Friday, December 21, 2018

Post #384 "Building the Wall"

Humanity Fights.
Humanity Creates Wars.
Humanity Builds Walls.
We are a Waring, Fighting People.
And we are Wall-Builders.

In Jericho of Israel/Palestine, there is a Tel that has been in formation for more than 4,000 years.
The Tel is a multi-layered pile of what was once Walls all built one on top of the other to the
present height of a small mountain.
Each layer/each level of the mound represents a settlement.
And of course, we all know that settlements are nothing more than Walls.
These Walls tell the Stories of a People organized through the Creation of Time.
Each Level tells the Story of The Land.
Each level tells the Story of the Resources of The Land.
Each Level tells the Story of the Identity of those inhabitants----
who they were,
what they did,
and how they felt,
how they Created and how they Destroyed.
But more than this, it tells the Story of how these particular People, at this particular Time
continued the Process of Division that marks All of Creation.
The People of each level, of each layer, felt Fear.
In each level the Fear was the Fear of Mortality.
In each level the struggle for Survival intensified,
Consequently the more the struggle to defeat Mortality,
the more the People, and indeed, all of Creation, Divided and broke apart,
into smaller and smaller pieces over the passing of Time.
The People Fought, and there were Wars
and more and more Walls were built and more Wars were fought. 
For We are Wall-Builders.

 Wall Building portrays Humanity as Dividers.
We Divide everything.
We especially Divide ourselves.
We Divide ourselves that we can Fight,
that we can Compete,
That we can go to War.
We Fight, we Compete, we go to War, We Build Walls, All for the purpose of Division.
We  need to justify ourselves or face Who We Are.
And so We need the Blame to rest on not 'Who We Are'
but on 'Who We are Not'.
It Becomes clear that the Process of Division is a Process of not 'What IS'
but of 'What IS NOT'.

Very interestingly, that Tel in Jericho, does not show 'What IS'
but shows 'What IS NOT'.
Not a single Settlement remains'.
No People, No Walls!
----just a huge mound of debris, silted over through centuries of wind and desert sand,
and covered with scrub vegetation.
ALL Gone.
ALL Destroyed.
Through Fighting,
Through Competing,
Through War,
and All the Walls that spelled out 'Who We Were'
and 'Who We Were NOT'. 
Now spell out
 'Who We Are'
and 'Who We Are NOT'.

We Are Wall Builders.
because we Divide.
and when we build,
we build that we may have something that we may Divide.
We Divide that we may be Saved.
for we may only be Saved through someone being Sacrificed.
'Someone' being Sacrificed cannot be Self.
It is Self that must be Saved.
We need an Other.
We need an Other to be Sacrificed,
to be Mortal,
that we may become Immortal.
 So that is What we Create.
That is Why we Create.

We Separate the Self, the Self of Humanity into Self-of-Self and Self-of-Other.
Humanity Divides,
into 'Who should be Saved' from 'Who should be Sacrificed'.
Because somebody or something must be made responsible for our Mortality,
for Creation's Mortality!
It Cannot be our-Self!
We must Create an 'Other'.
'Other', as in Scapegoat,

We have done a great deed if we can remove Evil.
Indeed, we are Sainted through our ability to remove Evil.
But we must first Create Evil that we can remove it.
We Create Evil through Division,
that we are Righteous in our Wall-building,
that we are Righteous in Creating our Sanctity through Death and Destruction.
 that we are Righteous in naming ourselves Savior and Redeemer,
that we are Righteous in naming ourself God!

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Post #383 "Why do We Fight and Kill?" 2018

We fight and we kill because everything we do is for our Survival,
Everything we do is for the Survival of the Self.
We feel, and we are, threatened.
 We are threatened by and we Fear Mortality.
We are threatened by,
 and we Fear,

Our Purpose, as Consciousness and as Humanity, is Survival.
How do we Survive Mortality?
The big question Becomes 'from Who' or 'from What' does Mortality emanate?'
The next question is 'how do we Control this source'
 that we may overcome this threat we are under?
What Exists besides our-Self?
Who Exists besides our-Self?
It seems that Whatever or Whoever Exists besides our-Selves must be responsible.
Whatever or Whoever must be out to 'get us!'

The Self of Consciousness Perceives that All that is not Self is Other.
The Self Perceives that ALL that does not contribute to Self Survival is Other.
Other is therefore Perceived as against Self,
Other is Perceived as against the Survival of Self.
'Other' threatens the Self.
Self must eliminate Other that Self may Survive.
What is not a benefit to Self Survival must be obliterated.
This accounts for the Competitive Spirit in Humanity,
 that knows no bounds, no limits,
even onto Abuse, onto Slavery, onto Killing, and onto War.

 Everything in Creation IS against our Survival,
because everything in Creation is bound to Mortality.
Self blames Other for Self's Death.
Self Perceives that Death would not Exist if not for 'Other'.
Self Perceives that Death is through Other and Otherness,
consequently, Self Perceives Self as Good and Other as Evil.
If 'Other' is Evil,
'Other' must be Destroyed.
If 'Other' is Evil,
Self must be Holy,
Hence the Creation and the Empowerment of God.
God represents the Self,
and the Self Becomes Holy and akin to God in the destruction of Evil.
The Self Becomes Holy and akin to God in its destruction of ALL that is Evil.
We, Humanity, thereby give ourselves permission to Fight and to Kill.
The Self of Consciousness Creates a Dream-Image of itself.
This Dream-Image promotes the Goodness of Self and the Evil of Other.

Creation Begins that Creation will End
as is the 'Other-than-Self that resides within the Self, used as sacrificial offering
The Self also Divides it-Self, as there is no stopping the advancing
Process of Division that defines Creation,
even onto Self Dividing Self.
The Self of Consciousness therefore Divides it-Self into the
Self-of-Self and the Other-of-Self.
Self thereby giving it-Self permission and congratulations for Destroying it-Self.
-----one part dies that one part may live.

To fight is to come against that which is Enemy.
Enemy is all that is not Self.
Enemy is the 'Other';
---the Other side, the Other Opinion, the Other skin color, the Other language,
the Other belief system, the Other sex.
We, of Humanity have great problems with 'Other' and 'Otherness'.
We deal with this problem through Assimilation,
by attempting to bring ALL into the Self and Become One with the Self,
thereby greatly expanding the Power capacity of the Self.
Or we deal with this problem through Elimination,
 as in Competing, in Abusing, in Removing-by any means.
We Assimilate or we Eliminate.
Assimilation and Elimination are Humanity's means to Survival of the Self.

Non-reality fights against Reality.
Reality is the Existence of the Self in Singularity
and the Existence of the Other in Singularity.
Reality is all about the Existence of Self and Other.
Non-reality is all about the Non-existence of Self in Self.
Non-reality Eliminates 'Other' from Existence.
However, Eliminating 'Other' from Existence, also eliminates Reality.
That which is Eliminated from Reality Creates.
That which is Eliminated from Reality Creates a Pseudo-reality.
Pseudo-reality is a distorted and inverted Image of Reality.
In Non-reality, Consciousness Dreams.
Pseudo-reality is the Dream of Consciousness.
Consciousness Exists in Reality,
 or Consciousness Non-exists in its
Dream of 'Becoming'.
Consciousness Chooses to BE or to BECOME.
Consciousness Chooses its Existence.
Consciousness Chooses because Consciousness is a Duality.
Consciousness Chooses because Existence is Duality.
Existence is the Duality of Reality and Non-reality.

Creation is the Existence of Self in Self.
Creation is the Dream of Becoming.
Creation is the Dream of Becoming its Perfection.
God is the Perfection of Humanity.
God is Immortality.

 In Creation, Self Images, Self Dreams itself as Singular Self and Singular Other.
In Creation, Consciousness Dreams of Entity.
In Creation, Consciousness Dreams of Immortality.
Pseudo-reality is Created by the Self and within the Self.
Pseudo-reality is therefore Controlled by the Self.
In Pseudo-reality alone, Control is essential.
The Self must Obliterate anything that is Other than Self,
that Self can claim Control of Creation.
Self claims Control through Possession, through Identity, and through the "Right to Rule'.
Self seeks, above all else, to CONTROL.
Self Fears it can only Control Self.
Self seeks Control over all OTHER.

Self Identifies Self through Other-than-Self.
Self cannot Know Self if Self does not Observe, Witness, and Validate Other as Other.
When Self Identifies the Existence of Other and Otherness,
it is the Other that can, then, Observe Self as Self, thereby giving Witness to the Self
as Self, and in witnessing, Self as Self is Validated as Reality in Existence,
in Singularity as Entity and thereby claiming Immortality.

