Saturday, March 29, 2014

Post #91 "Unfoldng Reality"

Reality exists! Because creation is image, Reality exists. Image is a reflection...a reflection of what?..... if not that which it reflects. The reflection of Reality, which is creation, is very distorted to the point of being opposite to that which it reflects. Humanity is of creation. We exist in the possibility of our choice. What of consciousness? Consciousness is what chooses. The action of consciousness is choosing. Is it possible to move beyond the reflection to its reality? It is possible only if we so choose. What is possible for consciousness? Is the act of choosing that which enables consciousness to choose Reality or to choose non-reality?

Reality unfolds. The unfolding begins with individual choice. Who chooses? What would cause choice for Reality? What would cause consciousness to choose Reality? More than likely choice would result through the frustration of trial and error. What works? Does existence seem to be more image than Reality? As the realization that non-reality is not Reality, that creation is just what it is............image, a certain disconnect occurs. Consciousness begins to question what our created reality is all about. There is hope that other answers can be found. Humanity of creation strives for a life of perfection. The consciousness of humanity strives to be perfect, maybe even, to be perfect as God is perfect. When perfection seems unattainable....then what?  What about religion? What happens when faith fails? Faith, after all, depends on the testimony of others, their judgement, their opinions, and their purpose. What is left when even science and technology fail; when the casualties far outweigh the benefits? This is where the search for Reality begins. If this creation is what it is there must be something more.The search for Reality begins when we realize that 'nothingness' exists, but beyond that to understanding the reality of non-reality, and consequently, the reality of Reality. This is where the search for Reality begins. When what is real cannot be found or even described the problem is that the search was in the wrong place. Science and religion search for Reality in the wrong place.

But what do we do? There is no formula, or plan, or blueprint, no classes to take or anything to join. Those who choose have the implanted memory that predates creation. We become as we choose.
The choice must permeate all we have become and all we have created. Reality is not a reward for how good we are or for what we have accomplished for as we move through the process we become changed. We allow our choice for Reality to change us. The choice admits to no sin and is not about rules and commandments. It's not about the God religion has created nor the God science and technology are creating. We will realize that all we thought important is not important. We will watch and see all our many gods come down.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Post #90 "Shattered Faith"

We know through the Knowledge of Faith or through the Knowledge of Reason. These are rarely, if ever, compatible. Do we want to know what is real or do we want to know what is not real? As discussed in previous posts in this writing, most living is on surface levels of Truth. This is surface truth. Surface truth is true only to itself and within itself. Actual Truth can only exist to what is Real. If there is no concern with Reality, it should not be shattering when faith betrays. Post #1 was based on an article in Scientific American entitled 'What is Real' The gist of the article is that physicists are not sure of their theories and speculations, consequently, Scientists are not sure what is real. 

If science is not sure what is Real, can faith be sure of what is Real? What does Real even mean? Maybe what we think of as Real is not real at all. To make any sense of this or get any understanding, we must allow for the Reality of non-reality. The Reality of non-reality or the existence of 'nothingness' is what this writing, all its 90 postings, is all about.

Religion, once confident of its hold on truth and morality is no longer as secure in its beliefs and teachings. World wide church scandals have rocked belief in a system that has through history dictated faith and morality. How can this not shatter faith? How can this not cause untold pain and suffering? How can this not pull the bottom out of lives? A careful study of church history will show that the scandal lies in horrendous crimes of the ordained, but also in the covering up and holding in secret untold abuses that have, under severe threat, never been brought to light. History has shown itself as a struggle for power. No greater struggle for power is the history of the early to present day church. Belief and trust must begin with the witness of the values that are taught and enforced through threat of sin. But sin is not in talking about the problem. Sin is in doing the problem.

