Friday, April 26, 2024




     I am a mystic. I am a gnostic mystic, especially an Ontological, Gnostic, Mystic. What I have learned, I have learned through accessing stored information of 'What IS' and of 'What is NOT'. I have accessed     information on what is REAL and on what is not Real but is Created. The quest for Reality has always been my goal. There is a longing to know what is Real, from what we, of humanity, have assumed and liver as Real. If we could know this we would not be heading into the finality of our loss of Identity, and as such, that Humanity is fading, as is all Creation, into the oblivion of Nothingness.

What is Real Exists. What is not Real Exists, but exists in the Reality of its own non-existence. Basically then, Existence is the Duality of Existence and Non-existence, of Reality and Non-reality. Reality is found in the Existence of Existence. Reality must be searched for. Non-reality is Created and is found in what Exists through its Non-existence. Creation can be identified by recognition of what Begins, as all that Begins, Ends-------Life and Death. What is Created is Image. What is Image is the Reflection of Reality onto a Created Surface, likened to the negative of a photograph. The Reflection is the opposite of the Reality and so is inverted and distorted, as is Creation to the Reality for which we search.

Consciousness is Aware of Self and Other-Than-Self. Due to the Duality of Existence, Consciousness Chooses to Exist in Reality or to Create a pseudo-existence. Consciousness brings to Creation, to Humanity, Collective Choice. And here begins Humanity, as Consciousness Divides over and over again, caught up in the Choice of the Collective Consciousness, yet able, through Individual Choice, to overcome the Collective Choice and Emerge from the Collective into the Reality of Self Abiding with Other-Than-Self in the Entity of Immortality.

Friday, August 11, 2023


 "In the Beginning--------". If there is a Beginning there is no such thing as Existence, because Existence cannot Begin. Existence IS. What has Beginning then, is Non-Existent because it has not Always Existed. What has Beginning has no Reality, because only that which is Real can Exist. All that is Real Exists and all that is not Real does not Exist in the Reality of Existence. Yet, Non-Existence and Non-Reality Exist as Non-Existence and as Non-Reality. Existence is Duality. 

Existence is the Duality of Existence and Non-Existence. In this Duality, Non-Existence Exists because Existence Exists and in this Duality of Existence, Non-Reality Exists because Reality Exists. All that Exists, Exists in the Duality of Existence. All that Exists therefore Exists and Non-Exists. All that Exists is either Real, as in Reality or is Not Real as in Non-Reality. 

In the Duality of the Non-Existence of Existence, what Begins, Ends. Beginnings have Endings. Endings have Beginnings. Creation is all about Beginnings and Endings. Therefore Creation is the Process of Division that defines Non-Creation. We, through Creation, are witness by our birth and death to this Process.  This Process is confirmed by religion and by science. Creation is a Process of Division that begins, and through repetitive Dividing of itself, ends. Creation begins through Choice of Consciousness. Consciousness Chooses to Exist in either Existence or in Non-Existence as Consciousness is Aware of and caught up in the Duality of Existence. Consciousness Existing in Reality is Consciousness Abiding in the Reality of Self  in Entity of Selfness, and in the Reality of Other-Than-Self Abiding in the Entity of Otherness. Consciousness Choosing Existence in Non-Reality is Consciousness Creating. Because Consciousness Dreams, Consciousness Creates and Lives in Pseudo Existences.

At First Cause Consciousness is Aware. Consciousness is Aware of Self and of Other-Than-Self. Existence is thus Self and Other. Consciousness is Aware, but the dichotomous Duality of Existence affects Self's Awareness and Self's Dreams. Because of Duality, Self has Choice. Self can thus accept Other as Other in the Reality of Otherness  or reject Other in Other's Reality to be replaced by an interpreted and convoluted Image of what Other Is Not. Other is thus Observed in Reality as Other by Self, or is Perceived by Self as Self determines Other to be to serve Self's purpose. Thus the Reality of Existence is determined by the Choice of Consciousness. Here, at the First Cause of Precreation, the Duality of Existence manifests itself in the Awareness of Consciousness to Self and to Other-Than-Self, thus causing Consciousness to Choose Existence or Non-Existence---the Choice to Exist in the Reality of Existence or to Pseudo-Exist in the contrived and convoluted Choice to Non-Exist in the Non-Reality of Image. In other words, Consciousness Choosing  Image over Reality rejects all Otherness to Create out of the Self an Image Existence. Consciousness is Creator.

Consciousness Exists Collectively and Individually. Consciousness Chooses Collectively and Individually. All of Humanity is caught up into the Collective Consciousness and so Chooses Collectively. Consciousness also has Individual Choice, that takes precedence over Collective Choice. Those of Humanity Choosing Individually will Emerge from the Collective Imaged Existence. Collective Choice is to Create and so Humanity dwells in a Common, mainly in an agreed upon, pseudo Creation.

 All of Existence is determined at First Cause as Time is an Element of Creation and thus does not Exist in Precreation. The Existence of Time, as well as Place and Matter, are therefore nebulous and unable to Exist in the Reality of Existence. It is at First Cause that Consciousness Chooses to Abide in the Reality of Existence or to Create a separate Pseudo-Existence. So what Exists, or what does not Exist? We, of Humanity, are Aware of Beginnings and Endings. Is Existence, then, dependent on Awareness? If Existence is dependent on Awareness, just what is it that is Aware? 

It is Consciousness that is Aware. Consciousness is Awareness. It is Consciousness that determines Existence from Non-Existence, Reality from Non-Reality. Consciousness, in the Duality of Existence, is Aware of Self and Other-Than-Self.  Is Consciousness Aware then, of the Duality of Existence? And Who Are We? We are Consciousness. We are Aware. In the Duality of Existence, of What are we Aware? What are we of Consciousness Aware of? Does our Awareness call into Existence or into  Non-Existence that which we dream, that which we think? Does our Awareness affect the Reality of Existence? Is Consciousness Aware of the Existence of Existence or of the Non-Existence of Existence? Is Consciousness Aware of Reality or of the Reality of Non-Reality? 

Is there a vast Unknown that we contrive out of our yearning for Survival? Is our yearning for survival that which determines our Dreams and Thoughts? One would think that that which we contrive cannot be Existent or Real. Are we then, capable of 'Contriving' a Non-Existence or a Non-Reality and are we capable of then Existing in that Non-Reality?

We are Mortal and we are very Aware of our Mortality. Is Immortality an Option? Mortality is all about Beginning and Ending. Is Mortality then, of Non-Existence and Non-Reality? Being that we Die, are we also Non-Existent? Is our Reality 'Birth to Death'? 

Do we Exist at all? Is it this Awareness of our Mortality that Creates within the Consciousness of Humanity and of all Creation our basic common Emotion---Fear? Does this primal Fear determine Who We Are? Humanity Fears. We Fear our Mortality. The Consciousness of Humanity spends all of Created 'Time' struggling for Immortality against this Fear that precedes all other Emotions. This Fear of Mortality does basically define Who We Are and What We Do. We seem to sense that Immortality is an Option as we live in the Non-Reality of our 'contrivances'. Is Existence/Non-Existence a Choice? We seem to expect that coveting and amassing Power, will ease this sense of doom. Do we not devise stories,  rituals, celebrations, to prove our Right to Immortality, to Supremacy, to the Rite to Rule, that Immortality is confirmed on those so Chosen? 

Do we Exist? We know Birth and we know Death. Birth and Death are properties of Non-Existence and do not belong in the 'IS' of the Reality of Existence. The answer to this question lies in pre-Existence. The answer is found in the Duality of 'First Cause' of Pre-Existence. 

What we are becoming Aware of here, is that because of the Duality of Existence, Consciousness must Choose. Consciousness Chooses Existence or Non-Existence, Reality or Non-Reality. Then, do we Choose Mortality or Immortality? And what of Creation? Does all of Creation not die? According to science and religion, Creation Began and Creation will fade away into the great Nothingness, in other words, Creation will Die, Creation will vanish as if it never Existed.  

Creation is the Process of Division that defines life on Earth. At the Choice of Consciousness at First Cause to Create an Image existence, Creation Divides. Creation Divides to Survive its Choice to Create. The Self of Consciousness Fears the Choice to Create. In timelessness, Creation, including Humanity, is Aware that its Choice to Create an Image Existence, means a Birth of the Pseudo-Creation to its resultant Death. Because of the Duality of Existence, that which is Non-Existent or Non-Real will Divide it-Self down to absorption into the chaos of Precreation. In the Process of Division, Image agitates, Fearing Extinction. According to science, Agitation produces moisture. In moisture are the fundamental Elements of Creation. These fundamental Elements are organized against chaos by the Creation of Time, Place, and Matter. Each of these Elements make present and display the imminence of Birth to Death.

