Sunday, November 25, 2018

Post 382 "The Existence of Non-Existence"

Consciousness Exists in Duality.
Consciousness Exists in the Duality of Existence.
Consciousness IS a Duality, a Dichotomy, of 'What IS' and of 'What IS NOT'.
Consciousness, therefore, Exists and Non-exists.
Consciousness can be Aware of what does not Exist.
Actually, Consciousness is mostly Aware of what Exists in Non-reality and
is not Aware of what Exists as Reality.
Consciousness prefers to be Aware of What does Not Exist.
Consciousness Chooses to be Aware of What does Not Exist.
Humanity is likewise, Aware of What does not Exist as in Non-reality.
There is very little Awareness in Humanity of What Exists as Reality.
Consciousness Exists and Non-exists because Existence Exists and Non-Exists.

Duality of Existence in Cell of Consciousness,
 Duality of Consciousness in Cell of Humanity.
Duality in Collective Consciousness
Duality in Individual Consciousness

From Existence,  to Consciousness,
to Humanity that Exists in Reality and also Exists in Non-reality.
Existence in Non-reality is Existence in Imaging, 
in Shadows,
in Secrecy.
Humanity in Non-reality Exists in Image,
in Shadows,
in secrecy.
always plotting Survival.
Always Creating the Other-than-Self with which to Compete
for the Power of Survival.

In Duality of Humanity the Duality lies in Survival against Non-survival,
Human against Human,
Power Creating Weakness
Power over Vulnerability.
Non-reality Exists and Abides in the 'world' of its Creation.
Non-reality Non-exists in the Image of Reality.
The Image of Reality is Creation.
Creation, as Image, Exists only to itself and only within itself.
Creation, therefore, does not Exist in Reality.
All of Creation struggles for survival,
against itself.

Reality does not remove Creation, 
Reality is unaffected by Creation.
Non-reality hides from Reality,
because Only Reality can threaten to expose what is not Real
Non-reality 'walls' itself off from Reality through Creation.
Creation provides the Created parameters for Non-existence to Exist in and outside of itself
Consciousness Exists within the 'walls' of Creation as Humanity.
Consciousness Exists in Reality in the Entity of the Singular Self and in the
Entity of the Singular Other.

The story of Creation plays out the story of Consciousness and Non-Consciousness,
of Existence and Non-Existence.
As Humanity is a cell of Consciousness that reflects the Whole of Consciousness
and Consciousness is a cell of Existence that reflects the Whole of Existence,
all of Creation reflects and replays the Duality of Existence as Existing and Non-existing.
Humanity attempts to justify the Dichotomies of Consciousness and of Existence 
within itself,
 as each level is a cell of the level in which it Exists or Non-exists.
therefore, Humanity is a cell of Consciousness,
Consciousness is a cell of Existence,
Humanity is a cell of Consciousness,
-----each level a breakdown, a reduction,
a lessening,
a part or a piece of-----.
cell breaking down into cell,
over and over again,
until all just passes away into an Existence that never Existed.

In Humanity, each cell attempts to affirm its Existence.
and thus claim to its 'Right to Survival'.
Each Human cell  attempts to affirm its Existence
and thus applies to the 'Right to Rule',
to the Right to breakdown,
the Right to reduce,
the Right to lessen,
the Right to absorb,
 whatever parts and pieces of Humanity it can devour to prove
and ensure its own survival.

Survival within Creation becomes a Competition as each cell finds within itself
the Duality of Existence and Non-existence.
In Creation, Non-Existence seeks to overpower Existence,
 that Existence may be removed through the act of transference.
Non-existence becoming Existence in the place of Reality.
 Non-Existence Exists.
Non-existence over-Powering Existence for all that Non-exists.
To all that have chosen to Exist in the Image rather than in the Reality,
Non-reality is their reality.
Non-existence is their Existence.
A Choice, just a Choice, will remove Existence,
by replacing Existence with Non-existence.
-------such is Creation!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Post #381 "How to Become Powerful", 2018

Power cannot Exist without Weakness.
Only Weakness can Dream about Power,
therefore only Weakness can bring about Power,
for Power Exists in the Dream of Weakness to Become that which it IS NOT.

