Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Post #24 "New Thoughts on Energy"

Could the Choice to access Truth be an energy? This particular energy would be required to move and search behind the facade of today's world, beneath the facades of all the worlds created throughout history to uncover that which has long been hidden through misrepresentation, denial, lies, and distortion. Would not the desire and the ensuing Choice be experiences that would be expressed as generative energy as opposed to the destructive energy of division.

What is really know about energy? What are the effects of divisive energy as compared to generative energy? Would this generative energy not be needed to by-pass the walls of Creation in the search for Truth? What is really known about energy? Are there levels of energy? Are there fields of energy outside Creation that are not detectable to the rational thinking of a mechanical world? Are unknown energy or energy fields behind the puzzle of dark holes and dark matter? What are the effects of unknown energy or sources of energy or energy fields on consciousness, particulailry on unconsciousnes? What energies are involved in or make-up human consciousness? Is it possible that earlier times in history saw human consciousness more able to access certain information and knowledge than in today's mechanical world? Would these energies have been able to allow for unique abilities that would have been able to access Truths that now lay dormant beneath layers and levels of debris, far removed from this mehanical age where Truth is all but inaccessible.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Post #23 " Accessing Truth"

Can Truth be accessed at all if it is the Truth of Reality and not the surface truth of Creation? Can Truth be accessed at all through Creation? It seems that in order for Truth to be accessed, Creation would have to be penetrated that those seeking Truth could escape to beyond its confining walls, if only for a glimpse? It does not seem that it would be possible for non-reality to see, or know in any way, that which is not within its own existence. Does humanity possess the means to penetrate Creation? Actually, humanity through its rational pursuit of truth, has no desire to penetrate Creation. The goal lies within Creation, as to be creator and controller. It seems that humanity, through its mechanical thinking, can only indefinitely extend Creation to within the parameters of its ability to dream, to image, and then, to choose. Humanity through Reason, after all, is all about Creation.  

Certainly Intelligence can never penetrate that which itself has created. The extension and expansion of Creation, of the dreams and imaging of Intelligence itself, however, is not penetration. What could possibly penetrate the walls of Creation? Who would want to? Who would want to venture beyond that which appears safe and comfortable? Who would want to venture beyond the womb that was created that there could be a place separate, a place apart? Who could ever know that this place, known as Creation, evolved from an energy that was the energy of division? Who would ever know that Creation, as the process of division, would divide itself over and over, entering its own cycles of division, its own patterns, its own cycles of Time?


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Post #22 "The Purpose of Creation"

Creation begins with desire. Desire calls forth Choice. Desire and Choice are energy. Matter is energy. Matter is organized Energy. Because Energy has pattern, form, and frequency, it is information. Creation has pattern, form, and frequency. Creation is information from the past, present, and future. Creation was created, is created, and will be created. Creation is the effort of the collective consciousness and the collective unconsciousness; all consciousness supplying information, all consciousness doing what consciousness does, which is Choosing.

Creation can only exist in Time as it emerges from a beginning and has an ending. Images are not Real to what is Real, or, in other words, are not Real to that which is its Original; its Reality. Image does not exist to that which is the object of its desire. Would not an image, when confronted with Ultimate Truth,  just fade away into non-existence....just die? Is this perhaps what death is all about? Is this why creation hides behind its walls, so as not to be confronted by Ultimate Truth?

Just what is the purpose for Creation? How does the purpose name and define the creator? What is the intention of the creator? Is the image an image of an Ultimate Truth that exists beyond the walls of that which is imaged and consequently, created? This raises the question...does the surface truth, which is the created truth, determine the image or does the image determine its own truth? This surface truth, this imaged truth, is the truth of Creation. So this raises another question......has this surface truth determined Creation or has Creation determined its own truth, thereby determinng its own purpose? This surface truth is the created truth by which consciousness functions and Chooses, thereby, determining its own creation, thereby determining its own purpose. Post #18 stated that there lies deep within humanity the desire to become God....is humanity's desire to become God that which determines its purpose? This surface truth is repeated through individual Choice and, consequently, through collectve choice. For Choosing is the action of Intellect/Consciousness.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Post #21 "Pursuit of Perfection"

What of Perfection? Does the word 'perfection' allow for that which does not last, that which runs its cycle and then dies? Of coursse, anything in Creation, which is everything, soon becomes old and outdated. Out-datedness is when the state of perfection fails, when the state of perfection is elusive; when the action of the power of the desire for perfection no longer gives hope that it can overcome death. Out-datedness is when the state of perfection fails and must be reinvented and then reinvented again, as often as necessary. What fails to achieve perfection becomes old and out-dated, thus it must be destroyed to make room for the 'new' and up-dated. The process of failed perfection thereby creates death. Death calls forth the need to recreate and then repeats itself over and over again throughout the cycles of history. The cycles begin with birth, the attempt for perfection fails, the old and out-dated is replaced by the new through death. The plan is to replace the old with new and improved models (mechanical models of a mechanical world) through the levels of history thereby lessening the effects of death until death is eventually defeated. This supposes that each successive level is an improvement over the one before, but as noted at an earlier post, the succeeding levels become more blurred and boken as each moves farther and farther away into the accumulating brokenness, debris, and lies of history. Each upcoming generation sees itself as great improvement, as the generation that will conquer death, thereby achieving Perfection/Godhood, on the preceeding generations. But it is not so, as each generation becomes more broken and moves farther into the nothing-ness of Non-Reality. Thus results the false idea of humanity approaching super status-overcoming Death, through advancements from mechanical brains to an increasingly mechanical world seeking mechanical answers to mechanical questions....until the question is finally asked---'what is Real?'

