Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Post #142 "Slavery, Sin, Female"

The female was a slave in all ways, especially she was a sexual slave, while the male was admired for his sexual prowess and ability. The excuse used for assigning victim-hood on those considered inferior was that victims were needed to be the source of sin, the source of contamination of sin in the masculine. If someone else could be blamed for the sin , the sin did not rest on the shoulders of the one who sinned. Common ruses were the accusations of witchcraft and adultery, all used in sexually suggestive overtones and undertones. These accusations and ensuing abuse, which included death, were intended for and applied only to the victims/the female but never to the perpetrator, never accused the male victimizer, who, in the eyes of the church, stood in the place of God. This thinking is behind the present day church's determination to avoid scandal and handle the abuse accusations in house in the predominance of the pedophilia cases finally coming to light. The masculine made the laws to keep the feminine under their control and to serve as the scape goat for the sins of the masculine. The feminine was first forced into an inferior status by religion through its creation of sin.

The church created sin explicitly for the sake of committing the feminine to a life of the lowest status to protect the male from the stigma of sin. The church, through its history, its writings, its proclamations, and hierarchy, deigned that sin originated and resided only in the female. Any male accused of sin was not responsible for his sin as he was enticed and seduced, and thereby not responsible, by a woman. From the fourth century on, as the church became increasingly institutionalized, women were marginalized and scapegoated as their sexuality was and is surrounded with a sense of shame. Throughout history, religion has taught and engineered the method of female and child abuse, through systems of poverty, oppression, mortification, assault, and especially, the act of sex. Victimization occurs on all stages of humanity, including children and men. Males are abused by rival males through loss of their masculinity which means a status of femininity is cast on them. This dehumanizing treatment is meant to subdue and conquer them through the most insulting and debilitating manner possible. This abusive demasculinization usually includes cutting off the physical parts that identify them as male, thereby demoting them to the humiliating position of female. The feminine is the first level, the first layer of the divisions that follow the God/humanity dichotomy of creation. From here all further oppression moves to seeking to humiliate the weaker into the feminine role through demasculinization.

The feminine has become so thoroughly embedded, saturated, and convinced with who they are that they have come to identify and become the role assigned them. The situation is so severe that the female is completely unaware of what has happened to her and has completely lost all sense of identity. Actually, she has never had the chance to establish her true identity. The true female identity is totally unknown. Today, the female has been lulled into believing equality and freedom has finally been bestowed, consequently , the female sees status in being the most valued prize. She competes with other females to be the most attractive to men. In this gender struggle, all comes down to sexuality. She is the prize, but she is really the prey to the hunter. The loss of feminine identity could be compared psychologically to the captor/prisoner syndrome where the victim identifies with and through the captor by accepting whatever role or treatment as her due. The loss of the feminine was necessary to the male assumption of the role of God. The role of the male as God could not be established without that which would affirm and offer homage and obedience to that transference which seemingly had been won. With the homage and obedience from the inferior, the subordinate, the female, the transference was completed, for God is what is worshipped. The feminine enables the masculine to be God in God's place. Its all about the Reality of non-reality.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Post #141 "The Victim"

To conquer that which is considered powerful is to prove one's self as being more powerful, as special and set apart, as having been chosen , as in having attained God's qualities, as in having power over life and death; the very qualities attributed to God. So too, the same comparison can be made in relationship to people who are victims of those seeking power.These victims are used by those seeking power as trophies. The lame doe (post #140) was of little value to the worth of the hunter, so consequently, did not qualify as a trophy as she had already been sacrificed. Through the natural selection theory, (post #140) she would be made to give what little she was but would never be a prize. She would add little to the assets or reputation of the hunter. Here is where the role of the feminine comes into focus.


