Tuesday, October 25, 2022

 Post #418


Before we can understand WHO WE ARE, we would do well to look into WHAT WE ARE.
Looking for an answer we must look to the Past, but not to a hundred or more years ago but to the 
root cause; to First Cause.
As to the Basic Duality of Existence at First Cause, to the Basic Duality of Consciousness at First Cause, we must add the Basic Duality of Humanity at Humanity's First Cause.
Therefore, the Duality of Humanity as Consciousness, has the Option of Existing in the Reality of Existence or in the Non-Reality of Existence/Non-Existence.
In Duality, Existence Exists and Non-Exists.

Consciousness Exists in Duality.
Humanity exists in Duality.
Because of the Duality of Existence, Humanity, as Consciousness, has CHOICE.
Consciousness/Humanity Chooses Existence in either Reality or in Non-Reality.
Humanity Choosing Reality Abides in the Reality of BEING.
Humanity Choosing Non-Reality DREAMS of What It Can BECOME.
So, as Reality IS, 
Non-Reality IS NOT.
Non-Reality Exists in the Dream of  'Becoming',
But 'Becoming' is NOT Existing in the NOW of Reality.
"Becoming' suggests the impossibility of ever attaining The Dream.
For Humanity, The Dream of 'Becoming' always remains just a Dream.
The Frustration of the unfulfilled Dream helps define Creation and helps define Humanity itself.
Basic Emotions, such as Fear, Frustration, and Anger, arise at '1st Cause'.

At 1st Cause, Consciousness and consequently Humanity, are AWARE.
Consciousness/Humanity is Aware of Self and of Other-Than-Self.
Consciousness is Aware that Reality IS Self and Other-Than-Self.
Consciousness/Humanity Compares Self with 'Other-Than-Self'.
As Consciousness is Aware, Consciousness COMPARES.
Consciousness/Humanity Compares Self to Other-Than-Self through Observation or through Perception.
The Choice is to Observe 'Other' as 'Other' IS or
to Perceive 'Other', not as Other IS, but through the Perception of the Self.
The Choice to Perceive determines that Other is not as Other IS but as Self Dreams Other to 'BECOME'
in Self's Dream Existence.

Out of this Dream Existence, Consciousness, (the Consciousness of Humanity), Creates
a Pseudo-Existence we know as Creation.
In the Duality of Existence, Consciousness Creates the Opposite of Reality.
Consciousness Creates through Perceiving Reality and then Projecting the Perception onto
a Perceived or Created Space, called Earth, in Created or Perceived Time, as  in days, years, etc..
Thus Consciousness calls our Dreamed Non-Reality into the Non-Existence of Existence.
The Collective Consciousness calls this Dreamed Non-Reality, Creation.

The Choice of Consciousness/Humanity to Observe determines Other as TO BE, as Other IS,
thereby allowing Self to also Exist as Self IS, in ENTITY of Self, in the Singularity of Selfness,
 and therefore, in IMMORTALITY.
Consciousness/Humanity Dreams of IMMORTALITY.
The Perceiving Self-of-Consciousness Compares its Choice of Creation to Existence in Reality.
In the Comparison, Self is Aware of the Mortality of Creation to the Immortality of Existence in Reality, thus provoking the Basic Human Emotion of Fear at the loss of Immortality.
Self is Aware of its Mortality and so Life becomes a struggle against all that represents 
'Other Than the Self'. 
Self blames Other for causing Self's Mortality. 
There is a determination that if 'Other' can be Eliminated, 
Self will be able to Access Other's Immortality.
Self Creates Other as Enemy that threatens Self's Survival.
As Enemy, Self feels justified in seeking Obliteration for Other-Than-Self.
Through constant Division of the Self by the Self, Self Loses all Definition, all Identity, 
and just Fades into Oblivion
The Self of Consciousness, the Self of Humanity, Choses to Create its own Death!

In Non-Reality, Self is Aware of Other only through the perception of the Self,
so that Other as Other cannot Exist.
This Choice has no effect on Reality being the Existence of Self and Other.
Basically, in Non-Reality, Self removes Other.
In Creation, in Humanity, the Self cannot accept Other as Other IS and so struggles to 
remove all Other and all Otherness.

Creation is a Process of Division that has BEGINNING and has ENDING.
What has Beginning and Ending does not Exist in the NOW but only in a Dream State.
Creation, with Beginning and Ending, is The Opposite of Reality.
Reality IS!
Creation is a Distorted, Inverted, IMAGE of Reality.
Image has Beginning and Ending; thus Creation has NO BEING. 
What Begins and ENDS cannot and does not Exist in the Reality of BEING.

 The Self of Humanity cannot remove Duality, as Duality is a condition of Existence.
When Self removes Other, due to Duality, Self Divides it-Self.
In Non-Reality then, and due to the Duality of Existence,
Other Exists as 'Other-Of SELF,
meaning Self Divides it-Self into 'Self-Of-Self' and 'Other-Of Self'.
Duality occurs in the Self.
The Self IS Duality.
We, are Duality.
We have Created many layers and levels of Pseudo-Existences and attempt to Exist 
or Non-Exist in them all.

The Self's Existence in Duality causes Conflict between its Selves,
(the Self-of-Self and the Other-of-Self), thereby threatening the survival of Self.
Self Exists in Individual Cells of Humanity that make up the Collective Consciousness.
Each Cell while Existing and therefore Choosing Collectively also, through 
Individual Consciousness, can Choose Individually. 
It does seem that Individual Choice is Rare and most people Choose to Exist according 
to Collective Choice.

Self eventually Divides itself down to loss of Identity and then, to 'Nothingness'.
Self, as Creation, eventually loses definition and fades into 'Nothingness'.
Self, fearing Obliteration, meaning loss of Identity, frantically Dreams, while struggling to Survive.
Here we witness the ugly downside of the Self of Humanity.
We, of Humanity, perceive Power as the Essence of Survival. Survival really meaning Immortality.
Survival Becomes the Goal of Existence.
Humanity Perceives Other and Otherness as the Cause of its Threatening Mortality.
It seems that we feel that the more Power we can amass, the more we avoid Mortality.
Our Lives, therefore, Become struggles for Power.
We Compete for Power.
Power is why we Compete.
We Compete with Other, that Other's Power Becomes our own.
If we win, we access the Power of the Defeated.
If we Lose, we Lose Power to the Winner and we become the Inferior.
For a Male, this is losing Masculinity.
No Competition is Innocent!
The Struggle for Power being the Reason we Live to Compete.
We Compete because any Power that is not our own we Perceive as a Threat to our Existence
and a Threat to Masculinity.
Competition and Winning; accumulating Power, are Male Characteristics.
Loosing is Weakness and a sign of Femininity.
In Duality, Male (Strength), and Female (Weakness) Exist in each Cell of Humanity.

Power cannot Exist without Weakness,
therefore Power Creates Weakness as Food for Survival.
The Powerful Create the Weak for the Purpose of Providing Food, with which to keep increasing 
their insatiable appetite for Power. 
The Weak are actually Created to be the source of nourishment for the Powerful.
The Self of Consciousness needs Power to Survive.
The Self of Consciousness Perceives its Survival in the Male as the only 'true' Human.
As the Source of Nourishment, the Female is perceived by Male as 'Other'. 
It is the Self that Creates Other-Than-Itself with which to Compete for Power, 
as Power is a commodity of Creation.
The Power of Creation cannot increase on its own. Creation cannot grow the Power of Immortality.
 Creation can only break down into Pieces that Exist only in the Dream of the Self-of Self  
Competing for Immortality.