Indeed it is this process of life to death that called forth and created that element of Creation-Time. Thus the patterns of Time are established as nature repeats itself over and over again trying once more to achieve Perfection, to achieve Godhood. These are the patterns that create life's cycles.These cycles become the history of Creation. Anything less of attaining the goal of Perfection creates death. The perpetual theme runing through Creation seems to be 'we must try again and again until we reach our destiny of Perfection/Godhood. If we think we have problems now, just try to deal with this one-what would a world be like when there is no death; when nothing dies? Would it be heaven? Or would it be hell? Where lies that state of perfection?

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Post # 20 "The Plan"

Note: These posts are an introduction to my book that is planned to be out at the end of the year entitled "Becoming God.....Beyond Religion and Science".

Also......Thank you for reading these posts and for allowing me to share my thoughts.

Barbara Beier

So....God and Perfection are One. Humanity desires Perfection. Humanity desires to become God. It certainly seems that the world is on a quest for Perfection. Of course, perfection has many definitions and categories. How does this come about? By what process does humanity hope and plan to achieve Perfection? By what process does humanity hope and plan to become God? What does one have to do? Where does one go to find a plan? Who or what holds the plan? Who determines the process or who holds the strategy?

We must know: "Can anyone achieve pefection? Can anyone become God?" Is Godship limited to any one group; as in race or culture or denomination or sex or whatever? If God is One, there must be selection; so who is selected? Looks like the desire to become God, of becoming The Perfection is causing a big mess! Surely this would cause great freneticism as in hatred, war, and violence. The list would be endless. But who holds the answers? Who holds the strategy? Who holds the secrets? Where is the plan? Are there directions; perhaps a blueprint, a college degree-for Godship? We have noted, that the process of division that defines Creation brings about death. Comparitively, we have noted that the result of the failure to attain Perfection also creates death. Its all one and the same.....  the striving for Perfection results in death as also death results through Creation's process of division. How can Death and Perfection be reconciled? Is Perfection only achievable in an after-life that becomes reachable only through mortal death?

Is Perfection, then, only achieved through division; body from soul condemned to death, soul divided from body designed for immortality? What of Intellect, that human faculty which Chooses? Is the Intellect affected by or formed by division? Is the Intellect a property of the body or is the Intellect a property of the soul? From this it seems logical to assume that the state of attaining Perfection and being Perfection certainly does not imply division but implies entity and means above all else, unity of body and soul. Perfection implies freedom from death, bodily death and spiritual death, hence, Immortality. Yet, in actuality, the desiring and actual striving to attain the state of Perfection results in division. Because we strive to 'Become Perfect' we must first realize that we are imperfect and move on from there.

Becoming Perfect is a process. Becoming God is a process. Because we see our imperfections, we strive for perfection. Perfection and Godhood are therefore processes, as is Creation itself, as opposed to inherent characteristics. Humanity greatly desires the Immortality of Perfection/Godhood. Humanity frantically seeks to prolong mortal life and has forever sought the 'fountain of youth', however humanity is not really content with only improving and prolonging mortal life. Prolonging mortal life is but a step in the process to achieving the ultimate goal. This yearning for Immortality is the yearning for Perfection, for Godliness. 

Post #19 "Creating Creation"

All Creation is caught up in the movement toward the achievement of Perfection; the movement to become god, the movement to become the God of Creation. But how achievable is this goal? Can anyone hope to achieve Perfection? Can anyone hope to become God? What do we do when the goal seems allusive and we fear that it may even be unattainable? What can we do? When the goal of  'who I will become' is looking unreachable, what else can we do but look for a new beginning, and then, another new beginning and beyond to other new beginning, over and over again....creating an end, creating endings, to allow for new beginnings.....creating Death to bring about new life...creating Death to bring about new beginnings. And so Time begins to  tick, cycles begin and cycles end, each cycle another level, each new level growing to its death, over and over again.