The female, as the victim, is the male's trophy and his status is affected by her qualities, as his possession.The more she is valued, usually for her beauty and sexual allurements, the greater the status attributed to the male that possess her.The female is so conditioned in this male ego building game, that she is quite unaware that she is a trophy, indeed she vies to be the prize. The female has so little self-identity that she can only think as a victim, so she chooses to be the best victim. She even becomes competitive with other females for the prize status as this is her only value. The feminine today, girls and women, are more victims than ever before in history because they are so unaware of their loss of identity. The spend more and more time, money, and energy, on trying to be of value..., to be beautiful, to be sexy, to be of value, to be the Prize. The need women have to be young, alluring, beautiful, and enticing and sexually exciting, is a life-long struggle and agony. Who will be awarded first place? Who will be awarded the prize? Who will be the most desirable by male standards? What, if any, male will want her? Who will bring the most value to their captor? A used female is of less or no value as she has already been sacrificed.

The victim must be destroyed to be truly possessed. The game of continuing role playing of non-reality to Reality is played out on all layers of creation, beginning with the feminine. The feminine is, as previously noted, the first and foremost victim. In all of history, the female is unsurpassed as slave. In all the history of abuse and slavery, the female has been the most possessed, abused, deprived, and enslaved. Religion originated and determined the inferior status of women by identifying the masculine with God. Here slavery, all forms of abuse, victimization, and sin, originated, for woman/Eve was the first victim. According to the Didascalia, a third century manual on church organization which supported and abetted the social status of women, it was mandated that a woman's value lay in her embracing Shame in her sexual vulnerability. It emphasized that the feminine functioned as a sexual symbol for shame and the basis of all sin. It was described that the feminine personality should be discreet, shy, restrained, timid, and vulnerable. Feminine sexuality needed to be protected by passivity, subordination, and seclusion in the household. The male was described as honorable, powerful, with a natural desire for precedence and an aggressive sexuality, making the woman responsible for the man's sin if he sexually over indulged He was not responsible in any way, after all, she lured him. She enticed him. He didn't have a chance. From Winkler, 'Constraints of Desire' 211-217. This attitude of sexual responsibility is very much present in today's world society, including the ways that courts of law determine responsibility and crime. This is our world reality.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Post #140 "The Hunter and the Hunted"

From the moment a creature becomes aware of Reality as Reality and of self as self, the terrible alternative of choosing is opened to it. There lies deep within humanity the desire to become God. Here is the basis of the struggle. Here is where division creates male and female. Here is where the struggle for survival begins with the need to devour the qualities or better yet, the energies of the female reducing the state of female to that of less than human.

Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace's 'Theory of Natural Selection' well describes this struggle for God's attributes through role playing. Its all a game of Power. Its all a game of who or what has the most attributes of those we have attributed to God, to who has the most ownership of God, to who is the chosen of God. The game is the struggle for survival. The game is the struggle for immortality---for God's immortality. The game is a struggle to become God, for only God is about survival and immortality. God is what we wish God to be. God has what we want. God is immortal. God has immortality. God is what we wish to be. If we were immortal, we wouldn't need God. The game continues with the powerful seeking to devour the qualities or the energy (same thing) of the week to make up for what they lack in their quest to become God.

This action, in order to be successful, requires that the source of nourishment be destroyed, for no true transference can occur until the source, the witness, is destroyed. No true victory can be celebrated until the incriminating evidence is destroyed. The victim must be rendered immobile, impotent, and utterly devastated that it cannot protest, and rightfully seek address for the injustices, or put claim to its stolen qualities. Just how many qualities have been stolen from the feminine over the span of history? How much talent and creativity has been wasted as the feminine has been shackled and deprived of education and opportuniy? What may this world have bee if the feminine had not been enslaved?


The source of nourishment is based on selectivity, for what one takes into one's self  becomes part of one's self. Thee is an old adage that says that we are what we eat. In the context of this writing, this is very true. An example of selectivity would be the choice of prey a hunter in a forest makes as the victim of the hunt is selected, stalked, and killed. The hunter would never find shooting a lame doe as true game. The hunt of a small, lame, doe would not be as satisfying and fulfilling as killing a majectic, eight point, stag. Why? The doe would provide food. Why would killing a noble creature of the forest as the majestic stag be more self-fulfilling to the hunter than taking a lame doe if not to satisfy the hunter's need to possess the qualities of the prey into his own ego system? There must be envy of the stag to do this.The hunter sees the magnificent stag and desires its qualities; its majestic mien, its dignity, its presence, its stateliness , its beauty, its command over the other deer. These qualities add up to Power. Killing the stag gives the hunter ownership of the stag and the stag's qualities. But what happens to the stag? The stag must die. The stag looses its masculine power and becomes a victim as the feminine is, and has been, victim. Its power, its life, becomes the possession of the hunter. In a sense, the stag becomes vulnerable and demasculinized/femininized.