Creation, as Image of Reality, stands against the Reality of Reality.
 Creation is the Process of Division that determines Beginnings and Endings.
Creation Begins and Creation Ends,
Creation therefore is a Struggle for Survival.
We, as Humanity, Fight because we have no intention of allowing anything to Exist that
threatens our Survival.
As long as we cannot change the Divisiveness that defines Creation,
that Creation Begins and Ends,
we have no Control over our Survival!
We are threatened by that over which we  have no CONTROL.
We strive to Control the very womb of our Existence,

If we could Control the Chaos that envelopes Creation,
We would Control the Chaos within Humanity, within our-Self.
But we are Creators.
We Create and We have Created and We will Create for we have even Created Time
We Choose to depart Reality and enter our own work, our own Creation.
We Exist within our own Created reality.
But what we Create is not Real.
But as we enter it we become part of its Non-reality.
To Create is to make out of Nothing.
Nothing becomes a reality to Nothing.
Consciousness has Chosen and Chooses to Create a reality outside of Reality.

Civilization is a Struggle for Survival.
The purpose of Civilization is Control.
Creation struggles against the threatening Abyss of what is Perceived as Pre-creation.
The Abyss is Perceived as Chaos.
In Creation, Wilderness is Perceived as Chaos.
Creation struggles to overcome Chaos.
Creation Creates!
Creation Creates Religion
Civilization struggles to Control Wilderness.
Civilization has obliterated  Wilderness.
Civilization, without Wilderness, is out of Control, threatening Extinction
of Creation.
Civilization demands Existence, therefore , Wilderness must be eliminated.
Creation demands Existence, therefore Wilderness must be Eliminated.
For Civilization is the Process of Division that threatens the Survival of the Self.

Religion provides and is the Justification of War and the Abuse and Killing of Humanity.
War and Killing are about the Obliteration of 'the Other'.
Religion Creates Other as Evil, thereby Creating Self as Holy.
What religion cannot absorb into its Self as Right, Good, Just, and Holy,
its condemns as 'Other-than it-Self'.
Thereby, in the Name of its Created God,
Religion Rightfully, and Justly Condemns to Obliteration all 'Other' through Abuse,
through Killing, and through War.
Religion is Created as a means of Control.
Control comes through Acquisition and Annihilation.
What cannot be Acquired is Eliminated,
thus expressing the Process of Division that defines Humanity, Consciousness, and Existence, itself.
Humanity as Collective seeks Control.
Humanity as Individual seeks Control.
Humanity Competes for Control.
Humanity in Division Competes with
of those Possessing
All of God's Possessions,
of Possessing God;s Identity,
and of Possessing God's Authority.

 Religion's Will is enacted through its God.
This Perception allows Religion to claim ownership of all it claims its God
has Created.
This Perception allows Religion to claim its ownership through Inheritance
that Identifies them through Sonship.
Sonship thereby eliminates the first level of Condemnation, those 'Others'
not of Sonship,------the Feminine.

We fight All that is Other and ALL Otherness because Self Perceives that Mortality,
that Death Exists in ALL that is not Itself.
Through the Creation of its ruling God, Humanity claims sameness with its
God thereby giving it-Self unlimited and unbounded Power.
As there Exists Our God, we Perceive that Other also is represented through
Other gods.
In our Dream Non-existence we Perceive our God as the force of infinite Power.
Only Infinite Power can conquer all the OTHER gods
thereby setting us free from Mortality.
Our God fights to Kill all Other gods.
Humanity Fights to Kill all Humanity that is not Self.
Consequently, we Humans will not be at rest until every Other Human
is Obliterated,
 and ONE,
God in Human,
and Human in God
Only ONE can remain.
----the so-called Power Pyramid!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Post 382 "The Existence of Non-Existence"

Consciousness Exists in Duality.
Consciousness Exists in the Duality of Existence.
Consciousness IS a Duality, a Dichotomy, of 'What IS' and of 'What IS NOT'.
Consciousness, therefore, Exists and Non-exists.
Consciousness can be Aware of what does not Exist.
Actually, Consciousness is mostly Aware of what Exists in Non-reality and
is not Aware of what Exists as Reality.
Consciousness prefers to be Aware of What does Not Exist.
Consciousness Chooses to be Aware of What does Not Exist.
Humanity is likewise, Aware of What does not Exist as in Non-reality.
There is very little Awareness in Humanity of What Exists as Reality.
Consciousness Exists and Non-exists because Existence Exists and Non-Exists.

Duality of Existence in Cell of Consciousness,
 Duality of Consciousness in Cell of Humanity.
Duality in Collective Consciousness
Duality in Individual Consciousness

From Existence,  to Consciousness,
to Humanity that Exists in Reality and also Exists in Non-reality.
Existence in Non-reality is Existence in Imaging, 
in Shadows,
in Secrecy.
Humanity in Non-reality Exists in Image,
in Shadows,
in secrecy.
always plotting Survival.
Always Creating the Other-than-Self with which to Compete
for the Power of Survival.

In Duality of Humanity the Duality lies in Survival against Non-survival,
Human against Human,
Power Creating Weakness
Power over Vulnerability.
Non-reality Exists and Abides in the 'world' of its Creation.
Non-reality Non-exists in the Image of Reality.
The Image of Reality is Creation.
Creation, as Image, Exists only to itself and only within itself.
Creation, therefore, does not Exist in Reality.
All of Creation struggles for survival,
against itself.

Reality does not remove Creation, 
Reality is unaffected by Creation.
Non-reality hides from Reality,
because Only Reality can threaten to expose what is not Real
Non-reality 'walls' itself off from Reality through Creation.
Creation provides the Created parameters for Non-existence to Exist in and outside of itself
Consciousness Exists within the 'walls' of Creation as Humanity.
Consciousness Exists in Reality in the Entity of the Singular Self and in the
Entity of the Singular Other.

The story of Creation plays out the story of Consciousness and Non-Consciousness,
of Existence and Non-Existence.
As Humanity is a cell of Consciousness that reflects the Whole of Consciousness
and Consciousness is a cell of Existence that reflects the Whole of Existence,
all of Creation reflects and replays the Duality of Existence as Existing and Non-existing.
Humanity attempts to justify the Dichotomies of Consciousness and of Existence 
within itself,
 as each level is a cell of the level in which it Exists or Non-exists.
therefore, Humanity is a cell of Consciousness,
Consciousness is a cell of Existence,
Humanity is a cell of Consciousness,
-----each level a breakdown, a reduction,
a lessening,
a part or a piece of-----.
cell breaking down into cell,
over and over again,
until all just passes away into an Existence that never Existed.

In Humanity, each cell attempts to affirm its Existence.
and thus claim to its 'Right to Survival'.
Each Human cell  attempts to affirm its Existence
and thus applies to the 'Right to Rule',
to the Right to breakdown,
the Right to reduce,
the Right to lessen,
the Right to absorb,
 whatever parts and pieces of Humanity it can devour to prove
and ensure its own survival.

Survival within Creation becomes a Competition as each cell finds within itself
the Duality of Existence and Non-existence.
In Creation, Non-Existence seeks to overpower Existence,
 that Existence may be removed through the act of transference.
Non-existence becoming Existence in the place of Reality.
 Non-Existence Exists.
Non-existence over-Powering Existence for all that Non-exists.
To all that have chosen to Exist in the Image rather than in the Reality,
Non-reality is their reality.
Non-existence is their Existence.
A Choice, just a Choice, will remove Existence,
by replacing Existence with Non-existence.
-------such is Creation!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Post #381 "How to Become Powerful", 2018

Power cannot Exist without Weakness.
Only Weakness can Dream about Power,
therefore only Weakness can bring about Power,
for Power Exists in the Dream of Weakness to Become that which it IS NOT.

Dreams begin and Dreams end.
What is Weak Becomes powerful only in Dreaming.
Therefore, Power is Weakness.
As Weakness does not Exist in Reality,
Power does not Exist in Reality.
Weakness is Created.

Weakness is Created as Consciousness Becomes Aware of its ability to Choose.
Consciousness Chooses Existence or Non-existence,
Reality or Non-reality.
Consciousness is Aware that its Choice is Existence or Non-existence.
Consciousness is Aware that the ability to Choose is also the ability to Divide.
In fact, Choosing causes Division.
Choosing Divides Consciousness into parts and pieces of itself.
Consciousness can Exist in either Entity or in Division.
There Exists Consciousness of Self in Entity of Singularity
and there Exists Consciousness of Self in Division of Self into cells,
as parts and pieces of a Whole.
.When Consciousness Divides, Consciousness can only Divide it-Self
into parts of itself that Choose to Become
 and parts if itself that Exist in Being, as Being IS,
 and have no need to Choose.
Consciousness is Aware that there is Choice of Existence or Non-existence
as there is Choice to Divide or Choice not to Divide,
meaning to Exist in Entity

Basically, the Dream is the Dream of Survival,
 Survival means overcoming and defeating Mortality.
To overcome and defeat Mortality, Power must be accumulated.
Accumulating Power Becomes the Story of Creation
for Consciousness Perceives that Creation Exists,
and that if Creation Exists, Creation must be Reality.
 Perception Creates the Awareness that if Creation is Reality,
there can be no other Existence, Other than Creation.
In this struggle for Immortality, is the proof that Existence is Duality.
The Duality of Existence becomes the Dichotomy of Existence in the struggle
of Creation attempting to Become Reality.

