Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Post #249 "Is The Law Disguised as Love?"

What is the root of The Law?
What caused Law to come about?
How is Law connected to civilization?
Is The Law the basis of civilization?

What about The Law and God?
Could there be Law without God?---
Would there be The Law without God?
----or could there be God without Law?

The God of the Old testament says to the effect,"I will be your God and you will
be my people, if you keep my Law".
It seems then, that to belong to God, one would have to keep God's Law.
There were and are many Gods but because of The Law, there can only be One God.
One God to determine, by The Law, who can claim Sonship.
Of course, Sonship has everything to do with Inheritance.
Through Sonship one claims Possession, as in ownership.
Ownership not only provides possession, wealth, power,
but also gives Identity----
-------you are what you own and you own because of who you are.
Is God's Law, then, the basis of civilization?
Is civilization based on keeping The Law?
Are we civilized by keeping The Law----,
---the Law-as in a Code of Conduct?
Is this Law what makes us who we are?---
---whether we keep it or not?
And is 'who we are' determined by 'what we do'--
---what we do, as in living by Laws, by Codes of Conduct?

History suggests that Law originated with God,
and perhaps, God originated with Law.
It seems therefore that Identity is determined by the Code of Conduct/The Law,
by which a person or a people are Identified.

In early history,
in the roots of civilization,
the idea of Law seems to evidence itself in conjunction with the idea of The Land.
We seem to have The Law and The Land as determinates of who we are.
Law and Land was determined by hereditary ownership empowered by an overseeing,
all-powerful, God of Creation,
that through this God,
one could claim the 'beyond', the 'vast', the 'untouchable', 'unlimited',
and 'unexplainable' Power of that God.
Through the 'unknowable' vastness of this God,
one could lay claim to all this God was said to create, namely all of creation,
----at that Time,
All that was known of the created world----
all came from and belonged to this God.
By claiming this God, one could claim Possession of the Land,
including the Land's resources and The Land's people,
thereby providing Identity and the Right to Make and Establish and Enforce The Law
that was intended to protect and enforce that entitlement to The Land as Son Heir
and as total Possessor and Law Maker and Law enforcer.

Here 'Other' emerged out of Self.
None of this could occur if Self did not feel threatened by its Choice to remove from it-Self
the Other, the Singular Other of Reality,
for by so doing, Self lost Entity and Infiniteness, because only Other than Self can define
Self and bring Self into Self as Self, in Entity and Infiniteness.
Self dealt with and deals with its fear by dividing it-Self down into its Singular Self
and its "Other-of-Self' thereby intending to define it-Self and create its own Entity and
its own Infiniteness.
Self creates out of it-Self, God and Other.
Result; anything not able to attain the Perfection of its created God, Becomes 'Other'.
'Other' is essential to the existence of Self.
Self needs energy to exist in its created environment.
Self feeds off of 'Other'.
Self creates 'Other' out of it-Self.
Self loses a part, a piece of it-Self to become 'Other' than Self that Self may feed upon
Thereby Self sustains it-Self in creation.
'Other' Becomes essential food, thereby loses a part of it-Self.
Self and Becomes 'Other' than the Perfection of deified humanity.
'Other' Becomes 'other' than Self,
Other than human,
'Other' loses the potential to Perfection,
in other words, loses the potential of Becoming God.

Everything about 'Other than Human' Becomes 'foreign', meaning 'unholy', 'evil',
or 'enemy'.
Self casts off a part of it-Self by becoming enemy of it-Self.
Self takes on the responsibility to protect it-Self through Possession as in Land,
through its Identity, as heir to all its God has created,
through its Law through which it justifies the destruction of  'Other'.
This 'Other' must be destroyed that ownership, Identity, and Authority will not be challenged.
Other-than-Self is a threat to Self,
Self destroying Self.
Humanity destroying Humanity.

The Law becomes the means of the 'Right to Destroy'
through its claim to Godship.
 The Law is said to come from an Ultimate source of Authority that cannot be challenged
because of its 'beyondness', its 'vastness', its 'incomprehendableness'.
The Law is on the side of Self,
Self is on the side of God, against Other.
Other becomes anyone who does not obey the Law of God
consequently The Law is seen as 'good' and as 'just' to Self
Basically, Self determines Self as Becoming God by keeping God's Law which is Self's Law,
Law made by Self through its created Ultimate Authority that is so powerful it may not
be questioned.
It seems difficult to not see religion as political, as being The Law under the cover, under
the diguise of Love.
Is God's Love the disguise for God's Law.
Substituting the word 'Love' for Law, makes Law more palatable.
To Self, The Law is another way of saying 'Love'.
God is the God of Law.
God is the God of Love.


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Post #248 "What the Heck is This All About?"

What are we doing?
What is this all about?
Is it seeking answers to the same questions?
And what about the answers to the age-old questions?
Do they work?
Has anything worked?
Are we any closer to knowing who we are and why we do what we do?
Is humanity any closer to its goal of 'Becoming'?
--------Becoming what??
Becoming Perfect?
Becoming God?
So what are we looking for?
----something to join?
we've all done that.
Has it helped?
---as we divide down into smaller and smaller parts and pieces of our-Selves
there would, logically be many more groups of parts and pieces to join.
In 'joining', the intent is to 'Become' more of our-Selves in the struggle for survival--
--as in 'bigger and better'.
Are we looking to compete?
In anything we win, or 'best' an-Other, we enlarge our-Self and diminish the one
who lost to us.
This is what winning is all about---
----'more of 'me', less of 'you', or better put---
----more of Self and less of Other
Actually the loser suffers a loss of Essence, a loss of Self--- to us, to our-Self.
Self gains, Other loses.

