Monday, November 30, 2015

Post #197 "Division, Its Cause and Effect"

Creation is a process of division.
Creation is a process because it begins and moves towards an ending. 
Division occurs in the awareness of the Collective Consciousness to Self and to Other.
There is Reality and there is Non-reality.
Other is the Singularity of Reality.
Non-reality is the absence of Other.

Consciousness chooses Reality or Non-reality.
This choice sets in place whether Consciousness is of Reality or of Non-reality.
The Collective Consciousness is the whole of Consciousness.
As Consciousness has Intelligence and chooses through its Intelligence,
the Collective Consciousness breaks down and is made up of bits and parts of itself. 
As a whole, made up of parts of itself, it is not entity for entity has no parts.
Individual Consciousness is aware of Self and aware of Other.
The Individual Consciousness chooses To Be.
To Be is not process.
To Be does not create, but Observes, witnesses, and thereby validates Other to itself.
This is Reality.....the Reality of Self and Other.

The Collective Consciousness is made up of bits and pieces of itself.
The Individual Consciousness through its choice of Self and Other, can and must emerge
from the Collective as it is Observes, Witnesses to, and Validates the Singularity of Reality
 as Infinite Entity.
Summed up----the Individual Consciousness is aware of Self and Other.
The Individual Consciousness Observes Self and Other.
The Collective Consciousness is made up of Consciousness that has chosen to Become.
and is made up of Individual Consciousness.
Becoming enters process.
Becoming must establish beginning and ending.
Becoming creates Creation.

Religion describes Creation according to its own interpretation, to suit its own purpose.
The history of religion reflects its purpose, basically the same purpose as the choice of the
Collective Consciousness to Become.
To Become what?
To Become its own God----God, the image of the hidden Singularity of Reality.
Becoming God is dependent on Possession, Identity, and Authority.
These three are the building blocks of religion, of history, for history is the story of religion.
We are what we choose, what we worship.
What we worship is our God.
This need to worship, to create God, is a cosmogonic symbol around which history revolves.
Creation is a process of division. Creation begins and ends.
In other words, Creation gives birth to itself and destroys itself.
Creation is the story of Life and Death.
The Choice of Consciousness to Become has canceled out the infinite, entity of Reality.
The Infinite and the Entity only exist in Reality.
Individual Consciousness that has chosen To Be, that includes Self and Other, that
does not exist in Non-reality.
This is the big difference between Reality and Non-reality, between Becoming and Being--------
the difference is the Observation,Witness, and Validation of OTHER!

To understand religion, to understand history, to understand Who We Are, we must understand
Self without Other.
What does Self do when there is no Other, when there is only Self?
Self does what creation does as Self is of Creation.
Self  replaces the Other of Reality by perceiving itself as Other, as God, as the God of Creation
by doing what Creation does--divide.
Consciousness divides itself over and over again, each division bringing itself closer
to its own death.
Science knows this, as atoms divide down until loosing all definition, just fade away.
Religion knows this as "heaven and earth will fade away..." 
Humanity, the created expression of Consciousness, divides itself down into male and female.
Male now Becomes Self and Female Becomes Other and Other takes on a whole new
interpretation according to the perception of Consciousness to Self and to Other.
Self becomes Male. Other Becomes Female.
Self is the dream, the desire of Becoming. Other is made to be 'other than Male'.
The Self, male, is the civilization of history.
Female is wilderness. Female is chaos.
Female is the turbid waters surrounding Creation that one must take care not to be
swallowed up by.
Male is about survival and definitely survival of the fittest.
Male intends that Male survives and one of the means to male survival is domination of female. Female is not considered human as male is considered human.
Female is intended for food. Female is food for male survival.
The female must be defeated and this is done every minute of every day throughout history
on every level of existance.
Female is constantly being defeated at the hands of all-powerful, all-knowing, male,
that male's glory may be reaffirmed and relived.
It all recalls the conquest of Other by the Collective Consciousness, the removal of Reality
by image/creation/non-reality.
This explains the bonding men have with each other.
This explains the abuse of women and children.
This explains wars.
This explains competition/sports.
This explains women's need to be beautiful, meaning sexy, to have any value at all in a
patriarchal world.
It even explains why some men hold a door open for a woman....the need to keep her weak.
Convince her of her weakness until it becomes genetically imprinted on her 'less than
animal mind'.
Does this not account at least for a little of what male thinks and acts upon?
Male has made history the story of female's vulnerability, weakness, valuelessness, and functions. Religion is Male worship.
Religion is phallic worship.
Female is becoming extinct.
When the female is extinct, male will again subdivide himself and feed upon his sacrificed
parts and pieces.
This is not a male and female issue.
This is a division of Consciousness issue. This is an awareness issue. This is a choosing issue.
Would anyone want to admit to a desire and dream to become the image of that which was considered unacceptable and thus had to be done away with?
Has anyone knowingly chosen to opt out of Reality and create an image existence?
It is comfortable and easy to create a pseudo existence, to do as everyone else does.
This is Collective Consciousness.
Collective Consciousness does not provide entity and infiniteness no matter how many
promises of religion.
Religion, as everything else in the Collective Consciousness is about Self.
Self seeks Possessions, that Self may have Identity, that Self may take total control.
This is what is showing up as our today, image reality.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Post #196, "Breakdown Continued"

