Thursday, January 28, 2016

Post #212, "The Wilderness of Self"

Where do we go from here?

---Removal of the Perceptions that block the Observation of Reality
---Removal of Belief Systems:
What blocks Reality from being Observed, Witnessed, and Validated?
-- -Walk through the wilderness of creation,
---walk through the pre-creation void of Nothingness,
---walk through the First Cause preceding the First Cause of biblical Genesis
and the First Cause of Science's Big Bang----
---walk through to the Choice of Consciousness To Be, meaning to Observe, or
---walk through to the Choice of Consciousness to Become, meaning to Perceive.
The Choice comes down to Reality, Reality being Observation of Self and Other or
to Non-reality/Creation, being Perception of self within the Collective Consciousness,
that divides self into 'itselfness' and its 'otherness' thereby attempting to contain or
obliterate Reality by creating Reality within itself.
Thereby----the wilderness now Becomes the wilderness of self within Self.
What is or what causes the wilderness of self within Self?
The wilderness of self within Self is made up of Belief Systems.
These are systems that determine who we are, what we do, and determine our purpose.
These systems are handed to us genetically, but much more so, through the
Time, the Place, of the cells and species that  form our surrounding Matter,
the affect on us and our affect on that small speck of Time and Place we inhabit.
What cells have divided and redivided into systems of Time and Place that have grouped,
been destroyed and regrouped to becoming non-identifiable bits of Matter?
These systems depend on Possession, Identity, and Authority, Authority as in The Law.
We become authors or victims of these systems for these systems determine
Good and Evil.
We create, we control and we are victimized by these systems.
In many ways, we are all victims of Belief Systems, for it is out of these systems that
we Possess or do not Possess, and that we are Identified and through that Identification,
that we are above or under The Law.
According to that Identification, we are classed as 'good' or 'evil'.
'Good' and 'Evil' is identified through Possession, Identity, and The Law.
These belief systems, that define and enforce the Laws of Good and Evil,
are based on worship.
These belief systems of Good and Evil are similar to the belief systems of Possession,
Identity, and The Law'
We either Worship or are Worshipped according to the Law.
These belief systems create gods and God.

The search for Reality walks through these belief systems.
These systems are of Creation.
Thses systems are of the Collective Consciousness.
These systems and be by-passed.

It is difficult to emerge from this wilderness of belief systems for they confuse
Good from Evil. Comfort from Pain, Fun from Suffering.
The walk through the wilderness is a 'leaving behind' experience:
The search for Reality walks through the Systems of Belief, Observing the Perceptions
of each system,
 as the God of that system comes down through the Choice To Be and not to Become,
not To Become the God of that System of Belief.

In Reality---
there are no tenets or creeds
no hierarchy,
no worship
no Good and Evil
no commandments
no membership
no dues or sacrifices
no meetings
no worship aids
no requirements
(to name just a few)

The results will be obvious.

Removal of the blocks obstructing the Observation of Reality:
Removal of Belief Systems for these are the blocks to Reality.
This is what Creation has devised.
This is that which begins Time and Place
This is what begins the process of division.
This is the grip the Collective Consciousness has on Individual Consciousness
that can and must emerge from the Collective that it may Observe, Witness,
and Validate, Reality,
That through this Observation, Witness, and Validation, the Self of Individual
Consciousness can emerge from the Collective and may in turn may be Observed,
Witnessed, and Validated as Self,
as the Self of Entity, as the Self of Infiniteness, by the Singularity of Reality----
the Other.
As the Individual Consciousness emerges from the Collective, it will begin to
speak the 'word', that word of Reality to itself and others.
It will 'speak'----not coax, not promise, not argue, not entice, or not sell---
for these are the ways of Belief Systems.
It will speak that Reality exists as Self and as Other, in Entity and Infiniteness.
These wildernesses of Time, Place, and Matter, need to be walked through
for the Choice to Observe removes the Perceptions of Nothingness.