So what kind of a winner does this make us?
Is the winning really a move toward Perfection?
---toward Becoming God?
---toward Becoming God through the act of worship?
---toward Becoming God through worship of the Self? 
---worship by whom?
by the masses?
----those who have lost their Essence to us?
Those whose loss has increased our wealth, our Possessions?
Those who have lost their Identity to us?
----those whose name has been diminished that ours would lead us to our goal of
---rising way above the masses to our ownership,
not only of the Land but also ownership of the people of the Land?
Are these examples of what we do, leading us to promoting, to preaching,
to promising, the usual----Peace, Equality, and especially, Love?
Why do we hide behind these promises?
Why do we make these promises?
Why do we dream up visions?
 Why do we hide behind these pretenses?
Why do we hide behind these outward manifestations of who we pretend to be
and what we pretend to do?
-----like religion, like science, like brotherhoods, like clubs and societies,
like titles, like positions, like genealogies and nationalities, and on and on----?
So---what is this all about?
What is this unfolding of Reality all about?
This is a search.
It is a search for Reality.
It is a search to find what is Real.
Such a search must be willing to dig beneath all the lies, the facades, the pretenses
of history.
Such a search must be willing to Observe 'What Is'
instead of Perceiving 'What will Become'.
Such a search is an unfolding.
There is no plan: no blueprint, no map, no strategy. no creed.
There is nothing to join: there are no dues, there are no rules, commandments, or authority.
There are no classes, no previous philosophies on which to build, and no degrees to earn.
Basically, there are no requirements,
no qualifications,
no pedigrees or special status,
no tuition, no enrollment fees, no price tags. 
More than likely, this Search will be undertaken by those who have lost hope and belief 'in
the promises of Life, Liberty, Freedom, Equality, Peace, Harmony, and Love.
These will come at 'zero',
with 'empty hands',
with no pre-conceived notions that block the way to the search for Reality.
The search must begin at Zero,
for it is not based on any pre-conceived dreams and desires that block
'What Is' for 'What Will Become,'
that blocks Observation with Perception

This search is not based on any philosophies or opinions, or points of view,
and must be free of these for it stands totally on its own.
 It is not intended to be compared to or to endorse, or prove, or disprove.
 The search for Reality is not a group encounter.
It is for the Singular Self that Observes it-Self as, in all ways, undivided,
that can and must emerge from the Collective Consciousness,
It  is for that Singular Self that Observes the Singular Other as Reality.
This is simply and not so simply brought about by the Choice 'To Be'
and not 'To Become'.
In this Choice, know that all gods/Gods will come down, not through effort but
through Choice.
The Choice is made.
It will 'Be'.

The search for Reality requires solitude and alone-ness.
It requires the quietness to 'Hear'.
The search is, at times, a lonely place To Be.
But in listening, the Self begins to hear the memory of those who no longer
experience Time, Place, or Matter,-----those whose Knowledge is stored
in the energy, not of Creation, but of Reality itself.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Post #247 "Sovereignty"

Above all.
From One,
To Many,
To One.
Maybe, just maybe, this is the story
Maybe this is the whole story, beginning with the Awareness of Consciousness to Self and
to Other,
the Singular Self and the Singular Other of Reality,
for without these, there is no Reality,
for Reality cannot exist in the Self.
Reality in Self, through Self, and by Self, and especially for Self, is a game, a facade, a fake.
So, if Sovereignty is about Supremacy,
the very word indicates 'Oneness'.
As Creation is a process of Division, that process can only divide down to One.
Sovereignty can only be about One,
and that One would be the lone Survivor,
having devoured all the Others. 
As Creation is a process of Division,
Creation Becomes a struggle for Survival.
Perhaps then, 'Oneness' is the 'One' who survives.
Perhaps 'Oneness' is best expressed in terms of God.
Perhaps 'Oneness' begins as ways of expressing God.
History is a history of many gods,
yet God always sought to be One.
One over many.
One supreme Sovereignty.

Was there a scheme behind this search for Sovereignty?
Was there a scheme behind this search for God?
Was the scheme a scheme to somehow get back those very essentials that were
lost in the Choice of Consciousness to reject Reality and enter Nothingness.
Of course, the plan was to reestablish Reality on another plain, in another dimension.
Creation accomplished this dream but with great loss and disappointment,
for these are the Essences of Reality.
The Essences of Reality, namely Entity and Infiniteness did not transfer.
The dream of regaining Entity and Infiniteness has never left Consciousness,
has never left humanity.
Is this not the goal that we all struggle for?
Is this not the impetus for religion and then, for science??-----
eternal life in joy, happiness, and peace?
---------in 'Oneness' which is Entity,
knowing that in true Oneness there is no death
---for there is no Other to be gotten rid of.
Can 'Oneness' be achieved by a remaining part or a remaining piece of Consciousness?
If so, that part, that piece would have to achieve Entity, for only Entity allows
Certainly, that which is a part, a piece of Creation,
that has Chosen to Become and not To Be
cannot be Entity or ever have Entity.
Entity is the Entity of Self-ness----unbroken, undivided Self,
Self that exists with unbroken, undivided, Other in Reality.
Maybe this is the source of our fear.
We know that entity and Infiniteness are Essence to the Other and not to us.
Let's apply this to history.
 All Men are Not Created Equal.
'All Men' means all men.
Women are not men.
Women are not included in equality.

'Women' is also used as a term for those who do not qualify as men,
meaning it takes more than a penis in our history to be considered a man.
Any man who has lost in competition has lost manhood to the winner
and we are a people of competition and sport.