In Fear of Mortality, Humanity Divides the Self to Create a source of Power with
which to Survive. As Nothing else exists besides Self and Other-Than-Self, 
Self must Divide the Self in order to provide the Self with the Weakness with which to 
Feed the Strong. 
Ex., Male Creates Female, Humanity Creates all the Divisions of our Pseudo-Reality:
 religious, political, racial, etc.
Power needs Weakness to Exist, therefore Power Creates Weakness by Creating something 'Other'
than Itself to Sacrifice.
As in Competition, a winner takes Essence from the Other-Than-Itself, the loser,
with which to Empower It-self. Essence meaning Life-Force.
Each of us is a Cell of Consciousness.
Each of us is a Self of Humanity.
We, of Humanity, Perceive Other-Than-Self as a Threat to our Survival,
thereby holding Other to be responsible for our Mortality and all 'other' misfortune.
Those we hold responsible, must pay!
Thereby we justify abuse, degradation, torture and all forms of de-humanization.

Striving to remove all that is Other, we Divide ourselves down until we lose our Identity.
Without Identity we fade into the Nothingness of Oblivion,
thus continuing the Duality of Existence through Division.
In Humanity this Duality begins in the Self and becomes evident in the Duality of 
Male and Female and all further Divisions with which we Choose to live our Lives.
The Duality continues, breaking down into the myriad Dualities of Humanity.
As Creation is a Process of Division, so too is Humanity.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022


Post #417     


There is Existence.
There is Non-existence.
Existence Exists.
Non-Existence Exists.
Existence is therefore, Duality.
Duality is Relationship between Opposites.
Duality is the Relationship between Existence and Non-Existence.
Duality is the Relationship between Reality and Non-Reality.

There is Reality.
There is Non-Reality.
Reality and Non-Reality are also Duality.
Existence exists as Reality.
Existence Exists as Non-Reality.
Reality Is Self and 'Other-Than-Self'.
Non-Reality Is Self without Other. Other being removed by Self.

There is Consciousness.
Consciousness Exists.
Consciousness Chooses.
Consciousness Chooses because of the Duality of Consciousness 
There Is the Collective Consciousness and there Is the Collective Non-Consciousness.
There Is Individual Consciousness and there Is Individual Non-Consciousness.
The Choice of Individual Consciousness Is able to Override the Collective Consciousness.
Consciousness Exists because Consciousness Is Aware.
Consciousness is Aware of Duality.
Consciousness Exists in Duality.

The Nature of Consciousness Is Duality, as Is the Nature of Existence Itself.
So that Consciousness has within itself, that which IS and that which IS NOT.
----that which IS NOT is the Reality and the Existence of 'NOTHINGNESS'.
'Nothingness Exists in the Reality of its Nothingness in the Reality of its Non-Existence.
Consciousness therefore Exists in the Reality of its BEING and in the Non-Reality of its NON-BEING.
It Is the Existence of 'Nothingness' that allows Consciousness to CREATE an Existence of 

Consciousness has the Option to Create because of its Duality in the Duality of Existence.
Consciousness, because of its Duality, is able to CREATE an Existence Outside of Reality, 
and is Able to Non-Exist, while Existing, in that Non-Existence.
Consciousness, in its Duality, has the Option of Existing in Reality or in Creating and Existing in 
its own Created Non-Reality.
Consciousness, in its Duality, has the Option of Existing in Reality or in Non-Reality.
Therefore, as Consciousness, Humanity, in Duality, has the Option of Existing in the Reality 
of Existence 
or in the Non-Reality of Non-Existence.
This Existence Outside Reality consequently Exists as the Opposite of Reality.

As Reality IS.
Non-Reality IS NOT.
In Duality lies Opposition to all that Exists.
In Duality is the Existence of all that Exists and the Opposite of all that Exists.
In Duality Exists Reality and Non-Reality.
In Duality we find Life and we find Death.
In Duality, we have CHOICE!

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Post #416 "THERE IS----------------?

Post #416


There is Existence.  
There is Non-Existence.
Existence Exists.
Non-Existence Exists.
Existence is therefore, Duality.
Duality is relationship between opposites.
Duality is the relationship between Existence and Non-Existence.
Duality is the relationship between Reality and Non-Reality.

There is Reality. 
There is Non-Reality.
 Reality and Non-Reality are also Duality.  
Existence Exists as Reality.
Non-Existence Exists as Non-Reality.
Reality is made up of Self and Other-Than-Self.
Non-Reality is Self without Other.
Other being removed by Self.

There is Consciousness.
Consciousness Exists.
Consciousness Exists in the Duality of Consciousness.
Consciousness in Duality extends to the Duality of Creation.
The Duality of  Creation Creates the Duality of Humanity.
In the Duality of Consciousness there is the Collective Consciousness 
and there is the Collective Unconsciousness.
In Duality, Consciousness Exists Collectively and Individually meaning that Consciousness 
Chooses Collectively and Individually.
 In Choosing, Individual Consciousness is able to override the Collective.

There is Awareness
Consciousness is Awareness.
To be Conscious is to be Aware. 
Consciousness Existing in Duality is Duality Aware of Duality,
meaning that Consciousness is Aware of the Duality of Choice through Observation or 
through Perception.
As the Nature of Consciousness is Duality, as is the Nature of Existence, itself,
Consciousness has within itself, that which IS and that which IS NOT.
-----that which IS NOT is the Non-Reality of 'Nothingness'.
Consciousness Exists in the Reality of its BEING and in the Non-Reality of its Non-Being.

It is the Existence of Nothingness that enables Consciousness to Create an Existence of Non-Being.
Consciousness is able to Create an existence outside of Reality and is able to Non-Exist
in that Non-Existence.
Consciousness has the option of Existing in Reality or in Non-Reality
Therefore, as Consciousness, Humanity has the option of Existing in the Reality of Existence or in 
the Non-Reality of Non-Existence.
This Existence outside of Reality, consequently Exists as the Opposite of Reality.

As Reality IS,
Non-Reality IS NOT. 
Non-Reality Exists in a state of Dreaming.
Non-Reality is the DREAM of Becoming Reality, 
but 'BECOMING' is not Existing in the NOW of Reality.
'Becoming' suggests the impossibility of ever attaining the Dream.
The Dream of 'Becoming' always remains just a Dream.
The frustration of unfulfilled Dreams helps define Creation and helps define Humanity itself.

Basic Emotions such as Fear, Frustration, and Anger arise at '1st Cause'.
At 1st Cause, Consciousness and consequently Humanity, are Aware.
Consciousness/Humanity is Aware of Self and of Other-Than-Self.
Consciousness is Aware that Reality is Self and Other-Than-Self.

As Consciousness is Aware, Consciousness Compares.
Consciousness Compares Self to Other-Than-Self through Observation or through Perception.
The Choice is to Observe 'Other' as 'Other' IS or to Perceive 'Other' through the Self, as Self 
determines 'Other' as 'Other' Should Be according to the needs of the Self.
The Choice determines  that Other is not as Other Is but as Self Dreams Other to 'Become', 
  in Self's Dream Existence.
Consciousness is Aware that without Other, Self does not Exist in Reality.
Consciousness is Aware that without Other, the Self of Humanity does not Exist in Reality.

