Thursday, March 30, 2017

Post #305 "The Self"

 Self is One.
The Observing Self emerges from the Collective Consciousness as One.
The Perceiving Self exists in the Collective Consciousness as One Self that has
Divided itself down into many parts and pieces of it-Self that give rebirth to it-Self
as One, in each part and piece.
At each level and layer, the parts and pieces become smaller and smalled,
coming closer and closer to just fading away.

Self exists within the Whole of itself, the Collective, as parts and pieces of itself.
Self Exists for the purpose of Saving self from Mortality.
Self Dreams Entity.
Self Dreams Immortality.
Self seeks Entity.
Self seekd Immortality,
knowing the Entity and Immortality Exist 'Beyond' Itself,
and 'Beyond' its Created Existence.

Yet, Self's created Non-reality is division of the Self into a Collective of many
parts and pieces,
All of it Self,
All within it-Self
These parts and pieces have broken apart,
through the Process of Division,
that is the mark of Creation.
Self Dreams itself Entity.
Self Dreams itself Immortality
Self Dreams of Salvation from Division and Mortality,
--- for Self.

It is not possible for the Perceiving Consciousness to act and Perceive beyond
the Self.
This is the Choice of Consciousness--- to block Reality by Creating Existence
within itself,
 and outside the Singularity of Self and the Singularity of Other.
Self and Other being the Essence of Reality.
When the percepting Self of Consciousness removes Reality, the
Duality of the Entity of Self and the Entity of Other is blocked.
The Choice contradicts the Duality of existence and Non-existence.
This causes great chaos,
as the contradiction creates Mortality.
The Choice of Reality, as Image, cannot sustain it-self.
The Self of Consciousness, that has negated Reality, is totally oblivious of
to the point that 'other' and 'otherness'
is completely constructed out of Self's Awareness of Self.
Self needs Other to be Self.
So to the Self-of-Self,
'that which seems to impair or interfere with Perfection, 
with Self's pursuit of the accumulation of Power to survival,
becomes self's 'other'.
Self is driven to its own sense of Perfection,
which it expresses in the qualities
with which Self describes itself in a 'beyond' sense of its own Creation.
Self has a sense that Creation is flawed,
particularily through Self's Perception of Mortality.
Because Self Perceives Mortality,
Self Perceives Immortality as opposite its own Perceptions of Mortality.
Self therefore, Creates over and over again,
its own perceived Existence in Creation.
Through Personal and Collective Choice, Self Creates through Perception
and then Dreams a 'Beyond' experience of the Perception,
 by reversing that which threatens,
 into a Perception of that which Saves.

Being Saved from,
as in salvation,
assumes a quality of Perfection that must exist 'Beyond' Creation.
That which Consciousness Perceives as 'Beyond' Creation is arrived at by creating
an inversion and a distortion of that which is a threat to Self's survival.
When Self Perceives something within itself that threatens survival for itself,
Self inverts that Perception,
 and through that Perception, throgh that part of Self,
becomes 'Other'.
That self can eliminate from itself all that holds it in the imperfection
of Creation.
In other words, the Self of Consciousness Fears its own Created Existence,
and Dreams Its escape.
Unable to escape, Consciousness Divides itself into the Duality
of Reality and Non-reality,
all within itself.
As Creation Divides itself into Dualities of;
Light and Darkness,
Land and Water,
As Humanity Divides itself into the Duality of Male and Female,
all within itself.

That what is Perceived as Reality Exists as Non-reality.
This Non-reality becomes created reality to Consciousness
as Consciousness Exists in the Reality or Non-reality it has Chosen.
Consciousness accepts the Image,
the distorted and inverted Image as its Truth and its Reality.
 Self Perceives or Self Images its Perception of Entity and Immortality.
 The Perception made up of its Perceptions of the Division of Wholeness and Mortality.
The Self Images its created reality according to the inversion of what it experiences in its
own Creation
that Exists only within itself.
These Images are then projected onto the 'Substance',
onto the Matter of Creation,
the matter of its own Creation,
 and Becomes for the Self, the Created reality of its mirror-image
This is the 'stuff' of who and what Humanity is and of how
Humanity functions or non-functions
 in telling and reading its
story in history.
This is about how the Self seeks survival in itself,
while attempting to project itself beyond its own Creation.

This is about Humanity creating its Image of the 'Beyond' of itself,
from the stored memory,
inverted and distorted,
 of the Singular Other of Reality
 as the projected Image
that Humanity Named and Humanity Possessed,
 that Image that Humanity Created to claim Power 'Beyond' itself,
existing only in its Dreams of 'Becoming',
that it would Become Entity,
and through Entity,
Become Immortal.


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Post #304 "Is Sin Real or is Sin Created?"

Could Sin exist in Reality?
Could Sin Exist in the Reality of Self in Singularity
and in the Reality of Other in Singularity?
---as in Singularity of Self and Other Being the Reality of Reality?
---Considering that The Singularity of Self and Other Exists as Entity.
---Considering that Entity Exists as Immortality.
Entity being Immortality, as Singular existence of Self in Self-ness and Other in Other-ness
does not abide Division.
There is no Division in Entity.
There is no Division in Immortality.
So the question is---
Could Sin Exist in an Existence of Entity and Immortality?
The answer that seems logical is that Sin,
 existing in Entity and in Immortality,
is not the Truth of Reality. 
So then, where does Sin Exist?
If Sin does not Exist in Reality,
 Sin must exist in Creation.
If Sin Exists in Creation,
--then would it not follow that Sin must be Created?

As Creation has Ending would not the Energies of Creation
be directed to survival and not condemnation through the Creation of Sin?
 Would it not follow that the Creation of Sin must be centered in survival of one part
or one piece of Consciousness over the other or others?
Would survival of the Self not take precedent over survival of that which is not Self
or involved in Self?
Does not the Self of Consciousness seek Power over,
seek Control of,
the Collective?

Would this not, then, be about the threat of Other and Otherness?
If Sin is involved in survival,
sin must be created for the purpose of removing
and creating an 'other' out of Self,
for the Collective has collectively Chosen to block the Singular Other
of Reality. 
Self-of-self competes with Other-of-self for the title of 'Ruler Over All'.
---The Ultimate and Absolute Survivor
(Keep in mind that all this is contained in the Self of Consciousness).
Sin seemingly must have to do with eliminating all threat of Self to Self survival.
Here it becomes obvious that the Self is also Dichotomy.
There is the 'Good' Self and there is the 'Bad' Self.
Religion names 'Good' as Sacred and 'Bad' as Sin and Evil.
Religion Personifies 'Sacred' and 'Sin'
into God and Satan.

The good Self condemns the bad self through its own personal determination
to rid itself of any possible influence of its Mortal Fragility.
The Self-of-self of Consciousness,
Perceives itself as capable of achieving Immortality,
 through its Creation of its Image of itself.
This Image is projected on itself to 'Become' that which is 'Beyond',
to Become that which is 'Vaster' than,
and that which cannot be Comprehended.
Kind'a sounds like God, doesn't it!