All Men are Created Equal implies all men within a brotherhood.
In brotherhood lies equality.
All brothers have agreed on a code of belief that constitutes a code of conduct
Even among the brotherhood there is no equality
for leadership is essential.
On this is civilization based.
Of course, the underpinnings are the struggle for survival.

Consciousness is a whole made up of parts and pieces, not because a whole is what
Consciousness is, but because each part and each piece would not and could not
survive as individual parts and pieces.
This boils down to each part and piece being dependant, and yet threatened, by
the Others,
-----by the Others, that are threatening to survival, and yet necessary to survival.
 Creation is a process of division.
We are the off-springs of that division.
Consciousness, upon denial of the Singular Self and Singular Other of Reality,
divides itself into Self and Other,
but this Other is made up of Self.
Consciousness becomes segmented from Reality and from it-Self.
It is no longer Entity.
It has lost Infiniteness.
It will divide it-Self down into smaller and smaller parts and pieces of it-Self
until 'Nothing' remains.
Are there parts and pieces of Consciousness that are equal?
Are all 'Men' created equal?
How can they be?
Consciousness has broken it-Self down in its struggle to survive outside of Reality.
Consciousness is submerging into the chaos of Nothingness.
There is Entity and Infiniteness only in Reality.
But this was not the Choice of most of the parts and pieces of Consciousness
that Chooses as the Whole/the Collective, but also Chooses individually as
a part or a piece.

The parts and pieces of the Collective Consciousness, frantically seek means of survival
within Consciousness,
group with other parts and pieces of like identity.
By seeking Others with similarities,
we seek to make our-Self larger,
better able to survive.
We do not allow these Others to be Other but to become as our-Self.
We seek to cancel out Otherness by absorption of Other into Self,
Other thereby losing its own characteristics to become One with Self.
If a part or piece within our-Self no longer is seen to contribute to our survival,
that part or piece is expelled as 'Otherness'.
Having lost essential Possession and Identity, this nameless, rejected part
of Consciousness,
flounders about in the Nothingness of its Creation.
In other words: we absorb into our-Self that which contributes to our survival,
and we vomit out that which is seen to no longer affirm our 'being' Self.

So what lies behind 'All Men are Created Equal'?
---is 'who are created', considered men, are they considered as part or piece of the brotherhood?
-----are they considered to be human?
do they contribute to or threaten our survival?

Which part or piece of consciousness has an idea, a plan, a strategy,
----which part or piece agrees and chooses to join,
What other parts and pieces join to make an empowering statement to the
others in the Collective?
W hat other parts are accepted as Self and which are rejected as Other?

What are the tools to survival?
Is wealth a tool to survival?
----as in Possession
----as in special Possession as Land,
and what of The Land?
-----That sought after Land of Resourse and People.

Is Identity a tool to survival?
Are we what we are because of what we Possess,
---of What and Who we own? 
 And when we have achieved Possession that gives us Identity and defines who we
are and our essentialness as we move toward Sovereign Oneness, do we not then,
assume control over the Land and its Resources-----
and its People?
Then do we not have the Sovereignty to rule and to govern,
-----to Make Laws.
Of course, these Laws are not for our-Self,
 but are to keep order and control over those who have lost Identity,
 as human, with us, in our sovereign Oneness.
And as we assume our Sovereign Oneness, do the Others not lose their Possessions
and Identity and Become Other than what we are?
Is this not true Sovereignty?

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Post #246 "Redefining Self and God"

When Self divides it-Self into Self and Other-of-Self,
basically, redefining existence, Self Becomes redefined as does Other.
Self and Other no longer exist in Reality.
Self and Other-of-Self  bring about and create a new reality.
This act of creation, this act of creating, brings about and creates an image of
Self and Other removed from Reality.
A non-reality image results.
Reality is not as it Is but as imaged,
Consequently, Self and Other is not as Is but as imaged.

To image is to create a reflected imprint of subject matter onto a reflecting surface.
In the process of departing Reality, Consciousness suppresses Reality.
A better way of putting it, is that Consciousness hides from Reality
thereby creating an altered existence.
The new existence is of non-reality
Non-reality is the abys of  'Nothingness'.
To image is to enter 'Nothingness'.
Existence must now be redefined.
'Nothingness' takes hold at the departing of Reality, and greatly alters the images of Reality.
Resulting images are inverted and extremely distorted
As previously presented, the Self-of-Self and the Other-of-Self begin to assume survival
tactics and survival strategies.
The denial of Reality redefines existence.
The denial of Reality removes Entity from existence.
The removal of Entity removes Infinity.
The new existence becomes a struggle for survival.
The new fickle existence begins with Time.
Time begins ticking.
Time measures and doles itself out at undetermined increments,
'Who gets what?'
Time begins and ends the process of division that leads to extinction through
Self divides.
Self and Other-of-Self created its own existence out of the chaos of 'Nothingness'.
In Nothingness, all is measured by Time
for Creation is process.
Within Time and the pressures of Nothingness, there is constant and frantic
struggle for survival.
There is frantic search for Entity and Infiniteness.
The parts and pieces of Consciousness begin to Feel.
Feelings, as Fear and Hatred  develope as a reaction to the loss of Reality.
Somehow Consciousness Feels/Felt threatened by the Singular 'Other' of Reality.
The Feeling of threat initiates a Thinking' reaction and begns devising plans to deal
with Fear, to be rid of'Other'.
Image and a new existence, as image and in image, result.

Self cannot exist without Other.
Self still Feels threatened even though the Fear is the Fear of the Other-of it-Self.
Other begins to break off from Self.
Self redefines who it is from who it has Become.
Self, in redefining, places it-Self above and beyond.
Self sees it-Self as vaster than, as more Powerful than, as superior to,
It sees it-Self as in a different catagory,
Other Becomes very 'Other'.
Other Becomes lower than human that Other can be reduced to fodder to feed Self.
Self rise so far above Other, than above human, until Self calls it-Self God.

