Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Post #219, "Whose God Owns It All?"

"How did this Choice of the Collective Consciousness to Become God transfer
into history?
How did this Choice shape and become that history of the struggles of humanity
in contrast to the excesses of humanity------
like humanity against humanity?
----the 'if you have it, I want it' syndrome.
We begin to pursue these questions through the Collective Consciousness.
 The Collective Consciousness, through its Choice to Become, eliminates Reality
by setting up within itself the dichotomy of Self and Other.
It is the 'Other' of the Collective that dreams itself Reality.
However, the Collective does not Observe Reality as it IS, but Perceives itself  as
Reality, as the Singularity of Reality, which is Other to Self in Reality.
It is the Self of the Collective that provides the Worship of its 'other' that creates
the God of Creation.

According to religion's First Cause, we now have God mythologically in place,  
ready to set off the First Seven Days of Creation.
According to science, we now have the pre-creation basic elements and force fields
in place, ready to kick off creation with a mighty 'Big Bang'.
Now Creation is a story of many things, but in particular, and for this purpose, it is
a story of division.
Division sets off the first beat of Time, as Division will also beat the last beat
of Time, when it all ends, as Creation will no longer be able to divide.
When the Choice of Intelligence was made to Become, the cells of Consciousness
divided over and over again into many species and smaller divisions of itself,
including humanity.
In humanity, some of these cells grouped into clusters of power and clusters of
weakness, clusters of male cells and female cells, of elite and commonality-----
one group eating, one group eaten. 
Science has suggested that energy stores information.
This accounts for humanity having that very vague, very distorted and inverted
remembrance of the Reality it Chose to replace by imaging within itself the
Self and Other of Reality, thereby eliminating Reality by hiding behind the walls
 of creation.
It worked!
Reality was eliminated from and by Creation.
But-----there was, and is, this very faint remembrance of something beyond itself,
of something out of reach, of something very intangible and outside and exclusive
of Creation.
This faint remembrance is like a hole left when something is removed.
That which was removed is far gone but a hole remains as a faint remembrance
of the loss-----the loss of Reality.
Could it be that this 'hole' remains uncomfortably in the psyche of humanity
causing restlessness and a sense of frenzy?

It had to do with the dream.
It felt like desire.
There was this yearning To Be that which Was Not.
It caused a great yearning for Perfection-----
if one could be perfect, then maybe-------------------!!
-------then may be one could Become God.
So the Collective Consciousness Created God.
This yearning, this quest for perfection transferred into the development of civilization,
of technology,------here, where one group feared effects of Nature/creation, the other
group sought its Power, sought its Energy.
Some parts of the Collective Consciousness/of humanity felt empowered, felt the
'beyondness', the vagueness, the 'out of reach-ness' in and about their Self.
They looked to their lesser self for assurance of their specialness.
Actually, without knowing the word, they sought Worship.
They needed Worship as much as they needed food so they fought, threatened,
imprisoned, enslaved, killed and maimed for the food and the Worship
They looked to their lesser selves and took them captive, took their
possessions that they became weaker, forced them into slave labor that their
bodies became broken and useless, killed their children that they
would not multiply, raped the women to deprive them of their humanity,
 and all endless atrocities that forced the lesser to Worship the Powerful,
'Otherself,' thereby declaring its Self----God of Creation.

This was all acted out and ritualized through Belief Systems.
This was how the masses were taught and forced to create God, through Worship,
over and over again through these exercizes in dehumanization.
It's all about Worship for Worship Creates our God.
Through Identity these 'Anointed', these 'Chosen', acquired Godship, the persona
of God, the Power of God and especially, the Possesions and Authority of God.
It was assumed that these favors were theirs through special relationship
to God that made them the Heirs of God's Possessions, God's Identity, and
God's Authority.
One could hardly tell the difference between them and God.
They began to resemble the God they were creating.
God began to resemble his creators.
God took on human qualities

They gave God a Name so God would have Identity that they could inherit.
They gave God Possession as Creator.
All belonged to God the Creator.
This God was The Only God,
meaning no one else could claim what God owned
and God owned ALL.
This God was their God
 no one else could claim what their God owned
so that.in the Name of their God,
they claim ownership of ALL.

