Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Post #339 "Nothingness, 2017"

Science cannot answer the question, "What came before the Big Bang" and admits  that 
maybe Nothing existed before our universe. (Astronomy, May 2007).
"The universe is mainly made up of Nothing, that Something is there is the exception.
Nothing is the rule." Carl Sagan (The Varieties of Scientific Experiences).
The Existence of Nothing best describes the Void.

What is Nothing?
What about the Existence of Nothing?
Is 'Nothing' what Non-existence is all about?
What is there about 'Nothing' that Creates Image?
Does 'Image' then Exist?
Can that which is Image be Created by 'Nothing'?
Image certainly, cannot be Created by Reality.
Reality IS.
Reality has no need or purpose to Create.
Why would that which is Real, Create that which is not Real,
---not Real, as in Image?

What about the biblical Genesis account that says that Humanity is Created in the Image of God?
Could there be a another meaning to this than what has been thought?
It would seem that Image is that which would be identified as projection.
Energy would provide the force that would transmit a reflection or an Image onto a reflecting surface.
Projection is Energy.
All Matter reduces back to Energy.
The Surface  of the Projection of the Image does not Exist in Reality.
Is Image then, Energy projected into space, into Nothingness?
This suggests that Image Exists only to Image within Image.
Image becomes as real to the senses of that which is Image.
When Image sees, Image sees as Image.
When Image feels, Image feels as Image.
When Image tastes, Image tastes as Image.
and when Image smells, Image smells as Image.
Image reacts with Image to Create new Image as what is Image is real to itself.
When Image is real to Image, all that is not Image is outside or beyond Image
and does not Exist in the reality of Image.
What is Image Perceives itself as Reality, even though its reality
is the reality of being Image.
This suggests that Creation Exists only to and within itself.
Creation Perceives itself as real and those of Creation Perceive Creation as reality
and all that is outside or beyond Creation as unreal.

As Reality is Entity of Self in Singularity and Entity of Other in Singularity,
all that excludes Other or Perceives Other than what Other IS,
has removed from itself the reality of Reality and has Chosen Non-reality.
The Self of Consciousness Chooses to exclude Otherness from Existence and Exist
only within the confines of it-Self.
That 'Other' and 'Otherness' has been excluded from Created Reality is so very apparent throughout history,
and perhaps more than anything else has determined the course of Destruction we are on.

Image is Projection, but, Projection of What?
When Other is removed as Other in Entity,
Self of Consciousness Exists only in Self.
The Self loses Entity.
Self loses Immortality.
Self not only loses Other to Witness and Validate its Selfness but also becomes its
own Image,
no longer Existing in Entity and so no longer Existing in Immortality.
Self of the Collective Unconscious Fears its loss of Entity and thus of Immortality
and so Images it-Self as in a Process of Becoming what it lost;
thereby becoming an Image, a Pretense, a Perception, but never the Reality.
As Creation is a Process of Division,
Image will Perceive itself as a Process of Becoming.

If Image is Nothing, the Reality of the Image must come from Something.
We know that Image can project Image over and over again throughout history,
causing Matter to Divide over and over again.
History could be described as Image in process of fragmenting, of Dividing down into
smaller and smaller pieces of itself, each piece a cell.
---each piece reflecting the Image of Consciousness's Dream of Becoming.
 When the fragments become so small they lose Identity, the Dream fades into the Oblivion
of Nothingness.
The Dream of Consciousness, Consciousness in action of Choosing, Creates Matter,
 Substance is Created that is Perceived as such by that which produces it, and in return,
that which it produces.
Basically, Energy Perceiving,
Energy Creating,
Energy reducing through the process of Division, back to Energy.
It is only the Perception that makes Image Appear real to that seeking Reality
through its own determinations and setting its own parameters.
Image is Created IN Nothing.
Image is Created by Consciousness.
Consciousness enters its Creation and becomes One with it, through Choice.

Consciousness does not have to activate itself to Choose.
Consciousness can Exist in Reality!
Consciousness does not have to Create into Nothingness.
It is Choice.

The Collective Consciousness has Chosen and continues to Choose to Create.
The Collective Consciousness Dreams of Becoming.
The Collective Consciousness Dreams and lives within its Dreams.
How much more obvious could this be?
How can we not notice that our existence in our Created world is an existence of Imaging.
Every generation we improve our ability, to not just Dream, to not just Image,
but to live within our fantasies.
Consider today's constant and over powering quest for Perfection.
Nothing ever seems quite good enough
The Dream is always for better and for more.
Consider the growing need for addictive substances to live in a
dream within a dream.

Consciousness cannot control its desire for perfection and is in a frenzy of Creating
escapes from what it has created.
Our world is a world of Competition that deludes itself that Competition is healthy.
People challenge people
People devour people in that quest for Perfection.
---the quest to Become,
---the Dream to Become,
---the Desire to Become,
---Energy Dividing Energy into smaller and smaller increments of Energy,
that devour itself until no more remains.

Bob Berman writes in 'Astronomy', May 2007 that total Energy inventory is finite,
yet it cannot be used up.
Energy never diminishes nor is it born.
He says further that physicists have calculated that every cubic centimeter of empty space
contains more Energy than the total Energy of all the Matter in the known universe.

Energy is Consciousness in Action.
Consciousness, as Existence itself, is Duality.
Existence is Duality of Reality and Non-reality.
Non-reality Exists as Non-reality as Existence Exists as Non-Existence.
Non-existence is the Energy of Consciousness Creating Non-reality.
Non-existence is Energy that Creates heat
that produces moisture
and from heat and moisture,elementary particles, such as quarks and electrons form.
Consciousness in action Creates.
Consciousness in action is Energy.

Consciousness, as Existence itself, is Duality.
Consciousness is Duality of Consciousness and Unconsciousness.
There is the Collective Consciousness and the Collective Unconsciousness.
The Collective Consciousness Creates.
The Collective Unconsciousness Destroys.
Creation and Destruction Exist in Creation because Creation itself,
Creates and Destroys itself.
The Collective Consciousness Dreams.
The Collective  Unconsciousness Fears its Dreams.
The Collective Unconsciousness is not the Choice as the result of the Choice.
Surely, Humanity is not the result only of Choice,
but is what it is because of the result.

The result is what becomes Observable to the Emerging Self that has not
Chosen to Create but who Exists in Being
Its the Consciousness of Creation that Perceives Self as Other
---that perceives opposite to what it Perceives itself thinking.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Post #338 "Time, 2017"

Is Time Reality or Non-reality?
Time is not readily measured nor easily put in test tubes 
and so remains as nebulous as Matter/Substance,
which science has proved, does not exist in the universe or in all of Creation.
In quantum mechanics, physicists have realized that Time is not an Observable,
meaning we cannot Observe Time passing.

As scientists were shocked to discover that previous assertions of a decelerating universe 
were completely inaccurate,
they will be shocked to learn that the movement of Time determines the speed and the direction
in which the universe moves.
---that as Time accelerates, the speed of the universe accelerates,
If Time moved backwards, the universe would decelerate.
Time, as we know it, moves forward to its end,
speeds up,
thereby becoming of shorter duration.
Minutes, days, weeks, and years, are spinning faster and faster to a close.
In the pseudo-reality of Non-reality, Time is moving faster and lives are actually moving
more quickly and are passing at an accelerated speed from generation to generation.