Consciousness is Aware.
To be Conscious, is to be Aware. 
In Reality, Consciousness is Aware of Self;
- that Self Exists,
that Self Exists in the Singularity of Self as Self 
And that, in Reality, Consciousness is Aware of Other;
- that Other Exists,
that Other Exists in the Singularity of Other as Other.
In Non-Reality, Self is Aware of Other only through the Perception of the Self, 
so that Other as Other cannot Exist.
This Choice has no effect on Reality being the Existence of Self and Other.
Basically, in Non-Reality, Self removes Other.
In Creation, Self cannot accept Other as Other and struggles to remove all Other and Otherness.
However, Self cannot remove Duality, as Duality is a condition of Existence.
 When Self removes Other, Self Divides it-Self.
In Non-Reality, then, and due to the Duality of Existence, 
Other Exists as 'Other-of-Self, meaning Self Divides it-Self, into Self-of Self and Other-of-Self.
 Duality occurs in the Self. 
The Self is Duality.
We, of Creation, are Duality.
We have Created many layers and levels of Pseudo-Existences and attempt to Exist (or Non-Exist)
in them all.

The Self's Existence in Duality causes Conflict between its Selves, 
( the Self-of-Self and the Other-of-Self), thereby threatening the Survival of Self.
Self eventually Divides it-Self down to loss of Identity and then to 'Nothingness'.
Self, as Creation eventually loses definition and fades into 'Nothingness'.
Self, Fearing Obliteration, meaning loss of Identity, Frantically Dreams struggling to Survive.
Here we witness the ugly downside of the Self of Humanity.
We, of Humanity, Perceive Power as the Essence of Survival. Survival meaning Immortality.
Survival becomes the goal of Existence.
Humanity Perceives Other and Otherness as the cause of its threatening Mortality.
It seems that we feel that the more Power we can amass, the more we avoid Mortality.
Our lives therefore become struggles for Power. We Compete for Power and Power is why we Compete.
We Compete with Other, that Other's Power Becomes our own.

Power needs Weakness to Exist, therefore Power Creates weakness by Creating something 'Other' than it-Self to sacrifice.
As in Competition, a winner takes Essence from an Other--- the Loser, 
with which to Empower it-Self. Essence meaning Life-Force.
 We, each of us is a Cell, each of us is a Self of Humanity, Perceives Other-Than-Self as a threat to our survival. 
It is this Threat that must be removed. 
Striving to remove all that is Other, we Divide ourselves down until we lose our Identity.
Without Identity we fade into the Nothingness of Oblivion,
thus continuing the Duality of Existence through Division. 
In Humanity this Duality begins in the Self, then Becomes evident in the Duality of Male and Female
and all the Other Divisions that make up our lives in this Created World, Universe, Cosmos.

The Duality continues, breaking down into the myriad Dualities of Humanity.
In Reality, Self is Aware of Other as Other, that is, as Other IS, and not as affected by Self
through Self's Perception.  
True Awareness can therefore Exist only in the Reality of Existence.
 Awareness in Creation is limited to the Perceptions of what the Self will Allow, 
of what the Self needs, or of what the Self Desires.
It is therefore impossible for the Self of Creation to Know 'What IS',
to Know what 'Really Exists', to Know TRUTH.
This Self Knows only what feeds its Perceptions of Other and its own Self.

There is Choice.
Consciousness is Aware that because of the Duality of Existence, there is Choice.
Consciousness determines Existence through Choice.
Because Consciousness is Duality, Consciousness Chooses.
Consciousness Chooses Existence or Non-Existence.
Consciousness Chooses Existence in the Reality of Existence or in the Non-Reality of Existence.
Consciousness Chooses TO BE in Reality.
 Consciousness Chooses TO BECOME in Non-Reality.
Existing in a state of Becoming cancels out Abiding in the NOW of Reality.
Only Reality Abides.
Reality is the NOW-----No Past, No Future.
Past and  Future are elements of Time.
Time is an Element of Creation along with Place and Matter.
Time, Place, and Matter, do not Exist in the Reality of Existence.
Creation Exists in Time. Time is organized in Layers and Levels.
Creation is not about the NOW. Creation is about BECOMING.

There is Collective Choice.
There is Individual Choice
Consciousness Chooses Collectively and Individually.
Humanity, as Consciousness, Chooses Collectively and Individually 
The Individual Choice over the Collective Choice separates the Individual from the Collective.
 In Choosing Individually, the Self Emerges from the Collective.
The Emerging Individual feels alienated from the Collective and Collective Choices.
Yet here is where the Choice determines Existence from Non-Existence,
Reality from Non-Reality.
We Choose to Exist in the Reality of Existence or to Exist in the Dream of a Pseudo 
or Created Non-Reality.
Observation of our present worldly Existence indicates that the far and above Choice of Humanity
is for Existence in a Pseudo, Created, Non-Reality.
Observation also indicates that there is very limited Individual Choice.
It seems to be just so much easier to fall in with the Choice of the Collective.
It is no wonder we are so fragmented, frantic, and frightened; seeming to have 
no Idea of Who We Are or to What is Our Purpose.

Consciousness is Aware of Existence in the Duality of Reality and Non-Reality.
Consciousness is Aware of Self and Other.
Consciousness therefore Chooses Existence in Reality or in Non-Reality.
Self and Other make up Reality. 
There is Nothing else that can Exist but Self and Other-Than-Self.
 Consciousness Chooses Non-Reality over Reality to block out the 'Other'.
Due to Duality, Other becomes Image Created out of the Self.
As Reality is Self and Other, the removal of Other also removes Reality.
Reality does not Exist when Self as Self or Other as Other do not Exist.
What was Real can now only Exist in Non-Reality as the Image of Reality.
In a sense, Non-Reality is the Mirror-Image of Reality.
Mirror Image is a very Distorted and Inverted Opposite of the Reality.
Consciousness Choosing Reality Abides in the Reality of Self and Other.
Choosing Reality, the Self of Consciousness is Observed as Self by that which is Other.
Self can BE Self only when Observed as Self by 'That Which Is Other'.

As Reality IS Self AND Other, 
the Choice to eliminate Other removes the Self from Reality.
In so Choosing, Reality can no longer Exist so the Self must Create a new Existence.
As Nothing Exists besides Self and Other, the new Existence can only come out of what Exists,
and that is out of Reality.
Creation is the result of Imaging Reality.
The Image of Reality is the Opposite of Reality. Reality Exists. The Image only reflects the Reality.
 So Reality Non-Exists in its Image. 
Non-Reality, the Image of Reality Exists in Dreams, thoughts or Ideas of Becoming 'What It Is Not.'
Creation comes about with projection of the Dream, the though, the idea. 
A thought. an idea, a dream, is projected onto a Created Space.
Thus Image Exists in an altered, a pseudo-Existence, unaware of Reality, 
unaware of the Truth of Reality. 