The claim is the Land, ALL the Land
The claim is the Identity as legal, inherited owner
The claim is the Authority to govern, rule and Possess
the people of the Land.
 Its all quite political really.

God is all about Possession
Identity and

And His Heirs.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Post #218, "So, Who Created God?"

Does God precede the Creation Story of Genesis?
Does God precede science's Story of The Big Bang?
Is 'God' First Cause?
What if there is First Cause before there is God?
If First Cause is before God----is God Created?
Then Who Created God?

Of course there are no written recordings of either situation.
So one could wonder whether God is God or if God is the idea of God.
If 'God' is an idea, what could  be the inspiration for such  an idea?

Or, could God be Reality?
We have previously been assuming God as Consciousness's Perception of Reality.
One Perceiving Reality, would of course, convince themselves that the
image they perceived was The Real Thing.
Such is the nature of Perception.
Such is the nature of humanity.

The clarity and Truth of Observation can be blinding so that one is unable or
unwilling to Observe, for fear of 'what IS' rather than fear of 'What Could Be'.
So, how willing is one to Observe Reality when it is much easier to Perceive
This suggests that God must be defined into that which is 'beyond' humanness,
into that dream and desire of Consciousness.
Then we must go to Perception to define God, or better yet, define God as that which
 we dream and desire God to be.
Is it not interesting that our description of God uses terms that we would use
 ourselves, just in the superlative, as powerful, all-knowing, all-seeing,
all-mighty, and all everything, on and on.
Do these terms identify God or do they just identify ourselves as we
wish to appear?

What Identifies God?-----what is God's Identity?
Do we identify God or do we identify ourselves?
Do we create God as we attempt to define God?
Of course, if we are really defining God/ourselves, what words are adequate?
Maybe this is where Worship comes in.
That which we Worship-----that is our God!
Worship defines God more than words.
We create God when we Worship.
But there is much that we Worship.
Do we Worship what Is or do we Worship our dream and desire of Becoming?

God is 'The Beyond', the 'beyond our comprehension', beyond ourselves,
so, in some way, the idea of God must include ourselves within the
dream and desire of what we could be and perhaps, what we should be.
'God' seems to be always out of reach, yet holding within God's self,
all that anyone could hope to be--Identity, with all that anyone could hope
to Possess, with all unlimited Authority to govern to the ends of creation.

Obviously, God is determined by our Belief Systems
 Is there a connection between our identity of God and our identity of our self?
So, if Belief Systems are our identity, do we identify God by the same system
of belief with which we identify our self?
It could be said that we are what we believe and then we try to
believe what we are.
Let's apply this to the God question; God is what we believe God to be
and then we try to believe what we have determined God is.
Maybe it would be more accurate to say that God is whatever the current
and popular Belief Systems tell us and then we try to believe, not in God,
but in the Belief System for the Belief System determines God for us.
Rather then search out our own answers, go on our own search, we check the lists
of other's beliefs.
We check out Belief Systems of others and assume them as our own.
Possibly some more thoughtful individuals may construct their beliefs out of 
parts and pieces of existing pre-fab Belief Systems and rearrange them into
their own Belief System. As our Belief Systems determine who we are, it becomes a bit
scary that people are what people believe according to commercial Belief Systems.---
why people seem to group themselves into these systems and become these
systems, in other words, seem to be alike in how they think, in their priorities,
and in the God they Worship.

What do we need God to be?
God is created in the Awareness of Consciousness to self and to Reality and then in
the Choice of Intelligence.
The Intelligence of Consciousness Chooses to Observe or to Perceive Itself
and the Singularity of Reality.
The Choice is To Be or To Become.
The Choice To Become sets off a process with beginning and ending.
The process is Creation.
The Choice of the Collective Consciousness to enter the process of Becoming
Creates Creation.
The Collective Consciousness is the Creator and consequently is God.

