Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Post #408 "CHOOSE!"

It's all about Survival
All of it!
It's all about WHO WE ARE.

Its about Our Dream; 
Why we Dream, What we Dream.
And Who or What we Dream of BECOMING.
Dreams are about Becoming.
We Dream about Who and What we can Become.
We do not Dream about Who we are.

But It comes down to Who We Are
and Who We Dream We can CHANGE ourselves into.
'Who We Are' to 'Who We Will Become.
----as in Process.
From 'ARE' to 'BECOMING' something else than What We Are.

But why do we want to Change?
Why are we not satisfied with 'Who We Are'?
What are We that We do Not Want to Be Who We Are?
Are We Trying to Survive 'Who We Are'?
Is it that We do Not think that we can Survive being Who We Are?
So, we have a Survival Issue that we need to Correct---------------

It seems we are not sure that we can Correct whatever it is that needs Correcting 
about ourselves.
We Have a Survival Issue.
We cannot seem to Correct our Survival Issue but can only Dream that we can.

How do we Survive?
What is it we are trying to Survive?
Where did this problem Begin?
Where do we Begin?

How far back in our history must we go to understand how we came to have
a Survival Problem?
Is there a certain Period in TIME where we became threatened with Non-survival?
Is there a certain PLACE to where the Problem can be traced?
Has this anything to do with how we are made,
Anything to do with the SUBSTANCE of our Being? 
our genetic make-up?
our genetic coding?
what basic elements fused us into Being?

Where to begin?
If we Begin, do we End?
It certainly seems so.

What if we Begin with Creation?
It seems all of Creation has the very problem we are concerned with.
That is, the Problem with Non-survival.
We not only DREAM of Survival,
in fact, Everything we do proceeds from this FEAR.

Lets lay it out.
Creation is not about Life.
Creation is about Death.
Creation Begins.
Creation Ends.
In other words,
We are Mortal.
We FEAR Mortality.
We Wonder that if we are Mortal 
somehow Immortality must Exist.
And here is where we understand 'THE DREAM'.

We Are Mortal.
We FEAR our Mortality.
We Struggle against this non-shakable Mortality.
How do we Struggle?
What are our defenses?
What is our Strategy?

Is Creation our answer to defeating Mortality?
Do we FEAR that what we Create is not working?
------When what we Create does not work,
guess what?
We Create some more.

And every Time we Create,f we continue the Process of Division that marks Creation.
As Creation is a Process of Division,
everything we Create is Created out of Division.
If we have One of Something, 
we Divides that One 
and then we have Two and so on and so on.
We just make parts and pieces out of,--------What?
There is no Entity here,
just Division.
What are we Dividing?
What is the 'Whole' that we Divide?
Can a 'Whole' Exist?
No wonder we are Mortal.
No wonder we FEAR Mortality.
We are Mortal because we are Dividing,
and Dividing,
and Dividing------------------.
We are Dividing.
We have been Dividing.
This is our Story!

You might say, "No we seek wholeness".
"We seek Love".

We seek to come together because somehow we know that here in Division lies what we Fear.
Here in Division is Mortality.
We Know that Immortality is ENTITY.
Mortality is Division. 

It's obvious then, Duality EXISTS.
So then, if Division Exists,
Entity Exists.
If Existence IS,
Existence IS NOT.

Then is Division EXISTS,
Consciousness IS, 
and Consciousness IS NOT.

if WE ARE,

Its up to Consciousness.
Consciousness is the Action of CHOOSING!


Sunday, March 29, 2020

Post #407 "Where is Ultimate Truth?"

Can Truth be anything but Ultimate?
What good is some Truth?
Can Truth Exist within Creation?
Is there Ultimate Truth within Creation?
Is Ultimate Truth Beyond Creation? 
Can we Access Truth? 

In the Duality of Existence,
what Exists also does not Exist.
In the Duality of Existence,
what is Real also is not Real.
In Reality, there is Reality and there is Creation.