Religion, in some form or another, has directed politically, culturally, and socially, much of the world's societies. Through political, cultural, and societal control, religion provides answers to the basic life questions. Thus, religion has set and determined the basis for past and present world morality. Religion has assumed, and been given, authority over the basic issues of life, but as religion has assumed and been given total authority through its moral code of good and evil, it could be determined that religion can and should be held responsible for creating a world morality that thrives on war and destruction, a world morality that allows the powerful to feed on the vulnerability of the weak. Religion has established and nourished a power-based, class conscious, gender conscious, in other words, a victim /bully world. Religion has been the basis that has established and nourished world attitude, world structure, world systems, and world conscience. A study of the history of religion will show what example religion has set for its own values. It is well noted, however, that there are and have been throughout history, religions that have been caring and unconcerned for power. Unfortunately, many of these have been eradicated, their writings destroyed, and all evidence of their existence destroyed, when they proved threatening to prevailing power structures.                 

(This post is just introductory to this title of Shattered Faith......more to come in future posts.)

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Post #89 "Truth Through Faith?"

What do we know? How do we know? Where do we seek Knowledge? Do we seek the knowledge of Reality or do we seek the knowledge of non-reality? There seem to be common ways of knowing; through the senses, through faith, or through reason. Another form, that of a primal, external, awareness has been suggested in this writing. As questions arising from the evaluation of faith and reason begin to formulate and unfold, there will emerge a need for a new direction, for an untraveled path. As history continues to unfold, it will become apparent that new questions will have to be asked...that new directions will have to be pursued. It will become apparent that the usual answers to the usual questions are no longer satisfactory. It will become apparent that the usual answers have become not only dangerous to follow but often deadly. The past has trusted in the knowledge of faith, especially the faith of religious belief. History has shown over and over again the betrayal of belief in that which is essential to our being. History has shown over and over again the betrayal of the knowledge of the faith of religion. The betrayal of faith has put hideous marks on our hearts and on our history. Such betrayal leads to doubt and doubt leads to mistrust and the resultant emptiness. When such faith has been betrayed, where does one go? Where do we find new answers that can be trusted? What can one do and where can one go when betrayed by that in which they believed?

Let's take a look at faith. Dating back to the 16th century, the dualism between mind and body or faith and reason, is a controversy of enormous proportions. At first the predominant church, with its long standing faith tradition condemned the ideas emerging from the new reason based philosophy of Rene Descartes and his followers in the Age of Enlightenment. Now, in our present times, it has become more common for the 'other side' that is the side of reason, or the scientific approach, to voice impatience with, and opposition to the traditional views of faith based knowledge. The debate continues to the present, running hot and strong, with lively disagreement expressed  over opinions and choices in school curriculum, in publications, within the media, in churches, in the courts, in political systems, and in all ways opinions are expressed, directly and indirectly. Indeed, the very right to question, explore, and develop new ideas and ways of thinking have often been rejected, punished, and banned within the religious/faith tradition. The struggle between faith knowledge and rational knowledge dates way back beyond the 16th century. The struggle traces back beyond the rationalism of Plato. Indeed, the struggle dates back to the confrontation of civilization to the wilderness.


Saturday, March 15, 2014

Post #88 "Duality of Existence"


Existence is existence and non-existence. Existence is Reality and non-reality. Therefore, existence is duality. Duality divides, consequently, creation as image reflects this duality. Creation therefore is a process of division.  Duality is the primary aspect of existence. Creation hinges on and mirrors this duality. This is where to begin. All begins here. This is where we must begin for all understanding hinges on this concept. This is the basic first step for all that follows depends on understanding this concept of division. This is where we begin but this is not the beginning for there is no beginning. The beginning for us can only be where our comprehension is able to go. There is no beginning for those who choose to know through the Pure, Primal, Outside of self, Awareness that is so lost to our mechanical world of mechanical thoughts by mechanical thinkers and seekers of knowledge. This primal awareness penetrates the limitations of this mechanical world. Primal awareness remembers and can to a certain extent access and Know the Truth of Reality. In essence, all existence is existence and non-existence. All exists or non-exists as dichotomy. Existence is duple and exists and equally does not exist. All existence is dichotomy in the process of dividing itself down into smaller and smaller pieces of itself until time stops ticking. This ending is understood by religion as a prediction, "heaven and earth will pass away...."(Mark 13:31) and by science as an observation of the break-down of atoms into smaller and smaller subatomic particles until finally losing all definition, also just pass away.

