Monday, January 29, 2018

Post #358, "Is God Self or Other?, 2018"

Existence is Duality.
Consciousness Exists in Existence.
Existence Exists in Consciousness.
Consciousness is Duality.

The Action of Consciousness is Choosing.
Existence is Duality because Consciousness Chooses.
Existence Exists because Consciousness Chooses.
Consciousness Chooses Existence and Consciousness Chooses Non-existence.
Consciousness Chooses Reality or Consciousness Chooses Non-reality.
Consciousness Chooses within the Existence of Existence.
Existence IS.
Consciousness IS.
Consciousness Chooses because Existence is Duality.
Existence is Duality because Consciousness Chooses.
Consciousness in Duality Chooses Existence.
Consciousness Exists in Duality of Existence..
Consciousness Exists in its Choice of Existence as Existence is Duality.

Because Consciousness as Duality Chooses,
there Exists Existence in Reality 
and there Exists Existence in Non-reality.
Existence in Non-reality is Unality.
Unality is the absence of Duality.
As Existence is Duality, the Non-existence of Duality is Unality
Unality could be understood as the Void of Pre-creation.

Because Pre-creation is a continuous beginning and ending,
Unality is Existence of agitated Energy that basically spins, but goes nowhere.
Existence as Duality Exists and Non-exists.
Existence Exists in Reality.
Existence Non-Exists in Non-reality.
As Existence is Duality, Duality Exists as Duality in Duality and in Unality.
Unality as Unality is unable to Exist in the Duality of Existence,
and so Non-existence Exists as Unality.
Existence is Duality of Self and Other.
'Other' means the Entity of what is not Self as Self means the Entity of all that
is not Other.

In the Reality of Existence, Self is Entity of Self.
Self is not a Whole made up of parts of it-Self.
Self Exists as Self.
In the Reality of Existence, Self is Awareness of Self as Self.
Self is Awareness of Other in Entity of Other and Otherness.
Self is Aware of Other as Other than Self.
Self is Aware of Entity of Other.
In the Reality of Existence, Other is Aware of Entity of Self.
As Self is Aware of Other, Self is Aware of Self as Self.
Self is Aware of Entity of Self.
In Reality, Self Identifies Self through Identifying Other as Other.

In Non-reality, Unality is Aware of Self as Divided from Other and, consequently,
Divided from Self.
Unality has absolutely no effect on the Reality of Existence.
However, as Unality is a frustration of the Duality of Existence,
that Existing in Unality,
 emotionally react, as in Fear, to Existence in the
solitariness of Existence in Unality.

So far, in this ontology, the idea of God does not seem cognizant.
One does, however, get a sense that the idea of God, if there is an idea of God,
 will emerge in Unality
an God is Perceived as Unalism that constantly becomes confused with a
complex and contradicting Dualism.
In history, God emerges as Humanity becomes Aware of Mortality.
The idea of God comes from the Fear of Mortality.
Actually, the idea of God grows as the Fear of Mortality grows.
The Fear of Mortality gives rise to Civilization.
 The Fear of Mortality grows through never ending Divisions of Civilization
The more Humanity develops Fear of Death and Dying,
the more Humanity embraces the Process of Division that marks Creation.
Humanity centers its-Self in Survival,
in how to annihilate Death through Division and God provides that central Division.

God is Created to determine who will survive Death from who will be granted
God is Created to determine who has Power from who is weak and vulnerable.
God is Created to Validate Power through Possession, through Identity,
and finally to who has Authority over all Creation.
And here we see Unality at its best as all Other and Otherness is destroyed
that One, only One will qualify as Human over a world of puppets.
That One will emerge as God in total and complete Unality-----
----that in Reality does not exist.

Humanity Perceives Immortality and Dreams its potential,
 for Immortality lies within the
Self of Consciousness.
Humanity Dreams the potential for Immortality in the Perfection of the Self.
Humanity must conquer all that threatens survival.
Humanity Perceives the threat to survival, not in it-Self,
but in all that is Perceived as not of the Self.
Humanity Perceives Other than Self as the Enemy to survival.
Humanity blames all 'Other' and all 'otherness' for its Existence in Mortality.

Humanity Created God to absolve it-Self from annihilating Other.
To justify the annihilation of Other,
the Self of Consciousness/Humanity
Creates God,
that God Creates the Righteousness of Self against the Evil of Other.
In other words, God is Created to Choose 'Self' and condemn 'Other'.
God is given the responsibility for the Choice,
that Self deserves to be rewarded
for the Death it has Created through its Dream of winning Immortality.
In Creation, Immortality becomes a prize to be won by those whose accumulated
Power conquers all 'Other' and all 'Otherness'.

Somehow Creation, somehow Humanity, must Divide itself that one side is rewarded
and one side is condemned.
The Self of Consciousness seeks to restore to it-self the Reality of the Duality of
Singular Self and Singular Other,
that through Duality of it-Self, there Exists Entity and through Entity,
Through Division, Humanity seeks Entity.
Through Death, Humanity seeks Life

Self of Unality seeks to bring Self and Other or Duality into Self,
into Unality, into Oneness of Self.
Yet Oneness, yet Unality, annihilates Duality, but only for it-Self.
Reality is the Entity of the Singular Self and the Entity of the Singular Other.
And in this Duality is Immortality.
Unality simply cannot sustain Immortality.
Science knows that a cell will divide itself down to Non-existence.