A life span of, say 76 years is passing faster now than a life span of, say 35 years, several
generations ago.
It follows then, that the farther back in history,
the slower the movement of Time, the slower the acceleration of the universe,
and the longer people lived because the increments of Time moved slower.
Non-reality, as image of reality, becomes less and less distorted as we move backwards in
Time because Image reflects the Image preceding it.
Image reflects Image, reflects Image,
each a further distortion of the Reality that Non-reality seeks to replace.

It seems evident from this that levels of Time, levels of Non-reality occur.
As we measure Time in minutes, days , weeks, years, generations,
increments as levels or layers become apparent.
Each level is farther away from the reality that was sought to be Imaged
as each level can only reflect the level preceding it.
Each Image thus becomes a further distortion until nothing at all can be found
that resembles Reality.
At each level the imprinted memory becomes fainter and the Image continues breaking
down or Dividing down into smaller and smaller pieces until nothing remains that resembles or
can be identified in any way with Reality.

An interesting example of this may be that of a tel.
A tel is identified by Webster as an ancient mound in the Middle East composed
of remains of successive settlements.
Visiting Jericho of Israel/Palestine several times, I had the opportunity to Observe
and ponder a tel that has been under excavation for over 60 years by archaeologists.
The tel was the size of a small mountain that has been sliced vertically showing many
levels, each level representing a past settlement or civilization, as the mound held
within it over 9000 years of humanity's efforts to build their Dreams,
to escape to their own Created reality.
Over 9000 years ago a wall was built,
 and then walls,
out of the wilderness surrounding Jericho.
The walls were built by cementing together huge stones with mortar,
made from the bitumen of the soil and mixed with water from the River Jordan.

The wall became walls.
Walls became a settlement.
The settlement became settlements.
Settlements became cities.
Each wall represented a city.
Each city representing a civilization.

The first level, that first settlement, was destroyed.
After a time a second settlement was built on top of the remains of the huge
stone walls of the earlier attempts.
The second settlement was larger than the first and was also destroyed.
It followed-------the pattern of building followed by destruction,
of life to death,
at first of settlements and then of cities.
The pattern repeated itself, over and over again,
until all that is left today is a mountain of buried cities
covered with silt and vegetation
and archaeologist's attempts to tell the story of an area that represents all of
--All, just layers and levels of Non-reality piled on top of each other,
getting farther and farther away,
level by level and layer by layer,
from any grasp of Truth at all.
For what is Truth anyway,
if not Reality?

Time is a primary element of Creation.
Time moves Non-reality farther and farther away from the Truth of Reality
as the parts and pieces of Consciousness continue Choosing to Create.
Creation is a Process of Division.
Division moves with Time, faster and faster to Oblivion.

Post #337 "Non-reality, 2017"

Non-reality assumes a life of its own by Creating its own reality.
The Non-reality of Creation brings itself into its own Existence.
Creation is Real to itself,
however, Creation is Finite.
Creation exists within its own resulting parameters of its own Created Time,
its own Created Place, and its own Created Substance.
Creation is Non-existent to Reality, consequently Creation has absolutely no
effect on Reality.
Non-reality identifies and functions as Creation.
What is not of Reality is Created.
There are the Choices of Consciousness of its Choice of Existence.
--Consciousness Exists in Reality by Choice.
--Consciousness Exists in Non-Reality by Choice
and here in Non-reality, Creates its own Non-existent Existence.
Non-reality is Non-existence.
 That of Non-existence does not Exist in Reality.

What Exists in Reality is Entity.
Entity, meaning having no parts and no pieces of itself.
In Reality is Existence of Self and Other.
Self and Other Exist in Singularity of Self and Singularity of Other, in Reality
 in Selfness and in Otherness.
Self is in no way dependent on Other, that Other is Aware of Self as Singular Self.
As Self is Aware of Other as Other-than-Self, Self can Observe it-self as Self,
Self Witnesses Self to Self.
Self is therefore Validated As Self to Self and by Self.
Self, then, does not Divide.
A Non-divided Self does not destruct it-Self through Division or through its Perceptions
of it-Self Becoming its Dream of Perfection
and so Exists in Entity of it-Self.
and Knows it-self in Immortality.

Non-reality identifies and functions as Creation, meaning that Creation is made out of
'Nothing' as in the Void.
Religion says, "God Created the heavens and the earth in the beginning".
A foremost scientific concept says that Creation resulted from the Big Bang,
---"when photons of light were first set free and Created the cosmic
microwave background." (Steve Nadis. Astronomy, April 2007).
Out of a Void, out of Nothingness, an event occurred and occurs that
unfolds from a beginning to an ending.
Creation, made up of Time, Place; and Matter,
 Non-existing in a Void of Nothingness,
in which vague parameters designate Place,
spinning and rotating cycles designate Time,
and from these comes Matter/Substance,
the stuff of earth including Humanity.

Creation, according to science is the stuff of atoms and basic elements.
In the controversy between religion and science there does seem to be agreement;
both admit, religion and science, to an ending that is understood by religion as a prediction,
"heaven and earth will pass away....." (Mark 13:31)
and by science as an observation of the breakdown of atoms into smaller and smaller subatomic particles,
until finally losing all definition,
also, just pass away.

As both religion and science admit to a 'beginning' of Creation,
both admit to an ending.
What is Created Exists in Time,
not in Infinity.
Time is nebulous.
Time also begins and ends.
Time is the Creation that calls Beginning "beginning" and calls Ending "ending".
Therefore what Time ends, Creation ends.
'Creation ending' fades into the abyss of Nothingness.

Non-reality Exists!
What of Non-reality Exists is Non-reality itself.
History is a drama of not only Non-reality,
but a drama of the Non-reality of Non-reality, over and over again.
History is built on what is not real.
Each level, each layer of history builds on what has gone before,
so the Non-reality is Non-reality, many times removed.
Each level, each layer, moves farther and farther away from Truth,
Until Truth is so buried, so blurred, that no semblance of Truth remains.
Humanity does not know Truth and does not even realize that it doesn't.
Humanity Perceives Creation and itself within its Creation as Reality!
Humanity cannot Observe that what it Perceives as Reality is Non-existent Creation.
Humanity is so caught up in its Dream and its Dreams that it has no idea of its Non-reality!
Humanity has no idea that its quest for Power is its Dream and its created idea of something
There is no Power in Reality!
This may be why few will Choose Reality.

Non-reality began as Time ticked its first beat,
Creation began as Image.
Creation began as Unreal.
Creation began as Untruth.
Dare we admit it?
-----Creation began as a lie,
a lie of trying to Become what it was Not,
---and what it was, it was only an Image of.
What Desire, what Dream of Consciousness brought about such a Choice?
What about Reality was so threatening to some of the parts and pieces of Consciousness
that make up Humanity?
The answer lies within comparison to what was eliminated from Reality.
What in Creation gives clues to what part of Reality Consciousness so Feared?

The clue that has evidenced the Truth is:
Reality is the Singularity of Self and the Singularity of Other.
Non-reality is Self of Self within Self.
See what is missing from Non-reality?
'Other' is Missing.
But certainly not the effects that have accelerated in our history,
breaking humanity down into so many Divisions as to be approaching Extinction,
--Extinction as into the Abyss.

We are a world of Image.
Humanity is almost totally living in Image.
We Perceive these Images as Reality,
because we have Created it TO BE Our Reality.
Our reality is a Dream.
Each generation is more Image than the generation before.
Each generation escapes more and more into Created fantasy,
 And as Humanity is Image, each generation is less Real than the
preceding generation.

