Sunday, May 21, 2017

Post #316 "It Looks So Real!"

"It Looks So Real!
You can hardly tell the difference!"
Image, --Existence within a Dream that keeps on creating and recreating,
--Image out of Image out of Image,
until the inspiration is just a distorted, vague, and hazy, memory .
Even in a world of Image, Image becomes a Process of Division,
that continually repeats itself in smaller and smaller increments.
Each level breaking itself down,
piece by piece,
level by level,
until loosing all definition,
just fades away.

The World of Image is so Powerful that it seems almost impossible to penetrate it.
It looks so real,
and tastes so real,
it feels so real,
its hard to tell the difference.
The World of Image is an immersion into fantasy of longing,
 of that 'Which Is Not',
 to Become that 'Which Is',
--- of longings, desires and Dreams,
---the Search for Perfection.

Few ever do penetrate the World of Image and escape into the reality of Reality.
Its done by Choice.
It is not an easy Choice.
There are no instructions or blueprints, no formula,
no plans, no classes to attend, or degrees to qualify.
There is no price.
There are no Laws or rules.
All have the same chance.
The Choice is just made,
Reality Unfolds,
Observation replaces Perception.
Expect Change.
Do Nothing.
It will unfold.
Images lose solidity and seem
-----as haze, as smoke, as vapor that are able to be just blown away as wisps of morning dew.
It becomes more and more possible to see clearly,
the vision of memory begins to penetrate beyond the Walls of Time, Place, and Substance.
Image looses shape, form,and density under the reality of Observation.

Consciousness has been Creating Image forever.
Consciousness has created an Image world from a single Dream Cell.
Creating Image is a Choice of Consciousness.
Consciousness Chooses Reality or Creates its own Existence.
What is not Reality is not Real and does not exist as Reality.
Consciousness is Awareness that Exists Singularly or begins the Process of Division
that Divides Creation and  itself into many parts and
pieces that form a Collective Whole.
Choice determines Existence as Reality or determines Existence as Creation.
Creation is Image.
Image is created out of the Dream 'To Become'.
'To Be' is Reality.
Image Dreams of Becoming Reality!
Consciousness Dreams of Becoming Reality within itself.
Existence within Self eliminates all Other and Otherness.
Self without Other is not complete.
Self without Other cannot even know It-Self
because it sees only within itself, it can only Perceive.
Perception creates Images.
Consciousness of Creation Dreams Existence totally within Self.
This Consciousness blocks Awareness of Singular Other.
Consciousness within Self does not know Other,
Consequently, Self cannot know Self.
Consequently, Self cannot Exist in Reality.

What is the purpose to creating an image?
Why would the image be preferred to the 'reality'?
Why are we so dependent on image and images?
Is the intention to deceive?
There is no deception in Reality because there is no Perception, only Observation.
Observation is Aware of 'What Is'.
Perception is Aware of 'What Could Be'.
There is no possibility for deceit in Observation.
There is no possibility for truth or reality in Perception.
Those of Reality Observe.
Observation penetrates Perception.
Observation can and does penetrate Perceptions.
Those that Perceive are uncomfortable with those that Observe
because Dreams of 'Becoming' fade in the presence of 'Being'.
Consciousness tries to create and make up for,
within itself,
 what it has Chosen to Annihilate.
This Consciousness of Non-reality tries to transfer Reality into itself
that Reality as Reality no longer exists.
---Basically, that Non-reality is Reality

If the intention is to deceive, it is only Self that can be deceived.
How can Self Perceive what is real from what is image when immersed within
the confining walls of Self
when Self is emerged in Self and has no Awareness beyond the walls of it-self?
How can Reality be found when Existence is within a Dream of Becoming?
Does it not seem, then, that in humanity's Created existence,
non-reality takes precedence over
what is assumed to be reality?
Does it not seem then, that the ability to Dream, the ability to pretend,
 is the determining factor of Creation?
---that its not so much what 'Is', but what it 'Seems to be' that is important?)
It seems that from this, it can be deduced that it is entirely possible
to Live, to Exist, within a Dream.
In the Process of Division, this means that Existence comprises many layers
and even many dimensions, of Dreaming.
Any thing that exists in Creation, began as a Dream. 

Consciousness Dreams.
Consciousness Creates Image.
In the Process of Division that marks Creation,
Humanity emerges from the Dream of Consciousness as Image.
But, does image Exist?
Is Humanity Image?
or is Humanity Reality?
Humanity Chooses Singularly and Collectively.
Humanity, as Consciousness, Chooses to Exist in Reality or to Non-exist in Non-reality.
Humanity of the Dream does not know Reality.
Humanity of the Dream does not know Observation.
Humanity of the Dream does not know Other and Otherness.
Humanity of the Dream does not know Self.

If the definition of Creation is to make something out of nothing,
Creation certainly fits the description.
Religious tradition agrees with this definition
 and science seems unable to challenge it.

Why would Self prefer to appear outside of what it Is?
Why do we use image to present ourselves as what we in reality are not?

Reality is non-image.
There is no image or imaging in Reality.
Information is stored in Reality as 'What Is'.
The stored information of Reality is stored in the Energy of memory.
The Memory of Reality make information accessible to those of the Consciousness
of Reality,
to those that Exist in Reality.
to those emerging from the womb of the Collective Consciousness
seeking what is Real over what is Image.
Memory in Reality erases the elements of Consciousness that brought Creation
into Becoming.
These are the elements of Time, Place, and Substance.
Those emerging are able to penetrate Time.
Time is no longer a barrier to Observation,
 as What Is is Observed as happening,
'Future' is accessible as 'Being' rather than as 'Becoming'.
Place is accessible as 'all Place' in 'all Time.
All Substance, in all Time, In all Place, looses solidity.

Singular Consciousness of Reality emerging from the Collective Consciousness
is dependent on Choice and is not dependent on mortal death.
The Singular Consciousness of Reality accesses the memory that is stored in Reality
as the Collective Consciousness accesses the memory that is stored in Creation.
While the stored memory of Creation exists only within Creation,
the stored memory of the Singular Consciousness accesses the memory of  Time,
Place, and Substance beyond and outside of Creation.
This memory beyond Creation penetrates Creation and the elements of Creation.
This memory is not confined within Time, Place, and Substance.
While in the Creation of the Collective Consciousness,
the Singular Conscience remembers the past, the present, and the future of Creation,
not as what 'was',
 or as what is,
 or as what will be,
but as 'What Is..
Meaning that the so called future will be as accessible as the past and will
be ''What is'
that determines Existence.
This information is accessible to those yet in Creation who Choose Reality over the
Image of Creation.
Over those who have Chosen to search out Reality
over Imaging a Dividing Creation
in which to Dream Dreams of Becoming.

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