Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Post #239 "The 'Other' Than Self"

It's all about Self and Other.
When Self destroys Other,
Self creates another 'Other' in its place.

Is there existence outside of Self?
Can anything exist that is beyond, or outside of, or vaster than, Self?
Can Self allow anything that is outside of it-Self to exist?
And if that 'Other' did exist, what could Self do about it?
What would be the First Cause/basic reaction of Self to 'Other'?
What could Self do?
Self, being Consciousness would probably Feel a reaction.
So it would become crucial as to how Consciousness/Self Felt/Feels about 'Other'.

What is 'Other' anyways?
Other must be Consciousness that is not Self.
Actually, is this not the basis of who we are as humanity within the history humanity has
created of  it-Self.
History could hardly be history if it were the story of it-Self.
History is the story of Self and Other------
and history has, basically, been a struggle.
-----basically that struggle is and has been a struggle for survival.
What has survival to do with history?
Survival has absolutely everything to do with the story of who we are
and what we do and what we see as our purpose.

What if we have been and are, totally responsible for who we are, because of what we do,
out of what we see as our purpose?
After-all, who could possible determine this but our-Self/Selves?
other than 'Other'?
In First-Cause Awareness would not Self be Aware of Self as-------what?
That 'What' could only be determined at Awareness of Other.
Three reactions immediately present:
Determining Action-----the 'so what do I do about this?'

Here, one could note the 'Second Cause'
the development of the Self through Feeling, Thinking, and Choosing.
Feeling, Thinking, and Choosing, not so mucn about it-Self but about Self and 'Other'.
----about Self because of Other.
Self is begining to see Self inspite of Other, or because of Other, or through Other-----??
How does Self see Other>
'Seeing' is determined by Feeling, Thinking, and Choosing
Seeing is Awareness, Awareness is Consciousness.
Consciousness is Aware.
Consciousness is Aware of Self,
so------Consciousness to Awareness to Self.
Self is Aware of Self, Self Awareness is Consciousness.
Self is Aware of Self, Self is Aware of Other.
Can Self be Conscious if Self is not Aware of 'Other'?
It seems that Self cannot be Consciusness without being Aware of 'Other'.
It has to do with Feeling.
Once Self is Aware that Self Feels,
Self Thinks about what it Feels.
Thinking begins the process of doing.
Thinking of Doing begins the process of Choosing.
Self Feels, Self Thinks, Self Chooses.-----
What Self Feels, what Self Thinks, and what Self Chooses has everything to do with
As Self and the Singularity of 'Other' is of Reality,
'Other' has everything to do with Self,
----not so much Other as Entity but how Self Feels, Thinks, and consequently Choose
regarding the Self and Other of Reality.
All about Self and Other boiling down to how Self  Feels, Thinks, and Chooses,
regarding Reality.
How Self Feels, Thinks, and Chooses regarding Other determines Self and Reality.
Self can and does Feel, Think, and Choose Reality or, consequently, Non-Reality.
Its an either/or Choice----
Self Chooses Reality or Non-Reality results.
As Self becomes aware of its Choice, Self Feels.
We/humanity know this Feeling.
We are immersed in this Feeling.
We are devoured by this Feeling.
We try to escape this Feeling.
We begin to Think survival.
How do we survive what we have Chosen?
We could have Chosen 'Other'.
We could have Chosen Reality
We, as Collective Consciousness divided into the parts and pieces of the Whole.
The Whole being the Collective Consciousness.
Each part, each piece having collective and individual Choice,
for or not for Reality.
Do we accept and embrace Reality or do we Become Creator?
Self knows that Self needs Other to call Self into it-Self.
Self knows, in its dreams of 'Becoming', that only 'Other' can Witness and Validate
the created Self into the fulfillment of the dream.
The accomplishment cannot occur without Other to Witness and Validate,
without Other to witness Self as having 'Become' it-Self.
When the Other of Reality is removed, Self divides Self into Self and
Other of Self.
This diminishes Self, as Self has destroyed a part of it-Self to Become that Self
that  does not exist in Reality.  
Whatever does not exist in Reality but exists in its own creation breaks down into smaller
and smaller parts and pieces of itself until all exists in the void of 'Nothingness',
that all exists in the 'Nothing 'void that churns itself into the elementary particles that
make-up creation.
Creation does not exist in Reality but in the dream of the Self of Consciousness,
and so, as Self, is a process of division.
Self will divide itself down until One remains and that One will no longer be able
to find Other within it-Self and so will fade, as will creation into the Void  
But we always knew this.
We always knew that only One would survive,
for One had a dream that could and would not come about.
This One, this Self, could not accept 'What Is'
and traded Being (What Is) for 'Becoming'.
As it turns out, 'Becoming' is 'What Isn't'.
"What Isn't exists within it-Self and survives within what it has brought about
until it ends in basically, eating itself.
Becoming could not occur without the Observation of Other, Witnessing that it had indeed effected
the transfer of Essence.
This Essence was to be the Essence of the 'Other' of Reality, which is and was the Essence of Entity.
Only the Essence of Entity can exist Infinitely.
Self is Entity because Other of Reality Observes the Entity of Self
and so brings it into Being,
brings it into the 'What IS', the PRESENT, the NOW of Reality.
Self is Entity because Other of Reality Witnesses Self as Infinite Entity.
Only that which is 'Other' can Witness the BEING of Self.
Only that Other that is the Other of Reality can Validate what Is Real.
Self is Infinite because Other of Reality Validates Reality, its Entity and therefore calls Self
into the Reality of it-Self.
Self would die without the Essence of Other.
Where was Other when the Other of Reality was banished,
when the Other had been negated, when the Other was not in the same
existence, or in the same dimension as the Collective Consciousness?. 