In Choosing, Consciousness Divides Self. Consciousness Abides and Consciousness Creates. Consciousness thereby Divides into Collective Consciousness and Individual Consciousness. The Purpose is Choice. Consciousness Creates, meaning Divides, its Self. The Purpose is survival. The Fearing Consciousness sees its Mortality and compares it Self to the Immortality of Self and Other. In Other, Consciousness Observes Immortality. The Creating Con can only perceive information rather than Observe. In Perception, Con. Perceives the Immortality of Other and Image results. Consciousness is now Humanity and all other forms. Humanity at 2nd cause Divides. Power and weakness, Male and female. Hunter and the hunted. We have now entered Creation. 

Friday, February 24, 2023

 POST #419


Evil has never not Existed. In fact, Evil Existed in Non-Existence at First Cause.
Evil was present in the Duality that defines Existence.
As Evil Exists in Duality, so does Good, as Good Derives from Evil.
Evil Creates Good.
Where there is no Evil, there is no Good.
In Consciousness, Evil was present at First Cause when Consciousness realized that
because of the ever present Duality, there was Choice!
Consciousness could Choose!
Consciousness could Choose Evil!
Consciousness could Choose to Create Evil out of the Nothingness of it-Self.
Consciousness was capable of Creating Evil, and out of Evil, Consciousness was capable
of Creating Good.
It has always been about the Choice of Consciousness.

Consciousness is Aware.
Consciousness is Aware of the Reality of Self AND 'Other-Than-Self'.
Consciousness can Accept Reality or Consciousness can Reject Reality.
Consciousness, in Awareness of Self and Other, Chooses.
Consciousness is Aware of Choice.
Consciousness Choosing is Consciousness in Action.
Action is Energy.

Consciousness is Aware that its Choice is for Observation or for Perception
of the Reality or the Un-Reality of Self and Other-Than-Self.
Consciousness Observes Reality as Reality IS,
 or Consciousness Dreams. 
Thereby through Perception, Consciousness Creates a personal 
Interpretation of the Reality.
Acceptance or Rejection of Reality is all in the way Consciousness Chooses to be Aware.
It's all in the way the Self of Consciousness Accepts or Rejects all that is not of the Self,
meaning all that is 'Other-Than-Self.

How is Consciousness Aware of Other-Than-Self? This Awareness of Other determines 
 how Consciousness is Aware of the Self.
The Existence or Non-Existence of Self is determined by Self's Choice to either Observe 
or Perceive 'All-That-Is-Not-of-it-Self'. 
Awareness begins in Self and moves from Self to 'All that is Not of the Self'.
How does the Self of Consciousness Accept or not Accept the Reality of Other?
How do we Humans, Accept or not Accept the Reality of ALL that we determine to be 'Other'?
Accepting or Rejecting Reality over Creating is the Root of all we consider as Evil and Good.
Consciousness is Aware of Evil and Good in Existence.
Consciousness is Aware of Evil and Good in the Self.
Consciousness is Aware of Evil and Good in the Nothingness of Non-Existence.
How does Consciousness act in its Awareness of Evil and Good in its Self or in ALL that 
Self Considers as Other?
According to the Choice, Self Observes or Perceives.
Self, in Awareness of Self, either Observes Other as Other or Perceives Other, not as Other IS 
but as Self, through the Self, determines Other to Become according to Self's needs.
In Accepting Other as Other, Self Observes Other as Other IS, in Singularity of Otherness.
In accepting the IS of Other through Observation of Other as Other IS, Other is able to 
Observe Self as Self IS.
Other Observing Self as Self IS, allows Self  TO BE Self, thereby Self Exists in the REALITY 
of Existence.  
Other's acceptance of the Reality of Self allows Self to Exist as Self IS in Singularity of Selfness.
Self in Singularity has no Parts and Pieces and therefore cannot Divide.
What cannot Divide is ENTITY.
In ENTITY there is no Evil and there is no Good, therefore,
in ENTITY there is no Mortality because ENTITY IS and cannot Divide down into Obliteration.
Self cannot BE Self if not Observed as Self by that 'Which Is Other'.
In not accepting Other as Other IS, Self cannot experience the Reality of Other,
consequently Self cannot experience the Reality of It-Self.

Self in Singularity of Selfness is ENTITY.
'Other-Than-Self' in Singularity of Otherness is ENTITY.
There are no Parts and no Pieces in Entity, therefore there is no Evil or no Good.
When there are no Parts and no Pieces, Existence Exists in the NOW.
When there are no Parts and Pieces, Self and Other-Than-Self,  
cannot Divide, cannot Separate, cannot Compete, cannot claim Superiority,
cannot Rule, cannot Subjugate, cannot Abuse, or Destroy.
 In other words, the Singular Self in Entity of Self cannot Create Evil.
When there are no Parts and Pieces, there Exists the BEING of Existence.
-----There Exists the IS of Existence.
In the 'I AM' of Self  and in the 'YOU ARE' of Otherness, Exists IMMORTALITY.
IMMORTALITY Exists where there is no Division,
------where there are no Parts and no Pieces.
--------where there is no Evil.
-------and where there is no Good.
Non-Reality Images Reality because Non-Reality Exists in the Dreams of Consciousness.
In Creation, Consciousness Dreams Reality rather than Observes Reality.
In Dreaming, Consciousness refigures, inverts, distorts, Reality by projecting the Dream Images inside the Self.
The Self protects the Dream with Walls that define the Womb of Creation from Reality.
Dreaming Reality Reverses Reality to Image.
The Image is not Reality but is an  Inverted and Contorted Reflection.
A Reflection is not the Existing Reality, but having been Subjected to Foreign and Conflicting Influences, Non-Exists, as Self, Reflected through Self, and In Self, and For Self, no longer Exists.

This Dreamed Non-Reality of Self, Reflects Self's Perception of what Self Dreams Reality to Become.
Reality is thus replaced with Image.
Self Dreams the Roles Self plays and the Characters Self assumes it-Self to Become.
Into this charade, Self determines its Pseudo-Existence to Become, what in Reality, it IS NOT.
Not able to Observe our Self as We are, We Exist in Characters We Create out of our Dreams 
of Who and What We Dream of Becoming.
We Dream our Identity and we fail to live up to that Identity.
We can never achieve the Perfection we Dream we can Become.
The Perfection We Seek Created the Good We are Not, as Good is only the Image of What we are Not
 Good is the pretense. Evil is the reality.
Truth does not exist in Pretense.
Truth does not exist in Evil.
Truth does not exist in the Dream we know as Creation.

This Self of Creation, departs Reality and Becomes the Creator of a new Pseudo-Existence.
Creation thus begins as an Inverted and Distorted Perception of Reality, an Image of Reality,
that is Projected onto a Created surface called Earth, or Galaxy, or Cosmos, or any other Terms not 
yet Created but existing in the Dreams of Consciousness.

The Chaos of Creation is given patterns of organization like 'Time' and 'Place' and 'Matter',
that last until Consciousness it-Self destroys it-Self because Creation cannot Sustain.
What is Created is Mortal.
Mortality gives Birth for the purpose of providing fodder for that which will Die.
This is the underlying Fear of Consciousness, of Humanity.
This is the Evil the Consciousness of Humanity Fears.
Consciousness/Humanity Fears its ability to CHOOSE.
Consciousness of Humanity Fears it may Choose EVIL
Consciousness Knows EVIL as Mortality.
The Dream of Consciousness/Humanity is Immortality.
Existence/Life is seen as Survival.
Survival by any means is the Dream of Creation.
Creation came about when Consciousness Perceived The Other as Immortal and thus 
a threat to Survival.
Right here, right here, is the Birthing of Evil, followed by the Birthing of Good
so that Evil would not Appear to be exactly what it IS.
We Created Good to buffer what stench we could not Endure.

