Thursday, February 26, 2015

Post # 191 "The Search For Reality, II"

The search for Reality begins in creation. The search takes in many of the aspects of creation: competition, performance, possession, beauty, entertainment, sexuality, popularity, etc, and one by one finds each to be only an enticement that leads to the frustration of not being Real at all. These are not where Reality is found. Reality is not found in the sciences. Reality is not found in religion. There is no pattern, plan, study course to pursue or blueprint for Reality. Reality is outside all of these and outside the very individual consciousnesses that choose to go on the search.

The search for Reality is as a desert experience. It is a search that finds one in the isolation of aloneness. The search calls for silence. There is not even affirmation or approval from others, maybe quite the contrary. It could be thought that this search is the real purpose of life or at least life as we know it. The search is complete when all else slides and fades into oblivion and only that which is Real remains. The search is worth the Reality when all is made known and embraced, for all else is image and comes and goes, begins and ends. Realty is all that exists.

Reality has no known name. Reality is not for bargaining or pleading. There is no sin nor rules or commandments for we act as we are. We are as we act. We are as we choose to be. If we choose Reality, we act as if we have chosen Reality. If we choose creation, we act as if all is just an image and as temporary and fleeting as the wind itself. We look for and hope to find soul mates along the way on our journey. We begin to realize that there are others on the various levels of existence that have gone on before us and are on other dimensions of existence, still on the journey, but who remain present to us in ways we do not see, and are anxiously waiting to be a help on the search for Reality.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Post #190 "We Choose to Create"

Intelligence chooses to create its own reality. We choose to create our own reality. This reality that we create is what is real to us. It is our reality. Within our own reality, which is non-reality to Reality, we do not see or see a need for that which is Reality. As we create and live within our created reality, our created world, we take on the qualities of that non-reality and become that which we have chosen and created. We become one with our creation. The consciousness of Intellect remembers Reality. The remembrance is indelibly imprinted on Intelligence. We have Choice.

There is only Reality or creation. There is only Reality or created image. That created image reflects itself upon the surfaces of creation. The reflection is as a mirror-image to the Reality....inverted, distorted, and opposite. If one chooses Reality, chooses to search for Reality, that one is no longer image for that was not the choice. If one chooses Reality, that one never was image and never belonged to and in creation. When image fades, Reality remains

Choice determines that beyond Time, beyond Place, beyond Substance, for these are nebulous and do not exist in Reality. The future determines its history. As in a famous figure: the famous person is honored with a created past that shows all that person has overcome. The history of a person shows that accumulating fame is a process and so needs a beginning and an ending as does all of creation. If the beginning is unknown, a beginning will be created that the person's accomplishments are better appreciated. To better appreciate what creation accomplishes, a beginning is created and so we see an example of the future creating the past, the past that can only be understood from its ending.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Post # 189 "The Choice: is Reality or Creation"

The Choice is Reality or Creation. Intelligence either searches for Reality or creates. What Intelligence creates is its own Reality. The search for Reality lies outside creation. The search does not lie within creation or within Intelligence but must be sought outside of itself. The search comes through a basic primal awareness. In order to form its own reality, creation must block Reality. The  search for Reality when chosen, is an unfolding.

In creation, Reality is replaced with God, the God of Creation. This God is the distorted, inverted image of Reality and the collective image of humanity/Intelligence. Intelligence personifies its distorted remembrance of Reality and we create images of ourselves. We must go outside this God we have created to search for that which is the Real. Image is the opposite of what is Real. Intelligence realizes at a very deep level that what we have created is not Real' that it is fake and a bad imitation.

Creation as image is repetition. What is created attempts to become that which its desires and imitates. Consequently in the process of imaging the God of Creation is meant to become Reality, to take the place of Reality on a new surface. Reality becomes confused with the God of Creation. Reality is personified on a created level. We crate images of ourselves.

If we choose Reality our lives become a search that must go outside ourselves, outside creation, outside the God we have created. If we choose to create, we realize, way down deep, that we are a fake, that what we have created is fake, that our lives are fake. We realize that we are not real. We  realize that we are created so we try to cover up our fakeness by creating over and over again.

Let it unfold, that we may find Reality......not inside, but outside ourselves.beyond the walls of creation. If we choose to search for Reality the path will be given us.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Post #188 "So Who wants Reality Anyway?"

Choosing is the action of Intellect that causes and sets in motion the process of division. This process of division is the action of creation. Creation divides. Creation separates. Creation is a process that continually breaks itself down to its own oblivion, to its own destruction, to the Nothingness of the void of pre-creation. Intellect chooses either Reality or chooses to create its own reality. Intellect chooses Reality or chooses to become become the God of Creation. If it is dreamed, if it is desired, if it is chosen, creation results. Creation as the distorted image of Reality emerges. In this image, the dreamer, the Desiree, the chooser dwells. Creator thus becomes that which is creation. Creator and creation become one. The choice is made collectively and individually.