There Is and there Isn't. There is Reality and there is non-reality. There is no limit or qualifying definition to Reality and there is no limit or qualifying definition to non-reality. To Reality, non-reality exists, but within its own reality. Non-reality cannot exist in Reality, nor Reality in non-reality.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Post #87 "Can we Know Reality?"


The essential questions must be returned to for the way to truth is an unfolding. Who is the God of Creation? Where did this God come from? And most importantly....What is this God's Purpose? If it is agreed (as to previous entries) that the God of Creation is the archetype of humanity, the questions of  Who are we? and Where did we come from? and What is our purpose? are outstandingly unanswered. Our quest must extend beyond creation, for creation is image.The quest must come to rest in Reality and this can only occur if the choice  to do so is made. We are of creation. Creation is non-reality. Creation is Nothingness. Can that of creation, that of non-reality, that of nothingness,
seek Reality? Seems contradictory. There lies deep within humanity the desire to become God, consequently there also lies deep within humanity an imprint, as in an ancient memory which reflects on the surface of creation creating image. This 'reflection'  as previously discussed, is distorted to the point of  being inverted, of being opposite. We know Reality through knowing ourselves as distorted image, as opposite that which we desire to become. Because we are behind the walls we have created, the walls of creation, our view of Reality is blocked by what we ourselves have created.

Reality is outside the walls of creation. What we know of ourselves, we can know the opposite of Reality. If we are imprisoned within the walls of creation. ..Reality is transcendent. If we are mortal....Reality is  immortality. We are broken and in pieces....Reality is entity. Get the idea? To know ones-self as non-reality is to allow Reality to be. This Knowledge is the knowledge of a pure, primal, outside of one's self, awareness. If this choice is made, creation will no longer be able to impose its gods. For those choosing, there will be no more imaging. One, so choosing, will know that there can be no image admittance of Reality and the reality of non-reality, the Reality, that is, that is distorted, inverted image. The admittance of image is the proof of Reality. And we do not need any more than that.

There lies deep within humanity the desire to become God. There also lies deep within humanity the Knowledge to choose Reality or non-reality. But how do we choose? By what process? Where do we go to find out how to choose? Is there a plan? Who holds the plan? Who holds the strategy? Can anyone choose? Is choosing Reality from non-reality limited to one group; as race, culture, religion, denomination, sex, or whatever? Are there directions; a blueprint, a college course, special membership, secret codes or words?

The answer to all these questions also lies deep within humanity for each individual and every individual to access for them self. Everyone has access to that special Knowledge. No conditions are necessary and are, in fact, a hindrance. Its just Choice, really.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Post #86 "Knowledge of Faith and Reason"


Pre-creation. Timelessness. Here began the desire to become God. Division. We have arrived at the gate of the Garden, (Genesis) at the gate of Creation. Here began the choice to become God. Here Time began its journey. Here the Knowledge that has been lost, that pure primal extra awareness, that knowledge that was negated that Reason could become enthroned, for God is One. Reason is the knowledge of the forbidden tree in the biblical Genesis account of creation. Reason is the action to gain immortality, in other words, reason is the knowledge of how to become God. Becoming God is the process that demands rationality. Here begins the process of becoming God for becoming God is process. Here begins the journey, not only of Time, but also here begins the journey that has an ending as now it finally has a beginning. Here begins religion. Here begins science and technology. Here begins the path we have chosen to travel that leads away from the Garden. From the Garden we travel the path to civilization, from nomadic/tribal life to early agriculture, to trading, to mining, to fishing, to metallurgy, to colonization, to urbanization, to industrialization, to technology, and beyond. The path continues, a struggle for power, for power through perfection, for perfection and God are One.