Reality's Opposite is Creation.
Creation is Image of Reality-----Dreamed into Existence.
\Creation Exists in the Dream of the Collected and Uncollected Consciousness.
Consciousness Dreams. The Dream is projected onto a Surface Created by Consciousness.
When Existence/Reality is Projected, it Creates its own Non-Existence/Non-Reality,
it Creates the Image of the Reality.
Creation is the Distorted and Inverted Opposite of Reality. It is Image!
Image has no IDENTITY.

The Image is Projected by Consciousness onto a Created space---a Created Space as in: World, Universe, Cosmos, and into Created Time-----days, weeks, years, millenniums; all layers and levels that organize the Chaos. 
Self of Non-Reality is Aware of Other-Than-Itself.  and is threatened by Self, as Self  is Aware of it-self as a piece or a part  of a potential Whole that strives as it may, will never achieve the Identity of Immortality.
The Self of Image, the Self of Non-Reality will never be Immortal!
 Self in Awareness of Other is Aware that Other is not made up of parts and pieces of an improvable Whole. The Self is Aware that Other Exists in the Reality of Entity.
Entity cannot be separated or obliviated or broken down!
Entity is Identified by Immortality!
The Other-Than-Self of Reality Exists as Entity in Immortality
while the Self of Non-Reality experiences Mortality because it cannot Become Entity, it cannot Identify as Entity, but remains a Collection of Parts and Pieces that succumbs to its own loss of identity and fades into the Nothingness of Non-Existence. 

Consciousness Dreams out of  its Awareness.
The Self of Non-Reality Dreams of Immortality
Fearing Power in Other and Otherness, 
Self seeks to Overcome what Self Perceives as Enemy.
What threatens Power is Perceived by Self as threatening to Self's Existence. 

Dreams are expressed in Image.
Consciousness Dreams, Consciousness Images.
The Dreams of Consciousness are Collected into Common Images
 Image is projected onto a surface which must be Created, 
to Exist in Image of a Reality.
 The Image however, is the inverted and distorted Opposite of its Reality. 
Image is Created through the Perceptions of Consciousness.
Consciousness Perceives Reality, not as Reality IS, but through the Self as Self
Dreams Reality should be
Consciousness Perceiving is Consciousness replacing a Reality into its own Idea or Dream  
In other words, Self IMAGES Reality.
Self Projects the Image.
Projecting Image is Creating
The Self of Consciousness is Creator of all that Exists as Creation.
The Self of Humanity is Creator of all that Exists.

A Whole is a Dream of broken and shattered Parts and Pieces Struggling for Identity.
Without Identity, Parts and Pieces are just Parts and Pieces, just Images.
An Image is a Whole that cannot come together in Wholeness because the Parts and Pieces 
cannot sustain.
Each Piece, each Part, is a Cell of the Whole.
Trying to sustain, Image just keeps breaking down, Image keeps Dividing. 
In Duality, Self Divides Self into many parts and pieces,
all cells of the Whole, the Whole that cannot stop Dividing and maintain Wholeness 
This means that not just one Self Projects the Image but myriad Cells Project the same Image
that then is able to be Perceived by the Collective as a common, collected, pseudo-Reality.
This allows Creation to  have a commonality, familiar to all in the Collective.
In other words, the Collective, collectively Creates through shared Vision of Perceived reality.
The Self that Chooses to Create its own Perceived Existence is Image that has Chosen 
to not Exist in the Reality of Existence.
This Self is the Self of Humanity that as the Whole of Humanity cannot stop Dividing 
and maintain its Wholeness. 
The Collective Self of Humanity Creates its own Perceived Existence in the Image it has designed
to Exist in, called earth, or Galaxy, or Cosmos, or even Heaven.
The Collective Consciousness has Collective Vision that Images a Collective Creation.

There is the Self of Existence in Reality.
There is the Self that Exists as Image of  'not What it Is' but of  'what it could Become'.
This is the Self that Exists only within its own Dream of reality
Consciousness Reacts to its Perception..
Consciousness Dreams.
The Dream forms Image. The Image Projects
Creation appears:
World appears.
Galaxies Appear.
                                                          Cosmos Appear.........to the Collected Consciousness, 
whose Collected and Projected Dreams cause a Collective Image.
Creation, as Image, Exists in Non-Reality.
There is no Image in Reality as Image is the Opposite of what is Real.

There are Parts and Pieces,
but all these Parts and Pieces will never again be the Whole from where they broke off.
Consciousness in Creation is Aware of the Entity of Reality.
Consciousness Dreams of that Entity for Creation but knows it can never BECOME
that "Which it is Not'.
The Consciousness of Creation Chose to Divide away from Reality because Other is Essential
to Reality and Exists in Creation only as a Part or a Piece.
A Part or a Piece belongs to a Whole-----a Whole that cannot hold together its Parts and Pieces.
This Whole that cannot hold back the Process of Division that marks Creation, knows that, in Time,
the Parts and Pieces ,becoming smaller and smaller, will loose Identity and fade into Oblivion.
This Dividing Creation longs for what it forfeited.
By not accepting the Other of Reality, the Self, Choosing to 'go it alone', Created an alternative Existence that could only Dream of what it has betrayed; 
Self was no more Self because Other
no longer Existed.
In this new Pseudo-Existence there was no Entity.
 Birth Existed to Create Death.
There was no Entity, so there was no Immortality!! 

Consciousness Choosing Existence in Reality is the Self of Consciousness Abiding in the 
Observation, Witness, and Validation, of the Self by the Other-Than-Self.
In Reality, Self's Identity as Self comes from Observation by That Which is Other.  
In the Witness of Self by Other, Self claims Identity as Entity.
Self  Validates Self as Self of Immortality through Validation by Other.  
Through Other, Self recognizes Self as Self. 
Through Other, Self Validates Self as Self,
able to accept Identity from it-Self.
Identity of Self as Self in Selfness occurs from the Observation of Other.
In this Observation, Witness, and Validation of Self by that which is Other, 
Self,  Aware of Self as Self in Selfness, thus Exists in total Entity of BEING..
The Self of Reality Exists in the the Reality of Entity.
The Self of Reality Exists in the Entity of Immortality.

When we Divide, we who inhabit the new Pseudo-Reality, lose a Part of our-self,
as our Other must now be Divided from our Self.
In fact, this Part often becomes the Enemy, (as it is meant to be.)
The loss is great and becomes greater as Time relentlessly continues the Division,
for, after all, we Exist in the Duality of Existence. 
Consciousness Choosing Existence in Non-Reality is Consciousness Creating.
In Creating, Consciousness blocks Other-Than-Self.
When Other is blocked there is no Observation, Witness, or Validation.
Self never comes into Reality.
 Self therefore cannot obtain Selfness. Self therefore lacks Identity.
Even Self does not Know Self. because an Unobservable Self cannot Exist.
Without Identity, Self Exists in Nothingness.

  Existence in Creation is Existence in Non-Reality.
What Exists in Non-Reality does not Exist in Reality.
Consciousness Choosing Non-Reality is Consciousness denying Reality.
Reality is replaced by Non-Reality when Consciousness denies the Existence of Other
Self  blocks Other out of Existence through Choice, yet the Duality remains.
The Self of Consciousness cannot block Duality, 
because the Relationship of Existence/Non-Existence Exists
and manifests in Existence and Non-Existence.
If Self blocks Other, Other is blocked in Self's Created Pseudo-Reality,
Even if Other is blocked, Self in undeniable Duality, will Divide it-Self down into the 
Duality of Self-of-Self and Other-of-Self.
When Other is Eliminated, Reality does not Exist.
Only Nothingness remains.

