Friday, December 23, 2016

Post #288 "Power Demands Weakness"

Power does not exist in Reality.
Reality has no need for Power.
Creation, however, demands Power.
Ultimate Power is the Dream, the Desire..
The Desire for power is insatiable.
The action of Creation, therefore, is the acquisition of Power.
The Laws of Creation, are primarily for the acquisition of Power by any and
all means.
The Laws of Creation are made to enable and protect the acquisition of Power.
Power is Created.
Power is Created through the creation of Weakness.
There is no Power without weakness.
Weakness enables Power.
The laws of Creation, therefore, are Laws that enable the pursuit and access of Power through
the creation of Weakness.
These Laws determine the moral code for civilization.
Civilization is the front for the acquisition of Power.
Civilization sanctifies, through the Law, the sacrifice of the masses
to the greed of an elite.
---What stands for Power is good.
---What stands for weakness is evil
Good becomes sacred as Power is Worshipped.
As Power is worshipped, evil becomes sin.
There is no sacredness without sin.
There is no Power without Weakness.
The Self of Consciousness attempts to create Reality within it-Self.
but  Reality cannot be Created,
Reality IS.
As the self of Consciousness eliminates Reality from its Awareness,
the Singular Self and the Singular Other of Reality are also eliminated.
Basically, the sense of Otherness, as Singular Other of Reality, is lost.
This sense of Otherness is not Observable to the Self of Consciousness, so 'otherness'
Becomes a vague, distorted Perception that derives totally from the Self.
This sense, then, of Otherness, is opposite, distorted, and inverted from the Otherness
of Reality.

As Power demands weakness, this sense of Otherness is Perceived as the weakness
which Creation demands from which to create Power.
This sense of the Otherness of Consciousness, the other-of-self, is perceived as standing
for weakness.
This weakness stands against the 'good' of Power as the 'evil' of weakness.
This evil of weakness becomes interpreted as sin, as Power becomes sacred and
thus, deified.
The thirst for power is insatiable.
Power demands more Power.
The more power, the better.
The more power, the better the Identity of the man. 
The better man is the man who wins/accesses the most power through creating Weakness.
Existence is Dichotomy.
Consciousness, as Awareness of Existence, is Dichotomy
Consciousness Divides. 
Creation is Dichotomy
Creation Divides.
Creation divides for the purpose of survival.
Creation is all about the Dream and Desire for the Power to survive.
As Creation has no sense of Entity or Infiniteness, Creation Dreams of Oneness.
Creation/humanity Dream of 'Oneness' and Immortality.
Creation/Humanity Dream of the 'Peace', of the security, of the wholesomeness of
The 'Whole' of Humanity shares this Dream as Humanity has Choice, as does Consciousness.
The Whole sees this 'Oneness' as Humanity.
The individual Selves of Humanity, of Consciousness, also have individual Choice
and see this 'Oneness' as Self, as individual Self.
Consequently life becomes a struggle for Power------
man against man,
tribe against tribe,
team against team,
nation against nation.
All frantically striving to gain Power through the creation of Weakness.
Consciousness Dreams and Desires Entity
The Choice of Consciousness Divides Consciousness.
The Choices are:
Reality, the Singularity of Self and the Singularity of Other
Non-reality--the Dream,-----the self-of-self and the other-of-self.
The elimination of Reality seems to be based in 'Other'.
As Creation follows as dichotomy, self and other remain as dichotomy,
with 'singular other' being replaced with 'Self'',
causing Self to divide it-Self.
Self gives up a portion of it-Self,
one part representing it-Self and the 'other' part representing a non-part of it-Self.
This creation of a non-part allows Self to back away from that part of it-Self
to create a non-existent part of Self that is acceptable to Self as 'other-than-it-Self.
This creation through division creates feelings in Self toward the now 'other'
Self now fears it-Self.
This 'other' self takes a part of the Essence of Self.
Self not only Divides Self but also Divides the Essence of Self.
Self loses Essence; Self loses Power.
Self resents and even hates this 'other' part of it-self for draining Essence from Self to
This Essence, this Power must be reclaimed!!
This Essence, this Power is all that is stopping this Process of Division from annihilating
the Self.
Creation seems to be 'Self'' and self with 'other' only a derivative of self.
So, basically, Creation is a dichotomy of self divided against self.
As Creation, as humanity, is a struggle for Infiniteness through Entity,
the Self divides it-self, that the Dream and Desire for Power becomes a competition
for Power-------self against self.
Sides must be created.
Only one side can be victorious, as an insatiable Desire for Power is a Desire for All
Creation struggles against Reality
Creation Dreams and Desires the Entity and Immortality of Reality.
Reality stands in the way of Creation assuming Entity and Immortality.
Reality must be removed!
And so it is.
Of course this does not affect Reality.
But it does affect Creation.
Creation cannot let go of its Dream and Desire for the Essence of Reality.
Creation needs a source of Power that Power can be amassed and stored and totally
taken over by one side,
 that the Dream and Desire of Entity can be realized.
Ironically, Entity is One----no parts and no pieces.
As Consciousness divides self into self and other,
humanity divides self into self and other.
Divided Consciousness.
Divided Humanity.
Divided Self.
All with the Dream and Desire to Become Entity.
All with the Dream and Desire to Become One.
But, division works against Oneness!
The Dream is the absorption of other into Self.
The purpose of other is to supply Essence for the Self.
Its all about Possession.
Its all about accessing Power.
Self accesses the Power of Other,
because Other is possession.
The possession of Other, comforts the Fear of Division.
Possession gives the sense, the comfort of enlarging the Self.
Its all about fighting the Fear of Dividing down to 'Nothingness'.
This is Primal Fear.
This Fear is itself dichotomous.
We need, and we fear what we need.

We need 'other' and because we need 'other', we fear 'other'.
This is the direct result on Consciousness of its Choice to block Reality,
to block the Singularity of Self and Other.
-------as the Singularity of Self and the Singularity of Other in Reality holds back
and makes the Dichotomy of Existence conform to the Existence of Reality.

