Saturday, June 25, 2016

Post #231 "Why Doesn't It Work?"

Why doesn't it work?
We've tried everything.
It seems that all through history we have tried and failed.
Each age, each generation has thought that they had the answers.
We have tried the extremes and all the in between,
We have fought and killed and we have pledged undying love.
But has it worked?
Are we any closer to our goal?
Is the world we have created any closer to being safe,
safe, that is, for all its inhabitants?
Are we safe from tyranny and unjust laws?
Do we share and share alike our bounty?
Are all people equal,
even those we consider our enemies,
even those we judge to be non-human,
even those that claim a share in provisions
 that they have not earned but that we have worked hard for?
What of God?
Does 'God' work?
Has God brought about the Kingdom of heaven on earth?
Under God, have we become a world of Peace, of Hope, of Love?
Do we love our neighbor and does our neighbor love us?

History is the story of all that we have tried to do and tried to be.
What can we do to make us become what we desire to be?
Early on we came up with the idea of God.
Somehow God was to be the created version of that Reality which we denied.
In our determination to remove the Other of Reality, we removed anything that
was not our Self.
Of course, we will never know if we removed ourselves from Reality or removed
Reality from ourselves.
And---does it make a difference?
You darn right, it sure does make a difference.
If we have removed Reality, we have the Choice to search and find Reality.
If we removed our-Self, we have the Choice to search and find our-Self.
Either way, we have lost Reality and we have lost our Self.
This was no accident.
It was and is deliberate Choice.
The Collective formed around this universal Choice.
There are only a few who struggle to emerge from the Collective.
They are the Observers who see beyond the walls of Creation, who see
beyond the dreams and desires of those that Perceive who they are
and what they desire to be.

At First Cause, way beyond The Creation, way beyond The Big Bang,
way, way beyond, at the Choice of Consciousness to Observe or Perceive it-Self,
---at the Choice of Consciousness to Observe or Perceive Reality as
Self and Other, the Singularity of Self and the Singularity of Other,
Each Entity
Each separate, distinctive Entity,
Entity that is Infinite-----
the very Infiniteness we dream of and desire.
There, at the real First Cause,
where we created and entered the creation we created,
thereby creating and entering a process of Division,
-----the process of division that divided Self.

Without Other, Self divided Self at every layer, at every level, at every generation,
of history,
at every beat of the Time we created,
in the Place we created, and out of the Substance we created from.
Why did we Choose to eliminate the Reality of Existence
for the creation of our desire to Become?
What do we want to Become?
Would we not have been what we really are if we could only have been content with Being?
'Being' is Infinite Reality of the Entity of Self and the Entity of Other.
What caused Consciousness to Choose as it has?
What is that basic impulse----a feeling,---a thought?
Do I think and then feel/
or do I feel and then think?
Was feeling and thinking the cause of the choice or was the choice the cause of our
feeling and thinking?
We have certainly run the gamut of both.

There was and is, Self and Other.
Consciousness was and is aware of Self and Other.
Consciousness experiences Self and Other through either Observation or Perception.
Consciousness feels through its experience of Observation or Consciousness feels through
its experience of Perception.
From here, Consciousness thinks and chooses.
Consciousness has divided It-Self.

There is the Collective and there is those parts, those individuals that do not belong
in the Collective because of their Choice to Observe rather than to Perceive.
Now we are getting someplace!

Consciousness must experience Reality through Self and Other differently through
Observation or through Perception.
Observation experiences through Being.
Perception experiences through Becoming.
Observation knows 'what is' as 'what is'.
Perception does not accept 'what is' as 'what is',
indicating that Perception Compares.
What perception Compares is Self to Other.
Perception must feel Other to be beyond Self,
while Observation is comfortable and totally accepting of Other.
This must, then, be a basic instinct of humanity,
to compare Self to Other, to react by dreaming  and desiring to Become Other,
to abandon Self to transfer Self onto and into Other,
with the intention of loosing which----Self or Other?.
In Perception, one is lost within the other.
In Perception, does Consciousness loose Other through blockage
of Creation, as in the extinction of Reality?
does Consciousness loose Self through dreams and desire to Become the Other,
as in assumng to become the Other through discovering the Essence of Other----
Entity and Infiniteness.
Possibly through creating Entity and Infiniteness through its ability to feel
and to think? 
In Perception, one must be canceled out-----
Self, through creation, canceling out Other to become Self,
or Self canceling out Self to Become the Other.