Walking through the wilderness, many, many systems are encountered through
These are systems that have been taken on, fallen into, and even devised by ourselves.
Each of these systems has its gods, its God.
These systems will come down, including the gods and the God of each system,
if we have chosen, as Individual Consciousness---Reality.
Those walking through the Wilderness of Perception need to know that all they
have to do is 'Just walk through'.

They need to be reminded that 'They are not alone' ------ The 'help of The Ages' of
those also seeking Reality is ever with them
and able to be accessed through the stored information of Reality.

The walk through the wilderness is an unfolding for much must be removed.
Once removal begins to take place, the ability to Observe becomes easier.

Please remember:

"Let it Unfold"

"Just Walk Through It"

"You are Not Alone"

"If It Is Real, You Will Not Lose It"

"The More Creation is Removed, the More Reality is Evident"
"Reality Recognizes Reality"

"Truth Recognizes Truth" 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Post #211, "Interconnectiveness as Theory of Creation"

The whole of Time creates each age, each era, each generation.
Matter in Time creates Place.
Each segment of Time adheres to a piece of Matter so that each of those segments
of Time has a variance during that particular era.
Each level of Time has its own flavor, its own color, its own sound that issues forth
from the Collective Intelligence. 
That level can and will use that Intelligence to taste its own taste, to paint with its own color,
and make its own harmony;  basically, its own identity, within the identity of its
Time and its Place that, consequently, alters and adjusts the Matter
of each part of Intelligence, of each part of Consciousness.
Each of these choices prepares for the next level of Time and Place.
Each thinking it is moving that present level of Time and Place to a new level of
Each one sees its presence as advancing the cause of Becoming, of nearing Perfection,
of being better than that which came before.
The process of division divides itself down into many pieces that then seek to find
themselves, through identity with other pieces.
These pieces then seek out those most closely resembling themselves through Identity
with other parts of itself.
These pieces then form a new grouping that assumes its own unique Identity and
compares itself to other groups that have likewise formed, each gathering confidence
through the new alliance by contributing its own Identity to group Identity.
The group, then, reforms the Identity of each piece giving it a stronger identity with
which to challenge and compete.
Under the process of division, these groups then challenge and compete with other groups,
hoping to eliminate all but themselves from Becoming the ultimate dream.
The unifying Interconnectiveness being the dream of Becoming.
All comes from this dream.
All connects, through the choice of Consciousness, that which it Is Not, causing it to
divide and then, forever-after, seeking to Become exactly the opposite of its
actions-------to become Entity----.
Total dichotomty, as is Interconnectiveness.
Interconnectiveness seems to be a theory of formation, but it is a theory of Time.
It is a theory of division----a theory whose outcome is extinction.
The Collective Consciousness determines Time and Place for the emergence of the species
dependent on its plan for attaining its dream of Becoming or more strongly, for the
ability of a species to survive the divisional stresses of Time and Place of emergence
plus its determined structural Matter.
As the process of division unfolds, each new level of Time, each new level of Place, each
new level of altering Matter, create new stress fields, meaning that each species undergoes
increasing levels of stress as Time unfolds.
Each species today, is under extremely increased stress points than at any other Time in history. Tomorrow the increase in stress will greatly increase over today's stresses.
As stress fields exert more division, new stress fields are created.
Stress is the movement of division on Matter.
Stress shapes Matter.
Stress also destroys Matter-------all is dependent on its place in Time.
Structural Matter determines species.
This evolves and is selective on degtree of Intelligence and ability to Choose,
as choosing is the function of Intelligence.
Time, place, and Matter, are divisional stresses that are dichotomous in that each is
necessary to emerge in creation yet subject to enormous stress and pressure fields.
Being basically torn into halves, a cell, that what extends itself in Time, extends only half of
itself in imitation of Consciousness dividing itself into 'selfness' and 'otherness' until that
species can no longer divide, thereby providing food for other dominant and controlling
species, fades into non-existence.
The species to most likely filfill the dream of Consciousness to Become, after being the cause
of the demise of all other species,
also falls into the abyss of Nothingness.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Post #210 "Theory of Interconectiveness & Reality"

Understanding Interconnectiveness begins with Time.
Perception is seeing in Time.
As Consciousness is made up of its parts, most of these parts or these cells belong in Time.
These cells together form a whole that is the Collective Consciousness.
The Collective Consciousness creates Creation.
Creation is image.
Image is not Reality.
Reality is not of Time.
When the cells of the Collective Consciousness Chose, the Choice, collectively, was/is
to Become.
The Choice of Becoming began and set in motion the element of Time.