This Fear of Mortality underlies all of Consciousness and all of Humanity.
This Fear initiates Evil and therefore is deserving of Obliteration.
This Fear of failure is the Fear we may not Become what we are not.
 This Fear of failure is the Fear we may not achieve the Immortality our Dreams promise.
We Fear we may not Become God.
We are relentless in our pursuit.
We cannot be distracted from our goal.
We become determined to remove all Evil as we see ourselves in the character of Hero,
of 'Strong Man, of Idol. of God, so we invert and distort, until Good and Evil cannot be distinguished one from the other.
We will Achieve this through our ability to Choose to Create, thus replacing Evil with Good,
that they Become What They are Not---------One and the Same!
And so we prepare to Create a new Layer, a new Level of Dreams out of our Fear that What We 
Really have Created is our own Mortality.
A new Day, a new Dream.
But our Dreams are becoming more desperate, more frantic,
as we become more broken.
as Our bits and pieces become smaller and smaller,
thus losing Identity,
and we just Fade Away. 
---as Time, 
----as place,
----as Substance,
----as All Creation,
totally Extinct as it can no longer be Observed!

Being that Choice is based on Perception rather than on the Truth of Observation,
Consciousness Perceives Evil as Good and Good as Evil, all according to the Roles One plays
in Dreamed Identities.
Consciousness takes on the Role of Becoming the Obliterator of Evil according to its role
of preserving its Image. 
Evil thus Initiates Good. 
Evil and Good merge into a confusion of Oneness and Commonality.  
When Self thus Perceives the Other as Evil, the Self Perceives it-Self as Good for having sought to destroy the Evil Other.
In destruction of the Evil Other, Self not only protects its own Powers of Survival but adds on 
the Power of the Other besides.
Self, through Destruction of Perceived Enemy, lessens the Power of the Enemy and enhances its own Power through Accessing the Enemy's Power.
The Dream of Immortality thus becomes a battle of Power.
Immortality is seen as needing to be Won as Religion determines Salvation to be the reward
of the Fight over Evil.
Evil and Good Becomes Personified in Religion as Satan and God. Each, the Holders of Salvation
Won and Salvation Lost. 
Then in summation, who 'Created' Creation?
"God Divided-----". (Genesis)
God Created Evil.
But--------Consciousness Created God!

Creation is made up  of Parts and Pieces of it-Self that cannot stop Dividing.
Creation Begins that it will End.
Creation, it is evident, cannot sustain it-Self.
Creation will never attain Entity.
There is no Immortality in Creation.
The Parts and Pieces of the Whole cannot stop Dividing and Sub-dividing. until only fragments
remain. These Fragments continue Dividing until all Identity is lost. 
When Identity is lost there is Non-Existence and all just fades into Nothingness.
So what is the most dire of all punishments? 
What do People do to 'Other' people?
What do Nations do to 'Other' Nations?

We Humans Perceive All that we see as Other than Our self, as not Human.
At least, not as Human as We are.
We Create for them, a Pseudo-Existence, by denying them Existence in our Selected,
Superior Existence. These people do not deserve Identity and are grouped together as Enemies,
or as a\Aliens, or as Foreigners, or even as just plain Evil.
We use their degradation as proof of  our Superiority and our Right to Rule.
Superiority and Right to Rule are very short steps away from Godship.
He who Rules, Rules in God's Authority.
God is succeeded by God's Son.
Sonship is determined by Perfection, which we all seem to strive for, by Superiority, and 
by our Desire for Power.
So Who is God, anyway?
Seems its all in the Observation or Perception of Consciousness.

Consciousness Chooses through Observation or Perception.
Reality is Observed because Reality IS
Non-Reality/Creation is the Perception of Consciousness.
Perception is not as Reality IS but as an Image of Reality that cancels Reality out
according to the Dreams of Consciousness for It-Self as Self Dreams of Becoming.
Self Dreams of Becoming what Self needs to Win Immortality.
Self Perceives Immortality as Prize and so Competes with the Perceived 'Other'.
In Competing, Other Becomes Enemy, Other Becomes Evil.
Evil Creates Good that Self can justify its Choice to Divide, to Separate, to claim Superiority,
to claim the Right to Rule and all that follows.   

In Reality, Creation cannot be Observed because Creation does not Really Exist!
Creation is the Created Image of Reality and Exists only in the Dream of Consciousness to 
Become all that it IS NOT.
Creation is the result of a Perceiving Consciousness that cannot escape the prison of its Self.
Creation comes about through the Perception of Consciousness.
Creation Non-Exists in the Dream of Consciousness. 

Consciousness Chooses Collectively and Individually. 
As Humanity, we are all caught-up in the Choice of the Collective.
Consciousness has Collectively Chosen to Exist (Non-Exist) in its Perceptions of the Self
and of the Other-Than-Self.
There is no Reality in Perception.
In Perception the Self Creates alternate states of Pseudo-Existence.
A state of pseudo-existence can be likened to Dreaming.
Collectively, Consciousness can Dream a pseudo-existence that captures all of Humanity.
All Humanity Exists in that Dreamed Existence, however Individual Choice of Consciousness
can override the Collective.
Individual Consciousness, Individual Humanity, can Choose Reality just by Choosing.
That Individual will Emerge from the Collective Choice through the act of Choosing.
There is no need for the Self to act. Emerging acts on its own.
Its all determined through the Choice!
The Individual so Choosing will begin to notice that Observation replaces Perception.
Another sign is the changing of Priorities.
What was once important will seem less so as Emerging Unfolds.

The Collective Consciousness can Choose to Exist in Reality or can Collectively Choose to 
Exist in whatever Pseudo Existence Consciousness Dreams up.
Basically, Consciousness Chose or Chooses between Reality and Non-Reality.
It all depended/depends on how Consciousness experiences 'That which is Other-Than-it-Self'.
Self and Other-Than-Self makes up Reality.
Besides THIS, there is 'NOTHING'.

Will the Self of Consciousness Choose to Abide in the Reality of Self AND Other,
or will the Self of Consciousness Obliterate Other as Other, only to Create Other out of the Self?
-----does Evil Exist  in Destruction, then, in Creation, or in both?
------ does Evil Exist in the Destruction  of the Evil Perceived in Other-Than-Self?
----does this Evil Create Good that Evil itself may survive?
Does Self Observe Evil in the Self or does Self only Perceive the Absence of Evil in Itself?
It seems Evil cannot Exist without Good.
It would also seem then, that Good cannot Exist without Evil.
Now it is becoming apparent where Evil comes in, in any search for Truth.

Certainly Evil is not in the Reality of the Observation of Other as Other, in Singularity of Otherness, 
and therefore Abiding in Immortality.
Is this, then, where 'Good' in Duality of Evil Exists at its First Cause?
If Evil does not Exist in Reality, Good certainly is not necessary to Reality as Reality IS  
Evil is in the attempt to manipulate and interfere with the Existence of what is Real and what is present in the  Dream of Self's  Perceptions----these Perceptions that find the Self functioning, through Duality, in the Process of Division that defines that which is Dreamed, that which is Created. 
Then what does Good attempt to do with and to the Existence of What is Real and to What is Present in the Dream of Self's perceptions?
What can Good possibly influence in that which is already determined Reality, Existing in the 
Entity of Immortality?
It would seem then, that Good is not necessary or present in Reality,
nor does Good determine Reality!
In the Duality of Existence, Good is the Opposite of Evil and Exists, not on its own, but Exists 
because Evil Exists.
So, Evil Creates Good and Good Creates Evil----one cannot Exist without the Other.
Every year, every day, it is becoming more apparent how the Choice of  Consciousness 
has brought us all, closer and closer to the 'Void of Nothingness' Predicted by religion 
and forecasted by science.
It becomes more apparent that the original Choice at First Cause has defined who we are by how we 
see and act toward those we define as 'Other-Than-Ourselves'.
This is where we must go, to First Cause, to understand why the Consciousness of Humanity is Destroying it-Self and the world we have Created.
-------The World we have Created from our Collective Dream.

At First Cause Consciousness Divides.
Consciousness Divides, and then, seeking Identity, Creates groups out of Its Divisions,
like Divide to Group and then Group to Divide.
By grouping, Consciousness breaks away from the Whole with a select, comparative group
that then considers all that is not of the group as Other-Than-Itself and therefore
as threatening to the Whole.
So is Good in the Choices to Group and is Evil in the Choice to Divide for the purpose 
of Grouping? 
Grouping of course, Creates Opposites of what is Self from what is Other-Than-Self.
Other-Than-Self, not the Other of First Cause, but Other Created out of the Self of Consciousness 
for the purpose of Division.
Division is not of the Reality of Existence but is of the Non-Reality of that which does not
Exist but is Created.
So forms the Collective Consciousness and the Collective Unconsciousness,
all Dreams of Becoming 'That Which IS' from 'That Which IS NOT'.
-----All just futile Dreams. '
That Which IS NOT' can Never Become 'That Which IS',
Mortality can Never Win or Achieve or Take from Another, Immortality!!!