In order to defend it-Self and be able to destroy Other,
Self demands Worship from Other.
Self enlarges it-Self by dividing it-Self into parts and pieces.
The Self-of-Self devours parts and pieces of it-Self that through elimination of
Other-of-Self, parts of it-Self Become engorged with the meat of its
This creates systems of Power and class.
Each Self of these systems breaks down the parts and pieces of Consciousness into
systems that are meant to determine perfection of One at the expense of Other.
in other words, Self dreams of Becoming Self, as in One Self, the Self of
The One Self is achieved through elimination of Other and Otherness.
Every part and every piece of Consciousness will, through the creation of Time,
destroy all that stands in its way to Becoming
What it dreams of Becoming is The One.
All in history is and has been determined through this primal principal.
Consciousness divides itself into Necessary and Unnecessary, Those too be Fed
and those to Be Food,
Those that live and Those that die,
Those that are Worshipped and Those that Worship.
All are sacrificed but One.
All but the One Remaining will be eventually Become the Food to sustain the
Holy One, The Untouchable, The Winner, The Perfection,
The Chosen of God,
The Son of God who inherits All
The Son of God that eventually replaces even The Father
and Becomes One,
Becomes God.

There is a very fine line between Self and Other-of-Self in the Self.
Crossing this line redefines Self as Self and Self as Other-of-Self
and basically makes that which is Self Become that which is enemy,
to Become that which is dispensible, to that which will be sacrificed.
In history, each generation is sacrificed to the following generation,
and that which gave birth, Becomes the Food on which the Son Feeds.
The Son sacrifices the Father, that He can take the Father's place.
The Mother, the Feminine is intentionally left out here. as she was
food in the very First Cause following the birth of Creation and was
never considered Human, at all.

Now, let's apply this in our search for 'Who we are'
and 'What we do'.
Let's begin here with a question:
When we divide our-Self into Self and Other-of Self,
are we aware of our-Self as Worshipped or as Worshipper,
because Worship is what it all really comes down to.
Because our First Cause as we determine our-Selves to Becoming
is all about who is God
and of course, there could be no God without Worship.
Some One Self must be set apart and all Others must acknowledge that
'Beyondness', that vastness, -------
that Identity,
that Power to Rule,
be it King, Pope, or God.
Who are we????
Who do we Choose to Become:
Self or Other-than-Self?
God or Worshipper?
If we Choose to Become God:
   --we demand and expect Worship.
--we make Laws to keep the Others in check.
do we enable?
are we God enablers?
--do we need to Worship?
--do we need someone to take responsibility?
do we need someone to blame?
do we enable/create God that we may inherit,
 through Sonship and through elimination
of the Other:
The Land
Its Resources
and its People,
Becoming God?
through possession/Wealth
through Identity, 'Who Am I'
and through Power over the Other,
'Who am I?'
'I am God'
'What do I do?'
'I make Laws for Others to Keep'


Monday, August 8, 2016

Post #245 "Self Divides, God Emerges"

What happens when Self divides,
----when Self rejects the Singular Other of Reality
when Self brings forth Other out of it-Self,
when Other Becomes the Other, not of Reality, but Becomes the Other of Self?
Self divided--Self and Other of Self
-----all in mirror image of Reality and the reality of non-reality.
All 'appearing' to be the Reality,
but all outside of existence, all non-reality, all just 'Nothingness'.
Self divides it-Self into parts and pieces,
dreaming of Becoming that which it Is Not.
Self dreams it-Self as Becoming the Self and the Other of Reality,
----all within it-Self!
Self dreams that it can contain the Essence of the Singularity of Self
and the Essence of Singularity of Other within it Self...
that then, it-Self can exist in Reality, of it-Self, by it-Self, through it-Self,
and as It-Self,----- without 'Other'.
Self eliminates Other that all Essence of Other is contained within It-Self
and Becomes part of It-Self;
thereby no longer existing in the Other of Reality, nor existing in Reality.
Self denies that existence is a polarity.
Self denies that Self without Other-than-Self, is non-existence.
Self denies that Self does not exist without Other.

But what about God--
Where does God or the idea of God come in?
Where does God fit in Reality/Non-reality?
Where does God fit into the Self and Other of Reality?
----Especially considering that Self is Entity and Other is Entity
The Infiniteness of Entity in the Self and Other of Reality does not seem to
include God or even be Aware of God.
In fact, this would mean that God is not involved in First Cause as First Cause is the Awareness
of Consciousness to Self and Other.

It seems that here, at First Cause, God is non-existant.
---- that God is non-existent as Supreme Being,
or that God as God Alone, is non-existent as Sovereign,
or that God's Commandments are non-existent as The Law.

Self divides it-Self into Self and Other of Self.
What does this mean to Self?
Firstly, Consciousness divides it-Self from Other.
Consciousness removes it-Self from the Reality of Other and loses Entity.
So Consciousness lacks what Other has-----Entity.
-----Entity and Infiniteness.
By dividing it-self from Other
, Consciousnss begins within it-Self a process,
the process is the process of division,
meaning that at every increment of Time, Self divides down,
Self diminishes it-Self.
Self diminishes it-Self to the point, that Self knows it is losing it-Self
to Nothingness.
Self Feels Fear at losing it-Self.
Self Fears Nothingness.