Every facet of creation exists in that creation for an extremely small speck of Time as
an extremely small speck of matter in an extremely small speck of space.
The whole is always totally represented in each of its cells so that the cell resembles, or even
on a much smaller scale, duplicates the whole, as each piece of Consciousness makes up
 the whole of the Collective.
There still remains, however, choice within each cell.
Choice is determined by the degree that cell carries Intelligence
which is the action or the work of Consciousness.
These choices can and do influence our particular cell that in turn influences
the whole.

In this capacity, we determine that which determines us
This means that every person enters its particular Time and Place as a product of
that Time and Place, but then, through the ability of Intelligence makes choices that
influence that particular Time and Place.
Applied to Consciousness this means that as Consciousness divides itself into
'itselfness' and its 'otherness', it brings about creation.
The very act of division is and births creation.
Creation is a process of division.
Creation begins with a pulse that sets off and initiates the act of division.
It immediately establishes this creation's period of existence in itself.
As it exists within itself, it dreams within its  'otherness' of what it thinks
it will Become.
The propulsion of dreaming of Becoming are the ticks of Time.
Time ends when the dream no longer exists.
One is often able to glimpse scenes or people from the past and the future as Time
begins to relax its beat as a dream crashes.
(This explains the 'ghost' phenomina)

This degree of Intelligence determines the species the cells/cells will choose or
be attracted to.
Cells are attracted to group within their Intelligence levels.
Cells are either repelled or attracted to other cells by positive and negative electrical
charges within each cell.

The Collective Consciousness is made up of cells of Consciousness that function
according to each cell's capacity to Choose, Choosing being the action of Intelligence.
Cells, according to the action of Creation, choose under conditions of division.
Creation divides-----cells divide
A necessary requirement of division as division, is formation, as division can only
divide that which has form.
The cells of the Collective Consciousness divide that they can re-form, that they can
divide, over and over again-------that formation becomes an essential aspect of division.

Human Consciousness is Consciousness within Consciousness.
It creates.
It creates other species through its ability to dream and desire.
It creates through its interaction with the division within itself.
In its ability to choose to Become, it divides itself into its selfness
and its otherness.
Its otherness is its dream self of Becoming.
This is the part of the Collective Con. that becomes religion, that becomes God.
Its selfness is the part that dreams the dreams and desires the desire.

All species evolve but the human species also developes.
It develops through its desire to Become other than what it is, other than what we are.
Humanity is the only species to create through its ability to dream.
It dreams creation and then dreams options for itself to choose from----
options being opportunities to continue dreaming
Humanity is the part of Consciousness that groups, through its Choice to Become,
into the Collective Consciousness.
It dreams, it Chooses and then Becomes its Choice
that then creates opportunities to continue creating as the dreams
to Become are never fulfilled within itself.
The relationship of 'itselfness' to its 'otherness' within itself and then
within the Collective as to its selfness, is profound.

The whole, the Collective, determines that we exist but within that existence
we have choice through proximity and relationship to other cells.
Those choices can and do influence a particular cell that in turn influences the whole.
In this capacity, we determine that which determines us.
Cells group with that which they have identity and thus feel comfortable, like a
positive electrical charge attracting a like electrical charge which can
merge into a larger charge.

This means that every person, every species, in its particular Matter formation and Matter
division, enters its particular Time and its particular Place as as a product of the make up,
the attraction to, or the rejection of that particular cell or on a larger plain,
that particular species.