The Whole of Consciousness is made up of pieces and parts of the Self called Cells.
Each Cell is a miniature of the Whole and so also has Choice; Individual Choice,
as Opposed to the Collective Choice of the Collective Consciousness.
This Individual Choice is able to override Collective Choice as the Cell Choosing 
Individually will Emerge from the Collective and Become Independent.
Cells/Selves Choosing Reality will Access the Stored Information of Reality.
Cells/Selves Choosing to Create have Access to the Stored Information of Creation.
There is much our experts do not Know yet about accessing this stored Information.
In Cells Choosing Reality, the Awareness of Perception is replaced in the Individual Cell by the
Awareness of Observation. These Cells therefore have the Knowledge of Reality
which is the Knowledge of Truth.

These Cells, Choosing Individually, experience an Isolation from the Whole,
for which it does not seem to be a very popular Choice, growing less and less popular as 
Time unfolds, breaking down through the layers and levels of Time, into smaller and more 
fragmented parts and pieces of the Whole of Humanity.
It is obvious that in this present year, Humanity has become ever so much more Fragmented,
Divisive, and Competitive, as it becomes more and more Aware of its pending Mortality.
In this year, the Divisions are stronger and more pronounced.
The so called Evil groups seem to bring out the 'Good' in the Other groups
which probably would not have been quite as Good if the Evil hadn't been quite so Evil.

Each Cell in the Whole of the Collective seeks Identity.
Without Identity, Fear is uncontrollable.
Evil is created in response to Fear.
But, what about 'Good'?
Is Evil and Good interchangeable with each Other?

Consciousness reproduces itself into cells, that throughout our history, break down into smaller and smaller pieces that then frantically scurry about trying to retain a semblance to its fading Self.

Evil derives from the Fear of Consciousness, firstly at it-Self, because Consciousness knows that 
it can Choose.
Consciousness is Aware that it has the ability, the Power, to Choose and that this Choice is a Choice between Existence and Non-Existence, between Life and Death.

Self Fears its ability to Choose. 
Self fears that it can Chose between Good and Evil.
Self  Fears that it can Choose whether to Observe or to Perceive Other.
Does this mean that Self Perceives the Other as Good or does this mean that Self perceives
Other as Evil?
Does Self perceive Other as Evil that Self in Duality would be Perceived as Good?
If Self sees Other as Evil, Self could question why Other would Exist in Immortality while Self 
Exists in Mortality.
Self obviously struggles with reconciling its Perception of the Self as Good while yet condemned 
to Mortality. 
We do see Mortality as Evil.
Is 'Good' Created to Disguise Evil.
Is 'Good' pretend Evil?

Where there is Evil, Good soon presents it-Self.
Evil becomes Evil in the Presence of  'Good'.
Do we play at 'Good' so as to prove we do not deserve Mortality?
and then, why does Other Exist in Immortality?
It seems then, that Evil cannot Exist without Good.
It also seems that Good and Evil are often confused with each Other.
Did we make the Wrong Choice?

Evil derives from the Fear of Consciousness at all that is considered as Other including Otherness.
Consciousness is Aware that, in Reality, Other, Abiding in Entity, Exists in Immortality.
In Creation, Other-Than-Self is not like the Self, but Exists in an Opposite Identity that Self
has actually Created by Dividing Self into two Aspects of it-Self.
Because of the Action of the process of Division, both Aspects of the Self have Pulse,
have Energy.
Because this Energy is limited, Self Fears that the Energy of Other is taken from the Self
and so limits the Energy of the Self.
Self Creates Other in Creation to be a source of Energy for it-Self.
Other-of-Self is Created by Self to be an inferior, lacking in Identity, whose purpose is to nourish 
the Self-Of-Self. 
Here we can see the roots of the Duality of Superiority and Inferiority that rule Humanity.
It is all based on the supply of Energy, Humanity Perceives as the Power to Immortality,
Humanity seeks Immortality through Power.
Life in Creation thus becomes a Competition for Power.
The basic Idea being whoever possess the most Power Wins Immortality.
Winning Immortality depends thusly on Eliminating all that Exists besides The Self who then has become ONE with It-self, all else becoming Other.

Both existence and Non-existence Exist within Consciousness, meaning both Existence and 
Non-Existence Exist in the Self. 
It is the Self that Chooses but not the 'Other-Than-Self'.
The Other-Than-Self Abides in the Reality of Existence.
Evil Exists in the Choice to Create an Existence.
Creating is not Abiding and it is here in the Creation of a Pseudo Existence that the roots 
of Evil arise.
When Self is Unobservable to What is Other, Self cannot be Observed.
What is not Observed cannot Exist.
What is not able to be Observed cannot be Witnessed to as Being Self.
Consequently, Unobserved and Unwitnessed, Self cannot Observe or Witness It-Self as Self.
Self cannot Exist when Self is not able to be Observed or Witnessed it-Self or that Which is 
Other-Than-Self and so Unobserved and Unwitnessed does not Exist in the reality of Existence
but only in the Dream of Becoming.

In the Dream, Self does not Know Self and does not Know Other.
What Self does not Know, Self Fears.
Self Fears Other and Otherness.
Actually Self also Fears it-Self because Self cannot Observe Self, Self therefore, 
cannot Know Self or Witness that Self Is Self.
Self loses Self when Self Loses Other.
When Self Other, Self loses Identity as Self.
Self without Self has no Identity!

Self Choosing is Self in Action.
Self in Action is Self in Movement.
Self Choosing produces the Energy of Existence.
Energy is Pulse.
Energy is Vibration.
Energy is the Life-force of Creation, bringing about Time, Place, and Matter.
In Creation, the act of Consciousness Choosing, is Action, Movement, Pulse, Vibration, Energy.
This Action Creates Heat.
Heat produces Moisture.
Moisture forms the Elements of Creation from which Comes Matter, the Substances of Creation.
---Comes Time, the attempt to save Creation from Chaos and 
---Comes Place, that Created Surface on which the projected Images appear.
---All in Place, under the discretion and direction of  its God and gods, 
---All ready to undergo the Process of Division that Identifies Creation and gives 
Creation its Direction and Purpose.
---All ready to welcome the Composer, its God, -------the Collective Consciousness.
Will Consciousness Choose to Observe the Truth of the Reality of Existence
Will Consciousness Choose to Image a Pseudo reality through the walled in perception of its Self?

This answer lies in Identity.
Will I find my Identity in Observation or Perception?
My Identity Exists in how I Observe or Perceive 'That Which is OTHER' than My-Self,
and from this Observation or Perception my own Identity is established.
My Identity lies in the reaction of Other to my-Self.
I can only be My-Self if Other is Aware of Me,
if Other can Observe me as my-Self,
if Other Witnesses Me as Self in my Selfness,
and if Other Validates me as the Self of Consciousness.
Then, and only then, can I accept my own Existence.
Then, and only then, can I realize my own Existence.  

We are Born into an Genetic Identity  that urges the need to establish Personal Identity.
Without this Personal Identity, that answers the question, 'Who Am I?', we are basically, Nothing.
We have the Choice.
Am I Who I Am 
Am I That Which I Will Create out of my Dreams and asperation of Who I Can Become?
There is only one Answer and this answer is the answer to all questions,--------
In Immortality do I Exist or Not Exist.
And this answer is found in Self's Acceptance or Rejection of  'That Which is Other than My-Self'!!!

Now comes the Creation of Good and Evil.
Where will I most Exist, in Evil or in Good, that 'That which is Other' can Observe, Witness,
and Validate my Existence.
To Exist in the Reality of Existence, I need Other to be Aware of ME,
The more Self breaks down through the Duality of Existence, the more Parts and Pieces of the Self
steal attention away from the possibility of Wholeness.
Will Self use Evil or will Self Choose Good with which to attract the Attention of Other?
The answer is that Self will use whatever works best.
In what will Self get the most Attention? 
The answer to this question for the Self thereby establishes Evil and Good.
It becomes ever more difficult, due to the constant breaking down of Time, Place, and Matter, into smaller and smaller Parts and Pieces in our Created, Mortal, Existence, to establish Identity,
especially as we need to Compete for any Identity at all.