We are living as pre-robots, as machines, in a world that thinks and acts as machines,
all programmed and ready to carry out Power system programs that put fewer and
fewer people into unimaginable Wealth, super star Identity, and total Authority.
Where did programming begin?
In the cradle of religion?
In the labs of science?
Is the search for Power behind it all?
Is religion about Power?
Is science about Power?
Is the sought after Power, the Power of Immortality?
---As if Immortality could BE a Power.

Non-reality Exists.
Non-realty Exists as Non-Existence.
Non-reality Exists as Dream of Becoming.
Non-Reality Exists in all Dreams.
Non-Reality Exists in all that is Created.
Non-Reality Exists in all that Begins and Ends.

No one can Create Immortality.
No one can Create Reality.
Although the Dream of Creating Immortality through Possession of total, absolute,
supreme, and sovereign power has Created all we can Imagine.
Religion Created and Creates the Dream of Becoming Immortal in a Non-existent
Religion Created and Creates God out of the Dream of Consciousness 'to Become'.
God is the Dream of having attained Total and Complete Power over all Creation
because God is Perceived as Possessing Immortality.
Science Created and Creates the Dream of Creating Immortality in a test tube
in a Non-existent, Non-reality.
When science has accomplished its Dream of Creating Life----
will religion become obsolete?

The Awareness of the Reality of Non-Reality is not a Theory.
The reality can not be speculation.
It cannot be found in mathematical equations.
The Awareness of the Reality of Non-reality is not found in test tubes.
or seen through microscopes or telescopes.

Non-reality is a Discovery
and when it is Discovered, and only WHEN it is Discovered,
it then can be seen as the Non-reality of Theory,
the Non-reality of speculation.
the Non-reality of mathematical equations,
the Non-reality of test tubes,
and the Non-reality of microscopes and telescopes.
as the Non-reality of churches and temples of worship,
in ritual and sacrifice and Laws that dictate status and Divisions.
All trying to be Real.
When Non-reality is Discovered as Non-reality,
only then, can Reality be Reality.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Post #336 "The Generation of Energy. 2017"

Who could ever ever know that this Place known as Creation evolved from the Energy
of Consciousness Choosing.
Because of the ability to Choose, Consciousness Energized.
In Choosing, Consciousness Moved.
Consciousness moved because the action of Choosing Divided Consciousness
Consciousness Divided it-self according to Choice,
 according to Collective Choice, and then,
according to individual Choice of each cell of the Whole of Consciousness.
Consciousness Chose between Reality and Creation. 
This Process of Consciousness in action, of Consciousness Moving, 
is the movement of Division.
In Choosing, Consciousness moves.   
Consequently the reacting movement of Choosing,
--The movement of Dividing, is the Movement of what we know as Energy.
This Energy is Energy of Division, the Energy of Consciousness Acting or Moving,
through Choice.
Through Choice, Consciousness Moves,
Choice is movement.
The Duality of Consciousness Choosing is basis of the concept of Energy.

Consciousness Chooses 'Being' or 'Non-being'.
meaning that Consciousness can 'BE' as Consciousness 'IS' or Consciousness 
can Move (can Energize) as in 'Not Being' or as in 'Becoming',
as in 'what it Is Not'.
'To Be' does not require Energy or Movement.
Energy does not Exist in Reality.
'To Become' requires Energy, 'To Become' requires Movement 
Movement requires points to Move 'from' and points to move 'to'.
Movement requires movement from a beginning to an ending.
This movement begins with birth and ends with death.
This movement Created Birth, but more impressively,
Created Death
Therefore, Movement, therefore Energy, Creates the basic Element of Time,
that along with the basic Elements of Place and Matter,
Create Creation.
Time brings about Birth,
Time brings about Death.
Energy is Energy of Life.
Energy is Energy of Death.

Consciousness Choosing, means Consciousness determines 'Being' from 'Non-being'.
meaning Consciousness determines Reality from Non-reality.
Consciousness Divides itself on Choice, for Becoming .
Therefore Consciousness of Being and Consciousness of Becoming
 are Duality,
----the Duality of Consciousness.

The Duality of Consciousness, reflecting the Duality of Existence,
  Chooses To Be or To Becoming 
and acts out that Choice.
In Consciousness Becoming,
Consciousness Chooses, Consciousness moves, Consciousness Activates,
into the action 'of Becoming'
'Consciousness of Becoming', in Choosing, Divides,--- 'what it Is Not' from 'what Is'.
The Action of Moving demands Process.
Consciousness chooses, Consciousness moves, Consciousness
activates itself,
Energizes itself,
into Becoming 'what It Is Not'.

In Consciousness of Being,
the Non-action of Non-becoming of Non-moving is 'Being'
There is no Process in 'Being',
There is no movement from a point of beginning to a point of ending.
Therefore in Consciousness 'Being', there is no Division.
Where there is no Division,
there is no beginning, there is no ending.
Where there is no beginning and no Ending,
there is no Death.
There is no Mortality.
There is no Energy.

The Consciousness of 'Becoming' therefore initiates action.
 It is this Action that moves from a point of beginning to a point of ending.
This movement has purpose.
The purpose of movement is of 'Not 'Being',
The purpose of movement is Action.
'Action' cannot just 'Be'.
'Action'/Energy suggests Progression.
Progression is a 'Becoming'.
Consciousness will 'Be' or
Consciousness will 'Become'
The Choice is for the Collective Consciousness that includes here, the Collective Unconsciousness'
or the Individual Cell of Consciousness that is every human being that is 'Aware'.
This movement of Choosing,
therefore, establishes the Elements that bring about Creation,
 through movement, through the Energy of Choosing. 

 Consciousness also has purpose of 'Being',
Meaning that Consciousness of 'Being' is what Consciousness Is.
Meaning that Consciousness of Being Exists in 'non-changing', non-moving,
Consciousness IS and Exists in the Reality of the Singularity of Self and of the
Singularity of Other.
Singularity means that Self is totally Self in the Self of Selfness and that
Other is totally Other in Other of Otherness.
Singularity means that Singular Self is Entity of Self with no parts or pieces of it-Self
and that Singular Other is Entity of Other with no parts and pieces of its Otherness.
Singular Self and Singular Other, each as Entity, have Immortality. 

What is Creation anyway, but Division?
Division was and is the function of Creation.
Division was and is the beginning event  in the Process of Creation.
Creation is the Process of Division.
Creation came about through Division.
Creation is only the Image of that which is Entity.

What is really known about Energy?
As Existence is Duality,
as Consciousness is Duality,
so it follows that the movement, that the Energy, of Consciousness is Duality.
The Energy that formed and forms Creation is Duality.
Creation is a Process.
Creation is a Process of Division,
meaning, that in reality, Creation constantly Divides itself down,
 until no more remains.
Life to Death.
Science says, Positive to Negative.
Positive, as birth.
Negative as in Death,
Death, until no more remains.
The movement from Life to Death,
from Positive to Negative,
signifies the futility of Choosing to activate a Dream that only can Exist in Non-existence.
It signifies that the End, that Death occurs, when Negative Energy overtakes Positive.
Positive Energy struggles against negative Energy to Exist as when Creation ends
there is no more Energy.
or when Energy ceases, because movement ceases, and there is no more Creation.
It is quite obvious that Energy Creates Time,
Energy Creates Place,
Energy Creates Matter.
When Time begins breaking down, its Creative, Positive Energy becomes frenetic
and basically, hastens its ending as the parts and pieces become smaller and smaller.
This break-down to the end can be compared to Negative, as Negative takes over
Consciousness of Choice to Become as Consciousness becomes frenetic when
it goes from Perception to reluctant Observation that what Exists as Non-reality
cannot Become Reality.
Choice will play out.