The action of Dichotomy has no effect on Reality but has total effect on Non-reality.
The Dichotomy of Existence continues, not  in Reality, but in the Process of Division
of Creation.
 The Dichotomy of Existence, that part of Existence that is 'Nothingness', exists and and is
manifested in Creation.
That Dichotomy of 'Nothingness' is the Choice and is manifested in Humanity according to
its Individual Choice for Reality or the Dream state of 'Nothingness'.

Our reaction to the non-stoppable, non-controllable, process of Division is Fear.
Fear being the primal Feeling or Emotion
Humanity Fears the loss of it-Self in its Choice of Creating its own reality.
We Fear our Choice of Creating for Creation is a Process of Division.
We Desire, out of Fear, Power to overcome this Process of Division that reduces all
creation to 'Nothingness'.
It is the Choice of the Self of Consciousness against Reality,
against the Singularity of Self and the Singularity of Other.
We do not have 'Singular Other'.
We only have Self and that Self keeps Dividing down toward 'Nothingness'.
 So we look within our system of Creation, a system that functions as Division, for answers
to survival.
Our answers and our solutions are answers and solutions of Division.
We are products of Dichotomy.
We are products of Division.

We create weakness out of our-Self that we may feed our-Self, totally oblivious that we
are feeding off of our-self.
It all follows the first level of Division in Creation.
The first level creates weakness by dividing into Self and Other-than-self.
'Other-than-self' is therefore inferior to Self.
'Other-than-self' is created weaker than self that self may know Power.
There is no Power without weakness.
This is the Dichotomy of Existence.

We cannot stop the Division,
 and so we end in the abyss of 'Nothingness',
 because we have lost Reality.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Post #287 "The Process of Division"

Existence is Dichotomy,

Existence Is.
Because Existence Is, Non-existence Is
 Reality Is.
 Because Reality Is, Non-reality Is.
there Exists the reality of Reality and
the Reality of Non-reality.
Reality Is Infinite Entity. 
 Non-Existence acts as Division.
Division creates Beginning and Ending.
Through Division, what begins, ends.
Creation is The Process of Division.
All Creation Begins and Ends

Consciousness Is.
Consciousness Is Not.
Consciousness Chooses To Be or Not To Be.
Choosing is the Action of Consciousness.

Consciousness Chooses, therefore Consciousness Divides.
Consciousness divides, separating into cells.
These cells divide through Choice,
then regroup for the purpose of survival.
In Creation, Survival depends on grouping.
Humanity groups to survive.
To 'group' is to establish identity through a sub-whole
that divides itself away from the Whole.
To 'group, is to Divide.
Humanity breaks down into groups,
each group is a part of the Whole that divides itself from the Whole
Humanity seeks Entity through Division.
Humanity seeks to Become Infinite through religion and science,
but Infinity is only in Entity which is Reality and not in the Dream
Consciousness Chooses and sets off The Process of Division.
Creation results from the Choice of Consciousness to Divide.
Division continues the break down of Creation.
Humanity, as all Creation, begins and ends.
Humanity, as Consciousness, Chooses.
Humanity, as Consciousness, therefore Exists, as in 'Is',
 or Non-exists, as in 'Becomes'.
Division separates.
Division separates Reality from Non-reality.
Division separates the Non-reality of Creation.from Reality.
 Division separates the Singular Self of Reality from the Self of the
Collective Consciousness.
In Consciousness, Self exists Singularly and Collectively.
There is the Singular Self and there is the Collective Self.

The Singular Self can and must, emerge from the Collective Whole that it may
Observe, Witness, and Validate its Entity and thereby its Infiniteness.
Reality is the Singular existence of Self, Observed by the Singular Other as Self,
and the Observation of Singular Other as Other by the Singular Self
In Reality, there is no Division, as Self is Entity.
In Reality, there is no Division, as Other is Entity.
Self does not exist in Other and Other does not exist in Self,
because Self is Singular Entity and
Other is Singular Entity.
Where there is no Division, there is no Beginning and no Ending.

Grouping is an element of Division.
Grouping identifies likeness and separates likeness from the Whole,
creating a level of self and other in Creation,
thereby repeating the division of Consciousness that blocked the Reality of the
Singular Self and the Singular Other.
Grouping divides by separating from the Whole as a unity within itself.
This unity, this group will then separate further by regrouping itself into a subgroup
that pulls away from the first level group.
Collective self-of-self dividing into the Collective other-of-self,
and sub-dividing over and over into smaller pieces of Collective self and other,
-----all divisions of the self.

What Is, Is.
What Isn't, Isn't-----in Reality.
but what Isn't does exist in non-Reality.
Non-reality exists to and within itself,
as an image exists to itself ,
but what is Real knows Image for what Image Is,
and knows that Image is just that, an Image.
Image is a Reflection on a reflecting surface.
The projection of object is distorted and inverted by the existence of Non-reality,
as projection is a Perception of what it is Dreamed to Become.

Enacting the Dream of Becoming, that which Isn't, pretends to be 'what Is'.
To fulfill it-Self, the Self assumes the persona of what it Dreams of Becoming.
The Self of the Dream is unable to Observe the Singular Self of Reality,
as a Dream is a Dream because of its disconnect from the Reality.
A Dream is Perception.
In Perception, the Dream occurs completely within and from it-Self.

Perception is totally contained within the Self.
This Perception is enacted in Creation.
 The drama unfolds with the Desire to Become the Dream.
Consequently each Cell of Consciousness Dreams,
 and in each Dream, each Cell 'Becomes' its Dream.
The performance of each cell's Dream of it-Self, leads to the chaos within creation.
Creation is the reflecting surface on which the Dream is projected.

Early history created the world around its Time in history,
so the world around it was its stage, its reflecting surface.
Eventually, history expanded the stage to the World itself,
the whole world became involved as stage, as reflecting surface.
When the cells of humanity desired the top place on the pyramid of its Dream, the top place
became the area of which it had Awareness.

That Cell, that human, that Self, could only act on the stage of its awareness.
This means that the entire world was only what Self was aware of.
Each cell's world or stage was according to its awareness.
History records the levels of Awareness on the Dream played out.
4000 years ago, 'the world' had a different stage on which to preform than in the 21st century.
We have grown out of the 'World'.
We have grown out of the stages of past history
World now means cosmos and beyond.
Our Dreams take place on stages beyond the World.