The biblical story of Cain and Abel propel the story of civilization forward for here we see Cain, who represents the development of agriculture, killing his brother, Abel, who represents the nomadic life style---civilization killing wilderness. History has proved that wilderness and civilization cannot exist together but that is the way of Power. Power will find innocence and beat it into weakness and then devour its beauty. This ancient battle of deriving power from the spoils of war and destruction is the basic battle that wages fiercely today world wide but especially in the Middle East between remnants of tribal life and civilized life styles, between Arab and Jew, between Jew and Christian. These power struggles are so ancient that all layers and levels between them have become blurred and interwoven. One can hardly tell one form another. These ancient stories have all told the same story of life and death, of jealousy, greed, hatred, and the desire to devour anything and anyone that is not its own.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Post #85 "Knowledge of Immortality"


The O.T., biblical, Garden of Eden story is a story of pre-civilization. It is a mythological story of and before Intelligence Chose. It is the story of where the Choice was made and how it all began. Here we will begin to search for the answers. In the story of the Garden of Eden there stand two trees. That there are two trees instead of one infers Choice. The story suggests that there is a Choice to be made. One of the trees is a forbidden tree, for to eat of its fruit is to bring about a KNOWLEDGE OF LIFE AND DEATH......KNOWLEDGE OF IMMORTALITY. The reason given by the author of this Genesis account, for eating the fruit of this tree, was the desire of Adam and Eve (at this point, amoeba) to become like God. To become like God is to have found the secret to eternal life...the secret to Immortality. This is the secret promised by religion and striven for by science. This secret is the golden prize of Knowledge. When one has won the secret to Immortality, one has achieved total Power. This one will be acclaimed The God of Creation, for becoming The God of Creation cancels out all other gods or any God, for there can be but One God. God becomes the One acclaimed and worshipped as God. The Knowledge of the fruit of the forbidden tree was and is the Knowledge of Reason and through Reason, the Knowledge also of Faith. It took Reason to desire and then, to implement the plan to become God which was brought about or won, by eating the forbidden fruit. The Knowledge of Reason examined and weighed and calculated all possible aspects of the outcome from eating from the forbidden tree and....... determined to eat the fruit. The Knowledge of Faith believes it was Chosen to determine God and so was God, so, of course, hastened to eat the fruit before Reason could get a bigger share and take over God-ship for there can only be One God.....the God of Faith or the God of Reason. But as already determined, the God of Faith and the God of Reason are one and the same God.

Of course, all did not go as planned and we know that paradise was lost. Paradise could be no more for those desiring to be God knew that for the plan to work, God must be removed, Reality must be removed, that is. Reality cannot exist for one desiring  to become God, for once the desire takes hold, and the choice is made, creation unfolds. The desire and choice would not and can not be shaken. But who could ever remove God? Who could ever remove Reality? The only possible solution would be to create a space apart in Nothingness, to be Nothingness, and to admit to Nothing! The result----Creation! W are Image-makers. We who would Become God. We who cannot risk searching for Reality!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Post #84 "Beyond Faith and Reason"

There must have been a time and place where it was possible to 'walk and talk' with God without fear and having no need to rely on other's interpretations or having no need to check out and qualify all data. What were those ancient story tellers trying to convey? What was the impetus for those stories that were handed down generation after generation, culture after culture? Faith through religion, as we know it, was nowhere applicable to this ancient memory and neither was reason. That is, at least not until creation expressed humanity's desire to become God. This desire, which according to the stories of many cultures, seems to have ignited an altered existence. The author or authors of these ancient accounts described in the biblical Genesis account of the Garden of Eden story was attempting to describe a state of knowing that was present way before Faith and Reason could be described as such. This Knowledge was a state of being, a state of being aware, a state of being totally compatible and in harmony with self and surroundings. In this state of awareness, all the sicknesses of body, mind, and spirit do not exist, as do not crime, war, and all the horrors we have created and have plagued humankind throughout history. Until intelligence chose to know, to eat of the Tree of Faith and Reason, until intelligence called forth its own creation, these plagues did not exist.