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Post #230 "Answers to the Basic Questions"

Consciousness has two choices--the collective choice and the choice of the Self, the Self as
a part or a piece of the collective.
Keep in mind that the collective is a whole made up of the sum total of its parts and pieces.
We, as humanity, see our-Self as a whole but also as a part.
We see ourselves as humanity and as our self.
We make choices as humanity and as our self.
The Reason, the purpose for existence, according to the Collective Consciousness, seems to
be to bring All into Oneness, in other words, to bring All into Self----into Its-Self.
Thus the determination would be that the Basic human instinct is that  there can
only be One.
One is the whole of humanity/the Collective and whole is the whole of Self, the entire Self.
However, whole is not Entity.
Entity does not have parts and pieces.
Entity cannot contain wholeness
and wholeness, certainly, cannot contain or attain to Entity.
Entity Is.
Wholeness can only exist as a result of Choice.
Consciousness chooses.
Choice causes Division.
Choice causes the division of the whole into parts and pieces of it-Self.

As Self, Self is aware only of Self and acts and chooses out of its Self, out of its Oneness.
Yet its Oneness causes it to divide.
The very act of choosing provides the need for an alternative,
it provides the need for there to be 'other' than Self,
consequently if the 'Other' of Reality has been eliminated, 'other' can only be
from division of self by Self.
Self Creates 'other' from Self.
Self creates parts and pieces of it-Self through division.
Division seems necessary to Oneness.
These parts and pieces are Self divided against Self.
Self competes with Self.
Question: Is competition, then, the basic instinct of Consciousness, of humanity???
Is competition the basis of who we are?
Is this the reason we could not accept Reality?
Is this the Reason we could not accept the Singular Other of Reality?
Is this why we cannot accept our-Selves as Self, but created a 'future' through Time
that we could 'Become'?
'Become' What???
'Become' that which we are not?

What do we think a created 'future' can accomplish in a created pseudo-reality?
No wonder we keep searching.
The search has a desperation to it as our goals, dreams, and desires fail us.
No wonder we can't find 'IT'.
We keep searching for 'It' within out own created reality.

We cannot create Reality.
We cannot 'Become'.
We cannot 'Become' what we are not
and what we are not is 'Perfect'.
We cannot Become our own dream.
We cannot accomplish our own goal because Perfection, because Godship is the
creation of a competing Consciousness.
 Basically, this choice of Self by Self eliminates the Self and Other of Reality.
As Self within the Reality of Self and Other, Self acts and chooses out of the Reality
of Self and Other.
This Choice, therefore, is not a Choice of Division but a Choice of Observation,
of Witnesses, that Validates it-Self and Other of Reality as Infinite Entity.
Choice, which is the action of the Intelligence of Consciousness, causes division
within Consciousness.
Choice causes division within humanity
and the world humanity has created.
Consciousness breaks down, consciousness becomes segmented, Consciousness exists
as parts and pieces of itself----many selves making up a collective whole.
So does this mean that unity or even the ultimately desirable,--Entity, or in creation---
Oneness, can only be achieved through division?
Is the separation of Reality from Non-reality, the separation of Self from Other?

We have come this far in created Time to begin to realize that the Collective
Consciousness has made the choice to block Reality,
by denying the Reality of Self and the Reality of the Singular Other....,
Self and Other existing in the Entity of Self and the Entity of Other.

Here's why--------at First Cause, Consciousness is aware of Self and of Other,
the Other being the Singularity of Reality.
This is Reality---Self and Other.
Self choosing to Observe Self and Observe...... Self, as Self Is, and Other, as Other Is.
Self thereby Choosing To Be.
that in this choosing, the Singular Other of Reality, in turn, Observes Self as Self,
Witnesses Self as Self, thereby Validating Self as Self in Entity, in Infiniteness.
---at First Cause, Consciousness is aware of Self and chooses to Perceive Self
and to Perceive Other, meaning to dream of Becoming that which it Is Not,
thereby creating its own reality within Itself.
Reality cannot exist in the dream of Becoming.
Reality cannot exist as a dream, as desire.
Reality cannot exist in Becoming,
 for Reality Is.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Post #229 "Why Can't We Find It?"