What is the reality of a victim, the vulnerable, the enslaved, the feminine? The feminine does not only reside in humanity as humanity but in each and every person. And its all a matter of choice!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Post #139 "Death of the Feminine"

From the moment a creature becomes aware of Reality as Reality, and self as self, the terrible alternative of choosing Reality or creation is opened.

Its all a choice...creating power by devouring a piece of one's self by the masculine devouring the feminine to be food, to be weakness; to be weakness against the need for power. Survival for the masculine becomes his destruction for humanity is divided amoeba. There is no need for division. There is no need for male and female to be divided as there is no need for power, especially at the expense of weakness. Following the pattern of Reality/non-reality, classes are formed, male/female, elite/vulnerable. The elite, always the masculine, assuming the position left vacant by the removal of Reality through the choice to become God. In the new setup, The place of Reality is assumed by the masculine and the place of creation is given to the female. To assume Reality/God's position, the scene had to be reset in an imaged/created place; the place that resulted from the  removal of  Reality. In other words, for the transference of humanity into God/Reality to take place, the place of non-reality had to exist in non-existence. Here, Reality was not able to be. Here, the masculine part of humanity assumes the role of God/Reality, so as to become, through Perfection, God. The feminine, consequently, transferred into humanity and through sin becomes evil. As the masculine assumed the position of God, the feminine was assigned the position of fallen humanity or non-reality. She was placed in the position of vulnerability. that position of longing, envy, and desire for that which is every human's due, that which was lost and remains lost. On her was placed the burden of the sin of the powerful. On her was placed the guilt of humanity. This is the real reason that a church refuses and never will ordain women...because women carry the burden for the sin of the elite, the powerful, the masculine. Sin was created for the female, to weaken and reduce the female, to empower the male. Without her no sin would be named. Without her, there would be no sin. If there were no sin there would be no need for religion. The feminine was regarded and became the food in the human stew pot of ravenous cannibals while the masculine, created a patriarchal world in which to reign in  the place of God...the scene replayed on the screen of creation at the first level of division.

Following the creation pattern of duality in which the masculine assumed the place of God, the feminine, consequently, was given the title and the place of shame--- that which is other than God. Throughout history, the feminine has inherited a title and a place of no worthy value, the place rejected by those desiring and choosing to become God. The feminine was given the name SHAME. History has attested to times when the feminine was made to wear the name around her neck in big red letters. The feminine was made to take the blame for all that was not God-like. In other words the feminine represented SIN. The feminine was made to take the role of humanity, the opposite of God!  Male/God. Female/sin. The masculine was portrayed as God, as taking God's place, as in religion, although in need of saving by another, as himself male, to bring him to the predetermined God-Perfection usually referred to as son-ship. There is no term for daughter-ship. It is all a game of role-playing. It is all characteristic of the process of division that governs creation. It is the basis of the desire to become God. It is the basis for all the pretense, for all the games for, all the lies that flow from here. The game continues through each level, through each layer until Truth is totally obscured and we have no idea of who we are and consequently no idea of that Reality we have named God, the Reality we seek to possess by naming and defining.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Post #138 Intro to "The Abuse of the Vulnerable"

Words are just not applicable for Reality, for Reality cannot be reduced to symbols and as it cannot be reduced to image, it cannot be reduced to words and remain what it is. Creation results when we try to express the inexpressible. We create the image! We create God. Language gives possession to that which is being described so that it looses its reality and becomes the symbolic word. Humanity does not have awareness of Reality due to its choice to block Reality with the walls of creation. So it becomes necessary to create that which was blocked and, consequently, can no longer exist within the created non-reality. God is the symbol for Reality in the narrow confines of creation. When the Reality is symbolized by God, God becomes the symbol for Reality and the word 'God' becomes the symbol for God itself. Here the process of division is noticeable as image breaks down image, breaks down image....over and over again. God becomes what we make God out to be and takes on human characteristics we consider as ideal or as Perfection. Thus besides creating God, we also create Perfection. God and Perfection are One because that is how they are created to be with the same identical human characteristics.