This struggle is expressed in Creation as the struggle of Humanity to Become the
God of Creation through the Dream of Power, to the accumulation of Power
with which to Defeat Reality by Becoming that Reality as Humanity.
Humanity Dreams of Becoming God.
-----of Becoming Immortal.
 Therefore, overcoming and defeating Mortality, Becomes a Process.
Conquering Mortality Becomes Process because there is Beginning.
Beginning comes to an Ending
as Creation is Process that Divides down to its End.
The End will be and IS, Immortality
OR Death------Non-existence!

Only in Weakness and the resultant Dream of Power can Humanity Perceive
Surviving Mortality.
No Human has survived Death.
No Human has Survived Weakness.
Mortality is the cause of all weakness.
Weakness begins in the Fear of Mortality,
in the Fear of Weakness.
The Dream of Power Creates Weakness, that through the Dream of Becoming
Weakness can be Identified as Weakness.
If Weakness can be Identified as Weakness,
Survival is assured,
 for Weakness Identified as Weakness is 'Bad' and as 'Sin'.
Power is gained through overcoming what is bad, what is sin, and what is evil.
Overcoming 'bad' and 'evil' is Perceived as doing God's work.
Overcoming 'bad' and 'evil' puts God on the side of Power.
Power and God become confused as 'One'.
God is Power and Power is God.
Humanity Becomes God when Humanity assumes the Power of God
God and God's Power is Perceived as 'Good' and as 'Holy'
consequently the attainment of Power is insatiable.
The Perception is that when Weakness is Identified,
Weakness can be overcome.
As Weakness is overcome, God Becomes Present.

When Consciousness Chooses to Become,
Consciousness Collectively Becomes Weak.
Consciousness Divides into to 'Being' and into 'Becoming'.
Consciousness Dividing, Weakens Consciousness.
Singularity Exists in 'Being',
while in 'Becoming' there Exists the Non-existence of Dreaming.

Humanity Creates Weakness to birth and fuel its Dream for Power 
Power feeds on Weakness.
The Powerful Create weakness in those not of it-Self.
The Powerful Create weakness in those Perceived as 'Other-than-Self'.
The Self of Consciousness has Obliterated the Singular Other of Reality,
yet Self needs Other to be truly Self.
Self cannot recognize or be Aware of Self as Self without recognizing and being Aware
of Other being Other.
So in other words, Self is Aware of Self,
 as Self is Aware of Other.
Self recognizes Self as Other Observes, Witnesses, and Validates Self as Self.

Self Being Self Observes Other Being Other and so recognizes it-Self as Self.
When Consciousness Chooses to Obliterate the Singular Other of Reality,
the Self of Consciousness Divides into parts and pieces of it-Self
thereby losing Entity.
These parts and pieces are Aware that there is no Survival without Entity
and therefore attempt to Create Entity through Image.
When Consciousness Images Entity, the Reality of Entity no longer Exists,
 as Reality does not Exists in Imaging.

The resulting Image of Entity is Created therefore, out of the many parts and pieces of
 of Consciousness that attempt to form a Whole.
The Collective Consciousness therefore, is a Whole formed of many parts and pieces,
all attempting to Become what ISN'T,
and what ISN'T is Entity.
 A Whole can never BE Entity because a Whole is only the sum total of parts and pieces.
An Image cannot sustain it-Self because it continually breaks down and breaks apart.
because an Image cannot sustain it-Self.
 Image cannot Survive.

Humanity, as Image, cannot Survive because the Consciousness of Humanity,
Chooses to Exist apart from Reality.
Humanity, Collectively, has Chosen to Create its own Existence.
The Collective Consciousness is therefore a Collection of parts and pieces that includes
Humanity Collectively,
Humanity struggles to form a Whole in imitation of Entity.
Humanity has never and will never achieve its goal.
Aware that Immortality Exists only in Entity.
Humanity is terrified of its Choice for its Choice spells Mortality.

What is The Story of the Creation of Weakness?
The most well-known fundamental Story of the Creation of Weakness comes from religion.
Humanity has always sought Power.
Humanity sacrifices anything and everything for the sake of accessing and accumulating Power.
Humanity sacrifices itself for Power.

To Become Powerful, it is necessary to Create weakness.
To Create weakness, Other-than-Self must be Created.
Other is Created within Self, and by Self,
that Self can compare within it-Self weakness and Power.
Self Creates weakness that Self can free itself from weakness.
Self frees Self from Weakness through Division.
The Self of Consciousness to the Self of Creation to the Self of Humanity
despises Self for the Choice that has brought about the curse of Mortality.
What Self determines as Weakness, Divides Self into Duality of it Self,
 that each part Competes with what is determined as Other by the Self,
thereby determining Power against weakness.
When Power and weakness have been determined,
Power competes with weakness that the Right to Survival can be determined through
Identity of 'good' from 'Bad'
and 'Holy' from 'Evil/Sin'.
Bad and Evil thereby being determined as Weakness,
thereby being determined as Power,
so rightfully and justifiably deserving to be Obliterated.
----Good and Holy Being em-Powered as Rightful Destroyer,
Good and Holy as deserving of Worship and thus of Godhood.
Power Creates Weakness and Weakness Creates Power.
There is no Weakness if there is no Power.
There can be no Power without Creating Weakness.

In the Beginning, God Created the heavens and the earth.
The act of Creating determined by the Duality of Existence
as Reality and as Non-reality,
basically the IS and the ISN'T.
The act of Creation determines a Beginning.
Beginning understands Ending.
Creation Begins and Ends.
What Begins and Ends has no BEING In Reality.
Creation is the Process of Division.

The firmament Divided,
heaven from earth,
Power over Weak.
The Power of Darkness over Light.
rendering Light weak to the Power of Darkness.
The Power of Water over Dry Land.
rendering Land weak to the Power of Darkness.
The Power of Male over Female.
rendering Female weak to Male.
The Power of White over Black
White in Domination and free to eliminate 'Evil Black'.
The Power of Self over all Other not Self, thereby determined as 'Other',
the Singular Other of Reality eliminated from the Reality of Existence.
As reality is Entity of Singular Self and Entity of Singular Other.
In this 'Being' is Immortality

Light gives way to Darkness,
Dry Land gives way to the Sea
Female gives way to Masculine.
Black gives way to White
Other gives way to the Self
---------and Weakness gives way to Power.

Weakness Exists in the Non-existence of Existence.
Mortality Exists in the Non-existence of Existence.
Mortality Exists in the Choice of Consciousness to eliminate the
'Other-than-Self' thereby forcing Existence into Non-existence,
thereby bringing about the Non-existent Existence of Creation.
-----Creation, conceived in the struggle to Become All-Powerful through
the Process of Division

How to Become Powerful?
Create Weakness!

Monday, October 22, 2018

Post #380 "We are Not What we Think we are"

What are We?
We are Not what we think we are.
We Perceive ourselves as real.
But how can we be real when we have Chosen to Exist in a reality we have Created?
Reality cannot be Created.
Why do we even question who we are?
But we Do.
We do question.

Why do Good and Bad Exist in our reality?
Why does Holy compete with Sin in our Creation?
In Reality there is no Good Competing with Bad.
and in Reality there is no 'Sacred' Competing with Sin and Evil.

In Reality, Self Exists in Entity with it-Self.
In Reality, Self is Singularity.
It is in Singularity that Entity Exists.
It is in Entity that Immortality Exists.
What Exists IS.
What IS does not Become.

In Reality, Self Observes Other in the Entity of Otherness.
---and in Reality, Self Observes the Singularity of Other.
In Reality, Self Observes the Entity of Other in Otherness.
In Reality, Self Observes Other in Immortality.
In Observation of Reality in the Reality of Other, Self IS.
Self Observes, and consequently Witnesses Other as Other,
 that Self can Witness Self as Self,
 in Singularity,
 and so in Entity.
And so, in Immortality.

In Reality, Self Validates Other,
Validating Other as Other, Self Validates Self as Self.
In Reality, there is no Competition,
 because Self Observes, Witnesses, and Validates Other
as Other Observes, Witnesses, and Validates Self
In Reality, there is no Competition between Self and Other,
so there is no Good and Bad 
and there is no 'Sacred' or Supreme, or Sovereign,
and so there is no Evil.

When Self does not seek Oblivion of Other, there is no Death.
When Self does not seek to be Good by making Other Bad,
there is no Death.
When Self does not seek Holiness by making Other Evil,
there is no Hell.
When Self seeks Oblivion and Death for Other,
Self condemns Self to the same.
  Consciousness Chooses,
and in Choosing Exists the Duality of Existence,
The Choice is to Exist or not to Exist.
Reality IS.
Reality IS the Existence of Self AND Other,
each in the Entity of Singularity,
each in the Entity which is Immortality.
Immortality which Exists in the Reality of Existence.

