Saturday, April 21, 2018

Post #363, "The Duality of Existence, 2018"

Existence is Duality
Duality in action is Choice.
In Duality Consciousness Chooses Existence.
Consciousness Chooses 'To 'Be' or 'Not to Be'.
Consciousness Chooses Existence of Reality or Existence of Creation. 
 Consciousness Chooses to 'Be' or to 'Become'. 
In Choosing to 'Become', Consciousness Becomes Creator.
Consciousness in Reality Is Self in Singularity of Self and Other
or Consciousness in Non-reality is Dichotomy of Self in Self.
Self cannot access the Reality of Self without the Reality of Other.
Self cannot BE Self without Other BEING Other.

Existence is Duality,
In Duality, Existence Becomes Dichotomy through Choice of Consciousness.
The Self of Consciousness that Chooses Singularity of Self and Singularity of Other,
Chooses Reality.
Existence in Reality is not Duality and so, is not a Dichotomy.
Without Duality there is no Mortality.
Without Mortality there is no Dichotomy.
Death Exists in Division.

Reality 'IS' does not Choose or Dream because 'IS' fully Exists.
Existence is Dichotomy because in Creation, Dichotomy destroys Immortality.
Immortality Exists in the Reality of Entity.
Division is the Dichotomous opposite of Entity.
Entity is the Existence in Reality,
 of the Singularity of Self and the Singularity of Other.
Self in Reality therefore is Singular Entity.
Other in Reality therefore is Singular Entity.
In Reality, Singular Self Observes, Witnesses, and Validates Singular Other as Other
than Self.
In Reality, Singular Other Observes, Witnesses, and Validates Singular Self as Self
in Selfness.
Self cannot be Self without Other in the Singularity of Entity and Immortality.
Division begins the Process of Elimination that is Consciousness in Division of itself.
Self seeks to eliminate all that it Perceives as Other,
for Creation is the Perception of Being.
Not as 'Being' but as Imagined---------Imaged.

The Self of Consciousness that Chooses Existence eliminates Singularity of Other
and Otherness.
When Singularity is eliminated, Entity is eliminated, Mortality replaces Immortality
as Division terminates The Self.
The Self Divides into smaller and smaller parts and pieces of it-Self
until Self of Consciousness just fades away into the Nothingness of Pre-creation.
So, Self Survival is the purpose of Creation.

The Consciousness that Creates, Fears what it has Created.
This Creating Self of Consciousness Fears Mortality.
Mortality is Created and Exists only in the Dream of Becoming.
The Created Self therefore Fears the Mortality it has Created through its
Consciousness and Choice in the Duality of Existence.
Humanity therefore Fears the Mortality of its Self and its Creation.
In Creation, Humanity basically seeks Survival.
Survival becomes its 'buz' word for Immortality.
Humanity has no Real concept of Immortality.
Humanity cannot Observe Immortality and so struggles to Create Immortality
within its own Perceptions.
Humanity can only come as close to Perceiving Immortality through its Perception
of Immortality as Survival.
Humanity's Perceptions of Survival means overcoming the Process of Division.
The Fear cries out, "The Division must stop!
My Self-of-Self is killing my Self of Other-Than-Self as I cannot Observe myself
as Self.
I cannot stop the Division even within myself.
I cannot stop Dividing myself down until no more Self remains!"
Stopping Division is only in Perception.
The Perception occurs as Self Perceives Self as Entity of itself within itself.
and Creates Other out of itself.
Thereby Self Creates a Perception of Entity that does not Exist in Creation.
If Consciousness Chooses to Dream,
Consciousness Exists and Lives within its Dream.
If Consciousness Chooses to rebuke the Dream, and therefore, rebuke Non-reality,
Consciousness rebukes Existence in the Collective Consciousness
in which it has been caught up.
In Choosing, Consciousness continues the Duality of Existence in Reality and in

From the story of history, Consciousness Creates what does not Exist.
Consciousness Images, meaning Creates, what it Dreams of Becoming.
Consciousness Fears its Choice of Creation over Reality
because this Choice has resulted in Mortality over Immortality.
The Self of Consciousness, through Creation,
has Created the Process of Division,
that once begun will run its course to total annihilation,
thereby destroying itself and all Creation.