Essentially, if Reality exists, non-reality exists and more importantly, if non-reality exists, Reality, as reality of the image, certainly exists! The pattern of duality governs creation by replaying the Reality/non-reality scenario on the image of the stage of creation with an imaged cast of characters. With each replay, that is with each layer or level of Time, the Reality/non-reality duality moves farther and farther away from Truth. With each layer, truth becomes more distant and more faded.

Here is where the pretense begins. If we choose to actuate our desire to become God---to become the Reality, we set in motion the wheels of creation, creating ourselves as we image ourselves to be. We create ourselves as we image ourselves to become God, to be in God's place, to possess God's qualities, and to have all that we deem God to have. In choosing to become God, we see ourselves as possessing all power and able to do all things, for now we are God. Consequently, for us dreamers, Reality no longer exists. For the transference to take effect, we must play the game, the game that Reality does not exist. We must play the game that the God of Creation is the God The Reality as we dream, desire, and choose it to be.

Our world is a patriarchal society. As with world society in general, it is safe to say that religion is patriarchal and is the basis of patriarchy in society. This can be determined by observation of the sexual roles in religious hierarchy---by teachings, by its history of female degradation and misogyny. In a patriarchal society, to be feminine means to be vulnerable. Feminine is a result of  creation's process of division; amoeba dividing down to masculine and feminine. In a patriarchal society, power is absolute. If power is absolute, weakness must be created, all following the dichotomy of duality in creation. No matter where in the process of division whether sex, race, age, economic worth, etc., to be vulnerable means to be deprived of masculinity, to be deprived of power. To create power it is necessary to create weakness. Strength must be removed and fed upon that weakness will result. There can be no strength without weakness We cannot know strength unless we first know weakness. To remove strength is to remove masculinity. To remove masculinity is to devalue and make inferior and beyond that,  worthless. The history of religion is the history of the vulnerability and abuse of the feminine. To be inferior is to be the food that creates strength in the powerful.

Removing masculinity is becoming female. Religion is the classifier, namer and claimer of sin and grace, and as such has created, encouraged, promoted, and is responsible for the male/strength, female/weakness dichotomy that has grown stronger but more subtle and disguised at each level of history, at each level of Time. Religion established society's moral code by naming sin/evil, good/grace. Religion placed, endorsed, and promoted the vulnerable, the feminine, in a category that separated, classified, and excluded the feminine fro  respectable society and all that qualifies as truly and respectfully human. This placed the feminine in an abusive and inferior position that has been served up as food to power hungry appetites.

This is the introduction to 'The Abuse of the Vulnerable'         

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Post #137 "The Creation of the Gods of Creation"

We  create our gods and our gods control us. We depend on our gods for our existence. We choose our gods and create more and more gods when these fail us. We cannot escape that god or those gods that we have created. Only through the choice for the acceptance of the Generation of the Reality can we be set free from our gods that determine our good actions from our sins. Our gods have existed from the beginning and from the end of Time. We  create God/gods. We cannot create Reality. We cannot affect in any way the being in Reality which is what it is and not what we have dreamed up, or conjured up, to fill our own desires. There is a sense of disillusionment with our creation of the perfect world with the perfect God. As we have become disillusioned we abandon our God and the peace and beauty of the biblical Garden. Dreams are desires. Nightmares are fears that dreams will not happen or have failed us. Dreams are of creation and are enclosed by the walls of creation. Dreams can push back the walls as far and as wide as desired. There is no cosmic limit to dreaming within our own expandable borders as science has discovered with an expanding universe.