As Existence is Duality, Consciousness is Duality.
It is the Duality of Consciousness in the Duality of Existence,
that gives Choice to Consciousness.
Consciousness has Choice because of the Duality of Existence and the Duality of Consciousness.
If Consciousness does not accept Reality, 
----does not accept that Reality that only Exists in the Entity of Singularity of Self
 in Selfness and in the Entity of Singularity of Other in Otherness,
Consciousness Obliterates Reality.
Consciousness Obliterates the Reality of Existence.
When Consciousness Obliterates the Reality of Existence,
Consciousness Creates a Non-existent reality of Self in Self,
 that has no Observation of Other.
However, Consciousness is Duality in the Process of Division. 
Consciousness Divides it-Self down into Self-of-Self and Other-of-Self,
thereby Creating Competition of Self with Self,
within the Self.
The Self now Competes with it-Self.
Self threatens its own Existence.
When Self threatens its own Existence, Self must fight for Survival.
Self fighting for Survival is The Story of Creation and Humanity in its 
Created Non-reality-------the Eternal 'Becoming'.

Self in Creation now contains within it-Self the Good Self and the Bad Self,
the Holy Self and the Evil Self.
The battle is on!
The battle is for Survival!
There Exists the Dream of Becoming and the Fear of not Becoming.
Not Becoming is Non-Existing.
Because the 'IS' of Reality has been removed,
Creation cannot Exist in a Present,
Creation does not know the 'IS' of Existence .
Creation can only Exist in the Non-existence of the Dream and the Hope of Defeating 
some vague, undefined enemy that Possesses what Self Dreams of Possessing,
that carries the Name Self Dreams its own Identity,
that Rules on the throne Self swears it has Inherited,
for the Power of Survival can only come in the Destruction of what has been made to appear
as stranger, as enemy, as threat,
----certainly not as it-SELF. 

Self-in-Self violates Existence itself.
Self-in-Self violates the Duality of Existence in its Created Non-reality.  
Self-in-Se;f Creates an Existence apart from Reality.
This Existence is a Dream of 'Becoming'.
This Existence is Created.
'Created' meaning made out of 'Nothing'.
That which Creates 'Becomes' its Creation.
That which Creates Becomes the Nothing it has Created.
What is Created does not Exist in Reality.
What does not Exist in Reality only Exists in the 'Time' it has Created.
Existing in 'Time' is not Existing at all.

The Collective Consciousness has Chosen and continues to Choose to Exist in
Creation------its own Creation,
-------its own Dream of 'Becoming'.
To fulfill the Dream of Becoming,
Consciousness Creates God out of the  Dream of the Singular Other
 it has Obliterated from its Existence.
This Created Existence ends as it began,
-----in a Dream.
Immortality Exists in Reality.
Immortality is no Dream!

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Post #379 "Destruction to Power", 2018

Let's get to the root.
Humanity is not Created equal.
Humanity is Created on the same principal of Duality as is Existence itself.
As Existence IS and as Existence IS NOT,
so Humanity IS and Humanity IS NOT.

Humanity Exists as Human.
Humanity Exists as Sub-human.
Humanity Exists as Non-human.

This is not at all new,
but can be traced far back into the beginnings of Human history and beyond
Human history into Collective and Individual Consciousness.
What IS, IS,
but What IS Not longs to Become What IS.
The problem is that Humanity, as the Humanity of the Collective Consciousness and the
Collective Unconsciousness,
is not capable of Observing the 'What Is' as What Is'
and the 'What IS NOT' as 'What IS NOT'.
Humanity confuses Non-reality with Reality because Humanity has entered into
and Become One with the Non-reality it has Created.
Humanity is One with its Creation.
The Collective Self of Humanity and consequently the Collective Consciousness,
has Obliterated Reality and so has Obliterated Immortality by Creating Mortality.
Its all through the Choice of Consciousness.
The Duality of Existence is acted out in the action of Consciousness Choosing.
This Duality of Existence, expressed in the Action of Choosing,
continues in all of Creation,
the result of a Choosing Consciousness.

That which is Mortal longs to Become Immortal.
Consciousness Perceives that to Become Immortal is to Become God,
or better yet,
to Become God is to Become Immortal.
Because Immortality is Non-existent in Creation,
God is Created in, for, and through, Creation,
that Humanity can Become Immortal through Becoming God.
Humanity therefore, strives to Become God,
to Become the Perfection of God,
that through Becoming God,
Humanity thus defeats and conquers Death.
Humanity Creates, and therefore Possess God.
Humanity Possess God and thereby Possesses Immortality.
God is Created to Exist in Creation as Access to Inaccessible Immortality.

The basic emotion--Fear,
The Fear is Fear of Mortality,
----Fear is Fear of Non-existence.
Yet, Non-existence is the Choice of the Collective Consciousness.
The Collective Consciousness Believes that it can overcome Mortality.
The Collective Consciousness believes in its Power to conquer Death
by Creating God.
The formula for overcoming Death is for God to Become Humanity,
that Humanity can, then, Become God.
Creating God, Creates the God-Power to Defeat and conquer Death
thereby winning Immortality.

The attribute of God most longed for is Immortality.
Power is at the root of Becoming God.
Attaining Power is confused with Attaining God.
Power is Desire in the action of Becoming God.
Humanity Perceives Power as the Essential Energy necessary to Becoming God.
God is all about the Power of Becoming Immortal.
Immortality is all about Power bringing about God.
The greatest Power is in the claim of Possessing God.
Who Possesses God?
-----for who Possesses God, possesses the Power to overcome Death.

There is struggle then, between Power and Death,
between God and Mortality.
between holy and evil,
between good and bad,
between Male and Female,
between christian and heretic,
between and crusader and infidel
between citizen and refugee,
 This struggle is the struggle for Survival.
This struggle is for Power to Possess God
to overcome Death.
In a struggle for Power, there is gain and there is loss.
The struggle for Power is therefore competitive.
Some win, some lose.
Humanity is Competitive.
Humanity struggles for Power.
Some win.
Some lose.
Power is gained through Destruction.
One Cell of Consciousness will gain when another Cell loses.
One Human will gain as one Human loses.

Power is Created through Destruction.
 Contrary to popular opinion, Creation is the action of Destruction and Obliteration.
Creation is for the purpose of accessing Power.
Power is Accessed through Destruction.
The Choosing Self of Consciousness Destroys and Obliterates Reality through the act
of Creating.
Creating provides an alternate Existence to the Existence of Reality.
In other words, Creation Destroys through Obliteration,
 the Existence of Reality for those Cells of Consciousness that so Choose
to Exist within the Self.
Existing within the Self is Existing in the Creation of an Image or a Non-existent

The cause is the Fear of Mortality.
The quest of Humanity was and is, Immortality.
But not Immortality for everyone.
Immortality is Perceived as that which must be gained.
Some will gain Immortality and some will not.
Are we not a Competitive people?
And have we not always been so?
Why do we struggle to win?
Is winning not about Power?
Does the winner not gain Power over the loser?
And does the loser not lose Power to the winner?
Is not one diminished to a lesser status and one not elevated over and above the loser?
Is not Power the Essence of Humanity?
----A loss of Power, ----a loss of Essence?
----Is not a loss of Essence, a loss of Energy?
----And is not loss of Energy, loss of life?
Just how life-giving is civilization?
Is every step and level of civilization, not a step closer to annihilation?
Does civilization not grow out of Fear of Non-survival, of Non-existence?
The less we struggle for survival against nature,
the more we struggle for survival against ourselves.
And so, Civilization.
In Civilization we Desire The Land.
We desire to Possess The Land.
We Desire to Possess ALL The Land.
The Land must belong to the Self,
and all that is not the Self must be eliminated until only Self remains.
In The Land, Self will Destroy All that is not Self, for only Self can remain on The Land.
Only Self can Inherit from the Created God,
 for God too, will Destroy All that is not The Self of Sonship
 until there remains no Feminine, or no Pagan, or no Infidel,
or no Refugee in All The Land.
The Land is Possessed through Destruction.
The Land is Possessed through Destruction of All those that have been made weak
through slavery, abuse, discrimination, injustice, and abuse,
all those deprived of Identity as Human,
All those who are Sub-human or Non-human, that the Self can be sovereign,
supreme and Heir to God in Sonship.

In Civilization we Create the God Who Creates Sons out of Amoeba and
disposes of all weakness and contaminates that the Self can be made Pure and
free from Sin.
for it is Perceived that where there is no Sin, there is Immortality.
However, it is Observed that in Reality, Sin does not Exist because Reality
is the Entity of the Singular Self Observed as Self by the Entity of the Singular Other
as Observed, Witnessed, and Validated as Other in Otherness by Self
We Create weakness (Feminine) that Sons of Power can Exist (Masculine).
And so through our God the Feminine Sub-human exists in Sin that Masculine Human
can claim Son-ship in Goodness and Holiness.
In holiness, the Sons of God claim their inheritance as Possessors and Rulers of all
We need Power and this means Power in Other is a threat to Power in Self.
The more we depart the Wilderness
the more we Create.
The more we Create the more we Divide and Sub-divide.
The more we Sub-divide the closer we come to Non-existence.
Civilization is acquired Division.
The more Division, the more Civilized.
Existence Exists and Non-exists.
Humanity Exists and Non-exists.
Such is the Power of the Choosing Consciousness.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Post #378 "Overcoming Mortality" 2018

What Exists, IS
What IS does not Dream or Image.
What IS does not Create.
Existence is the Duality of  What IS and What IS NOT.
Existence is Duality of the 'IS' of Reality and the ISN'T of Non-reality.
What IS Exists.
What ISN'T Exists.
---so that 'what ISN'T,' IS, --- as Non-existent Existence
in the Duality of Existence.