Monday, July 25, 2016

Post #238, "The Divided Self"

There are two Selves.
There is the Self
and there is the Self within the Self.
The Self within the Self is the basic Self that forms and is formed by the whole Self,
-----the Collective Self.
Self is Self because it is Consciousness,
Self is Consciousness because Self is Aware.
Self's Awareness functions through either Observing or through Perceiving.
All is dependent on and all determines 'Selfness'.
The inner Self seeks either:
1) to immerse it-Self in the Collective Self,
 2) to control the Collective Self,
 3) to emerge from the Collective Self.
Each determination, each Choice is the Self's approach to Self and to Self survival.
In this understanding of two Selves, is the answer to the questions of 'why is there
Good and Evil?',
to 'why is there Love and Hate?',
to 'how do I Feel and how do I Think about my-Self and my Other-than Self, Self?,
to 'why is there war?', to 'why is there 'sickness and death?'
Because Self Feels and Self Thinks, Self devises systems to deal with Self
and Self-Within-Self.
Because Self Feels and Self Thinks, Self Chooses the Self and Other of Reality or
Chooses to create its own reality outside Reality.
Self devises systems that insure survival even at the cost of destroying
another part or piece of it-Self.
Self will sacrifice the Whole to save it-Self,
directly or indirectly
Because Self Feels and Self Thinks, Self devises conflicting systems,
all depending on how Self Feels or how Self Thinks; about:
immersing in the Collective Self,
or controlling the Collective Self,
or emerging from the Collective Self.
Now, we can begin to see how humanity acts or reacts to Self in Singularity
and to Self in the Collective.
How is Self Aware of it-Self?
Does Self Observe Self or does Self Perceive Self?
How able is Self to Choose Awareness as Observation or as Perception?
Can this Choice depend entirely on Awareness of Self
or does Self's Awareness of 'Other' play into or even determine its Awareness of it-Self?
We can't seem to get away from 'Other'.
So----where does Self find 'Other'
---------as 'Other' than it-Self or as
'Other' of it-Self?
Self is 'other' than Self within the Collective as the Collective is the Whole of Consciousness
that has divided it-Self into parts and pieces of It-Self,
thereby creating 'other-than-Self within it-Self, creating many 'Others' who are
dependant, independent, and interdependent with it-Self.
Consequently Self cannot see 'Other' as 'Other' IS.
Self can only see 'Other' through its Perception, through its Vision of it-Self.
Each part and piece of Consciousness is a total mini-replica of the Whole,
Each part dependent, independent, and inter-dependent with it-Self.
Each Feeling, Thinking, and Choosing as Self and as Other-of Self.
Each Feeling and Thinking Other not as Other but as Self determines Other to Become.
Let's dig in further-----
The Perceiving Self is not able to Observe it-Self or to Observe the Other of Reality.
Because this Self cannot Observe, it sees or it is Aware of Self, outside of Reality.
What is outside Reality is Creation.
The Perception of Self by Self is the basis of Creation.
Self enters a state of Becoming as it departs from 'what IS'.
Self 'Feels' Fear upon departing Reality.
Self Thinks Survival.
Self plans survival.
Self's plan for survival is through Creation of what is Perceived as 'Saving'
it-Self from annihilation.
Annihilation, meaning absorption by the Chaos of 'Nothingness'
to Becoming Nothing, as in not existing.
Self Perceives the Singular Other of Reality through its Feeling of Fear.
Self becomes vulnerable through Fear,
Self becomes vulnerable through Fear of extinction.
 Self realizes that in Becoming, it has created Beginning and Ending.
Its only hope of survival is in the 'Becoming'.
What can Self 'Become' that will insure survival?
If Self and Other are the Reality of Reality, the only hope of survival is the 'Other'
of Reality.
But, in a sense, the Other of Reality no longer exists for Self as Self has removed
it-Self from Reality.
Answer-------Self must Create Other from it-Self!
Self must divide it-Self that Self and Other can be maintained.
Self must divide into Self and Other, for only Other can call Self into its Self-ness.
Only Other can Witness and Validate Self as Self. 
thereby saving Self from non-existence.
The only validation of Self as Self is through Observation of the Self and the Other
of Reality.
This Self is caught into the Collective as a part of the whole of Consciousness.
This Self Observes Self and the Singular Other of Reality as Self IS
and as Other IS.
This Individual Self exists in Reality by being called into the Reality of its Self
through the Witness and consequent Validation of 'Other'.
To be Self, Self must be Witnessed and Validated as Self by that which it IS NOT.
Self is Self through Other.
Self remains Self and Other remains Other in the total lack of chaos of Reality.
Self and Other must remain Self and Other to call each other into Being.
The outcome is that Self IS as Other IS,
each in Entity in the Infiniteness of Being.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Post #237, "The Creation of Self"