Information of the Reality of Existence Exists in Reality.
Only the Observation of Reality can Observe Singularity,
Entity and Immortality.
What is Perceived through the Self is the Dream and not the Reality.
Perception Dreams .
Observation Sees.
Information of Non-reality is stored and is accessible to Non-reality.
Non-reality cannot access Information of Reality.
What Information Non-reality has of Reality is only the Perceived Information of Image.
Information of Non-reality is accessible through Observation of Non-reality as
Non-reality by Reality.

Information of the Reality of Existence is not referred to as stored because 'stored'
indicates Time.
The Existence of Time lies outside the Reality of Existence.
Stored Information of Non-reality is accessible to Created Non-reality,
if Non-reality learns to access it.
Creation of God is Creation of Unality Perceived in the Mortal Self of Consciousness
that is oblivious to Reality.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Post #357 "Fear, 2018"

Fear is the basis of Creation.
Creation comes with Fear.
Fear comes with Creation.
Creation Images Fear.
Fear comes out of Choosing.

Consciousness Chooses.
Consciousness Chooses Existence of Being or
Consciousness Chooses Existence of Becoming.
Fear does not Exist in Consciousness 'Being'.
Fear Exists in Becoming.
Creation Fears Becoming because with 'Becoming' is 'Ending'.
Creation Ends because Creation is not 'Being'.

Consciousness, as Existence, Exists as Duality.
'Consciousness Becoming' Chooses 'Not to Be' and thus Creates a Non-existent Existence.
Consciousness Choosing Existence in Non-existence thus Divides Consciousness into
Consciousness of 'Being' and into Consciousness of 'Becoming'.
Consciousness, through Choice, Exists and Non-exists.
 'Consciousness of Becoming' Fears its Choice.
 As Creation, as the Existence of Becoming,
unable to hold 'Being',
Becomes a Process of Division.
Creation is born from the Dream of Consciousness 'Becoming'.
The Dream of 'Becoming' comes from the Fear of the Existence of 'Other than Self'.
The Reality of Existence is Self and Other.

The Choice for 'Being' is the action of the Fear of Consciousness loosing Self.
The Dream of 'Becoming' Exists in the abyss of Self Existing in Self.
Consciousness's Self in Self is Self's Awareness or Self's Perception,
of the Dream of Annihilation of all that is not
Self of Self.
Self in the Self of Consciousness has no Awareness of Reality.
Self in Self has only Awareness
of its Desire.
Non-awareness of Reality is Non-reality.
Consciousness Chooses.
The Self can Choose to Exist in Non-reality or the Self can Choose to Exist in Reality.
The action of Consciousness Choosing accepts annihilation of Other than Self.
-----The Self, therefore, Existing in The Self.
 the Self, Existing in the Singularity of Self and Singularity of Other.
Self in Self forms a Wholeness of Self that constantly breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces or parts of it-Self,
unable to Become Entity
and unable to Exist in Immortality.
Because Creation is a Dream, Creation is an Existence of Non-existence.
The Dream of Becoming is born of the Fear of Not Existing.
And so we have Creation---
----- Birth and Death.
And we all know that this is True.
Nothing else is True but these facts of Life and Death.

To Dream is to Desire change of Self within Self.
Self without Other can only change or 'Become' more of it-Self
As Existence is only Self and Other in Singularity, meaning in Entity of Self in Self
and of Entity of Other in Other, Dreaming of Becoming can only be Dreaming
of Becoming Other.
Somehow the Dreaming Consciousness Chooses to Loose Awareness of the Singularity
of Other to Existence of Self in Self.----Perceiving Self as a Whole.
Yet a Whole Dreams of Becoming and Creates 'Other' out of itself,
as cells of it-Self----parts and pieces of it-Self
Self in Self is Duality, as Consciousness is Duality,
 no matter how it is Perceived.
Self Creates Other through Perception that it can change its Otherness into its self
or destroy what can not be Changed.

Humanity Perceives Creation as the Whole of Existence.
Humanity Perceives it-Self in parts and pieces of Humanity that Dream of Becoming
Entity through accumulation and transference of it Other and its Otherness into
its Self for Dominance, for Possession, and for Control over the Whole,
thereby bringing all into Oneness that Immortality will be won through Becoming
the Perfection of Oneness.
The struggle to eliminate the Duality of the Reality of Singular Self and Singular Other
into an altered Robotical Existence of Self in Self.

Is this not Humanity's Dream---
---To discover 'otherness' of Self that Self can attain Perfection through accessing and
'taking over' the properties and the Essence of 'Otherness'.
Self cannot attain Perfection as Self.
Self must enter a process of transformation.
Self cannot 'Become' within it-Self.
Self needs Other to attain the Entity of Immortality.
But Self cannot Observe this fact and so Perceives, that rather than needing Other,
Self needs Perfection

Self Fears Other and so attempts to convert 'Other' and 'Otherness' into
Self and Selfness that Perfection of Self can be achieved through Creation of imperfection,
for there is no measure of Perfection if Non-perfection does not Exist.
Creating Perfection from Imperfection is Process that moves from point zero to point zero,
from life to Death.
However, when at point zero, Death occurs, and not the expected Perfection, Consciousness experiences its primal feeling.
Consciousness feels FEAR.