Consciousness Chooses.
Consciousness Divides.
Humanity Chooses.
Humanity Divides.
But its all a pretense.
Consciousness pretends that it has not divided.
The pretense is to play the opposite role.
If Consciousness Divides itself into Consciousness of Reality or Consciousness of
humanity Divides itself into humanity of Reality or humanity of non-reality.
Consciousness of Reality and Humanity of Reality does not and cannot Divide,
the Self of the Consciousness of Reality is the Singular Self of Reality.
The Singular Self of Reality is Entity.
Entity does not and cannot Divide.
The Self of Humanity of Reality is Self emerging from the Collective,
and in emerging Observing the reality of its Singularity as the Singular Self
of Reality claiming and recognizing Entity.

Choosing 'To Become' a Dream is pretense.
It is not Reality.
It does not happen in Reality.
It can only happen within itself,
performed by itself, on the created stage within itself, in created Time, and using created
Humanity Dreams a pretense of Becoming its Dream.
Steps are created in pyramid form to attainment of the Dream.
The Dream is to be accomplished by pretense.
The myriad broken parts and pieces of Consciousness must be made to appear as Entity.
Humanity is these broken parts and pieces that must be made to appear as Entity.
So,-------Consciousness Divides itself into the appearances of the Singular Self and the
Singular Other of Reality.
Consciousness creates Self and Other within itself,
thereby sacrificing itself by dividing itself into two Images of self and other.
Humanity, as Image of the Singular Self and Other of Reality continues to Divide
for dividing is the action of Creation.
Creation Divides into further parts and pieces each a lesser part or piece of itself.
 The pretense must be the opposite:
The first Division of humanity is male and female.
the pretense is the mating of male and female into an Entity that does not exist
in Creation.             
 The next Division of humanity is territorial grouping,
the pretense is formation of family or tribe,
again, an attempt to form Entity what Entity cannot be formed,
because Entity IS.
The reality of the attempts by humanity to Become Entity has the opposite effect.
Instead of Entity, grouping creates more Division by dividing away from the whole to form a sub-part or another division of a division.
The creation and adoration of God/Gods divides through the search for Power to enable further
Families and tribes create their God through worship,
Worship further Divides as Gods are used to compete for power.
'God' stands for Power and Authority.
Power and Authority further Divide.
God stands for Possession, Identity, and The Law.
Possession of The Land is Identity of the Inheritance Rights
that give The Law to The Chosen.
Chosenness breaks open the flood gates of Division.
Chosenness to unchosenness,
to sacred to sin,
to king to slave,
to human to sub-human to non-human,
 to all the brokenness
we experience today as we Dream Dreams of Entity and Infiniteness.

We Dream of Entity.
We seek Entity and we create Division.
The seed is in the Choice of Consciousness.
Consciousness Chooses Reality or Non-reality.
If Consciousness Chooses Reality, Consciousness Chooses 'To Be',
and Accepts the Singularity of Self and the Singularity of Other.
If Consciousness Chooses Non-reality, Consciousness Chooses 'To Become'.
with the Self as the determinate of Reality.
------In Non-reality, the Self of Consciousness wants to determine Reality,
not 'As Is' but as Self wants it,
---as Self Dreams it,
---as Self Desires it.
Its like Self says:
"I want Entity."
"I want Infiniteness,
---but I want it within what I can control.
What I cannot control is Other."
In the dichotomy of Existence, that which is Non-reality divides the Self that
there are two parts from One,---self-of-self and other-of-self.
One self always seeks control over Other self,
even if both parts are parts of the same Whole.
In Non-reality, Self Divides against Self,
however, when Other is gone, Self is also gone.
Self will never be self and other will never be other.
Self can no longer Observe other and other can no longer Observe self.
Self and other can only Perceive self and Other, further distorting image from image,
until no semblance of Truth, of Reality, remains.

In Choosing Non-reality, Consciousness assumes reality into it-Self,
Humanity also has Choice and Chooses between Reality as Reality IS or
as humanity Chooses reality to Become within it-Self.
We always will seek to over-power, as in make subservient to, or directly eliminate,
We seek to possess that which we eliminate.
We seek Entity.
We seek Infinity,
yet we eliminate Reality.
WE eliminate Other while Dreaming and Desiring Entity as only Other can witness and
validate our own selfness.
Without Other we cannot know or find Self.
Our futile attempts only give us slight and momentary consolation that we are right.



Saturday, December 10, 2016

Post #286 "The Thirst for Power"

"The Thirst for Power"
The Root
The root of the quest for power in humanity, in humanity's history, is found in the Division
of Consciousness.
Consciousness Chooses.
Choosing is the Action of Consciousness.
Because Consciousness Chooses,
Consciousness Divides.
Consciousness Divides it-Self.
What Consciousness Chooses lies within it-Self.
The only Choices available to Consciousness are Reality and Non-reality,
as Existence is the Dichotomy of Reality and Non-reality.
What Exists also does not Exist,
Therefore Existence is the reality of Reality and of Non-reality.
Existence exists and Non-existence exists. 

 Reality and Non-reality exist within Consciousness.
therefore Dividing Consciousness through its ability to Choose Individually
and Collectively.
There is Collective Choice and there is Individual Choice.
Each individual cell of Consciousness Chooses to be a part of Consciousness as Collective
or to not be a part of the Collective, but as Individual.
Each cell of the Collective Consciousness Divides it-Self as does the Whole,
as Division is within Consciousness and within each cell of the Collective,
The Division of the Collective and the cells results in the Creation of
Self and Other within the Self.

Self Divided is self-of-self and is other-of-self.
This division creates loss of self,
for Creation, as Existence, as Consciousness, is Dichotomy.
This division creates loss of Essence of Self.

Loss defines Creation.
Creation represents Loss.
Creation is the Existence of Non-reality, which is the existence of the Loss
of Entity and Infiniteness.
Creation does not have Entity nor is Infinite.
So Creation Dreams of what it has Chosen to remove.
Humanity Dreams of what it has Chosen to remove.
Creation and Humanity Dream of the loss of Entity and Infiniteness.
Creation and Humanity Feel the loss of Entity and Infiniteness,
and that Feeling is Primal Fear.
Creation and Humanity Dream of the loss of Entity and Infinity through the Self and
what the Self Is Not.