Each cell, each species, which, through the ability of Intelligence, makes choices that
influence Time and  Place, that in-turn, influences the cell itself or the species itself.
So Time and Place, within the creation of Consciousness that continually chooses,
influence the bits and pieces of itself that have Intelligence, that pair off, group together,
break apart, and regroup, or break off and destroy their selves and others that interfere
with their dream to Become; always seeking Perfection that brings about the
dream of Becoming.

The cells within Consciousness form as creation forms, from the
breaking apart of elementary particles under fields of pressure in the formation of the
creation process.
These cells then begin to divide and separate from each other.
Intelligence chooses.
Cells, as Intelligence, Choose and are positive to and negative to each other,
consequently, they attract and avoid

Reality Observes and is able to be Observed.
Observation is seeing without the restrictions of Time-------when Individual cells of
Consciousness Choose to Observe rather than to Perceive by Choosing To Be,
rather than Choosing to Become.
Reality Observes.
Creation Perceives

          (continued post #211)


Sunday, January 17, 2016

Post #209 "Evolution of God"

The Collective Consciousness continually strives to bring Reality into its own Pseudo-reality
to comprehend it, thereby losing Reality to its own interpretation, to its own perception,
and to its own creation, of itself.
Through Perception of Reality, and the division of itself into its 'selfness' and into its 'otherness',
the Collective Consciousness creates its own supernatural out of the 'beyondness', the
'vastness', the 'awesomness', the 'non-comprehensiveness', of its otherness.
It is through its division of itself, into 'selfness' and 'other-than-selfness', in particular its 'otherness', that creates religion,
that creates its gods and its God.
As this 'otherness' evolves from 'early man' to present day humanity,
its God also evolves as the God of 'other-than-humanity' yet as the archetype of humanity.
For this God is the actuating of the dream that ignites the desire To Become.
This God is the fulfillment of the Choice made by Intelligence.
To Become this God is the dream and desire of Consciousness.
It is the fulfillment of the dream of the whole of Consciousness and each cell that makes
up the whole. 
This God is the 'beyondness', the 'vastness', the 'awesomeness', the 'non-comprehensiveness'
of the 'otherness' , of the 'other-than-selfness', of Consciousness, of humanity that is the result
of the division of the Collective and the Self of the Collective.
The 'selfness' as opposed to the 'otherness' also creates gods.
These gods evolve from the gods of mythology that created beauty, wisdom, peace, and love,
to the present gods of sports, entertainment, sexuality, glamor, wealth, prestige,
to name a few.
These gods are not admittedly recognized as gods, as humanity confuses its identity of itself
in its division into its 'selfness' and its otherness.

As there is great fear in pseudo-reality/in creation that the dream of Intelligence may not
come about, that the dream and desire of Becoming God may be just dream and desire,
Consciousness consoles itself with other gods.
History proves the fickleness of humanity and humanity's gods and creates the anticipation
for One God, for One People that will insure the fulfillment of the dream of Becoming.
This all creates many problems,
for the Collective Consciousness dreams this dream as does every cell that makes up
Consciousness into the Collective.

Can the Collective Consciousness Become God?
If so, then can each cell that makes up the Collective also Become God,
as each cell is an total germ/seed of the Collective?

If Godship is open to all, does this not defeat the plan to Become God?
As Creator, does God not own all Land?
If God owns all Land, does God not also own all that goes with ownership of Land,
like resources, and even so-called private property?
As owner of the Land, does God not also own the people of the Land?
But, then, as cells of the Collective Consciousness, that also dreams and desires and has
Chosen to Become God, do they, the Collective cells, the people of the Land,
not have a reason to fear?
Now, if the Land is All Land, then do not all people feel the same fear?
Who is exempt from fear?
Is this dream not the outcome of the desire to Become God?
It may be easy to deny the dream, but how can one deny the essence of Godship,
the essence of God, as Creator and thereby owner of the Land, its resources,
its people?
Who does it come down to----
Who claims God?
Who claims The Land?
Who has Become God?
Who will Become God?