Where Perfection of Oneness is expected in Entity and Immortality,
only Perception can Exist,
-----only Image and only Dreams.
For it is that Immortality can only Exist in the Reality of the Entity of the Singularity of Self
 and in the Singularity of Other.
Consciousness Chooses,
 therefore Existence is Dichotomy.
Potential 'to Become' can only exist in Choice of Self of Consciousness.
Self Choosing Self exhausts Self,
Self Choosing Self frustrates the Action of Choice.

Humanity is Mortal.
Creation is Mortal.
Yet, there is the threat of Other destroying Self in Existence of Self and Self's Other.
The solution is to Choose Existence within Self that Self, its-Self, provides its own Other.
Creation attempts to force Duality into Oneness.
This Oneness must be achieved through Perfection of Self.
Therefore Existence in Self is an Existence of Oneness seeking Perfection
within it-Self.
The Dream of Perfected Oneness therefore Creates God.
God becomes the Dream of Perfection---
whatever Image God is given.

And God, throughout history has been given many Images.
Especially keeping in mind that God is that which we Worship.
What we Worship is our God and
our God is what we Worship.
This Existence of Oneness in Self demands Perfection of the Self.
Perfection of the Self is attained through removal or annihilation of all that
is 'Other' than Self.
This Existence considers 'Other' and 'Otherness' as threat.
Therefore all 'Other' is dangerous and must be removed from the Perfection of the Self.
In the Dream, the Perfected Self is Imaged as God.
The Perfected Self is God
having totally removed the Evil 'Other' from Existence.

We suspect that 'something' existed before and beyond Creation,
and most of us expect that there is 'something' after Creation.
But Time is an element of Creation.
If Creation Exists in Non-existence, Time also Non-exists.
Time ticks away the line between the two points of Duality in Creation---Beginning and Ending.
Religion time lines Creation, according to the biblical Book of Genesis as a 'seven day' event,
Beginning with, "In the Beginning...."
Science does not attempt to timeline Creation but sees Creation as an unfolding Process,
---an unfolding Process of Life to Death.
Religion describes a very interpretive Creation story of 'Beginning'
in Doctrine, in Ritual, and in Tradition   
 Science attempts to define Beginning in Speculation, Formulations, and in Theories.

 Creation emerges through Consciousness.
 Consciousness, through its action of Choosing, brings about Creation,
thereby establishing the potential of indefinable Duality of Existence.
When Consciousness exerts its potential for Choice, Consciousness, in a sense, departs the
Existence of Being.
Consciousness, on the other hand, can Choose not to exert its potential for Choosing
and Exist in the Reality of Entity and Immortality.
The Choice basically, is the Choice to Exist either in Self,
 or to Exist in Duality of Self and Other.
Self-in-Self cannot recognize Self as Self for Self-in-Self denies, yet yearns, for Otherness to
Observe and Witness Self as Self in total Selfness of Self.
Other is related to Self in Reality only in its Otherness.
Self needs Other-than-Self to recognize Self.
Self knows Self through what Self Is and through what Self Is Not.
Without Other, as Other, Self looses Self as Self,
because Self only knows Self in the Observation
and Witness of that which is not Self.
Self Is Self because Other Is Other.

To Possess, not Other, but the Dream of Other, removes Other as Other
and recreates Other as Self.
Self absorbs Other into Self and bringing about Duality of Self and Other-within-Self,
Self's Other.
Other Becomes Self and Self Possess the Otherness of Self thereby enlarging and empowering Self.
However, whatever Self Perceives as less that Perfect becomes enemy within Self.
Basically, the Other Self, the Other side of Self,
the Evil within the Self, threatens to take over Self. 
Existence Exists for those Choosing to Exist in Existence.
Non-existence Exists for those Choosing to Exist in Non-existence
---Meaning that there is the Reality of Reality and there is the reality of Non-reality.
 Non-existence Exists.
 Non-reality Exists.
The Entity of Self and the Entity of Other Exist in Singularity in Reality.
Self blocks Other of Reality therefore Self Exists in Self in Non-reality.
The Chosen absence of Other greatly alters Existence of Self, it-Self.
Reality IS Entity and Immortality.

Here is the basis of the Choice of Existence
Self defined as Self by Other in Reality.
Self defined by Self in Non-reality
We Observe Self in Reality.
We Observe because of Other being Other.
We Perceive Self in Non-reality because Other does not Exist in Non-reality

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Post #356, "Do We Exist?, 2018"

(Post #356 Is picking up where Post #355 left off)

Consciousness in the Duality of Existence,
Exists as the Collective Self.
Consciousness also Exists as the Individual Self, as Cell of the Whole.
Humanity Dreams Collectively.
Humanity Dreams Individually.
We Dream Collectively and we Dream Individually.
Dreaming is not Observing 'What Is',
but is Perceiving what 'Is Not', but 'What Could Become'. 
Dreaming is Perceiving within the walls of the Self.
Perceiving is Dreaming entirely within the Self by blocking what is 'Other-than-Self'.