Our Story is the Story of this uncontrollable characteristic that defines Humanity.
The Collective Consciousness, in Choosing to Become,
 has rejected its own Singularity and the Singularity of Other in Reality.
This means that Self cannot accept Self as Self Is,
 because Self cannot accept Other
as Other Is.

Survival comes down to the One remaining.
Self will expand itself by converting more and more pieces of Other into Self.
Self then Purifies itself through elimination of all parts and pieces whose energy
becomes depleted, or turns liability.
Self turns more and more parts and pieces of Self into Other-than-Self to remove
from the Self all contaminants,
as in evil, as in sin,
or enemy, or infidel, or female.
All deserving to be annihilated,
 until no possibility of Other or Otherness remains.

This characteristic is apparent in our history of Competitiveness.
The history of the movement of Wilderness to Civilization is a story of Competition.
It comes down to what our culture Perceives as Power.
We do not understand Energy, and the conversion of substance into Energy.
---that all Possession converts back to Energy.
Energy is the Power of Existence.
Creation, especially Humanity, seeks, essentially, Power.
We Compete for Power of Survival
We see Power as the essence to Existence.
Power of Survival Becomes, in Nature, Competitive.
the One with most Power will Survive

We are Competitive,
Creation is Competitive.
Self Perceives Self in Self that annexes onto itself that which provides itself Energy.
Self seeks to provide Power to it-Self through Power that is not in itself.
Self seeks to ACCESS Power.
---and through any means!
In Creation, Competition to survival Creates Other.
Self seeks energy sources to grow its Power of Self.
Self will seek to annihilate energy sources that are or Become a liability,
------leaching its Power.
Self provides Power to Self through accessing and through eliminating
until All Energy resides in and is Possessed by the Self.
This is the story of the acquisition and elimination of Power.
This is the story of Creation.
This is the story of Humanity.

The story begins with a Oneness,
a cell of Consciousness that Exists in the Duality of Existence.
This means that each cell has Choice,
that each cell will expand itself to many of itself,
that will destroy itself until returning to the Oneness,
not as the Oneness that began,
but as the Oneness that purified itself to its Dream of Perfection,
thereby accessing Immortality.
It is the story of Humanity breaking apart itself to find within itself competition
with itself for survival.
For in Creation, all Other is derived from the Self.
Humanity seeks Immortality but seeks it through Death.
Death is the Death of Self.

One Self remaining is what the struggle for Survival is all about.
Entity is in Oneness.
All interfering with Self's Oneness, with Self's Survival,
 is 'Other'.
 Other, therefore is Self's enemy.
Other is Self's enemy because what is Other Possesses Energy that is Desired by Self.
Basically, Self Desires to Possess Other but not as 'Other'.
Self seeks to convert what is 'Other' into 'Self',
thereby enlarging Self and Self gorges on Other's Energy.
Self will access Other's Energy or Self will destroy 'Other' until only Self remains.
It becomes Perceived that Other is responsible for Self's Mortality.
If Other can be removed, Self will have Become Immortal
as Self's Image of itself is One.
So Self's God is One Self remaining after all that is Other is eliminating.
There can only be One God.
There can only be One Self remaining,
to claim the Oneness and therefore the
Immortality of God.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Post #362 "Divide to End, 2018"

It's a funny thing, 
but everything and anything to do with Other and Otherness,
we humans seek to destroy.
-----either through Possession or Obliteration.
Actually, whether through Possession or Obliteration,
it comes down to the same thing.
---Self seeks to Obliterate Other either by assimilation or by obliteration.
To take Possession of Other and Otherness is to destroy all that is not
 Self or of the Self.
As Existence is Duality,
to remove all that is not of the Self violates Existence itself.
The Choice to Create violates the Duality of Existence
because, as the Existence of Duality
is manifest in the Reality of the Singularity of Self and the Singularity of Other,
it is not manifested in dependency of the Divided Self on itself.
Self Divided into Self and Other-of-Self destroys Other as well as Self,
as Self Divided is Self against Self.

As Duality is expressed in the Singularity of Self and Other in Reality,
 True Duality is not expressed in the Competitiveness
that results from the Fear of Mortality,
Duality is distorted in Creation as it is only expressed in the Division of the Self
that has eliminated Other and Otherness from its Existence.
This Distortion of the Reality of Duality, Creates an Existence of Distortion.
An Existence is Created that has no lasting Power but fades away into itself
from which it came.