Faith and reason did not exist in the Garden or gardens of pre-history. This absence of Faith and Reason as an early state of existence is best described by the author/authors as a garden. This garden is the garden we all long for. We all instinctively and perhaps genetically long to return to the Garden. This is where the story begins but more importantly, this is also where the story ends as we have, through the deep desire to become God, destroyed the Garden. We have destroyed the dream. We cannot return for that is where we sense that God is, and if God is there in the Garden, we cannot claim God-ship from what in Reality exists. If we find God, we cannot fulfill our desire of becoming God, so its best to destroy the Garden or destroy heaven or whatever we choose to name it. If the Garden is no more, God is no more. We have built the walls of creation very high, as high as the tel out there in the wilderness of Israel/Palestine. If we create gods, many more gods, or God, we won't notice the pain so much or feel the disappointment. And so the story ends with longing for the beginning. We are the masters of our creation. We are the Image-Makers!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Post # 83 "Knowledge through Choice"

The choice to know is made individually and collectively. Knowledge is attained either from inside self or from outside self. The act of reasoning  or rationalizing results from seeking within the self, within humanity, and within our own created intelligence. This state of awareness springs from deep within the individual psyche and from deep within the psyche of the collective consciousness and unconsciousness. The choice to reason is the choice to access knowledge from within the self which is basically from within creation.The self, the psyche becomes the mechanical means of accessing knowledge. It chooses to remain within itself and all it has created. The choice of the collective unconsciousness to reason is the choice to function in and from itself. Rational thinking cannot penetrate its own created walls of creation.

If the individual consciousness or the collective consciousness chooses  to out-tuit or ex-tuit (new words) rather than to intuit or reason, the functioning of the intelligence comes from outside of itself. It attempts to see beyond its own view. Out-tuiting allows for the possibility of penetrating creation. The intelligence of out-tuiting will observe and give witness to that which is outside of itself. As reason creates, reason is of creation. Reason looks within itself for its own intelligence and reports on how it sees itself. As out-tuiting observes from outside its own view, the intelligence can observe and witness beyond creation and see creation from a view not of its own from its own perspective.

Science's questions cannot be answered by reason because these are questions that can only be answered by a view outside of self. Science's reason comes from within  itself, through self, and for self/creation. Out-tuiting is awareness that chooses to remain open and aware to that of which it can make no claim. This pure, open aspect of awareness has lost more and more place and prominence within human acquisition of knowledge almost to the point of extinction, running parallel with the extinction of wilderness through the domination of civilization. Pure Primal Awareness was quite common to early intelligence who well knew the wisdom outside of self and consequently knew the unfolding of a deeper truth than that of reason.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Post #82 "Accessing Knowledge"

'Knowing' continued..............................

Why can't science answer the deepest questions? Why can't science determine why there is something instead of nothing? Or, why is there nothing instead of something? Science is the pinnacle of reason. Science sets the goals of rational thinking. And this is exactly why science cannot answer its own most profound questions. Rational thinking/reason is a faculty of consciousness. Faith is a faculty of consciousness. Rational thinking is one way to access knowledge and seems to be the chosen path our world culture utilizes, most knows, and respects. Rational thinking determines to result in belief in or have faith only in itself. But rational thinking is only one way to access knowledge. History could be seen as a movement through civilization to embracing the art of reason. Indeed, history seems to have proven humanity's search and obsession to rational thinking to all but the obliteration of the possibility that there may be other ways to access knowledge. Science seeks mechanical answers from a  mechanical brain to an increasingly limited mechanical world. But, science's questions are not mechanical questions. Science's unanswerable questions are not questions answerable by reason. These questions cannot be accessed through rational thought. Since rational thought is the underpinnings of faith, and faith is dependant and imposed, faith certainly attempts but increasingly fails to answer the deepest questions.