And so the question becomes ever more insistent...'is this desire for Perfection, for becoming God ever attained?' Is it even attainable? What is it about this primal desire that is so fundamental to who we are? What is Desire? Desire is not impotent. Desire is Energy. The energy of desire results from, and leads to, increasing restlessness, which, if not satisfied, leads to frustration. Restlessness and frustration seek resolution which ultimately resolves in Choice. Choosing is the action and the purpose of Intellect. The Intellect Chooses. So it is that this movement from desire to Choice determines who we are at a most basic, fundamental level of Creation. Consequently, we become what we desire, we become what we Choose. Is this desire of becoming Perfect, of becoming the Perfection ever attained? Is the desire of becoming God ever attained? Is there any hope? Is the desire for Perfection and Godhood even attainable? How realistic are our aspirations? What happens if we fail? What happens when we fail?

We really have no choice but to Create-to Image that which we desire, that which we cannot bring about or fulfill any other way. We are Creators. We create Time, Place, and Matter from the energy of our desire. When we fail to become that which we desire-we Choose. We Choose to create. We become creators for we cannot give up the goal of our desire, the essence of what we are, the hope of what we could become. We become Image Makers. We create Time that we may 'become' for we cannot 'become' without Time, as Time is movement, Time is pulsation, Time is the beat that initiates a beginning and, consequently, demands an ending. Time begins life and Time demands death. We are Image makers. We are becoming, throughout Time, more skilled at our art of image making. With ever advancing technology, we are, indeed, perfecting the art of imagery. We are, indeed, perfecting our selves as Image Makers.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Post #18 "The Story"

The drama of Creation is about to unfold, has unfolded, and is unfolding. The stage is set. The characters are about to fall in place. What has begun can only end, but we knew that. We have always known that. This is, was, and will be the result of the failure and the resultant frustration of the purpse to begin with. Images are fleeting and have no staying power. Immortality/Entity has always been the goal. Power is enviable. Power is, was, and always will be the means to achieve the unreachable goal. But what is the story? What is the story about? This is the story of 'The Reality of Non-Reality'. This is the story of  'The Creation of Non-Creation'. This is the Story of the 'Desire to Become God'. This is not the story of 'who we are' but the story of 'who or what we desire to become'. Consequently, this is the story of 'becoming'; a story that creates its own beginning and its own end. The story has already begun, is in process, and has already ended. This is the story of the 'great deception'. It is above all else, a story of Power, a quest for Power to attain Immortality/ Entity, the Essence of God.

Let's attempt to recover First Cause here at the creation of creation-the newly created pseudo-reality. Recall, please, that Reality has been blocked out, the remembrance of Reality has being greatly distorted. Choice creates image. As Time moves through its cycles, each succeeding image becomes more distorted, fainter, and more blurred. Science would describe this distortion as interference. Interference increases as Time moves through the continuing breakdown of each layer of created energy (the energy of creation) and uncreated energy, (energy of Reality) collectively and individually. Keep in mind that the goal and focus of creation is immortality (immortality depends on entity as division brings about death).. 

Our created reality is a game of "Let's Pretend"; let's pretend that Reality will fade away. At a basic definition, Creation is a wall; whatever parameters we care to put on the wall as galaxy, cosmos, or universe. Within this wall, at the next level which is a smaller piece of itself, is world. "World' is a wall. The purpose of walls is to keep in or keep out- to define 'me' from 'you'. Walls kep Reality out of sight of Non-Reality, and of course, much distortion or interference results. How can something be imaged if it is not in view? As creators we not only create non-Reality but, more basic, we totally created our own notion of what we have no idea of.

BECOMING GOD-Beyond Religion and Science

There lies deep within humanity the desire to 'become God'. The desire touches all aspects of created life. The desire to 'become God' is behind all choices and determinations and is the very basis of human thought, dreams, and aspirations. It establishes life cycles, patterns, customs, alliance; the very structures of created life. The desire to 'become God' determines human behavior. The desire is rooted in the consciousness and in unconsciousness. Every phase, every level, every step, is a piece of the unfolding of the movement to 'become God as is every stage of evolution. The desire is the force of, and the actuality for, the perpetual search for Perfection. Humanity seekd perfection. But what is perfection anyway, but being God? God and Perfection are One.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Post #17 "Image Continued"

Image could be understood as the result of distorted and up-side-down memory that in its own created reality takes shape through the choice of the collective consciousness. Image is energy. This energy transfers into the matter of Creation that in turn transfers back into energy over and over again into matter. As Creation is the distorted mirror image of Reality, Creation reflects the dichotomy of Reality to Non-Reality, positive to negative, on a smaller scale-positive energy reflecting the entity of Reality while negative energy reflects the divisiveness of Non-reality. This dichotomy repeats itself throughout the levels of history-always the same comparison but on different scales from Reality/Non-Reality to division within atoms.
It follow that Creation would end in nothingness through its own destructive energy. It also follows that what can be observed in today's world is increasing destruction on many fronts such as crime, wars, political betrayal, family brokenness and can even be detected in the revolt and destructiveness of nature itself. The world as we know it has become the perpetrator and victim of its own abuse. Division is the action and the impetus of Creation. Division is a process that begins and ends in the void of 'nothingness' thus confirming the presence of 'Nothing'.