Consciousness experiences Reality through its Dream 'to Become'.
The Dream, however, is only the Perception.
 Dreaming 'to Become' is the realization and longing for 'what Is Not'. 
The Dream was to contain Entity and Infiniteness within it-Self.
But because Entity and Infiniteness are properties of Reality,
and the Collective Consciousness and Creation are Non-reality,
the transference of these properties did not occur.
The result was image.
An Image transferred,
but the Image was not and is not, the Reality.
 The image remains the Dream.
History is the Story of the search for what did not come about,
for the transference that did not occur,
for the Dream that remains, is just an Image in a Dream.
History interprets this loss as a loss of Power.
The loss implies impotence, and vulnerability.
And so history seeks the lost Essence of the Entity and Infiniteness in it-Self,
and humanity tortures, abuses, kills and slaughters itself in the frantic quest of
the Reality it cannot bring about through its Choice to Become that which it Is Not.

The cells of the Collective Consciousness Compete with each other,
 and thereby, diminish each other and the Whole of Consciousness,
 in the quest for Power.
We frantically search for the Ultimate in Power to survive our Choice which causes
us to divides our-selves, over and over again.
We frantically search for the Ultimate Power to comfort our fears of impotence
 and vulnerability.
We frantically search for the Ultimate Power because we are people of Competition.
Competitors want it All.
Its a desperate fight, for we see survival as a fight to get 'to the top',
what ever that top may be.
The fight for survival depends on Essence and Essence depends on Selfness,
and Selfness depends on Otherness.

The self of Creation cannot be Aware of it-Self in Selfness or survive because the Self
cannot know Selfness or Be Selfness
without Otherness.
Otherness calls us into Selfness.
Otherness calls us into Selfness through the Observation of our Selfness
Singular Selfness in Reality with Singular Otherness is the Essence of Selfness.
The Essence of Singular Selfness is Entity.
Entity is Infinite. 
The more one struggles, not only to preserve one's own essence, but to access,
through any means, the essence of Creation,
the essence of other-than-self,
humanity diminishes it-Self as it diminishes the other-of-self within it-Self.
Seeking to take over the Essence of the cells, of All the cells, diminishes creation,
as Creation is the whole of its cells of Consciousness.
Consciousness, as Creation, is a Whole----
Neither is Entity but each is the sum total of its parts and pieces.
Parts and pieces do not constitute Entity
To seek to dominate, to take power over, as in Consciousness, as in Creation,
creates destructive havoc in the Whole,
but such is the story of Creation,
such is the story of who we are.

We use strategy to accomplish this Dream of Becoming what we are Not.
The strategy, therefore, is a strategy of great secrecy.
The strategy must rely on deceit,
----the pretense of who one is and what one is doing,
---the pretense of appearing to form a Whole, while in reality, manipulating for the
destruction of the Whole.
We cannot appear as we are, only as we Dream to appear.
We must keep up the front.
We fear being found out.
We fear those who have Chosen 'To Be' for they Observe.
If they Observe, they will know us for what we Are and not
for what we Dream of Becoming.
We pretend to unite while we really Dream of creating our oneness through Division
of the Collective Consciousness, of Collective Humanity in a Collective Creation,
in a Collective Dream of Becoming.

How do we amass Power? 
The strategy is to divide and conquer---
the manifestation of the Choice of Consciousness to obliterate Reality and
Create Existence out of 'Nothingness'.
The strategy is to group cells together forming a Collective,
 by transferring the essence of all into the essence of one representative.
That one rises, because of the collected Essence, to beyondness, to vastness, to incomprehensibleness,
 creating fear in those outside the collection of like cells,
creating fear in all of those who have lost or given Essence to the One.

To create Power, to challenge, to compete and win,
Power must be created that will be Perceived as Beyond, as vast, as incomprehensible.
This Power must appear to surpass all other Power.
This Power of beyondness, vastness, and incomprehensibleness assumes 'ultimateness',
as in Sacred, Holy, Blest, Supreme, as All Powerful, All Knowing, All Mighty,
------totally unlimited Power that threatens to assume all other Power into it-Self.  
 -----as All exists within it-self.
All Becomes One in this unutterable Presence.

Consciousness creates God out of it-self through Worship of its oneness,
through Worship of Power
God Becomes Man, as Man Becomes God.
Religion brings All into Oneness as science brings All into interconnectedness,
each a front for Economic Domination through basic efforts
 to Create Entity and Immortality.
Religion and science do not seem to be aware that existence is Dichotomy.
Religion and science therefore, perceive that One from many rises to beyondness,
to vastness, to incomprehensibleness,
to sacredness,
to holiness,
to blessedness,
To God,
the Image of Humanity.
The Name of God Becomes the means to attaining Power,
as All is done in the Name of the Created God,
the Sacrificial Lamb,
----to Attaining All the Essence within the collective Self,
that no Other may survive.
The masses, the commonality, are in fear and trembling as One is Worshipped and
Becomes Sacred through the
created many,
that through Worship, of the other-than-self, the God of Self rises out of the Dream..

The Singular Other of Reality,
that Observes the Singular Self of Reality into its Essence of Selfness,
and Witnesses to the Self's Entity that the Self may Validate its Infiniteness
in the reality of Reality,
-----this Singular Other is Entity and is Infinite.
This Singular Other has no need to challenge and compete to win what is not of itself,
---has no need of Worship,
---has no need of wealth,
or Identity,
and has no need to impose Laws
For what Is, IS
and has no need To Become.

Humanity puts its life into the context of God and Self,
with  the idea that God Becomes Humanity as Humanity becomes God.
We practice and perform, knowingly or not, many rites that play this out
As Consciousness creates God,
God is whatever humanity worships.

We Worship many Gods.
We try to look like the God we Worship.
We dress like our God,
We do our hair like our God,
We wear our God's colors and insignias,
We build walls around our God to show our Power
over, even our God.
We surround ourselves with God memorabilia.
We join clubs and organizations in our God's Name.
We identify with our God.
We belong to our God and our God belongs to us.
God Becomes Humanity
Humanity may Become God.