How does Self Feel about Other'?
How does Self Feel about Other when Other is part of it-Self?
When Self divides, Self resets Self and Other from the memory of the Self and
Other of Reality.
The Self and the 'Other-than-Self of Creation attempts to imitate the Self and Other
of Reality,
but of course, imitation is not Reality.
'What Is' can never Become 'what Isn't'.
and 'what isn't can never Become what Is.

Consciousness divides it-Self over the Choice 'To Be' or 'To Become'.
The  Choice 'To Become' eliminates Other as Other.
The Choice, 'To Become' means 'to  Become the Other,
to assume the Essence of Other.
Assuming the Essence of Other,Self eliminates Other as Other can not exist without
its Essence.
Its Essence is its 'Being'.
Its Being is Entity and Infiniteness.
Self creates Otherness from it-Self to provide Essence of Otherness out of 'Otherness',
as 'Otherness' is needed for survival.

Destruction of Self to nourish Self eventually destroys Self as Self continually
breaks it-Self down to provide Essence of Other to it-Self through it-Self.
Depending on the acquisition of Other's Essence for survival, creates Feeling in the Self
towards Other and Otherness.
Self Feels Fear towards losing Other, for sacrificing Other, for its own survival.
It is necessary to accomplishing the transference of Essence from 'Other' of Reality to Other
of Self for Self to Feel Hatred towards that it Choses to eliminate.
Self Feels Hatred toward Other and Otherness because of its dependency on that which it
fears and, consequently, hates.
Basically, Self Fears and Hates Other,
-----but, Other is a part of Itself.
Therefore Self Fears and Hates Self for what It Is and what It Does.
Self Fears and Hates Self for feeding and devouring it-Self.
Self Fears and hates it-Self for what it has Become,
Self hates Self for totally having given up 'What It Is',
----that 'What Is' that no longer exists for those of the Collective Consciousness..

 The fine line between Self and Other-than-Self is very easily crossed.
This line determines that which is now considered enemy and determined expendable.
The 'Other': the expendable, the vulnerable, the fragile, the powerless, the masses
struggle to survive.
The best survival technique is Worship.
If the expendable/the Other, Worship the Self, they Become necessary to the Self.
For Worship creates God.


Sunday, August 7, 2016

Post #244 "Is and Isn't"

Existence is a polarity.
What Is, Isn't,
and What Isn't, Is.
Reality Is and Reality Isn't.
There Is and there Isn't.

There Is Self and there Is Other.
If Other Isn't,
If Self divides Other out of existence,
Self divides Self because existence is a polarity.

Self becomes a polarity,
Self Becomes Self and Other,
Self Isn't that Self Is,
because Self divides it-Self
that Self may exist in non-existence.

Self exists as a polarity of Self and Other
because Self exists and Self does not exist.
In Reality Self Is
In creation, Self Is Not
Self exists as polarity.
Self does not exist in Reality when Self exists in Creation
for Reality Is not in Creation.
Self exists in Reality when Self does not exist in Creation
for Self is Entity.
Entity exists in Reality
because Entity Is.
Entity is Reality
Reality is Entity.

Self holds within it-Self existence and non-existence
Because of Self, existence Is
because of existence, Self Is
Self divides it-Self down into non-existence,
by dividing into Self and Other,
That divided Self devours its Other
The divided Self must now further divide it-Self down again into Self and Other,
The process repeats it-Self until Self completely devours Self into non-existence.
 Existence is a polarity.
Existence is a polarity in existence.
Creation does not exist in Reality
Reality does not exist in Creation

Self is polarity.
Self divides Self.
Self divides Self into Self and Other of Self
Other of Self does not exist that Self may exist.
Self exists because Other does not exist
yet Self does not exist without Other.
The non-existence of Other gives existence to the divided Self.
The divided Self is not Entity.
The divided Self does not exist.
Self cannot exist without Other in Reality
for existence is polarity.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Post #243 "Who or What is God?"