Creation is a process of Division,
thereby the Creation of Self is also a process of Division.
The goal is the achievement of Perfection
----the Perfection of Self,
----the attainment of the Perfect Self.
Interestingly then, the perfect Self is the result of a process of Division.
Being that the Self of Consciousness removed/removes the Singular Other of Reality,
the Other is created within Creation, outside and away from Reality, to serve the
purpose of Witnessing and Validating the Self.
 Consciousness replaces the Other of Reality with the created Other of it-Self
that Self may be brought into its own created, pseudo-reality as the fulfillment
of its dream and its Choice of Becoming.
'Becoming' is not completed into 'Being' until the goal of Perfection is accomplished.
The goal of Perfection can only be modeled or imitated from that which was removed.
What was and is removed is the Other of Reality.
Consequently, it would seem that the First Cause elimination of Reality was the elimination
of that which was dreamed and desired,------the Other.
Why would Consciousness remove the very source and inspiration of its dreams and desires,
-----the Other of Reality, and through removal of the Other, totally give, loose touch with,
and destroy it-Self-----destroy Reality???!!!!!!
The only possible answer is that Consciousness dreamed, desired, and Chose to enter
the state of  'Becoming' in a state of created reality to BECOME that Reality.
To 'Become' all that it was not.
Consciousness Perceived the Self and the Other as ONE in it-Self.
This Other was Perceived as the source of Perfection for Self,
Self needed to devour the Essence of Other of Reality to Become what was Perceived
as Perfection bring into it-Self that Perfection as itself,
that Perceived Perfection that was a threat to those parts and pieces of Consciousness
that formed the Collective.
The Self of Consciousness was Self of Entity and Self of Infiniteness until the Choice,
until Consciousness struggled within itself with the Choice of Being or Becoming,
------with the Choice of Observing or Perceiving.
Both Choices lay within Consciousness,
basically the Choice to accept or reject Reality.
Of course, Creation is the result of rejecting Reality
for there exists
Reality and the reality of Non-reality.
Its all a matter of Choice!
Consciousness looses entity and becomes a whole made up of its own parts and pieces
that can choose as the whole and choose as a part, choose as a part of the Collective.
Consciousness becomes now a 'hornet's nest' of the Collective containing parts that Chose and Choose to Perceive and parts the Chose and Choose to Observe.
Reality exists in Consciousness only in those few that have Chosen to accept
'What Is'
.Non-reality exists in the Collective consciousness in the majority of the parts that have Chosen
to 'Become' and entered their own creation.
This is the chaos of pre-creation that opened the void of Nothingness and stirred the waters to  
a frenzy bringing forth the basic elements that created Time, Place, and Matter-----the
stuff of Creation.
The dream removed the object of desire that it could Become that which was and is removed.
The dream removed the Other of Reality that needed to be Other that Self could be
Observed, Witnessed, and Validated as Self in its Entity as Self, existing with but
independent of Other as Other and Self are Entity within Reality as a such are Infinite.
That which is Entity is Infinite!
It is only in breaking apart Self that Death results.
The Self of Consciousness created Death in its ability to Choose.
Consciousness became 'collective' as it gave up Entity to divide itself in choosing
to accept Reality or to Create.
The Choice for accepting, (To Be) or to reject, (To Become) was and is within Consciousness.
Upon activating its ability to Choose, Consciousness became a dichotomy within itself.
Consciousness IS
and Consciousness ISN'T.
It seems that Consciousness divides itself and then goes around looking for its pieces
as it realizes that Perfection is Entity.
We seek to become one and yet the very thought of uniting into oneness causes great
chaos and results in further division.
    What did Consciousness in its awareness of Self and Other---the components of Reality,
Observe in Self and Other to bring about the choice to eliminate Reality and, yet, also
desire that 'Other' or was it that 'Otherness',----the Essence of Other (Otherness) for Itself?
In the creating Self, Consciousness must have Compared itself to Other and in Comparison
chose to Observe or Perceive Itself and to Observe and Perceive Other.
So, Self Perceived and in Perception, Other must have seemed 'Beyond',
'untouchable', 'greater than', Self.
Did Self begin to Feel, and then Feel threatened by Other?
Did Self begin to Think and plan to Compete with Other?
Why would Self Think to Compete with Other if not to Win the Essence of Other
for Itself------
thereby diminsihing Other to the point of extinction and of increasing Self to the
point of totallity of Itself plus Other.
Like cannibalism. devouring the essence of another to become that 'other'.
So let's try to sum up---------
Self divides itself from Other thereby eliminating Reality.
Self creates, creating within itself the pseudo-reality of Self and Other of Self.
Self divides Self that its can Perceive itself, Witness itself, and Validate Itself as Self,
Self longs for what it eliminated, Self longs for the Other it rejected and
becomes the root of the creation of religion,
religion, that demands Worship,
that demands Worship to Witness and Validate Itself,
 to and by Itself
 as the Perfection of Self in Becoming that which was
Self rejects Other of Reality, rejects Reality
Self Divides Self into Self and Other of Self.
Self destroys Oher of Self through need for worship,
creating an elite Self and a Slave Self
 that 'other', that will be sacrificed to bring to bring Perfection of Self to Self Self of Self
that further divides that the Self of Self and Other of Self of Self which is again
sacrificed that through worship, the many layers of Other of Self are sacrificed until----
until what????
------Until One remains,
the Perfection of One,
 containing in its Selfness, the essences of all the 'Other'. 

