Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Post #413 "Consciousness Dreaming"

In the Duality of Existence and Non-Existence:
-There Exists Reality.
-There Exists Non-reality 
-There Exists Consciousness.
In Duality of Existence, 'THERE IS' and 'THERE ISN'T'.
In other words---'There Isn't' Exists.

Consciousness Exists and Non-exists in Duality.
Consciousness is Aware of Existence and of Non-existence
Consciousness is Aware of Reality and Non-reality.
In Awareness of the Duality of Existence, Consciousness is Aware of its own Duality,
Consciousness , therefore, is Aware that Consciousness can CHOOSE.
It is the Duality of Consciousness in the Duality of Existence that informs Consciousness 
of its Choice of either Abiding or Creating.
Consciousness either Abides in Reality or CREATES an alter Existence that does not Exist 
in the Reality of Existence but Exists in the Self of the Creating Consciousness.
This alter Existence Non-exists by Existing in the Dream of the Self confined within the Self.
Consciousness, in Action, Chooses!
Consciousness Choosing, Creates!

Consciousness Chooses to Exist either in Existence or to Exist in Non-existence,
thereby Choosing to Exist either in Reality or in Non-reality.
Consciousness Choosing Existence in Reality is Consciousness Abiding.
The Self of Consciousness Abides in the 'I AM' 
of 'What IS'.
Consciousness Choosing to not Choose is Consciousness 'BEING' in Reality.
Consciousness 'BEING' is Consciousness Abiding in the Reality of the 
Entity of Self in Selfness and in the Reality of the Entity of Other in Otherness.
As such, Consciousness not only is Aware, but Observes Other as Other in Entity of its 
As Self Observes The Entity of Other as Other IS,
Self then brings Self into Awareness of Self.
This is the Self that is able to Observe It-Self in Entity of Self 
that Exists in the I AM of Self and in the YOU ARE of Other-than-Self.
As such, Self in Self and Other in Other in the Entity of IMMORTALITY. 

Consciousness Choosing Non-Reality is Consciousness Choosing not 'To Be' but 'To Become'.
Consciousness 'BECOMING' is Consciousness Creating Process.
Creating Process is Creating the Element of Creation known as 'TIME',
 ----Creating the Process in which to 'BECOME' that which 'Is NOT'.
'BECOMING' is therefore, Movement.
Movement is expressed in Created TIME.

Basically Time is Pattern that moves in Repetition from a point to an ending.
Consciousness Choosing Non-reality over Reality, is Consciousness Choosing
That which 'Becomes' is that which IS NOT, yet Dreams of BECOMING,
 ----of Becoming 'the Being', Becoming the 'That 'Which IS'.
---the Dream of 'Becoming' 'Being' of Becoming That 'Which IS, 
the Dream of Conquering Mortality 
and thereby Achieving Immortality.
The Self of Creation Dreams of Immortality as inherent in the Self
that has Conquered and Destroyed All that Is Other Than it-Self. 

'Becoming' is Process.
Process has Beginning and Ending.
Process Begins that it may end as change or alteration takes place
Choosing 'To Become' is Consciousness Choosing a Process that Begins and Ends,
.....of Choosing a Process of Birth to Death.
Consciousness Choosing Non-Reality is Consciousness Choosing to Create its own 
Consciousness therefore Creates its own Birth and its own Death.
Creation is a Process of movement from Life to Death.
Creation is the Process of Division.
Creation is the Process that Divides down from Birth to Death making 
Death , therefore, the Purpose of Birth.

In Choosing Existence, or Non-existence, Consciousness Chooses the Reality of OBSERVATION
or the Non-reality of PERCEPTION.
Consciousness Abiding in Reality is Consciousness Observing.
Consciousness Creating Non-reality is Consciousness Perceiving.
Consciousness Perceives in Dreams and Images of that which it Dreams of 'Becoming',
but cannot attain in its limited Creative Power.
As Consciousness Creates, 
Consciousness is caught up in the process of Division that marks Creation.
The Self of Consciousness Divides it-Self down over the levels and layers of Created Time
until, loosing all Definition, just fades away as does all Creation.
Religion knows this as does Science.