Being that Existence is Duality and that Consciousness is Duality,
the Dream of the Self of Consciousness is the Dream of Duality
yearning to Become Entity.
In its Dream, Consciousness Divides itself into a Duality and Perceives itself as Duality,
 that Dreams of fulfilling it-self in the Perfection of Entity.
Entity is what Humanity Perceives as Perfection.
Humanity seeks Perfection for what is Immortality
and in seeking Perfection,
 Creates God as Personification of Perfection.
God Images the Perfection of Immortality.
Humanity confuses Entity.
Entity is Immortality.
 Humanity's concept of God as the Image of Perfection is confused with the
basic Fear of Mortality expressed in Death through Sin.
Only in Entity is Immortality.
Religion interprets this as God is One,
 and then goes on to categorize and Divide through
its Creation of Sacred versus Evil.

Immortality Exists in the Singular Self and the Singular Other of Reality.
Singularity is Entity.
Entity has no Parts and Pieces.
In Reality, Self is Entity.
In Reality,
Self is Immortal.
Also, in Reality, Other is Entity.
Other, in Singularity of Reality,
is Immortal.
Singular Self is Aware of Singular Other in Entity and in Immortality.
Singular Other is Aware of Singular Self in Entity and in Immortality.
Singular Self's Awareness of Singular Other as Immortal Entity,
is Reality of Other's Existence,
as is Singular Other's Awareness of Singular Self in Immortal Entity,
 is Reality of Self's Existence.
Therefore in Non-reality,
the Self of Consciousness, the Collective Self and the Individual Self,
 Creates 'Other' out of it-Self,
as Self of Creation allows only Perception of Self by Self.
This Created Self Obliterates Other, therefore the Self of Creation Divides into parts and pieces
of itself frantically attempting to Become Immortal Entity.
The Self therefore Dreams Entity which it expresses as having attained Perfection
expressed in the Duality of Existence within it-Self.

The Dreaming Self is unable to leave the walls of its Dream or to even allow itself to peer
beyond them.
The Dreaming Self can only see within it-Self and its Creation.
The Self Becomes Creator of Self's own Created Existence.
Self not only Dreams but Becomes the Dream.
Humanity thereby Exists as Dream within Self's own Creation.
Humanity seeks answers to it-self and to its Existence.
 Answers to these questions are way beyond
the limited Dream Existence.

We seek answers to questions that lie beyond and outside our Created, Dream Walls.
Science seeks answers to questions that lie beyond the Dream World it has helped to Create.
Science and religion have Created a World of Images that is so thick and so dense
it is impossible to distinguish the depth of the piles of debris.
The Creation of the Dream World is best expressed by religion.
Religion Creates the Process of Division that will bring about the Creation of Wealth,
and through Wealth establishes Division of Elite from Vulnerable,
and through Dreams of Superiority, and Sovereignty to
Dreams of  total control through total submission.
----from Economic Slavery to World Domination.

Throughout history we have sought and continue to seek answers as to 'who we are',
and to 'what is our purpose', and to 'why are we the way we are',
and we even seek to understand the Dream make-up of what we have Created.
Science seeks and strives to understand what we have Created,
in other words, to understand the World, the Universe, the Cosmos,
we live in without understanding
that it has been and is our own Dream.

As we Exist in our Created, Dream World, we have no idea that our reality is Non-reality.
We have no idea that we are not even Aware that Reality Exists.
We, of Consciousness are only Aware that anything we have ever Dreamed has Become our Created Non-reality and is Reality to us!
We live in our Self-created Non-reality,
and we do not know if there is a way out.
Science, along with religion, attempts to explain and give meaning to the Dream Created
by the Choice of Consciousness.
Religion has shaped the Dream to enables Existence itself to have many layers and levels,
all designed to ensure survival for the few against the many through through special Election,
thereby ensuring elimination of the 'Other',
for survival has been made to be selective.
Religion has Created 'Good' and Evil' to describe Chosen-ness,
thereby Creating the 'Self' who survives and the 'Other' who will be sacrificed.

The Self of Creation seeks survival from Mortality by making itself larger and more powerful
to provide a Power pool for selection of the Finest, the Fittest,------the Chosen.
Selective pools are contrasted by Elimination pools.
Elimination Pools are pools of fodder that are stripped of Humanity and are left behind as sub-human and as non-human, those vulnerable that are sacrificed for the benefit of the Elect  
These form a great cesspool of evidence,
 that the great are great only because there exists the opposite,
----the 'Other' than Great, the 'Other' than Self.
Interestingly, as history moves along, the cesspool grows wider and deeper each passing day,
and the 'Elite' seem to be headed in the opposite direction-- Becoming fewer,
and fewer and fewer, until----------------------One remains?

Can Self and Other remain?
The Self of Creation Perceives through Dreaming of Becoming
The Self of the Collective Whole, Dreams of 'Becoming'.
The Individual Cell Dreams of 'Becoming'.
The Collective Self Perceives it-Self in the fulfillment of its Dream.
The Individual Self Perceives it-Self in the fulfillment of its Dream.
This means that neither the Collective Self nor the Individual Self is able to Observe
the Self as the Self IS

The Individual Dream is the Dream of the Individual Self.
This Dream takes precedent over the Dream of the Collective Self.
The Individual Self is the Self that most Fears Mortality of Self over Collective Mortality
by Perceiving Self as Self and Collective Self as Other
This Self Feels most vulnerable as compared to the Self of the Collective.
This Self that stands apart from the Collective, but a Cell of the Collective,
feels, as do all parts of the Collective,
vulnerable in the face of Mortality.
This Self is the most Powerful Self because it stands alone in its Fear and so
Creates as compensation and survival desperation.