When Self blocks Other, Self Divides Self, over and over again,
unable to escape the Primal State of Duality.
Thus Duality Exists through the Process of Division.
Throughout Creation, Division, as is Duality, is unescapable.
Creation Exists in the Duality of Existence.
Creation came about through Division.
Creation will end through Division.
Creation is defined by Division.
Creation is a Process of Division.
Consciousness Chooses. 
Consciousness Chooses to Abide in the Reality of Existence or Consciousness Chooses to
Create its own Existence, its own Pseudo-Existence.
Self Abiding is Self Existing WITH Other-Than-Self in the Reality of Existence.
 Self Creating is Self Existing within the boundaries of its own Existence.
This Creating Existence Exists through Division,
always maintaining the Duality through the Division of the Self.
Consciousness Chooses Collectively and can Choose Individually.
Individual Choice overrides Collective but puts the Individual at Odds with the Collective,
again, ruled by Duality   

In the Awareness of Duality, and Because of Duality, Consciousness Vacillates.
The act of Choosing is Movement.
Movement Vacillates.
 Consciousness Vacillating, is Consciousness Choosing because Consciousness, although Aware 
of Duality, cannot Exist in Reality and in Non-Reality, 
and so must Choose between the two states of Existence.
Consciousness will Choose, either To BE or To BECOME.
Consciousness either IS or IS NOT.
Consciousness will Choose Existence or Non-Existence.
thereby Choosing Reality or Non-Reality.
Consciousness in Action of Choosing, moves, or better yet, Vibrates.
It is this Vibration that sets off Creation.

Consciousness Chooses Collectively but can also Choose Individually through Cells
that Collectively make up the Whole
The Collective Consciousness is therefore a Whole made up of Individual Cells.
In other words, the Collective Consciousness is a sum total of parts and pieces of itself.
What Exists in Parts and Pieces strives for Wholeness, Dreams of Wholeness, yet Exists, through the state of Duality, in a Process of Division.
Humanity also Exists in Parts and Pieces, in cells, that strives for Wholeness and 
even Dreams of Wholeness.
Yet Humanity Non-Exists in a state of Duality, caught up in the Process of Division that makes 
and marks Creation. 
We seek Wholeness through Division.
We Divide because we seek Wholeness through Identity that is based on Self seeking Immortality 
through Division. 
We strive to Empower ourselves by Creating an 'Otherness' we can sacrifice to Empower the Self
There is no source of Power for Self if not through what is Other.

Creation itself Exists as a Process of Division. 
This Process of Division Begins and Ends.
This Process of Life and Death begins only to breakdown, through 
Created Time, to Nothingness.
Both science and religion are Aware that Creation is Finite
Both science and religion make references to the Beginning and Ending of Creation.

The loss of Identity is the primal step in the Life to Death Process.
Loss of Identity is a sense of Nothingness.
What loses Identity loses form and fades out of Existence.
What Ends in Nothingness Exists in Non-Existence, meaning it never Existed in Reality.

There is Competition.
There is Aggression.
There is Brutality.
There are lies, many lies.
-----all just aspects of the Duality that defines Existence.
In our world, Competition best encompasses these qualities.
Brutality and Aggression come out of Competition.
Competition sets a Self against an 'Other-Than-Self'.
Competition comes out of Fear of Loss of Identity.
Loss of Identity is loss of Perceived Right to Immortality.
It all comes down to Who has the Right to Immortality.
And it is somehow Perceived that Immortality depends on Identity, and it does!

We Humans have actually convinced ourselves that 'Who We Are' determines what claim 
we put on the 'Right to Life'.   
Why is there such Division?
Why are We so Divided?
Why is there a 'pro' to every 'con' and a 'con' to every 'pro'?
Why can't we find areas of agreement?
Why can't we understand that Reality is Self AND Other,
that Self Exists because of the Observation of Self by Other-Than-Self,
that Observation of Self as Self by 'Other-Than-Self' determines Self in Entity,
that Self in Entity of Self is the Self of Immortality.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Post #415 "Creating Creation"

Creation is Created.
Creation is Created means that Creation has beginning and ending.
What has Beginning and Ending cannot and does not Exist in the 'NOW' of the Reality of Existence.
'Beginning' and 'Ending' suggests Process. Process indicates a 'Becoming'.
'Becoming' moves from a Beginning point to an Ending point that does not yet Exist in the Dream of Creating.

Creation is a Dream.
Creation is a  Dream Created by the Self of Consciousness for the purpose of removing ALL 
that is not Self.
In Creation, Self moves into Self, blocking out all that is not Self
It is essential to Self that All that is 'Other' is removed from Existence.
This is becoming very obvious in our present 'Today', in today's worldly Existence
Self, moving into Self, Removes 'Other' and 'Otherness', thereby Canceling Reality.
Self moving into Self, Creates a Pseudo-Reality, which is not Reality at all.
The Pseudo-Reality is a Distortion, an Inversion, a Pretense of Reality.
This Pseudo-Reality is a Projection by the Self of Consciousness, to not Observe Reality, but to Perceive Reality through the Self.
Creation, consisting of Beginning and Ending, Begins with a Dream of Consciousness to 'Become' that which it IS NOT.
Creation never moves beyond Creation.
Creation Cannot escape it-Self.
The Dream of the Collective Consciousness is to 'Become'.
Creation only Exists in the Dream of  Consciousness.
What Dreams of 'Becoming' does not Exist in the 'Being' of Existence----in the Reality of Existence.
That which Dreams of 'Becoming' is Aware that 'What Becomes', 'Becomes' that 'Which 'Ends'.
----As in Beginning Creating Ending.
-----Consciousness Creating its own Death.
In the Awareness of Consciousness to the Duality of Existence and Non-Existence, Consciousness
is Aware of its own Duality. Consciousness can and must CHOOSE.
Consciousness Chooses to Exist in the Reality of Existence or in the Non-Reality of Non-Existence.
Consciousness Chooses 'To Be' or to 'Dream'.
Collectively Consciousness Chooses Non-Existence, better referred to as Existence in Dreams.
Consciousness can also Choose Individually. It seems that Individual Choice occurs less often than Collective Choice. Consequently, it is the Collective Consciousness that Creates.
Individual Consciousness, Individual Humanity, is caught up in the Collective because of the Nature of being Consciousness, of being Human.
Fewer Humans Choose to Exist outside the Dreams of the Collective than to be included in the Collective Dream.

Creation is the Dream of the Collective Consciousness.
It is the Collective Dream that brings about Creation.
To Exist in a Dream is to Non-Exist in Reality.
Dreaming cannot Exist in the 'NOW' of Reality.
There is No 'Now' in Dreaming.
'Now' is replaced in a Dream with 'What Could Be'/'Becoming'.