Post #16 "Reality and Image"

Reality IS. Reality is totality. The image of Reality is not Reality! Image is image. Reality does not in any way depend on image, yet image, through its desire to be Reality, exists, because Reality exists. Image chooses to exist but being image can only 'become' ('becoming' sets Time in motion) as image is process with beginning and ending, and so can claim no existence other than to itself  (self-its own created Matter) and in its own created 'Place' ('Place'-the reflective surface of the projection). The Choice brings from pre-creation, Matter into Place that it may become in Time that which it chooses to image-Reality. (A reminder-The elements of Creation being Time, Place, and Matter.)

Image plays out on the stage of Creation. The word 'playing' helps explain the action of image. As image plays its role the image breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces of itself and consequently becomes more and more faded while moving through the levels of Time/history.What history views as progression, is actually distorted and inverted and is more accurately, regression. An overview of image presents itself throught  the lens of history as progression, but at a deeper level of truth, the truth of a disintegrating universe is undeniable.

The choice to become/image is the result of the process of Creation-division. Division is the breaking down into myriad pieces and sections. Image contains only the distorted memory of Reality. That memory becomes more and more distorted and broken with the passage of Time for the memory is contrived of hopes and desires, not so much of what is, but of what is hoped for and desired. Eventually, in Time, image begins to see itself as that which it seeks to become for image is the personification of Untruth. Untruth denies Truth . Untruth refuses to admit to the reality of Truth. Untruth exists in a state of denial. The energy output of Untruth is denial-a negative/destructive energy. Image sees itself and identifies itself as Reality. Image knows itself as the Reality! Such Untruth! Image cannot allow for the existence of Reality, for even just a glimpse would prove the unreality and the untruth of Untruth, of itself. Image denies the existence of Reality that it may exist and that it may exist in the place of that which is Real.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Post #15 "The Fragmentation of Division"

Applied to the present wordly situation, it is easy to understand the fragmantation of humanity, the fragmentation and destruction of the planet, the fragmentation and destruction of all that we have imaged, including any and all future and further worlds that we may create, only that we may destroy again and again. It has always been known that that which has been created will end. Religion knows this as well as science. I believe that it was Christopher Hutchins who said that nothing is heading towards us.

Its no wonder there is conflict when the conflict is the ultimate struggle for Power. What greater Power could there be than Power over life and death, that which erases the fine line between Creation and Infinity? Power over life and death is where all Power struggles end. Is Infinity just a dream away? Creation has beginning and end. Creation is not Reality. Creation does not exist in Reality. Dreaming and imaging can extend indefinitely the borders of any world, of any worlds and myriad galaxies beyond. It really makes no difference in the sense of what is Real for it is all merely as wisps of smoke and haze and has no True solidity and no sense of Truth at all. Is infinity only a dream away? If so, who has the Power to dream such a dream? If there is Power over Infinity, Infinity must lie within the walls of Creation. Power is a condition of Creation/Non-Reality. Power is the force of Non-Reality. Power is the tool of destruction. Power is the essence of division.

Post #14 "Breaking Down to Nothingness"

An ending is that which shapes and determines that which precedes it. Image can only be created, or better yet, recreated at its finality. The failure of the goal of the collective consciousness to become the Reality determines the non-reality of the vision or the dream of image. In other words, the vision determines the Choice which brings about non-existence or pseudo-reality. By choosing, the collective consciousness creates the past, resulting in the future-the future determining the past; proving the nebulousness of Time. The past provides its history through the levels of 'becoming'. Again, in other words, its death brings about its fragmented rebirth, for the dream sees the effect it wishes to accomplish in order to bring itself, once again, into the image state of non-reality. As fragmentation proceeds into history, or more accurately, recedes into history, so the created end is just that, the created death. So also the image divides and fragments-becoming more distorted until it just fades away or dies back into the churning abyss of pre-creation.

In creation, what divides into two at the first level (referring to the example of levels and layers in the tel example) becomes four at the second layer and eight at the third and so on until all ends as it began, back into nothingness. This demonstrates that what began as image, multiplies itself through fragmentation into many pieces, each piece carrying a further distorted memory (as in image imaging image imaging image, over and over again). Using the example of a hologram, each piece, no matter how small, still retains an imprint of the original memory of the dream of becoming. The imprint becomes smaller and fainter throughout the movement of Time. The memory is only a memory of the memory...........memory imprints as image, Non-Reality exists but exists as non-reality. Non-Reality exists as image. There is no true solidity in image or as afore-mentioned, in creation, for creation is image.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Post #13 "A Process of Division"

As Creation is a process of division, Reality is the opposite. Creation divides. Reality generates. As image passes through the layers of Time, it refects itself over and over. At each repetition, at each layer, image images itself into a weaker image. The weaker image then continues to lose distinction at each further level of division, thus becoming more distorted, until just passing away into oblivion, into the abyss, into the void. This process of imaging and reimaging occurs throughout the levels of division-the levels of historical Time. Creation is a process of division, moving from its future unrealize dream of perfection (its perception of Reality) which certainly means wholeness, to uncontrollable fracturing into smaller and smaller bits and pieces of itself. Creation eventually must end for image cannot be sustained through the layers and levels that are measured by Time. Creation cannot even conceive of entity as Creation is division. As Reality is entity, Reality is wholeness. Entity is wholeness. There are no parts to entity, consequently entity is not determined by the sum of any parts. Creation's dream is for Perfection. Creation chooses out of its dream. Creation longs for what it is not. Creation is divisive-creation longs for wholeness. Creation is finite, creation longs for immortality.