Can and does one claim Godship if that one, that one cell of the Collective Consciousness,
Possess all Land, and all its Resources?
Can Godship be claimed through Identity as Possessor of the Land and all its resources?
Can one claim ownership of God?
Can one Possess God?
Can one claim Identity as God?
Can one rule In God's Name?
Does Possession and Identity then give the Sovereign Right of God to Rule All Land,
 its resources,
its people?
Is Becoming God, then, Possession, Identity, and Authority?
 So Who is  God?


Saturday, January 9, 2016

Post #208, "What if I Choose Reality?"

What If I Choose Reality?
Science tells us that energy stores information.
Information that is stored by and in Creation will endure as long as
Creation endures.
It is available if we learn how to access it.
The Individual Consciousness that emerges from the Collective Observes.
Observation is not Perception.
Observation is aware of what IS as what IS and not as what will BECOME.
This means that Individual Consciousness Observes as Reality Observes.
The Observation of Realty exists in Reality,
meaning not limited or restricted to Creation.
This stored information of Reality and the Individual Consciousnesses is not
subject to the Finiteness of Creation but to the Infiniteness of Reality.
On Choosing and emerging from the Collective Consciousness, the Individual
Consciousness has access to all the stored information of Reality that
is not limited by the elements of Creation.
This information penetrates Time
This information penetrates Place.
This information penetrates Matter.
The Individual Consciousness has access to all the information that Individual
Consciousness has stored since the beginning of Time and beyond.
There is no information that is not stored in energy and energy fields.
There are Individual Consciousnesses from every layer and level of history.
Their energies that contain their stories, their emotions, their struggles,
and their pain and abuse are accessable by Individual Consciousness.
Those of Individual Consciousness are sensitive to the energies
of these people from the past, the present and the future who have chosen Reality.
These energies can be felt and sensed at any Time outside of Time and within Time.
Time is nebulous to the Individual Consciousness and information from the Past,
the Present, and the Future, is easily accessable.
This accessability to stored information is the Knowledge of Reality.
Accessing this information is dependent on being still.
It is dependent on waiting.
It is dependent on listening.
It is dependent on Observing and not Perceiving.
Questions are answered.
Information comes as it will.
Information is meant to be passed on.
It is the Truth of Reality.
This Truth is feared by the Collective Consciousness because Individual
Consciousness Observes what has been Perceived.
Reality IS
Reality does not BECOME
This Truth must be spoken in every Time,
in every generation,
and in every level of history by the Individual Consciousness.
The Truth of Reality must be shared with those who Choose Reality. 
No more, no less.
Just the Truth of Reality.

Post#207 "Consciousness and Reality"

Consciousness is aware of Reality as it is aware of itself.
Consciousness plays a game of 'Hide and Seek' with Reality.
 Consciousness is very aware of Reality.
Consciousness plays the game of  'I am You' and creates itself in the image of Reality.
The image Consciousness creates of itself as Reality, is God.
Out of frustration of getting it right, God is created many times over.
Being that Consciousness is made up of many parts, many cells of its own being,
each of these cells creates God, creates god and gods.
Of course, god and gods are under and owe obedience to the One God, and here is a problem.
Maybe here, is The Problem, for each cell, as a part of the Collective Consciousness,
feels that its God is The God.
Now, as we know, Creation is made up of division.
Division creates Bits and pieces, parts of itself that float around seeking cohesion.
None wants to be alone and yet none can stop the urge to break apart, for that is what
Creation does.
Creation divides.
Now you put this all together, the need to Become The God, the divisiveness of
creation, followed by the need to group, basically the need to Become One----
What a mess!
How to survive such inherent tendencies?
As much as Consciousness runs away and plays games with Reality, Consciousness is
highly attracted to Reality.
In fact, Consciousness very much wants to be Reality.
Consciousness wants to Become Reality.
The idea of Becoming causes the problem.
Consciousness has Choice, after all, Intelligence is the action of Consciousness Choosing.
What does Consciousness do??
Consciousness Chooses.
Consciousness has Intelligence!