Consciousness in the Duality of Existence IS and ISN'T.
Consciousness is Awareness.
Consciousness is Aware of the Duality of Existence.
Consciousness is Aware of the Duality of Consciousness.
Consciousness is Aware that Consciousness, through the Duality of Existence, has Choice.
Thereby Consciousness, as Existence, has Choice, to Exist in the Reality of Existence
to Exist in the Non-reality of Existence.
Consciousness not Choosing to Choose, Exists.
 Consciousness in Action, Consciousness in Motion, Consciousness Dreaming,
Chooses to Choose,
and thereby Non-exists.

Consciousness in the Motion of Choosing, Chooses Non-reality, meaning Consciousness Chooses to Exist in What Does Not Exist.
 Consciousness in Contemplation
   Observes, Witnesses, and Validates the Singularity of Self and the
Singularity of Other,
and thereby Chooses Reality
and Existence as Reality in Reality.
Existing Consciousness and consequently, Humanity Choosing Reality,
Exist in the Singularity of Self in Observation of the Singularity of Other
and in the Singularity of Other in Observation of Self.
Self and Other in Observation, Observes Entity of Self and Other,
and in the Observation of Entity,
Observes the Immortality of the Self in Observation of the Other.
The Self of Consciousness and the Self of Humanity thereby Exist in the Reality
of Reality
That Self of Consciousness and thereby of Humanity, Emerges from the Collective Consciousness
into the Singularity of Self in Observation of the Singularity of Other.
Consciousness Choosing to Not Choose, to not Create,
is Consciousness not in Action or Movement,
but is Consciousness in the Stillness of Singularity of Entity of Self and in the
Stillness of Singularity of Entity of Other..
The Consciousness Choosing to Accept Existence, to Accept 'What IS', Contemplates
the Reality of Reality.
Consciousness not in Action of Choosing to Choose, Contemplates the 'What IS'.
'What IS', IS Reality.
'What IS' is the Reality of Existence.

Consciousness in Duality of Existence is Aware of What IS.
Consciousness in Duality of Existence is also Aware of What ISN'T.
Consciousness is Aware of 'What IS', therefore Consciousness is Aware of the Reality of Existence.
Consciousness is also Aware of 'what ISN'T',
therefore Consciousness is Aware of the Non-reality
of Existence, or in other words, Consciousness is Aware that Non-existence Exists.
Existence, through Consciousness, acknowledges the Existence and Non-existence
of Existence.

Consciousness acknowledges the Existence and the Non-existence of Existence.
---therefore, Consciousness has the ability to Choose.
Consciousness Chooses its Existence in the Reality of 'What IS' or
in the Non-reality of 'What IS NOT'.
In the ability of Choice, Consciousness including Humanity, sets its Duality
 giving birth to Division.
Through the Choice, Consciousness will Be Entity or will Become a Whole
through Division into many Parts and Pieces

The ability to Choose lies within the Consciousness of Consciousness.
Thereby Consciousness Chooses to Choose, OR, Consciousness Chooses not to Choose.
Consciousness Chooses Action or Non-action (Acceptance and Peace).
Consciousness Choosing Action is Consciousness in Action,
churning and pulsating into the Frenetic Chaos of the Void of Nothingness.
-----into the Void of Pre-creation.
----into the Energy that emerges into the Action of Creating,
through the Action of Dreaming Existence,
 outside or beyond Existence, itself

What does Consciousness do?----
Consciousness CHOOSES.
Consciousness in Action is Consciousness Choosing.
The Action of Consciousness Choosing is what we know as Energy.
Consciousness Choosing Creates Energy.
Frenetic Chaos in the Abyss of Nothingness is the Action of Consciousness Choosing.
Consciousness Choosing is the Energy of Creating.
Consciousness Choosing is the Energy that produces Heat;
the Heat that under Energy and Pressure forms Water,
 Heat and Water, under the Pressures of Consciousness Choosing, produce the Elementary Particles
that make-up the Substance of Creation.
The Elementary Particles form under the extreme pressures resulting from the Fear
of Consciousness resulting from loss of Entity to loss of Immortality that mark the timelines of Creation.

Entity Exists in Reality of Existence.
In the Non-reality of Existence there is no Entity.
Entity is replaced with 'Whole'.
The difference between Entity and 'Whole is that 'Whole' is made up of cells of it-Self
as Non-reality results from and is Division.
'Whole' is a summation of parts and pieces of that which cannot become or maintain
Creation is a Whole that is made up of the parts and pieces that are 'Created'.
There is no Entity in Creation.
There is no Entity in Creation means that Creation cannot become or maintain Entity.
No matter what effort, Creation including Humanity cannot become or maintain Entity.
Creation is Image.
Image is non-sustainable.
Creation is the Process of Division.
Creation does not mean to 'bring into existence', but means to Divide.
Creation Divides!
Creation Non-exists!
Creation begins and Creation ends!

The Collective Choice of Consciousness is to Eliminate all that is not contained in Self and Selfness
by Eliminating all that is Other (Other than Self).
What Consciousness Chooses is to Exist in the Reality of Reality,
 or to not Exist in the Reality of Non-existence.
So, Consciousness IS, meaning Consciousness Exists in Existence
Consciousness IS NOT, meaning Consciousness Chooses to Exist in Non-existence.
Consciousness in Existence IS.
Consciousness in Non-existence ISN'T.
Consciousness, as Existence, is Duality of Who IS and of Who IS NOT.

Consciousness in Existence is Existence in the Reality of Existence.
Consciousness in the Reality of Existence, IS.
When Consciousness IS, Consciousness has no need to Create a Non-existent Existence in Reality,
 as there is no need to Create Time, to Create Place, or to Create Substance.
Existence in the Reality of Existence is BEING.
Existence in the Non-reality of Existence is BECOMING.
'Becoming' is the Dream of Existence in the Non-reality of Dreaming
or in the Non-reality of Creating Image.
Consciousness Creates the Dream and enters into the Dream,
thereby BECOMING as Non-existent as Creation.
In the Dream, in the Image,
Reality is lost,
Reality cannot Exist.

Basically, in the Dream, in the Image, there can be no Singular Other
because Self cannot Observe, Witness, or Validate what has been Obliterated.
Where there is no Other,
there is no Self.
Self has entered the Dream of Existence within the Self.
Other Exists in the Dream, in Creation, only in the Self and not in the Singularity
of Otherness.
The Other in Creation is the Other Created from the Self as the Other-of-Self.
Self Creating Other-than- Self is Self Creating Evil that Self can claim
Brotherhood or Sonship with the God if its Creation.

Consciousness in Non-existence is Existence in the Non-reality of Existence.
Consciousness in the Non-reality of Existence IS NOT
because Consciousness in Non-existence Dreams of BECOMING.
The Dream of BECOMING Creates,
Creating is the action of Imaging.
Non-existence Exists in the Non-reality of Dreaming and Imaging.
When Consciousness enters and Exists in its Creation, in its Dream, in its Image,
Consciousness Becomes One with its Creation.
As Creation is Image, Consciousness becomes Image in the Creation of Creation.
Consciousness becoming One with Creation brings about Humanity.
Humanity therefore is Duality of Reality and Non-reality.
Humanity, as Cell of Consciousness in Creation, has as Consciousness has, the ability to Choose Existence.
Humanity Chooses Reality or the Non-reality, the Dream, the Image,---Creation.
Consciousness Dreams Humanity.
Humanity Dreams Creation.
Creation Dreams Time, Place, and Substance.
Consciousness, as Humanity, enters the Dream of Creation and Becomes One with the Dream.

Consciousness Created God that Humanity could Dream of 'Becoming',
-----that Humanity could Dream of Imaging.
But----God was not Created out of 'Other' or 'Otherness'.
God was Created out of Self,
 that Self could claim Oneness out of its brokenness,
---that through Oneness, Humanity could claim Entity,
----that through Entity, Humanity could claim Immortality.

How else could Humanity rid it-self of the self-inflicted Mortality
if not through Becoming God?