Why can't we find what we are searching for---what we have searched for from the beginning
of created Time?
We are not even sure just what we are looking for,
so we give it a vague definition like 'perfection' or an also vague description like
'happiness' or 'fun' and continue to search because 'It' never seems to happen.
We never seem to arrive to a place of contentment and peace.
First of all, how can we find 'It' when we do not even know what we are searching for?
The 'It' is always just out of reach.
The answer, of course, is at First Cause.
First Cause determines who we are.
Who we are is determined by what we do.
What we do is determined by the Choice of Consciousness.
The Collective Consciousness as a whole chooses,
but we, each of us, as a part of Consciousness, Chooses collectively and singularly.
We choose collectively to 'fit in', to be like everyone else.
Or we choose singularity, because we cannot agree with the 'whole',
we do not agree with the Collective.
We just do not belong within the Collective Consciousness.
We are uncomfortable within the Collective and the Collective is not
comfortable with us.
We seek to emerge.
The Collective wants us 'out'.
We make the Collective uncomfortable.
At First cause there is Division of Consciousness over Choice.
The Choice is to accept or to reject Reality.
To accept or reject Self as Self, and Other, as the Singular Other of Reality.
'Other' means other than Self.
Self and Other in Reality are Entity.
Entity is Infiniteness.
It comes down to 'going it alone' meaning the Self of Consciousness
chooses It-Self.
This Self of Collective Consciousness seeks also to 'collect'
the Other of Reality into itself.
It seeks to absorb the Other through absorbing its Essence of Entity
into itself, thereby eliminating Other through absorption or transference.
Choosing Self not only rejects Reality but totally denies Reality,
consequently an existence is created outside of Reality.
In this created existence, Reality does not exist.
Now here's the rub-----in created existence, Reality does not exist,
and yet, Reality IS.
Reality IS whether it is accepted or denied.
Creation is the walled-in fortress blocking Reality from that which is created.
There is always some vague, distorted, primal memory, that has stored
very suppressed information that is not ever present in focus but lurks in the
darkness and around the edges, ever out of reach. but never totally out of mind,
or out of memory.
In our hiddeness, do we ever get glimpses that nag in our memory
of a denied Reality?
Do we ever get vague, non describable longings, of a Reality that makes our created
existence seem a facade, a fake, an image of the 'real' thing?
Do we ever question what we have created?
Do we ever worry that 'our creation' is destroying us and where do we go from here
when Reality no longer exists for us?
But what of those others, those of Consciousness that Choose and Chose to emerge
from the Collective and remain in Reality?
They are not like those of the 'created existence'.
They are of Reality and are consequently defined by Reality.
These are not Creators.
These do not act and 'do' as Creators.
These know Reality and are not confined within the Self of Consciousness
because they know Self as existing in Reality,---- Observed, Witnessed, and Validated
by the Singular Other of Reality.
They are Entity.
They are Entity because they are Singular.
They are Infinite.
They are Infinite because they have not created Death.
They are Entity, they are Infinite, because they are not Creators.
They are not Creators of their own existence in and of image and idolatry.  
These have not tried to absorb the Other into themselves that they may possess
the essence of Entity and Infiniteness of the Other.
These were to be freely given through acceptance of 'What Is'
rather than creating an imaged and distorted existance out of Self, of  'what Is Not'.
'What Is Not' cannot be Observed because it does not exist in Reality.
'What is Not' is Perceived in the Imagination of a dreamer and does not know Reality.
We seek answers to these primal questions in a reality we have created.
We imagine that we have access to a 'beyond' but our 'beyond'
cannot penetrate the walls we have built around our creation.
All of our 'beyond' and dreams are within creation for creation is all
that we know because we can only Perceive.
Observation of Reality is way 'beyond' our grasp unless we have Chosen
the Self of Reality as Observed, Witnessed, and Validated by the Other
------the Singular Other of Reality. 