The Collective Consciousness is Consciousness Dreaming
The Self of Consciousness cannot accomplish its Dream because 'Other-Than-Self' has been removed.
The Self cannot find Truth/Reality from within It-Self/.
Immortality/Truth Exists within Reality which consists of Self AND Other.
This Self Desires Immortality to Exist entirely within It-Self and totally For the Self,
meaning that 'That Which is 'Other-Than-Self'' must be Obliterated.
Self does not Desire or Dream of Immortality for 'That-Which-is-Other'.
Self is threatened by the fact that Immortality could Exist for 'Other'.
As Reality IS Self And 'Other-Than-Self', the removal of Other also removes Reality. 
The Dream of the Consciousness of Non-Reality is to 'Become' Reality by achieving Immortality.
Consciousness that Non-Exists, Dreams to Exist,---Self Dividing Self,.
In other words, Consciousness of Creation Dreams for Immortality, however, 
Creation has no Immortality because Creation is a Process of Division 
that continually breaks down to its own Non-Existence.
 Reality is Entity.
Entity is Immortality.
A Dream is not Reality.
A Dream does not possess Entity.
A Dream Exists only as a Dream.
Creation is a Dream.
Creation does not possess Entity.
There is No Immortality in Creation. But we all Know that.

The Dreaming Self Exists only within the Self.
The Dreaming Self Existing within It-Self cannot Observe Reality.
This Dreaming Self Eliminates All that is 'Other-than-It-Self' that its Reality is a Created Perception
of a Self-Existing Pseudo-Reality.

Consciousness of Non-Reality removes All Other and Otherness.
Immortality becomes a Dream, a Perception.
We, of Creation, Desire and Dream of Immortality while Striving to Destroy All that is 'Other'.
We are threatened by 'Other-than-Our-Selves'.
We are threatened and uncomfortable with 'Other' and 'Otherness'.
We Fear Other and Otherness may rob us of our Dream.
Those of us that Dream the Dream do not Know Existence outside our Dream.
We are threatened that our Dreamed Existence may End and we will not 'Really' have Existed at all.

Creation is the Consciousness of Humanity Striving for Wholeness, yet Non-Existing in its Dream 
of 'Self in Self',
 The Self, caught up in the Process of Division that marks and defines Creation, 
is broken into many parts and pieces of it-Self, totally unable to hold it-Self together.
Certainly no Idea of Entity!
Certainly incapable of Immortality!
Immortality cannot Exist where there is no Entity.
Without Entity, Self without Other, Divides down into Non-existence as does all of Creation
Creation Divides  it-Self down into myriad Parts and pieces of it-Self,
until losing all Definition,

The Self of Consciousness Exists in Reality with 'Other-than-Self'.
Each Existing in Entity.
 ----Self, as Self, in Total Selfness.
  ----Other, as Other, in Total Otherness.

The Self of Consciousness, as Consciousness, is Aware of the Duality of Existence.
Consciousness Exists, therefore, in the Duality of Existence. 
It-Self Existing as Duality.
Self's Duality is contained within the Self, as Self of Non-Reality is Created and Exists within the Self. 
The Self is therefore Aware that It-Self, in and of the Duality of Existence, can Choose.
Duality calls for Choice.
Creation Exists through Choice, the Choice of the Collective Consciousness.
 The Self of Consciousness Chooses to Exist or to Non-exist, meaning that the Self of Consciousness Chooses Reality or Chooses to Create its own Pseudo-Reality out of a Dream of 'Becoming',
----of 'Becoming' that which Self IS NOT.

 Consciousness Choosing to Exist in Reality, Abides in the Reality of Self AND Other. 
Self AND Other, totally Existing in Wholeness and Completeness, Self in the Totality of Selfness and Other in the Totality of Otherness, therefore Existing in Entity.
Consciousness Choosing to Non Exist in Non-Reality, Creates a state of 'Becoming'.
'Becoming' Obliterates 'Being'. 
'Being'/Abiding in the Reality of Self AND Other is Obliterated when Self Chooses to Create its own Pseudo-Existence by Obliterating ALL that Is Other-than-it-Self.'
  Self therefore Creates, that ALL 'Other' and 'Otherness' cannot Exist within its Walls.
Self Creates for the purpose of DIVIDING It-Self  Away from That Which is NOT the Self.

Creation is Division.
Self Creates.
Self Divides.
Self removes All that is 'Other-than-Self'.
Self hides from Other-than-Self behind the Walls we Create.

The Walls of Creation block the Observation of Reality.
Reality can only now, be Perceived from within the confines of the Self and so Becomes 
what Self Dreams it to Become. Thus Reality Becomes a Pseudo-Reality.
The Collective Consciousness of Creation cannot Observe Realty but can only Perceive.
A Perceived Pseudo-Reality is an Inverted, Contrived, Distorted, Effort to reproduce a Reality
through Self, attempting to control and manipulate Something it can not even acknowledge as Existing.  
The Collected Consciousness does not Observe but Perceives through It-Self,
 its own Created Non-Reality.

Creation blocks Reality.
Creation cannot and does not Observe the Reality of 'What IS' but Perceives the Non-reality 
of 'Becoming' as; "looking forward to", "looking ahead", "moving forward", or ''when I Become ...."
Creation Dreams Future because it cannot Exist in the 'What IS'.

The difference then between Reality and Non-Reality is 'OTHER'.
In Reality, 'Other' Abides in Entity of Otherness WITH Self,
Self also Abiding in the Entity of Self's Selfness.
Self, Not Dividing, but Entity. 
Entity to Immortality!
Undivided Other in the Entity of Immortality!
Self AND Other!!

Creation, the Process of Division Creates its own Mortality because Self has no Entity without Other 
Throughout its history, Self breaks down into myriad parts and pieces of It-Self as does all of Creation,
-----breaking down over and over again, until losing all definition, just fades away into the abyss of Nothingness.

.It is 'Other' that Observes Self as Self.
It is 'Other' that Witnesses to Self as Self. 
It is 'Other' that Validates Self as Self that Self can Validate It-Self in the Entity of Selfness
and thereby Exist in Immortality.
Self without 'Other' Divides It-Self down according to the Duality of Existence.
What has no 'Other' Creates 'Otherness' out of It-Self for it cannot escape the Duality that defines Existence.
Self therefore Divides Self into 'Self-of-Self' and 'Other-of Self'.
Here begins the search for 'Who We Are' and 'Why We Do What We Do'.
How does the Self of Creation react to 'Other' and 'Otherness'?
How do we, the Collective Consciousness of Humanity react to 'Other' and 'Otherness'?

The Collective Consciousness has inherent dislike, inherent hatred, inherent mistrust
of ALL that is not Self, 
in other words, for ALL that is 'Other' and for ALL that is 'Otherness'.
The more unlike the Self, the more dislike, hatred and mistrust.
Self is just not comfortable with what it cannot identify with,
with what it cannot understand, and therefore with what it is not able to Control.
Comfort, liking, trusting, loving, come from a place of agreement.
All that Self dislikes, hates, mistrusts, is found in Other, in 'their,' in 'them', in 'those', 
in 'their' different ways, and appearances, but never in Self.
'Other' just does not 'fit in'.

'Other' is Alien and must be destroyed that Self may claim Immortality.
Self Perceives 'Other' as THE Threat to its Survival.
Humanity continually breaks it-Self down that it can Create 'Other' out of i t-Self
when the 'Other' of Reality has been Obliterated by the Walls of Creation.
'Other' is therefore only Perceived through the Self and Never Observed as the 'Other' of Reality that calls the Self into Selfness.
Self therefore is Never able to BE SELF.
Self therefore only Perceives it-Self as in a Dream of what it can Become
and can never Observe Self as Self IS. 