In the process of division there is the constant need for the pulsation or movement of Time, (as increment of Time).The creation of Time allows for the possibility of starting over again and again, as in each new life, in each new day, in each week, month, year, millennium, and on and on, each beginning demanding the cessation of existing life, the cessation of each day, of each year, and of all that went before it. As the process of division accelerates, the universe accelerates. As the universe accelerates the process of division accelerates. That process of the acceleration of division demands the accelerated cessation of existing life in order to begin itself anew at a faster and faster pace. As image cannot sustain itself it must be recreated over and over again. This process demands the function of the element of Time and explains the cyclical nature of creation..As Time is an element of creation, the new beginning can only begin at the demise of what has gone before. The image is recreated through the process of division by breaking down into smaller pieces as it fades away. The end of one layer or level calls the beginning of the next layer/level into being.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Post #12 "Nothingness"

Science cannot answer the question, "What came before the Big Bang" and admits that maybe nothing existed before our universe. (Astronomy, May 2007). "The universe is mainly made up of nothing, that something is there is the exception. Nothing is the rule." Carl Sagan (The Varieties of Scientific Experiences). The existence of 'nothing' best describes the void.

What is nothing? What about the existence of 'nothing'? Is 'nothing' what non-existence is all about? What is there about 'nothing' that creates image? Does 'image' then exist? Can that which is image be created by nothing? Image certainly cannot be created by Reality. Reality IS. Reality has no need or purpose to create. Why would that which is REAL, create that which is not real-not real as in image? What about the Genesis account that says that humanity is created in the image of God? Could there be a deeper meaning to this than what has been thought? It would seem that image is that which would be identified as projection. Energy would provide the force that transmits a reflection or an image on to a surface. Projection is energy. All matter reduces back to energy. The surface of the projection of the image does not exist. Is image then, energy projected into space, into nothingness? This suggests that image exists only to image and within image. This suggests that creation exists only to and within itself.

The total energy inventory is finite, yet it cannot be used up. Energy never diminishes. Energy is never lost, destroyed nor is it born. ( Bob Berman, Astronomy May, 2007) "Physicists have calculated that every cubic centimeter of empty space contains more energy than the total energy of all the matter in the known universe." University of London physicist, David Bohm, who studied under Einstein believes in this finite ocean of energy and further says that matter does not exist independently from the sea, from so-called empty space. It is a part of space. Bohm says further that the universe is a very small pattern of excitation and gives rise to approximate recurrent, stable separable projections into a three-dimensional explicate order of manifestation. In other words, the universe does not exist as itself....it is only a passing shadow. In other words, creation is an image!

Post #11 "The Void/Precreation"

Biblical accounts of Creation say that God created the heavens and the earth 'in the very beginning.' Science explains that 'in the beginning' the universe began with an explosion, or now, the more up-dated account, more succinctly describes 'the beginning' as an unfolding, creating Time, Place, and Matter. The point of agreement here between religion and science is 'in the beginning'.

The 'begin' is to bring into existence something that does not exist, something that will spin about and then fade into its end-the void. Can something or anything exist that has its beginning in Nothingness; that enters its own created Time-frame and then ends? Biblical Genesis describes the Nothingness as water; formless, dark, and deep. Creation unfolds: light, form, firmament, sky, land/earth, and all that this produces; yet light always gives way to darkness, land gives way to sea, and shape desolves in formlessness. If indeed, parallel universes exist, the same pattern would follow, creation to void, over and over again; all moving to their end...to nothingness, to the other side, the non-side of Reality.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Post #10 Surface Truth/Non-Reality

The conflice in the Middle East is representative of the story of humanity. It is the story of the Choice humanity made way down at bedrock. This last level, today's level, the level up at the top, depicts where the Middle East situation is today.This top level shows where humanity is today but this truth is only surface truth. Truth can only be found by removing the layers, by removing the lies, but who would ever have the courage? Who would ever dare? Truth has been replaced with non-truth as Reality has been replaced with image. Non-Truth only poses as Truth, as image only posses as the reality it imitates. Non-truth does not resemble Truth anymore that the image resembles the Reality.

It's all a game of pretense really. Not even a semblence of Truth remains. Truth no longer exists here. Only surface truth remains and as we all know, surface truth really isn't Truth and pseudo-reality is not Reality. And it all began with a wall in  the wilderness, with all the walls in all the wildernesses that we have created, where a Choice was made, where a stone as set on top of another stone and a wall was created, and then walls and more walls. From these walls came settlements and then cities, and where there was once a vast wilderness, came civilization. Hot-cold, high-low, wilderness-civilization, Truth-lies, Reality-Non-Reality

Friday, November 8, 2013

Post #9 TIME- Reality or Non-Reality?