Who or What is God?
What do we know about God?
It seems that God has been around from The Beginning.
In fact, Religion credits God with The Beginning.
Crediting God with The Beginning is a handy thing to do because it can be used to answer
all possible questions one could have.
In religion, no questions go beyond God.
In religion, God is 'beyondness', 'vastness', and 'incomprehensibleness'.
 Religion seems to suggest that Creation was God's dream, God's Desire, and so
is God's Choice.
 Religion sees First Cause as God's act of Creation.
"In the beginning, God Created the heavens and the earth....." Genesis.
It is note-worthy that what religion credits to God,
could also be credited to Consciousness.
Consciousness dreams, desires, and Chooses, thereby bringing about Creation
as a substitue existence from Reality,
as the reality of Non-reality to the reality of Reality 
Consciousness creates because Consciousness has Chosen to Create.
Consciousness dreams, desires, and creates.
God, however, seems to be creating reality,
while Consciousness creates Non-reality.
Humanity, throughout the ages has certainly considered Creation, as reality,
yet this created 'reality' has left plenty of opportunity to extend itself into
unlimited potential; potential as far as Consciousness can Image it-Self as Becoming.
When Consciousness Chooses Becoming, Consciousness creates an image existance
by removing Reality, for only Reality IS, only Creating can BECOME.
Creation is totally about Becoming.
Creation is future oriented because we are not content with the present but ever
look forward to a Time when------------
When what???
When we live in a world of brotherhood (sisterhood would not count), in peace
and harmony----(well I'm sure there would be quite a list of exclusions).
How about to a Time when we reach Perfection? 
Obviously, we can't achieve Entity because our parts and pieces cannot seem
to come together-----
Well, we could always eliminate!
Let's just remove the 'Other'.
Then we shall have reached Perfection!
We have limited existence to whatever we can Imagine meaning to what ever we can
put into Image.
Science limits existence even farther by putting limits at whatever can be seen, and thereby
prove itself.
Existence, to religion and science is limited to what seems to what seems to be comprehendable,
in fact, religion makes God comprehendable by explaining God,
by naming God, by claiming God, by possessing God, and through possessing God,
claiming ownership of all God is said to have created.
Genesis suggests that God dwells in the heavens and that there is nothing outside of God
and God's creation.
Basically, one Feels that this is total existence.
If God's Elect claim that God possess all God creates, that that God is their God, and that, consequently, all that God created belongs to them,
so that if their God is the Only God, then everything within creation
belongs to them: the Land, its resources, and the People of the Land.
God has now given God's total Power and Possession over everything that Is to a Chosen Elect.
Sure sounds like elimination of the 'Other'.
Of course, practically speaking, this has everything to do with the Choice of Consciousness,
-------to eliminate the Singular 'Other' of Reality. 
Accordingly, in order to be able to exert total Power, the Elect can only control that which
is within their Consciousness, and since their Consciousness has Chosen to eliminate
Reality, their Possessions, their Identity, and their ruling Power/theirAuthority can only
exist in creation.
Of course Consciousness must eliminate Reality
---and how is Reality eliminated?
--------by removing the Singular Other of Reality,
-------by nullifying the Reality of Self and Other!
So who is God and
What does God do?
Could it be that Self, in division of it-Self, had to Think and devise plans as to how it would
Creation is made up of many parts of Consciousness,----all Self, all intent on eliminating
If the Other is eliminated the 'Other of Reality' cannot Observe, Witness, and call Self into
Selfness, meaning into that which defines the Self of Reality-------Entity and
Did the Self of Consciousness create God for this purpose?
The plan certainly would call for supremacy, authority, and power,
meaning losers, victims, inferiors, slaves, human property, (the list is endless.).
And would the need for God call forth the need for Worship---?
God isn't God without Worship.
And would not the need for Worship call forth the need for those of little or no
value, like The People of the Land, to Worship, to be Worshipper?
It seems we know more about God than we care to admit,
So are we Worshipped or are we Worshipper?
There's quite a difference!!
Are we God
or do we Worship?

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Post #242 "The Disappearance of the 'Other'"

 Identity is determined by the Observed and the Observer.
Identity is also determined by the Perceived and the Perceiver.
 Identity through Observation is Identity in and by Reality.
Identity through Perception is Identity in and by Creation.
In Reality, the Identity of Self is determined through the Awareness of the Singular
'Other' of Reality.
The 'Other' of Reality Observes, Witnesses, and Validates Self as Self.
The 'Other' of Reality Identifies Self for Self.
Through  'Other', Self Knows Self as Self Is.
In Creation, the Identity of Self, is and has been determined through the Awareness of the
Self as it dreams it-Self to Become.
The Self of Consciousness Identifies Self for it-Self.
Through Self, Consciousness Knows it-Self as it dreams it will Become. 
In other words, in Creation, Self determines its own Identity through the process
of Division; Self Dividing Self to attain Identity through a fake, a Contrived, 'Otherness'.
Self Creates its own 'Other' out of it-Self.
Self Dreams its 'Other' Self to Become the 'Other' of Reality.
Self instigates the transference of the Essence of the 'Other'; of Reality in exchange for
its own Essence of Image.
The Self of Consciousness desires to exchange its Essence of non-reality for the Essence of
the Infinite Entity of Reality.
Self instigates the transference of Essence between Reality and Creation/Non-reality.
Obviously the transference has not taken place,
nor will it take place.
Religion and Science, both created to bring infinite life have, instead, caused suffering,
pain, abuse, and death.

Is it not becoming obvious why we are what we are and why we do what we do?
Self Creates its own 'Other' out of it-Self to provide, by and through Creation, its own Identity.
This is the reason that we, as humanity of the 21st century, struggle with Identity.
So how does this dream, this desire to Become a Created Perfection that imitated the
Infinite Entity of the Singular 'Other' of Reality, make humanity, make us, Feel?
Is this Choice to depart Reality, for the resulting image of our Perception, not leave us with
a pervasive and threatening sense of Fear?
Is this Fear a determinate in Who we are?
Is his Fear a determinate in What we do?
Is this Fear a determinate in What we have Become?
No matter how hard we have struggled to overcome our Fear at What we have Become, we have not
accomplished our Dream, our desire, our Choice.
We thought----'if only we had civilization---- king, ruler, law-maker, we could overcome our brokenness, our finiteness'.
'If only we had God--- if we worshipped, if we bargained, if we tithed.
If only we could Think our way out of our Choice----if we could invent, and control,
amaze with our logic and inventiveness------then-----'.

We hear talk of Identity Crisis.
We do not know who we are.
Because we do not know who we are, we do not know our purpose
 We frantically scramble about, pushing the pace of Time to ever increasing speeds,
that only hasten the end.
What happens to Self when 'Other' of Reality is denied and Self mutilates Self seeking
to replace 'Other' within One's-Self?
What happens when Self strives for Perfection competing for Godship? 
What happens when Self attempts to imitate Reality through its Creation?
What happens when Self Divides it-Self down to 'Nothingness',----
when a part of Self remains Self and the 'Other' becomes the 'Other of Self?
Basically, Self turns on Self.
There is not, nor can there be peace, within such a set-up.
This is First Cause.
We are looking at First Cause of who we are!
At First Cause, we became what we are-----people of Division.
The Choice is and was made-----we Chose to Divide.
We Chose to Divide our-Self and our-Selves.
We chose our destruction when we Chose to Compete with the 'Other' of Reality.
Then we substituted our-Selves for the 'Other' that we would Become the 'Other'
through Division.
We competed with the 'Other' of Reality!
We Competed, because in our Division we realized that our dream was not Real.