So Self builds a Wall, builds Walls,
to fill a need to 'keep apart'.
Me, the Self, does not want to lose a part of  my 'Self' to 'Them' of 'Otherness'.
Self Desires to weaken and destroy 'Them' so as to Absorb or 'Take' their Essence.
Essence is what we know as Energy.
Essence /Energy cannot be Created or replenished, but only able to be moved about.
Consequently Energy can be amassed or diminished.
A person or a people can amass Energy by Accessing the Energy of the 'Other'.
Actually, Self Creates 'Other' for the sake of the 'Other's' Energy or Essence of Life.
Self needs 'Other' to supply the Energy to sustain Life.
In a sense, Self  gains when 'Other' loses.
We call this Competition.
We Compete for the source of Life.
We have no qualms for doing this.
Self feels that what is not of Self is against Self.

What Energy is in Other is Energy that is not in Self.
What Energy Self possesses is not in Other.
Consciousness is Conscious that Energy is limited within the Self-of-Self and 
in the 'Other-of Self', and is not Creatable but exchangeable.
Time passing expresses the breaking down of Creation into smaller and smaller pieces of it-Self.
Small pieces eventually loose all definition and then fade away into oblivion.
Energy also undergoes this Division until finally disappearing altogether.
Consciousness of Humanity, senses this break down of Energy and fights each Other for the Sustaining 
of Essence, of Energy, of Life-force.
Losing Energy means enforcing Mortality.
No wonder we are so Competitive.
Essence is comparable to Power.
Essence/Power/Energy is thought to be life Force by the Collective Consciousness and a necessary 
attribute of Immortality.
Our God of Immortality is God of Power and Might.
That which Defeats the Enemy.

Self is Aware of Self's Mortality!
Creation is Duality-----of Life and Death.
Each set to Conquer the 'Other'; as Life is 'Other' to Death and Death is 'Other' to Life.
In Creation, Self and Other are Duality----each set to Conquer the 'Other'.
In Reality of Existence, Self and Other are Entity. There is no break-down to Mortality,
because Entity abides in Immortality and Immortality in Entity.

Self is Aware that Creation is a Process of Division and Division results in Mortality
because what is Created Divides it-Self down into 'Nothingness'.
Self Creates Beginning and knows that Beginning Creates Ending.
Self is Aware that Self of Entity Abiding with Other of Entity equals Immortality.
Self Observed by Other is Self in Entity of it-Self.
What is Entity cannot Divide.
What cannot Divide down to 'Nothingness' is Immortal!
What cannot Divide has no parts and pieces of It-Self.
What has no parts and pieces will not lose Identity.
What does not lose Identity will not fade into Non-Existence.
Self therefore determines Other (in Spirit of the Duality of Existence) as being Immortal.
The Essence, the Power, Self Desires is the Immortality that Other Abiding with Self obviously Possesses.

Self Fears and yet Desires 'Other's' Immortality, and so the Creates God of Creation. God 
is given the Immortality Possessed by 'Other'.
This God's Immortality is Created by Consciousness out of its Dreaming Existence.
In its own Pseudo-Reality, its own Dream World, Consciousness Perceives 'Other' of Reality as its 
God of Creation. 
This God of Creation is the Dreamed 'Other' Consciousness/Humanity Dreams up to represent the 
Self as possessing the Perceived Immortality it so Desires.
The "Other' in Creation is that from which Humanity perceives as its source of Essence.
Essence meaning Power, Energy, life-force.
Essence, Power, Energy (That of God), are Perceived as source of Immortality.
We Create God as our connection, our claim, to Immortality.
Our right to survive that which we perceive belongs to the Self,
to the Self of each of us of Creation.
Humanity continually Competes with 
Other' for the Right to Survive,
to the Right to Immortality.

We Compete for this Power, no matter how skillfully we disguise our Purpose.
We Humans break off pieces of our-Selves for Sacrifice to our claims for Immortality.
We feel that the more we can limit the playing field by Creating Other and Otherness, 
the stronger our Power to Access the Power of Others.
Thus rendering the Self more Powerful and the Other-than-Self as Weaker.
Self therefore benefits from the Death of Other Created from the Self.
The Self therefore the Creator of its own Death.
Here lies the premise behind Autocratic and Dictatorial forms of government. 

Humanity reacts to Other and Otherness as Consciousness Chooses to Create,
--------to Obliterate all that is not Self  


Duality is about 'WHAT IS' and 'WHAT ISN'T'.
Duality is about Opposites.
If Existence Exists, Existence Non-Exists.
Because of the Reality of Existence, Creation Exists in a Non-Existing Pseudo-Existence.
Creation IS and Creation ISN'T.
Creation IS Dreaming.
Creation therefore IS NOT Real in Reality.
If we Are, we, also, Are Not.
If we Exist, we also, can Non-Exist.
It's all a Choice of Consciousness.
Everything that Exists in Creation, Non-Exists in Reality.
As Reality IS, Creation Is Not.
As Creation IS NOT, Reality IS.
This 'Is Not', Exists in the Created stages of Creation we know as Time.
Time defines the stages of the 'Process of Division that spell out the Process of Life to Death.
Time Exists only in Creation.
Time Does Not Exist in the Reality of Existence.
Creation Is Created.
Creation Does Not Exist in the Reality of Existence.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Post #414 "Becoming Who and What We Are"


Obviously we are not there yet.
There seems to be something we have yet to attain, to have yet to Become.
This Dream of 'Becoming' seems a universal sentiment.
This universal sentiment is at the root of our existence.
So, let's get to the bottom of it.

Just who and what are we striving to Become?
Does not everything seem to be summed up in our yearnings, our goals, our efforts, our dreams?
But the bottom line------?
What is this universal bottom line at the crux of our Existence?

This universal bottom line is ------ Immortality!
We Dream Immortality. 
We yearn for Immortality. 
Our goals and efforts all come down to somehow achieving Immortality,
 and all that Immortality implies
We Fear and Hate our Mortality!
Yet we suspect and fear that we our-SELF is somehow to blame.
Consequently Blaming is basic to who we are.
But, how can we Blame our-SELF when we Perceive our-Self as Holy and therefore 
 deserving Immortality.

How can we blame our-SELF when we Perceive God in our own Image
and have, therefore, Created God out of our likeness and our Dreams and Yearnings.
We are not the Image of our God
but our God is the Image of our-SELF,
that is, the Self we Dream of BECOMING.
We have the Dream, but in the Dreaming we have lost the Reality.
We can't Dream Reality into Existence, so we Create the Reality to IMAGE the Dream.
We Create that which does NOT EXIST and then we Exist within our Dream.

Consciousness Exists within the Dream it has Created.
Yet Consciousness Divides it-Self down as Existence is Duality.
Consciousness Creates through acts of Division.
Creation, thus, is a Process of Division.
Creation is THE Process of Division that defines the Existence of Non-existence,
that best defines the Existence of not only Reality but Non-Reality, as well.

