Non-reality 
Consciousness, according to its Choice, 
Exists in the Self of the Singular Self  of Reality
 or Exists in the Collective Self of the Collective Consciousness of Creation.
The Collective Self of Creation,
as a part or a piece of the Collective Consciousness,
sets off and is caught up in the Process of Division that is the action of Non-reality,

Within the Process of Division, this part, this Self, will Divide.
This Self will Divide over and over again,
throughout all the increments of history,
---its parts and pieces getting smaller and smaller at each increment of Division,
finally get so small, they turn to dust,
and then just fade away.

This Self of Non-reality Creates.
This Self builds Dreams out of 'Nothing'
and Exists in its Dream.
This Self struggles between its functions of Creation and Division.
This Self Creates and Destroys.
Creating is a part of the function of Division.
Without Creating, there can be no Division.
Without Division, there can be no Creation.

This Self of Creation holds within itself Life and Death.
This Self holds within itself, Self and Other.
This Self holds within itself, Creation and Division.
As Creation is of Non-reality, Creation, itself, is Division,
Creation is Destructive to itself
and Divides itself down to its very fine and dust-like
basic particles
that, loosing all character,
 just fade away .

This Self and this Other-of-itself are distorted and inverted reproductions,
as in Image,
of the Singular Self of Reality
and the Singular Other of Reality.
The Image is distorted and inverted because the Self itself
produces its own self-of-self
and its own other-of-self,
out of it-Self.
This 'Other' is out of itself.
This 'Other' is a sign of the violation of Self to Self.
This 'Other' is a sign of Self destroying Self.
Self cannot Observe this Other-of-itself without experiencing
the basic emotion of Creative Consciousness ---FEAR.
The Self of Creation realizes the condemning effect of its Choice to eliminate Reality
by creating its own Existence within itself,
within the Collective Consciousness,
outside Reality.

This Self Divides through the Self.
This Self Creates the Other-of-itself when it Observes its imperfection.
as this Self Dreams of Becoming.
Of Becoming What???
Of Becoming its own Dream of Perfection.
The Dream of Perfection can only be the Dream of 'Becoming' what it 'Is Not'.
'What it IS NOT is that which it did not Choose.
The Dream of the 'Self of the Collective Consciousness is to BE.
The Dream is TO BE the Singular Self of Reality in the Observation
and Witness of the Singular Other that it may BE.
That it may BE its Self in the Entity of Selfness.
That it may be Immortal
and saved from the primal FEAR of Dividing down into 'Nothingness',
and just fading away.
 Other-of-Self is created as Self discards from itself that which it Observes as Imperfect.
The Other-of-Self is seen as 'bad' compared to the 'good' of Self.
This part of the Self must be discarded
Self needs to remove from Self that which is 'bad', that which threatens its survival.
Self also Perceives within itself which is beneficial to survival.
The Self Perceives that which promotes its survival as 'good'.

Being that the Self of Creation Fears Oblivion,
the Self attempts to immerse itself in what is Perceived as 'Good'.
So Self Creates 'goodness' and seeks to immerse and surround itself in that which nourishes and promotes survival for itself.
Consequently self also seeks to remove and escape from that which it considers 'Bad'.
---that which moves itself closer to the brink of 'Nothingness'.
The 'Whole', the Collective Consciousness is at war with itself because of the conflicts
of Choices made individually by the Collective 'Selves'.
The Consciousness of Creation, of Perception, of Becoming, is 'Collective'
because it has Divided over and over into many 'Selves', each of which functions
within the Collective as a part of the Collective but also functions as a Whole of itself,
outside of the Collective,
itself becoming a Whole of the many parts and pieces of itself.
The Collective Dreams Dreams of Becoming a Whole,
of Becoming Entity.
and the Individual Self also Dreams Dreams of Itself as a Whole,
as Entity.
All of Consciousness, Collectively and Individually Perceives itself as a Whole
yet as constantly breaking apart under the Process of Division that determines Creation.
Thus the Dream is for Immortality that can only be attained through Entity.
Each Self, collectively and individually,
 creates Other and otherness as its only hope of attaining Entity,
 through elimination of what seems to be the cause of division.

The 'Other', (Otherness) consequently becomes Enemy
 and yet, becomes Savior because it can be eliminated,
thus saving Self from what Self Perceives as 'bad'.
Self Perceives what is 'other' as bad and therefore removes 'bad'
from itself.
'Other' is eliminated instead of Self.
The elimination of 'other' causes Self to lose Self and therefore self needs
to Create more Self through giving birth to itself in later increments of history,
through Possession,
through Wealth.
Self Perceives that survival is in Identifying Good from Bad and
 in eliminating Bad and 'creating' Good.
Self Perceives that Identifying Good from Bad, calls for the accumulation and Possession
of what is Perceived as Good.
Self therefore, enforces and provides for its own survival.

Pre-creation Consciousness establishes Good and Bad in terms of survival.
Pre-creation Consciousness already experiences Fear at its Choice of
Non-realty over Reality,
---over its Choice of 'Becoming' over 'Being',
---over its Choice of Existence or Non-existence.

Individual Consciousness Chooses Individually but its existence within Creation is influenced
by the choices within the Collective.
The Choices of the Individual Selves Perceive Good and Bad from their own perspectives
of Self, and as Self, though Self.

Each choice of Self  is made by that Self's Perception of good and bad-----for Itself!
Each Choice is for what is Perceived as Good or Bad for each Self
and for that Self's Survival.
---as Self continues to Divide itself throughout all the increments of its
own Created history.
Being that Humanity Perceives Survival in Possession and Identity,
what one Self perceives as Good for its own survival
is Perceived as Bad by the other Selves of
the Collective
 ---as Bad for in a Whole, that is the sum of parts and pieces and 'yes' of 'Selfs',
each Self's chances at Possession and Identity are diminished
by the claims of Possession and Identity by another Self.

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