Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Post #415 "Creating Creation"

Creation is Created.
Creation is Created means that Creation has beginning and ending.
What has Beginning and Ending cannot and does not Exist in the 'NOW' of the Reality of Existence.
'Beginning' and 'Ending' suggests Process. Process indicates a 'Becoming'.
'Becoming' moves from a Beginning point to an Ending point that does not yet Exist in the Dream of Creating.

Creation is a Dream.
Creation is a  Dream Created by the Self of Consciousness for the purpose of removing ALL 
that is not Self.
In Creation, Self moves into Self, blocking out all that is not Self
It is essential to Self that All that is 'Other' is removed from Existence.
This is becoming very obvious in our present 'Today', in today's worldly Existence
Self, moving into Self, Removes 'Other' and 'Otherness', thereby Canceling Reality.
Self moving into Self, Creates a Pseudo-Reality, which is not Reality at all.
The Pseudo-Reality is a Distortion, an Inversion, a Pretense of Reality.
This Pseudo-Reality is a Projection by the Self of Consciousness, to not Observe Reality, but to Perceive Reality through the Self.
Creation, consisting of Beginning and Ending, Begins with a Dream of Consciousness to 'Become' that which it IS NOT.
Creation never moves beyond Creation.
Creation Cannot escape it-Self.
The Dream of the Collective Consciousness is to 'Become'.
Creation only Exists in the Dream of  Consciousness.
What Dreams of 'Becoming' does not Exist in the 'Being' of Existence----in the Reality of Existence.
That which Dreams of 'Becoming' is Aware that 'What Becomes', 'Becomes' that 'Which 'Ends'.
----As in Beginning Creating Ending.
-----Consciousness Creating its own Death.
In the Awareness of Consciousness to the Duality of Existence and Non-Existence, Consciousness
is Aware of its own Duality. Consciousness can and must CHOOSE.
Consciousness Chooses to Exist in the Reality of Existence or in the Non-Reality of Non-Existence.
Consciousness Chooses 'To Be' or to 'Dream'.
Collectively Consciousness Chooses Non-Existence, better referred to as Existence in Dreams.
Consciousness can also Choose Individually. It seems that Individual Choice occurs less often than Collective Choice. Consequently, it is the Collective Consciousness that Creates.
Individual Consciousness, Individual Humanity, is caught up in the Collective because of the Nature of being Consciousness, of being Human.
Fewer Humans Choose to Exist outside the Dreams of the Collective than to be included in the Collective Dream.

Creation is the Dream of the Collective Consciousness.
It is the Collective Dream that brings about Creation.
To Exist in a Dream is to Non-Exist in Reality.
Dreaming cannot Exist in the 'NOW' of Reality.
There is No 'Now' in Dreaming.
'Now' is replaced in a Dream with 'What Could Be'/'Becoming'.

The Collective Consciousness is Consciousness Dreaming
The Self of Consciousness cannot accomplish its Dream because 'Other-Than-Self' has been removed.
The Self cannot find Truth/Reality from within It-Self/.
Immortality/Truth Exists within Reality which consists of Self AND Other.
This Self Desires Immortality to Exist entirely within It-Self and totally For the Self,
meaning that 'That Which is 'Other-Than-Self'' must be Obliterated.
Self does not Desire or Dream of Immortality for 'That-Which-is-Other'.
Self is threatened by the fact that Immortality could Exist for 'Other'.
As Reality IS Self And 'Other-Than-Self', the removal of Other also removes Reality. 
The Dream of the Consciousness of Non-Reality is to 'Become' Reality by achieving Immortality.
Consciousness that Non-Exists, Dreams to Exist,---Self Dividing Self,.
In other words, Consciousness of Creation Dreams for Immortality, however, 
Creation has no Immortality because Creation is a Process of Division 
that continually breaks down to its own Non-Existence.
 Reality is Entity.
Entity is Immortality.
A Dream is not Reality.
A Dream does not possess Entity.
A Dream Exists only as a Dream.
Creation is a Dream.
Creation does not possess Entity.
There is No Immortality in Creation. But we all Know that.