Both Selves, the Self of the Collective and the Individual Self, convert back and forth
according to Perceived need from Self to the 'Other' Self.
Individual Self Perceives the Self of the Collective in Duality of Self and Other,
as Collective Self Perceives Individual Self as Other.
In other words;
An Individual person will sacrifice the group to serve its purpose,
 and the group will sacrifice the Individual for the group,
yet in this case, the group always comes
down to Individual Authority accumulated through Wealth, Identity as Chosen,
and Authority over all parts now Perceived as Other,
-----disposable from having served its purpose

This Cell Perceives Wholeness in it-Self over the Wholeness of the Collective.
This Cell Perceives the Whole of the Collective as means to its own Survival.
This Cell, as Human, will sacrifice Humanity for the sake of it-Self.
Cells of Human Consciousness seek sameness in other Cells of the Collective,
and as elementary particles seek out and gather together,
 according to likeness and similarity.
But it is the collective Self the Individual Self turns to for the tools and materials
needed for Survival by Dividing the Collective in Duality with it-Self.
The Collective becomes the supply pool from which Self Chooses Other.
-------that is, Self made Other.

Self Chooses selectively parts of the Collective to absorb, to assimilate into a larger
system of it-Self by Becoming more Self or larger Self or more Powerful Self,
by giving up the properties that distinguish them from the Self.
These 'Others' Become the Self, sharing not only innate features but, scientifically,
sharing such as mass and charge but also spatial and temporal properties,
such as the range of positions (Creation of Time and Place or Space) over and within
which they may be found.

When these Individual parts of the Collective selectively Choose to amass, they Become
entangled with each Other attempting to Become One in Self.
An Observer has no way of telling One from the Other----in this case, the
This grouping, this entangled system behaves as an Individual Whole-----
a Collective within the Collective.
At this point  in Time,from Beginning to Ending, this system as a Whole of a Part,
loses its meaning.

Creation as Process of Division in the Duality of Existence, tries to right it-Self
by Creating relations of two against the Whole.
The Collective Consciousness Divides that it will reform itself into smaller cells of it-self,
imitating (imaging) the Singular Self and Other of Reality within it-self.
Each cell, selectively, seeks out similarities in the cells of the Collective with which to
recombine to form a separate Whole,
thus proving that there is no Entity in a Whole,
which is a collection of Wholes.
Perfection is sought by combining and recombining.
Creation seeks Perfection,
Humanity seeks Perfection,
 in the search for sameness to be assimilated into the Whole of Self,
thereby beginning the Process Perceived as reversing Mortality to Immortality.

This Process manifests through accumulation of Wealth, through assimilating
the Wealth of 'The Land' into Identity of the Self,
and thus Self assuming control over all that was Other,
thereby assimilating Other into Self.
Other stripped of Self-identity.

Consciousness of Mortality selectively Combines to defeat or counteract the process of Division
-----an almost innate process of reversal,
that seeks to distort and reverse the Process of
Division by fronting as a Process of Addition.
The purpose of Image is to pretend to be the Reality.
The purpose of Image is to undo and destroy 'What Is'.
The purpose of Image is to take the place of the Reality it Envies.
Image Deceives.
Image Lies.

Self is Born that Self can Die.
We come together as Collective Consciousness that we may split apart as Individual
We bounce in and out of the Collective Consciousness always for Survival of the Self.
'Other' in Humanity is never Human as Self is Human.
'Other' is created from Self to be sacrificed for the Survival of Self.

Confusing Non-reality with Reality is how we usually conceptualize the World.
We have no idea of Observation,
which is seeing 'What IS' as 'What IS' without our Perception of how we Dream
 it to Become.
It may Become less mysterious if we try to unlearn how we usually think about the
World and set ourselves back to the very first awakening of our Awareness.
Our 'empty screen' so to speak.

Creation will arrive at the point of Ending when Self can no longer Create Other out of itself,
for Self cannot Exist without Other.
Only in Reality does the Entity,
the Immortal Entity,
of Singular Self and Singular Other,

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Post #355, "Scientifically Speaking--", 2018"

Non-existence begins at point zero,
only to shrink back to point zero.
As Time never leaves its point of departure,
Time is unable to fulfill itself.
Time, therefore, never achieves its Dream,
locked into the Process of Becoming.
Always Becoming, never winning the Dream of Being.
Consciousness, in the action of Choosing, is Movement, is Energy.
This Energy, in Created Time, reflects the Image of Reality, through the Existence of 'Nothingness, onto the Created Space, the Place of Creation.
As Creation is Reflection, as Creation is Image, all that is considered as Matter, as Substance,
is no more than Movement, is never more than Energy.

The energy of Choosing doubles back on itself in the Process of Division,
disguised as 'Becoming', because Becoming can never achieve Being without loosing it-Self
as 'Becoming'.
Movement is the result of the energy of Consciousness Choosing,
Choosing is the action of Consciousness.
Consciousness Creates Energy through Choosing.
Consciousness Choosing in the Dichotomy of Existence, sets off Creation.
An important note:
Consciousness Choosing means that Consciousness Chooses to Choose
or Chooses Not to Choose!
Consciousness Choosing 'Not to Choose', is the Consciousness of Reality.
Consciousness thus is able to Choose Existence in Reality or
to Choose Existence in Non-reality.