Friday, June 17, 2016

Post #228 "Basics of Consciousness"

The answers to the basic questions of existence can only be answered at the First Cause,
The First Cause is Consciousness aware of Self and Other.
------At First Cause, Consciousness is aware and Chooses to either Observe or Perceive.
Consciousness is aware of Self  and the Other of Reality.
Consequently Reality consists of Self and Other,
the Other is the Singularity of Reality as Self is the Singularity of Consciousness.
Here is the crux----what is the Choice of Consciousness?
Does Consciousness Choose to accept or to reject Reality?
Whatever the Choice, it has absolutely no effect on Reality.
Because Reality Is.
Reality cannot be eliminated or altered.
Consciousness cannot determine Reality.
Consciousness can, however, determine Reality, but only for itself.
Consciousness will accept Reality or create its own reality out of its dream
and its desire.
Because Consciousness Chooses, Choice resides in Consciousness as Division.
 Consciousness is divided by its Choice to accept Reality or to Create.
Consciousness is divided by its Choice to Observe What Is
or to Create what Is Not,
as Creation is image and cannot exist in Reality.
So there are two parts to Consciousness based on what Consciousness
Is and what Consciousness Does.
Consciousness is awareness of Self and Other.
Is Consciousness aware of Self as Self and aware of Other as Other
or is Consciousness aware of Self as containing Other and therefore, is
aware of and views Other through its-Self?
For Consciousness to access its Intelligence through its ability to Choose,
Consciousness must 'feel'.
The first element of Consciousness is Feeling.
Consciousness 'Feels'
Consciousness reacts to how it 'feels' about itself and about Other.
Consciousness reacts to how it 'feels' about Reality.
Consciousness is aware that it 'feels'.
Consciousness 'Feels', therefore----
"I feel."
Consciousness tries to  understand 'Feeling'
"I try to understand the sense of 'feeling'.
I try to understand my 'feelings"  
Consciousness 'Thinks'
I think.
I think to understand.
I understand to Control because I Think about Feeling'
I seek control over 'Feeling' by 'Thinking'
I seek power over Reality.
I seek power over my-Self and over Other.
I control that I can Think.
I think to control what I feel for I/Self must feel and think to Choose.

Consequently, I wonder:
Am I who I am or am I who I feel and think my-Self To Be?
Is the Other of Reality who the Other Is or is the Other who or what I feel
and think it To Be?
Is Self and Other what Self and Other Is
or is Self and Other what I/what Self feels and thinks each To Be?
Is Reality what Reality Is or can Consciousness feel and think it to Be what it
Chooses it to be?

I control through my Choice that I can Think and figure out Who I Am
and What I Do.
When I know what I do----I know who I am.
How do I feel about who I am and what I do?
When I try to understand and figure out how I feel about who I am and what I do---
I think-------am I who I feel I am or am I what I Think I am?
If I Choose not to 'Feel' and not to 'Think' who I am------
I Access Reality.
In Reality there is Other,
In Reality, Consciousness/Self/I do not have to 'Feel' or to 'Think'.

Consequently, in Creation, the Consciousness of humanity divides itself and separates
within itself the components of Choice,
---humanity feels and humanity thinks.
Feeling and Thinking have determined history.
Which era, which age reacted to its feelings?
Feelings determine an earlier history built on mythos, on tradition, and less on Thinking
Our present Age of Reason is at war with the choice of Consciousness to Choose through
its Feelings.
This age Chooses through Reason.
All seeking the same answers to the same questions that are no closer to being answered.
Do we 'Feel' and 'Think' who we are and what we do?
What if there were another way----such as accepting and accessing Reality,
accepting and accessing Self as Self and Other as the Singularity of Reality?
I think there is!
The Choice of Consciousness contains the Choice of accepting Reality as Reality
or of Creating a pseudo-reality out of the dream and desire of the feelings and thinking
of Consciousness.


Friday, June 3, 2016

Post #227 "The 'I' of Self and the 'Other' Self"

Can we 'see' Reality?
Can we 'see' God?
Is God Real?
Is God believable?
Can we and do we believe in God?
Do we 'see' what we Perceive?
Do we 'see' what we Observe?
We can and we do what each of us chooses.
The Collective Consciousness Perceives and sees out of its Perceptions.
Being that Perception is not a state of Being but is a state of Becoming,
The 'seeing' of Perception is a dream of desires that do not exist in the 'Now'
but in an undefined future in an undefined place in undefined substance.
God emerges from the dream and the hope of fulfillment of that dream.
God becomes all that we 'think' that God is and all that we 'feel' God is.
God becomes all that we create God to be.