Religion does not seem to understand that when God is not 'Beyond',
but is contained inside,
 when God, to be God  cannot be contained behind created walls,
God cannot be Named ,
that God can be Possessed,
That cannot be Known
and Identified through created history----
If so, God ceases to be God,
and Humanity and God Become One.
So Humanity Creates its God, its Gods, for every part and piece of the
Collective Consciousness in its Possession,
in its Identity,
and especially, in the Law it makes in its God's Name.

Is this what Sin is all about?
Whose God is the God that is more powerful than all 'other' Gods.
That through religion,
 Humanity can earn Salvation?
If humanity ceases to exist through dehumanizing,
then is this Salvation?
Does not dehumanizing take from humanity its Right to be Saved?
Is dehumanized humanity not non-humanity,
and does not non-humanity not qualify for Salvation?
What if there were no such thing as Sin?
Then would there be a purpose for religion?
If humanity can be Saved,
then would this not bring about the threat
  of Other to the survival of Self?

Does that imply that what can be placed in a category of Sin can be
'legally' removed.
Legally meaning no one is able to protest or disagree with under Law.
Whose Law?
Who could make and enforce such a Law?
The 'Some One' would be the Possessor of great Power.
---Great Power coming from Possession and Ownership
 that deprives the Essence of Human-ness
and reduces humanity to Sub-human and Non-human status,
thereby making it easy and legally official to have the degraded removed,
---to commit them to non-survival,
 meaning deserving of Elimination.

Sin is the excuse for seeking to destroy all that is not Self.
Sin is the excuse for seeking to destroy all that is reduced to 'other-ness'.
As humanity, as creation, enters the process of Division,
humanity seeks Division.
Division is what Creation Does.
Competition is Division in Action.
Humanity seeks to Compete,
as humanity's survival is threatened in an existence of Beginnings and Endings.

To Compete is to Divide to determine Superiority from Inferiority,
and Worthiness from Unworthiness,
And through Superiority,
to determine the Right to Supreme Authority
It is only Supreme, Ultimate, and Absolute Authority that can reduce all other and all other-ness
to the 'unworthiness' to survive.
The Supreme status,
thereby giving unquestionable and unchallengeable Righteousness,
condemning all that is not of and for Self
 to Obliteration by claiming the Essence of Otherness
 as transferable to the Self.
Self thereby surviving through Possession of Other.

This Division then personifies as the 'Superior' against the 'Unworthy'.
The 'Superior' then creates Law with which to incriminate that considered
as 'unworthy' to survive.
The Superior now Perceives itself as responsible to remove all 'unworthiness',
and creates labels of distinctions between layers and levels of Divisions.
----thereby bringing into existence classification and Identification Created to determine
the human-ness of humanity from the sub-human to the non-human.

Does Sin Exist in Reality?
Is Sin Created?
 Is Sin the Creation of an excuse?
 Is Sin Created for the purpose of Controlling All of Creation?
Is Sin Created for the purpose of Controlling All of Humanity?
Is Sin Existent in Reality?
Is Sin existent in Reality in the Singularity of Self in Entity and Immortality
and in the Singularity of Other in Entity and in Immortality?
Is 'Sin' Created?

 Is Sin Created to Identify Self from Other?
Is Sin Created to Identify Self from Other that Other
 may be removed?
Is Sin Created that Other may be removed from being any threat to the survival of the Self?
Is religion Created for the survival of Self through the removal of Other?
Is religion Created to feed off of the Human Dream for Immortality?
Is religion Created to feed off the Human Dream for Immortality
 with the intention of using an Intangible product
 to gain economic Control over Humanity
through Possession of All Wealth,
ALL Resources and
All People?
thereby securing, for the Self and the Self-ness of religion---Immortality.
Is the gimmick the sale of Salvation?

The history of religion in Creation seems to play on Humanity's Dream for Immortality.
History certainly indicates religion to be a Power that defines and codifies
Self from Other.

Certainly defining and codifying the first Division of Humanity as Male and Female,
the Division that continues Dividing Humanity down into all the possible classifications
and breakdowns of the Self into Self and 'Other-than-self',
until the world of today has broken down to the
point of disappearing altogether.
As according to religion and science,
 "until it just fades away".


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Post #303 "Where is Truth?"

Truth to be true must Exist.
Existence Is Existence.
Existence does not begin,
Existence does not end.
Existence, therefore, IS.
Existence can not 'Become'
To Become is to Begin.
what Begins--Ends.
Existence is Being.
Existence is 'To Be'.
Truth, to not be True, is to Non-exist.
Existence, to Exist, must also Non-exist
Existence is Duality of Being and Non-being.
As the action of Consciousness is Choosing,

Consciousness holds within it-Self:
Existence and Non-existence
Being and Non-being
Reality and Non-reality.

As Existence, Truth is also Dichotomous depending on its Existence in Existence,
or its Existence in Non-existence.
The Truth of Reality Exists in Reality.
This truth Exists in Being.
The Truth of Non-reality exists in Non-reality.
This truth exists,
Not In Being,
But in Becoming.
Therefore, Truth in Reality is not true in Non-reality,
because Non-reality is the distorted Inversion of Reality.
It is this distortion that is projected as Image through the Energy of Stored Memory
onto a reflecting surface.
This projection emersed in the Non-truth of Non-being,
expresses itself as true to itself,
but through loss of Entity and Immortality, knows and Fears
the loss.

This loss expresses itself as the Dream of attaining the opposite
of itself,
--as Becoming that which it knows it Is Not.   
 The Truth of Reality is not able to Exist in an Existence of Non-existence.
How can the Truth of Reality, exist in Non-reality?
It is not possible.
There is no Truth of Reality in the existence of the Truth of Reality in that which
is Created to escape the Reality it Dreams of Becoming. 
What is, Is.
The 'Is' is Observable.
There is no question in 'What Is'.
There is no pretense.
There is no Dream.
There is no Competition.
There is no winning.
and there is no losing.
The Self Exists Singularly in its Self-ness.
The Other Exists Singularity in its Other-ness
There is no Fear.
There is 'Nothing' to Fear.
'Nothing' does not exist in Reality.

There is no Division in Entity because Entity is not made up of parts and pieces of it-Self.
Self does not destroy its Self attempting to destroy its 'Other-than-Self'.
This is the Truth of Reality.
The Truth of Reality is Observable
There is no question
There is no mystery
All Know there is no Fear.
Therefore, there is no Beginning and there is no Ending.
The Observation of Reality is Immortality.