Consciousness Existing in Non-reality CREATES.
Consciousness Existing in Non-reality, Creates all that we experience as our reality.
But, our reality is not Reality, but is an Image that is debated and disagreed over,
because we Perceive what is Created, what is Image, as Reality.
And so there is confusion and disagreement when physicists are not even sure what their
theories say.
New theory after new theory has been formulated when the theories already formulated
are not understood.
The search for the grand unification is underlying the revisitation, by philosophers and physicists,
of the very foundations of science itself.
Those Choosing to Create,
those Choosing Consciousness of Creation,
live within their Creation entirely oblivious to the Existence of Reality.
To those so Choosing, their reality is what they Create!
Unfulfilled Choosing cannot exist without destroying itself.
Therefore Choosing does not endure the Image it produces.
Zero plus zero equals zero.

Self of Consciousness cannot Exist as Oneness of Self in Creation,
and yet Self is One.
All of Creation Exists as One.
Yet this One has a Duality of intention;
to Exist as One,
through Division.
-----to Expand through Assimilation of it-Self, as One in Oneness,
and to finalize, through Contraction, of it Self by removing what is Perceived as Other,
occurring within the Self.
Basically that which sustains and promotes Self is Perceived as Self-within-Self,
that which is threat to Self is Perceived as Other infesting the Self,
thereby necessitating its removal and destruction.
After Self destroys Other-than-Self,
out of it-Self,
In Duality, Self destroys Self.----the Other Self.
In Duality, One destroys One.-----the Other One.
One cannot Exist in Oneness in the Duality of Existence,
without Creating and then, Destroying Other.

In Creation there is no real Existence of Other,
but only Image Existence of Other.
So basically, Non-Existence or Creation,
Exists through Expansion and Assimilation of the Self.
Expansion and Assimilation begins as Time begins to tick
and ends when Time ceases movement.
Expansion comes down to movement that Accelerates to a point
and then Decelerates and contracts to a final point.
This comes down to the Non-existence of Existence as point to point.
Point to Point is a straight line that eliminates any in-between Movement.
A straight line shows no life.
A straight line shows no Movement.

It is movement that is the basis of Creation.
As the Action of Creation is Choosing,
Choosing is the basic action of Creation.
Consciousness Chooses, Consciousness Moves.
The process of Consciousness Choosing is the Energy that Creates out of the
Dream of Consciousness to Become.
The Dreaming provides the reflections that are Perceived by Consciousness
from stored Memory of Reality.

These reflections are the distorted and inverted reflections of Dreaming that will make its
presence known in Created Time in the interaction of movement and memory,
thereby producing a Process of Division that Assimilates from point One, expands,
freneticizes, divides until the memory extinguishes itself, looses energy and fades into
Non-existence from which it began.
The more movement, the more vivid the image, the sooner the Image wears itself out.
In Reality, never having Existed at all.
The line between the two points is movement, is the interaction with the Reality
of Nothing.
Its existence,----only a blip of movement, on the screen of Reality.
All worlds, all galaxies, all cosmoses---------only fleeting blips
to what is Real.
---just mist and fleeting shadows.
What is Real is 'Not' and can-Not be Created.

The point of Beginning to the point of Ending is a straight line Creating Nothingness.
It is the relationship of the two points that Creates.
The points do not Exist in themselves.
It is the interaction between the points that brings about what we know as Creation.
The two points are Perceived as Reality.
The two points are Perceived as Reality only by that of likeness to the points
through assimilation.
Only Non-reality Perceives Non-reality as Reality.
Non-reality is reality to it-Self.
If the points represent Consciousness, these points will Create points from the Whole
that are cells of the Self of Consciousness.
What lies between the two points is the action of Creation Creating.
What lies between the two points is the Existence of Nothingness
Consequently, Beginning equals Nothing and Ending equals Nothing.
The Whole of Nothing and Nothing is the Existence of Nothingness.
Beginning is Nothing without Ending and Ending is Nothing without Beginning.

We Perceive through our Dream of 'Becoming'.
We Perceive Collectively and we Perceive Individually.
Consequently, there is the Self of the Collective Consciousness,
and there is the Self of the Individual Consciousness.
Consciousness, as Created and as Creator, is Duality as is all Existence.
Each Consciousness, Collectively and Individually, seeks Other as Other is
necessary for Survival of Self.

We all, Collectively, have the same Dream of 'Becoming'.
'Dream of Becoming' is basically from Awareness of Mortality.
From Awareness of Mortality comes Fear of Mortality.
From Awareness and subsequent Fear, comes Dream of Survival.
The Dream of Becoming is the Dream of surviving Mortality.
Survival means to change Mortality into Immortality,
Survival means Self 'Becoming' what Self Is Not.
Consciousness has Choice because Consciousness is Duality
Consciousness Chooses 'To Be' or 'To Become'.
Choosing 'Being' is Choosing Reality.
Choosing Reality is Choosing Immortality.
Choosing 'Becoming' is Creating.
Creating eliminates the Singular Other from Existence
thereby departing Reality for the Created Existence of Non-reality,
Non-reality, again, is Creation.
As Creation has Beginning,
Creation has Ending.