When humanity Chooses To Become, that Consciousness of humanity creates
God to fulfill its dreams of Becoming.
Humanity reaches into its dreams, into its 'beyondness', into its dreams of greatness, into dreams
of transcendence and creates spirituality that it may Worship what it has
Created and personify that Creation with its greatest feat----God!
------humanity's super-ego, humanity's Dream of Becoming.


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Post #217, "Does God Make The Law?"

There is Awareness
Awareness is Consciousness.
Consciousness Choosing is Intelligence.
Consciousness is Aware of Itself and Reality.
In Observation, (Reality), this is Self and Other.
Reality is Self and Other.
In Perception, (Creation/pseudo-reality), this is Self within Self and Other
within Self,----
In Perception, Self divides, becoming 'Itselfness' and its 'Otherness'.
The action of Consciousness Choosing is Intelligence-----
Consciousness Chooses.
Consciousness Chooses either to Observe
To Perceive.
When Consciousness Chooses to Observe,
Consciousness Chooses TO BE.
When Consciousness Chooses to Perceive,
Consciousness Chooses TO BECOME
TO BECOME is process.
Process has beginning and ending.
Creation has Beginning and Ending.
Creation is Process. 

Consciousness is a whole made up of its parts.
Each part is a  cell that contains within itself the Whole of Consciousness.
As a Whole made up of parts, (cells) Consciousness is not Entity,
for Entity is of Reality and has no parts.
As Consciousness is not Entity, Consciousness is not Infinite,
for Infiniteness is of Reality.
As the Collective Consciousness has Chosen to Perceive, the Collective
Consciousness Creates.
Perceiving by-passes the To Be of Observation for the To Become of Perception,
thereby in not accepting 'what is' as 'what is', Consciousness Perceives itself
as Becoming.
In other words, Consciousness Creates!
Consciousness is the Creator of all that is Created.
Does this not mean then, that Consciousness is Creating Itself as a process of
Consciousness Creates itself with a beginning and an ending.---
that it can bring itself to fulfillment---to the fulfillment of its dream

The only possible dream for Consciousness lies in its awareness of itself and
the Singularity of Reality---The Other.
When Consciousness cannot accept Other, it removes Other by dividing itself,
that itself contains within itself its own 'selfness' and its own 'otherness'
This creates the dichotomies of Creation----the need to divide to survive.
The necessity of providing its own sustenance for its survival creates the need for food
and the need to provide food--all within itself
Out of this need comes the need for Worship, and out of the need for Worship comes
those cells of Consciousness whose purpose is to sacrifice self to become food.
Thus Worship divides those that eat from those that are eaten,
the king from the slave.
Worship occurs within Consciousness as The Worshipped and as the worshipper.
Consciousness creates its God through Worship of itself by itself.
In this Worship, the Collective Consciousness and each of its cell parts
Become God.
It takes Worship to Perceive, to actuate for itself its Dream of Becoming The Reality
and thereby its Essence being that of Entity and Infiniteness.

Within Creation, Consciousness begins the process of Becoming through Possession,
Identity, and Authority.
Consciousness, in portraying itself as God, sets the historical scene in which God,
portrayed through a state called spirituality, assumes a mystical role of a
'Beyondness', a state of 'Awe', and a state of untouchable 'Grandness'.
God is presented by those who play the game of 'Becoming God'
Its all done through Worship.
The Worshipped make The Law to control the masses and ensure their continued
supply of food through the Worshippers.
The real purpose the Elite are Lawmakers, is to protect their Possessions, to insure
that if they Possess all, they will be worshipped by all, and have toal Authority
over all,
 thereby promoting civilization that is more easily controlled than Wilderness.

Creation is made up of Matter that forms itself into Land,
into Resources of the Land, and into the People of the Land.
Who does this Matter, this stuff of Creation, that is made up of the basic elements of
Creation, belong to?