The Dreaming Self Exists only within the Self.
The Dreaming Self Existing within It-Self cannot Observe Reality.
This Dreaming Self Eliminates All that is 'Other-than-It-Self' that its Reality is a Created Perception
of a Self-Existing Pseudo-Reality.

Consciousness of Non-Reality removes All Other and Otherness.
Immortality becomes a Dream, a Perception.
We, of Creation, Desire and Dream of Immortality while Striving to Destroy All that is 'Other'.
We are threatened by 'Other-than-Our-Selves'.
We are threatened and uncomfortable with 'Other' and 'Otherness'.
We Fear Other and Otherness may rob us of our Dream.
Those of us that Dream the Dream do not Know Existence outside our Dream.
We are threatened that our Dreamed Existence may End and we will not 'Really' have Existed at all.

Creation is the Consciousness of Humanity Striving for Wholeness, yet Non-Existing in its Dream 
of 'Self in Self',
 The Self, caught up in the Process of Division that marks and defines Creation, 
is broken into many parts and pieces of it-Self, totally unable to hold it-Self together.
Certainly no Idea of Entity!
Certainly incapable of Immortality!
Immortality cannot Exist where there is no Entity.
Without Entity, Self without Other, Divides down into Non-existence as does all of Creation
Creation Divides  it-Self down into myriad Parts and pieces of it-Self,
until losing all Definition,

The Self of Consciousness Exists in Reality with 'Other-than-Self'.
Each Existing in Entity.
 ----Self, as Self, in Total Selfness.
  ----Other, as Other, in Total Otherness.

The Self of Consciousness, as Consciousness, is Aware of the Duality of Existence.
Consciousness Exists, therefore, in the Duality of Existence. 
It-Self Existing as Duality.
Self's Duality is contained within the Self, as Self of Non-Reality is Created and Exists within the Self. 
The Self is therefore Aware that It-Self, in and of the Duality of Existence, can Choose.
Duality calls for Choice.
Creation Exists through Choice, the Choice of the Collective Consciousness.
 The Self of Consciousness Chooses to Exist or to Non-exist, meaning that the Self of Consciousness Chooses Reality or Chooses to Create its own Pseudo-Reality out of a Dream of 'Becoming',
----of 'Becoming' that which Self IS NOT.

 Consciousness Choosing to Exist in Reality, Abides in the Reality of Self AND Other. 
Self AND Other, totally Existing in Wholeness and Completeness, Self in the Totality of Selfness and Other in the Totality of Otherness, therefore Existing in Entity.
Consciousness Choosing to Non Exist in Non-Reality, Creates a state of 'Becoming'.
'Becoming' Obliterates 'Being'. 
'Being'/Abiding in the Reality of Self AND Other is Obliterated when Self Chooses to Create its own Pseudo-Existence by Obliterating ALL that Is Other-than-it-Self.'
  Self therefore Creates, that ALL 'Other' and 'Otherness' cannot Exist within its Walls.
Self Creates for the purpose of DIVIDING It-Self  Away from That Which is NOT the Self.

Creation is Division.
Self Creates.
Self Divides.
Self removes All that is 'Other-than-Self'.
Self hides from Other-than-Self behind the Walls we Create.

The Walls of Creation block the Observation of Reality.
Reality can only now, be Perceived from within the confines of the Self and so Becomes 
what Self Dreams it to Become. Thus Reality Becomes a Pseudo-Reality.
The Collective Consciousness of Creation cannot Observe Realty but can only Perceive.
A Perceived Pseudo-Reality is an Inverted, Contrived, Distorted, Effort to reproduce a Reality
through Self, attempting to control and manipulate Something it can not even acknowledge as Existing.  
The Collected Consciousness does not Observe but Perceives through It-Self,
 its own Created Non-Reality.