What Dreams
Exists in Becoming.
Becoming is Not,
Becoming is only a Dream of attaining what does not now Exist.
The Dream, consequently, is not Observable.
The Dream is an unanswerable question, the answer to which has no certainty
The Dream of Becoming cannot be affirmed in Observation
for the Dream is only Perceivable.
The Dream exists in each part and each piece of the Collective Consciousness
in the uniqueness of its own ability to Choose.
There is Competition for Survival for Individual Dreams for Survival come out of the
'oneness' of the Self.
The Self continually seeks the Perfection of Immortality.
The Self of Perception is never satisfied with the created 'What Is'
but constantly Dreams of What Self Could Be.
Self Dreams and Creates its unfulfillable Desires.
Self Dreams and Competes and projects its Dreams into a Created 'Beyond',
a created 'Beyond' itself.
And so Dreams heaven
and Dreams Control over that which threatens its One-ness,
by creating 'good' and 'bad',
and 'Sacred' and 'Evil'.
Dreams of One-ness Create The Law
to remove all threat to the survival of what is other-than-self.

The Self, continually seeking to survive the regenerating 'Other' within it-Self.
In the distorted and inverted image of Creation, the Self Perceives its enemy
as 'Other' and 'Otherness'.
The Self in its own Perception is unable to see that 'Other' and 'Otherness'
in Singularity, is the key to Immortality through Entity of the
Reality of Singular Self and Singular Other.

The Truth of Reality is the Truth of Observation.
Truth is Awareness of 'What IS' as 'What IS'.
Awareness of a Perception of 'what Is' reverses 'What Is', to 'What is Not'.
This is the Awareness of Creation itself.
Creation is not the Truth of 'What Is'.
Creation is the Dream of the Collective Consciousness to exist within it-Self
outside and beyond Reality.
Creation is said to 'be Created', to be brought into Existence rather than 'To Be'

It is common knowledge, Observable to religion and to science,
that Creation is not a 'What Is'
 but non-exists in its Dream of Becoming.
Creation, vaguely Aware of its own limited vision within its Dream,
cannot penetrate its Dream within its Dream.
The Dream itself sets its walls, sets its limits to Existing within it-Self.
Consequently, the Collective Consciousness Perceives from within it-self,
and Dreams of its existence beyond itself.
The Collective Consciousness Dreams that its has the Power to penetrate its own existence,
to escape its own existence,
to break out of its Dream,
because somehow there is the realization that the Dream is its door to Mortality.

"Maybe if we could escape our Dream,
then maybe we could move 'beyond' Our-self".
but Creation can not move 'beyond' it-self
and so continues creating.
and we continue Dreaming.
We Dream of Power.
In our distorted and inverted Awareness,
Power is the only solution to our Mortality.
Power seems to be the answer to survival.
Power is the removal of everything that is not the Self because only
Self can survive the threat of 'other-ness'.
In our distorted and inverted Perception, the only solution we can see is
fighting our created demons.
And create we do.
Humanity is its own Creator.
Humanity is its own God of Creation.

We Dream ourselves to have the Power to move us out of our Dream
but all our perception allows, is to create another Dream.
And so we Perceive ourselves in Dreams of Power,
 Becoming within our-selves Entity,
that the Self may Become Immortal.

The distorted vision of Immortality to Self is the survival of Self.
Self perceives anything other than Self as enemy to Self.
The Self of Perception,
the Self of Creation,
therefore Fears 'Other',
and is unable to Observe Other in its Singularity of Otherness,
that alone can
Observe the Singularity of Self in the Truth of Reality.

We all desire Truth in the 'other' but fail to seek Truth in the Self.
To find Truth,
one Chooses Truth and lets Truth Unfold.
Truth cannot be created for it Is, What It Is.
Truth must be sought.
Truth is not within the Self of Collective Consciousness,
yet each Self has the Choice to emerge from the Collective.
Emergence from the Collective is difficult,
yet Truth is in Reality and not in the Dream.
The Collective Perceives that it exists in Reality,
 but it exists only in its
own created reality.
Created reality is non-existence.

This created reality is real,
but it is real only to itself.
 but is not real to Reality.
Reality does not exist in Creation as creation is Image,
Creation is the distorted and inverted Image of that which could never be Created,
It could never be Created,
Because It Exists!

Creation is a panorama of Dreams of Power,
all expressed in Possession.
--The One-ness that Dreams of Possessing ALL.
Possessing ALL makes the Dream an Economic Dream.
It is the Dream of Ruling and Controlling through Owership.
--for Who Possesses All--- Owns All.
The One Owning All,
--is the One Over All.
The One Over All,
--Rules All
all expressed in Identity of the One,
--the One who Becomes the God of the Collective Consciousness,
the God of religion
--the God Over All.
Is this Truth of Reality,
is this the Truth of the Dream of Becoming?


Friday, March 24, 2017

Post #302 "In the Beginning"

In the Beginning of Creation,
Light Divided from Darkness,
Firmament Divided Water from Above from Water Below
Earth Divided from Sea
Light Divided from Darkness
Living Creatures Divided from Earth
and from Living Creatures----Humanity.
Humanity Divided, Male and Female.
There was Faith and there was Reason.
From Religion came Faith.
Religion perceived Heaven and Earth.
Heaven and earth divided down
and just faded away
From Reason came Science.
 Science Perceived Atoms.
 Atoms Divided down into smaller and smaller subatomic particles
that also just faded away..
In the Beginning of Creation
There was Land,
and Trees,
Billions of tall, strong trees.
There were no fences.
There were no walls.
There were small groups of humans, and many, many trees,
Billions of tall, strong, trees.

Humans Divided down and trees Divided down,
 until there remain a few trees and many, many Humans.
A world of glass and cement 
Humans continues dividing, it can't seem to stop,
as does Creation continue dividing down,
all through The Process of Division:
Human to Sub-human to Non-Human.

 In the Beginning,
There was Wilderness.
The Wilderness Divided down into parts and pieces of it-Self
until all that remained of Wilderness was inverted and distorted Image.
Creation was Image,
Just Image.

In the Beginning
There was The Land.
The Land Divided over and over again.
 Wilderness disappeared.
As the Wilderness disappeared,
and out of the Wilderness,
It was Civilization that Divided The Land.
It was Civilization that brought forth Competition
Competition was for Power
and with Power comes Control
Control is about The Land.
Control of the Land is what Divided The Land in the first place.
The Land is Controlled through Possession.
Who Possesses is Identified as The One.
The Winner!
The Omnipotent!
Because the result of Division is Oneness,
before all just fades away,
as fading away is what Image does.

The Land was the Image of World and Universe,
galaxies and Cosmos,
All Created by the God of Creation.
All owned and Possessed by the Creator.
Whoever could appease the God over all He possessed,
inherited all He Possessed.
But this inheritance could only be through Division
As inheritance means division until One remains.
The Winner!
The Omnipotent!
The Ruler over all Creation!

Only He that Inherited could remain.
Only He remained.
All 'Others' long gone.
The result of Competition.
The result of Division. 
 The result of Winning!
The result of Omnipotence!