In the Duality of Existence,
there is the Existence of Consciousness in the BEING of Itself in Singularity 
and therefore in Entity.
In the Duality of Existence,
there is the Existence of Consciousness Dreaming of a BECOMING 
that Exists only in the Dream.
The Dream Creates a Pseudo-existence that the Dreaming Self of Consciousness Inhabits.
This Created, Pseudo-reality Becomes the Existence of this Dreaming, Creating Self,
 of Consciousness.

Existence Exists
and Existence Non-exists in a Dream-like state.
Reality Exists
and Reality Non-exists as Non-reality.
Consciousness Exists
and Consciousness Non-exists.
Creation does not Exist in the Reality of Existence.
Creation Exists in the Dream that Creates its own Consciousness, 
that Creates its own reality 
and that Creates its own Existence,
--------all within it-Self
------all within the Dream.

To this Creating Self of Consciousness,
what it Creates Becomes its own reality,
its own existence.
This Creating Self of Consciousness has totally blocked out any possible Observation of Reality
or ability to Witness to Reality as Reality and not its own Dream,
its own Perception.

Creation Exists within Creation,
totally oblivious of a Reality it is unable to Observe,
but can only Perceive out of its confinement within the womb it has Created 
to hold and give birth to its Dreams.
Hence, Creation Perceives a reality, in a sense, almost the opposite to what Reality IS.

Religion is an example of this Perception of a Dreamed Existence that longs to escape 
the resultant Mortality of its Creation.
How can Consciousness,
how can Humanity escape this unfolding dilemma of this Process of Division that moves 
from Life to Death.
This inability, to try though we may, to attain Entity.
We just keep on Dividing
and following leaders that are masters of Division.

All Consciousness is caught up in the 'Collective' Conscience
because we are all Humans.
Consciousness is the Action of Choosing.
We might say that Consciousness is the Energy of a Self in Selfness that Chooses.

Consciousness in Duality Chooses to Exist in the Reality of BEING.
This Self of Consciousness, IS.
This Self will not Divide.
This Self IS ENTITY.
This Self Chooses as Individual Self.
This Self is caught up in the Collective Consciousness.

This Self, through the Collective Non-exists in Non-reality
this Self also Exists in Itself in Singularity and Emerges from the collective
as Individual Choice precedes the Collective Choice.
This Self of Individual Choice Belongs to Reality.
Consequently, this Individual Self can and does Access the Stored Information
of Reality and is able to Observe more than to Perceive.

The Collective Consciousness Accesses, rather than Accessing Information of Reality,
the Collective Accesses Stored Information of Creation.
Those of the Collective, religion and science for example, 
Perceive Stored Information of Creation
through Creation.
So this information that forms our knowledge of who we are, and what we do,
that determines our purpose, 
is Information 
that does not Exist in Reality,
that does not Exist in the TRUTH of what IS,
but Exists from our Dreams of BECOMING.

This Collective Dreaming searches endlessly for a Dream that is never fulfilled,
because this Dream is a Dream built on Perception of what IS NOT.
This Dream is a Dream that has Created a longing for What Does Not Exist.

Creation, that is the Master of Division,
Dreams of Entity.
Creation, that is the Source of Birth to Death,
Dreams of Immortality. 
Humanity seeks a PERFECTION that can never be attained 
and so Creates GOD, 
as the Symbol of that unattainable Perfection.
In essence, Consciousness of the Self of Humanity,
 seeks to BECOME the GOD 
The Self of the Consciousness of Humanity Dreams of BECOMING.
Thus Dreaming of BECOMING Perfection.

The Information Humanity Accesses is built on PERCEPTION.
Science struggles with truth because science is not aware of where to look for Truth.
Science is Accessing truth from Creation,
Science wants Real answers to Creation from Creation.
Science is asking questions from beyond the perceptions of Creation,
oblivious that there is no Truth in Creation
Religion or science cannot answer truthfully questions such as:
who are we?
why are we here?
do we have a purpose and if so, 
what is it?
These are questions beyond our Perceptions of our Created Non-reality.