In Reality,
Consciousness Existing, Observes SELF and OTHER.
Reality Exists in the Entity of Self and Entity of Other.
Self Observes Other.
Other Observes Self.
Self Exists as Self in Singularity, Abiding with Other, Existing also in Singularity, 
in the IS,
 in the BEING of Reality.
 Reality IS when Self Observes Self as Self and Other as Other.
When Self Observes and Abides, Other IS and Self IS.
If Self  PERCEIVES Self, Self Is NOT in Singularity of Self BEING Self,
but as Self BECOMING.
Self BECOMING is Divided Self and therefore not Existing in Reality 
but Existing in the Dream of Becoming, ........a Created, Contrived Non-reality. 

In Non-reality,
Consciousness, Perceiving Reality, Perceiving the Self and Other, 
Creates the Images and Dreams of Pseudo-Reality.
In the Pseudo-reality that is Creation, the Self of Consciousness Perceives OTHER through the SELF, 
thereby eliminating Other, as in the Entity of OTHER in Otherness.
In Eliminating Other as Other, there can Exist no Entity.
Basically Non-reality is Self Eliminating Other.

Here is First Cause marking the Process of Division that determines Creation.
Eliminating Entity, Accelerating Division replaces Entity causing the break-down to the 
Nothingness of Existence we experience as Death.....an in ceasing to Exist.
 Immortality is thus eliminated and does not Exist in the Created Pseudo-reality or Non-reality.

In Choosing to Eliminate Other, Self loses all ability of Observation and can only Perceive.
Consciousness Perceives OTHER, thereby also Perceives the Self. 
In Perceiving, Consciousness can no longer Observe the 'That Which IS'/---- Reality.
Self Perceiving Other, CONTROLS 'Other' and 'Otherness' as Other Non-Exists now 
only in the Perception of the Self

At First Cause, the Self of Consciousness seeks Control of Other, causing the loss of Entity,
causing loss of Reality.
Consciousness 'Becomes' Aware of Other but ONLY through the Self,
thereby subjecting the Self and the Other to the Process of Division that defines Creation.
This process of Division, Existing in the Duality of Existence, 
Divides Self.
Self thus Divides into Self-of-Self and Other-of-Self,
All Creation thereby struggling against the Mortality it has Created

Consciousness Chooses Collectively.
 Consciousness also Chooses Individually.
Individual Choice overcomes Collective Choice. 
Individual Consciousness Choosing the Reality of Existence will Emerge from the Collective,
and 'Unfold' into the Existence of Reality
Consciousness either Abides in Reality or Creates its own Pseudo-Reality.
Consciousness cannot CREATE REALITY.

 In the Duality of Reality and Non-Reality, Consciousness either 
Observes the Self or Perceives the Self, 
thereby either Observing or Perceiving Other.
Consciousness is Aware of Other and either Observes as Other, 
or Perceives Other as in the Self as Other-than-Self.
In Awareness of Observation of Self And Other-than-Self, 
Consciousness is AWARE of Reality.
In the Awareness of Perception of Self And Other-than-Self,
Consciousness is Unaware of Reality and Creates a Pseudo-reality out of 
its Self that blocks/denies Reality.
Consciousness is Aware of its Duality.
Consciousness is Aware of its Action to Create through activation of the Energy of Choosing.

In Awareness of Reality and Non-reality, Consciousness Chooses.
Consciousness Chooses because Choosing is what Consciousness DOES.
Consciousness Choosing is Consciousness in Action.
Consciousness Choosing NOT TO CHOOSE is Consciousness ABIDING. 
Consciousness Existing is Consciousness Abiding in the Reality of Reality 
Consciousness Non-existing is Consciousness Perceiving (which is Imaging)
a Non-existing Pseudo-Non-reality.

Consciousness Chooses State of Existence.
States of Existence are Reality and Non-reality.
Reality is What IS,
consequently Reality does Not Begin nor End
Reality has Entity.

Non-reality is Creation.
What is not Real is Created.
What is Created has Beginning and Ending.
What is Created is Not Reality.
Reality cannot Create.
Non-reality cannot Create nor sustain Entity

States of Existence in Creation are myriad, all dependent on the Dreams 
of Consciousness, as Consciousness Dreams and as Consciousness Chooses.
Consciousness can Dream any Existence but cannot Dream Reality.
Perceiving and Dreaming Create.
Reality is Observed.