In the Beginning
Wilderness Divided,
Humanity divided, and divided again
and there was Civilization.
Civilization is best described through Land,
through Possession,
and through Law.
because Law Controls the Masses,
the great Masses "yearning to be free".
Civilization Divided The Land.
Civilization depended on Law!
and on Winning!
and on Omnipotence!
 Civilization Divided the People according to The Law.
According to Whose Law?
The Land Identified the People.
In other words, The Land broke Humanity and Divided Humanity down,
into more parts and pieces,
beyond that of Male and Female.
'Male' and 'Female' became identifying categories.
These are the categories of Male and Female that sub-divide into further groups
and classifications, like:
'Strong and Weak
and Rich and Poor
and then, into Good and Bad,
and finally into
Sacred and Evil
Sacred and Evil defining the division between Immortality and Mortality,
between the 'Seen' and the 'UnSeen'. 
It was The Land.
It was The World.
It was ALL that The God of Creation Made and Sustained.
BUT, for God to bequeath The Land,
to Bequeath ALL that He Created,
God Had TO Be One!
God Must Be One so The One that Inherits
ALL God Creates,
All God Owns,
Becomes God's Very Identity.
The God of Law or
The Law of the God who is the One remaining?
 Humanity Becoming God ???

God Must Be One so that The One Who Inherits---
Becomes God's Son,
Becomes The Son of God
Not God's Sons
and certainly not God's Daughter or God's Daughters------------!
No wonder we are what we are.
The Land Divided that it could be Possessed.
Humanity divided to Possess The Land
Dividing the Land further Divided the People who existed on The Land,
who existed of The Land,
 and who existed because of the Land.
And The Law came out of The Land
when The Land Divided
and God appeared to Rule All He Created.

Civilization is Possession of the Land.
Possession of the Land is Possession of the people of the Land
because in Possession, Identity is lost.
As Identity is lost,
all possessions and resources and People are lost,
 as All is included in Possession of The Land.
 People are only possessions and are included in possession of the Land.
Thus a few people are able to Compete,
to play the Game,
to Dream of becoming Heirs,
to Dream of Wealth and Ownership through the Art of Possession.
 Because  of Wealth,
there are the Masses,
the Owned,
The Possessed,
The Ones the Law is made for and enforced On
The Law is written and pronounced to Control those of 'other-than-human-ness'
 ---those Identified as Female,
 and those reduced to female-ness through defeat and loss of masculinity,
 to those that have been made sub-human and non-human
These were never considered 'Chosen',
These were never included in possession of the Land,
---for she was never considered human as Male Perceives Humanity
that 'other' that Chose to Perceive out of Self
and not Observe that female is not human unless Observed and Witnessed as female self
by male 'other',
nor can male exist as human male unless Observed and Witnessed into maleness by
the 'other', the feminine.
Two parts make a whole if so Perceived,
 but as two parts of a whole
can never be Entity.
Only the Singularity of Self and the Singularity of Other
is the Entity of reality
that is Aware of
and has Chosen to Exist in the Entity of Immortality
and the Immortality of Entity.  
Religion confirms the created reality of religion.
Science confirms the created reality of science.
Each exists within its own created reality.
 Created reality plays the game of becoming Reality,
of being able to exist beyond or outside of its-Self.
However, by each,
the science of religion and the religion of science's 'comprehension of Self
and its creation within itself,
builds its own limiting walls.

Through comprehension,
religion and science,
block the ability to move beyond Self.
Religion dependent on and limited by Faith.
and Science, dependent on and limited by Reason.
Each of these two realities is power driven
and exists for the purpose of creating power from power,
of extending into the Dream of Beyondness,
the Dream of Vastness
and the Dream of being Incomprehensible.
----yet attempts to conquer The Beyond,
to conquer The Vastness,
and to Comprehend The Incomprehensible.
that cannot be attained in Non-reality.
These can be attained only by the Choice to emerge as Individual Consciousness
from the Collective Choice of the Collective Consciousness.
In the Beginning
layers and levels of Dichotomy
Layers and levels of Division.
Division is Choice of Consciousness Dividing as 'Becoming'
Consciousness is Choosing to be Aware of Entity as 'Being'.
Entity IS
Entity can not 'Become'.

Consciousness of Reality is Consciousness Aware of Existence as Self Observing Other.
Consciousness Chooses,
---Self Observing Other
Self Perceiving Self as Self within Self
and blocking Other.

 The Beginning of Created History.
The parts and Pieces of Consciousness,
the parts and pieces of Humanity,
Choosing either 'To Be' the Self that Observes Other as 'Other'
or Choosing 'To Become' the Self as Self within Self,
This Self blocks 'Other' and thereby blocking Reality.
This group of the parts and pieces of Consciousness that Chooses to Exist
within, and for, and because, of Self,
this group that Chooses to Create its own Reality that it may Become its own God,
competes within its own group
through the Process of Division,
eliminating that 'Other-of-Self that Self continually Creates out of it-Self,
Dreaming of that Perfection,
always dividing and eliminating the 'otherness'
of what it Dreams it can 'Become'.
Because 'other' and 'otherness' is 'bad', is 'evil'
and is therefore, Enemy.
This group creates those that claim supremacy,
and ultimate-ness
and absolute-ness
and sovereignty,
all competing and struggling until One remains.
Will this One remaining finally Become Entity
and win the Prize of Immortality?
will it find it-Self back at
The Beginning?

"In the Beginning
There was Consciousness
Consciousness Chooses
Consciousness Choosing proves the Dichotomy of Existence.
Choosing accepts Reality or Created its own Reality within the Self.
Reality IS
Non-reality Dreams of Becoming what it is Not.


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Post #301 "The Law"

The Law
The God-Given Right to Rule.
God's Law or Humanity's Law?
And, if God's Law,
the Law of whose God? 

And, Who is God?
Does God cause Worship or
Does Worship cause God?
Is not, God, that which we Worship?
Then, consequently, it would seem that 'God' would be determined by the Choice of
each Individual part, each Individual piece of Consciousness for it-Self,
as it Dreams it-Self to Become.
Is God, then, Individual humanity;s Dream of Becoming?
Does the Collective Consciousness also determine God for it-Self as a Collective Choice?
Does God exist Collectively?
Is God the Collective Dream humanity Dreams of Becoming?
Does a Collective God represent the Entity that was lost but is forever sought in brokenness
and Division?
Can and does the God of the Individual Self of Consciousness,
differ from the God of the Collective Consciousness?

The Choice that Creates the Individual God is made by the Self,
 for the Self-of-Consciousness, as each part and each piece Chooses individually.
The Choice that Creates the God of the Collective Consciousness is made by the Self
of the Collective that Creates the Collective God of the Collective Self.
As Consciousness is existence and existence is Dichotomy, Consciousness Creates its God
as the Dichotomy of the Divided Self.
God is the Dream of the self-of-self,
  of Consciousness Becoming the Singular Other-of-Reality that has been blocked from
Consciousness, yet exists as the unattainable Dream of Becoming in the stored energy
of Memory------however inverted and distorted.
Thus creating in humanity the Duality of 'what is good for survival'
and what is 'threatening to survival'.
In this Duality, the disposition of Humanity to good and bad lies waiting to be
expressed and activated
As survival is Individual concern and ultimate goal and focus, God Becomes an Individual
As survival is also Collective ultimate focus and goal, God Becomes a Collective God.