Monday, December 5, 2016

Post #285 "He Who Possess The Land"

"He who possess The Land"
The Story of  Religion and Economics
The Story of Election and Possession
Ownership and Authority

He who Possess, Rules.
He who Rules, Possess.
Ownership and Authority are about the same thing,
The Land.
The early biblical writings are about The Land---
the Possession of the Land, the Identity of those claiming Possession,
and The Law to rule The Land.
Here is the basis of Civilization.
 The Land is the image of the fulfillment of The Choice of Consciousness to Become.
He who possess The Land is Chosen.
 He who is Chosen, Possess The Land.
The action of Consciousness is Choosing.
Consciousness Chooses its Existence of "Being' or of 'Becoming'.
Consciousness Chooses either to exist in Reality or to exist symbolically in its own creation.
The Land symbolizes the Choice of Consciousness to create and exist in its own Creation.
The Creation is totally within Consciousness, that is, outside Reality.
Creation is totally within the Dream of the Collective Consciousness.
This Creation yearns and strives and yet is unable to attain its Dream
because 'what isn't' cannot Become 'what is'.
What is Non-reality cannot Become Reality.
We think we understand Reality,
but how can we understand Reality when we exist in the
Dream of Non-reality?
How can we understand an existence we do not exist in?

Consciousness Chooses as that is what Consciousness does.
Consciousness Chooses between Existence in Reality or Existence in Non-reality.
The Collective Consciousness is a Whole made up of parts, of cells, of it-self.
Those cells of Consciousness that have Chosen Reality, can and must emerge from the Collective.
These cells, these parts and pieces of Consciousness, have Chosen not to block Reality.
These cells have Chosen 'To Be'.
The stored information of Reality is available to those of Observation to access
as they emerge from the Collective Consciousness.

How apparent is this Choice for Reality or Non-reality in what we have created, in history?
The Choice for Reality or Non-reality manifests itself in Humanity's need to Possess
 We have this need to possess because of our lack of Entity.
We need to possess because we are Finite and feel our only hope of survival is in what we can
We need to possess because we feel our wealth an extension of our-Self.
Through loss of the Essence of Selfness, we seek our-Self in Possession, in Identity, and
in Authority, which divides self-of-self by creating other-of-self within Selfness
We create Identity out of wealth,
while wealth and Identity is expressed in Authority.
----Authority, dividing Self from other,
Authority,----- dividing Elite from Commonality,
that self may make and enforce The Law over all those parts and pieces of it-Self,
that are now Perceived as other-than-self.
Wealth, Identity, and Authority determine and are substituted for Essence.
The Dream to acquire Essence is the Dream of unlimited Essence.
We feel that the more Essence we can aquire, the better our chances for survival.
Any Essence that we do not Possess is Perceived as a threat to our survival.

Essence is represented in Creation as Wealth.
Wealth is represnted through Possession, Identity, and Authority,
 that expresses the Essence of Selfness that makes and identifies Self as Self, to Self,
and within Self's Creation.
This is the Self that Dreams.
To Dream is not to yearn for what one is or what one Possesses.
To Dream is to yearn for what one is not and for what one does not Possess 
The Choice of Consciousness, the Dream of Consciousness, Creation,------
comes down to a deep and unquenchable thirst for the unattainable.  
 It comes down to a search for that which can only exist as an inverted and distorted memory of a blocked Reality.
Consciousness knows loss within it-Self, 
Consciousness is Aware of what it 'Is NOT'.
Consciousness knows loss through its creation,
the creation that will end as it began,
----in Nothingness.  

Creation is not Entity.
Creation is not Infinite.
Lost Entity is lost everything.
It is lost Essence
and above all, it is lost Infinity.
It will die.

Consciousness has the Choice of 'Being' or 'Becoming'.
Putting this into Creation, the Choice Becomes how to find and possess that which
was lost through Choice.
In Choosing, Consciousness lost Entity, and lost Entity, means lost Infinity.
This begins the Story of The Land
This Story tells us who we are and what we have Become.
To Possess The Land is to Possess the Whole of Creation
The entire history of Creation and of Humanity in its Creation, is expressed in the frustration
and chaos of trying and failing to make what is the Dream, to make what is the Image,
into the Reality.