What Energies are involved in or even make up Human Consciousness?
Is it possible that earlier times in history saw human Consciousness more able to access other forms and degrees of Awareness than we know today and that the ability has faded through
Choice or even has been purposely hidden.
How much Truth must be hidden beneath the huge pile of debris accumulated through
all the layers and levels of history.
How much positive energy lay beneath the rubble of destruction of so much that is not
Truth, so much abuse, so much torture, so much mental anguish,-------all
Energy of destruction.
We struggle against it,
 yet we Create more negative energy than we Create positive energy.
Our Powers of Death are much stronger than our Powers of Life.
We can all sense, we can all feel, the frenetic struggles of Choice for Life over Death,
yet Creation, as Existence itself, is Duality.
Energy brings about Creation,-------the Duality of Energy, the Duality of Creation.
The Duality of Humanity,
the Duality that continually breaks down, over and over again.
all Energy fighting Energy,
------nation against nation,
religion against religion neighbor against neighbor,
team against team,
 into the negative Energy of Oblivion

Friday, October 20, 2017

Post #335 "What is Truth? 2017"

What is Truth?
What is Real?
Can Truth Exist within Creation?
Can there be Truth in Image?
Can there be a form of Truth that lies within an Image,
----if not the Image's own created Truth?
If so, could this 'Imaged' Truth, or this 
'Surface' Truth be True to the Image and all that pertains to the Image,
while not being True to Reality?
Certainly an Imaged Truth or a Surface Truth could not Exist in Reality.
For sure, Reality could not accept that which is a distorted reproduction of itself.
For sure, Reality could not accept that which Exists only within itself,
playing out its created drama on its own created, reflective, surface
of earth or universe, galaxy or cosmos,
thereby creating as many reflecting surfaces as the imagination can Dream.

Would not an Image be the distorted reproduction of its own efforts,
thereby creating itself and by providing its own reality?
Image is a projection that forms Matter from its own Energy,
reflected on its own created surface,
 through the actions of the Void of pre-creation.
The Dream and Desire of the Collective Consciousness to take on and Become Reality
creates Energy.
The Dream and Desire become Choice.
But Choice fails to bring about the Transference of Reality onto the Collective,
 and Becomes instead
----Image of the Reality.
For no matter how big the Dream and intense the Desire, Dream and Desire
do not Exist in Reality
 and cannot bring that which Exists into Non-existence.

Can an Image that has resulted from a distorted and inverted projection of Reality be
anything other than distorted and inverted?
Can Reality even be projected, in the first place?
Can Reality itself be projected or is Reality Imaged through the perception of Dreaming
and the Dream Becomes what is projected,
meaning that the Dream itself distorts Reality.
The Energy of the action of Perception or Distortion expresses itself in Reality,
 throwing off the distorted Image of itself
in projection of the distortion,
onto a created reflecting surface, (created Matter),
thereby bringing about the on-screen drama of Creation.

If Reality could have been projected, could this have brought about the Desired and
Dreamed of Transference of Consciousness into Reality?
Would this Desire, would this Dream, would this Choice, would this projection,
bring about
the Transference that would change the Identity
 of that which Is Not Reality,
into Reality?

The profound question is
'Can Reality ever be Projected?'
Can Dream and Choice bring about a pseudo-reality that replaced and replaces Reality?
Can Dream and Choice bring about a pseudo-reality that Exists within its own reality
and consequently, within its Own Truth?
We all know that what is Real cannot be eliminated.

So, what is the purpose for Creation?
Is the Purpose of Creation the Elimination of Reality?
Is Creation the act of building impenetrable walls to block the presence of Truth,
the presence of Reality?
Here the walls are Created that block out all that which cannot be remover in any other
way than through denial of its Existence.
---through the Denial of Truth.
Here the walls of Creation must be built that Truth and Reality will SEEM to be

But no walls can Truly eliminate Reality.
No walls and eliminate Truth.
It's all a sham, a pretense.
There is no Truth in Sham or Pretense.

Here lies the impetus to Create.
So what is Created?
We Create what we Are Not.
We Create to Become.
We Create to Become that which we Dream and Desire.
We Create what and when our desire is totally unreachable and unachievable,
and even inconceivable.

We cannot remove Reality.
We can only build walls that remove ourselves.
Dream and Desire begat Time---the Time that set off Creation.
But Time is Nebulous
and can be tipped upside-down and down-side up.
the Ending confused with its Beginning,
the Beginning confused with its Ending.
Truth cannot be Obliterated.
Truth can only be hidden from,
for Truth is Reality

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Post # 334 "Who Are We, 2017"

Who are we ?
This is a basic human question.
This question has plagued us Humans for as long as we have been able to Rationalize.
Our world of technology, our business enterprises, our political rationales, our game/sport mentality,
all that we make our priorities, all that determines our value systems,
all proving us to be what we are------Image Makers!
We are Image Makers.
We are Creators.
Our world of technology alone is spinning us faster and deeper into a world of Image,
a world we have Created,
a world we are Creating.
a world we have yet to Create.

We are Image Makers. 
We are Creators.
We have Created Creation: namely, Time, Place, and Matter.
We have Created Time,
---in which our Dreams may become accomplished,
We have Created Time that we may call an End to all our Failings,
that we may begin, over and over again as often as necessary,
hoping to get it right, the next Time.

We have Created Place
that there would be a surface on which to reflect our Dreams and Desires,
---a stage on which to perform the Dream that we could not live.
We have Created Place, that there would be 'a place' as opposed to 'no place'.
That 'a place' would exist in Non-reality---the reality we have Created.

We have Created Matter,
that we may Possess, that we may accumulate,
that we may own.
That through Matter we may acquire Wealth and through Wealth---Power
We have Created Matter that we ourselves may inhabit, exploit, and abuse that world
and all we have Created.
We have Created Matter that we may play out our Dreams and Desires on that worldly stage
that exists only to us,
that exists only to us in our own Created Non-reality.
We have Created Matter that we may give witness to ourselves,
that we may make ourselves present in the reality we have created.
We have Created Matter that through our acquired wealth/substance,
we may Become God.

We have Created the world.
We have Created the Cosmos.
We have Created out of all we have imaged or imagined.
We have Created to fulfill our Dreams and Desires.
We have Created to the ends of our Imagination.
Our Power to imitate, to create, is as boundless as the far edges of our creation
and beyond into our own created infinity.
---into our created heavens and into our created hells.
The Collective Consciousness and especially, the Collective Unconsciousness,
has created our reality that moves from the Present
to create the Past,
that through the Past we may determine the created Future.

As masters of Imagery, as masters of Creation, will we ever be able to answer our own basic
question of 'who are we?'
As masters of Imagery,
can we answer our own questions in Truth (whatever Truth may be),
 or will our answers be the answers of Images, or of robots,
 of our own Created reality?
Does Reality Exist outside or beyond that totality of what we have Created?
How can we possibly encounter this Reality, if indeed, this Creation, this cosmos,
we have Created,
allows us to venture only to the ends of our Imagination,
or just, at least,
allows us only to be able to peer beyond its walls?

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Post #333 "Creation-Reality or Non-reality, 2017"

The Intellect is the determining factor of Consciousness,
Through the Intellect, Consciousness Chooses, as Choosing is the action of Consciousness.
Consciousness Chooses,
and according to Choice,
functions either through Reason, through Faith, or through Observation of what is Real.