Consciousness chooses between Reality or non-reality which is refered to as the chaotic
void of precreation.
If Consciousness Chooses non-reality over Reality, Consciousness creates.
Consciousness creates its own Reality-----guess why----that it can Become its own God!
Obviously Consciousness cannot Become God in Reality.
Why not? 
Well, its because Reality IS.
Now this is a profound thought, that Reality IS.
Reality does not BECOME.
What Becomes is Creation and that is why Creation has beginning and ending.
It ends because it cannot enter Reality and BE.
Being IS Reality, and Reality was and is not the Choice of the Collective Consciousness.
How do we know this?
Heck! we can see it.
We know there is nothing Infinite in Creation.
Science tells us there is no solidity in Creation----all is reducable to energy.

Now back to the Choice of Consciousness------As cells of the Collective Consciousness,
do we each have a choice in the matter?
Actually we do.
We each have Intelligence.
We each have a Choice.
We each can choose Individually to BE or to BECOME.
This means that if we choose to BE, to accept Reality, we can and must emerge
from the Collective.
Now this is not an easy thing to do.
We can't do it ourself.
We can only Choose.
But if we Choose, our gods, our God will come down.
All that we thought important and essential, meaning all the gods and the God that we
created and served will come down.
Our lives will change.
We will feel alone at times.
We will feel that we do not fit in. 
There is no religion. to join.
There are no financial obligations, dues to pay, homage to pay, or rules or commandments.
There is no membership or membership drives.
There is no recruitment.
There are no meetings to attend or classes to take.
There are no plans, formulas, blueprints, or mathematical equations.
No test tubes, labs, telescopes, or formulas are necessary.
Its just a Choice.
 Its just the Choice made by the Individual Consciousness that is an Intelligent cell of
Consciousness that has the ability to accept Reality and emerge from the
Collective Consciousness.  

Friday, January 8, 2016

Post #206,"Creating Religion"

 Consciousness Observes or Perceives.
Reality IS.
Reality can only be Observed.
As Non-reality IS NOT, Non-reality can only be Perceived.
Non-reality exists in its own created realty, but does not exist in Reality.
Consciousness Observes or Perceives itself.
Consciousness Observes or Perceives Reality.
As Consciousness Observes or Perceives itself, it Observes or Perceives Other
-------the Singularity in Reality.
In this Choice, Consciousness accepts or rejects Other.
By Choosing to reject Reality, in and for itself, Consciousness takes control
over the Other, the Singularity in Reality.
In Reality, the choice of Consciousness has absolutely no effect on Reality.
To itself, however, this Choice greatly alters the Being of Consciousness.
In Choosing to take control over Reality, to eliminate Reality, Consciousness
Chooses to not exist in Reality but to exist in the pseudo-reality of its dreams and desires.
Consciousness dreams and desires to Become Reality, to regain within itself the
relationship of self and Other, thereby existing as self and other,
in its own pseudo-reality.

For it is the Observation and Witness of Consciousness by the Other of Reality that
Validates Entity as Entity, that Validates self as Self.
Infiniteness is the condition of Entity.
What has Entity is Infinite.
When Consciousness Chooses to eliminate Reality, it eliminates Entity.
Wholeness as a sum total of parts results.
Consciousness becomes a whole, no longer Entity, as it becomes a sum total of many
parts that continues to divide and subdivide throughout history.

Consciousness divides.
Consciousness divides itself as it Perceives Reality to be divided.
Consciousness divides itself into self and other-than-self.
Consciousness Perceives Self and Other as division.
Consciousness Perceives Other through itself, so that other is not Other but a part of self.
Other is now perceived as part of itself, existing in itself.
Self fears that its other will take control.
What would happen to self if self's other takes over?
How much of self could be lost and still exist as self?
History is providing the answer to this question.