The search of modern man seems to be more and more a search for perfection, for an insatiable idealism that is caught up in and is a part of the acceleration of the universe and, consequently, of Time itself. In longing for perfection, we long for and dream up our impression of God and heaven. The biblical references as previously expressed, mention two places that were lost to humanity... Heaven and the Garden. There is a growing sense today that the dream is unattainable, that Time is running out. It is becoming difficult to see that levels of future Time will bring the dream to fulfillment. No wonder the optimism for the future is waning. The Dream seems to be vanishing for future generations as we see the world showing the signs of the division of Time. Maybe if religion and science had left things alone, maybe if civilization had not evolved, maybe, just maybe, there might still be a chance to return to the mythical Garden of our Dreams even though we were the ones to destroy it, somewhere in the beginning, somewhere in the present, somewhere in the future. There is a sense today that if we could just return to the Garden/Heaven ideal, we could find rest from our frantic struggles and the happiness that seems to be the goal of humanity. If we could just find or become what we desire, we could rest and be happy. If only we could find those ideal places of Heaven or Garden. If we could just become God.

To be continued next post

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Post #136 "Fear"

We cannot contemplate Reality much less unfold Reality without encountering the God issue. Is God for real? Is all that we have read, and heard, and generally learned about God--true, or not true? Is what we have learned about God, about God, or is it about humanity representing themselves through their representative God. Is there a story about God, or is the story humanity's story. It all seems very confusing. As fear is the basic human quality, is God the cause of fear or is God what saves us from fear?

The evolution of God arose from the need to withstand fear of the unknown. This fear came from nature, from the immediate surroundings of prehistoric man, and his response to what he feared. Nature became personified to early humanity and stories arose around campfires that competed for being the scariest and the most dramatic. Early man was a great storyteller. A person became famous for the best storytelling and the stories of prehistoric man filled the vast emptiness of wilderness. To make the stories more exciting prehistoric, man personified what he saw and what he saw was nature. Trees, rocks, water, storms, volcanoes, and especially, mountains were personified or thought to be inhabited by a special representative spirit. As fear was the basic emotion, the stories involving the personification resulted in creating personalities from the elements of nature. These nature spirits were thought to be capable of causing mischief or great harm. The spirits needed placating. The most effective way of placating these troubling spirits was to get on their good side. Getting on their good side meant extolling their virtue, offering selected gifts, and repenting anything that might be offensive to them. Adoration, sacrifice, and repentance is worship. Worship, basically, is mollifying and placating that which is threatening. Worship was played out to get on the good side of what was threatening. Worship created the god, the gods, and then, God. This evolved when humanity went from hunters and gatherers to agrarian.

Tribes represented themselves as fearless warriors before the dawning of the patriarchal ages. The best way to insure survival was to be powerful. The way to survive was power. The greatest power would have to come from outside of ones self, outside of one's tribe, for one's power was limited. Survival needed unlimited power and this could only come from the other-world---the world of the spirits. How would one buy the power of the spirit world that inhabited nature but through striking up a deal with the god or gods of whatever was seen as powerful. Being human, of course, meant that there was competition between the tribes to see whose god was most powerful. The most powerful God would reign over the most powerful tribe. This tribe would then feel most secure with the protection of the most powerful god. Their God. Their source of power. All characteristic of a patriarch society All needing Power. Power resides in the masculine. It would seem from prehistoric times that god/God was what was needed to provide power for survival. Is this God? Is this God Reality?

And what of God? What identity do I put on God when my God suddenly becomes what I worship to survive? Is it  all about power.... a sports figure, a political identity, a particular religion, money, a trophy wife? All these that are depended on for survival now become God. God is created and this God is depended on for survival. God; all powerful, all knowing, all shrewd, all connected, all wealthy, all famous, all respected........................................

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Post #135 "God, But Just in Case...."