Consciousness also Chooses Collectively, Dreaming the same Dream of Becoming, yet each
within it-Self, unable to penetrate its own constructed boundaries of Creation.
Comparatively then, God is Chosen and Determined by each part and piece according to
and within it-Self.
-----following, that God is also Chosen and Determined by the Collective Consciousness,
according to and determined by it-Self as the Self of the Collective.
Recall that it is the Self that Chooses.
Self cannot Choose for that which is not it-Self
As each Self Chooses for It-self within the Collective, Self creates 'other-then-self'
within the Collective as each Choice is Individual within the Collective
----Self creating Other within itself.

Self, therefore, cannot Control 'Other' or 'Otherness'.
Self therefore, is unable to accept 'Other' as Self.
Self therefore Chooses to exist totally within it-Self and blocks 'Other' and 'Otherness'.
Self blocks Reality for the reason that it is not possible to Control Reality
or to Control within Reality.
As the Singular Self and the Singular Other are the Essence of Reality,
as Singularity, each Singularity is Entity,
and as such knows Immortality.
Other as Other Observes and is Witness to the Singularity of Self.
Singular Other, through Observation
and through Witness,
 brings Self into Validation of Self, by Self, in its Selfness.
Existence is Duality.

As Reality is Duality,
the Duality of Singular Self and Singular Other,
Consciousness follows as, and in, Duality.
This Duality means that within Consciousness there Exists Reality and Non-reality,
It is this Dual Existence that allows and frees Consciousness the action of Choosing to Choose,
or Choosing not to Choose.
If Consciousness Chooses to Choose,
Consciousness Chooses Existence in Non-reality and enters the Non-existence of Nothingness.

In Non-reality,
Consciousness Chooses Nothingness,
but the Process of Division continues Choosing and thereby, continues Dividing.
Consciousness and its Creation continue Dividing down until the Dream ends in Nothingness.
The act of Choosing takes place in Non-reality and Exists as Dream.
The act of Consciousness Choosing in Nothingness is Creation.

Consciousness Existing in Non-reality, as in Creation, knows the Fear of Non-existence.
This Fear is the result of blocking Reality, thereby removing the Entity of Singularity.
Immortality is the action of Entity in the reality of Reality.
This Fear knows the Duality of Existence outside of Existence in the 'Being' of Reality,
as totally existing within the Self and within the unknown, the 'other' of Self.
Existing in Duality alters the Self where each part of Self appears as the unknown 'Other'
to the Self.
The Self-of Self holds the 'other-of self' responsible for its loss of Immortality.
So that, within the Self, there exists Fear of the loss of Immortality.
 Primal Guilt also exists within the Self, for having made the Choice that altered Existence.
This Guilt,
when not appeased,
introduces the primal instinct of Anger.
Anger at the Choice,
Anger at experiencing Guilt and the betrayal of Self by Self.
These primal feelings transfer into human basic emotions of Fear, Guilt, and Anger
that are instinctual in all humans to varying degrees.

The Self of the Consciousness, in its own Creation of Self within Self, fears what it has Created,
for this Creation has many parts and pieces that function out of the Division of Choice.
 In Creation, every Self exists in the Division of its Self and its 'other-than-self'.
Self Fears what is 'other' than it-Self,
consequently, Self Fears it-Self.
Self loves Self and hates Self when Self shows its 'other' side.
The Consciousness of Self in Creation expresses it-Self as humanity.
Humanity's basic primal emotion is Fear.
Fear causes the second primal emotion of Guilt,
---guilt for hating Self and determination to eliminate Self's 'Otherness'.
----Hatred for the existence of the 'other-of-self within Self.
Here within Self is the seed for Humanity's expressions of love and Hatred.
It follows that 'Love' is non-existent but only a part of the Dream.

The Self of Consciousness struggles to survive its Choice to block Reality.
This personal struggle of Self grows into a Collective struggle as each part and each piece
struggles to survive the inevitable death, resulting from the loss of Singularity.
The Collective Consciousness  reflects the Self seeking to enlarge and empower
it-Self against the threat of extinction.
The Collective is Self's action to save Self from its own personal Choice.
Collectiveness grows out of Individualness' struggle for survival.
The Collective insures the survival of the Individual until overcome by the Individual,
as survival can only be the Dream of The Ultimate Oneness that exists in primal Self.

Each Self of Consciousness will seek to group or enlarge it-Self as a means to saving Self.
The Collective is collective Power to save Self, thereby Self enlarges Self.
In duality of Self, the Collective turns from Self-of-self to other-of-self
as Self turns on Self and Divides Self into its other-of-itself.
The Collective Self then becomes
Other is Otherness,
Otherness is Enemy.
Otherness must be eliminated for Self to be saved from extinction for
Self is not Singular,
Self only knows Mortality.

As the Self of each part and each piece of Consciousness,
plus the Collective Self of the Collective of Consciousness, Chooses,
each part and each piece responds to its Individual Choice existing either in Reality or in the
reality of  Non-reality.
The Collective also responds to the Collective Choice
for Reality or Non-reality.
Through Individual Choice, Consciousness Chooses Collectively and reacts to the Choice

 Individual and Collective Primal emotions become genetically
imprinted and thus inherited.
 Fear is the primal basis of emotion.
 Fear is the outcome of the Choice of Consciousness to block Reality.
 By blocking Reality, Consciousness removed for it-Self the Singular Otherness of Reality.
In other words, the Entity.
With the Other-of-Reality blocked, Self had to replace its Self-of-Reality with its
A sense of loss has been imprinted on the Humanity of Creation.
There is the Fear of Mortality.
There is the primal sense of Guilt.
Self reacts with a primal sense of Guilt for the violation of Self and Other,
Not because of Other but because of Self.
Self violated Self.
Self felt and Self feels that it has been violated,
so Self feels and guilt at having violated Self.
Self is angry at Self for feeling Guilt.
Self is angry at Self for the Choice resulting in Mortality.

Worship is the action of suppressing Fear of 'other'.
Worship is appeasement of the Guilt toward what seems to be 'Beyond' or 'Vaster'
than Self thereby threatening Self's survival.
Worship is an action of Fear.
Worship expresses Fear
.Worship expresses Guilt.
Guilt must be appeased.
If Guilt is not appeased, Fear follows.
Individual and Collective Consciousness expresses primal Fear is through Worship,
The action of the Collective Consciousness Choosing Non-reality over Reality results
in the blocking and consequent removal of the Singular Self and Singular Other of Reality.
This loss destroys Entity.
The loss of Entity cancels out Immortality
and Creates a Process of Division that leads to the abyss of total Nothingness.
In a sense, Consciousness Fears what it has Created
because Consciousness is now threatened by 'Nothingness',
Consciousness does not seem to be Aware that 'Nothingness' is Non-reality.
Humanity of Consciousness creates its own reality and convinces it-Self that the
created reality it exists in is Reality.
Most humanity is totally unaware that Reality Exists outside and beyond Creation,
outside and beyond what Humanity has created as God and God's environment.
Humanity struggles to find Truth in the Non-reality of Creation,
and so continues to struggle within its creation.