The Creating Self is not Immortal because of Choosing to eliminate the Singular Other of
Reality from Existence, thereby eliminating Reality.
Immortality is the Essence of Entity of Singularity of Self and Other.
All Creation Dreams of 'Becoming' Immortal,
of moving from one point to another, and yet the points are the same.
What lies between birth and death is Perceived as the Process of change,
but obviously change has not occurred.
The Dream of Humanity is to find Immortality, as through science, or
to achieve Immortality, as through religion, as a Whole---Collectively,
or as Individual Self.
The Dream is expressed in Creation in the ever 'looking forward' or
'looking ahead' to a Time of Perfection, which is finding or achieving
We use terms such as 'Peace', or Prosperity, or even the transformation of Humanity and the World,
-----the longing for what we have Chosen to remove.
The Fear of what we have Chosen to 'BECOME'.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Post #354, "So Who Created God?, 2018"

"Who Created God?" seems to be the end-all question.
It is put out as the ultimate question that stops all further questions.
It is the question that gives great satisfaction to the one uttering such a profound
question/statement that ends all further discussion.
Funny thing about the question is the question itself.
The question presupposes that God Is Created!
Is the question meant to be, 'Is God Created?'
and if God Is Not Created, then, What Is God?
This question also seems to prove that we have no idea of what is Reality
from what is Non-reality.
Obviously Reality is 'what Is' and Non-reality is 'what isn't'.
Non-reality Exists!
Non-reality Is!

Mortality is about 'What Isn't', as 'What Isn't' can only Exist as long as Time Exists.
We all are all too aware that that which is Created will come to an End.
So if something comes to an End, we must question if it ever began.
Existence is that which is able to cause an Awareness.
Of course, that Awareness is the Awareness of Consciousness.
 The action of Consciousness 'Being Aware', is Choosing.
'Awareness of Consciousness Choosing, one or the other side of the Duality of Existence.
As Existence is Duality through the Choice of Consciousness,
Consciousness Exists because of the Duality of Existence.
Existence Exists because of the Duality of Consciousness.
Meaning Existence Exists and Non-exists,
Meaning Consciousness Exists and Non-exists.

Consciousness is the Duality of Consciousness and Existence.
Consciousness is Aware of Existence in Existence and in Non-existence.
Existence is the Action of Consciousness.
Consciousness Acts to Exist and through the Action of Choosing.
Existence is Being and Action.
Consciousness is Being and Action.
Existence is the Duality of Existence and Consciousness.
Consciousness is the Awareness of the Duality of Existence,
as Existence is the Awareness of the Duality of Consciousness.

Existence Exists because of the Awareness of Consciousness.
Existence in Duality is the action of Consciousness Choosing.
Existence is the Duality of Existence and Non-existence,
that Exists through the action of the Choosing of Consciousness 'to Be' or 'to Become'.
There is the Consciousness of the Existence of 'Being'.
There is the Consciousness of the Existence of 'Becoming'.
Consciousness of Reality is Aware of Reality and is not Aware of Non-reality.
This is Consciousness of 'Being'.

Consciousness of Non-reality is Aware of Creation as Created or as Non-reality.
This is Consciousness of 'Becoming' according to Choice to Create Time
thereby marking in Time, Beginning to Ending.
Consciousness of Reality is Aware of Reality through observation of Reality.
Consciousness of Non-reality or of Creation is Aware of Creation through Perception.
Reality cannot be Perceived.
Non-reality cannot be Observed.

Can Awareness of God be possible?
Or is our Awareness of God, our Perception of God.
Our Perceptions of God consequently are based on out Perception of Perfection,
making God our Dream of Becoming.
God is the Dream of Humanity Becoming,
therefore, can God Exist?

If Perfection is the Ideal of Humanity Becoming,
God can only Exist in the Dream of the Perfection of the Self of Humanity,
therefore God is made up out of Humanity's Dream of Becoming
and does not Exist in Reality any more than Creation Exists in Reality.
As Creation is the Image of Reality,
 Image Creates a Non-existent Existence.
So God, as the Dream of the Self of Consciousness Becoming,
can only Exist in the Non-Existent Existence of Dream and Image
 As more likely than not,
 it seems to not be possible to be Aware of God as Reality,
or that God can be Observed.
God is, however Perceptible,
and as such Exists in the Dream of Humanity, of Creation, 'Becoming'.
There is no Reality of Dream.

Because Time is unable to be measured; a second or a hundred years,
means nothing to Reality which we know only as eternity,
Eternity being the Perception of Reality
As Creation is the Process of Division,
all Creation subdivides down to its own Non-existence.
If God is Creator of Creation, God is the source of the Process of Division.
Could this possibly be True?
Has God, Creator, caused Division?
History certainly seems to prove this True.
If God is Real to Reality,
God would not Create,
as Creation is a state of Mortality.
Mortality means to End.
There is no end to Reality
What ends does not Exist because Existence Exists and has no Ending.