The Consciousness of Reality Accesses Information /Knowledge of what Exists,
It is not bounded by the elements of Creation.
The Intellect or the Consciousness of Non-reality, Chooses 'to Become' Reality,
not as Reality IS but as Consciousness Dreams it 'To Become'.
This Choice is not For Reality 'to Be' Reality,
 but for Reality 'to Become' the Dreamed of reality
that Exists entirely within the Self of the Created Creation.
----that what occurred and occurs is not that which was Dreamed of and Desired,
for Dreams can not Become what they are not.

The Dream, of course, can not become the Reality,
and instead of Becoming Reality, becomes the Image of Reality.
The Image is not a duplication, but a distortion,
for the Dreams of Collective Consciousness,
 result from Perceptions that Exist entirely within the Self.

This chaotic impulse churns the Void of Nothingness Creating the Energy of Creation.
This is pre-creation.
The churning of the Void produces heat.
Heat produces moisture.
From heat and moisture, elementary particles, such as quarks and electrons form
which then undergo further development through the interaction and influence of
pre-creation forces.
In these particles and electrons are the building materials of Creation.
Creation is Created:
Time begins ticking,
Matter forms.
Place appears as the reflecting surface on which the Dream of Becoming, the
Image of Reality, is projected.
On this reflecting surface called Earth or Galaxy, or Cosmos,
the drama of Creation Unfolds.

Science knows these elements do not exist in themselves.
That they pop in and out of existence and convert back to the original energy of the
churning Void of Non-existence.
Science knows that these elements do not really exist in Reality but only within our own Creation,
within our own Created Dream reality.
Basic elements, including Humanity, exist in our own reality,
created through the Power of Choice
by the Collective Consciousness and the Collective Unconsciousness
through pre-Time and throughout all of Created Time.

We Choose to access knowledge through Observation of Reality
or Perception of the Dream of Creation.
It's all a matter of Choice----
to Become Image Makers--- or not.
--to Become the Creators of Creation---or not.
Choice is made collectively and individually.
Those Choosing the Observation are caught up into Collective Consciousness,
through Consciousness.
Through Choice, however, these can and must Emerge from the Collective
into the Observation of the Reality of Reality.

Just what is Creation?
Just what has been Created?
Does this Creation of ours equal Reality or does it equal Non-reality?
Just what has been Created?
What has our Intellect Created?

What has been Created is Image.
It is Image Created out of Perceptions of a Dreaming Consciousness that has
closed it-Self within the confines of it-Self.
This Dreaming Consciousness Perceives an Image and so is unable to Observe the Reality.
Unable to Observe Reality, this Consciousness cannot Observe the Reality of the
Self of Entity,---the Singular Self of Reality
and cannot Observe the Reality of the Entity of Other,---the Singular Other of Reality
Without acceptance of the Singularity of Entity in Self and Other,
Consciousness breaks down into parts and pieces of it-Self that seek Entity
but can only become a Collective Whole.

Immortality is Entity and Entity is Immortality.
The Dreaming Consciousness has Created and is Creating Image,
as it can only Image what it cannot Become.
Consciousness Dreams of Becoming and so has lost 'Being'.
'Being' has no beginning and so has no ending.
'Becoming' has beginning and ending.
Image cannot be sustained.

We are Creator.
We are Image Makers.
We Desired and we Desire to Become what we are not.
The result is that we Create our own reality.
Our mechanical minds,
thinking mechanical thoughts in our mechanical world,
 cannot Access Reality.
So what resulted, what we Created, is Image,---Image is the reflection of Reality.
Our reality is a Created reality.
Consciousness Chooses its own Reality,
its own Existence.

As we are absorbed, farther and farther into a pure mechanical Existence,
the ability to Observe diminishes to the point of extinction
 as existing in a state of robotical, mechanical
What was more easily accessible in a less mechanical, less power-driven world is now,
through unuse, becoming much more difficult to access.
The absorption is almost complete.
What Began,
will now see its Ending

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Post #332 "The Creation of Creation, 2017"

A foremost scientific concept says that Creation resulted from the Big Bang 
"when photons of light were first set free and created the cosmic microwave background."
 (Steve Nadis. Astronomy. April 2007). 
Out of a Void, out of Nothingness, an event occurred and occurs that unfolds from a beginning 
and hastens to an end. 
Creation, made up of Time, Place, and Matter, Existing or Non-existing in a Void of Nothingness in 
which vague parameters designate Place, spinning and rotating cycles designate Time, 
and from these comes Matter/Substance,
the stuff of Earth including Humanity.
Creation, according to science, is the stuff of atoms and basic elements.
Creation, according to religion, is the work of a supreme Being Who Created all things.
Both religion and science (Faith and Reason),
admit to an ending,
that is understood by religion,
as a prediction that, "heaven and earth will pass away..." (Mark 13:31) 
and by science,
 as an observation of the break-down of atoms into smaller and smaller subatomic particles,
until finally losing all definition,
also just pass away.

That Creation, beginning as an event,
is moving to and approaching its end, is becoming more apparent with each passing day. 
This movement, this process, from beginning to end, from life to death,
is accelerating as is the universe accelerating.
The recently discovered fact of an accelerating universe blew scientists' previous assumption of
a decelerating universe totally apart. 
A mysterious Energy is said to be responsible for the accelerated rate at which galaxies and space
itself are being pushed apart.
Space, systematically, is expanding,
 as galaxies are being carried along with its movement.

Creation is Process. Process is movement.
Movement defines beginning and end.
The movement of Creation, however, is not toward wholeness or unity,
but is a movement that is constantly breaking down into smaller and smaller parts and pieces
of itself,
each part and each piece, a cell, carrying an imprint, a memory.
Reference for this concept comes from religion and from science---
from Faith and from Reason.

According to biblical Genesis,
the action of Creation is described as Separation:
God SEPARATED light from darkness.
God SEPARATED water from above from water from below.
God SEPARATED sky from land,
and finally, God SEPARATED Female from Male.

defining Creation from the instant of the Big Bang,
sees this movement, not as a formation,
but as a release of atoms that SEPARATED into the basic elements.
This movement of Creation, then,
is a movement of DIVISION.
Creation is a Process of Division that Divides down from its beginning to Nothingness
at its ending.

At each increment of this movement of Division, the rate of Division accelerates.
The Observation of this movement is called Time.
Time moves with the acceleration or deceleration of the Universe.
As the movement of the universe is Accelerating,
the movement of Time is Acceleration.
As the movement of Time is accelerating,
the rate of Division is Accelerating.
 Creation is Dividing down faster and faster with each division of Time.

Consequently, Time is also occurring at a rate of accelerating Division.
The movement of Time accelerates at each increment,
each increment a further breakdown into smaller and smaller parts and pieces.
These parts and pieces then move farther and farther apart at accelerating rates of speed.
Creation is thusly, described as a Process---a Process of Division.

Accordingly, Creation cannot be Observed as Real of Reality.
Creation can only be Perceived as real in the confines of the Self, within the Self,
of Consciousness.
Creation is real only to those who Exist in that Creation,
---in that dimension of Consciousness.