History is the story of the Land.
Religion is the story of the Land.
Science is the story of the Land.
The Land is History. The Land is Religion. The Land is Science.
Each tells its own story.
Each story is the story of Possession, Identity, and Authority.
Each story has its own God.
Yet each God and each story claims the Oneness of the One and Only God.
Who is the God of Creation?--of History?--of Religion?--of Science?
Who does history, religion, and science Worship?
If Reason is Worshipped, is Reason not God?
Each tells the story of Inheritance.
Each tells the story of its own God.
Who will inherit the Possessions, the Identity, the Authority, of God?
---especially if God is One?

Is not the God of Creation, the dream and desire of those parts of
Consciousness that Choose to Perceive?
Is not the dream of the Collective Consciousness to Become rather than to
accept what Is?
Is not the Choice of the Collective Consciousness a denial of Reality that Reality
may be imaged within itself-----
that Consciousness may hold within itself  'the Itselfness'
of Itself and the 'Otherness' of itself that represents Reality within Itself?
That the imaged 'Other' of Reality translates to the Collective Consciousness
as God? 
That the Collective Consciousness is, in fact, God, the God of Creation?

Has the Collective Consciousness replaced Reality with itself
and named itself, 'God'?

Is the God of Creation the dream of Consciousness?
As the cells of Consciousness divide into species and species divide into subgroups
such as humanity and all the other forms of life in Creation, do the rules of
division not begin by separating those that are food from those that devour everything
in sight?------as in total Possession of The Land, its Resources, and its People?
Are those that supply food, not the 'Itselfness' of the Self of the Collective
Are those glutonous devourers not the Otherness of the Self?
Is it not apparent why there is so much brokeness and woundness in humanity?

It's all a story of Dreaming of Becoming Entity, of Becoming Infinite.
History is written to tell this story.
The story cannot be about Consciousness and Reality.
That would be too obvious.
It would be too Real for Perception is, after all, deception.
The story is a story of a dream.
A dream is Perception.
Perception does not exist in Reality.
The story must be a story of Creation for only Creation could be
a story with a beginning that still awaits its ending.
For who can say how it will end?
Those of Observation know the ending.
Obervation penetrates Perception and knows it for what it is.

Stories begin with a dream, then desire, and finally,-- Choices
History is the story of the Dream to Become.

Each cell of Consciousness that perceives itself as Becoming,
Perceives that God of Creation within itself.
Each cell claims God as it dreams and desires itself To Become.
Each cell Worships that God within itself.
Each cell dreams of The Land, for the Land is necessary to Become God.
The Land represents All Land---the entire world.
God is God because God Possesses the Land, All The Land, through Creation.
God is total Possessor.
God is God because God Possesses the Land.
Any person who eventually Possess ALL the Land will be Identified and
acclaimed God of All Creation.
As God is God and Possessor of the Land, God has ultimate Authority
over the Land, its resources, and its People.
This is what is meant by Becoming God.

The Collective Consciousness believes that if it can Become God through Possession,
through being acclaimed God through W orship as total Possessor, thereby having
total Authority over Creation, It will achieve the Entity and  Infiniteness of Reality.
Who will Become God?
Who will Govern?
Who will Possess-------maybe through world-wide economic Control?
So who makes Laws?
Who issues forth Commandments?
Who determines life and death?
Who judges Good and Evil?

the Collective Consciousness?
as in


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Post #216, "Digging Behind Belief Systems"

What really is behind Belief Systems?
What is the REAL motive?
It's beginning to appear (referring to prior posts) that a Belief System is a defense
and a justification for
taking Possession of The Land,
taking Identity from The Land, and
taking Authority over The Land.
This control extends over The Land's Resources, and 
over The Land's People.