And so we continue Creating----searching for answers we Create out of our Dreams of Becoming.
We Dream Perfection and Create God.
We Create God that we may Know and Acquire Perfection by BECOMING
that GOD we have Created.
The Perception of Perfection is determined by the Dream represented by God.

Religion and Science assume the Truth of Creation and thus, of Perception,
rather than of Observation.. 
Religion and science use the only stored Information they can access,
and that is the Perceived Information of Creation.
This Information is true Only in Creation and can never be Ultimate Truth.
All truth in Creation is Perception-----just Perception,
-----and so Humanity is unable to find 
Ultimate Truth as to who we are,
to why we are here,
and to what is our Purpose.

The only Truth we can see is the truth we have Created.
Created truth is nothing like Ultimate Truth of Reality.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Post #406 "Why Do We Destroy Each OTHER?"

Creation is the Process of Division.
Creation cannot stop Dividing.
Time is an Element of Division.
Place is an Element of Division.
Substance is an Element of Division.
Each Element is Creation's Means of Dividing down 
to the Nothingness from which it was Created .
It is the Story of Birth to Death,
over and over again.
---from one period of Time against Time, another Era another Age.
---from one Place against another Place, another country, another culture.
----from Matter against against Matter, Male against Female, Race against Race,
 Humanity against Humanity,
-----until Nothing remains but churning Chaos,

Basic Elements of Substance and Matter.
Birth and Death,
All Dividing and Dividing again,
seeking that indescribable Perfection,-- 
---All until chaos again Creates moisture and moisture Creates heat, 
and from chaos, moisture, and heat,
 emerges the substance of Creation
including Humanity.

And out of the Chaos, the heat, the moisture, the Substance,
there Emerges the Self,
the Created Substance of Consciousness.
----not in Singularity,
but in Duality,
Creating OTHER,
--- Out of it-Self.
Self Creating Other,
----Out of it-Self,
until No Self Remains.

This Creating Self is the Self of the Consciousness that has Chosen to Depart
Outside and Beyond Reality is the Nothingness of the Void of Pre-creation.
This is the Nothingness that follows Birth and Death-----
same thing, really.
This is the Process of Division-----Birth Dividing down to Death.
The Self Dividing down to Death.
The Choosing side of the Duality of Consciousness,
in the Duality of Existence.

there is another side to Consciousness.
There exists the Self of Consciousness that Chooses the TO BE of Reality.
This Self of Consciousness is the Self that Exists in the Reality of Singularity.
If the Self Remains in Singularity,
Self will Not Divide.
What does not Divide cannot be Born and consequently, cannot Die!

Existence is Duality.
In Non-existence all keeps Dividing.
Consciousness is Duality.
 Self is Duality 
In Creation Self Divides.
Self cannot stop Dividing until Nothing remains.
Self will Divide.
Self Divides Self into its Self and into its Other-than-Self.
Self Creates its OTHER out of it-Self!
Self is Duality.

Because of Duality, Self is Divisive and feels the Nothingness of its own Creation.
The Creating Self of Consciousness cannot stop the Process of Division
because of the Duality of Existence and its own Choice to Create.
Self Fears Death.
Humanity fears Death.

Self seeks to calm the Fear of Mortality through Sacrifice.
To Provide the component of Sacrifice a Victim must be Created.
But in Creation there is no Other than the Self.
The Self then must Create the Victim for Sacrifice out of it-Self.
Self seeks to calm the Fear of one's own Mortality by sacrificing a part of one's Self.

To Create the Sacrificial Victim,
the Self must Become the Victim and the Executioner,
-----the Weakness and the Power,
for there can be no Victim without Executioner
and there can be no Power without Weakness.
the Self becomes Enemy to it-Self that one part, the Other-of-Self,
 may be destroyed in the hopes that the 
Self-of-Self will Survive.