The Action of Choosing is the Action of Dividing.
The Choosing Consciousness cannot not Choose.
The Choosing Consciousness cannot not hold Wholeness 
and cannot control the Action of Dividing.
The Dividing Consciousness Divides down to the Existence of Nothing.
Nothing therefore Exists as Non-existence Exists. 
As Choosing causes Division,
Division causes Fear.
And in that Fear,
Consciousness, expressed in Humanity, Creates its own Existence.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Post #377 "The Power of Choice, 2018"

Humanity is a Whole made up of individual 'Selves'.
At the basis, Humanity predominantly functions out of the Self over functioning out
of the Whole.
Humanity functions out of the Self of Consciousness,
the Whole therefore being subjected to the Self,
as in Self-interest over concern for the Whole.
Humanity functioning out of the Self Creates the Other-than-Self by pitting each part and piece against each part and piece,
 therefore pitting Self against the 'Whole' meaning against the whole of Humanity,
and as against the Whole of Creation.

As Existence is Duality,
Consciousness is Duality.
As Consciousness is Duality,
Humanity is Duality.
 Humanity, as Creation, Divides.
Humanity, in Time, through the process of Division, Divides down to 'Nothing' into the
'Nothingness' of Creation.

 Consciousness is unable to slow down or stop the Process of Division that makes up Creation
and, consequently, makes up Humanity as well.
The Process of Division best describes Creation and therefore, also describes Humanity.
Creation, as Humanity, is Dividing down to its own Non-existence.
Actually Consciousness, through the primary Choice to Create, or accept Reality,
Creates its own destruction.

 The Process of Division not only affects but also determines the way Creation and Humanity function.
Because Humanity is Duality Existing in Duality,
Humanity's purpose is Survival.
 Mortality therefore, is its single most important and defining characteristic.
All function of Humanity, therefore is for survival of Humanity.
Humanity's sole quest is Immortality.
The quest for Immortality is the root of religion and the resultant Creation of gods and God.
Humanity reasons that Immortality does not Exist in Creation so that the quest
must take place outside of Creation.
However, in not Choosing Reality, the quest for Immortality is frustrated in that Humanity
cannot penetrate its own Created walls and so is unable to find the Immortality
that only Exists in Reality.
Immortality is Reality and so does not Exist in the Dream of Becoming,
meaning, in the Dream that is Creation,
in the Dream that is Dream and not Reality.
Non-reality Exists in the Dream of Consciousness that always 'Becomes'
and never 'IS'.

In the search for Immortality, Humanity just extends the walls of Creation by
Imaging a 'Beyond'.
Humanity then Perceives that 'Beyond' as the abode of the gods or God
and so is a place to be attained in the quest for Immortality.
God is Created as the means to Immortality,
therefore it is Perceived that if one possesses God, one possesses Immortality
Immortality is the Dream on which all Dreams hinge.
Humanity as a Whole however does not understand that Immortality cannot Exist
when and where the Singular Other of Reality has been Obliterated.

What is Perceived as 'Beyond' does not Exist in Reality.
Creation as Dream of 'Beyond', of  'Becoming', is Perceived.
Reality as 'Being' is Observed.
The Perception of 'Beyond' only extends Creation that Humanity can penetrate its own
bounds into the Infinite and there outside of the Self of Consciousness, find Immortality.
the Consciousness of Humanity cannot accept Reality and so can never escape its own
determined and Created Non-reality because the Self Chooses to Obliterate Reality
through the Obliteration of the Singular Other that Observes, gives Witness to,
and Validates Self as Self in Selfness.
Because the Self cannot accept the Singular Other, the Self cannot accept it-Self.
The Self thereby Divides it-Self down in an accelerating process of Division that can
only end in a self-destructive Oneness that cannot allow any survival but its own,
best described as the tip of the symbolic Pyramid of Power.

What Consciousness Dreams, Consciousness Creates.
Consciousness does not Create Reality because Reality IS.
Consciousness only Creates the Dream.

Mortality is progressing movement into the abyss of 'Nothingness'.
More than anything, Humanity Fears being 'Nothing'.
In other words, Humanity Fears Extinction.
Mortality is a losing of the most Desired Dream of 'Immortality'.
Consciousness reacts to its Choice to Obliterate for it-Self, the Singular Other.
This Choice also Obliterates Reality for Reality cannot Exist in the Oneness of the Self,
but Exists in the Singularity of Self AND the Singularity of Other.
Humanity reacts to the Choice to Exist in a Created Existence with Fear of the loss of the
Immortality of Reality.
Humanity reacts its inability to Be Entity.
Entity and Immortality Do Not Exist in Creation,
yet Entity and Immortality make up the Reality of Existence.
No Entity and Mortality make up the Reality of the Existence of Non-reality,
---make up the Existence of 'Nothing'.
'Nothing' Exists.
The Great Fear is to Exist in the Existence of 'Nothing'.
Humanity knows this Fear.
Humanity knows this Fear and so life in Creation is All about Survival
and the Creation of the Dream.
Consciousness Feels and Consciousness reacts.
Consciousness reacts to Fear by striving to Survive.
Survival entails Reason----the 'How' to do it.
 Consciousness Feels and Consciousness Reasons,
Consciousness Feels and Reasons Survival.
Consciousness Creates.
If Consciousness reacts to the Choice to Obliterate the 'Other' of Reality for the
confinement of the Self within the Self,
 is the experience Felt or is the experience Reasoned?
It would seem that the 'Felt' Emotion would bring about a coping reaction of Reason.
Does Humanity not Reason its Emotions?
Would how Humanity copes with its Fear not be the Story of Humanity's Existence
in its own Dreamed Creation?

Consciousness Feels.
Humanity feels.
Humanity feels Fear.
Humanity emotionally, reacts to Mortality with the basic emotion of Fear.
Humanity's basic emotion is Fear.
 Fear is the Fear of Humanity of Non-existence.
Humanity Fears at the bases of all emotion, the Fear of Non-existing.
All emotions are based on and derived from Fear of Non-existence.
Fear propels Humanity's struggle for Survival.
Creation struggles to overcome Mortality.
Humanity struggles to overcome Mortality.
Humanity's struggle to survive is Energy.
Energy is movement.
Creation, including Humanity, is made up of the Energy of Fear itself.
Creation Exists because Consciousness Chooses to Obliterate the Singular Other
of Reality, thereby Obliterating the Singular Self of Reality, that thereby loses Entity,
that results in Mortality
as what is Created Exists only in the nothingness of a Dream of Becoming.

The more frenetic the movement, the more Energy.
Frenetic movement brings about the stuff of Creation.
Creation and especially Humanity, Moves against its Fear.
Movement intensifying is Power.
In a sense, the greater the Fear, the greater the movement, the more Power is Created.
In history, Power becomes the motivating force of life.
In history, what is Perceived as Power producing is coveted.
What is Perceive as threatening Power is Feared and Despised.
What is perceived as producing Power is sought after, admired, and Worshiped.

Humanity approaches Fear through the Self.
It is the Self that experiences Fear.
Even the Fear of the Whole comes down to the Self that experiences what the Whole
determines as threatening Survival.
Humanity is unable to act or experience as a Whole, excepting under pretense.
Pretense best serves the Self and the Self's struggle
Humanity is a Whole of Individuals struggling to Survive as Individuals within the 
protection of a Collective.
Individuals struggling for Survival is the bases of Creation and, more pointedly, of Civilization.
Civilization is the cover for Individualism.

In Creation, progressing to Civilization, Humanity's struggle for Survival comes down
to Power,
Humanity struggles for Power in all ways, in all Time, and in all Places.
Humanity is Mortal.
Humanity Dreams of Immortality.
Humanity Perceives Power as the Essential to overcoming Mortality.
Humanity covets all that is Perceived as Power or a means to Power.
Humanity seeks to Obliterate all that is Perceived as a threat or threatening Power.
The Self of Humanity Perceives the Other of Humanity as a Source of Power
and as a threat to Power.
Those Perceived as 'Other' that are perceived as a source of Power are coveted
for their Power.
Those Perceived as 'Other' that are Perceived as a threat to Power and power sources
are Perceived as 'Enemy', to be Obliterated
From the Essentials of Power,
Humanity Creates a Power Structure it cannot escape
This power structure is the Process of Division that Creates and governs Creation
and therefore Humanity.
Humanity is the only element of Creation capable of governing through Consciousness
this process, this Perception, this Untruth.
Humanity is the only element of Creation that can Dream this Dream.
All of Creation outside of Humanity therefore Exists in the Dream of Humanity.
All of Creation outside of Humanity is the result, not the cause of Humanity's Dream.
Creation, therefore, imitates and serves Humanity.
Humanity has always sought to take Power away from and out of Creation.
Creation provided the Place and the Substance for Humanity to Create.
The Consciousness of Humanity Created Time that when the Image faded or
fades, Time will once again restore the chance for Humanity to try once again to
Become the reality of the Dream.
However, at every level and layer of Time, the parts and pieces of Humanity,
of Creation, and of Time itself, Become smaller and smaller until
totally losing Power (Energy) fade away in to the Nothingness of a
Dreamed Existence.
Humanity therefore Creates Power systems to allow for the element of Time.
These systems are systems of Division that begin by including the Whole.
The Whole is, of course, made up of parts and pieces, of

like cells that function out of the Whole, and more so,
function out of the Self.
As survival becomes more threatened, the Self will preserve itself at the expense of the
This illustrates that Humanity can never achieve the Entity of Immortality,
----that Humanity and its Dream of Creation can never survive itself.
Power begins as a Whole that Divides down into layers and levels of Power
through Place and Time.
Each Layer and each level Obliterates parts and Pieces that were once sources of Power
that have become drained of the Essence of their Power by those who are gaining
as in Power being sucked out of,
as in Power being wrenched from,
as in Power being drained from,
as in Power being connived out of,
all Creating in Humanity an Elite through eliminating those they have been deprived of
their inherent Power.