The fact is, Competition is Division, and we humans live for Competition.
We continually challenge other parts of our-Self. our Other-Self to prove who is the best part,
and then we eliminate the 'Other'---by 'proving' the 'Other' inferior!!!!
We diminish what we our-Selves are.
We prove our supremacy by proving our inferiority.
So what we consider 'Other' becomes what we must eliminate
and so eliminate another part of our-Self.

This is who we are and this is what we do.
Very frankly, We Cannot Stand Ourselves!
We slice of parts and pieces, we deny 'others', we abuse and torture 'others' we eliminate
'others' in all possible ways.
We hate the Other.
We always have.
Actually, we hate our-Self.

So how does this all make us Feel-----about our-Self, about our 'Other-Selves?
It's all a matter of survival.
How many parts of our-Self can survive without feeling threatened by our need
for survival?
It will have to come down to only one part.
Competition leaves only One.
And that One will be God over all that God created.
History shows this to be true.
Its all about betrayal and Power.
The irony is that we all yearn for Perfection.
We all yearn to Become God.
We seek Perfection that we can prove our-Self worthy to be the one powerful
enough to eliminate all Competition and be the One remaining---
the Winner!


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Post #241 "How do We Really Feel about Self?

Does how we Feel about our-Selves have any bearing on how we Feel about 'Other'?
Or---does how we Feel about 'Other' have any bearing on how we Feel about Our-Selves?
If we have Perceived our-Self, we have Perceived Other
and if we have Perceived Other, we have Perceived Our-Self
We Perceive because we have Chosen to Perceive.
Perceiving is what we do.
Perceivers are what we are.
As Perceiver, we have removed our-Self from Reality.
From First Cause,----
First Cause---Consciousness is Aware,
Consciousness is Aware of Self.
Step 2, Consciousness is Aware of 'Other'.
Is Consciousness Aware of 'Other' as 'Other',
independent of Self,-----
Or is Consciousness Aware of 'Other' through Self?
Is Consciousness' Awareness of 'Other' dependent on Self?
If the latter, then Self determines 'Other'.

We, as consciousness were and are Aware................
Are we Aware of "Other' independent of Self or dependent on Self,
------on our-Self?.

Right here, at First Cause, something happened, that determined and determines all that
follows, that determines right here who we are and what we see as our purpose.
Right here, Choice was made and Choices were made.
In Choosing, we divided.
Consciousness divided,
Humanity divided.
-------and never stopped dividing,
because dividing is a process, that once begun, can only end when one remains,
and then, there are none.

We divided between Choosing Reality or Choosing Creation.
Many parts of the Whole of the Collective Consciousness Chose Creation,
meaning, many of us.
This means that humanity, generally speaking is Aware of it-Self and 'Other'
as Perceived through it-Self.
Consequently, humanity has no concept of the Reality of 'Other'.
But who or what is 'Other' anyway?
Firstly, could 'Other' be the First Cause of humanity's Perceived concept of God?
Is God that Perceived, created symbol of the negation of the 'Other' of Reality?
----that 'Other' that our Perception made out to be 'beyond', and 'vast', and
----threatening to What?
Certainly not our survival.
If not to our survival, then What?
To our Identity?????
Second, could 'Other' be that part of Consciousness, of our Consciousness, that we
divided our-Self to Become?
Did we dream that if we divided our-Self, we could assume that 'beyondness' and
vastness, of 'Other' into our-Self that we could claim not only the Essence of our-Self
but also the Essence of Other' as our own?
Did we have to compete with 'Other' that we would Win and gain 'Otherness'?
Did we have to negate 'Other'?
Did we need to compete with 'Other'?
Did we need to Create our Space and our Time and our Substance to prove who
we are, when all that was necessary was to Observe Self as Self and 'Other' as

Some parts of the Collective Consciousness Chose Reality,
meaning, some of us, some of humanity.
Those Choosing Reality Observe Self as Self and 'Other' as 'Other'
There is no conflict or disharmony in Reality as all Is as it Is.
There is no denial of What Is, there is no dream or desire to compare to and so no dream
or desire to remove or take the place of.   

Those Choosing Creation are Perceivers because Creation is Perception and is brought about
through Perception.
Perception is the action of denial,
---denial of 'who we are', 
Consequently, we have no idea of purpose because we cannot
admit to the aimlessness, confusion, and deceit of what we have denied and Chosen
to Become. 

Those Choosing Reality are Observers because Reality can only be Observed as Being.
Creation came about through the Perception of those parts of the Collective
that Chose to remove Reality.
The dream and the desire to Become, to Become what was not, and what is not,
removed Reality.
 Reality Exists, Reality IS and does not exist in a dream or desire.

So,------did Consciousness remove Reality from its Awareness,
did it Choose to deny the existence of Reality,
or, did Consciousness remove It-Self from Reality?
Did its existence need "To Be' or 'To Become'?

Do we Observe our-Self as we are?
Do we Observe 'Other; as 'Other'?
How does our Choice make us Feel about our-Self?
How do we Feel about who we have Chosen to Become/
How do we Feel about what we do to continue striving to Become
what we are not?


Monday, August 1, 2016

Post #240 "How do We Really Feel about Other?"

There is Reality.
There is Non-reality.
Reality Is.
Non-reality Is Not.
There is Self and there is Other.
Self is Aware of Self.
Self is Aware of Other.
Other is Aware of Self.
Other Observes Self.
Because Other Is, Other Observes and does not Perceive.
Perception removes Reality.