The Self of Consciousness is Aware of Self and Other.
Does Self Accept or Reject Other?
Will Self Accept Other and the Reality of Self and Other Abiding in Reality
or will Self Choose to block out Other by hiding within the Womb of Creation?
Self is Aware that Other Exists in the Immortality of Existence and that It-Self HAS CHOICE!
In the Duality of Existence, Self is Aware that Non-acceptance of Reality results in Mortality!
 How does Self Feel in its Awareness that Other is Immortal and that it Chooses to lose Immortality
to Mortality to, not BE AS SELF IS, but to Create Self in the Image of Self's own Dreams of Becoming That Which Self IS NOT.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

 Post #418


Before we can understand WHO WE ARE, we would do well to look into WHAT WE ARE.
Looking for an answer we must look to the Past, but not to a hundred or more years ago but to the 
root cause; to First Cause.
As to the Basic Duality of Existence at First Cause, to the Basic Duality of Consciousness at First Cause, we must add the Basic Duality of Humanity at Humanity's First Cause.
Therefore, the Duality of Humanity as Consciousness, has the Option of Existing in the Reality of Existence or in the Non-Reality of Existence/Non-Existence.
In Duality, Existence Exists and Non-Exists.

Consciousness Exists in Duality.
Humanity exists in Duality.
Because of the Duality of Existence, Humanity, as Consciousness, has CHOICE.
Consciousness/Humanity Chooses Existence in either Reality or in Non-Reality.
Humanity Choosing Reality Abides in the Reality of BEING.
Humanity Choosing Non-Reality DREAMS of What It Can BECOME.
So, as Reality IS, 
Non-Reality IS NOT.
Non-Reality Exists in the Dream of  'Becoming',
But 'Becoming' is NOT Existing in the NOW of Reality.
"Becoming' suggests the impossibility of ever attaining The Dream.
For Humanity, The Dream of 'Becoming' always remains just a Dream.
The Frustration of the unfulfilled Dream helps define Creation and helps define Humanity itself.
Basic Emotions, such as Fear, Frustration, and Anger, arise at '1st Cause'.

At 1st Cause, Consciousness and consequently Humanity, are AWARE.
Consciousness/Humanity is Aware of Self and of Other-Than-Self.
Consciousness is Aware that Reality IS Self and Other-Than-Self.
Consciousness/Humanity Compares Self with 'Other-Than-Self'.
As Consciousness is Aware, Consciousness COMPARES.
Consciousness/Humanity Compares Self to Other-Than-Self through Observation or through Perception.
The Choice is to Observe 'Other' as 'Other' IS or
to Perceive 'Other', not as Other IS, but through the Perception of the Self.
The Choice to Perceive determines that Other is not as Other IS but as Self Dreams Other to 'BECOME'
in Self's Dream Existence.

Out of this Dream Existence, Consciousness, (the Consciousness of Humanity), Creates
a Pseudo-Existence we know as Creation.
In the Duality of Existence, Consciousness Creates the Opposite of Reality.
Consciousness Creates through Perceiving Reality and then Projecting the Perception onto
a Perceived or Created Space, called Earth, in Created or Perceived Time, as  in days, years, etc..
Thus Consciousness calls our Dreamed Non-Reality into the Non-Existence of Existence.
The Collective Consciousness calls this Dreamed Non-Reality, Creation.

The Choice of Consciousness/Humanity to Observe determines Other as TO BE, as Other IS,
thereby allowing Self to also Exist as Self IS, in ENTITY of Self, in the Singularity of Selfness,
 and therefore, in IMMORTALITY.
Consciousness/Humanity Dreams of IMMORTALITY.
The Perceiving Self-of-Consciousness Compares its Choice of Creation to Existence in Reality.
In the Comparison, Self is Aware of the Mortality of Creation to the Immortality of Existence in Reality, thus provoking the Basic Human Emotion of Fear at the loss of Immortality.
Self is Aware of its Mortality and so Life becomes a struggle against all that represents 
'Other Than the Self'. 
Self blames Other for causing Self's Mortality. 
There is a determination that if 'Other' can be Eliminated, 
Self will be able to Access Other's Immortality.
Self Creates Other as Enemy that threatens Self's Survival.
As Enemy, Self feels justified in seeking Obliteration for Other-Than-Self.
Through constant Division of the Self by the Self, Self Loses all Definition, all Identity, 
and just Fades into Oblivion
The Self of Consciousness, the Self of Humanity, Choses to Create its own Death!

In Non-Reality, Self is Aware of Other only through the perception of the Self,
so that Other as Other cannot Exist.
This Choice has no effect on Reality being the Existence of Self and Other.
Basically, in Non-Reality, Self removes Other.
In Creation, in Humanity, the Self cannot accept Other as Other IS and so struggles to 
remove all Other and all Otherness.

Creation is a Process of Division that has BEGINNING and has ENDING.
What has Beginning and Ending does not Exist in the NOW but only in a Dream State.
Creation, with Beginning and Ending, is The Opposite of Reality.
Reality IS!
Creation is a Distorted, Inverted, IMAGE of Reality.
Image has Beginning and Ending; thus Creation has NO BEING. 
What Begins and ENDS cannot and does not Exist in the Reality of BEING.

 The Self of Humanity cannot remove Duality, as Duality is a condition of Existence.
When Self removes Other, due to Duality, Self Divides it-Self.
In Non-Reality then, and due to the Duality of Existence,
Other Exists as 'Other-Of SELF,
meaning Self Divides it-Self into 'Self-Of-Self' and 'Other-Of Self'.
Duality occurs in the Self.
The Self IS Duality.
We, are Duality.
We have Created many layers and levels of Pseudo-Existences and attempt to Exist 
or Non-Exist in them all.

The Self's Existence in Duality causes Conflict between its Selves,
(the Self-of-Self and the Other-of-Self), thereby threatening the survival of Self.
Self Exists in Individual Cells of Humanity that make up the Collective Consciousness.
Each Cell while Existing and therefore Choosing Collectively also, through 
Individual Consciousness, can Choose Individually. 
It does seem that Individual Choice is Rare and most people Choose to Exist according 
to Collective Choice.

Self eventually Divides itself down to loss of Identity and then, to 'Nothingness'.
Self, as Creation, eventually loses definition and fades into 'Nothingness'.
Self, fearing Obliteration, meaning loss of Identity, frantically Dreams, while struggling to Survive.
Here we witness the ugly downside of the Self of Humanity.
We, of Humanity, perceive Power as the Essence of Survival. Survival really meaning Immortality.
Survival Becomes the Goal of Existence.
Humanity Perceives Other and Otherness as the Cause of its Threatening Mortality.
It seems that we feel that the more Power we can amass, the more we avoid Mortality.
Our Lives, therefore, Become struggles for Power.
We Compete for Power.
Power is why we Compete.
We Compete with Other, that Other's Power Becomes our own.
If we win, we access the Power of the Defeated.
If we Lose, we Lose Power to the Winner and we become the Inferior.
For a Male, this is losing Masculinity.
No Competition is Innocent!
The Struggle for Power being the Reason we Live to Compete.
We Compete because any Power that is not our own we Perceive as a Threat to our Existence
and a Threat to Masculinity.
Competition and Winning; accumulating Power, are Male Characteristics.
Loosing is Weakness and a sign of Femininity.
In Duality, Male (Strength), and Female (Weakness) Exist in each Cell of Humanity.

Power cannot Exist without Weakness,
therefore Power Creates Weakness as Food for Survival.
The Powerful Create the Weak for the Purpose of Providing Food, with which to keep increasing 
their insatiable appetite for Power. 
The Weak are actually Created to be the source of nourishment for the Powerful.
The Self of Consciousness needs Power to Survive.
The Self of Consciousness Perceives its Survival in the Male as the only 'true' Human.
As the Source of Nourishment, the Female is perceived by Male as 'Other'. 
It is the Self that Creates Other-Than-Itself with which to Compete for Power, 
as Power is a commodity of Creation.
The Power of Creation cannot increase on its own. Creation cannot grow the Power of Immortality.
 Creation can only break down into Pieces that Exist only in the Dream of the Self-of Self  
Competing for Immortality.