Basically, its a Choice.
----an Individual Choice.
Each Self has the Choice of Existence as Existence is Duality.
Each Self Chooses between Reality and Non-reality.
Each Self Chooses for it-Self and this Choice cannot be denied.
As Humanity, each Self is caught up into the general consensus to Create,
but those Choosing to Exist in the Reality of Existence can and must Emerge
from the Whole.
It is not a case of Survival but a case of Choice that Unfolds to each Self so Choosing.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Post #376 "Brutality"

Brutality is deeply hidden within the Self that has Obliterated the Other from Existence.
Without Other, Self cannot be Observed as Self in Singularity of Selfness.
Without Other, Self cannot give Witness to its Singularity of Entity.
Without Other, Self cannot Validate within itself the Singularity of Immortality.

There is no Brutality in Reality because of the Singularity of Self and the
Singularity of Other,
therefore in Reality, there Exists Entity
and in Entity, there Exists Immortality.
Reality cannot Divide down to Nothingness.

Brutality Exists in Division.
Division is the Process of Becoming Creation.
Meaning Creation Exists as Existence Divides down into Reality and Non-reality.
Existence is the Existence of Reality and the Non-reality we know as Creation.
Humanity as the Consciousness of Existence Exists in Reality and in Nothingness
through the action of Choosing.
Humanity as the Consciousness of Existence,
 Exists or Non-exists through its Choice of Existence.
Existence Divides down into Reality and Nothingness,
or Reality and Non-reality..
In Creation, in the Nothingness, in the Self Obliterating Other,
Brutality Exists

Brutality is what Self does to Self as Self retreats from Reality and enters the Existence of
Self within Self.
The Self within Self is the Self that Creates its Existence out of its Dreams.
This Self within Self has lost Reality and with the loss of Reality comes the loss of
This Self within Self cannot stop the Process of Division that marks Nothingness.
The Dreams of Nothingness are Image.
Image is not sustainable.
Images come.
Images go.
Creation, as Image of Reality, comes and goes.
Image, as Creation, cannot sustain itself because it Exists within it-SELF.
Self in Self,
Self in Nothing,
 cannot sustain.

This Self cannot hold this Self in reality but only in Image
because Image cannot be Observed by the Singular Self that IS Self,
 as Self,
is Observed and Witnessed as Self
in the Reality of the Singular, Immortal, Entity of Other
that is Observed and Witnessed as Other
 in the Singular, Immortal, Entity of Otherness.

Self within Self is Self of Creation.
This Self Exists not in Reality but in the Image of its own Dream.
The Dream is a Dream!
The Dream is a Dream of 'BECOMING'.
A Dream of 'Becoming' is not a Dream of the Reality of 'WHAT IS' .

So, how does the Self of Consciousness that Chooses to Create, FEEL?
How does Dreaming Humanity FEEL?
Humanity has been Dreaming its Existence for all the layers and levels of history
through which its has passed.
Humanity, as does Creation,
is certainly Aware of its nebulous and
Humanity, as Creation, is certainly Aware of its Passing,
-------its Passing from Dream into Nothingness,
no matter the efforts and promises of all the religions and all the sciences
ever Created through which we seek our Survival from our-Self.

How do we express our Fears of the Dream we have Created?
How many 'Self Help' Programs do we Create as  way out of the Dream?
How do we manifest this underlying basic frustration that progresses
through the Created element of Time?
We Become the Brutality we have Created in the Womb of our own Existence
without the Reality of Self Observing  Other and Other Observing Self
and from here, determining Selfness from Otherness in Entity.
In Entity!
---not in Division!
Self in Self Divides Self.
Self in Self Becomes Brutal!
Self in Self is confused with Survival and Obliteration.
In Self and Self alone,
------which predominates?
Which will win out in the Wars of Self against Self?
Can Self Compete against Self?
And yet we do!
Can Self win against Self without Losing Self?
Which Self will Obliterate which Self,
 as Self Dividers it-Self over and over again,
-----all the way down to---------Nothingness.
to the Nothingness sceince picks up as in the Beginning
when atoms under the forces of Nothingness Divide down under the stresses
and the Brutality of a history of Nothing.

It is happening more and more frequently as Time forces Division to work against Division,
as the Process of Division accelerates towards its
finality, as every Atom Divides down to the Nothingness that birthed
the Images of the Nothingness,
we call Creation.
The Brutality of the Division of Creation is Observable in the Brutality of our need to Obliterate.
It is Observable in the Brutality of our struggles for Survival.
But its all a Dream and in our Dream, we cannot Observe.
In our Dream, we only Perceive what we Dream we will Become.
But, as we Dream our Dream of Becoming,
we Become more Brutal.
We Become more Violent.
We take the Essence of life from those parts and pieces of ourselves that
we Perceive as Other that we may, not only Obliterate,
but treat to the most inhuman BRUTALITY.

Why do we treat those parts and pieces of Humanity with BRUTALITY?
The answer becomes Obvious:
Those parts and pieces of Humanity must be DE-humanized that those of Power
can Eliminate them without contaminating the word 'HUMAN'.
If Humanity can be removed from Humanity by Humanity,
Humanity should Feel no Pain,
then Humanity should Feel no guilt.
And if Humanity strives against Humanity,
If Humanity is capable of Obliterating itself
and is capable of Brutality against itself,
Is Humanity then, not the cause of its Mortality?

Does Humanity not Hate it-Self for its affinity to not only Obliterate itself
but to Brutalize itself?
----to inflict suffering on itself and Create for itself torture,
 so complete that it could only Exist in the depths of the Self?
----in the depths of the Self of Consciousness
---that Self of Consciousness, that was, and is,
Aware of the Existence of Reality and the ability of Consciousness
to Choose that Reality or that Dream of Becoming.

How does Consciousness Choose to Create and Exist in that Dreamed, Created Existence?
How does it Feel?
Does it feel? 
I suspect it does.
Underneath all we Perceive we are and all we Perceive we have accomplished,
We Feel.
What do we Feel?
Is it that striving for a Unattainable Perfection?
Is it a frustrated longing for Wealth,
for Identity,
for the Power to Rule so as not to be Ruled?
---to de-humanize so as not to be de-humanized?

It all must have to do with dehumanizing.
And how do we DE-Humanize?
We DE-Humanize through Brutality.
We seem not to realize that those who are Brutal,
therefore have Obliterated
 not only that 'Otherness' they have remove from Humanity, but from their own Humanity,
----their own Humanity that has Destroyed their own Duality of Selfness and Otherness.
A Self that Obliterates and then needs to Brutalize that destruction of the Self of
---that DE-Humanizes the Self,
 for Self cannot be Self if not
Observed as Self,
and Witnessed as Self,
and then, Validated as Self,
 in the Selfness of the Self,
 in the Imaging of Duality in Duality.

No one who is Human could bring down the De-humanizing force of Brutality,
or of Violence,
or could, in any way, deprive any part or any piece of Humanity of their
Right to Choose,
without Dehumanizing the Self.
The Right to Choose is the Right to Exist in the Essence of Being Human
Consciousness Chooses.
We Exist in the Reality or Non-reality of that Choice.
There is no Division in Reality.
There is no loss of Entity.
There is no loss of Immortality.

Creation is the Process of Division.
There is no Entity in Creation
as Creation is a Whole that cannot stop the Process of Division
and always ends up a Whole Divided by its parts and pieces that are themselves
Divisions of Self and Otherness
that is not satisfied with Obliteration
but has Become the most Brutalizing Expressions of Power Creating Weakness
that has ever been Dreamed.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Post #375 "How Far From Reality? 2018"

What Divides our Created Existence from the Existence of Reality?
How many layers and levels of Perception are we really under?
How many Dreams?
and whose Dreams are they?
On how many Images do we attempt to find Survival? 
The thought of being under layers and levels of perceptions, alone feels heavy 
and cumbersome.
It feels oppressive.
It Creates victims who feel trapped and are trapped.
We have picked up and Exist on Dreams from the Past.
We don't even known how accurately they are remembered
or if they ever occurred  in the confusion we know as history.

 The Collective Remembrance updates and reflects the Collective Consensus at each level of history.
Consciousness Exists in the Timelessness of Existence,
consequently the Collective Memory is
not limited by Time
and is able to access the totality of stored information
and is included in the Collective Consensus.
Consciousness at each level adopts and adapts to the accumulated Perceptions of what
has Become its Past,
and to this Past, it adds its own present Perceptions
and to these its Dreams of the Future,
therefore we are affected by our expectations-------by our Dreams.
-------Each Dream struggles to Become Reality,
------each Dream of today, becomes our tomorrow.
Our life today already Existed in the Awareness of Consciousness
as it pondered the Choice
that determined its Existence in the Reality of Reality
 or in the Non-reality of its own Dreams,
as its work, its Creation,
Began to unfold at the first tick of Time
in the Abyss of Nothingness.