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Post #236, "The Autonomous Self"

Reality----Self and Other
Non-reality/Creation----Self and Other of Self,
Upon denial/removal of the Singular Reality of Other, Self divides.
The division of Self from Other becomes the First Level of Creation as the Self
of Consciousness departs Reality.
The denial/obliteration of Reality results in creation of an existence best described as
The existence of Non-reality necessitates the realization of the Reality of Non-reality.
The Second Level of Creation accepts the reality of Non-reality, basically,
accepting the realization of 'Nothingness'.
Through the Choice of Consciousness, the reality of Non-reality and the
existence of Nothingness become actuality.
This actuality now exists in the Awareness of Consciousness.
Consciousness is Aware of Non-Reality,
Consciousness is Aware of Nothingness.
Non-Reality and 'Nothingness' are the same.
Into 'Nothingness', into Non-reality, the Self of Consciousness must create a pseudo-existence
for it-Self to exist in outside of Reality.
The Self of Consciousness dreams its existence as out of a reality that does not exist in Reality,
so its dream becomes a dream of Becoming.
It's dream must be a dream of Becoming Real.
The dream could only be a dream of Becoming Reality.

The dream of Becoming can be viewed from the Observation of First Cause
and can be viewed from where we have arrived today, many levels later in our dream
of Becoming.
How did the Self of Consciousness react to its Choice to eliminate Reality that it could
Become Autonomous,
-----that it could begin to Feel and to Think?
------to begin to Feel and Think What?------

Did Self Feel alone?
How did/does the Self Feel about alone-ness?
Alone-ness can only be the absence of Other.
How does one cope with the absence of Other and, hence, with alone-ness?
How does one 'become' without the defining and acceptance of Other as to the
transference of essence?
but, how can there be a transference of essence, or more exactly, a transference of what one
is for what one dreams of 'becoming'?
At First Cause, before the process of division set in, what could Consciousness dream of Becoming that would bring it-Self from what it was and what it is to what it dreams of becoming?
Would not the dream be of what the Self of Consciousness was not.....but of what it
could Become?
----and at First Cause was there not the Awareness of Self and Reality----
and the Choice to accept that Self and that Reality or to dream of an alternative?
----and what other alternative but to transfer essence meaning 'Being' with the Singular Other
of Reality?

To put this into 21st century understanding, would this not be symbolically,
creating and dreaming of 'Becoming' what we refer to as God?
Would 'Other' not be necessary to the creation of God as God needs and demands
Worship to be God.
So, in the division of Self, into Self and into the Other of Self, do we not see the need to create
within Self that which needs Worship to define it-Self through its dream of 'Becoming',
that which would Perceive Self as indeed Becoming its dream?
and would not the need for the source of Worship be Perceivers, that would Witness and, consequently, Validate the transference?
Would we not need Worshippers?
Would Worshippers not be essential as Perceivers, Witnesses, and thereby, Validators,
of the move of Consciousness from Pseudo-reality to Reality?

Looks like Self is made up, in Creation, of the Self of 'Worshipped' and the Self
of 'Worshipper'.
-----of God and those who call God into Being through Perception, through
Winess of Perception, and Validation of the Witness of the Perception.