Our world and the 'Beyond the World' we have Created, is a World of Mortality
that is concentrated on the struggle to Survive
 the Mortality it has Created
Duality in Creation Exists in the threat of Other to Self,
as Self cannot escape Duality
 and so Divides itself, causing Self and Other to lose Singularity
and exist only within the Divided Self,
The Division of Self and Other Creates Death,
 by Self violating itself to the Death of both Self and Other.
 Our history is the story of this Fear of Mortality
and Humanity's struggle to overcome Death
 by removing the very cause of Immortality,
Reality in the Singularity of Self and Other
in Entity and in Immortality.

Our story is a story of Self against all that is thought to be Other.
Our story is the story of Collective Consciousness and Individual Consciousness,
the story of Being and the story of Becoming.
Reality IS, therefore Reality Exists in the Reality of Existence .
Non-reality IS NOT,
therefore Non-reality Non-exists
IS NOT does not Exist in Reality because 'Is not' Dreams of 'Becoming'.
What Dreams of 'Becoming' does not yet Exist in Reality.
What Dreams of Becoming begins a Process that, as it begins must also end.
What has beginning admits to Non-existing.
What has beginning and therefore ending creates Non-existence or Mortality.
Mortality therefore Creates Creation and the process that begins,
 that in its finality, ends.

Consciousness has Choice, Collectively and Individually.
Consciousness Chooses Collectively and Individually,-----Existence.
there is Consciousness Existing in Reality and
there is Consciousness Existing in Non-reality.
Consciousness IS that Exists in Reality.
There is Consciousness that IS NOT because it Exists in the Dream of Becoming.

Humanity Exists in Reality or Non-reality according to Collective Choice and
to Individual Choice.
Humanity therefore Divides itself into Being and Becoming, into Male and Female,
that will continually break itself down into the Nothingness of Oblivion.
Female Exists.
Male Dreams of what Male can Become.
Male needs Female to Become the Dream.
Male Becomes Male through dominating Female.
Power can not Exist without overcoming whatever is considered,
not Self,
but Other,
as in 'Other-than-Self'.
Male Becomes Male from Male overpowering Female.
Therefore Male 'Does' to Female.
Female is 'done upon' by Male who is 'doer'.
Male saps Power from Female to Become the Dream of supremacy, of sovereignty,
of Survivor of Mortality.
In other words, Male Dreams of fulfilling the Dream of Becoming the God
of the Dream.
Female Exists.
Male Non Exists in the Dream of Becoming.

Male and Female only begin the Process of Division that determines Creation
because, once began, process cannot be stopped.
The division of Male and female carries on into all the divisions,
 and divisions of divisions,
 that characterize today's world.
What Is in Creation Exists as it Exists.
What struggles, what Dreams of Becoming, is only the Dream.
We are what we have Become and we will not stop dividing until there is
no more left to divide and All Time and All Space and All Matter,
including Energy, just fade away,
for it was all only the Dream.

The Dream to Become is the Dream of Power.
The Dream of Maleness is the Dream of Power.
Power is accessed.
Power is accessed through Weakness.
Weakness does not Exist Weakness must be Created.
Male Creates Weakness to Access Power.
Male Created Female as the means to accessing Power
for Female means weakness, and inferiority.
Weakness means to be lesser than.
Weakness is that which has been defeated, that which has been drained
of the ability to struggle against Mortality.

Female is where to go for Power of Survival.
Female is the sub-human, and the non-human, and the unworthy.
Female is the under sized, and the under achiever.
Female is the defeated, the conquered, the loser, the enemy,
and so is the 'Other-then-Self'
that is responsible for the shortcomings and the faults of the Self.
The Female will be defeated and when she is,
Male will simply Create more Female out of himself
for Male, the Dominant, is the potential to replace God.

What Exits also Non-exists.
Consequently Existence is the reality of Reality and also the reality of Non-reality.
Non-reality Exists!
Non-reality Exists in the Existence of the Self for the Self and in the Self,
even to the point of Creating Other-than-Self out of Self as the Duality of Existence 
cannot be denied.
As Non-reality Exists, Self and Other Exists in the Divided Self
that Divides down through all the levels of Created history,
through all the phases of Created Time,
through all the Divisions of Creation, as Place, and Substance that also Divides down to
Energies that never really Existed. 