Real assumes Entity.
Creation Divides.
Creation Divides over and over again until "heaven and earth passes away",
until the atoms of Creation break-down into smaller and smaller subatomic
until finally, losing  all definition,
also just pass away

Monday, October 16, 2017

Post #331 "Why is There Something?" 2017

"Science cannot answer the deepest questions.
As soon as you ask why there is something instead of nothing, 
you have gone beyond science." Allan Sandage

Why is there something?
Why can't science answer the deepest questions?
Why can't science determine why there is 'something' instead of 'nothing'?
Better yet, why is there nothing instead of something?
Why do we determine that 'something' comes out of nothing rather than nothing 
coming out of something?
Again, the confusion over reality and Non-reality.
 We assume that 'something' is comparative to Reality,
so that 'nothing' must suggest Non-reality.

How do we seek Knowledge?
---through our ability to Reason
---through our Faith in the Knowledge of Others
---through our senses?
Because of the Duality of Consciousness, Consciousness has the ability to access information
that is stored in Collective Memory, through levels of Consciousness that are beyond
the normative ways of accessing information.
The Consciousness of Reality is able to access information that is beyond the limits
of Creation.
Beyond the limits of Creation means beyond Time, beyond Place, and beyond Matter.
The Consciousness of Non-reality, as in Creation, is able to access information that
is within the confines of Creation.
---that is, within Time, within Place,  and within Matter.
The Consciousness of Non-reality is Consciousness that has Chosen to Create its own
reality out of the Self that exists entirely within it-Self.
That which exists within itself has canceled out the Other and Otherness of Reality.
Canceling out Other has actually also canceled out the Self of Reality that begins
Dividing it-Self down into the parts and pieces of the Collective Consciousness
that as a Whole of itself, does not Know Entity.
Because this Self of Creation does not know Entity, it does not know Immortality.
This Self of Creation is bound by its Perceptions of 'Becoming' and so lives within
this Dream that is the distorted reflection of a Reality removed by Consciousness.
It would seem that the search for Truth must probe deeper beyond the surface of
our mechanical world.
---that the search for Truth must search to hear non mechanical answers.
---that the search for Truth will not answer to mechanical thinking by mechanical brains.

The search for Truth would have to move out of the confined Self of Creation that
exists within it-self to the Observance of the Singular Self of Reality and the
Singular Other of Reality.
It would seem that these thoughts and findings would have to flow from deep levels of
Consciousness and Awareness that can penetrate layers and levels of historical debris
to finally emerge from bedrock and beyond the bedrock of history to that of
First Cause.
The Self of Consciousness, that Self of Creation has Chosen to block Reality so
consequently, also blocks First Cause.
First Cause will be Awareness of the Duality of Existence and consequently the Awareness
of the Duality of Consciousness that exercises it ability to Choose its Existence in Reality
or in Non-reality.

The search for Truth must probe deeper beyond the surface of our mechanical world
and the worlds this world have and will Create.
To put the quest at an entry level, let's begin with these Observations:
we cannot understand 'up' if we have no awareness of 'down', or of 'hot' if we
have no awareness of 'cold', or of 'high' if we have no awareness of 'low'.
Hence, if there is reality there must be Non-reality.

Reality is the Singularity of Self in Entity of it-Self in its Selfness and
the Singularity of Other in Entity of the Self-of-Other in its Otherness.
Singularity of Self, in Entity, is Observed in its Selfness by Other.
Self knows Self as Self because Self is Observed in its Selfness by Other.
Self cannot know Self or 'BE' Self without Validation of Self by an-Other
than Self.
Through the Self Observing Other Observing Self, Self Observes it-Self
as Self thereby Existing as Singular Self in the Entity of Reality.
In Entity there are no parts and pieces, therefore in Self Observing Self as Self,
and in Self Observing Other as Other, there is no Death.
There also are no unanswerable questions because there are no Perceptions
to hide, disguise, convolute, or distort, what is Observable to what Observes it-Self and
Observes Other in the Truth of Reality.
For What Is, IS and does not 'Become'.

There are levels of Consciousness way beyond the levels accessed by the Senses,
through Reason, or through Faith and Tradition.
What level of Consciousness can find these profound answers to what is Real
from what is not Real, but is of Creation?
Science's questions are not questions of Reason, of the Senses, or of Religion
or Tradition.
Science seeks mechanical answers from a mechanical brain
to an increasingly mechanical world.
Science and religion cannot answer these questions.
Reason and Faith cannot answer these questions.
At what level of Consciousness can profound answers be found to these profound
questions of what is Real or what is not Real?

Creation Exists within it-Self  and is real to and within it-self.
But is Creation Real or is Creation the Image of Reality?
Is Creation the distorted, inverted Image of a Non-comprehensible Reality?
Maybe what mechanical thinking thinks is 'something', may in Reality be 'nothing'.
Maybe what our world thinks is 'nothing', in Truth, may be 'something'.
Maybe this is where we need to start looking for answers if we ask these deepest questions.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Post #330 "What is Real? 2017"

What is Real?
What is Reality?
What Exists in Existence?
Is Existence the Duality of Reality and Non-reality?
Does Reality Exist because of the Existence of Non-reality or does 
Non-reality Exist because of the Existence of Reality?

The August 2013 issue of Scientific American features an article entitled 
"What is Real?" by Dr. Meinard Kuhlman.
The gist of the article appears to be that physicists lack, and are not sure of their theories
as to the makeup of the world, and beyond.
 ---That there are valid theories of the subatomic realm,
as quantum field theory, but that there is confusion to what the theory says.
 ---That here is the realization of the perils of the forming of new theories from theories that are not thoroughly understood.
The article says, that basically, the conceptions just do not match with what the theory says.

What Is Real?
What does Real mean?
Could it be that we are looking to find 'Real' where Real does not Exist?
Do we not all assume that what we see, touch, smell, taste and hear, is Real?
That what we compute, diagnose, chart, decipher, analyze, theorize, conceptualize,
quantumize, calculate, or formulate, may not be Real?
---That what we believe to be handed to us as tradition and as Faith, may not be Real?
Do we not assume that the world we live in is Real,
because we see it, touch it, smell, it, taste it, and hear it, quantumize it and have Faith
in it?
Maybe, just maybe, all this that we think of as Real, is not Real at all.
Actually, if Reality Exists, Non-reality must also Exist.
Consequently, if Existence Is, Existence also, Is Not.
To get any understanding or make any sense at all, we must allow for Reality and for the
Reality of Non-reality.
Non-reality Exists!

Existence is Duality of Existence and Non-existence.
Meaning there is no dependency or primacy in Duality.
Existence does not emerge from Non-existence nor does Non-existence emerge from Existence.
Both Existence and Non-existence make up Existence.
Existence means To Be and Not to Be,
 because Consciousness Chooses.
To Choose, Consciousness must be Aware of Existence as Existence and as Non-existence.
This does not mean that Non-existence is void,
 but that Non-existence is like the shadow of Existence.
---that Non-existence is the distorted reflection of Reality.
---That Existence throws like a shadow of itself onto the void that cancels out
the void where the shadow reflects Existence.
This reflection is distorted to the point of being opposite that which it reflects,
as in mirror image.
It is distorted from the influence of the Void.

'To Be' includes 'Not To Be'.
Because Reality IS, Reality also Is Not
Non-reality is where Reality Is Not.
Non-reality is the reflected Image of Reality.
Image cannot Exist without its Reality.
It would therefore, be more accurate to say that 'Nothing' (the nothing of image) can come
from 'Something.'
The reflection of Reality casts a shadow that allows for the Dreams of Consciousness to exist
 from the nothingness of Creation.
Not To Be is the reflection of To Be.
Creation is the reflection of Reality.
The reflection is not an Observation but is the perception of Consciousness Becoming.