We destroy each Other for we Fear what we have Created.
We cannot stop the Division.
In this Pseudo-existence there is only the Non-existence the Self has Created.
In the Reality of Existence, Self cannot Exist through Division.
Self CANNOT Divide!
 Self can only Exist in Entity.
Self in Entity is Self in Singularity.
Self in Singularity Exists in the Reality of SELF AND OTHER.
The Isolated Self of Consciousness Non-existing in the Creation of its own Existence,
 has absolutely no idea or Concept of the Existence of the Singular Other
 that Observes and Witnesses SELF
in the Singularity of the Entity of SELF

Without Other, Self Divides Self that there may be Victim and Executioner,
Weakness and Power.
Power cannot Exist without Weakness,
Executioner cannot be Executioner without Victim.

I rest my case.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Post #405 "-----that Self May Survive"

Presence Creates Absence.
Existence Creates Non-existence
Existence is Reality.
Non-existence is that which is Created.
Consciousness is Aware of Existence 
Consciousness is Unaware of Existence.

Consciousness Unaware of Existence is Consciousness Aware of Non-existence.
Consciousness Unaware of Existence,
Consciousness Unaware of Existence is Consciousness 
Unaware of the Singularity of it-Self and 
Unaware of the Existence of the Singularity of OTHER-than-it-Self.

Self, Unaware of OTHER-than-the Self is not able to Exist in the 
Reality of Existence,
but binds it-Self off from Reality to Exist within the Self,
totally Unaware of what it has abandoned.

What the Self Abandons the Self Destroys 
because its ability to be aware is now locked into its own BEING.
But from the point of Reality, 
the Self Exists in its own Created Non-existence,
------in the Chaotic Void of Created Nothingness.
The  term 'Creating' means to bring into Nothingness,
because 'To Create' Creates the Absence of the Existence of Reality.
Creating Absence is Creating 'Nothingness'.
Nothingness Exists because Nothingness is the Created Absence of Existence.
Existence therefore Exists and Non-exists according to Consciousness.

Consciousness is Awareness.
Consciousness can be Aware and Consciousness can be Non-aware.
Therefore Consciousness can Exist and Non-exist.
When Consciousness is Aware of Non-existence, 
Consciousness Non-exists.
Consciousness Aware of Existence Exists.

Nothingness is the Absence of anything not Self or of the Self.
Nothingness Exists in the Self.
The Self cannot Validate the Self  or Selfness if not able to be Observed as Self
by that which Exists outside Self in its own Singularity.
Self to be Self in Singularity
 must also be Witnessed by OTHER-than it-Self
as Self,
 in Selfness of it-Self.

Self to BE Self
 must acknowledge through Awareness 
that Existence itself does not dwell in the Self, 
but that the Self Exists or Non-exists in the 
Duality of Existence.

 must Be Conscious that Existence EXISTS in the 
Observable and Witness-able Self.
Self that is not Observable or able to be Witnessed does not Exist in the 
Reality of Existence.
The Reality of Existence is MORE that the SELF.
The Reality of Existence is MUCH more than Self.
 Existence must be acknowledged  by Consciousness,
by the Consciousness of Humanity,
as Being much more encompassing than The Self.
The Self cannot Exist in the Reality of Existence,
Unaware and Unconscious of the Reality of Singular OTHER.
Existence Without OTHER 
is the NON-existence of the SELF as Self in Singularity of Reality. 

The isolated Self, Existing in it-Self Creates its own Existence.
What is Created Begins.
What Begins, Ends.
When will Humanity ever figure this out?
Why is Creation all about destroying what is OTHER-Than-Our-Selves?

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Post #404 "I AM. I AM NOT"

In Reality, Consciousness is Entity.
In Reality, Consciousness is Entity of Self AND Other in Singularity
Consciousness is Entity of the Self in Singularity
Consciousness is Entity of the Other in Singularity.

In Reality,
In Reality, Consciousness is Entity.
Consciousness does not depend on Time to Exist.
Consciousness does not depend on Place to Exist,
nor does Consciousness depend on Matter or Substance to Exist.
Basic Existence is the Reality of Consciousness in Singularity
of the Entity of Self and the Entity of Other.
Entity of Self and Entity of Other Exists in the Entity of Consciousness
that has not Divided away from Reality.