Belief Systems give permission to contemplate, to initiate, and to set in motion
 the take-over of Land, its Resources, and its People, based on
Possession, Identity, and Authority.
 Belief Systems are political Power systems of Possession and Dominance whose
ultimate purpose is World Domination under the Right of Sovereign Domain
 Authorized by its God as the One and Only God of Creation. ----
The assumption being that, as Creator, God has total Possession, Entitlement, and
Authority over all of Creation and
that this Authority is "timeless" and often transferable to male heirs under laws
based on nomadic treaties of inheritance.
These 'laws' have become the basis for many of the  world's political systems
of governance.

The Only God of Creation, thereby bestows complete and total
Possession, Entitlement, and Authority, as 'Inheritance'  to those possessing the
Identity of their God.
Thereby the Belief System justifies a claim to Possession of, Identity from,
and Authority over, whatever Land is in question with the view to
extend to the total consumption of all Land, all Territories, and All nations.

Now this could and does lead to quite a mess, being that the Collective Consciousness, as a
sum total of its parts, has many parts and pieces.
Each part, each piece comes with its own God.
Each claims the Identity of its God.  
Each claims the ownership of the Possessions of its God.
-----meaning there are many kings and many kingdoms, all determined by Worship,
all claiming Possession, Identity, and Authority.

Insuring total ownership and total Authority, each part and each piece claims that their
God is the One and Only God of Creation, thereby the One and Only Possessor, the One
and Only lord of all, and the One and Only Ruler of Creation as far as the
mind can image (imagine).
Each part and each piece claims the Right of Inheritance, through Title/Identity as the
Possessor and the Possessed of their God.
Each claims the Identity of the God of Creation for their God and, consequently, for
themselves as heirs of their God, making their God, and themselves, the
sole Possessor of Creation.
Each part and each piece of the Collective Consciousness claims
the Possession of the Land and its riches,
through Inheritance, through the same Identity as the Identity of its God,
With this Right, comes the Authority to determine Good from Evil,
meaning, the Authority to make Laws and the Authority to exempt from these Laws
for themselves and for those of their choosing.

These Belief Systems have dominated and controlled history.
History is the story of Power------Power lost and Power gained.
----of kingdoms created and destroyed through the Divine Power of Belief Systems.
The Power of Possession and it accompanying Identity has created Elitism
in all its pomp and glory.
The Possessions, the titles, the wealth, the honor and the glory, the Power, even
over life and death, are claimed and have been claimed throughout history through
Laws of Inheritance handed down and passed on through the
Belief Systems that claim and justify descent and 'Choseness' by the God of the
Belief System.

Belief Systems have indeed identified the God for their system,
but Belief Systems have also created many Gods.
It is apparent, and becoming more so, that as Consciousness continues its
breakdown into its parts and pieces, so also Creation breaks down into
smaller and smaller pieces of its elementary particles.
These particles are under more and more pressure
from division within force fields and from force fields as yet undetected.

Belief Systems consistently provide us with adequate explanations for
But much more so for the on-going civilization of civilization.
Is it possible to be too civilized?
Where has civilization taken us today?

It could be seen that civilization developed a patriarchal society that survived and
flourished on Power.
(As has been noted), Creation is a process of Division.
As civilization is a step of the process of creation moving from Beginning
to End, civilization is a also a process of division.
Civilization furthered the division between male and female.
Civilization created elitism and slavery,
rich and poor,
Divisions of class, nationality, race, and religion.
Civilization furthers the cause of Reason that produces mechanical thinking that
produces a mechanical world that produces mechanical things, and now, in our
own Time, mechanical people that can only think mechaical thoughts in a
mechanical world.-----
this mechanical world of mechanical people that are taking over and replacing
a humanity that cannot survive a mechanical world of mechanical thoughts
of Robots.------
 Robots that are programmed to replace humanity,
to replace the God of Possession, of Identity, of Authority/The Law,
that do not Worship or need to be Worshipped.



Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Post #215, "Identity of God & Self"

Who is God?
What Identifies God?
and then---
Who am I?
What Identifies Me/Self?
Is God, God, because of God, or is God, God, because God Created?
What if God had not Created?
Would God still be God?
How could God be God if there were not acts of Worship?
Worship determines God.
God is Who is Worshipped.
God is What is Worshipped

Exactly, what is Creation?
What is Creation to God?
Wouldn't it be Possession?
Does God, then, as Creator, not Possess Creation?
Is God, God, then, because of Creation? 

Identity seems to have everything to do with Possession.
So then, how does humanity Possess anything if it is already Possessed
by God, the Creator?
Is Possession the Controlling factor of Creation?

Is Possession what controls and determines relationships?
Is Possession what determines the relationship between God and humanity?
Is Possession what determines relationship within the Collective Consciousness?
Does not Consciousness, as Awareness, Possess what God Creates?
And what of the suggestion that Consciousness is Creator through its act
of dreaming?
And does not Identity depend on this Possession?
How much truth is there, in that 'Self Is what Self Possesses'?
And what of God?
Now comes the big question----if God Created and thereby Possesses Creation,
do those who claim God as their God, Possess God,
and then are those who Possess God, also Possessed by God?
Is this, therefore, a claim by those Possessing God and Possessed by God,
 to Possession or ownership of all that God Creates?
Now Identity becomes a sticky question.
Identity of God Becomes a sticky question.
 Is Identity dependent on Belief Systems that Identify God and through God,
Identify Self?
Or is Identity dependent on Belief Systems that Identity Self and  through Self,
Identify God?

One can't help but notice today's trend to Worshipping sports heroes and other people
of fame or famous Identity.
Surely these people qualify for Godship on the basis of the enthusiastic Worship heaped
upon them.
W ho Is God?
Is God, God or is God who we Identify as God?
Is God that which we dream of Becoming?

So it seems that one is Identified according to one's Belief System.
If a Belief System, through its God, offers Ownership as a Right, as Identity,
to its membership, then would this System, then Identify its members
as Possessers of Creation-----as Possessors of the Land, the resources, and the People?
And with Possession and Identity does Authority not follow?

Is God  One?
It seems there are many Gods for the many Belief Systems.
Each System claims and defines its unique God, complete with history, ritual,
 Worship, commandments is conditions of membership, dues, and committment.
 The interesting thing here, is that no Belief System limits its God or its God's jurisdiction
to a limited Possession of Creation, to a limited Time in Creation, or to a limited Place
in Creation.
All Belief Systems seem to Identify their God as THE ONLY GOD.
Why is this?
Is the purpose to give the adherents of the system, through mutual Possession with and of their God, Total Right to the Possession of All of Creation?
(Now how would the members of a community handle this??????????)
Creation being, first of all, Land (THE LAND), Land as far as the eye can see and
Consciousness can dream---and from the dream, comes the desire.
Land, of course, meaning Land plus Resources, AND PEOPLE!

Is what the people of the Belief System really saying is that they have The Right to
Possession/Ownership of the Land, the resources, and the People of all of Creation, through
their Possession of the One and Only God?

What is Creation but all that Consciousness is able to dream and then desire; dreams
we have not yet, in this Place in Time, realized?

The Collective Consciousness, made up of parts and pieces of itself, forming itself into a whole,
 each piece, as Intelligence, having Choice, dreams as the whole and dreams as part of a whole,
each piece, each cell, dreams of Becoming God.
As cells attract and repel each other within the Collective Consciousness with its dream of
Becoming God, the chaos of cells attracting or repelling other cells centered on
Possession obviously break apart ,as cells do, and reform, entering the proce4ss of division
that is the action of creation.
Each cell breaks apart and reforms itself. The reforming is only for the purpose to allow for
 constant breaking apart.

Through dreams of Possession, comes Identity, and through Identity comes Possession
as the Collective Consciousness solidifies its dream in Creation through its element of
Matter, in Time and in Place.

Do Identity Systems create a problem as to who Possesses God and consequently
claims the Ownership, the right of Possession of all God Created?