Creation is Image.
Creation Dreams the Dreams of the Collective Consciousness as it Dreams of Becoming
that which it Is Not.
The Dream fills the void.
The Dreamer Exists in the Void within its Dream.
As with science, the Dreams of the physicists becomes their Reality and they (science)
exist in that reality that they have created.
As religion Dreams of Power through Possession, through Identity and through Authority,
religion Creates its world of Possession, its world of Chosen-ness, its world of Holiness and Sin.
To be Image is not Reality.
Image is a process that begins only to end in its 'Becoming'.
Image cannot sustain itself.
Ending is part of beginning, and beginning is part of ending, for shadow and for Image,
for Shadow and Image are only Dream.

What begins and ends is not of Reality, for Reality IS.
All else is Image of a Reality.
More so, it is the Image of a Dreamed Reality.
Therefore, one could say that 'Nothing' comes from 'Something'
The Image is not necessary to the Reality but the Reality is necessary to the Image.
But what is the Reality of Reality?
What makes Reality Real or what makes Reality a Dream?
Consciousness Observes Reality or Perceives an Image of Reality.
The Image of Reality is Perceived by the Collective Consciousness.
The Collective Consciousness is a collection of parts and pieces into a Whole
that Dreams of Becoming Entity
because Immortality Exists in Entity.
The Collective Consciousness is Mortal!

What determines Reality from Creation?
So Existence is the Reality of the Observation of Consciousness or
Non-existence is the Non-reality of the Perception, meaning of the Dream, of
The Duality of Non-existence Exists as does Existence Exist in the Duality of Consciousness.
In the Duality of Existence in the Duality of Consciousness is Choice.
Existence is Consciousness and
Consciousness is Existence.
Reality of Existence
Non-reality of Existence.

What makes Existence Real?
Here is where Consciousness comes in.
Consciousness is Awareness.
Consciousness is Aware of Existence as Existence and Non-existence,
consequently Consciousness Chooses.
The Action of Consciousness is Choosing.
Consciousness Chooses Existence in Existence or Chooses Existence in Non-existence.
What Chooses Existence in Non-existence experiences that Non-existence as Real.
Non-existence Is Real, only to that of Non-existence.
Like two negatives make a positive.
Take a negative of a photo for instance, everything in the photo is real to every other
thing in the photo, because the images relate to each other.
Non-reality Perceives Non-reality as real to itself,
 consequently, Non-reality Perceives Reality as unreal because it is unreal to it-Self.
If I am in my Dream, my Dream is real to me, because I experience myself as real,
I do not test out my theory because of my belief.
If a group of people Dream that they are in a certain place,
the place they are in no longer Exists
and they are in the place they Dreamt of being in.

Let's apply this to Creation------
If everyone in Creation believes Creation to be Reality,
Creation will Become their Reality,
and they will never be able to Observe the Reality of Reality.
Consciousness Dreams, Consciousness Creates!
The Dreaming Consciousness, that does not accept Reality as Reality, Creates,
and lives (exists) within its own Dream/Creation.
Humanity Perceives Creation as Reality and so Creation Becomes its Created Reality.
Only the few in Creation who have Chosen Reality will be able to Observe Creation
as Creation,
and Know that Creation began and Creation will end,
and therefore Creation cannot be Reality.
These few Choosing Reality, Exist in the Collective as Consciousness,
but Exist as Emerging Consciousness Awakening into its Reality as 'Being' from 'Non-being'.

So that when the question comes up of 'What IS Real?
Humanity looks within it-Self, its Created Self, for the answer.
No wonder physicists cannot solve the mysteries they them-Selves have Created.
Physicists believe in the reality they create and therefore cannot Observe what is beyond and out
of their created reality
of charts, equations, hypothesis, findings, computations------.

Choosing Existence is Choosing Entity in the Singular Self and the Singular Other of Reality.
The Singular Self and the Singular Other Observe Reality.
The Singular Self and Singular Other are Aware of Existence in Entity of Selfness.
Choosing to Exist in Non-existence is Dreaming.
The action of Choosing continues in Non-Existence because Dreaming Creates Non-reality.
Dreaming Exists in Memory of Awareness of Reality and Non-reality.
The Awareness of Reality filters through the Memory of Consciousness Choosing to Create.
Creation is Image.
Image is Perceived Memory of Reality that is distorted and even inverted by the Perception of
the Self of Consciousness.

Non-existence Exists,
and in that Non-existence, in that Non-reality, Consciousness Chooses
because Consciousness is also Duality.
Consciousness is Duality within the Duality of Existence.
Because of Duality, the Action Consciousness is Choosing.
Consciousness Choosing is Consciousness Creating.

To find the answers it is necessary to understand the difference of what is Real from what is not Real.
On other words, to understand the difference between Reality and what is not Real, that is,
the work of Consciousness
Creating, for Creating is Dreaming, and Dreaming, does not Exist in Reality.
From here we would do well to seek to understand the crux of the mysteries of Existence,
as in 'Does the universe Exist or Non-exist?', 'Does Creation Exist?', 'Do we Exist?',
'Are we Real or are we Image?'.
In determining Reality from Non-reality, we must consider that the relationship,
if it could be described as such, is dichotomous in nature.
The dichotomous characteristics of Reality and Non-reality set in place all that follows.
On this Dichotomy all hinges, creating levels or layers of Existence within Existence
that flow from the Duality of Existence.
because Reality IS, Reality also, IS NOT.
Does 'something Exist in Nothing or does Nothing Exist in 'Something?
Can Something Be if Something has not Been?
This Duality is the Basic Premise of Existence.
This Duality continues in the Duality of Consciousness.
The Duality of Humanity Exists in Male and Female.
We cannot answer the age-old question, 'can 'something come out of nothing?',
because we don't know what 'something' is and we certainly do not know what 'nothing' is.
We think we know 'something' but we really know 'nothing'.
We try to prove 'something' out of 'nothing'
because we don't know what is Real and we certainly do not know Reality.
We think that because we can see, hear, smell, touch, and taste through our senses,
and if we can chart, formulate, theorize, conceptualize through science, If we can promise, threaten, convert, force, and imprison through religion, that we will have discovered Reality.

There is great tension in Non-reality.
There is great tension in the Void,
The Energy that stirs the Void is the Energy of Consciousness-the Collective Consciousness
and the Collective Unconsciousness.
There exists the Consciousness of Reality and the Consciousness of Non-reality as the
Image of Reality.
The Energy of Non-reality is Divisive because Non-reality is Image and as such
breaks down into smaller and smaller parts and pieces if itself.
Non-reality as Image, cannot sustain itself.
Creation is the Image of Non-reality and therefore cannot sustain itself.
Creation thereby determines its own end.
Creation Creates its own Death through Divisiveness
and because it cannot Observe the Entity of Reality.
Creation destroys it-Self.
The answer to 'What is real?' cannot be found in Image.
The answer cannot  be found in Creation.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Post #329 "Staving Off the End"

Can the Process of Division be Slowed Down?
At each layer, at each level of history, the parts and pieces get smaller and smaller.
At what point will it all just slip into Oblivion?
If Consciousness has choice and has Chosen to Create,
Creation Exists as Non-reality because Creation has beginning.
It follows that what has beginning has ending.
A Beginning and an Ending is Mortality.
The history of Creation is a story of Beginning and Ending;
a story of Life and Death.
History progresses to its End,
 as the End is the fulfillment of the Beginning.
Progress is Process.
The Process that marks Creation is an accelerating process that increases in multiples of itself.
(2 at the first level, 4 at the second, 8 at the third, 16 at the 4th, etc.)