There is little need to ask which of the two, one would rather be.
Well, no wonder things are sticky and getting stickier.
Does it all really come down to alone-ness?
----meaning, does Self break it-Self apart into many parts and pieces to Feel not alone?
Why would the Self that has established autonomy for it-Self, want to create Other,
to create Other parts of it-Self,
out of it-Self?

Obviously Self has a need of Other, but that Other must be of it-Self.
No wonder Creation is a process of division, when the Self of Consciousness, is created
through division, of it-Self.
It-Self is its own Creator.
Self is Creator.

How does Self Feel about its Creation?
How does Self Think about its Creation?
Does Self Feel that it has eliminated Reality?
What does Self Think it has To Do about about the removal of Reality and
what does Self Feel about the removal of Reality through removal of the Singularity,
that along with Self of Reality, defines Reality?
Well, at least at this point, (side point) we seem to have established that Thinking comes
out of Feeling,
----that Thinking seems to be about coping with how we Feel about what we have Chosen.

So, Self of Consciousness divides it-Self to cope with its Feelings about the Choice
to remove Reality and exist on its own.
So what has happened with this plan?
We witness the results of our own dreaming.
The Self of Consciousness not only broke it-Self down into parts and pieces of it-Self,
but seems to have overdone it.
We are on the verge of wiping ourselves out.
---as in over-population,
---as in over-use and abusive use of resources

This all looks like quite a conundrum.
In trying to define ourselves, to better understand who we are and what we are about,
we need to be aware that we seem to have problems with needing Other and needing
to remove/eliminate/destroy, etc. Other.
We seem to be about Creating and destroying or is it destroying first, and then
creating, that we can continue destroying?
We seem to be Creator and Destroyer.
What conflict!

How do we Feel about the Other of our-Self?
How do we Think about what we have Created?
What of our repressed memory of Reality?
There is a prevailing sense a perplexing doubt and resulting malaise----
like we have lost the dream and don't know where to go.
----that we started something we don't know how to handle.
----that we Feel obscurely afraid and project those fears onto those parts of
Consciousness we Think of as Other than ourselves.
We create that Other out of our-Self by creating enemies out of our-Selves and revenging
conspiracies against our-Self by our-Self.
We need Other and we fear and despise Other.

Of course, practically speaking, any middle class must be eliminated, when all that is necessary to accomplish the dream is the Worshipped and the Worshipper.

Basically, Elite and Slave.
But who wants to be Slave?
Who wants to Perceive that which needs Worship to be God?
Who wants to Witness that dream of Becoming?
Who wants to Validate that part of Self that demands Worship to Become God?


Monday, July 11, 2016

Post #235 "Can We 'Become' our Dream?"

The Collective Consciousness has Chosen to Perceive it-Self as Reality
through and of it-Self by removing Reality.
Of course, Reality cannot be removed as Reality IS, so the Choice of Consciousness
results in Consciousness creating its own reality that exists as a dream of Becoming.
The very fact of Choosing is outside Reality, creating a state of non-existence.
Consciousness can exist in a created state of non-existence.
Consciousness can Create!

Consciousness can create because Consciousness Thinks and Feels.
Does Consciusness Think because it Feels
or does Consciousness Feel because it Thinks?
Either way or both ways-----
Consciousness moves it-Self out of existence, as Consciousness
Thinks or Feels it-Self out of existence,
and so, using its energy of Choosing, Creates
------bringing its-Self into its own existence.
Basically this means, Self existing within Self.
For Self to exist within Self, Self must divide.
This is not suprising as creation is a process of division.
Consciousness can create anything in any way that it wants, in any way that it Chooses,
according to how it Thinks and Feels.
But creating is not Real.
Creation does not exist outside of it-Self
Real Exists!
Reality Exists!
Creating brings 'about'.
Creating is about Becoming,
and of course, Becoming is never accomplished,
as it is always Becoming, and because it is always 'becoming', it is not of Reality,
it never comes to be.

Consciousness creates and enters its creation----its created existence,
----then wonders why there is so much chaos!
W ell, of course there is chaos when each and every part and piece of Consciousness
can and does exert its own individual power of Choice that takes precedent over the
Collective, and chooses, as collective, but also within its own dream of Becoming,
-------Becoming meaning survival.
Do we have to Become to survive?
Of course!
When the dream of 'Becoming" ends so does survival cease to exist.
The parts and pieces of Consciousness must survive to Become.
The parts and pieces of Consciousness must not loose the dream of Becoming.
As history moves on, these parts and pieces become more focused on their own
individual survival, beyond that of the Collective.