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Post #361, "Dehumanizing Humanity, 2018"

We are so accustomed to living as dehumanized humans, we don't even realize what has happened.
We have become accustomed to talking to robots and trying to adjust to the policies of those we
do business with.
We have been indoctrinated into more dehumanizing systems than we are aware of.

To be alive is to possess Creative Energy.
The Self of Consciousness Chooses 'to Become'.
'Becoming, is a Process of Division that starts and ends,
that lives and dies.
This Process Creates the basic element of Time.
Choosing 'to Become' is to start a Process that comes to an end and so never Exists in the
Reality of Existence.
The Self of Consciousness that Chooses 'to Become' Chooses Mortality.
It's all a battle for survival.
Because the Self of Consciousness Fears Death, this Self is agitated and desperate.
The Self activates its Creative ability thereby fighting off Death through empowering itself
through Creating.
A Self thereby Becomes Selves that continue the Process of Division by dividing down
into smaller and smaller Pieces of itself, Creating many Selves at each layer of Creation.
Energy is the Power of Existence in Creation.
Death results when the Power, the Energy, of Existence departs.
As Creation is a Process of Division, Creation constantly breaks down into parts and pieces
of itself.
At each breakdown, Energy loses Power as Power also Divides down.
Humanity Competes for Power.
Power is considered the elemental agent of Survival.
Creation is the action of Power to Survival.
The Possession of Creation is the Power of Survival.
The ultimate Power of Creation is the Creation of the Uncreatable,
Humanity's greatest attempts to gain the Power to surpass Creation, the Power to move
'Beyond' Creation, the Power to Possess Creation,
 is found in religion and science.
Consciousness Creates Creation as Non-reality that it can Create an Ultimate
Unlimitable source of Infinite Energy/Power in an 'Beyond' Existence.
To Become Reality, Non-reality must be created, that Non-reality can 'Become'.
The Self of Creation must be able to surpass Creation that it can claim Power
beyond Creation.
This is basic to Humanity's frenetic search for Utopia and Utopian Existence,
for Heaven and heavenly Existence and for God and the need to 'Become' God.
Humanity needs to Create the 'Beyond' it-self that Humanity can move 'Beyond'
itself into Immortality.

Basically, Energy depletes it self and recreates itself through the Process of Division.
Energy is, as is Time itself, not measurable or able to be quantified.
Energy, along with Time, Place, and Matter (energy), is an element of Creation.
Thus Creation is made up of Time, Place, Substance, and Energy.
None of these basic elements Exists in Reality.
Energy Creates itself.
Energy Divides itself,
 The Process of Division affects and underlies all that Exists in Creation.
These basic elements are not controllable by the controlling devices of religion or science.
  Creation, including Humanity,
is tossed about through these basic, nebulous, elements.

When Consciousness Chooses to Become rather than To Be,
Consciousness begins the process of Division, the Process of 'Becoming' by attempting
to Create the 'Non-creatable,
to Create that which so surpasses what is Knowable and Understandable that 'IT'
becomes Powerful by surpassing Power, by Existing within the Dream of 'Becoming'.
The Dream Creates the Non-reality of unlimited Might.
The attempt, therefore is to create a 'Beyond'
that Creates a 'Beyond Power that cannot be surpassed for its ultimateness,
for its superiority,
 thereby unable to be surpassed,
thereby beyond expression,
thereby freed from all restrictions that would be defined as Created,
 and thereby as Mortal.
In a sense, Creating the non-reality, the Image, the Negative to the Positive
Thereby the Possibility is Created rather than the Actuality.
Thereby removing all possible evidence of its existence, except in the Created.
The Consciousness of Humanity Creates the 'Beyond', that the 'Beyond' may 'Become'
the Actuality.
What is assumed by Humanity to be its reality is only the Creation,
the Image.
Consciousness does not want to limit its ideas of 'Beyond' because
in putting limits on Beyond', Humanity puts limits on it-self.
In personal and individual Choice, a limit on the possibilities of 'Becoming',
allows for whatever is considered as 'Other' to overcome the Self,
allowing for the Other to deprive Self of Survival.
Consciousness generally considers 'Other' as that which challenges the survival of the Self.
Because Other is seen as Competition against Self Survival, Other, is seen by Self to Possess
Desirable qualities.
To challenge the right to Self Survival, 'Other' may be feared to be of equal or superior Power.
When Competition is involved, all Desired qualities Become Power.
Does Power Exist in that which is Other than Self or does Power Exist in the Self.
Can Self defeat Other?
Obviously, Self Fears that Other may defeat Self.