Let's dig down beneath the surface level of existence in which most have chosen to exist. Each level removed brings the search closer to the truth at bedrock. As previously discussed; there are levels of consciousness beyond our most common and familiar ways of accessing knowledge through rational thinking and through faith. Can pure rational thinking even be a possibility? Does pure independent faith exist? How can we determine the values of faith strictly on its own terms, independent of existing data? What actually determines which level of consciousness we use to access knowledge? Are we even aware of the possibilities of levels and layers of consciousness? Are we even aware of the possibility of unlimited dimensions alone that could give choice to consciousness when we function only out of the senses, out of faith, or out of reason? As we have discussed.....the function of the intellect is choosing. Choice is the determinate of knowledge. We know as we choose to know. The level or layer of awareness with which knowledge is accessed is not accidental or arbitrary but is Chosen. In creation, Intelligence chooses knowledge in one of two ways. One choice accesses knowledge from a  state of awareness from within ourselves, from within our mechanical brains, from deep within the human psyche. This choice comes from within, as in...'There lies deep within humanity the desire to become God.' This choice is to access our own knowledge. The other choice reaches beyond human psyche, beyond that which we are and that which we have created. In this alternate choice, the choice comes from within for the knowledge which lies without. Choice is made either inwardly or outwardly. Choice determines Reality.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Post #81 "How Do We Know?"

How do we know? Religion says we know through Faith. Science says we can only know through Reason. Is there Reason within that which we believe through Faith? Is there a type of Faith within Reason? Is every scientific belief put to the test? In the Garden of Eden mythology from the biblical Old Testament literature, what was 'Knowing' like? In this pre-dawn of history setting, what was  Knowledge like....this Knowledge that permitted this sense of  'walking and talking with God'? Was the Knowledge here in this case, through Faith or through Reason? As religion arose through fear of the unknown, faith in a saving God would have been a process. The biblical story is intriguing because it says that before the 'Fall', Adam and Eve 'walked and talked' with God. It does not say that they worshipped or adored God as they would have through faith. It does not say that they were weighing, testing, and sifting through data to form an acceptable conclusion as through the use of reason. The story, as an early account of the history of the development of humanity, suggests another sense of knowing that preceded faith and reason. The story suggests that with this kind of knowledge, faith and reason cannot exist. What is it that the author or authors of the Genesis Garden Mythology are trying to describe? What was the knowledge alluded to and handed down to us through through stories of the gods of ancient lore? This biblical 'knowing' is depicted as taking place even before, or maybe even particularily before humanity 'separated' into male and female. (As previously noted, creation came about through processes of division.) How close did these stories come to answering our deepest questions? Were these early accounts presenting a knowledge any closer to truth than those of today's world? Have we, we of rational, mechanical thinking been moving forward or have we been moving backwards, farther and farther away from truth? How do we trust the truth of others and not ourselves as in faith? How do we know? Can we determine Reality from non-reality? Do we know what is real? Do we know the reality of 'nothingness'?

"Science cannot answer the deepest questions. As soon as you ask why there is something instead of nothing, you have gone beyond science." Allan Sandage

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Post #80 "The Search for Reality"

What is Real? What or where is Reality? If Reality comes through choice; who would choose Reality? Maybe very few would choose Reality. Who would choose to live beneath the surface level of our chosen existence, of our chosen non-reality? Creation has a beginning and an ending. Creation began through division. Creation is the process of division. Attested to by religion/faith and by science/reason....Creation began with division and will end, through and because its function is division. Through our five senses, through the Faith of religion and through the Reason of our mechanical world and age we live in, we know and understand creation. What does our sources of knowledge tell us about creation? Can our reality be the reality of Reality? Does our knowledge allow us to admit that that which begins and ends cannot exist to and in Reality but only can exist to and in itself. Creation is not Reality nor is creation of Reality. Creation is reflection. Creation is image. Image is non-reality. Creation proves the existence of Nothingness.