Reality exists beyond Creation.
Reality exists beyond and outside of Humanity's Dreams.
Humanity seeking Ultimateness and Absoluteness within it-Self cannot penetrate
beyond and outside of it-self.
There is no Absolute and Ultimate Truth within Creation, no matter how far
and unlimited the Dream.
The only Truth lies in Reality.
But who has the courage to Choose 'beyond' and 'outside' of the Self?
Who has the courage to Choose the Reality of Reality?
Its a lonely Search .

Therefore, in Creation, Worship Creates innumerable Gods.
'Innumeral' Gods gather Collectively as 'God'.
Humanity deals with its Fear of Mortality through Worship.
Humanity deals with Fear through Creation of a means to move beyond and outside of Mortality.
Humanity creates God from its own likeness and in its own likeness as the means to moving itself
beyond itself into an uncreated Reality where Immortality exists.

History illustrates the Chaos of individual Choice versus Collective Choice that exists in the Dichotomy of Consciousness

Where is God in the Dichotomy  of Existence?
Is God in Reality or is God in Non-reality?
That God seems to be known in created history---
---God must exist in Creation.
God could hardly exist in Reality
as Reality has been blocked by those of the Collective Consciousness,
those parts and pieces of the Collective,
that would Choose  out of the need to Worship.

But it does seem that humanity has made many, many choices on Who and
What to Worship.
Consequently, there must be many, many Gods.
It would seem, then, that God is Created within the Collective Consciousness.

If God existed in Reality,
would God exist in the Singular Self or in the Singular Other?
Now this suggestion could prompt the thought that God, in Creation, is the distorted
and inverted Memory, preserved in energy, of the Singular Other of Reality.
This seems to be the inclination for Consciousness, for Humanity, to attempt to seek
beyond itself,
outside itself,
into some vast incomprehensible, ultra-dimensional existence as information on the
Dream of Consciousness 'To Become'.

Did God Create or was God Created?
As Consciousness Creates, is God in Consciousness
or is God Created by Consciousness for the purpose of Absolute and Ultimate Power?
Does Ultimate and Absolute Power exist in Creation or does Creation reach 'Beyond' itself
into an incomprehensible vastness?
Its a question of Reality and Non-reality.

 Where did it all begin?
As the action of Consciousness is Division, where does the creation of 'Law'
or 'Commandment' fit in Creation?
At what level, at what layer did humanity become Consciousness of 'Law'?
Did a primal instinct for Law exist in Consciousness?
If so, it would have to come out of the basic, primal instinct of Fear.
Could the sense for Law be an organizing force of the action of Consciousness dividing?
Could this primal instinct be a way of dealing with the Fear of the Chaos resulting from the
Choice of the Collective Consciousness to Divide into Non-reality?
If the chaos existing in Consciousness at its Division in Reality or Non-reality
 The Divine Right,
The God Given Right to Rule.
So, the Right to Rule, according to history,
comes from God.
'The Law' exists because of Possession, because of Wealth.
Wealth exists for Self and not for Other,
at least this is how Self feels about it and this feeling , this emotion,
 derives from the primal emotion of humanity, of Consciousness
as parts and pieces of Consciousness,---- Fear.
Fear causes humanity to seek Immortality.
Actually, Fear is the result of Mortality.
 Humanity has not found Immortality within Creation.
Creation is the process of Division that cannot control its destruction of it-Self.
Humanity knows Immortality does not exist in Creation,
and so clings to a very faint, distorted, inverted Memory of Consciousness
of the Singularity of Self and the Singularity of Other and that
this is where Immortality Exists.
This Memory is the Dream of Consciousness 'to Become'.
 This Memory Creates God as the Dream of Becoming,
as the Dream of an Ultimateness
and an Absoluteness
that does not Exist in Creation.
But keep in mind that this Dream, this Memory exist in Creation
and as such is subjected to the Process of Division.

This Dream,
this Creation of God,
is the source of The Law,
because its all a Pretense,
its all a Game.
-----Who can claim the Ultimate, the Absolute Power that does not exist in Creation?
Who can claim the Power of that Ultimate and Absolute God?
----The God of Creation.

---and Who has that God Given Right to use that Power to Create The Law
and Who has that God Given Right to Possession of The Land
because of Possession of the God of the Land,
and Who has the God Given Right to the Resources of the Land?
and to the People of the Land?
 ---and through the Worship of the people
Becomes the God of the People of the Land
who have become sub-human and non-human
under The Law
---------of God.


Monday, March 13, 2017

Post # 300 "The Essence of Power"

Power is not stagnant.
Power Enables
 Power Divides
Power Devours.
Power is the object of Competition,
thereby Power determines who Wins and who loses.
The winner claims and absorbs Power
thereby declaring Winner from Loser.
Survivor from Victim.
Its all a Game.
Its a Power Game of threats, deceit, and Control.
The winner is in control.
The Winner Rules.
The Winner Rules through
'The Law'.
Humanity seeks survival,
yet humanity is caught up in the Process of Division that is the Essence of all Creation.
The strategy of Division most often employed utilizes the Power of One,
or the combined Power of Community, posing as a One-ness,
that will compete within itself, winning and losing,
through Rule and Subjugation,
through Life and Death,
until Ultimate and Absolute Power is achieved.
The purpose is the same.
As the most basic emotion to humanity is Fear,
Fear is the bases of Competition.
The strategy employed is based on Fear.
Self competing within Self,
desperately searching for lost Entity.
Seemingly there are two 'sides',
self-of-self and other-of-self.
----the self-of-self that forms community against self-of-other,
and self-of-self that competes with self-of-other within community.
Self constantly creating 'other' from itself.
Self always competing for Self-ness,
even within itself.
Self always competing for the Power of otherness.
Self always competing with 'self' to destroy the 'other-of-self',
 for it is only through the destruction of 'other' that Power can be accessed.
The sides in the competition for survival are empowered or weakened through Fear.
The strategy is to weaken the 'other' while strengthening the 'self''.