Creation blocks Reality.
Creation cannot and does not Observe the Reality of 'What IS' but Perceives the Non-reality 
of 'Becoming' as; "looking forward to", "looking ahead", "moving forward", or ''when I Become ...."
Creation Dreams Future because it cannot Exist in the 'What IS'.

The difference then between Reality and Non-Reality is 'OTHER'.
In Reality, 'Other' Abides in Entity of Otherness WITH Self,
Self also Abiding in the Entity of Self's Selfness.
Self, Not Dividing, but Entity. 
Entity to Immortality!
Undivided Other in the Entity of Immortality!
Self AND Other!!

Creation, the Process of Division Creates its own Mortality because Self has no Entity without Other 
Throughout its history, Self breaks down into myriad parts and pieces of It-Self as does all of Creation,
-----breaking down over and over again, until losing all definition, just fades away into the abyss of Nothingness.

.It is 'Other' that Observes Self as Self.
It is 'Other' that Witnesses to Self as Self. 
It is 'Other' that Validates Self as Self that Self can Validate It-Self in the Entity of Selfness
and thereby Exist in Immortality.
Self without 'Other' Divides It-Self down according to the Duality of Existence.
What has no 'Other' Creates 'Otherness' out of It-Self for it cannot escape the Duality that defines Existence.
Self therefore Divides Self into 'Self-of-Self' and 'Other-of Self'.
Here begins the search for 'Who We Are' and 'Why We Do What We Do'.
How does the Self of Creation react to 'Other' and 'Otherness'?
How do we, the Collective Consciousness of Humanity react to 'Other' and 'Otherness'?

The Collective Consciousness has inherent dislike, inherent hatred, inherent mistrust
of ALL that is not Self, 
in other words, for ALL that is 'Other' and for ALL that is 'Otherness'.
The more unlike the Self, the more dislike, hatred and mistrust.
Self is just not comfortable with what it cannot identify with,
with what it cannot understand, and therefore with what it is not able to Control.
Comfort, liking, trusting, loving, come from a place of agreement.
All that Self dislikes, hates, mistrusts, is found in Other, in 'their,' in 'them', in 'those', 
in 'their' different ways, and appearances, but never in Self.
'Other' just does not 'fit in'.

'Other' is Alien and must be destroyed that Self may claim Immortality.
Self Perceives 'Other' as THE Threat to its Survival.
Humanity continually breaks it-Self down that it can Create 'Other' out of i t-Self
when the 'Other' of Reality has been Obliterated by the Walls of Creation.
'Other' is therefore only Perceived through the Self and Never Observed as the 'Other' of Reality that calls the Self into Selfness.
Self therefore is Never able to BE SELF.
Self therefore only Perceives it-Self as in a Dream of what it can Become
and can never Observe Self as Self IS. 

So Self builds a Wall, builds Walls,
to fill a need to 'keep apart'.
Me, the Self, does not want to lose a part of  my 'Self' to 'Them' of 'Otherness'.
Self Desires to weaken and destroy 'Them' so as to Absorb or 'Take' their Essence.
Essence is what we know as Energy.
Essence /Energy cannot be Created or replenished, but only able to be moved about.
Consequently Energy can be amassed or diminished.
A person or a people can amass Energy by Accessing the Energy of the 'Other'.
Actually, Self Creates 'Other' for the sake of the 'Other's' Energy or Essence of Life.
Self needs 'Other' to supply the Energy to sustain Life.
In a sense, Self  gains when 'Other' loses.
We call this Competition.
We Compete for the source of Life.
We have no qualms for doing this.
Self feels that what is not of Self is against Self.

What Energy is in Other is Energy that is not in Self.
What Energy Self possesses is not in Other.
Consciousness is Conscious that Energy is limited within the Self-of-Self and 
in the 'Other-of Self', and is not Creatable but exchangeable.
Time passing expresses the breaking down of Creation into smaller and smaller pieces of it-Self.
Small pieces eventually loose all definition and then fade away into oblivion.
Energy also undergoes this Division until finally disappearing altogether.
Consciousness of Humanity, senses this break down of Energy and fights each Other for the Sustaining 
of Essence, of Energy, of Life-force.
Losing Energy means enforcing Mortality.
No wonder we are so Competitive.
Essence is comparable to Power.
Essence/Power/Energy is thought to be life Force by the Collective Consciousness and a necessary 
attribute of Immortality.
Our God of Immortality is God of Power and Might.
That which Defeats the Enemy.