Consciousness is aware of self as self but is aware of the otherness of itself as distant,
as beyond itself.
History is made up of this division of Consciousness.
History eventually defines this division as natural and supernatural;
of its nature and beyond its nature, but confined within itself.
Here is the basis of conflict and emotions in Consciousness within itself.
These are very common and basic emotions of: awe, of a sense of mystery, a sense of guilt,
the need to worship.....
We can see here, that Consciousness is aware of itself as self and of itself as special
and set apart.
How does the self handle this division within itself?
Actually, the way Consciousness reacts and handles its division determines the view of itself,
the world view as a whole (as made up of many parts) and the place of the individual in the
world as to purpose and Choice to accept or not to accept.

Religion is the relationship of self and other within Consciousness and then, within creation.
Self cannot truly know the other in itself because it cannot identify, through Observation,
itself and itself's other.
It can only Perceive and so it views of its other are often with suspicion, impacted by its own Perceptions of itself and the other-than-self within itself.
Basically, the self of Consciousness cannot know itself.

Religion is the relationship of self and the other-than-self within Creation.
When Consciousness chooses to divide itself through perception rather than accept the
Observation of Self and Other of Reality, it no longer IS but BECOMES.
Reality IS. Reality does not Become.
Becoming is the instigation of the process of creation.
Time ticks a beginning and Time ticks the ending for Becoming is not of Reality.
Creation imitates the Choosing of Consciousness and creates the self of creation and the
other-than-self of creation----the divine, the supernatural, the heavenly.

So the Second cause makes its presence known as in the division of creation into the
elements of Creation, Time, Place, and Matter and that which is Perceived as
outside or beyond creation; Time, place, and Matter;
Creating basically, the natural and supernatural.
All lies within Consciousness as Consciousness wavers between natural and supernatural.
Self and the other-than-self also waver between the natural and the supernatural.
There is an affinity between the other-that-self and the other of creation/the supernatural.
Religion becomes the relationship of the self of Consciousness and the natural to the
other-than-self and the supernatural.
The relationships build up huge dichotomies.
Consciousness witnesses within itself the beyondness, of the other-than-self, and the
supernatural to the subservient, inferiorness of self and the inferior of the natural
to the supernatural.
The sense of the 'beyondness', the 'awe', the 'vastness', of other-than-self, of the supernatural
demands appeasement, demands worship, and demands obedience from the lesser.
This relationship creates religion.
This is religion.
Religion is the way of life on planet earth and sets all history in motion.
Religion calls forth the acknowledgement of other-than-self and the acknowledgement of
the supernatural in creation
and creates the divisions of earth and heaven and fills earth with categories of humanity
and heaven with God and unearthly beings.

Now comes the Genesis story:
God creates heaven and earth.
Humanity abides on earth. God abides in heaven.
God forms relationships that further the unbalance and division.
Special places like gardens contrast with wilderness.
God creates male with female emerging from a small, inferior, unimportant part of male.
Religion contrasts male to female and finds female not even human.

The dream of becoming the Entity of Infiniteness is never lost.
The dream of taking over and claiming the prizes of Reality is ever present.
The other-than-self is the only part of Consciousness that could even
survive the divisiveness, the hatred and destruction.
The other-than-self will be God as soon as Entity and Infiniteness is attained.
How to do this?
Easy, just follow the pattern.
Divide self into self and other-then-self.
Other becomes self through destroying part of itself.
Male destroys its other part---female. Female is becoming extinct.
Male has proved female to not have purpose.
Male divides self into male and robot
Robot proves male to not have purpose
Robot destroys male and divides itself, until...............

All worship!
All religion!