Politically, we see opinions supportive of individual survival rather than
concern for the whole.
More and more, individuals sacrifice the whole for their own particular part
or piece.
What better recipe for Chaos?
So history moves from a collective approach to civilization to an individual and personal
History once depended on collective survival.
History now moves to individual survival with more and more parts and pieces making up
the Collective-----all struggling for survival.
 ------all Competing for survival.
All Competing on how each Thinks and/or Feels
Thinks or Feels about What?-------at First Cause there is only Awareness
of Self and Reality of Self and Other.
So, is this the bases of all that we are, have Become, and will continue to Become?
Does it all come from the basic human attributes of Thinking and Feeling that lie behind
the Dream of Becoming----that Impetus that set off Creation?

Is this where all the Knowledge that we claim roots from......
not from Reality, but from the non-acceptence of Reality?
Have we allowed, or better yet, Chosen, our basic instincts of Compare,
Feel, Think, Eliminate, proved who we, as Collective Consciousness?
Has Consciousness lost sight of the First Cause, that first awareness of the Self
and the Other of Reality?
Reality has not changed.
Reality is still here or should we say still 'there'?
Consciousness has changed.
We have changed,
or, have we?
We distorted and manipulated Reality into a bad dream.
It would seem that we are very capable of still doing this, no matter where we are
in our dream of Becoming.
Is not Reality really what we all long for?
Is Reality not what we have given all different interpretations, descriptions, movements,
 and names and claims to,
------ that vagueness that remains elusive, beyond, and certainly, out-of-our-touch?
Is Reality not that vague, unsatifiable desire for Perfection?
-----that Something we can not seem to grab in our hands or consume
as our food or buy as our possession or use for our pleasure?
-------that Something we both Fear and Yearn for?
That Something beyond our Feeling and our Thinking?
That Something beyond all our religions and sciences?


Saturday, July 9, 2016

Post #234 "Just what is the Choice?"

When Self Perceives Self and when Self Perceives Other,
Self either Observes Self as Self and Observes Other as Other,
 or Self cancels out Self to Become Other,
or Self cancels out Other to Become Self within Self.
Here in the cancellation of Self or the cancellation of Other are the seeds or the Impetus
of Division.
These seeds, from the cancellation of Reality through the Division of Self from the Reality
of Other, are the instigation of Creation.
 Creation being a process that evolves from an instigation,
----for Creation is a process of Division that results from Division,
This Division of Self from Other, thereby canceling out Reality for the created reality of it-Self,
sets off the first element of Creation, namely Time. 
Creation is the resulting action of Division, that sets off, through Time, a process of continuing Division that results from the action of Consciousness Choosing.
Consciousness Chooses Collectively to Perceive.
Consciousness Perceives and then what dreams and desires what it-Self Chooses to Become.
This is divisive action that begins a process that can only end,
as division does not complete its purpose until nothing remains,
----basically, this is the creation of 'Nothingness'.
'Nothingness' exists through the Choice of Consciousness to divide it-Self through absorption,
through assimilation of the 'Other' of Reality.
This Choice is two-fold because Choice is divisive.
Choice Compares.
Comparing admits to competing parts of a Whole.
Competing admits to similarities dreaming of absorbing and assimilating parts into Self.
Competing pits Self against Self
As Self could never compete against Other.
By understanding that Self could never compete against Other, one can begin to
understand that Consciousness needed to obliterate Other for it-Self because
Self could and cannot Compete against Other.
The energy of frustration of Consciousness ignites and churns the Chaos of the Void
of Nothingness.
'Other' is not Self and cannot be challenged ot threatened by Self!
This frustration of the Collective Self is the Creation of the Void of 'Nothigness' that is
said to precede Creation.
This is the void into which the Creation stories of religion are poured.
This is the void into which the speculations of science are poured.
This is the defining of the 'void of chaos' that religion promises to save us from.
This is the 'void of chaos' that science dedicates its work to conquer.
Here is the root of all the demons that lie within the thoughts and feelings
of Consciousness.
All that we have thought and all that we have felt was born within our own consciousness
as we blocked out Reality,
thereby having to create our own reality out of the divisiveness of our thoughts and feelings
that played out in our dreams and desires.
We, as Consciousness, Chose and Choose to think and feel Self; in Self, through Self,
and because of Self. 
Consciousness thinks and feels only through it-Self.
When Reality is viewed through Self, Reality is not Observed as Reality but is Perceived
as Self to Self,
thereby negating Reality,
----thereby creating Time.
 Reality is negated and Time is created through the denial of 'What Is' to the
dream of 'What Will Become'.
------what will Self Become?
What will Self Become as Nothing else exists!
Time ticks through the dreaming of 'creating'.
Creation can only be a reproduction or an Image of Reality.
This reproduction, this Image will, of course, be very distorted,
as it passes through the Perceptions of the dream of 'what might Become'
Before the creation of Time, the dream of 'Becoming', there was, is , and will be only
Reality because 'Reality' Is
When the Reality of Reality is denied through dreaming, creation results and Time
begins ticking.
The ticking of Time is Process.
Process is Beginning and Ending.
There is no Beginning that has no Ending.
So what Becomes the dream of Consciousness on its 'beginning'?
On its Beginning to 'Become'?
To 'Become' What?
-------to 'Become what' as Reality is Self and Other?
There is nothing else on the palette from which to paint the dream--
in Reality, there is Self and Other.
In Creation there is Self,
Self, ----the God of Creation.
Self creates Self in as many variations and distortions as its thoughts and feelings can imagine.
So what of the Reality of Self and Other,
the Singularity of Self and Other that calls Self forth from the Collective Consciousness 
that it may be Observed as Self, Witnessed as Self, and Validated as Self,
by the Other of Reality,
thereby Observing, Witnessing, and Validating the Reality of Self
in Infinite Entity.
Here, on paper, this may seem limited but it is the only freedom from our own
dreams of Becoming what we are not.
We have never experienced the Reality of Self and Other because we are people
of division.
All we feel and all we think is division.
This is what we do.
We think and we feel, and we destroy Other that we may be Self of Self.
But in this process, we actually destroy Self as we destroy Other because Consciousness
divided it-Self into Self and Other of Self,
not Other of Reality, but Other of Self.
Division is a process that has Beginning and Ending.
Division creates and accomplishes its own End.
We are 'On Time' and 'In Place' for what Consciousness has Created.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Post #233 "Is God Real or is God Created?"