Time is not readily measured nor easily put in test tubes and so remains as nebulous as substance/matter, which science has proved does not exist in the universe or in all of Creation. In quantum mechanics, physicists have realized that Time is not an observable, meaning we cannot observe Time passing

As scientists were shocked to discover that previous assertions of the universe decelerating were completely inaccurate, they will be shocked to learn that the movement of Time determines the speed and direction in which the universe moves, that as Time accelerates, the speed of the universe accelerates, if Time moved backwards, the universe would decelerate. Time, as we know it, moves forward to its end, speeds up, thereby becoming of shorter duration. Minutes, days, weeks, and years are spinning faster and faster to a close. In the pseudo-reality of Non-Reality lives are actually moving more quickly and are passing at an accelerated speed from generation to generation.

A life span of say, 76 years is passing faster now than a life span of, say, 35 years, several generations ago. It follows, then, that the farther back in history, the slower the movement of Time, the slower the acceleration of the universe, and the longer people lived. Non-Reality, as image of Reality becomes less and less distorted as we move backwards in Time because image reflects the image preceding it- image reflects image, reflects image, each a further distortion of the Reality that Non-Reallity sought to replace.

It seems evident from this that levels of Time/Non-Reality occur. As we measure Time in minutes, days, weeks, years, generations, increments as levels or layers become apparent. Each level of Time is a movement from birth to death. Each level is farther away from the Reality that was sought to be imaged, as each level can only reflect the level preceding it. Each image thus becomes a further distortion until nothing at all can be found that resembles Reality. At each level the imprinted memory becomes fainter and the image becomes broken down or divided down into smaller and smaller pieces until nothing remains that resembles or can be identified in any way with Reality.                                                                             

An interesting example of this may be that of a tel. A tel is identified by Webster as an ancient mound in the Middle East composed of remains of successive settlements.Visiting Jericho of Israel/Palestine several times, I had the opportunity to observe and ponder a tel that has been under excavation for over 45 years by archeologists. The tel was the size of a small mountain that had been sliced vertically showing many levels, each level representing a past settlement or a civilization as the mound held within it 9000 years of humanity's efforts to build their dreams, to escape to their own reality. Over 9000 years ago a wall was built and then walls out of the wilderness surrounding Jericho, by cementing together huge stones with mortar made from the bitumin of the soil mixed with water from the River Jordan. The wall became walls. Walls became a settlement. The settlement became settlements. Settlements became cities. Each wall representing a city. each city representing a civilization.

The first level, that first settlement was destroyed. After a time a second settlement was built on top of the remains of the huge stone walls of the first attempt. The second settlement was larger that the first and also destroyed. It followed- the pattern of building followed by destruction, of life to death, at first of settlements and then of cities. The pattern repeated itself over and over again until all that is left today is a mountain of buried cities covered with silt and scrub vegetation and archeologist's attempts to tell the story of an area that represents all of civilization-just layers of Non-Reality piled on top of each other gettng farther and farther away, level by level, from any grasp of Truth at all. For what is Truth anyway, if not Reality?

Post #8 Non-Reality

Non-Reality assumes a life of its own by creating its own reality. Comparitively, the non-reality of creation brings itself into its own existence. Creation is real-to itself. Creation is real within itself, however, Creation is finite. It exists within its own resulting parameters of its own created Time, its own created Place, and its own created Matter. Creation is non-existent to Reality. Consequently, Non-Reality has absolutely no effect
on Reality. Non-Reality identifies and functions as Creation, meaning made out of nothing- the void. Religion says, "God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning."

A foremost scientific concept says that Creation resulted from the Big Bang-"when photons of light were first set free and created the cosmic micrewave bakground." (Steve Nadis, Astronomy, April 2007) Out of a void, out of nothingness, an event occured and occurs that unfolds from a beginning to an end. Creation, made up of Time, Place, and Matter, existing or non-existing in a void of nothingness in which vague parameters designate Place, spinning and rotating cycles designate Time, and from these comes Matter/Substance, the stuff of earth including humanity. Creation, according to science is the stuff of atoms and basic elements. In the controversy between religion and science there seems to be agreement- both admit to an ending that is understood by religion as a prediction, "heaven and earth will pass away.....", (Mark 13"31) and by science as an observation of the break-down of atoms into smaller and smaller subatomic particles, until finally losing all defimition, also, just pass away.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Post #7 Generation of Energy

Who could ever know that this Place known as Creation evolved from an energy that was and is the negative energy of division? Who would ever know that Creation, as the process of division, would divide itself down and enter its own patterns of cycles of division, its own patterns and cycles of Time?