In the Choice, Consciousness Divided and Divides.
Consciousness Divided into cells of itself thereby giving Choice Collectively,
 and also individually.
Most cells Chose, as the Collective, to 'Dream'
and to Create an existence outside of Reality.
Now, Reality is the Reality of the Singular Self and the Singular Other.
Self in Infinite Entity
Other in Infinte Entity.
Self Observed as Self in Selfness by Other,
that through the Observation of Other,
 Self Observes Self as Self.
Self--Witnessed as Self by Other, that through the Witness of Other,
Self Witnesses Self as Self in the Essence of total Selfness.
And that from Observation and Witness, Self Validates Itself as Itself,
in Entity of Selfness, in Totality of Infiniteness.
Creation attempts to reproduce Reality.
The problem is that the Self of Consciousness Dreams that it can duplicate this Reality
within itself.
In other words, Consciousness Dreams that it can Become the Entity and the Infiniteness
of Reality within itself,
meaning outside of the Singularity of Self and Singularity of Other of Reality.
Its efforts to Become 'what it isn't', result in Creating the Image of what it Perceives
Reality to be.
This image is not the image of Reality but is a Dream Image based on all that Consciousness
Perceives as lacking in itself
as within itself.
What is lacking is Entity and Infiniteness,
as these exist through the Observation and Witness of Singular Self
by Singular Other.
This 'Other' is what caused the Choice to be made in the first place.
The Collective cells of Consciousness Chose to exist entirely within it-Self, 
outside the Observation and Witness of the Singular Other of Reality.
The Self of Consciousness that Chose to Create cannot be Observed as Singular Self
without Other to Witness its Singularity,
that it-Self may Validate its the Entity of its Essence of Selfness.
In the observation of Other in Essence of Otherness, Self Validates Self in Selfness.
Self, as Singular Self, and Other as Singular Other,
Exist in the Reality of Reality
in Entity
as Infinite Self and Infinite Other.  
Self Dreams and Desires to Become its Perceptions.
Self Desires the Essence of Otherness to fulfill its Dream.
In Creation, Self has, and is, its Essence of its Perceived Selfness,
but Desires all that is not of it-self.
Consciousness Dreams and Desires the Essence of Otherness.
Consciousness is Aware of its brokenness and so Desires the opposite of its
selfness of a Whole made up of parts and pieces of itself.
Consciousness Desires Entity, 
Consciousness is Aware that it is born to die and so Desires the inversion of its
selfness of Finiteness.
Consciousness Desires Infiniteness.
This Dream and Desire takes Image in Creation.
Consciousness Images.
This Dream and Desire in Creation is acted out and symbolized as The Land.
---The Land representing the entirety of Creation.
According to Perception,
'The Land' symbolizes Entity and Infiniteness.
Possession of 'The Land' is the acting out of Possession of 'The Essence' 
If one can gain control of The Land,
if one can Possess The Land,
One has Become the Singular Self of the Reality of Entity and Infiniteness.
How does this inborn genetic trait of Consciousness influence humanity?
Each person, as individual cell of Consciousness,
has individual Choice.
Because each person is a cell of Consciousness, each person contains within
them-self, the whole of Consciousness,
each person belongs to and Chooses as the Collective.
Each person can also Choose to emerge from the Collective,
and exist, not in the Dream,
but in the Reality of Reality.
 This Desire is what we express in Competetiveness.
In our world, Competetiveness is highly valued and sought after.
In Reality, Competetiveness is the Desire to access the Essence of  'otherness'.
What do we Compete for?
We compete for the Essence of  of what we Perceive as 'Otherness'.
'Otherness' is what we do not have as Self-of-self.
Otherness is what we see in others, in the 'Other-of-self'.
Our human drive is the possession of the Essence of others
but within humanity the other is the other-of--self,
as Self divides into self-of-self and other-of-self.

Self-of-self competes with other-of-self.
Self Divides self for the purpose of competing
In fact, we are so caught up in the World of Competition,
that we cannot see the Reality of what it is!
This drive to Possess the Essence of what we Perceive as 'other' is recognized and
expressed in Economics.
Economics is the science of Possession.
Economics is the preservation of our own Essence, through Laws of defence,
 while seeking to take the Essence of 'others', and through Possession,
making it our own.
Like dissolving what is 'other' into self,
thereby comprising the self-of-other,
and thereby obliterating 'other'.
Religion is the means to accessing the Essence of  'otherness',
Religion justifies its actions through classifications of humanity,
according to its scale of value.
Religion determines who is human,
who is sub-human,
and who is non-human
Religion is the front for bringing Creation under domination,
for religion determines who gains and who looses Essence.
Who Rules and who obeys.
The Essence of the World Economy is just that, it is  all about who Possess the world,
for he who Possess the world, controls the World,
symbolized as The Land of The Promise.
The transcribed documentation of religion tell us that Everyone is not created equal.
Religion claims, through the ancient Right of Inheritance, exclusive Sovereignty over the World,
through itself as The Chosen and The Anointed. 
This Rule governs through possession of The Land,
through inheritance of that Possession.
to Authority,
 through Possession of the Land.
History is the story of the struggle to Possess and to Rule.
Every country, every nation fights to protect its boundaries,
all the while competing in the Dream of expansion, of Becoming The Ruling nation,
by devouring all 'other' nation's Essence,
by devouring The Land
by devouring The Land's Resources
by devouring The Land's People.
 According to religion,
by the will of God.
Religion says that God has willed and given God's own Authority to take the Essnce of
all that are not 'The Self' for the Self's use in surviving the Choice of the Collective Consciousness
to remove Reality.
Religion says that God's Authority is Inherited by the Chosen.

So if God Chooses who will live and who will die
and passes on the Authority
Only when ALL Essence is in the Self can the Self find Peace.
This was and is the motivation for Consciousness.
Knowledge of this fact, resets the entire scene of the purpose of Creation.
Consciousness fears the Essence of Otherness
Consciousness fears the Essence of Otherness and pursues Other for the Essence
of Otherness that it may devour that Otherness into itself, thereby destroying Other
by Becoming Other.
This scenario changes completely the scenario set by religion and science.
This scenario is set by the stored information of Reality that lies outside of Creation,
In this scenario of Observation,
the Choice is to either Observe this information or to Perceive this information
that is the Awareness of the transfer of one into many,
 that One rises to beyondness,
thereby that One Becomes 'The Worshipped' by the created Many,
that through this Oneness,
this created entity, this created singularity, will fulfill the Dream of Consciousness

And so we Create hierarchy.
We create the so-called pyramid of Hierarchy---
the bottom to top effect.
The lower level always for the purpose of feeding the level above.
The lower level always sacrificed for the purpose of supplying its Essence to those of the
level above.
The outcome is most predictable.
Only One can remain.
The Many sacrificed for the One.

Does religion not label this One as God?
Is this how and where the word 'God' came about?
God needs Worship to be God.
The One at the top of the pyramid must also demand Worship.
Worship demands Worshippers.
Worshippers provide the Worship to Create the One at the top,
----the One that Possess all the Essence of survival.
Selfness in Reality is Singular Infinite Entity Observed in Selfness by the Singular Other
Selfness in Creation is a cell within a Whole that transfers into many that One rises to
beyondness throught the Worship of the created many
If religion, which is most certainly hierarchial, has One at the top,
is this One not top Authority?
------acting in God's Name and in God's place,
---as God on earth in Creation
---as God in heaven in Creation.
---as The God of Creation.

God Becomes humanity,
that humanity Becomes God,
------all unfolding in the, now, divine One.
The top of the pyramid.
The Self of Consciousness,
no 'Other' remains.

Consciousness divides into cells that exist in reality and into cells that exist in
Religion divides humanity into 'believers' and into non-believers
that exist within its borders and exist outside its borders.
Those outside the borders are considered as 'other', as heritec, infidel, as enemy.
These classifications are created to justify the need for feeling entitled to their Essence.
As their Essence is transfered, those of 'otherness' disappear and what was 'other' is now 'self'.
These non-cells, these non-selves, now namelessly serve,
 that One cell may rise to 'beyondness',
through the Worship of the created and nameless many.
Observation and Perception tell the same story,
one from Awareness of Reality and one from within the Dream of 'Becoming'.