At each level there is an adjustment to the Dream, and hence,
to the struggle for Survival, than at the 'former Age' just passed or at the preceding level.
The Collective Consciousness has its altering current Dream but more so,
the same basic Dream on which all Dreams are built, since Consciousness became Aware.

The same basic Dream is the Dream of Immortality.
No matter how many levels have covered over, the original Dream,
the Dream of Consciousness,
the Dream to Create,
remains the same.
This Dream of Immortality is at the base of all we Dream, all we think, all
we do, and especially, all that we are.
The expressions of the Dream varies with all the Divisions of Creation and
as Time progresses, Becomes confused and hidden and mixed in with our Perceptions
of 'Good' and 'Bad' and
'Holy' and 'Sinful'.
However, each level through the process of Division, confuses the Dream
that becomes more and more confused as Time ticks on to its end.
Today, that original Dream has become so fragmented that Fear of Mortality
Exists in every aspect of Existence, only Perceived through abuse, slavery,
murder, and on and on, that allows the 'Self of Humanity' to imprison and
deprive the 'Other of Humanity' of its Identity as Human.
---as though through such malicious treatment of Other-than-Self,
we justify our Right to Rule,
we justify our Right to Supremacy,
we justify our Right to whatever we can claim through Inheritance,
through Inheritance that eliminates any Other-than-Self from any claims to any Rights.
---- All to allow and encourage the Adoration, the Worship, the raising to the status of
Godhead, that which is Evil.

The Dream Divides down as the parts and pieces of the Collective realize the
failure or realization of the Dream.
The Dream of each part and each piece is to somehow reach the pinnacle of the
symbolic pyramid of Power.
The Perception is that only here, is Survival.
The Perception is that only here, is Immortality.
The Perception is, that as God alone is Supreme and Sovereign in Rule Over All,
so is the One Surviving at the top of the Pyramid,----------ONE Over ALL.

The layers and levels of Perceptions we Exist under are certainly of our own making 
but more so of inherited Fears that take on so many different faces and facets.
Each Fear expresses itself in a Dream to Become the opposite in the hopes of removing
the Fear.
At every Fear and threat of Mortality, Consciousness Divides.
Consciousness Divides at accelerating rates as Fear manifests itself at every opportunity
As Time moves on its course of Dividing down to Extinction, the burden seems to become
heavier and more difficult to carry.
Our Existence, then, is an accumulation of the Perceptions of The Ages,
and on top of these, we add our own.
We Fear our Perceptions.
We live within our Perceptions, Creating new non-realities.

So, there are no more prevailing and determining Perceptions in the Collective Remembrance,
 than those formed by and through religion.
Religion's Perceptions remain in the Collect Memory unable to adjust to the accumulating
Perceptions that develope as the goal of Existence Becomes more frustrated.
To some, religion has been tried and found lacking in fulfilling the Promise of
Science proves itself through what is able to  be Witnessed.
Religion is unable to provide current Witness to its claims and so begins to feel
unreliable to today's cultures.
What science provides through Witness,
nullifies religion's claim to an unwitnessable theology of the Promise of Immortality
 to a generation that demands proof.

So------is it possible to Perceive freely or do our Perceptions simply rework
accumulated Perceptions?
Now it would seem that each Perception Creates its Image.
It would be impossible to count the myriad Images that have Existed and been worked over 
and over throughout history.
How can we separate out how we personally feel, think, act, or react?
Could we, if we had the chance, come up with our own, uninfluenced Perception
of who we are and what we are to do?
Could we, then, distinguish who we are from who we want to Be?
Maybe we would not be who we are if we could be unfettered from the suffocation 
of so many Perceptions that form the Images of our Existence.

Can we return to the Consciousness that Imaged it-Self into the Creation of Humanity?
Would not Humanity be present in its original form,
 all the way to its culmination of what Humanity has Become in its finality?
Would not Humanity be present in its 'Fullness'?
Would the 'fullness' of Humanity not be present to Consciousness before the Creation
of Time?
Would Time not be subservient to the Dream of Consciousness?
Would not Humanity, over all else of Creation, not be 'The Purpose of Creation'
in the First Place
-------in the Choice of Consciousness to Create?
Would it not be in Humanity that Consciousness placed its Dream for Immortality?
Will it not be in Humanity,
that the Dream of Consciousness fails,
as Humanity does everything possible to prevent its own Immortality?

How possible is it that Humanity could ever confront its own
attraction to Mortality?
How possible is it that Humanity could ever realize that it is not capable
of Observing,
that we are Existing in the Non-reality of our own Dream?
Who can realize that we Exist in Image,
from Image, from Image, from Image,
from Image, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>!?
Can we return to the Pre-creation and Pre-choice Awareness of the Duality of
Can we grasp that what we have Created is Image and that we Exist in that Image?
In the Awareness of the Duality,
can we grasp, that as Consciousness, we have Collectively
Chosen to Create our Existence?
Can we grasp that as Humanity we are caught up into the Whole of a Dividing
Consciousness that is also caught up into the Duality of Existence?
Can we not remember that each of us as a part or a piece of Humanity is a cell of
that Humanity and that each of us is Free to Choose Individually our
Are we not Aware that not All parts and pieces of the Humanity of the Collective Consciousness
has Chosen to Create?
--------that there are a few parts and pieces that Choose to Exist in the Reality of 'Being',
that Choose to Exist in Reality?
------that are, even now,
merging into the Singularity of Self
as that Self emerges out of the womb of the Collective Consciousness,
and that that Singular Self Observes, Witnesses, and Validates the Singularity of Other?
-----And in Other Observes the encompassing Reality of Being,
 that has no knowledge of Image,
or Imaging,
or 'Becoming' that which it IS NOT.
This is the Singular Self that Exists in Observation of Singular Other
in the Entity
of Immortality.

Can we again, as Consciousness, be Aware of Reality and Creation?
We as Consciousness, Exist in the Duality of Existence,
and because of this Duality,
The Choice causes Consciousness to Divide,
therefore Consciousness, as Existence itself, is Duality.
Consciousness can Choose!

Could we again experience the Awareness of Consciousness to the Duality 
of Existence it-Self?
--------and if we did, would we again stand at the emptiness of our Self,
in the throbbing emptiness of an expectant Existence awaiting our Choice?
----------now, let's reword this.
-------and if I did, would I again stand at the emptiness of Self, in the 
throbbing emptiness of the Duality of Existence that awaits my Choice?

Do I Perceive that expectant emptiness as emptiness,
or do I Observe that expectant emptiness 
as the fullness of 
a Reality that is far beyond my ability to grasp?

All Existence Awaits my Choice.
Do I Observe?
Do I Perceive
----do I Observe the Created Existence of Perception and Image made up by the 
uncountable parts and pieces of my-Self?

The Self that Chooses to Exist in Reality, moves backwards through Time,
confronting the Collective Perception of Humanity in that Time and Place.
That basic Fear,
the Fear of Mortality,
 is indeed basic to who we are, to what we do,
and to what we determine to be our goal.
We Fear Mortality and so we claw our way to Survival.
But in the entire history of Created Existence,
Mortality has not been overcome,
no matter the efforts of religion and science.

The story of Humanity is the story of the struggle to Survival
through the Creation of Mortality
------the Creation of Death!
We Kill to stay Alive.
We Compete for Existence.
We cannot escape Competition.
The struggle for Survival has made humanity Competitors,
no matter what form the Competition takes.
Competition is the act of (in some way) wiping out or 'beating' or removing what is
seen as the enemy to be destroyed.
We Compete because anything besides Self takes Essence from Self,
from Creation.
The Essence in Creation, in Humanity is POWER.
We Perceive the need of Power for Survival,
thus Self Perceives the need to gather all Essence into it-Self as protection
against the loss of its Power, the loss of the Essence of the it-Self.
Thus in Humanity, All Becomes Other,
that All Other can be removed and no longer be a threat to Survival of The One.

We Compete because we have no moral code.
In a world of Competition, there is no Right and Wrong.
Right is Survival,----by any means,
whatever aids the Survival of the Self is Right.
Whatever frustrates the Survival of Self is Wrong.
We live in an Existence that has no Idea of what is Truth.
Our Existence is Lie on top of Lie on top of Lie.
Children are very seldom taught, anymore,
not to Lie.

Competition is about winning and that's all that counts.
Competition takes the Self of Humanity and Divides the Self into Self and
Other-than-Self that Competition can declare one better than the Other.
Which ever Wins is Self and what ever loses is Other.
In Winning, Self takes Essence of Selfness from Other, Other, here is the Losing side
of Self, and accesses the Essence into it-Self that it-Self grows in Power,
the Power of Survival.

How far from Reality?
A Choice away!