In Fear of Mortality, Humanity Divides the Self to Create a source of Power with
which to Survive. As Nothing else exists besides Self and Other-Than-Self, 
Self must Divide the Self in order to provide the Self with the Weakness with which to 
Feed the Strong. 
Ex., Male Creates Female, Humanity Creates all the Divisions of our Pseudo-Reality:
 religious, political, racial, etc.
Power needs Weakness to Exist, therefore Power Creates Weakness by Creating something 'Other'
than Itself to Sacrifice.
As in Competition, a winner takes Essence from the Other-Than-Itself, the loser,
with which to Empower It-self. Essence meaning Life-Force.
Each of us is a Cell of Consciousness.
Each of us is a Self of Humanity.
We, of Humanity, Perceive Other-Than-Self as a Threat to our Survival,
thereby holding Other to be responsible for our Mortality and all 'other' misfortune.
Those we hold responsible, must pay!
Thereby we justify abuse, degradation, torture and all forms of de-humanization.

Striving to remove all that is Other, we Divide ourselves down until we lose our Identity.
Without Identity we fade into the Nothingness of Oblivion,
thus continuing the Duality of Existence through Division.
In Humanity this Duality begins in the Self and becomes evident in the Duality of 
Male and Female and all further Divisions with which we Choose to live our Lives.
The Duality continues, breaking down into the myriad Dualities of Humanity.
As Creation is a Process of Division, so too is Humanity.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022


Post #417     


There is Existence.
There is Non-existence.
Existence Exists.
Non-Existence Exists.
Existence is therefore, Duality.
Duality is Relationship between Opposites.
Duality is the Relationship between Existence and Non-Existence.
Duality is the Relationship between Reality and Non-Reality.

There is Reality.
There is Non-Reality.
Reality and Non-Reality are also Duality.
Existence exists as Reality.
Existence Exists as Non-Reality.
Reality Is Self and 'Other-Than-Self'.
Non-Reality Is Self without Other. Other being removed by Self.

There is Consciousness.
Consciousness Exists.
Consciousness Chooses.
Consciousness Chooses because of the Duality of Consciousness 
There Is the Collective Consciousness and there Is the Collective Non-Consciousness.
There Is Individual Consciousness and there Is Individual Non-Consciousness.
The Choice of Individual Consciousness Is able to Override the Collective Consciousness.
Consciousness Exists because Consciousness Is Aware.
Consciousness is Aware of Duality.
Consciousness Exists in Duality.

The Nature of Consciousness Is Duality, as Is the Nature of Existence Itself.
So that Consciousness has within itself, that which IS and that which IS NOT.
----that which IS NOT is the Reality and the Existence of 'NOTHINGNESS'.
'Nothingness Exists in the Reality of its Nothingness in the Reality of its Non-Existence.
Consciousness therefore Exists in the Reality of its BEING and in the Non-Reality of its NON-BEING.
It Is the Existence of 'Nothingness' that allows Consciousness to CREATE an Existence of 

Consciousness has the Option to Create because of its Duality in the Duality of Existence.
Consciousness, because of its Duality, is able to CREATE an Existence Outside of Reality, 
and is Able to Non-Exist, while Existing, in that Non-Existence.
Consciousness, in its Duality, has the Option of Existing in Reality or in Creating and Existing in 
its own Created Non-Reality.
Consciousness, in its Duality, has the Option of Existing in Reality or in Non-Reality.
Therefore, as Consciousness, Humanity, in Duality, has the Option of Existing in the Reality 
of Existence 
or in the Non-Reality of Non-Existence.
This Existence Outside Reality consequently Exists as the Opposite of Reality.

As Reality IS.
Non-Reality IS NOT.
In Duality lies Opposition to all that Exists.
In Duality is the Existence of all that Exists and the Opposite of all that Exists.
In Duality Exists Reality and Non-Reality.
In Duality we find Life and we find Death.
In Duality, we have CHOICE!

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Post #416 "THERE IS----------------?

Post #416


There is Existence.  
There is Non-Existence.
Existence Exists.
Non-Existence Exists.
Existence is therefore, Duality.
Duality is relationship between opposites.
Duality is the relationship between Existence and Non-Existence.
Duality is the relationship between Reality and Non-Reality.

There is Reality. 
There is Non-Reality.
 Reality and Non-Reality are also Duality.  
Existence Exists as Reality.
Non-Existence Exists as Non-Reality.
Reality is made up of Self and Other-Than-Self.
Non-Reality is Self without Other.
Other being removed by Self.

There is Consciousness.
Consciousness Exists.
Consciousness Exists in the Duality of Consciousness.
Consciousness in Duality extends to the Duality of Creation.
The Duality of  Creation Creates the Duality of Humanity.
In the Duality of Consciousness there is the Collective Consciousness 
and there is the Collective Unconsciousness.
In Duality, Consciousness Exists Collectively and Individually meaning that Consciousness 
Chooses Collectively and Individually.
 In Choosing, Individual Consciousness is able to override the Collective.

There is Awareness
Consciousness is Awareness.
To be Conscious is to be Aware. 
Consciousness Existing in Duality is Duality Aware of Duality,
meaning that Consciousness is Aware of the Duality of Choice through Observation or 
through Perception.
As the Nature of Consciousness is Duality, as is the Nature of Existence, itself,
Consciousness has within itself, that which IS and that which IS NOT.
-----that which IS NOT is the Non-Reality of 'Nothingness'.
Consciousness Exists in the Reality of its BEING and in the Non-Reality of its Non-Being.

It is the Existence of Nothingness that enables Consciousness to Create an Existence of Non-Being.
Consciousness is able to Create an existence outside of Reality and is able to Non-Exist
in that Non-Existence.
Consciousness has the option of Existing in Reality or in Non-Reality
Therefore, as Consciousness, Humanity has the option of Existing in the Reality of Existence or in 
the Non-Reality of Non-Existence.
This Existence outside of Reality, consequently Exists as the Opposite of Reality.

As Reality IS,
Non-Reality IS NOT. 
Non-Reality Exists in a state of Dreaming.
Non-Reality is the DREAM of Becoming Reality, 
but 'BECOMING' is not Existing in the NOW of Reality.
'Becoming' suggests the impossibility of ever attaining the Dream.
The Dream of 'Becoming' always remains just a Dream.
The frustration of unfulfilled Dreams helps define Creation and helps define Humanity itself.

Basic Emotions such as Fear, Frustration, and Anger arise at '1st Cause'.
At 1st Cause, Consciousness and consequently Humanity, are Aware.
Consciousness/Humanity is Aware of Self and of Other-Than-Self.
Consciousness is Aware that Reality is Self and Other-Than-Self.

As Consciousness is Aware, Consciousness Compares.
Consciousness Compares Self to Other-Than-Self through Observation or through Perception.
The Choice is to Observe 'Other' as 'Other' IS or to Perceive 'Other' through the Self, as Self 
determines 'Other' as 'Other' Should Be according to the needs of the Self.
The Choice determines  that Other is not as Other Is but as Self Dreams Other to 'Become', 
  in Self's Dream Existence.
Consciousness is Aware that without Other, Self does not Exist in Reality.
Consciousness is Aware that without Other, the Self of Humanity does not Exist in Reality.

Consciousness is Aware.
To be Conscious, is to be Aware. 
In Reality, Consciousness is Aware of Self;
- that Self Exists,
that Self Exists in the Singularity of Self as Self 
And that, in Reality, Consciousness is Aware of Other;
- that Other Exists,
that Other Exists in the Singularity of Other as Other.
In Non-Reality, Self is Aware of Other only through the Perception of the Self, 
so that Other as Other cannot Exist.
This Choice has no effect on Reality being the Existence of Self and Other.
Basically, in Non-Reality, Self removes Other.
In Creation, Self cannot accept Other as Other and struggles to remove all Other and Otherness.
However, Self cannot remove Duality, as Duality is a condition of Existence.
 When Self removes Other, Self Divides it-Self.
In Non-Reality, then, and due to the Duality of Existence, 
Other Exists as 'Other-of-Self, meaning Self Divides it-Self, into Self-of Self and Other-of-Self.
 Duality occurs in the Self. 
The Self is Duality.
We, of Creation, are Duality.
We have Created many layers and levels of Pseudo-Existences and attempt to Exist (or Non-Exist)
in them all.