Monday, February 8, 2016

Post #214, "How Belief Systems Work"

When Consciousness chooses to Perceive itself and Reality, it closes the door on Reality.
As Reality is Observed and not Perceived, Reality no longer exists for Consciousness.
Only a pseudo-reality remains within the Collective Consciousness that now claims, within
itself, the 'self' and 'other' of Reality.
The self of Consciousness divides into its 'selfness' and its 'otherness' within itself that it reproduces within itself the 'Selfness and Otherness of Reality.
This division of Consciousness kicks off the creation of Creation, Creation being a process
of division.

How does Consciousness react to its own Choice, To Become, (To Perceive) and not, To Be,
(To Observe)?
Does it have any vague recollections of Reality?
Is there any regret, especially when it is becoming obvious, throughout history, that the dream
'To Become' never materialized?
Is this where science appears in history?---trying to justify the dream, to make the dream
of Entity and Infiniteness come true?
Is this where science busies itself with equations and test tubes to find solutions
to create life and conquer death?
What does Consciousness do when the world of dreams and desire seem to be on the brink 
 of destroying itself and no where able to Become the Entity and Infiniteness of Reality?

How could Consciousness not question itself?
How could Consciousness not question its Choice? 
We are in chaos!
We live in chaos!
We are broken people.
We suffer!
We become sick!
We die!

Even questioning causes chaos, for who could bear the truth?
We could pretend, but pretending is what we do.
Creation is pretense
Creation is image.
Creation is the pseudo-image of Reality.
Creation is the inside out and upside down, reversal and distortion of Reality.
All the chaos of the abyss of Nothingness seeks expression in Creation,

Consciousness frantically seeks to calm the chaos within itself and within its creation.
We seek to calm the chaos within ourselves, our lives, and in our world.
To control the chaos, Consciousness attempts to organize and codify its thinking.
Consciousness Reasons!
Consciousness tries to control its accelerating process of division
Reason is Consciousness's attempt to stop and step back and away from its
nature of division and chaos caused by its loss of Entity and Infiniteness,
the very Entity and Infiniteness it desperately seeks to take from Reality.
Reason is Consciousness's best attempt at imitating Reality,
Reason devises systems to bring itself under control, to try and appease
its chaos and slow down it divisiveness, its constant attempts to destroy itself.
Consciousness devises, through its ability to Reason, systems of organization.
As Nature is organized into systems of Time, Place, and Matter.
Humanity is organized into systems of Belief, belief that what we dream, we will
Our Belief systems are many and varied
Every system defines itself in terms of what it believes will control the chaos
and bring about the basic dream and desire to Become Reality/to
Become its image---To Become God.
Each system, therefore, is built around God,
around God and all the interpretations of God,
be it: Reason, King, Pope, Bishop, President, Sports, Sex, Glamor, Wealth, Lover
----the list is endless for our God is What we Worship.

Each Belief System has God, has its God----for God is One
Each God has a Belief System.
God Worships the System that believes and the System Worships its God.
The system is the System of its God.
And God is the God of the System.
God and the System are One
It all comes down to Worship for Worship is the action that Perceives, gives
Witness to, and validates God as God.
 Systems then, must design and enforce the Worship that brings about the presence
of God into the system and the system into the presence of God.
Belief Systems are what we tell ourselves to calm the chaos that we may have made the
wrong choice in choosing the Image over the Reality.
We create Belief Systems to help us cope with the stresses of our broken lives
caught up in creation's process of division.
Consciousness struggles to make sense out of its Choice to Perceive.
Perception causes confusion.
Confusion causes chaos.
Chaos is the abyss of Nothingness

(to be continued Post #215)


Thursday, February 4, 2016

Post #213, "Me, Myself, & I/God"

Is it possible to find someone----anyone, who does not worship God, god, or gods?
In the search for Reality, this question must be asked.
And, eventually, is not the answer-----that God is found deep within the center of
one's self?
It seems, in other words, that oneself is a worshipper who, therefore, worships the
God that dwells within oneself, therefore becoming a worshipper of the worshipped,
-----Becoming the worshipper of Self, or of Self within Self.
As worship is that which determines our God, one can only assume that this view
assigns Godship to oneself.
----that the dream and desire of Consciousness is to Become God.