The Beginning of Creation was and is the Dream to Become;
not To Be, but To Become.
The Dream Obliterated the Singular Other of Reality, the object of Consciousness's Dream to Become,
because Dreaming Changes 'What Exists' (Singular Other) into (a non-existent Other),
the Other of Self.
 Self Accumulates Self for Power of Survival, meaning that what was Other Becomes Self that Self
Becomes larger, becomes more of Self. (as in accumulating Wealth)
This Process is a Process of Division that over and over Obliterates Other but also Divides Self down
as Self Creates Other out of it-Self and destroys that Created Other-than-Self to the point of total Obliteration of Creation. (Please see post #328)
Science knows this Process of Division through Observing the Division of atoms.
This Process of Division Creates the Energy that is the pulse of Creation that breaks down to Oblivion and just fades away.

So, is there a chance?
Is there a chance to stave off Oblivion?
What has Begun cannot be stopped, but can the Process be slowed Down?
If the Choice of the Collective Consciousness brought about Creation
continues Choosing to 'Become',
could  each Individual Choice of each Individual Cell,
 Choose to 'cloud' the Dream a bit,----
---choose to search beyond the Self of Consciousness,
---to search To Be,----
then, Could the Process of Division be slowed down?

Let's analyze the situation:
Humanity seeks Wholeness, seeks Unity, yet seeks Wholeness and Unity through Division!
Humanity is Aware of the Self of the Collective Consciousness.
Humanity is Aware of Self in its Self, in the Self of each part and piece of the Collective Consciousness, -----the Consciousness of each person.
The Singular Other of Reality has been Obliterated in Creation and so each level and each layer
Becomes Self-of-Self and Other-of-Self.
There is further Divisiveness in the parts and pieces of the Collective Consciousness that make up Humanity.
Each person, as a part or a piece of the Collective,
belongs to it Self
and belongs to the Collective
so each person Chooses Collectively and Chooses Individually.
It is Observable confusion, when a person as Individual Choice,
Chooses against the Collective, as Collective Choice,
yet each person has Choice,
as each person is a cell of the Collective Self.
The Consciousness of each person, as the Collective Consciousness,
longs and therefore Dreams, 'To Become',
and therefore to Exist in the non-reality of the Dream.

The Consciousness of each person is caught up into the Collective due to Collective Choice,
yet the Choice of the Individual can over-ride the Collective Choice because of the Duality
of Existence.

There are Individual Consciousnesses that Choose and have Chosen Reality and accept
the Existence of the Singularity of Self and the Singularity of Other.
These Individuals can and must emerge from the Collective into the Singularity of
Self and the Singularity of Other in Existence in 'Being',
the 'Being' of Reality.

The Collective Consciousness,
made up of Collective Choice and the Individual Choice of its cell parts and pieces,
is chaotic.
Each part and piece,
scrambling for Survival of the Self over Survival of the Whole, is thus,
at war with and within it-Self,
Collectively and Individually.

Each Dream is a Dream of 'Becoming'.
Consciousness Chooses the Dream.
Consciousness Creates its own set-apart Existence outside Reality in which to fulfill its Dream.
Consciousness Creates the Non-reality of Creation.
Consciousness in Creation,
does not Exist in the Reality of Being but in the Non-reality of Becoming.
'Becoming' is Process.
'Becoming' begins.
'Becoming' ends.
thereby Creation Creates Mortality.

Its all about Awareness of Mortality.
Its about Creating Power through Creating Weakness/Vulnerability.
Its all about bringing Self into the Oneness of Perfection.
---That Perfection is Entity and therefore, Immortality.

The Dream needs Power.
In the Dream, Consciousness Perceives itself as Surviving, yet Observes Mortality!
"I, the Self, must Accumulate Power within myself, for I fear Mortality.
What I Observe is not what I Perceive.
I, the Self, need to Become the Oneness of Perfection to Become Immortal.
I, the Self, acquire the Power of Perfection through Wealth (through Possession).
I, the Self, acquire the Power of Survival through Identity (who am I?).
And I, the Self, needs the Ultimate Power of Authority to Survive."

It would seem  then, that through Choice, Time could be reversed and thereby
slowed down, that what began and runs to conclusion could run backwards
to find the Beginning,
---to find where the Choice and the Choices were made.
---to find a slowing down of the Process of Division.
This, of course, does not suggest that Time reverses from what is considered as Progress,
as to a Time earlier in history,
but in a reverse of focus from the Individual Self to the Self of the Collective Consciousness.
---To a broadening of the acceptance of the 'Other-of-Self as Self rather than the
Perception of bad or of the evil of 'otherness'.
The Singular Other of Reality is not Observable to the Created Self of Creation,
but the Word of its Existence exists in Creation in those of Consciousness that have Chosen To Be,
 ---that Choose to emerge from the Collective and certainly from the Created Self of Non-reality,
into the Reality of Being.

Of course, one cannot change the flow of what has been Chosen,
but Choices continue to be made individually,
and individual Choice affects the Choice of the Collective.
If Choice could be guided to reverse from Self-of-Self priority to the Self of the Collective,
and the Self-of-the Collective guided to Observe that that which has been Perceived as Other,
as 'Stranger', as 'Alien', as 'Heathen, as 'Heretic', as Bad, as Evil, as Sin,
 and therefore, as not quite Human as Self is Human,
as deserving of Elimination,
as competitive for the powers of Survival,
---as in Wealth, as in Importance and as in Authority,
---by not Accumulating Power through amassing and accumulating the Self,
---- as in 'joining',

'Joining' is basically Dividing,
because 'joining' separates or Divides similar parts and pieces away from the Whole,
---as in 'joining' which is basically Dividing away from the Whole,
as in religion,
in nationality,
as in race,
as in sex.
And after Accumulating, Eliminating that which is Perceived as handicap to Power or as
threatening the Power of the Self.
-----'Easing' as in the Division to the End,
---maybe a reversal as such to Wilderness rather than further Division through Civilization.

It comes down to Self and Other,
 because Self and Other is all we can possibly be Aware of.
A healthier climate could occur if Self of Self could distinguish from Self of the
Collective Consciousness.
---if a person could begin to Observe the reality of Other as either Self or as Other from Self.
That one could distinguish between Observation and Perception,
---Between Reality and the Dream.
---Between the 'Is' from the 'Isn't'.
If one could realize Accumulation as Division.
---as Competition,
 as the Accumulating of Power of Self by the Elimination of power from Other.
As the Power of Authority:
--By Accumulating the Power of Self by Eliminating the Power of Other,
By transferring Other into Self that Other may be Eliminated.

Otherness makes Self, Self.
Otherness Becomes 'bad' or 'evil' because Self envies and Desires All of Self
and All of Other that Self can Become the Perfection of Oneness in Supremacy
and in Sovereignty.
"I can't know who I am until I compare  myself to you "
I will Compete with you until you admit my Power over you because my Power is dependent on
your weakness.
I am only as Powerful as you are weak."
The motto of the Process of Division:
If Self cannot Possess Other,
Other must be evil and deserving to be Eliminated.
When All is Perceived as Evil
and All is Eliminated,
a Conscious Oneness will remain in Self
and Creation will once again Non-exist.
The Dream of Creation will never Become Reality.
Such is Mortality