The Self's Existence in Duality causes Conflict between its Selves, 
( the Self-of-Self and the Other-of-Self), thereby threatening the Survival of Self.
Self eventually Divides it-Self down to loss of Identity and then to 'Nothingness'.
Self, as Creation eventually loses definition and fades into 'Nothingness'.
Self, Fearing Obliteration, meaning loss of Identity, Frantically Dreams struggling to Survive.
Here we witness the ugly downside of the Self of Humanity.
We, of Humanity, Perceive Power as the Essence of Survival. Survival meaning Immortality.
Survival becomes the goal of Existence.
Humanity Perceives Other and Otherness as the cause of its threatening Mortality.
It seems that we feel that the more Power we can amass, the more we avoid Mortality.
Our lives therefore become struggles for Power. We Compete for Power and Power is why we Compete.
We Compete with Other, that Other's Power Becomes our own.

Power needs Weakness to Exist, therefore Power Creates weakness by Creating something 'Other' than it-Self to sacrifice.
As in Competition, a winner takes Essence from an Other--- the Loser, 
with which to Empower it-Self. Essence meaning Life-Force.
 We, each of us is a Cell, each of us is a Self of Humanity, Perceives Other-Than-Self as a threat to our survival. 
It is this Threat that must be removed. 
Striving to remove all that is Other, we Divide ourselves down until we lose our Identity.
Without Identity we fade into the Nothingness of Oblivion,
thus continuing the Duality of Existence through Division. 
In Humanity this Duality begins in the Self, then Becomes evident in the Duality of Male and Female
and all the Other Divisions that make up our lives in this Created World, Universe, Cosmos.

The Duality continues, breaking down into the myriad Dualities of Humanity.
In Reality, Self is Aware of Other as Other, that is, as Other IS, and not as affected by Self
through Self's Perception.  
True Awareness can therefore Exist only in the Reality of Existence.
 Awareness in Creation is limited to the Perceptions of what the Self will Allow, 
of what the Self needs, or of what the Self Desires.
It is therefore impossible for the Self of Creation to Know 'What IS',
to Know what 'Really Exists', to Know TRUTH.
This Self Knows only what feeds its Perceptions of Other and its own Self.

There is Choice.
Consciousness is Aware that because of the Duality of Existence, there is Choice.
Consciousness determines Existence through Choice.
Because Consciousness is Duality, Consciousness Chooses.
Consciousness Chooses Existence or Non-Existence.
Consciousness Chooses Existence in the Reality of Existence or in the Non-Reality of Existence.
Consciousness Chooses TO BE in Reality.
 Consciousness Chooses TO BECOME in Non-Reality.
Existing in a state of Becoming cancels out Abiding in the NOW of Reality.
Only Reality Abides.
Reality is the NOW-----No Past, No Future.
Past and  Future are elements of Time.
Time is an Element of Creation along with Place and Matter.
Time, Place, and Matter, do not Exist in the Reality of Existence.
Creation Exists in Time. Time is organized in Layers and Levels.
Creation is not about the NOW. Creation is about BECOMING.

There is Collective Choice.
There is Individual Choice
Consciousness Chooses Collectively and Individually.
Humanity, as Consciousness, Chooses Collectively and Individually 
The Individual Choice over the Collective Choice separates the Individual from the Collective.
 In Choosing Individually, the Self Emerges from the Collective.
The Emerging Individual feels alienated from the Collective and Collective Choices.
Yet here is where the Choice determines Existence from Non-Existence,
Reality from Non-Reality.
We Choose to Exist in the Reality of Existence or to Exist in the Dream of a Pseudo 
or Created Non-Reality.
Observation of our present worldly Existence indicates that the far and above Choice of Humanity
is for Existence in a Pseudo, Created, Non-Reality.
Observation also indicates that there is very limited Individual Choice.
It seems to be just so much easier to fall in with the Choice of the Collective.
It is no wonder we are so fragmented, frantic, and frightened; seeming to have 
no Idea of Who We Are or to What is Our Purpose.

Consciousness is Aware of Existence in the Duality of Reality and Non-Reality.
Consciousness is Aware of Self and Other.
Consciousness therefore Chooses Existence in Reality or in Non-Reality.
Self and Other make up Reality. 
There is Nothing else that can Exist but Self and Other-Than-Self.
 Consciousness Chooses Non-Reality over Reality to block out the 'Other'.
Due to Duality, Other becomes Image Created out of the Self.
As Reality is Self and Other, the removal of Other also removes Reality.
Reality does not Exist when Self as Self or Other as Other do not Exist.
What was Real can now only Exist in Non-Reality as the Image of Reality.
In a sense, Non-Reality is the Mirror-Image of Reality.
Mirror Image is a very Distorted and Inverted Opposite of the Reality.
Consciousness Choosing Reality Abides in the Reality of Self and Other.
Choosing Reality, the Self of Consciousness is Observed as Self by that which is Other.
Self can BE Self only when Observed as Self by 'That Which Is Other'.

As Reality IS Self AND Other, 
the Choice to eliminate Other removes the Self from Reality.
In so Choosing, Reality can no longer Exist so the Self must Create a new Existence.
As Nothing Exists besides Self and Other, the new Existence can only come out of what Exists,
and that is out of Reality.
Creation is the result of Imaging Reality.
The Image of Reality is the Opposite of Reality. Reality Exists. The Image only reflects the Reality.
 So Reality Non-Exists in its Image. 
Non-Reality, the Image of Reality Exists in Dreams, thoughts or Ideas of Becoming 'What It Is Not.'
Creation comes about with projection of the Dream, the though, the idea. 
A thought. an idea, a dream, is projected onto a Created Space.
Thus Image Exists in an altered, a pseudo-Existence, unaware of Reality, 
unaware of the Truth of Reality. 

Reality's Opposite is Creation.
Creation is Image of Reality-----Dreamed into Existence.
\Creation Exists in the Dream of the Collected and Uncollected Consciousness.
Consciousness Dreams. The Dream is projected onto a Surface Created by Consciousness.
When Existence/Reality is Projected, it Creates its own Non-Existence/Non-Reality,
it Creates the Image of the Reality.
Creation is the Distorted and Inverted Opposite of Reality. It is Image!
Image has no IDENTITY.

The Image is Projected by Consciousness onto a Created space---a Created Space as in: World, Universe, Cosmos, and into Created Time-----days, weeks, years, millenniums; all layers and levels that organize the Chaos. 
Self of Non-Reality is Aware of Other-Than-Itself.  and is threatened by Self, as Self  is Aware of it-self as a piece or a part  of a potential Whole that strives as it may, will never achieve the Identity of Immortality.
The Self of Image, the Self of Non-Reality will never be Immortal!
 Self in Awareness of Other is Aware that Other is not made up of parts and pieces of an improvable Whole. The Self is Aware that Other Exists in the Reality of Entity.
Entity cannot be separated or obliviated or broken down!
Entity is Identified by Immortality!
The Other-Than-Self of Reality Exists as Entity in Immortality
while the Self of Non-Reality experiences Mortality because it cannot Become Entity, it cannot Identify as Entity, but remains a Collection of Parts and Pieces that succumbs to its own loss of identity and fades into the Nothingness of Non-Existence. 

Consciousness Dreams out of  its Awareness.
The Self of Non-Reality Dreams of Immortality
Fearing Power in Other and Otherness, 
Self seeks to Overcome what Self Perceives as Enemy.
What threatens Power is Perceived by Self as threatening to Self's Existence. 

Dreams are expressed in Image.
Consciousness Dreams, Consciousness Images.
The Dreams of Consciousness are Collected into Common Images
 Image is projected onto a surface which must be Created, 
to Exist in Image of a Reality.
 The Image however, is the inverted and distorted Opposite of its Reality. 
Image is Created through the Perceptions of Consciousness.
Consciousness Perceives Reality, not as Reality IS, but through the Self as Self
Dreams Reality should be
Consciousness Perceiving is Consciousness replacing a Reality into its own Idea or Dream  
In other words, Self IMAGES Reality.
Self Projects the Image.
Projecting Image is Creating
The Self of Consciousness is Creator of all that Exists as Creation.
The Self of Humanity is Creator of all that Exists.

A Whole is a Dream of broken and shattered Parts and Pieces Struggling for Identity.
Without Identity, Parts and Pieces are just Parts and Pieces, just Images.
An Image is a Whole that cannot come together in Wholeness because the Parts and Pieces 
cannot sustain.
Each Piece, each Part, is a Cell of the Whole.
Trying to sustain, Image just keeps breaking down, Image keeps Dividing. 
In Duality, Self Divides Self into many parts and pieces,
all cells of the Whole, the Whole that cannot stop Dividing and maintain Wholeness 
This means that not just one Self Projects the Image but myriad Cells Project the same Image
that then is able to be Perceived by the Collective as a common, collected, pseudo-Reality.
This allows Creation to  have a commonality, familiar to all in the Collective.
In other words, the Collective, collectively Creates through shared Vision of Perceived reality.
The Self that Chooses to Create its own Perceived Existence is Image that has Chosen 
to not Exist in the Reality of Existence.
This Self is the Self of Humanity that as the Whole of Humanity cannot stop Dividing 
and maintain its Wholeness. 
The Collective Self of Humanity Creates its own Perceived Existence in the Image it has designed
to Exist in, called earth, or Galaxy, or Cosmos, or even Heaven.
The Collective Consciousness has Collective Vision that Images a Collective Creation.