Reality is Entity.
Consciousness, in Reality, is Entity.
Consciousness, in Reality, does not Divide the Self,
that it may eliminate what Exists outside of and beyond the Self

In Non-reality of Creation, Consciousness Divides the Self of Consciousness
through all the divisions of Time, Place, and Matter.
The Elements of Creation are the tools through which Consciousness removes the
Entity of the Existence of the Singularity of Other, (Other than Self)
thereby causing Self to Divide Self for the sake of Survival of its Choice to Create.

The Element of Time, of course, prevents, through Division, the actions of Consciousness
from happening all at once,
Time is Divisive.
Time functions as the propagator of Birth AND Death.
Time insures the movement of Action/Energy to be Process that moves from Beginning to Ending.
Time Creates Birth and Insures that Death follows.
Time prevents the TO BE of Reality to Exist.

The Element of Place insures, as well as Time, that the TO BE of Reality cannot Exist,
 but must be Divided up into sections,---- into parts and  pieces.
Place is Divisive.
Place blocks Creation, as well as Time, from being Present to it-Self.

The Element of Matter/Substance insures that there is no Real Substance in all of Creation.
Matter comes and Matter goes.
Matter is not Real but is the Action of Energy frozen in Time and Place.
Matter is the Energy of Consciousness in Action.
 Matter finalizes the restrictions of Time and Place,
 by solidifying Movement /the Energy,
 therefore subjecting Matter to the Divisiveness of Time and Place.

Each of the Elements of Creation insures that Creation is Process and NOT BEING.
Each Element is the Action of Division in the Duality of Existence.
Each Element reflects and enforces that Duality.
In Time, in Place, and in Matter,

Creation Dreams the Dream of BECOMING what it IS NOT.
Creation Divides that it may constantly Die,
 that it may constantly be Reborn,
all seeking a non-existent Perfection.
Each Time and each Place and in Each piece of Creation, not Perfect, but
in the Process of Becoming Better and closer to Dream that will never be realized
not fulfilled..

Consciousness Exists in the Reality of Existence
Consciousness Exists in the Non-reality of Existence
Consciousness Exists in the Reality of Existence in the Observation, Witness, and Validation
of the Singularity of the Self AND in the Singularity of the Other
Consciousness Exists in the Non-reality
of the Self confined within the Self,
----Self totally unable to Observe Other as Other Exists only in Reality
and not in Dreams of Becoming.
Consciousness in Non-reality cannot Observe Other
but can Only PERCEIVE Other
as Self needs Other to Become,
 that Self can sacrifice Other to insure Self's own Survival.

Self either subsumes Other into Self existing on the Essence of what is not of the Self
or Self destroys Other that there is no Competition to Self's Survival.
In Creation, Other is Self's Otherness Created from Self destruction.
Self Divides Self into Self-of-Self and Other-of-Self,
thereby Creating Power from its own Vulnerability.
This is the source of Humanity's Competitive Nature.

Consciousness IS,
as in BEING
or Consciousness BECOMES,
Consciousness IS, is Consciousness BEING.
Consciousness CHOOSING is Consciousness in Action of Dreaming Dreams to

Dreaming is Action.
Action is Energy.
Energy is Chaotic because Energy is Action that Moves outside BEING.
What moves away from Reality becomes Chaotic.
'Nothingness' is absolute Chaos.
What does not Exist in the TO BE of BEING is Chaotic because of the loss of Existence.

Consciousness in Duality of Consciousness holds within the Self the Energy
of the action of Choosing.
This means that Consciousness can Exist as the BEING of Consciousness
or move from BEING to an altered state of Non-being.
Consciousness Exists in the TO BE of Existence or Exists in an altered state.

An altered state is an altered Existence of Existence, thereby Non-existence.
An altered state is a state that is Created by Consciousness Dreaming of a 
controlled, limited, walled off from Reality, Existence.
Such a controlled, limited, walled-off Existence is Created out of Dreams of Consciousness 
that control, that limit, and that build walls,
such as walls of the elements of Creation.