But, we cannot create Reality.
We create Creation.
We create God out of the dream of Consciousness 'To Become'.
We dream of attaining Perfection,
but what is Perfection if not God?
 Consciousness is not able to be described or to be understood.
Consciousness is best described as a reaction to Reality.
There exists Reality and the Awareness of Reality.
Because there is Awareness, there is non-awareness,
as because there is Reality, there is Non-reality.
Reality exists and Reality does not exist.
Awareness exists and Awareness does not exist,
Reality allows for the existence of Being and Not Being,
consequently Reality Exists and 'Nothing' Exists.

Awareness is the action of Consciousness Choosing.
The Choice of Consciousness determines whether the Awareness of Consciousness
is the awareness of Reality or Non-reality.
Consciousness is aware of either Reality or Non-reality.
This Choice determines that Consciousness is a whole made up of its parts.
Each part of Consciousness has the potential of Entity.
What is Entity is Infinite.

Consciousness Chooses out of its collectiveness and out of its singularity, out of its parts.
This quality of Choice explains its divisiveness.
Consciousness divides itself in its ability to Choose.
A singularity or a part of Consciousness can choose individually, against itself,
against the Collective.
All that Consciousness dreams and desires is as expression of division.
The singularity of Consciousness divides against the Whole, against the Collective,
for Singularity is not a part or a piece of a Whole.
Singularity can and must emerge, must free itself, from the Whole, for Singularity
in Consciousness is the seed of Entity for the Self, the Singular Self that
is the Self of Reality. 

God Is God.
God Is the Creator.
but God is not Reality.
We do not know Reality because we are Creators.
We live, we exist in our creation.
Creation becomes our created Reality.
but Creation does not exist in Reality.
Creation exists in us and we exist in creation.
Our belief systems are adapted to that which we create and we create according
to our belief systems.
Our belief systems spring from who or what we desire and choose to Become.
God is that Perfection we choose to dream and Become.

We cannot Perceive Reality.
It is only through Observation that we have insight through ability to access information from Observation of the Singularity of the 'Other' of Reality----in other words, To Be. 
It is only through Observation that we can know and access Reality.

We create God in any way that defines ourselves out of our own weakness and failings.
'Our God' takes us out of a 'beyond our limitations' that we ourselves create within our
We are, through Choice, what we Become in and through Self with no access to Other

The non-existence is the existence of what Is Not.
Self reacts to Other according to basic thoughts and emotions.
These thoughts and emotions lead to basic passions that result from Awareness of
Self to Self.
How does Self think and feel about Self?
Does Self think before Self Feels or
does Self feel before Self thinks?
Basic Choice----Think or Feel, Feel or Think?
This dilemma explains the parts and pieces that make up the Whole of the
Collective Consciousness.
The very function of Consciousness which is Intelligence, that faculty of Choice,
divides Conscioiusness into parts of itself so that there exists many Selves within Self.
Each Self is aware of self as Collective, within and part of the whole and yet able to Choose
as Self, meaning the 'I' of Self for Self divides itself that Consciousness exists in
duality as does Reality.
Reality-----Self and Other
Self------the Self of 'I' and the Self of Other (the other Self).

The Self of 'I' reacts to the Other Self
as the Self of Consciousness reacts to the Other, the Singularity of Reality.
Reality, in comparison, does not divide and remains Singularity within Singulaity
which is the essence of Entity.
Entity is the essence of Infiniteness.
What is Entity cannot end, cannot die, cannot not exist, because it does not divide
itself against itself as does Consciousness through its ability to Choose.

Does the 'I' of Self think or feel the other Self as either good for me (the 'I' of Self),
or bad for me-----does it make 'me' feel safe or threatened
-----can 'I' exist comfortable with my Other Self-----
more essentially, can Self exist comfortably with the Singular Other of Reality?
Can 'I', can Self Observe the Other?
Can 'I', can Self Observe the Other Self?
will 'I', will Self Perceive the Singularity of Reality and Perceive the Other Self,
and thereby seek to rid itSelf of Other? 

Self, thereby, is the Self that determines (thinks) whether Other makes itself 'feel'
secure or threatened.
This thought, this feeling, initiates either the Observation or the Perception of Self
to Other, beginning with a question and answered by feeling----
Reason to Emotion.
The question of Reason to the answer of Emotion.
Do we Observe Reality
or do we Perceive Reality?
Do we Observe Self
or do we Perceive Self?
Is God Real?
Does God exist in Reality?