Other is Aware, through Observation, that Self Chooses to Observe or to Perceive.
Self, as Consciousness Chooses to Observe or to Perceive,
as Choosing is the Action of Consciousness.
Because all parts of Consciousness Choose, all parts exist within the Collective,
yet all parts exist with the Choice to Emerge from the Collective Consciousness of
Creation as the Singular Self of Reality.

Other is Aware that Self either Observes Self and Other or Perceives Self and Other.
Through Observation or Perception, Self determines Selfness and Otherness,
Self cannot determine Selfness without 'Other'.
Self Is Self through Observation of Other.
Self Divides Self, thereby loosing Self and Reality through Perception of Self
as Self dreams it-Self to Become..
Self is Aware of Other.
'Other' Observes Self.
The Observing Self Observes Other.
The Observing Self is the Singular Self of Reality.
The Observing Self Observes the Collective Consciousness for what it IS
The Collective Consciousness is uncomfortable with the Observation of the
Observing Self.
The Observing Self is not comfortable within the Perceiving, Creating Collective.
The Observing Self Can and Must Emerge from the Collective to be it-Self
in Reality.

The Perceiving Self Perceives Other.
The Observing Self Observes Other.
The Observing Self Observes Other Observing Self.
Being Observed by Other affirms Self as Self Is.
The Observed Self does not Feel and consequently, does not Think of Becoming,
The Observed Self does not Think because it Knows!
It Knows it-Self to Be it-Self.
It does not need to Choose to be Other than it-Self.
The Observed Self has no Feeling and no Thought to Becoming other than Self Is.

The Perceiving Self Perceives Other as Perceiving it-Self.
The Perceived Self is uncomfortable with being Observed.
This means that we as humans, are uncomfortable with Being Perceived.
We humans Perceive.
We Feel and then, we Think.
What we Know is the result of our Feeling and our Thinking.
We do not Observe.
We Create.
Because we do not Observe Reality, and because we Create non-reality,
we live in Fear.
We worry what others-of-Self Feel and Think about our-Self.
Others-of-Self worry about what we Feel and Think about them.
No-one can trust that which lies outside of Reality,
and of course, Creation is that which lies outside of Reality.

The Perceived Self is aware of Other through it-Self.
All information in Creation is filtered many times through the many
Selves ond Other-than-Selves of the Collective Consciousness.
Our Information is the Perceived Information of the Perceived Information,
of the Perceived Information, over and over again.
There is absolutely no remnant of Truth, that is, the Truth of Reality remaining!
Creation is total Perception of the Self and the Other Self-of-Self, (the divided Self),
of the Collective Consciousness.

Being Aware of Other through it-Self, Awareness becomes Comparison.
When Consciousness Perceives Self and Other at First Cause, that Perception
is Comparison.
Self Compares Self to Other of Reality and looses Reality!!**
What does Self Feel to do this?
How does Self Feel comparing it-Self to the Other of Reality?
Does Self Feel a 'beyondness' of Other?, a 'vastness'?, an 'otherness'?
Then how, in comparison, does Self Feel about Self?
How do we as humanity Feel about that which is Other-than-Our-Selves?
Self, obviously cannot 'stand' to be in the presence of the Singular 'Other'.
Self, obviously cannot 'stand' to be in the presence of Reality.
Self, obviously, cannot stand to in in the presence of It-Self!
The Self of the Collective Consciousness must escape the Other of Reality,
Realty itself,
and must escape IT-SELF!

Now we are beginning to get somewhere in our search for 'Who We Are',
and What We See as Our Purpose.

When the Perceiving Self compares it-Self to Other, Other seems 'beyond', Other
seems 'foreign', Other seems a threat.
This Self fears what ever is not it-Self and what is not it-Self is Other.
Self looses Self-Identity without Other,
whan Self divides Self into Self and Other-of-Self to compensate for the loss of the
Other of Reality, Self Feels its violation of it-Self.
Self has diminished Self!
The diminished Self of Perception hides it-Self from Other,
which is hiding it-Self from Reality.
Self is actually ashamed of what it has done to it-Self and cannot allow
Other to Observe Self, not as Self dreams it-Self to Become
but as Self really Is.

Self determines Selfness through Other,
as Other Observes Self as Self Is,
either Observing the 'To Be' or Perceiving the 'To Become'. 
Reality Is Self and Other.
The Observing Self  Observes Self as Self.
and Observes Other as Other.
Self Observes that Self is not Other.
Self Observes Self as Entity.
Self Observes Other as Entity.
Non-reality is Divided Self.
Divided Self is not Entity.
Divided Self is Self and the 'Other' Self of Self.
The 'Other' Self is the Self within the Self
This Self is the Perceiving Self
Self dreams, desires, and Chooses to 'Become'.
The Perceiving Self Perceives it-Self in dreams as it desires to Become
To Choose 'Becoming' is Choosing to 'Not Be'.
Choosing to 'Not Be' means Choosing to negate the Reality of 'Being'
Choosing to negate or remove Reality is Choosing 'Nothingness'.
The dream, the desire, the Choice then, is the escape from the dream, the desire, and the Choice.

What is the attraction of Self to Nothingness?
We have all experienced it.   
 In fact, we all have a morbid fascination to 'Nothingness'
Is it because Creation is basically, about Nothingness?
After all, the Perceiving Self Chooses to remove Reality from its Awareness.
Maybe we want to end that which we began when we became Aware of Self
and Other in Reality, at the First Cause.
Reality is Self and Singular Other.
Other is Entity.
Self is Entity.
As Entity, Other 'Is'.
As Entity, Self 'Is'.
As Self Is, Self does not dream, desire, or Choose 'Becoming'.