Creation is The Process of Division.
Creation is made up of layers or levels of Division.
Each element of Creation is, basically, a level or a layer of Division.
Time Divides.
Place Divides
and Substance Divides.
In each level, in each layer the struggle for survival is the primal action
of the primal emotion of the primal goal.
The action is competition.
The emotion is Fear
and the goal is Power.
It is Power that determines Who will Control.
Humanity, in its Perception of Survival, sees Ultimate Control as The Absolute
solution or The Absolute salvation.
Absolute, Ultimate Control comes down to One-ness.
One-ness is then, in Perception, Control of all 'other-ness'
When All Otherness comes under Ultimate, Absolute Control by a One-ness,
Entity is achieved and Immortality is Won.
Otherness is defeated when otherness is Controlled.
Otherness is Controlled when otherness is Possessed.
 The Law is rooted in Ownership.
Total Ownership is rooted in Possession of 'The Land'
'The Land' is without limit for it exists in the Dreams of those 'People of The Land'
 Consciousness divides into the Self of Reality and the Self of Non-reality.
The Self of Reality does not and cannot Divide because of its Singularity.
The Self of Non-Reality begins dividing at its inception and continues, non-stop,
until absorbed into 'Nothingness'.
The Self of Non-reality creates Creation, as
Creation is of Non-reality.
The Self of Creation Divides Creation into groups of self and other-than-self.
Division continues;
Self creating other out of itself that self may challenge and compete to
enlarge and strengthen itself against 'Nothingness'.
Each layer, each level of Creation competes 'Self' against 'Other'.

The premise on which creation exists is the domination and destruction of
other by 'self'.
Self is seen by self, in the Perception of survival as 'good'.
As more able and deserving to survive according to its Essence of Power.
Self Perceives within itself the Ultimate and Absolute Essence of Immortality,
if it can rid itself of the evil of otherness that threatens its survival.
 So humanity divides as Creation divides as existence is the Duality of
Reality and Non-reality.
Reality, the Awareness, the Consciousness,
of the Existence of the Singular Self and the Singular Other.
Non-reality, the Awareness of the of the Dream of the
Divided Self of Consciousness within it-Self.

Humanity divides into its first level of Division in its division of it-Self,
the Self of the 'Self-of-Male' and the Other of the 'Self-of-Female'.
Male competes with Self to access Male's undesirable, Male's bad, Male's Sin.
Male creates Female out of his 'other-ness'.
Male competes with Female to access her Essence through Control.
Through Control, Female has become the Possession of Male.
Female has become sub-human and non-human through being Possessed.
Who she is and what she has and what she does does not define her,
but defines that male Self that Possesses her.
The Division of Humanity into Male and Female creates the Division of
'good' and 'bad'.
This division of 'good' and 'bad' is the front for the Division
of 'sacred' and 'sin'.
These Divisions give incentive to classifications,
as Male 'good', Male 'Sacred'
to Female 'bad', Female 'Evil'.
This reduces down to that which is Female/Other/Other-ness has no value in comparison
to Male/Self' Self-ness and is therefore created to be sacrificed to the service of Male.
Male thereby hates and loves/desires all that he Is Not and Dreams of Becoming.

In this first division of Humanity, Male over-powers Female and wins her Power.
Her power, her Essence, is now Possessed by Male.
Male has the Power to proclaim the goodness, the Sacredness of Self,
  from the badness, the evilness of Other.
Male proclaims Self-ness.
Female becomes the 'other'.
Male proclaims her Other-ness.
This division extends to all that Male wins and becomes Possession.
Male also seeks Other in the self-of-male,
that male may Possess all maleness through defeat and Possession,
thereby creating the Divisions of 'Loser';
----Race, Belief, Nationality, Status
All becomes, for all the divisions of Creation, the Awareness of Humanity through the
the Perception of Masculine Self of Masculine Self.
Male continues to desire the 'Otherness' because Self cannot Observe, Witness,
and give Validation to Self.
Male needs the sub-human-ness of Female to Observe, Witness, and Validate his
And Male Hates Female for his Desire of her 'Otherness'.
Male needs Female to Exist without the ability to Choose,
to non-Exist within Consciousness.

The Feminine thereby Becomes sub-human and even, non-human as she loses
her ability to Choose which is Consciousness.
The loser, the Feminine,  has lost the Consciousness of Self and can only be Aware of Self
through the Perception of the 'One-ness that owns her,
and owns all that is of her,
her Land,
Her Identity,
As she becomes Victim through The Law.
It is The Law that insures her Non-existence.
The Law deprives her of the Right to Choose and
thereby the Right to Consciousness,
the Right to 'The Land'.
In Observation there is no Land left to be Possessed,
nor Name left with which to be Identified.
All Law has been made
and enforced,
and over,
 again and again.

Her human-ness becoming his human-ness as she loses the action of Consciousness,
-------to Choose.
All thereafter that Loses to a winner becomes feminized and 'other' than human.
No male accepts women in the same sense they accept another man and so the need
to form exclusively men clubs and other organizations that exclude the 'bad', 
the 'evil', the feminine.

Creation Divides down,
------- Civilization from Wilderness,
again represented in Male/Female Dichotomy.
Male from Female,
Civilization from Wilderness.
Rational from Lunacy
Humanity from non-humanity.
Good from Bad.
Sacred from Evil.
Sacred becomes itself in its self-ness, as it defeats Evil.
 Male, Perceives that in him-self, there is the Sacred Self and there is the good self.
The Sacred self knows eminence and supremacy, beyondness and vastness,
 and so dominates and Becomes The Ultimate and The Absolute over even the 'good' self.  

Humanity Perceives and expresses Power in Wealth,
in Identity,
and executes its Possession over All in its Laws that manifest and proclaim
Under The Law,
All Become One.
Oneness begins with The Land,
---for the Land is The People and The People are The Land.
To conquer One is to Conquer Both.
The first step is reconnaissance.
The next step is to dehumanize The People by taking from them their Right to Choose.
Without Choice, The People of The Land are conquered,
they become Property.
they become possession
All they own is taken from them.
The Land is no longer 'The Land' of the people,
 and The people no longer know who they are.
Who are these 'People of The Land?
Who Possesses The Land?
Who writes The Law that Possesses The Land?
Whose Law is the Consciousness of those who have Chosen not to Observe.
---not to Observe but only to Perceive,
 only to Perceive out of Self
and within Self?


Sunday, March 5, 2017

Post #299 "The Creation of Worship"

God is whatever or whoever it is that we Worship.
Worship determines God.
Worship Creates God.
Worship exists in Non-reality.
There is no need to Worship in Reality
In Reality,
Self is Singularly Self and Other is Singularly Other,
because Reality Is
 In Reality,
Reality does not have to Become what Reality Is Not.
Worship is Becoming.
Worship exists in Creation,
because Creation does not exist in Reality.
Worship Becomes, therefore, the action of Creation attempting to Become Reality. 
Worship brings about a non-reality by Perceiving Reality
as Reality would be,
 if Reality existed in Creation as the Dream of Humanity.
Thereby Worship is the action of projecting Reality,
through the void of Nothingness,
 onto the reflecting screen of Creation.
Worship creates Image.
Worship is the attempt to reproduce the Other of Reality as an Image of Creation,
thereby seeking to access the Essence of Otherness within the distorted Self. 
Seeking the Essence of the Essence of the Otherness of Reality,
humanity Images Otherness in Wealth, Identity, and Status,
thereby distorting and inverting the memory of 'Otherness'.
Basically, humanity Fears Otherness because of its Dream to
Possess Otherness through Essence and thereby gain control over the Fear.