The Elements of Creation remove and block Reality that a new Pseudo-reality can enter
a pseudo Created Non-existent Existence.
Creation is controlled, Creation is limited, and Creation is walled-off,
 from Reality. 
And in this sense, Creation does Not Exist
for only 'What is Real' Can Exist!

Consciousness is a Whole that Exists as a Whole in Reality.
Consciousness in Creation enters the Process of Division that marks Creation.
but Exists, as does Existence,
As Duality and In Duality.
As Existence Exists and Non-exists, 
Consciousness Exists and Non-exists.

As does Existence, 
Consciousness Exists in Reality or Consciousness Non-exists in Non-reality.
Consciousness therefore can Exist in Non-existence.
Consciousness Can and Does Non-exist.
Therefore Humanity Exists in Reality or Humanity Non-exists in Non-reality.
Humanity can Exist in Non-existence.
Humanity Can and does Non-exist, according to the Choice of Consciousness.

Humanity can be Consciousness in the Reality of the Self AND the Other,
or Humanity can be Non-conscious in the Non-reality of the Self confined within the Self..
Consciousness therefore Exists in the BEING of Existence 
AND in the Dreaming of Non-existence.
As Consciousness Dreams, 
Consciousness Agitates.
We experience this agitation as Energy.
Energy, the Action of Dreaming, Creates.
The Action of Dreaming Creates a Pseudo-existence.
This Pseudo-existence is controlled to be apart from Reality.
It is limited from Reality.
It is walled-off from Reality.

To be controlled from Reality,
to be limited from Reality,
to be walled off from Reality,
Consciousness must move within the Self of it-Self.

Consciousness moves into the Self of it-Self by removing the Self from Reality.
 Consciousness, also, can move into Self by Destroying Reality for the Self.
Consciousness destroys Reality by Destroying all Sense of the Reality of Existence for It-self,
as Reality cannot be Destroyed.
Because Reality cannot be Destroyed,
Creation through the Action of Dreaming, Non-exists in the Reality of Existence.
Reality Non-exists in the Self of Self of Consciousness as this Self Dreams it-Self
out of Reality and into the Dream.
The Dream thereby Creates a Pseudo-existence totally Unaware or Unconsciousness
the Existence of Reality.

So, Consciousness, as Existence, Exists And Non-exists.
Humanity, as Consciousness, Exists And Non-exists.
As Existence, Consciousness then, is also Duality.
Consciousness in Duality Exists as Entity in Reality
and Non-exists,
caught up in the Process of Division that marks Creation in the Dream of Consciousness
that continually Divides down to the Nothingness of Non-reality.

The Dreaming Consciousness, 
Existing only within the Self of Consciousness,
Dreams of the very Reality it has Destroyed for it-Self.
The Self of Consciousness continually struggles to escape the Death it has inadvertently Created.
Humanity continually struggles to escape the Death it has inadvertently Created.

Through the Process of Division that marks Creation,
the Dream of Birth,
 Creates the Dream of Death.
Death is Created that Consciousness can Begin again when the Dream has failed.

Outside of the TO BE of Reality,
the Birth of Creation results in the Death of Creation
The Created Elements of Creation cannot sustain!
The Created Element of Time prevents Creation from Sustaining!
Time Begins and Time Ends.
The Element of TIME insures Beginnings and Endings.
The Element of Place insures 'Where' and 'Where Not'.
The Element of Matter insures that Creation is Not Real but is only the agitated
motion of our frustrated Dreaming of what we can BECOME.

Do I Exist
DO I Not Exist.

The answer is that I have Choice.
The Choice depends on what I do with Other than I.
Reality is the Singularity of The Self
the Singularity of The Other-than-Self
In Singularity, Self IS Self because Self is Observed as SELF
and Witnessed as SELF
by Other-than-Self,
that Self can Validate SELF
in its Selfness of SELF to it-SELF.