What is Creation, anyway, but division? Division was and is the function of Creation. Division was and is the beginning event in the process of Creation. Creation came about through division. Creation is only the image of that which is Entity.

What is really known of energy? What is really known of that which is determined as positive energy and that which is determined as negative energy? Are there different levels of energy? Are there energies that have avoided detection? Are there fields of energy outside of Creation that are not detectable to human consciousness through Reason? Are unknown energies or energy fields behind the puzzle of dark holes and dark matter? What about the effects of unknown energy or sources of energy or energy fields on human consciousness and particularily, on human unconsciousness? What energies are involved in or even make up human consciousness? Is it possible that earlier times in history saw human consciousness more able to access other forms and degrees of Knowing than we know today and that that ability has faded or disappeared or has been ignored through choice or even has been purposely hidden? Could this unknown knowledge bring about lost awareness that would lead to deep levels of truth hidden beneath layers of debris and lies that are so far removed from consciousness as to become inaccessible, unheard of, and unimagined? This kind of depth of consciousness would cerainly seem to be intolerant of any inferior or half-truths like the kind of truth that is found in the interactions of today's world. It would seem that these very deep levels of consciousness would be accessed only throught the energy of Choice.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Post #6 "What is Real-What is Truth?......Ultimate Truth and Surface Truth

What is Truth? Can Truth lie anywhere within Creation? Can there be Truth in image? What truth can lie within an image if not the image's own truth? Would not this be imaged or a surface truth, and be true only to the image and that which pertains to the image?  Certainly a surface or imaged truth would not be true to Reality. Certainly a surface or imaged truth would not exist in or to Reality. Certainly Reality could not accept that which is a distorted reproduction of itself and exists only within itself on its own created surface.

Would not an image be the distorted reproduction of its own efforts thereby creating itself and thereby providing its own reality? Image is a projection that forms matter from its own energy reflected on its own created surface through the actions of the void of pre-creation. The desire of the collective consciousness to take on and become Reality creates energy. The desire becomes choice; choice fails to bring about the transference of Reality onto the collective consciousness and becomes, instead-image. Can an image that has resulted from a distorted and inverted projection of Reality be anything other than distorted and inverted? Can Reality be projected, in the first place? Can Reality itself  be projected or is the 'imaged' reality that which results and that which was projected? If Reality could be projected, would this bring about the transference of the Collective Consciousness into Reality? Would this desire, would this choice, would this projection bring about the transference that would change the indentity of that which is not Reality into Reality? The profound question is 'can Reality ever be projected?' Can desire and choice bring about a pseudo-reality that exists within its own reality and, consequently, within its own truth? We all know that what is Real cannot be eliminated. So, what is the purpose for creation? Is the purpose the elimination of Reality? Is creation the act of building impenetrable walls to block the presence of Reality? Here the walls are created that block out all that which cannot be removed in any other way than through denial of its existence. Here the walls of creation must be built that Reality will seem to be eliminated. But no walls can truly eliminate Reality. It's all a sham, a pretense. Here lies the impetus to create. What is created? We create what we are not. We create to become that which we desire. We create what and when our desire is totally unreachable and unachievable and even inconceivable. We cannot remove Reality. We can only build walls that remove ourselves. Desire begat Time, the element of creation. Time is nebulous and can be tipped upside-down and down-side up-the ending confused with its beginning, the beginning confused with its ending.                    

Monday, November 4, 2013

Post #5 ''Who Are We?"

Who are we? This is a basic human question. This question has plagued us for as long as we have been able to rationalize. Our world of technology, our business enterprizes, our political rationals, our game/sport mentality, all that we make our priorities, all that determines our value systems, all proving us to be what we are----Image Makers! We are Image Makers. We are Creators. Our world of technology alone is spinning us faster and deeper into a world of images; a world we have created, a world we are creating, a world yet to be created.

We are Image Makers. We are Creators. We have created Creation. We have created all that makes up creation; namely: Time, Place, and Matter. Our Collective Consciousness has created Time that our goals may be accomplished; that we may begin and that we may end. We have created Time that we may call an end to all our failings, that we may begin over and over again as often as necessary, hoping to get it right 'this time'. We have created Place that there would be a surface that would serve as our 'playing field', our stage.We have created Place that there would be 'a place' as opposed to 'no Place', that Place that exists only in Non-Reality-the reality we have created. We have created Matter that we may possess, that we may accumulate, that we may own. We have created Matter that we ourselves may inhabit, exploit, and abuse that world and all we have created. We have created Matter that we may play out our goals and desires on that worldly stage that exists only to us, that exists only in our own non-reality. We have created Matter that we may give witness to ourselves, that we may make ourselves present in the reality w have created. We have created Matter that through our substance we may become God.

We have created the world. We have created the cosmos. We have created out of all we have imaged. We have created to fulfill our desire. We have created to the ends of our imagination. Our power to imitate, to create, is as boundless as the far edges of our creation and beyond into our own created infinity. Our collective consciousness has created our reality that moves from the present to create the past, that through the past we may determine the created future.