God is created. God is the distorted and inverted image of Reality. Our world is a patriarchal society so our God is a male god. Along with this, our society worships power. Our society worships male attributes: power, competitiveness, toughness. Elevated forms of worship began as crude attempts to appease nature... to personify nature... to name the gods that evolved through personification. What began as appeasement evolved into worship....appeasement--the root of worship. Worship--the means of conquering fear. After all, it is not very masculine to be afraid and what causes fear must be dealt with. Worship is the basis of religion. What we worship is our religion. In present times that which we worship has multiplied over and over to the point that our religion has divided and diversified more times in more ways than we could possibly be aware of. Keep in mind that worship/religion began in fear. Has this basically changed? Is fear still the underpinnings of what we worship? Do we feel a lack of control over our fears? Does not religion help us deal with those fears by providing a means of control...giving us that something 'to do'? Is worship, is religion, what we hang on to for 'just in case'? Does worship lie at the base of our survival....threatening it and yet determining it?

Has our methods of worshipping basically changed? Savage man chanted incantations. Would we not call this prayer? We chant at certain group events such as sports. What is more worship than sport events, pitting one person or one group against the other, in a competition to see who is the greatest--to see who  is the best, and if God is our symbol of power,--to see who is the most God-like. Here the word 'Perfection' can be substituted for the word 'God'. Religion says who we are more then anything else whether we profess a religion or not. What we worship is who we desire to be. If religion or elements of religion are thought of as superstitious it is not surprising, as primitive religion has deep reverence for what we would describe as superstitious and remains at the base of who we are. We may not find it possible to determine what is superstitious from what is real in our created world. One might argue that belief is superstitious. What remains is that what we worship, which is our religion, grew out of primitive religion through an evolutionary process.

The terms for God, the names given to God, also grew out of an evolutionary process. Whatever language or languages did with the early terms for the genies, the imps, the trouble-makers, to the gods of tribal society, the trouble-makers of nature, became that which was feared and dreaded...the basis of God. The names have changed but not the fear and dread. These names, these terms evolved into our terms for what we name or how we refer to God/gods. As civilization developed, god/gods and then, God, developed in the evolution of civilization. God was a term, a name, that developed with civilization. The more people grouped and regrouped throughout history, as in dividing down, the word for 'that which must be appeased' developed, but always remained 'that which must be appeased'...to this day. That ancient fear is present in each and everyone of us and is a part of who we are and what we desire....what we make our God. If one does not believe in religion, one is usually careful to keep a door open 'just-in-case'.

God is the God of Creation. God is created according to our specifications. Does this mean there is nothing more? Absolutely not! We, as the collective unconsciousness, have just chosen to do our own thing and through the walls of creation have blocked out that Reality that we cannot name, possess or control.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Post #134 "The Great Confusion"

The great confusion lies in knowing the difference between God and the Reality. Creation does not exist in and to Reality. Creation is created. Creation means having beginning and ending. Reality has no beginning, hence no ending. According to religion, creation is made out of nothing and includes heaven, the abode of God, and earth. (so what happens to God when heaven passes away? Does God go away too?) According to science, creation is made up of the stuff of atoms and basic elements. Both religion and science admit to a ending that is understood by religion as a prediction, "heaven and earth will pass away, (Mark 13:31), and by science as an observation of the break-down of atoms into smaller and smaller particles until finally losing all definition, also just pass away. God, is religion's answer to the unexplainable. Science, however, is uncomfortable with this explanation and raises a profound question. Carl Sagan saw two conflicting or alternative hypotheses, "One is that the universe was always here, and the other is that God was always here. Why is it immediately obvious that one of these is more likely than the other? Or, put another way, if we say that God made the universe, it is reasonable to then ask, "And who made God"?"

Let's consider God here. Would God be in Nothingness to create in nothingness and to create out of nothingness? Reality exists! There is no beginning and no ending in Reality. Reality is infinite. Creation is finite. What possible need would there be for God to create that which really does not exist or exists only to itself? Would God be in Nothingness? Would God begin that which would end and dissolve into the abyss? Would God create a self-image that does not really exist? Would God create a cosmos and whatever lies beyond that does not exist in God's own Reality? Is this God of religion a God of Nothingness? Is this God of religion the God of Creation?