There is the Self of Existence in Reality.
There is the Self that Exists as Image of  'not What it Is' but of  'what it could Become'.
This is the Self that Exists only within its own Dream of reality
Consciousness Reacts to its Perception..
Consciousness Dreams.
The Dream forms Image. The Image Projects
Creation appears:
World appears.
Galaxies Appear.
                                                          Cosmos the Collected Consciousness, 
whose Collected and Projected Dreams cause a Collective Image.
Creation, as Image, Exists in Non-Reality.
There is no Image in Reality as Image is the Opposite of what is Real.

There are Parts and Pieces,
but all these Parts and Pieces will never again be the Whole from where they broke off.
Consciousness in Creation is Aware of the Entity of Reality.
Consciousness Dreams of that Entity for Creation but knows it can never BECOME
that "Which it is Not'.
The Consciousness of Creation Chose to Divide away from Reality because Other is Essential
to Reality and Exists in Creation only as a Part or a Piece.
A Part or a Piece belongs to a Whole-----a Whole that cannot hold together its Parts and Pieces.
This Whole that cannot hold back the Process of Division that marks Creation, knows that, in Time,
the Parts and Pieces ,becoming smaller and smaller, will loose Identity and fade into Oblivion.
This Dividing Creation longs for what it forfeited.
By not accepting the Other of Reality, the Self, Choosing to 'go it alone', Created an alternative Existence that could only Dream of what it has betrayed; 
Self was no more Self because Other
no longer Existed.
In this new Pseudo-Existence there was no Entity.
 Birth Existed to Create Death.
There was no Entity, so there was no Immortality!! 

Consciousness Choosing Existence in Reality is the Self of Consciousness Abiding in the 
Observation, Witness, and Validation, of the Self by the Other-Than-Self.
In Reality, Self's Identity as Self comes from Observation by That Which is Other.  
In the Witness of Self by Other, Self claims Identity as Entity.
Self  Validates Self as Self of Immortality through Validation by Other.  
Through Other, Self recognizes Self as Self. 
Through Other, Self Validates Self as Self,
able to accept Identity from it-Self.
Identity of Self as Self in Selfness occurs from the Observation of Other.
In this Observation, Witness, and Validation of Self by that which is Other, 
Self,  Aware of Self as Self in Selfness, thus Exists in total Entity of BEING..
The Self of Reality Exists in the the Reality of Entity.
The Self of Reality Exists in the Entity of Immortality.

When we Divide, we who inhabit the new Pseudo-Reality, lose a Part of our-self,
as our Other must now be Divided from our Self.
In fact, this Part often becomes the Enemy, (as it is meant to be.)
The loss is great and becomes greater as Time relentlessly continues the Division,
for, after all, we Exist in the Duality of Existence. 
Consciousness Choosing Existence in Non-Reality is Consciousness Creating.
In Creating, Consciousness blocks Other-Than-Self.
When Other is blocked there is no Observation, Witness, or Validation.
Self never comes into Reality.
 Self therefore cannot obtain Selfness. Self therefore lacks Identity.
Even Self does not Know Self. because an Unobservable Self cannot Exist.
Without Identity, Self Exists in Nothingness.

  Existence in Creation is Existence in Non-Reality.
What Exists in Non-Reality does not Exist in Reality.
Consciousness Choosing Non-Reality is Consciousness denying Reality.
Reality is replaced by Non-Reality when Consciousness denies the Existence of Other
Self  blocks Other out of Existence through Choice, yet the Duality remains.
The Self of Consciousness cannot block Duality, 
because the Relationship of Existence/Non-Existence Exists
and manifests in Existence and Non-Existence.
If Self blocks Other, Other is blocked in Self's Created Pseudo-Reality,
Even if Other is blocked, Self in undeniable Duality, will Divide it-Self down into the 
Duality of Self-of-Self and Other-of-Self.
When Other is Eliminated, Reality does not Exist.
Only Nothingness remains.

When Self blocks Other, Self Divides Self, over and over again,
unable to escape the Primal State of Duality.
Thus Duality Exists through the Process of Division.
Throughout Creation, Division, as is Duality, is unescapable.
Creation Exists in the Duality of Existence.
Creation came about through Division.
Creation will end through Division.
Creation is defined by Division.
Creation is a Process of Division.
Consciousness Chooses. 
Consciousness Chooses to Abide in the Reality of Existence or Consciousness Chooses to
Create its own Existence, its own Pseudo-Existence.
Self Abiding is Self Existing WITH Other-Than-Self in the Reality of Existence.
 Self Creating is Self Existing within the boundaries of its own Existence.
This Creating Existence Exists through Division,
always maintaining the Duality through the Division of the Self.
Consciousness Chooses Collectively and can Choose Individually.
Individual Choice overrides Collective but puts the Individual at Odds with the Collective,
again, ruled by Duality   

In the Awareness of Duality, and Because of Duality, Consciousness Vacillates.
The act of Choosing is Movement.
Movement Vacillates.
 Consciousness Vacillating, is Consciousness Choosing because Consciousness, although Aware 
of Duality, cannot Exist in Reality and in Non-Reality, 
and so must Choose between the two states of Existence.
Consciousness will Choose, either To BE or To BECOME.
Consciousness either IS or IS NOT.
Consciousness will Choose Existence or Non-Existence.
thereby Choosing Reality or Non-Reality.
Consciousness in Action of Choosing, moves, or better yet, Vibrates.
It is this Vibration that sets off Creation.

Consciousness Chooses Collectively but can also Choose Individually through Cells
that Collectively make up the Whole
The Collective Consciousness is therefore a Whole made up of Individual Cells.
In other words, the Collective Consciousness is a sum total of parts and pieces of itself.
What Exists in Parts and Pieces strives for Wholeness, Dreams of Wholeness, yet Exists, through the state of Duality, in a Process of Division.
Humanity also Exists in Parts and Pieces, in cells, that strives for Wholeness and 
even Dreams of Wholeness.
Yet Humanity Non-Exists in a state of Duality, caught up in the Process of Division that makes 
and marks Creation. 
We seek Wholeness through Division.
We Divide because we seek Wholeness through Identity that is based on Self seeking Immortality 
through Division. 
We strive to Empower ourselves by Creating an 'Otherness' we can sacrifice to Empower the Self
There is no source of Power for Self if not through what is Other.

Creation itself Exists as a Process of Division. 
This Process of Division Begins and Ends.
This Process of Life and Death begins only to breakdown, through 
Created Time, to Nothingness.
Both science and religion are Aware that Creation is Finite
Both science and religion make references to the Beginning and Ending of Creation.

The loss of Identity is the primal step in the Life to Death Process.
Loss of Identity is a sense of Nothingness.
What loses Identity loses form and fades out of Existence.
What Ends in Nothingness Exists in Non-Existence, meaning it never Existed in Reality.

There is Competition.
There is Aggression.
There is Brutality.
There are lies, many lies.
-----all just aspects of the Duality that defines Existence.
In our world, Competition best encompasses these qualities.
Brutality and Aggression come out of Competition.
Competition sets a Self against an 'Other-Than-Self'.
Competition comes out of Fear of Loss of Identity.
Loss of Identity is loss of Perceived Right to Immortality.
It all comes down to Who has the Right to Immortality.
And it is somehow Perceived that Immortality depends on Identity, and it does!

We Humans have actually convinced ourselves that 'Who We Are' determines what claim 
we put on the 'Right to Life'.   
Why is there such Division?
Why are We so Divided?
Why is there a 'pro' to every 'con' and a 'con' to every 'pro'?
Why can't we find areas of agreement?
Why can't we understand that Reality is Self AND Other,
that Self Exists because of the Observation of Self by Other-Than-Self,
that Observation of Self as Self by 'Other-Than-Self' determines Self in Entity,
that Self in Entity of Self is the Self of Immortality.