Consciousness's basic emotion is Fear.
Fear exists in the Choice to Create, for that which is Created is Mortal.
Humanity's Dream is to Become Immortal.
This means that Humanity acknowledges its Mortality as an inferiority
and Dreams of Becoming Immortal.
Humanity seeks Immortality in it-Self in Self's 'Becoming'.
Humanity accepts itself as Creator in religion and science.
Religion and science are Humanity's proof to itself of Godship.
Science seeks Immortality in the individual Consciousness in equations and formulae.
Religion seeks Immortality in a 'Beyond' itself,
yet in a 'Beyond' that Exists within itself.
The struggle then, becomes Self against Self as Other and Self make up Self
in the Dichotomy of Creation.
Self constantly wars against Self as Humanity wars against the Self of Humanity.
Self seeks Power of Survival within and without Self.
Humanity seeks Power within and outside Self.

This Dream is what has Created religion and science.
Each, is a plan to overcome Mortality.
Each seeks the Power of Survival, meaning progressing from Death to Life,
from Mortality to Immortality.
By Progressing, each acknowledges its inferiority to some vague Other or Otherness
that Possesses Immortality.
To claim Superiority or Sovereignty, there can be no cap on the possibility
of 'to Become'
 Consciousness Dreams because it has the option of Choice.
Consciousness Chooses between Reality as in 'To Be',
and between Non-reality/in Creation, as in 'To Become'.
Consciousness is Aware of Choice and so is Aware and Desirous of Reality,
 because Reality is Self and Other in Singularity of Entity and so of Immortality.
Consciousness, in Creating, lost Immortality as Creation is the Process of Division
that Divides itself down until Creation no longer Exists----Mortality!

Our Dream is sacred.
Our Dream of Becoming is Sacred because we Dream what we Desire to Become.
Our Dream is our Potential to escape our Mortality,
to escape 'Being' Mortal.
We know Death.
We Dream Immortality.

Humanity Desires its Dreams to Become Real, ---to Become Reality.
The dream to Become Reality is expressed in the struggle for Survival.
 Humanity struggles to Survive,
Humanity seeks Immortality.
Immortality is The Dream.
Mortality results because Image is unable to survive.
Mortality is the impossibility of Image attempting to survive.

Consciousness struggling to survive is Consciousness attempting to replace Reality
with Creation, that Creation Becomes the new Reality.
Yet it is obvious that Creation has not yet found the secret to Immortality,
yet feels that the secret lies in two directions;
within itself and within what is 'Other' than Self.
This search, then, comes down to the Self empowering itself through Self's
control of Other.
Not that Immortality lies within Self but that Self secures Immortality through
controlling the source of Immortality.
If Immortality is not inherently within the Self,
Immortality must be inherently within the Other-than-Self.
Immortality lies within Other.
Through the Choice of Consciousness, Immortality belongs to Reality.
Reality being the Singular Self and the Singular Other in Entity.
In the Entity of Self and Other is the Reality of Immortality.
Immortality is the Essence of Entity.
Basically, then, Self feels that Self must overcome any Other and Otherness, because
Singular Other along with Singular, unaltered, Self is the
source of Immortality.
It is the Self of Creation that Chooses 'to Become'.
This is the Self of Duality.
This is the Self that Divides itself.
This is the Self that both Envies and Desires what it Fears, Abuses, and Annihilates.
This is the frenetic, devious, competitive, Abusive. and Deadly Self of Consciousness.
This is the Self that has Created its own Mortality.

Because Immortality is the Reality of the Entity of Singular Self and Singular Other,
the removal of Other and the resultant altered Self Obliterates Immortality,
thereby Creating Mortality.
Immortality Exists.
Mortality is Created and the result of Creation.
The history of Creation is the story of the Obliteration of Immortality and the
frantic search to be Immortal.
Consciousness has Created and Creates, the impossible situation of Immortality within
of Immortality within Creation.
This causes the Self of Consciousness to continually Create and search and never be
content or able to rest.
The Self of Humanity destroys the very object of its Dream and Desire.