If creation is and of non-reality, then the God of Creation must be the God of Non-reality. If creation is non-reality, then the God of Creation must be the God of Nothingness. Would the God of Reality create that which would end and dissolve into the abyss of pre-creation? Would God be in Nothingness? Would this God create a self image that does not really exist? Would this God create a cosmos and what ever lies beyond that does not exist in that God's own reality? Does this God of Creation then exist only within the realm of creation, being that that which is created does not exist in Reality? Can that which Is, create that which Is Not? This seems a valid question. This same question also underlines the distinction between Reality and non-reality. We have been determining how creation functions as non-reality. How do we Know? What do we Know? How do we Know what we know? What do we choose to Know? There is the knowledge of creation. Knowledge in creation comes through the five senses, through faith, and through Reason. Is this knowledge applicable to Reality? Can we know Reality through our senses, through faith, and through reason? We have determined that that which is of creation is image....the reflected, but very distorted reflection of Reality...this non-reality that is distortion to the point of inversion, inversion, to the point of the creation of Opposite. Non-reality is the opposite of Reality. It is the upside down, inside out, distorted to the point of inversion creation of the  opposite of Reality. As Reality to non-reality is duality, it follows that creation responds as duality. As image, creation can only be response. As image, creation can only respond to Reality as its complete opposite. Creation is image of Reality, but as duality the image is the reverse. In a sense that what appears as darkness to image is light to Reality. Is it possible that this duality is behind the mystery of dark holes and dark matter? Can we Know Reality? Can we Know about Reality? If we can, it would seem that there must be Knowledge beyond, way beyond our senses, way beyond Faith and certainly, way beyond the thinking of mechanical thoughts by mechanical people in a mechanical other words, beyond Reason.

to be continued in next writing


Sunday, March 2, 2014

Post #79 "The Law; Good or Evil?"

A close and unbiased examination of history will not fail to raise questions to that which religion, as the determinate and enforcement of the moral code, has declared as God-directed truth. These truths of religion could indeed be seen as perceptions, as the manipulated and contrived interpretations of occurrences, persons, and events throughout history.These perceptions became interpretations that brought forth measures that gave rise to The Law; as in commandments, rules, tenets, rites, and creeds, and so forth, that was needed and used to establish and then to enforce authority which was a building block of civilization. Civilization does not come without hierarchy, and hierarchy does not come without its Law. Perceptions of hierarchy determined the Law and the Law, in turn, also influenced and served interpretation. The Law separated good from bad and bad from good. The Law separated grace from sin and sin from grace. Unfortunately the Law also separated the good person from the bad person and the saint from the sinner. The Law enforced the quest for power and thus established vulnerability and servitude. Civilization can now be seen in its place in the process of division that is the function of creation. The law not only separated but also defined. The Law defines and consequently the law labels. Sin is presented as opposite grace, as the 'down' compared to the 'up', as the opposite of being under God's blessing or not being not even in relationship to God. The Law therefore defines and separates out those whom God has chosen from those whom God condemns and casts out. One could rightly wonder whether bad or sin existed before the Law came into being. It seems doubtful. The Law, therefore, created sin. Would the Law be of Reality or non-reality?

Structured belief and law-enforcing systems, based on early religious moral codes were used and are being used to empower and provide a means of control. Are these systems and institutions that derive from religious/moral values and control our beliefs, values, and life choices what they claim to be? It seems that spiritual power could be seen as ultimate power which would give these institutions and systems total power as history certainly supports. How often in history have horrendous crimes been committed because "God told me to do it.". Power systems mostly operate very covertly making it almost impossible to grasp the full impact of all under its control.