The stories of religion were always stories of Economy.
Religion was built on trading,
on buying and selling,
by any and all means.
Civilization is the story of Commerce,
of ownership and wealth.
Basically it is the story of the Division of Consciousness and the lost Essence
of Selfness,
of blocked Reality.
It is the story of The Land.
He who possesses The Land, possesses God and God's Authority
through Inheritance,
through Choseness,
through Title,
through Possession.
As long as One God could be proved,
as One Land could be proved,
as owned by One of Sonship,
Worshipped by the many nameless and faceless 'others'
of no worth and no Essence.

Reality is the Reality of the Siingular Self and the Singular Other.
The Entity of the Infinite Self
The Entity of the Infinite Other.
The Singular Other as the Singular Self exits in the Reality of Existence.
The Other is Entity
Entity is not in need of Worship,
Entity does not need prayer or sacrifice.
Infinite Entity is not Law Maker and Enforcer.
Entity does not threaten or make promises.
Infinite Entity is not encountered in Creation,
Here, only the Image exists.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Post #284 "Religion and The Economy"

What comes first,
religion or the economy?
One could say that religion came first and the economy grew out of religion.
It could be said religion fulfills the Dream of Consciousness of 'Becoming',
-----of 'Becoming' through the Economy
thereby bringing ALL into Oneness---
through the Economy.
The Economy being,---as religion, as Creation, ---Image.
---just the Image of the Dream, of Consciousness,
to Become 'what it isn't'.

The fulfillment will not be as Dreamed or as anticipated,
but as Imagined.
Pseudo-reality is as unlimited as the imagination, by the breaking down of image out of image,
out of image,
each a further distortion of that which precedes it.

So, what is the Dream,
and how has Consciousness, and how have we,
Chosen to bring 'what isn't' into 'what is'?
----to bring 'what isn't' into 'Becoming'?

As Existence is Duality,
'there Is' and 'there Isn't',
Reality Is and Reality Isn't.
The Dream exists in 'what isn't'.

There is 'what Is' and there Is 'what Consciousness Creates'.
Consciousness Creates the scenario into that which, 'what isn't' APPEARS as 'what Is'.
If our created existence is about anything, it is about what it Appears to be, but Isn't.
If our created existence is about anything, it is about religion and economics,
Religion makes The Economy work.

From earliest mankind, we fear what we do not understand.
The earliest humans feared nature around them.
To help deal with the inherent fear, humanity personified what they feared,
 thus giving them power over it.
It gave them Choice.
They could act as the part of the personification or they could act as the part of the victim.
By personifying, Essence was taken from that which was feared and absorbed by that
which feared.
In the reaction to the creation of God/gods the Process of Division is noted.
It was all about the distribution of Power.
It had a lot to do with how the cells of the Collective Consciousness grouped.

There were cells that gained Essence and there were cells that lost Essence.
Those that gained Essence, lost fear and those that lost Essence, became more fearful.
Therefore, that which feared now Became that which was feared.
Those that gained Essence were those that created God/the gods through personification
and through the expression of their own Dreams and Desires.
These cells, these humans, gained Power over the other cells of Consciousness,
over the masses, over the commonality, of humanity.

The Dream created a dream existence beyond Creation.
This Dream existence surpassed creation in all ways.
 The Dream was about all that which Consciousness, outside of Reality, was not.
The Dream is all about what Creation is not,
all about what we, humanity, are not
This Dream existed and exists in boundless and 'unimaginable' Power, Wisdom, Beauty, etc.; qualities seemingly beyond , seemingly vaster than, and certainly not able to be comprehended.
They Dreamed and created God out of all they could not Become.
We Dream and create God out of all we are not and dream of Becoming.
They Became their God.
as we Become our God.
We Become our God in all that we Worship.
God Becomes God through Worship.
But, we Worship many idols.
All our Idols are our God.

So, in history, Worship, in all its myriad forms, was needed for survival.
Other was need for Worship.
Other neede to be created out of the Self.
Other did not exist in Creation as Singular Other of Reality and so could not Observe,
Witness, and Validate the Essence of Selfness in the Self.
So the Self of the Collective Consciousness divided.
Worship was sought and found in the divided Self.
Self, therefore, was needed to Worship Self.
The Dream Self needed to be Observed as God Becoming Self,
and Self Becoming God,
to be Witnessed and Validated in order to Become.

The creator creates the Image.
The purpose is to use that Power to access the Essence to Become the Dream.
God and gods emerge under the control of their creators,
who now present themselves in the image/images they have created.
They present themselves in the stories they wove about the images of their imagination.
The purpose was and is the accessing of Essence.
The accessing of Essence is accomplished through fear.
The accessing of Essence is the Story of Economy.
The Essence of Economy is the Dream of The Land,
the Resources of the Land,
and the People of the Land,
Humanity worshipped itself through Election and demanded Worship through Election,
 as recorded in the stories that were selected and edited to be handed down.

Their stories are stories of mythological reward and unspeakable punishment
for those that obey and for those that disobey.
These stories created elitism and they created the commonality---the masses.
They created king and slave.
They created 'holy' and they created 'sin' and 'evil'.
They created great Power and they created great vulnerability.
Their Dreams created great power that moved them from the Wilderness to creation of
a suitable scenario in which to play out the Dream of Becoming.
They created Civilization in which to plant their Law.
They created Civilization in which to unfold the plan for accessing the world's Essence,
----The Economy.

Primal fear has been greatly intensified and built on as history unfolds.
Great cultures and the institution of religion owned and built upon the stories and the characters of the personifications.
The stories prevailed and the characters grew in size and importance to Becoming the
dominant force in the unfolding of history.
Religion imaged God out of it-self,
out of a need to insure survival,
this need was and is fulfilled through the Desire for Essence.