Because the Collective Consciousness, chose to Become rather than To Be, Reality is cancelled. We are unaware of Reality and live in the pseudo-reality we have created.
As Reality is canceled out, Other is canceled out.
If Reality is canceled out, Self is canceled out.
This means that everything we Perceive, we Perceive through a perceived Self.
Perceiving is not Observing.
Because we Perceive Self, we Perceive Other.
Reality is Self and Other, Other, the Singularity of Reality.
In pseudo-reality, which is Non-reality, we cannot Observe, Observing is To Be,
but have chosen to Perceive, which is To Become. 
Self is Perception, Reality is Perception.
This created existence comes down to a perceived image of Self and the loss of the Reality of Other.

In Creation, Other becomes immersed in the Self.
Self sees reality as within itself.
This pseudo-reality creates its God which creates its own pseudo-reality known as Creation.
This pseudo-reality creates its God to be all that itself dreams and desires itself to Become.
Creation divides as its God divides into many Gods.
Gods become many things that are dreamed and desired.
Each person perceives Self as containing God within itself.
Those persons who best illustrate the qualities most dreamed and desired
are raised up as containing more of God.
Life becomes Perception.
Perception is brought about by Comparison.
How does Self compare to another Self?
 Self challenges to prove that one owns more of the God within....a larger share.
Self joins others to best possess the essence of their created Gods.
Whose God is most powerful?
Let's compete for the prize of devouring the looser.
Power is lost that power may be gained.
It's all a game,really.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Post #195, "Breakdown of Reality Continued"

If Reality is perceived rather than Observed, Reality no longer exists.
What exists is only an impression of Reality that has now created the state of Non-reality.
If a person is Perceived rather than Observed, that real person no longer exists.
What exists is a Perception of the person.
If everyone who relates to or encounters that person does not Observe that person for who that person is but Perceives that one as they desire that one to be........what becomes of that person?
And what of that person's perception of self?
How does that one perceive self?
What happens to relationships when the perception of self clashes with the perception of others of one's own self?
Can Self exist to Self as Self outside of the Perception of others?
It would seem that the end result may be a breaking down of that person as Self into the Self one Perceives Self to become and certainly leads to chaos in regards to relationships to others.

Where does Perception begin?
What about religion's First Cause-----the Creation of Creation by the God of Creation?
Is this Observation or Perception?
It obviously could hardly be Observation.
The Genesis Creation story is Perception and the Perception is the Perception of a person or a people that had a reason for telling the story as it is told, and then retold and told again throughout history, each people, each generation adapting the Story to their own Perceptions of themselves, to history, and to their relations to Others. 
All Perceptions. 
No Observation!
How could there be Observation when the Collective Consciousness Chose to Perceive itself and to Perceive the Singularity of Reality?
The Perception removed Reality from Consciousness as that part of Consciousness that chose to Perceive, Chose to Become rather than To Be. 
Consciousness Chose to Become the Reality. 
Consciousness sought to devour, to consume Reality that Reality would Become what Consciousness Perceived it to be;
Perceived it to become and not accept Reality as Reality but as an extension of itself.
Reality exists! 
Creation is just not aware of it. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Post #194, "Application of 'Reality Breakdown'"