God is necessary for Election.
Election is about the Power of Possession,
the Power of Identity,
the Power to assume control over the Whole of Creation.
God's 'Chosen People' suggests God's 'Unchosen People'.
God's Unchosen People Becomes the Other-than-Self.
The distinction of 'God's Unchosen People' is Sub-humanity and as such deserve
to be annihilated.
Ironically, being Chosen also carries inheritance rights which, through history means
Possession of the Land
Possession of The Land means total control over All The Land with the realization
that Land means earth and world,
and why stop with earth and world when earth and world now in Time,
means The Water, The Skies,
in short, All of Creation.
Being Chosen, thus expands into total Possession,
Identity expressed as supreme and sovereign,
 as total Authority,
 thereby bringing All Land,
All Resources,
and All people under the control of One.
This means that One remains,
That One having earned Perfection,
having attained Godship.
Humanity Becoming God.
As God is One,
the remaining One of Humanity, is Man Becoming God,
All Other deprived of Humanity through loss of Possession,
loss of Identity, no Name
Loss of all Authority, as slave, as puppet, as Nonhuman.

The Question; "who made God?",
supposes God was 'made',
 as God is thought to 'make' Humanity and all Creation.
Humanity has no concept of God as 'Being'.
Only in 'Being' can there be Immortality.
Immortality doesn't look for a future.
Immortality is not a Process of Becoming.
We either are Immortal or we are Not.
Immortal is a forever state and this is not easily grasped or understood.

God is the Dream of Becoming.
It is the goal of surpassing all Other Humans striving for Perfection.
Becoming God is the excuse for claiming total ownership of The Land,
of the World,
of the Universe and Cosmos.
To claim to have reached the state of God Perfection is what justifies Total Possession
as the Heir to all God has Created.
As Heir, One and only One will label all Others as less then Human
to claim Self as God that as God, this one stands in total Command,
all else in submission of total obedience in total servitude
as puppet.

Let's try to make some sense out of all this.
We, Humanity, are Mortal.
Creation is Mortal.
The primary and basic Human emotion is Fear.
We Fear,
and what we Fear is our Mortality.
Our Dreams are Dreams of Survival .
Our Dream, therefore is Immortality.
We have devised systems for the purpose of survival.

There is Consciousness.
There is Collective Consciousness for the survival of the Whole.
As the Collective is not Entity but is a Collection of Individual parts and pieces,
each part and each piece is a cell of the Whole.
Consciousness Chooses Existence Collectively but also Chooses Individually.
History proves that the Individual Choice is far stronger and more desperate
and will overcome Collective Choosing.

Each part and each piece of the Collective competes with the Other parts for
the means to survival.
We compete with all of Humanity for every breathe we take,
every drop of water we drink every bite of food we eat.
We are competing because what ever we take or use,
someone else looses to us.
Every piece of Creation has the Dream to Compete for survival,
and struggle for survival. we do.
We struggle until One remains.
And this One takes total control
by reducing all Others to non-Human.status
If there are two left, each will compete with the Other remaining,
that One will destroy the Other because the Other will be Perceived as a threat to Survival.
The Self will Create Other out of itself that it can Divide down to a Supreme Oneness.

Humanity Perceives survival in Possession, not just a part, but All.
Humanity individually Dreams of Survival through Possession of All the Land.
Our idea of Land has expanded from 'The Promised Land of Milk and Honey'
to whatever we can Dream up.
We are now fighting for Control of the Cosmos.
The Cosmos has now been opened up for Possession.
In our world, Possession is Perceived as Survival.
Power is in Identity.
Possession and Identity Create Power.
Power is the tool of the Totality of the Self.
Power is the tool of Division.
Power is essential to Creating Other,
that Other may be removed.
It is not so much to bring about as it is to Eliminate.
What is Created is meant to be destroyed, to be Eliminated
to bring about the Rule of One,
to bring about superiority, and supremacy, and sovereignty.
Its all Division.
It all about the Duality of Existence,
The Duality of Consciousness.
Creating Power and Weakness.
Dividing the Self into Self-of-Self and Other-of-Self.
Destroying the Singularity of Self and Other for the Perception of Entity,
as the Wholeness of the Collective Consciousness that very simply,
cannot control its Process of Division.
Creating, always Creating,
that it may Destroy,
Always Destroying.

Some pieces rising and some pieces falling,
some at the top where the battle is strongest and some at the bottom,
barely alive,
all struggling for Survival,
All struggling to be Number One,
for only One,
for only the One with Total Power,
 can Become God.

God is Created.
God began.
God will end.
God is not Immortal because God as God is a threat
Consciousness has to be Aware of Existence to Exist because Consciousness
is the Awareness of Existence.
And Existence can only Exist if Consciousness is Aware.
---being Aware is Observation,
and Observation is Reality.
Only the Singular Self and the Singular Other of Reality can Observe.
Consciousness that is Aware out of its Selfness,
by removing the Other and Otherness,
is not Aware of Existence by Observing Existence,
by Observing the Existence of 'What IS'.

Consciousness is 'Being' and 'Becoming'.
'Becoming' is Action.
'Becoming' is Movement.
 Perception of Existence removes the Singularity of Other and so no longer
is the Reality of Existence.
Perception is Movement,
Perception is Action, of Consciousness 'Becoming'.
In Perception, Consciousness no longer Is,
but Dreams of 'Becoming'.
The Perception of Existence Creates Movement,
establishing Beginning and Ending,
Creating God.