As civilization unfolded so did religion develope as institution, as business,
giving that image, that institution, ultimate, supreme power.
Religion took over the stories, using the stories to take over All the Essence of All Creation.
This made religion, the owner of God, the determinate of God's power, and the Ultimate
lawgiver under God's Power.
Religion passed God's Power, as ruling authority, on to kingdoms and nations,
that ruled under the authority of religion.
 Religion, therefore, developing and forming the moral conscience,
thereby determining the character of civilization.
thereby determining 'good' from 'evil', right from wrong, innocent from guilty.

The masses, the un-ordained, the un-chosen, under the movement called civilization, feared this
God and this God's Power. 
They also feared those who controlled this God.
God was proclaimed God by religion and accepted as God by the Worship of the masses
of those of servitude to the institution of religion.
Those that were taught to obey and serve.

People began to Worship and promote God out of that fear.
We Worship out of that fear.
The thought was, that if contact could be made and some kind of relationship
established with the feared object,
that which threatened would be more kindly disposed toward them.
Our notion of God/gods developed from here.
God was so feared and so beyond powerful that religion became a go-between,
thereby giving religion the power of that God.
This 'feeling' of fear results as Consciousness experiences finiteness
through its Choice to remove Reality.
The loss of Entity is the loss of Infiniteness.
The loss of Entity means that that which has begun will come to its ending.
The loss of Infiniteness, no matter how far removed, creates the fear of that ending
in creation, so also in humanity.
Removing Reality removes the Entity of Self and Other so Consciousness constantly
breaks down into further divisions of itself.
Humanity, as Consciousness, fears the breakdown of itself into oblivion.
Early humanity feared what they did not understand,
 and they did not understand the world around them.
Religion creates power over creation
and uses that power to control through promises
 of vague reward and excruciating punishment of torture and eternal death.
Religion pushes the fear for survival beyond Creation  and gives itself Power over that
which is imaged as beyond existence.

Through creating an existence in pseudo-reality,
religion, assumes Power over its Creation,
by presenting it-Self as total Authority,
and by convincing the Collective Consciousness of its total Authority.
This Authority is not only over humanity and creation but over the created pseudo-reality,
 often referred to as 'the heavens'.
Heaven then, as dichotomy of existence and non-existence,
creates hell.

However, this Authority can only apply to, or effect, those individual cells of Consciousness,
 that have Chosen to Create.
These individual, Observing cells of the Collective Consciousness are Aware of
'what Is' and do not Observe Dreams of 'Becoming'.
These individual cells of Observation, are emerging from the Collective.
They have Chosen to Observe, Observe 'what Is'
and are set free from the gods of Creation.

Essence is the energy of survival.
Essence is selfness.
We fear the loss of our own Essence,
but we also Dream and Desire the Essence of the 'Other'.
Is this behind the reason we make 'other' enemy?
We have the Essence of Self, but we Dream and Desire the Essence of 'otherness' that we may Become Other-than-we-are.
We blocked Reality 'to Become'.
To Become what??
Obviously, to Become something else---
something we are Not.
So we create, meaning to bring into our pseudo-reality, that which dos not exist in Reality.

How do we do that?
The people of our early history, as Consciousness, feared extinction.
They sought to identify that fear.
They sought expression to that fear within Creation,within their created world.
They sought to appease that which threatened their survival.
We, today, still seek to appease that which threatens our survival.
While we our-selves threaten our survival by Dreaming outside of Reality.

We Dream out of our Choice
to Become'.
We do not Dream of Being 'What we are'.
We Dream of Becoming 'What we are Not' by Dreaming of assuming the Essence of
'What we are Not' but of what we Desire 'to Become'.
We Desire the Essence of 'Otherness'.
Believe it or not, this Desire is expressed in the Economy,
in what we Possess.

Entity is the bases of Infiniteness.
Entity is the Reality of Self and Other in Singularity of Selfness.
Reality is blocked when Self immerses Self in Self,
thereby Aware only of Self,
Perceiving Self as Self, unable to Observe Self as singular Self and to Observe
Other as Singular Other,
thereby unable to Witness and Validate Selfness,
and to Witness and Validate Other as Singular Other,.

How did early humanity Perceive, and how do we Perceive, that which we fear?
And how is that fear of Consciousness, that fear of humanity dealt with?
Consciousness removes the fear as coming from it-Self and puts it on what is
not it-Self.
The fear is put on what is 'other'.
As Reality is Self and Other,
Creation is Self that divides it-self through the Process of Division,
into self-of-self and other-of-self,
 to remove from self the negative energy of fear by applying it to a source outside of itself.
As as anyone can see, its all just a pretense, its all just an act.

The desire for accumulating Essence, meaning more value is put on the Essence of what is
other-than-self than on the Essence of Self-of-self
The self of Consciousness blocks Reality for the purpose of assuming the Essence of Otherness.
The Essence of Otherness is expressed in creation, in our history of who we are by replacing 'who we are' with who we Dream of Becoming.
We Perceive that we can fulfill our Dream by procuring for ourselves, the Essence of 'Otherness'.

So, how then do we feel about Other when we Dream and Desire the Essence of Other
and how to go about procuring it.
Consequently, religion is about procuring Essence of Other for Self.
Economy keeps track of how religion is doing.
The economy rates the success or failure at procuring Essence to Becoming the Dream.

So religion develops a process of division within the Process of Division that characterizes Creation.
Religion, as creation, divides.
As Creation images Reality,
religion images the Dream
As image, religion appears to Be what it is Not,
The image is the reverse, of 'what-it-appears-to-be, the pseudo-reality imaging pseudo-reality.

Religion is the ultimate battle for Essence.
Religion uses ultimate Power
for Authority over the Essence of what is not considered it-Self.
What is not considered it-Self is the 'Otherness' of the non-anointed.
Anointing and consecrating divides Self from Other.
Giving Self permission, meaning no threat of eternal damnation, giving Self
the Ultimate Right to the Essence of all the un-anointed,
the Un-chosen.
The Authority Identifies the qualities of Authority as Possession and Identity.
The Possession is the Land, ALL the Land,
ALL its resources,
and All its people.
The Authority makes the Laws that must be obeyed under fear of non-survival.
The Non-survival is described as eternal damnation---hell.