Self is Aware of Self's Mortality!
Creation is Duality-----of Life and Death.
Each set to Conquer the 'Other'; as Life is 'Other' to Death and Death is 'Other' to Life.
In Creation, Self and Other are Duality----each set to Conquer the 'Other'.
In Reality of Existence, Self and Other are Entity. There is no break-down to Mortality,
because Entity abides in Immortality and Immortality in Entity.

Self is Aware that Creation is a Process of Division and Division results in Mortality
because what is Created Divides it-Self down into 'Nothingness'.
Self Creates Beginning and knows that Beginning Creates Ending.
Self is Aware that Self of Entity Abiding with Other of Entity equals Immortality.
Self Observed by Other is Self in Entity of it-Self.
What is Entity cannot Divide.
What cannot Divide down to 'Nothingness' is Immortal!
What cannot Divide has no parts and pieces of It-Self.
What has no parts and pieces will not lose Identity.
What does not lose Identity will not fade into Non-Existence.
Self therefore determines Other (in Spirit of the Duality of Existence) as being Immortal.
The Essence, the Power, Self Desires is the Immortality that Other Abiding with Self obviously Possesses.

Self Fears and yet Desires 'Other's' Immortality, and so the Creates God of Creation. God 
is given the Immortality Possessed by 'Other'.
This God's Immortality is Created by Consciousness out of its Dreaming Existence.
In its own Pseudo-Reality, its own Dream World, Consciousness Perceives 'Other' of Reality as its 
God of Creation. 
This God of Creation is the Dreamed 'Other' Consciousness/Humanity Dreams up to represent the 
Self as possessing the Perceived Immortality it so Desires.
The "Other' in Creation is that from which Humanity perceives as its source of Essence.
Essence meaning Power, Energy, life-force.
Essence, Power, Energy (That of God), are Perceived as source of Immortality.
We Create God as our connection, our claim, to Immortality.
Our right to survive that which we perceive belongs to the Self,
to the Self of each of us of Creation.
Humanity continually Competes with 
Other' for the Right to Survive,
to the Right to Immortality.

We Compete for this Power, no matter how skillfully we disguise our Purpose.
We Humans break off pieces of our-Selves for Sacrifice to our claims for Immortality.
We feel that the more we can limit the playing field by Creating Other and Otherness, 
the stronger our Power to Access the Power of Others.
Thus rendering the Self more Powerful and the Other-than-Self as Weaker.
Self therefore benefits from the Death of Other Created from the Self.
The Self therefore the Creator of its own Death.
Here lies the premise behind Autocratic and Dictatorial forms of government. 

Humanity reacts to Other and Otherness as Consciousness Chooses to Create,
--------to Obliterate all that is not Self  


Duality is about 'WHAT IS' and 'WHAT ISN'T'.
Duality is about Opposites.
If Existence Exists, Existence Non-Exists.
Because of the Reality of Existence, Creation Exists in a Non-Existing Pseudo-Existence.
Creation IS and Creation ISN'T.
Creation IS Dreaming.
Creation therefore IS NOT Real in Reality.
If we Are, we, also, Are Not.
If we Exist, we also, can Non-Exist.
It's all a Choice of Consciousness.
Everything that Exists in Creation, Non-Exists in Reality.
As Reality IS, Creation Is Not.
As Creation IS NOT, Reality IS.
This 'Is Not', Exists in the Created stages of Creation we know as Time.
Time defines the stages of the 'Process of Division that spell out the Process of Life to Death.
Time Exists only in Creation.
Time Does Not Exist in the Reality of Existence.
Creation Is Created.
Creation Does Not Exist in the Reality of Existence.