Of course, it is true that Reality does not exist in non-reality.
Reality does not exist in Nothingness.
Reality does not exist in the Non-reality of Creation.
If Reality does not exist in Creation, how can the Authority to Rule,
to Govern,
to Control,
To Possess,
be Authorized by the God of Creation,
and how can Authority Exist without the Authority of Ownership?
It would seem then, that Worship is necessary to Wealth,
to Identity,
that through Possession and Identity,
Ownership, and therefore Control would be Legalized.
It would seem that Ultimate and Absolute Authority is legalized through
Ultimate and Absolute Possession.
That Absolute and Ultimate Possession is legalized through
the Ultimate and Absolute Identity that could not exist in the Whole of the
Collective Consciousness,
but that Power pockets would compete for the legalization of their claim
to such Identity.
That this Identity would be legalized through Worship.
Humanity Perceives Existence within it-Self,
yet for Ultimate and Absolute Legalization of Identity, Humanity projects
outside and 'beyond' itself into a vast, non-comprehensible-ness.
Yet, Humanity cannot escape its own created existence,
because this existence is not Reality but exists totally within the Primal Consciousness,
the Consciousness that exists in the Dichotomy of its action of Choosing. 
Humanity looks outside of itself and creates an existence beyond and vaster than its
perceived, created world.
Humanity is able to create existences out of existences out of existences,
because Humanity as Consciousness Chooses and Chooses to exist in Reality
or to exist within its Dreams.
Creation is its Dream.
Creation is its Dream of Becoming
Creation is the Existence of Becoming.
The Dream of Becoming is as unlimited as 'Nothingness'.
If the World Becomes too confining, Consciousness simply creates another
as Universe, and then as, galaxy, and then as, cosmos.
 But all of this is Not Reality.
No matter how vivid, how real,
a Dream is a Dream,
and Dreams do not exist in Reality,
 but exist only in the Dream of Image-ing.
People create Pseudo-realities within themselves that can only Become general created
reality if accepted by 'others' as part of their reality.
A part of private dreams becoming created reality is acceptance of the Dream by 'others'.
Upon acceptance, 'other' as 'other' ceases to exist and Becomes 'other-of-self.
Consciousness exists outside of Creation,
therefore Consciousness determines Reality or Creation through Choice.
Choice determines Existence.
The Choice allows for existence in Reality or in the Creation of self's own created

Reality IS.
Created reality Becomes.
'Becoming' does not exist in the what IS.
Consciousness Dreams its existence in creation of its existence.
When Consciousness Chooses non-reality, the Choice blocks Reality from its Awareness
and the Self Becomes Aware of its Dream of Becoming.
In blocking Reality, the Self of Consciousness divides.
Consciousness Choosing is Consciousness Dividing.
Creation is born out of the Division of Consciousness,
and as such, is a 'Process of Division'.

Self exists as a part or a piece of its Awareness
and so chooses as a part or as a whole.
Consciousness Chooses individually, within the Whole of Consciousness,
 and Collectively, as the Whole.
Within Creation, to deny or prevent the Right to Choose, violates
the function of Consciousness.
In Humanity, the violation of the Collective or the Individual Consciousness to Choose,
brings about sub-humanity or non-humanity.
A person deprived of the function of Choice,
is rendered sub-human or non-human.

For a person or a system to violate Consciousness, violates Individual Consciousness
and violates the Collective Consciousness.
In so doing, that person or that system violates its own Consciousness.
The person or that system,
 inflicting the Right of Consciousness inflicts its own consciousness
by blocking a part or a piece of its Awareness.
Locked within its own Awareness, the person or the system becomes more narrowly confined
within itself,
so that its Choices Become totally self-oriented, self-controlled, and self fulfilling
 to the degree of its own sub-human-ess and even its own non-human-ess,
as that self or that system absorbs within itself the sub-human-ess and non-human-ess
that it inflicted on its victim.

Consciousness in Reality is Aware of what Is as What Is.
Consciousness of Creation is Aware of What exists in its theory of Becoming.
Consciousness of Creation sees what itself creates.
Humanity that Chooses the 'To Be' of Reality,
Chooses the reality of Reality.
Humanity Choosing the  'To Become' of Non-reality,
Chooses the reality of 'Nothingness'.
Those Choosing Reality see Creation as Creation---,
These see Creation as created out of Nothingness Image
the inverted and distorted Image projected into its own Dream.
They are aware that Creation Is what it Is and not what it is Dreamed to Become.

Those Choosing to create,
Dream an existence entirely out of themselves.
These experience the Dream of themselves as Possessing All Control over All.
That they experience themselves entitled to The Land,
and through The Land, entitled to The People of The Land,
and to all that The Land and The People Possess.
Most of all, the person or the system demands acknowledgement through Worship,
for Worship is the Greatest power of them all
--------- creating the most powerful
under the most powerful God.
This existence blocks the Reality of the Singular Other and distorts and inverts
the Singular Self that has not been Observed, Witnessed, and Validated  as Self
in its Self-ness.
This is the Self of Creation.
This is the Self that Creates.
This is the Self and these are the Selves that does not and do not know,
 and consequently Fears and Fear Other and
This is the Self that Creates its own Otherness out of its Dream of Becoming.
The Self of Creation is Aware that Dreams begin and Dreams end.
This Self Fears that it can not escape its own created boundaries and
and so Dreams a 'Beyondness
Dreams an unknown vastness
and projects this Dream into a created 'Unknown'
that, in Reality, is seen as what it is,
an extension of Creation,
that just keeps creating extensions of itself,
each extension ending as it began-----
in Nothingness.
In the Dream, Creation is Created by the created image of Self,
for only Self can create,
the Singular Other of Reality does not exist in Creation.
Self Images Other within it-Self by creating Other as Self Dreams of Becoming.
This Dreamed Other possess all the characteristics that Self of Creation
Dreams of Becoming
The Dreamed 'Other' is contains within itself the attributes of Humanity,
and the key to survival,
the key to Immortality
In Creation, survival is competitive.
It becomes competitive through Competition of Self to Become Self
in the Singularity it does not Possess
for Possession resides only in Creation.
Self divides itself over and over again,
 pitting itself against itself,
that it may create within  itself,
Self-of-self and other-of-self.
seeking within itself, the saving of self and the destruction of self.
Self through division of itself creates that which deserves to survive
and that which deserves to be sacrificed.
The self of Creation creates within itself, good and bad,
Sacred and Evil.
Self personifies its fronts as in making ready for war,
the war of survival,
proving which part or which piece of the Collective Consciousness
deserves to survive.
The war becomes a war of Possession---
there are rules made and rules broken,
all a scramble to see who will get to the top of the image of pyramid.
The war Becomes a war of Identity.
Who will win.
The Prize to Possession and Identity is Worship