Reality or Creation. There is nothing else. We cannot choose both creation and Reality for creation blocks Reality and does not exist to Reality. Reality cannot, of course, exist for creation. As the action of Intelligence is choosing, Intelligence is neutral. Intelligence must be neutral to choose. Intelligence is aware of Reality and is aware of its own ability to choose Reality or to create creation. Choosing is a process. Dreaming and desire exist in Timelessness. The Choice sets off the first beats of Time. When the choice is made for creation, Choosing enters or becomes creation and Time begins pulsing in creation. Place is established and Substance follows as the result of the friction and pulsating of the void. the dream, the desire, the choice exists, only in creation. All takes place in creation. The dreams and desires, which now simply expand creation, scientists see as the universe expands. The dreams, desires, and choice, finally, in Time, drive creation to obliteration.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Post #187 "The Impetuous for Creation"

Creation is birthed when the Intellect remembers and recalls awareness of Reality. This memory is as positive energy. The memory occurs in the Nothingness as the Intellect is in the Nothingness. Memory by Intellect occurs in the Reality of Non-reality as in negative energy. Memory is born in Nothingness. Memory is born in the abyss of Nothingness.

The birthing effort of the memory of Reality churns the abyss to frenetic energy as if unable to contain the memory of Reality. This memory of Intellect of the awareness of  Reality becomes a dream of Reality . The churning, awakened, abyss causes Intelligence to dream.

The memory of Reality by he Intellect moves from dream to desire. The memory of Reality by Intelligence in Nothingness moves from dream to desire. Intellect desires what is remembered. This memory takes on the imprint of Nothingness. Intelligence is aware that memory holds awareness of everything the abyss of Nothingness is not and has not. The dream moves from desire and becomes choice. All influenced by the abyss unless recall is a pure, primal awareness

Intelligence chooses for the function of Intelligence is Choosing. Intelligence dreams, desires, and chooses what it is not. Intelligence dreams, desires, and chooses Reality over nothingness. Intelligence chooses. Intelligence chooses to dream, desire, and choose to become what it is not or chooses to remain Nothingness and if so it will exist to non-exist with no memory of itself or about itself.

When Intelligence dreams, desires , and chooses to begin a process of becoming, Time is created. Intelligence creates Time as well as Place and Matter, the makeup of creation. Intelligence chooses to become Reality. But, of course, Intelligence cannot become what it is not and so the frustration of the void leading to further creation as creation is a process.

This can also be expressed, especially individually, as in becoming God. Individually Intelligence desires Perfection which describes its God. Individual Intelligence dreams, desires the attributes of the God it creates that it controls and so becomes. Intelligence becomes the God of Creation but not Reality

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Post #186 "After Human Life"

How close or how far are we from Reality? How difficult is the search? How do we find Reality if Reality is not present in and to our everyday lives? The real question is ' who would want to find Reality especially when we are so content with living on the most superficial, closest to the surface levels of existence....the existence we have created as we have dreamed it, desired it, and chosen it?'

Non-reality, as image of Reality, becomes less distorted as we move backwards in Time because of levels or layers of existence. Each level reflects the level preceding it, becoming more distorted as the original image of Reality undergoes further distortion at each increment of image reflects the level preceding it which is image of the image before that; image reflecting, not the first level but image reflecting image reflecting image, on and on.

What, then, is human death? What is human life? Are there also levels of what we know as life, leading away from or toward Reality? Does Intellect bring about life or end with human death? The function of Intellect is choosing and as such chooses life or death....that is chooses Reality or non-Reality. Remember, that as Reality is totally outside the comprehension of creation, that which is of creation does not know Reality, only that it Is and that it is the opposite of the created life, which may shed some light on dark holes, dark energy, and so on....being that creation is opposite Reality which would indicate a controversy between lightness and darkness. Creation is the inversion or the reflection  or the image of Reality. We know that if creation has no real substance, Reality is entity. We know that if creation is fallible and passing away, reality is infinite and cannot pass away. This is what lies behind humanity's desire to become God, only that God as God, is created by humanity and is only the distorted reflection, the image, of Reality. Our non-reality as image is proof of the reality of Reality.

Human life exists on many levels, closer or farther from Reality. After mortal death there are many levels to exist on according to the choice of intellect. Time, as well as our notion of substance do not exist in pre-creation. Place is unlimited in the unlimited expanse of pre-creation and does not exist. Reality is a choice. Not to become Reality, as in becoming God, but to experience Reality in some way.....this we are not now able to comprehend.