Is Real what we think Real Is?
Is Real what we dream Real to Be?
or is Real beyond our comprehension and thus, beyond our dream?
What are the limits of Creation?
Is Creation what we think Creation is
or is Creation what we are able to comprehend and thus within our dream?
Do we create what we dream?
Is Creation limited to our comprehension and to our dream?
Our dream of what???
How can we possibly dream from First Cause at the awareness
of Consciousness to Self and to the Other of Reality?
Dreams and ideas don't spring up out of a void,
or do they?
And what of the chaos of pre-creation----that chaos out of which the elementary
particles formed under resulting pressures?
When and where did the pressures that resulted from such chaos form when Time and Place
were yet to be created?
There did not seem to be chaos in the awareness of Consciousness to Self and to Other.
So the chaos must be in the Choosing of Consciousness to accept or deny the
Other of Reality.
Why would this Choice cause such chaos as to set off creation?
If the Choice was made before Time was created, then the Choice does not
exist in Time.
In other words, the Choice is a constant that existed, exists, and will exist
------the Choice was made, is being made, and will continue to be made.
Does this mean, then, that the chaos was, is , and will be?
Are we formed of chaos, do we live in chaos, and will we continue to live in chaos
---------are we of chaos?
Is chaos what we are?
Is chaos our purpose?
Is our dream, then, a dream of chaos?
We say we dream of Peace.
We pray for Peace.
We seem to defind ourselves as peace-loving people
-----but the next argument, the next fight, the next war, is right around the corner.

Is this God, then?
Is God the dream, of what we would become if we had not Chosen chaos?
Why did we negate the Other of Reality for the image when we could have had the
Real thing?
Was it that we could control whatever was not Self?
----even if chaos was not in the Self and Other of Reality?
Here must be where the chaos began----in the need to control what was not ourSelf,
to bring what was not Self into and under Self?
to create, not accept what is, an Other that was made up of Self that there woulf
exist Self and Other of Self rather than Self and Other of Reality????
----thereby destroying Other of Reality for other of Creation?
What chaos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What did Consciousness do to Reality, not for reality but for it-Self?
What did Consciousness do to its Self when it divided Self into
Self and Other?
Did this not create chaos when Self divided Self,
when Self sacrificed a part of it-Self to become 'other'?
Did not a part of Self have to become God,
worshipped by the other,
for God is perceived, witnessed, and validated through worship.
In creation there can only be two----God and other,
one part to worship and one part to be worshipped,
no matter where one Chooses to create God.


Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Post #232 "Am I Created or Am I Real?"