Every dichotomy of Creation, including Creation itself, is born in the perception of Consciousness
to Reality; to the Singularity of Reality.
In other words, in the perception of Self to Other.
Any relationships that we form are in reality the breaking away from the whole.
What we perceive as coming together or as forming is coming apart from the whole,
is a breaking away from the whole.
Please keep in mind that 'whole' here is formed from its bits and pieces.
It is not Entity as Entity is not a sum of bits and pieces.
The Collective Consciousness continually breaks away and reforms itself from bits and pieces of itself.
This is what creates death, as creation is a process of atoms continually breaking apart into smaller and smaller sub-atomic particles.
These sub-atomic particles are bits and pieces of itself. 
As the breakdown of atoms into sub-atomic particles diminish the particles until they just fade away,
so too, creation and humanity subdivide down into smaller particles until creation,
 including humanity, also just fade away.
We use words such as death, erosion, destruction, war, and abomination to describe this process of
division, for that is what Creation is......a process of division.
A process of division is identified as having beginning and comes to an end
as it is born of the perception of the Collective Consciousness of itself to itself
and to the Singularity of Reality.
The process of division is born of the choice made collectively by the Collective Consciousness to
perceive itself and to perceive Other.
We might do well to question if our death and the death of creation is resulting from our choice to
Perceive rather than to Observe Self and Other.
Is Perception the desire to absorb, to eat, to consume Other into Self, thereby admitting to the existence of Self and no Other?

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Post # 193, "Reality Breakdown Continued"

The Choice of Individual Consciousness is To Be.
Individual Consciousness chooses Reality.
Therefore, Individual Consciousness observes and gives witness to Reality and to Non-reality.
Individual Consciousness observes and witnesses Non-reality as it is and not as
Non-reality dreams and desires itself 'To Become'.
The Collective Consciousness chooses and has chosen 'To Become'
Choosing to 'Become' cancels out 'To Be'.
The Collective Consciousness has chosen the 'To Become' of Non-reality.
The Collective Consciousness, through its choice, exists in Non-reality.
'To Be' cannot exist in Becoming, as Becoming dreams and desires.
In the choice 'To Become', Consciousness blocks out Reality that it can take Reality's place. 
Reality can no longer exist for Non-reality.
The blocking out of Reality by Non-reality resets First Cause.
First Cause moves from the observation and witness of Reality and Non-reality to the formation and emergence of Creation, called by science, the Big Bang and referred to by religion as the story of Creation by the God of Creation.
This is why science is unable to determine Reality from Non-reality or say what occurred or occurs before the Big Bang
The choice for Non-reality to Become Reality is not possible as long as Reality exists, for transference assumes the removal of the desired object as its attributes and characteristics must die in one that they may be reborn in another.
Non-reality desires To become Reality means that Non-reality desires the attributes and characteristics of Reality.
Attaining these qualities brings about the transference.
Accordingly, Non-reality assumes the death of Reality.
Non-reality assumes that at the absence/death of Reality, the essence of Reality Becomes the essence of Non-reality, thereby accomplishing the transference of Reality into Non-reality.
What Is cannot Become what is not.
Non-reality cannot become Reality.
Non-reality cannot assume the attributes and characteristics of Reality.
What results is Image.
The Image of Reality transfers to Non-reality.
Due to the chaos of the void of pre-creation, the transferred image of Reality to Non-reality
is distorted, fragmented, inverted, upside down and downside up, inside out, and all ways opposite.
The result of the choice of Collective Consciousness to become Reality is Image.
Consciousness can only Image Reality.
Consciousness cannot become Reality.
Consciousness cannot become what it is not.
Image is Image.
Image is not Real.
Image does not exist in Reality.
Image cannot exist on its own, but is dependent on that which it images.
Creation is the Image of Reality.
Image is the distorted Image of Reality.
Image is reflection.