As masters of imagery, as masters of creation, will we ever be able to answer our basic question of 'who are we?' As masters of imagery, can we answer in Reality (whatever Reality may be) or only as images of that Reality? Does Reality exist outside or beyond that totality of what we have created? How can we possibly encounter this Reality if, indeed, this creation, this cosmos we have created allows us to venture only to the ends of our own imagination or just, at least, allows us only to be able to peer beyond its walls?

Post #4 Creation-Reality or Non-Reality?

The Intellect is the determining factor of consciousness, thereby its function is Choosing. Consciousness, through Intellect, Chooses. Consciousness accesses Knowledge, chooses and according to choice, functions either through Reason or through a primal Awareness. The Intellect of Non-Reality, through Reason, chose or chooses to become Reality but what occured and occurs is not that which was desired, for it cannot become what it is not, and instead of becoming Reality becomes the Image of Reality. This is the impulse that churns the void. This is pre-creation. Churning produces heat. Heat produces moisture. From heat and moisture, elementary particles, such as quarks and electrons form. These elementary particles undergo further development through the interaction and influence of pre-creation forces. In these particles and electrons are the building materials of creation. Creation is created: Time begins ticking, Matter forms, Place appears-the reflecting surface of the projection of image. On this surface called earth or galaxy or cosmos, the drama of creation unfolds.

We know these elements of Creation do not exist in themselves, pop in and out of existence, and convert back to the original energy of the churning void of no-thingness. We know they do not really exist in Reality but only in our own Creation, our created reality. The basic elements and we ourselves exist in our own reality, created throught the power to Reason by our Collective Consciousness and our Collective Unconsciousness through pre-time and throughout all of created Time. We choose to access Knowledge through Reason or Awareness. It's all a matter of choice-to become image makers or not, to become the creators of Creation, or not. Choice is made collectively and individually.

What has the energy of the collective consciousness and collective unconsciousness created? What has Intellect created? Does this Creation equal Reality or does it equal Non-Reality? Just what has been created? What has been created is Image. What we create and have created is Image. Image has beginning and end. Image cannot be sustained. We are Creator. We are Image-makers. We desired to become that which we were not. What resulted is that we created our own reality. Reason cannot access reality so what resulted, what we created, is the image or the reflection of Reality. Our reality is a created reality. Consciousness chooses. Choosing is the action and purpose of Intellect.

As we are absorbed farther and farther into a pure mechanical world the ability to access Primal Awareness diminishes to the point of extinction as being in a state of robotical, mechanical dependancy. What was more easily accessed in past history is now, through unuse, becoming much more difficult to access. We do not know how anymore to access this source of Knowledge.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Post #3 The Creation of Creation

A foremost scientific concept says that Creation resulted from the Big Bang-"when photons of light were first set free and created the cosmic microwave background." (Steve Nadis. Astronomy. April 2007). Out of a void, out of nothingness, an event occurred and occurs that unfolds from a beginning and hastens to an end. Creation, made up of Time, Place, and Matter, existing or non-existing in a void of nothingness in which vague parameters designate Place, spinning and rotating cycles designate Time, and from these comes Matter/Substance, the stuff of earth including humanity. Creation, according to science, is the stuff of atoms and basic elements. Both religion and science ( faith and reason) admit to an ending that is understood by religion as a prediction, "heaven and earth will pass away..." (Mark 13:31) and by science as an observation of the break-down of atoms into smaller and smaller subatomic particles until finally losing all definition, also just pass away.

That Creation , beginning as an event, is moving to and approaching its end is becoming more apparant with each passing day. This movement, this process, from beginning to end, from life to death, is accelerating as is the universe accelerating. The recently discovered fact of an accelerating universe blew scientists' previous assumption of a decelerating universe totally apart. A mysterious energy is said to be responsible for the accelerated rate at which galaxies and space itself are being pushed apart. Space systematically is expanding as galaxies are being carried along with its movement.

Creation is process. Process is movement. Movement defines beginning and end. The movement of Creation, however, is not toward wholeness or unity, but is a movement that is constantly breaking down into smaller and smaller pieces, each piece carrying an imprint, a memory. Reference for this concept comes from religion and from science-from faith and from reason. According to biblical Genesis, the action of creation is described as separation: God SEPARATED light from darkness, water from above from water from below, sky from land, and finally, humanity SEPARATED into male and female. Science, defining creation from the instant of the Big Bang, sees this movement not as a formation but as a release of atoms that SEPARATED into basic elements. This movement of creation, then, is a movement of division. At each increment of this movement, the rate of division accelerates. This observation of movement is called Time. Consequently Time is also occuring at a rate of accelerating division. The movement of Time accelerates at each increment, each increment a further breakdown into smaller and smaller pieces. These pieces then move farther and farther apart at accelerating rates of speed. Creation, then, can best be described as a process-a process of division. Accordingly, creation does not seem to be Real. Real assumes entity. Creation divides. Creation divides over and over again creating its own beginning and its own death.