Dreams begin and Dreams end.
What is Weak Becomes powerful only in Dreaming.
Therefore, Power is Weakness.
As Weakness does not Exist in Reality,
Power does not Exist in Reality.
Weakness is Created.

Weakness is Created as Consciousness Becomes Aware of its ability to Choose.
Consciousness Chooses Existence or Non-existence,
Reality or Non-reality.
Consciousness is Aware that its Choice is Existence or Non-existence.
Consciousness is Aware that the ability to Choose is also the ability to Divide.
In fact, Choosing causes Division.
Choosing Divides Consciousness into parts and pieces of itself.
Consciousness can Exist in either Entity or in Division.
There Exists Consciousness of Self in Entity of Singularity
and there Exists Consciousness of Self in Division of Self into cells,
as parts and pieces of a Whole.
.When Consciousness Divides, Consciousness can only Divide it-Self
into parts of itself that Choose to Become
 and parts if itself that Exist in Being, as Being IS,
 and have no need to Choose.
Consciousness is Aware that there is Choice of Existence or Non-existence
as there is Choice to Divide or Choice not to Divide,
meaning to Exist in Entity

Basically, the Dream is the Dream of Survival,
 Survival means overcoming and defeating Mortality.
To overcome and defeat Mortality, Power must be accumulated.
Accumulating Power Becomes the Story of Creation
for Consciousness Perceives that Creation Exists,
and that if Creation Exists, Creation must be Reality.
 Perception Creates the Awareness that if Creation is Reality,
there can be no other Existence, Other than Creation.
In this struggle for Immortality, is the proof that Existence is Duality.
The Duality of Existence becomes the Dichotomy of Existence in the struggle
of Creation attempting to Become Reality.

This struggle is expressed in Creation as the struggle of Humanity to Become the
God of Creation through the Dream of Power, to the accumulation of Power
with which to Defeat Reality by Becoming that Reality as Humanity.
Humanity Dreams of Becoming God.
-----of Becoming Immortal.
 Therefore, overcoming and defeating Mortality, Becomes a Process.
Conquering Mortality Becomes Process because there is Beginning.
Beginning comes to an Ending
as Creation is Process that Divides down to its End.
The End will be and IS, Immortality
OR Death------Non-existence!

Only in Weakness and the resultant Dream of Power can Humanity Perceive
Surviving Mortality.
No Human has survived Death.
No Human has Survived Weakness.
Mortality is the cause of all weakness.
Weakness begins in the Fear of Mortality,
in the Fear of Weakness.
The Dream of Power Creates Weakness, that through the Dream of Becoming
Weakness can be Identified as Weakness.
If Weakness can be Identified as Weakness,
Survival is assured,
 for Weakness Identified as Weakness is 'Bad' and as 'Sin'.
Power is gained through overcoming what is bad, what is sin, and what is evil.
Overcoming 'bad' and 'evil' is Perceived as doing God's work.
Overcoming 'bad' and 'evil' puts God on the side of Power.
Power and God become confused as 'One'.
God is Power and Power is God.
Humanity Becomes God when Humanity assumes the Power of God
God and God's Power is Perceived as 'Good' and as 'Holy'
consequently the attainment of Power is insatiable.
The Perception is that when Weakness is Identified,
Weakness can be overcome.
As Weakness is overcome, God Becomes Present.

When Consciousness Chooses to Become,
Consciousness Collectively Becomes Weak.
Consciousness Divides into to 'Being' and into 'Becoming'.
Consciousness Dividing, Weakens Consciousness.
Singularity Exists in 'Being',
while in 'Becoming' there Exists the Non-existence of Dreaming.

Humanity Creates Weakness to birth and fuel its Dream for Power 
Power feeds on Weakness.
The Powerful Create weakness in those not of it-Self.
The Powerful Create weakness in those Perceived as 'Other-than-Self'.
The Self of Consciousness has Obliterated the Singular Other of Reality,
yet Self needs Other to be truly Self.
Self cannot recognize or be Aware of Self as Self without recognizing and being Aware
of Other being Other.
So in other words, Self is Aware of Self,
 as Self is Aware of Other.
Self recognizes Self as Other Observes, Witnesses, and Validates Self as Self.