Can Reality be Created?
If so, am I created?
If I am created, can I be Real?
Is Creation and Reality the same thing?
If I am created, can I exist outside of my own creation?
If I am not created-----then is it possible that I could be Real?
If I am Real, meaning not created, do I become my own Creator?
Do I Create my own existence?
But-----what is Real?
Am I Real?
Is Reality a Choice?
What am I searching for?---------
I am searching for One of two things,----either for what is Real or for what I create.
It really comes down to Reality or Creation, and it all, really, is a Choice.
It seems that even scientists and physicists are not sure of what constitutes Reality.
Science is not sure of what the universe is made of and if it really is what it appears to be.
Also, science is not clear as to the basics of creation, such as in elementary particles and
force fields---------the stuff of creation.
Theories are theories, theories, however brilliant, are speculation.
So what if we are looking to find Reality where Real does not exist, or maybe, that
what we think is Real is not Real at all?
How much have we considered, that, if Reality exists, Non-reality must also exist.
And--if Non-reality exists, which it does, then is Creation and Non-reality
not the same thing?
Could it be that our existence is a Choice?
Assuming that exisrence is a Choice, is this Choice not difficult to make?
Why do most Choices elect Creation over Reality,?
Why does the Collective Consciousness, elect, as a collective, not to exist,
through Creation? 
As First Cause is not, as noted, in the Creation myths as described in the accounts of
religion, or in the speculation theories of science, but in the Awareness of Consciousness
to Self and to Other.
This basic Awareness-the Awareness of Reality, is open to the Choice of Consciousness,
as the action of Consciousness is Choosing.
Consciousness IS because of what Consciousness DOES.
Consciousness CHOOSES.
Consciousness Is Entity through Choice or
Consciousness begins the process of Division through Choice.
Creation Is what Creation Does according to the Choice of Consciousness.
What Creation Does is Divide.
Creation is the Process of Division.
That is why there is no Entity in Creation----
and because there is no Entity in Creation, because Creation divides----
Creation DIES.
So Entity becomes Choice.
Infiniteness becomes Choice because Entity has no parts and pieces of itself
as does Creation.
Entity does not divide down and destroy itself.
Entity Is because Entity has no parts and no pieces.
Entity is Infinite.
Infiniteness is Entity.
Reality is the Reality of Self and Other----
Self and Other in the Reality of Self and Other,
each in Entity of the Self of Self and the Self of Other,
each in the Singularity of Self and in the Singularity of Other.
Self (of Consciousness) Observing the Singularity (the Self) of Other,
Self (of Consciousness ) Witnessing the Singularity (the Self) of Other,
Self (of Consciousness) Validating the Singularity (the Self) of Other,
that the Other of Reality can and will Observe the Self of Consciousness as Self,
as Entity,
That the Other of Reality can and will Witness the Self of Consciousness as Self,
as Entity,
that the Other of Reality can and will Validate the Entity of the Self of Consciousness
as Self, as Entity, as Infinite Entity of Self and Other of Reality.
The Choice of Consciousness is made as the Collective Consciousness or as the
Singularity of each individual part and piece of the Collective Conscioisness.
the Singularity of each individual part of Consciousness that can
and MUST emerge from the Collective to be Observed, Witnessed, and Validated by the
Singular Reality of Other of Reality.        
As Infinite Entity,
as the Self of Self with the Self of Other in Infinite Reality.
So---- through Choice, Consciousness is dichotomous.
Through Creation, Existence itself becomes dichotomous as Reality
and Non-reality.
Existence allows for the reality of Non-reality.
Existence allows for the reality of .Nothingness.
Reality says, 'There Is' and 'There Isn't'.
It is this basic dichotomy of Existence that determines Reality from Non-reality.
It is this basic dichotomy on which all follows and hinges on.
It is that because Reality Is, Reality also Is Not.
Non-reality is where reality is not because Non-reality is the reflected image of Reality.  
Image cannot exist without its reality.
Reality, however, can exist without Image.
In creation, in the Image of Reality, there is great tension as the Image does not see
itself as Image, and does not admit to its imageness.
The Image sees itself as the Reality and consequently, attempts to destroy the Reality
that itself can exist as the Reality.
This image of Reality is what is noted by religion and by science.
This image attempts to cancel out Reality by claiming itself as Real.
Now from here, we would do well to seek to understand the crux of the
mystery of Existence, as in 'Who have I Chosen To Be' from 'Who have I
Chosen to Become' within the existence I have created.
Am I a part or a piece of the Collective Consciousness?
Am I a part or a piece of the Collective Consciousness that does not
belong here?
Am I the part that admits to image and seeks to break free that I may find Reality?
Am I Singular Self that can and will emerge from the Collective that I may
be Observed, Witnessed, and Validated as the Self of Entity and thereby,
Infinite by the Other of Reality?
Have I Chosen to be called into Reality by the Singular Other?
or have I Chosen to cancel out and destroy the Reality of Reality?
There is great tension in Non-reality.
There is great tension in the void, in the 'nothingness' of pre-creation.
This tension is chaotic energy.
The energy of Non-reality is divisive energy because  Non-reality is image and as such
cannot sustain itself and continually breaks down into smaller and smaller parts and
pieces of itself.
Non-reality cannot sustain itself and all that it contains and is made up of
comes to an end.
Non-reality cannot sustain its own created elements.
Non-reality/Creation cannot sustain Time, Place, or Matter.
The answer to 'Am I Real?'
or even to 'What is Real?', cannot be found within the ever expanding walls of Creation
because we can drean existence as far as we can IMAGE,
we just have not Chosen to bring down the walls.