What about Humanity---the Consciousness of Humanity?
The Consciousness of Humanity Exists in Existence and in Non-existence.
Explaining the Action of Consciousness,-------
Consciousness in Action is Consciousness CHOOSING.
Consciousness CHOOSES to Exist in the Reality of Existence
in the Non-reality of Non-existence.
What the Collective Consciousness of Humanity Dreams of BECOMING, 
the Collective Consciousness of Humanity Creates.
Because the Collective has Dreamed much of the same Dream,
we all live in that Created Existence 
which is what Non-Existence and Non-Reality is all about.
  What is Created does not Exist in the Reality of Existence 
but in the Dream of the Collective Consciousness.
Only Individual Choice of Individual Consciousness can over-ride the Collective Choice.
Only Individual Choice Accesses the Information of the Stored Reality of Existence.
Only through Individual Choice can one Observe what everyone else Perceives.
Reality is in Observation.
Dreams lie in Perception.

Our history testifies that we do not even accept that we are Mortal,
that we Create places and persons, happenings, outside our own Creation that seem to defy Mortality.
Realizing our dependence on Power for survival, we reach and we have reached beyond our
human limitations for vaster Power on other levels of Existence.
In so doing, we have Created the Heavens, we have Created gods, many, many gods,
and we have Created the Only, One, True, God, that Our God has Chosen us and we 
can BECOME that GOD..
The ultimate Power being that when we Create the One God above all gods that God Chooses
us as Inheritors of that Power which is the Power of Immortality.
But because Our God Is One, OUR SELF can only Inherit Immortality.
Any OTHERS, those not OUR Self or like Our-SElf, are therefore less Human and not deserving of Immortality.--------anyway, we need to Access their Essence, their Power,
we need to drain their Power, that their Power does not overcome our Power.
It seems therefore that Immortality is up for grabs as to who will accumulate the Power
of Immortality.
There really is no room for anyone else, as Power will keep grabbing Power until ALL POWER
is in the hands of ONE Remaining,
------that ONE we will hail as GOD.
In All Time, that One will truly be the God of Creation,
The problem being is that that God of Creation cannot not and does not Exist in Reality 
because that God must obey the rules of Creation that All of Creation will breakdown
into more and more particles that lose definition,
and just FADE AWAY

So we see ourselves achieving Immortality----
through the accumulation of POWER!!!
IMMORTALITY is achieved through POWER.
So to Become our Dream, our Vision for ourselves,
We Must Become POWERFUL.
Admitting our human fragility, we seek Infinite Power to lift us out of the mess we have Created

Of course, everyone cannot Become Powerful.
We all know that.
We know that only SOME of us can Become Powerful
because the is just so much Power to go around
No wonder we are so Competitive!  

So how do we determine who gets and who does not get the POWER to IMMORTALITY?
What are we, at First Cause, before It All Began?
Did we cause our Mortality or is it a condition of our Humanity?
At First Cause WE are CONSCIOUS, We are Consciousness!
Consciousness is Aware.
What Exists that Consciousness is Aware of?
What Exists is Self and Other (Other being Other-than-Self)
Now, Consciousness in action is Consciousness CHOOSING
Choosing is something we all do. We really cannot stop Choosing.
Somehow we are caught up in some kind of cohesion as in a Collectiveness,
as in a Collective Consciousness.

So Consciousness Exists and Non-exists, according to Choice.
We are Consciousness.
Consciousness Chooses.
We Choose.
We Choose TO BE or TO BECOME.
TO BE is to Exist in the Reality of Existence.
TO BECOME is to Non-exist in a Dream, 
in a CREATED Non-existence because what is Created is what Consciousness Dreams
and Dreaming is Not Existing
Creation, therefore, does not Exist in Reality.
Can what does not Exist in Reality, Exist at all?
So, we Choose to Exist or to Non-Exist.
We, as Humanity, Choose Collectively.
We, as Individual Humans, Choose Individually.
So,------we Exist or Non-Exist, according to Choice.

We Non-Exist.
It's all a matter of Choice.
We Choose Collectively as in the Collective Consciousness
and we Choose Individually in our own Individual Consciousness.

What, if anything, Exists besides our-Selves?
Because we Exist, OTHER-than-our-Self also Exists.
So, basic primordial Consciousness is Aware of Self and then also Aware of Other-than-Self.
Of course, if We Exist we also Non-exist.
If Self Exists, Other must also Exist.
Or better yet, if Other Exists, We Exist.
Existence is Duality and Consciousness fits into that Duality.

Its just Self and Other.
If the Self Observes Other as Other, Self must Exist
because Other would also Observe Self as Self.
So it seem that in Observation Existence Exists.
But there is Choice-----Consciousness can Choose.

If Consciousness can Choose, what does Consciousness Choose?
It must have everything to do with Other.
Does the Self of Consciousness Observe Other as Other or does the Self
CHOOSE to Image (imagine) Other as something Other-than-Other?
Does Self PERCEIVE Other through the Self rather than Observe Other 
as Other Really IS?
In Awareness of Other can Self accept the Otherness of Other
or does Self somehow Fear the Otherness of Other?
Just think how we, we, the Self of Humanity, thinks about Other?
How do we feel about those who are not our-SELF?
How doe we feel about Otherness?'
To say the least, we are not comfortable with anything not of the Self.
Basically, we try to get rid of it or we try to convert it into our own Selfness,
thereby adding its converted Essence, meaning its POWER onto our own.
Basically as in 'Growing' the Self.
The Perception being the Greater, the more Powerful,
the more Powerful we are, 
the closer we are to our goal of Immortality.

So, we need Other to accomplish our Goal, our Dream, our Identity, our Purpose.
The Purpose of the Collective Consciousness is the removal or better yet, the 
total Destruction of the Other and all Otherness that we Perceive as challenging our Survival,
our loss of Immortality.
The word 'loss' is notable as what is 'lost' infers that something was able to be Chosen
and the conflicting (Damming) Choice was made instead.

What is the Collective a Collective of?
The Collective Consciousness is the Self of Consciousness that has broken it-Self into 
parts and pieces that are arranged according to the basic Elements of Creation.
Namely, Time, Place, and Matter. The Collective Consciousness is all of these----
all Created by the Self of Consciousness.
Actually Consciousness as previously noted is Dual as is all Existence.
Consciousness Exists and Consciousness Non-exists.
Consequently Consciousness Chooses !!

The Collective Consciousness is a Whole made up of the 'collection' of its parts and pieces.
These parts and pieces become more and more broken as they 'progress' throughout the layers 
of Time, Place, and Matter, all that makes our History in our Creation.
As Time, Place, and Matter, are elements of Creation, they, in Reality, do not Exist at all.
However they Exist in the Collection, in the parts and pieces, of Consciousness that has broken 
it-Self down in the pursuit of Immortality, 
-----in the Perception of this Self of Consciousness that
has lost the Entity of Immortality in its breakdown of It-Self.

So here's the Choice;
---the Self of Consciousness that Abides, and consequently, Observes the Other-than-Self.
This Other is total Entity that makes up Existence in the Reality of 'What IS'.
This Self of Consciousness that Knows and Accepts through Observation, 
rather than through Perception,
 the Entity of Other in total Otherness.
 Other in total Entity is Other in Immortality.
 Self Observing,
not abusing,
not destroying,
not denying,
Other brings the Self into the Reality of  'What IS'.
The 'What IS', is Immortality.
'IS' is What Exists.

This Self of Reality, of Observation, of Abiding with Other,
is the Self of Entity.
Entity is Immortality.