But What is or Who is----God?
It seems this is the hidden question of history and secretly lurks behind every
controversy, every scene of chaos, every division, and every war.
 If this question were easily answered, chaos in all forms could be avoided.
Yet, if God lives within the center of a person, how could that person not know
Who God is.
How could that person not know who Self is
---------and that God and Self are One?

Some how, this feels like a nervous answer.
Let's check it out-----
The Choice of Consciousness, at the First Cause of the Awareness of Consciousness to
Self and to the Other, is Observation of Self and Other or Perception of Self and Other.
The Choice of Observation is Choosing To Be.
The Choice of Perception is To Become.
In the Choice of Perception, as Becoming, Consciousness/humanity,
does not accept 'Being' but chooses to enter a state of Becoming which denies
'what is' for a state of 'what isn't'.
That state of Becoming is what is hoped for or dreamed of,
 thereby creating and entering Time that 'what isn't' may occur within Time.
This creation of Time therefore needs a beginning and an ending,
the ending occuring, of course, at the fulfillment of the dream----
which is the dream Becoming the Reality.
This dream is made possible by tranferring the dream to within itself.
In the dream, Reality Becomes God.
In the dream, Reality, (no longer Reality but now as Non-reality), exists
within Consciousness, and as Consciousness, Becomes,  its own God and the
Creator of its own non-real, imaged, environment.
So that in the dream, Self is God, because without the Singulaity/the Other
of Reality, there is only the Self of Consciousness.

As each cell of Consciousness possess the dream, each cell of Consciousness
sees itself as God, with God and in God.
Somehow God Becomes larger within the Collective Consciousness as the
Collective which holds within itself the God of each cell.
Each of its cells form its whole, which is the sum total of its parts.

So the Choice comes down to Reality, Reality being Observation of Self and Other,
or to Non-reality, being Perception of Self within the Collective Consciousness.
This Perception thereby divides Self into 'itselfness' and its 'otherness', by attempting
to contain or to obliterate Reality by creating Reality within itself.
Reality cannot be created, therefore God is created within Consciousness itself to
replace Reality.
God is the created image of Reality.
God therefore inherits the characteristics and personna of that which created him,
-----the Collective Consciousness.
The Collective Consciousness is the God of Creation, as Awareness, that which instigates
Choice, is outside of Creation.
--------as Awareness is outside the Biblical Genesis story of Creation.
--------as Awareness is outside the Big Bang theory of science.

When the Collective Consciousness chooses to Become, the very act of Becoming
 becomes process that demands beginning and ending.
Thus creation is a process, a process of division, as creation is created of cells
that constantly break apart and reform over and over again.
The Collective Consciousness dreams and desires To Become Reality.
This means replacing Reality within itself.
This means transference of the essence of Reality to Non-reality of and to creation,
thereby obliterating Reality.

 What Is Not Reality, cannot Become Reality,
no matter what the dream and what the desire.
Dreams and desire only create,
and only create image

Is this why, throughout history, God has been defined with characteristics
that suit humanity?
Is this the best we can do?
How could God be described as dwelling within us in terms that vastly surpass
that of the dreams of humanity for themselves?
Or, do we see these terms as descriptive of ourselves?
Interestingly, we describe the God within us in terms of royalty, in terms of
kingship, in terms of strength, in terms of Possession, in terms of Identity,
and in terms of Good as opposed to Evil, Good and Evil as in 'The Law'?

God is what we create to take the place of Reality.
God is what the Collective Consciousness creates within itself to take the place of
Reality, replacing Reality with its 'otherness', to be worshipped by its 'selfness',
thereby duplicating within itself, the Self and the Other of Reality.