Self Being Self Observes Other Being Other and so recognizes it-Self as Self.
When Consciousness Chooses to Obliterate the Singular Other of Reality,
the Self of Consciousness Divides into parts and pieces of it-Self
thereby losing Entity.
These parts and pieces are Aware that there is no Survival without Entity
and therefore attempt to Create Entity through Image.
When Consciousness Images Entity, the Reality of Entity no longer Exists,
 as Reality does not Exists in Imaging.

The resulting Image of Entity is Created therefore, out of the many parts and pieces of
 of Consciousness that attempt to form a Whole.
The Collective Consciousness therefore, is a Whole formed of many parts and pieces,
all attempting to Become what ISN'T,
and what ISN'T is Entity.
 A Whole can never BE Entity because a Whole is only the sum total of parts and pieces.
An Image cannot sustain it-Self because it continually breaks down and breaks apart.
because an Image cannot sustain it-Self.
 Image cannot Survive.

Humanity, as Image, cannot Survive because the Consciousness of Humanity,
Chooses to Exist apart from Reality.
Humanity, Collectively, has Chosen to Create its own Existence.
The Collective Consciousness is therefore a Collection of parts and pieces that includes
Humanity Collectively,
Humanity struggles to form a Whole in imitation of Entity.
Humanity has never and will never achieve its goal.
Aware that Immortality Exists only in Entity.
Humanity is terrified of its Choice for its Choice spells Mortality.

What is The Story of the Creation of Weakness?
The most well-known fundamental Story of the Creation of Weakness comes from religion.
Humanity has always sought Power.
Humanity sacrifices anything and everything for the sake of accessing and accumulating Power.
Humanity sacrifices itself for Power.

To Become Powerful, it is necessary to Create weakness.
To Create weakness, Other-than-Self must be Created.
Other is Created within Self, and by Self,
that Self can compare within it-Self weakness and Power.
Self Creates weakness that Self can free itself from weakness.
Self frees Self from Weakness through Division.
The Self of Consciousness to the Self of Creation to the Self of Humanity
despises Self for the Choice that has brought about the curse of Mortality.
What Self determines as Weakness, Divides Self into Duality of it Self,
 that each part Competes with what is determined as Other by the Self,
thereby determining Power against weakness.
When Power and weakness have been determined,
Power competes with weakness that the Right to Survival can be determined through
Identity of 'good' from 'Bad'
and 'Holy' from 'Evil/Sin'.
Bad and Evil thereby being determined as Weakness,
thereby being determined as Power,
so rightfully and justifiably deserving to be Obliterated.
----Good and Holy Being em-Powered as Rightful Destroyer,
Good and Holy as deserving of Worship and thus of Godhood.
Power Creates Weakness and Weakness Creates Power.
There is no Weakness if there is no Power.
There can be no Power without Creating Weakness.

In the Beginning, God Created the heavens and the earth.
The act of Creating determined by the Duality of Existence
as Reality and as Non-reality,
basically the IS and the ISN'T.
The act of Creation determines a Beginning.
Beginning understands Ending.
Creation Begins and Ends.
What Begins and Ends has no BEING In Reality.
Creation is the Process of Division.

The firmament Divided,
heaven from earth,
Power over Weak.
The Power of Darkness over Light.
rendering Light weak to the Power of Darkness.
The Power of Water over Dry Land.
rendering Land weak to the Power of Darkness.
The Power of Male over Female.
rendering Female weak to Male.
The Power of White over Black
White in Domination and free to eliminate 'Evil Black'.
The Power of Self over all Other not Self, thereby determined as 'Other',
the Singular Other of Reality eliminated from the Reality of Existence.
As reality is Entity of Singular Self and Entity of Singular Other.
In this 'Being' is Immortality

Light gives way to Darkness,
Dry Land gives way to the Sea
Female gives way to Masculine.
Black gives way to White
Other gives way to the Self
---------and Weakness gives way to Power.

Weakness Exists in the Non-existence of Existence.
Mortality Exists in the Non-existence of Existence.
Mortality Exists in the Choice of Consciousness to eliminate the
'Other-than-Self' thereby forcing Existence into Non-existence,
thereby bringing about the Non-existent Existence of Creation.
-----Creation, conceived in the struggle to Become All-Powerful through
the Process of Division

How to Become Powerful?
Create Weakness!