The dreams of Consciousness come from Consciousness's Perceptions of Reality.
 In these Dreams Reality is greatly altered by the Self and as Image is Reflected 
 onto a Created surface we know as Earth and as World.
 The Self of Consciousness therefore Dreams into an  
altered state of it-Self. that Becomes its new reality.
The Self Removing the Reality of Other removes it-Self from Reality.
Due to the Duality of Existence, Self Creates a Non-real Other out of it-Self.
Thus the Self Perceives it-Self 'Becoming' the Other,
thereby destroying not only Other and Otherness but the Self as well.

Self, however, cannot reproduce it-Self as Other in Reality,
yet that is exactly what we, of Creation, attempt to do.
We, as Self, cannot Know what is Other than Our self, yet our history is all about our
human attempts to BECOME What We Dream,
to BECOME What We Perceive, 
to BECOME What We Are Not.
 In so doing, we Create an alternate Pseudo-reality.
We Inhabit this Non-Reality.
We Live in this Non-Reality,
and so this Created Pseudo-reality Becomes our Reality, our only Reality.
In this Created reality, we totally block Reality.
The Self therefore inhabits the Self
and Creates within it-Self, the Self and the Other, not of Reality,
but Created entirely out of Self.
Our Self Becomes the Self-of-Self and the Other-of-Self,
totally lacking any access to or Information of the Reality of Reality.

WE Create a falseness of Who and What We Are.
We Created a falseness of Who and What Others Are.
We have No Real sense of Purpose.
Our Purpose is merely sustaining our Dream of 'Who We Are Not'
in the 'World That Isn't'.

Because we see Ending in every Beginning, we worry and we fear 
that maybe, just maybe, What we have Created is not what we Dreamed it would be.
We Fear that the great Void of Nothingness Exists and that we have Chosen it 
as our reality.
We Created God and gods to fill the void of the Other-of-Reality we have destroyed
out of our Dreams and Choice to BECOME What WE Are NOT.
We cannot allow Other to Exist because we Dream of Becoming that Other.

Consciousness can access Reality only through Choice.
This Choice depends on Observation over Perception.
Perceptions Create.
Perceptions of Reality Create Existences outside Reality.
Consciousness Dreaming is Consciousness Perceiving Reality through the Self.
Consciousness Dreaming is Self within Self and therefore unable to Observe the Reality of Reality.
Observation of Reality as Reality gives Access to the Truths of 'What IS'.

 Reality IS 'What IS'.

There IS Reality.
There IS Consciousness.
Consciousness ACCEPTS Reality
Consciousness CREATES Non-reality.
Non-reality therefore EXISTS in the Dichotomy of Existence,

Existence Exists and Existence Non-exists.
Consciousness in action of Choosing is Consciousness Dreaming.
Consciousness Dreaming is Consciousness IMAGING.
Consciousness IMAGING is Consciousness CREATING.
Creating is Consciousness IMAGING its Perceptions of REALITY
rather than OBSERVING the 'WHAT IS' of REALITY.

This is the World we live in.
This is the World we have Created.
We not only Create Images of our Dreams but we Create and Recreate over 
and over again until no semblance of Reality remains.
Our history is all lies.
Consciousness Choosing to Create a Pseudo-reality is where the deception began.
Every layer, every level of Creation history has repeated in amplification of that lie.
Other does Not Exist to feed our engorged need for survival.

All Creation will Begin and End.
In every nuance of Creation, Duality is Expressed in the Process of Division that defines Creation.
The Process of Division spares none and will Divide all down to the last degree of Nothingness. 
In Humanity, Duality is expressed in the Division of Male and Female.
This Division repeats at all layers and levels of Creation History however redefined.

Where are we now?
At the top or at the bottom?
From First Cause through all the layers and levels of history, are we closer to Truth
or are we farther away?
We are all looking to 'going forward', to advancement and fulfillment of our Dreams.
But deep down, we know it is only Dreaming.
'Going forward' is not Truth.
We know that Creation is fading away,
and that we and all we have Created are losing Definition,
and soon, very soon, will just fade away.