Monday, January 4, 2016

Post #205, "How to Create a Religion"

Religion occurs way beyond its own First Cause as told by the Genesis Account in the
Old Testament.
The roots can be found with the awareness of Consciousness to itself and to the Other of Reality. Religion comes from Perception.
As the Collective Consciousness Perceives Other as beyondness, as vagueness, as vastness;
religion, as the Collective Consciousness, Perceives Other.
In the dream and desire to Become Reality, beyondness, vagueness, and vastness, become
a means of Power.
In its quest for Power, religion seeks the beyondness, the vagueness, the vastness, and so
must seek for Power that is beyond Creation.
This source of Power must be seen as vague and as beyond comprehension, and as vaster than anything imaginable.
So religion creates that dream of the source of ultimate Power.
This Power must be seen as beyond anything of Creation, beyond the human mind to comprehend, and in doing so puts limits on Creation.
Creation must fit into the boundaries this Ultimate Power allows.
Creation stretches as far as Consciousness dreams itself.
This dream extends to limits and dimensions beyond the present.
Religion is of Creation.
Religion is the basic expression of Creation to itself.
Anything that religion encompasses is within Creation.
Religion can never, as science, penetrate the beyondness, the vagueness, the vastness, of Reality.
In fact, these very words are totally unable to express Reality as these words are of Creation.

This puts Reality completely out of the realm and comprehension of Creation in all ways. 
That of Creation cannot comprehend Reality.
This means that Intelligence has no Power over Reality.
It cannot represent Reality in a person.
It cannot confine Reality.
It cannot claim Reality.
It cannot name or, in any way, possess Reality.

The dream, the desire of the Collective Consciousness expressed through religion is a dream,
a desire, for Power.
The search for power is security from what is Perceived as the Other of Reality.
Security, to the Collective, is the possession of Entity and Infiniteness-----the possession
of the Entity and Infiniteness of Reality.
Creation has absolutely no effect on Reality.
Creation does not even exist to Reality, for it is not Real or of Reality. 
All reduces down to Entity and Infiniteness.
 Creation is threatened by the Entity and Infiniteness of the Other of Reality that IS
what Consciousness dreams and desires TO BECOME.
This is the root of religion.
Religion is the attempt to create a Second or Third Cause in which to claim the reality
 of Reality.
All is encapsulated in the dream and desire to Become Reality.
Religion, however, as the persuasive product of  Creation, is not aware of the real First Cause
and is only Aware of Creation as First Cause and consequently determines and writes
its history beginning with its God, the God of Creation, creating the heavens and the earth.

Because Creation is the process of division, the creation of heaven and earth
immediately divides Creation from Reality.
Creation becomes the means to achieving the reward of heaven which is the attainment
of the Entity and Infiniteness of Reality.
Heaven becomes the abode of its God.
This God creates humanity, sets itself above humanity and then enters the process of
Becoming one with humanity that humanity can Become one with this God, thereby
achieving the 'beyondness', the 'vagueness', the 'vastness', of its own Perception
of the Otherness of Reality.


It begins with a dream, a dream of Possession, Identity, and Authority
The dream becomes desire.
It is a dream and desire for Power, Power way beyond Creation.
This dream and desire cannot be contained in Creation because it cannot be fulfilled in
Time, Place, and Matter-----the elements of Creation.
This dream is not meant to be fulfilled for then the promises would have to be fulfilled.
The dream is of a memory of Consciousness' own Perception of Reality.
How to Create this memory within Creation?------
It must be within Creation for Consciousness is enclosed in its own Choice to remove
Reality that it could take its place within its own created dimensions.
These boundaries are its protection from Reality but also its curse for it cannot
comprehend Reality from the walls of its own Creation.
Consciousness must create its own 'beyondness', its own 'vagueness,' its own 'vastness".
The religion must go outside its own created pseudo-reality into an unseeable,
untouchable, promise of beyondness, of vagueness, of vastness into a dream that
was not meant to be fulfilled.
This is the promise that this religion makes that it cannot be held to for fulfillment
of its promises.
Again, these promises are not meant to be fulfilled.
These promises are what is needed to gather the masses of humanity,
and if promises do not go far enough, threats of excruciating pain and torture will do
the job, for people are needed to provide for the rewards of
Possession, Identity, and Authority.

("How to Create a Religion" will continue on Post #206)