Humanity could not Dream the Dream of Perfection thought as necessary to attaining
Immortality without Creating Good and Evil.
By Creating Good and Evil, Consciousness eliminates all that is Other from the
imperfection of Self that Self may attain Perfection and thereby Become Immortal.
By creating Good and Evil, Consciousness Creates the Process of achieving Immortality,
This Process of achieving Immortality is the means Consciousness Chooses to overcome
the Process of Division that causes all in Creation to Divide down to the Nothingness of
This Process of achieving Immortality Creates God
In other words, Consciousness Creates God, as the archetype and prototype of the
Self-fulfilled Human.
Consciousness and therefore humanity achieves Immortality by Becoming God.
As throughout history God accelerates the movement of Becoming, moves from many
Gods to One God,
Humanity also moves from the Collective Humanity to the One who Survives,
for Humanity cannot control, much-less overcome, its Divisiveness.
Humanity as Consciousness will continue to Divide itself until all is Nothingness.

Whatever culture, whatever the Time, whatever the Place, Humanity will, as Creation,
Divide itself down until all fades including itself, into oblivion.
All Humanity has its own sense of God for God represents the unreachableness  and
untouchableness of Consciousness.  
God represents the 'Beyond'
God is the Dream of what cannot be fulfilled because if it were. God would cease to Exist.
In the Duality of Creation, there can never be 'What Is'.
'What Is' is Reality.
Creation is not Reality.
Creation Exists in Non-reality,
hence, the reality of Non-reality.

Using the Creation Story of Genesis,
there was God and there was Adam
Adam Divided himself to Create Eve because Adam was not God.
As Reality is Being,
Non-reality is Becoming.
Adam could only Dream of Becoming God
God represented Immortality.
Adam had Choice,
Meaning Consciousness, represented in Creation as Adam,
 had and has within itself Life and Death.
Adam Dreamed of Becoming God but was aware that there was within himself,
that which prevented him from being God.
Adam was Adam,
but Adam Dreamed of Becoming God.
To Become God, Adam must eliminate or annihilate from himself, that which prevented
him from attaining Godship.
Humanity must eliminate or annihilate from itself that which prevents Humanity from
Becoming God.
If this can be eliminated, Adam---Humanity, will Be God.
But God Exists to Adam as to Humanity as the Dream of Becoming.
Dreams can only Exist as 'Becoming'.
Dreams only Exist in 'Becoming',
meaning Dreams can never Exist in Reality.
Humanity Creates the Dream of Becoming God.
As the Dream and Creation itself, including Humanity Exist only in Non-reality,
the Dream is real to Humanity and Humanity feels that God is Humanity and Humanity
is God.
Humanity Creates God as its prototype, as the archetype of it-Self.

Humanity cannot Become God, until imperfection Becomes Perfection by the elimination,
of all that is not the true Self of Adam,
by all that is not the true Perfection of Humanity.
Adam Created the imperfection of himself and named her Eve.
Humanity Creates the imperfection of its Self and names it 'Other'------
all that is 'Other' than itself.
In other words, Adam Is God, if it weren't for Eve.
In other words, Humanity Is God, if it weren't for Other-than itself.
Adam has now established Good, meaning himself and Eve meaning Evil.
Humanity has established Good, meaning the Self and Evil
meaning all Other and all Otherness,
as in female, as in stranger, or foreigner, or enemy, or alien, or------------
It all comes down to Creating an Eve or Creating an inferior to carry the weight
of what Consciousness Perceives as Imperfection of Adam or of the Self.
What Adam Created and what we Create is a lesser of the Self,
------Creating a sub or inferior category of the Self that the Self can be justified
in removing.
Eve is Created as Evil that Adam can justify annihilating her,
 that as she is annihilated,
Adam annihilates from his Self that which prevents him from
'Becoming' God and consequently,

If the need for religion is to spell out Sin, to define for Humanity what, out of their right
to Choose Mortality or Immortality, has become so obvious is religion no
longer needed?
 Also, without sin is there no longer the need for a God of righteousness and justice?
If there is no exploitation of the female, or swindling, no exploitation, nor lack of Compassion
that is so obvious,
is there no longer the need to define and illustrate what has been known as Sin?
It is so obvious that Humanity is destroying itself through the Identity and Annihilation of
what is determined as Other, that no God is needed as judge, condemner nor persecutor.

Self will destroy Self by converting Self into Other,
piece by piece,
and part by part until One piece or One part remains.
And that part will destroy itself without Other to Challenge its Existence.