If Creation is the place of non-reality, then the God of religion must be the God of creation, then the God of Creation must be the God of non-reality. Does this God, then, only exist within the realm of that which is created, being that that which is created does not exist at all? Can 'that which is God' create 'That which is not God or image ? It seems a valid question.

It's no wonder that there have been over four centuries of hostility between religion and science, between faith and reason and general confusion. As there lies deep with in humanity the desire to become God, God, as Reality, must be removed for the transference to occur. Creation is the answer so all must be rearranged that it all appears to be what it is not for that is the nature of image. Image pretends to be what it is not and the result is the distortion and opposite appearance of the original. So too with God and reality. Reality stands in the way of humanity's desire to become God, so God is created as a distorted image of Reality. God and Reality are confused

(more to follow next post. thanks for reading.)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Post #133 "Violence as Our Way of Life"

We have become a people of violence. It is all recorded in our ancient mythological accounts. Violence brings in and accompanies civilization as the culture moves from a tribal society into the Agrarian Age. Its all about violence in the taking and claiming of land. It all leads to possession and then to trading and accumulating wealth and more wealth. It establishes classes of the wealthy: those of comfort and leisure, those of abundance, as compared to those of need, those of want and poverty, those that know toil and sweat and weariness, those that were deprived of their identity, those whose life-style was violated, those whose property was claimed and stolen. And on and on to violence and more violence. It was like a greedy, rasping violence descended like a dark swirling cloud for there was a great division where the vulnerable were separated out were violated. Moral values were violated, as was the soul of the land itself. The story of the Garden of Adam and Eve was forgotten. People could no longer remember a Garden of sweetness and lushness where no effort was needed, no clocks needed to be set, or food to be cropped nor where pain, suffering, nor the death that ended everything was a part of normal life. There was no greediness or hatred, for here, it was said that God came and walked and talked with those that inhabited the garden, whoever in our ancestral and genetic code they may be. One thing we can glean from the story is that with the first dawning of humanity there was no male and no female...no gender and no need for gender The division occurred, as all division occurs, when creation is a process of division and in no way is the entity that Intelligence longs for in its desire to become God. When Godliness can not be attained much less assumed, or even understood, what is the next best thing to do? What is the only thing to do? Why, Create! Create God according to our needs, according to our design, according to our desires, according to our image and likeness. Create God and place him over the creation we chose. Create God and say that this God ordered the soon-to be Israelite nation to come into the Promised Land and violently attack, destroy, kill, and take captive the inhabitants. Good way to put the blame on the tribal God who in reality represents his people and is the archetype of his settlement or special group of elect people. (These could be some of the settlements referred to in the Tel in Jericho. Sounds like a pretty vicious and unreasonable God to use this method to bring about promises to a people. Something here seems fishy. Whatever the Garden story is about, it tells of a place that is entirely in sinc with itself. No wonder we are a people of division. A people of violence. A people of Creation

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Post #132 "Beyond the Walls'

Let's go beyond those walls of division. Let's look to our ancient stories once again. What do walls in a vast wilderness stand for? What do walls in a wilderness say about the builder of walls and about those people affected by the walls? What does the ancient mythological, biblical story in the Book of Genesis, of Cain and Abel, the sons of Adam and Eve really say? Have theologians down through the centuries missed the point? Could it be that the story is about walls...walls in a vast wilderness? Cain is said to have killed his brother, Abel out of jealousy, that God preferred Abel's ways to Cain's ways. Cain was jealous. He wanted something Abel had. It is like humanity wanting to become God, but God standing in the way and having to be removed for the transference to take place. And so humanity/Intelligence built the walls of creation....to keep itself in and to keep God out. Division. Loss of identity.

Supposing the story really represents the wilderness and civilization. Abel, as herdsman, as nomad, would represent the ways of the wilderness, of nomadic living.....no building, no digging, no planting or reaping, just tribal living on the shared assets of the tribe rather than personal and private ownership. This way of life would eradicate jealousy and possessiveness and entrepreneurship and all ways competitive. Cain, on the other hand, as the tiller of the soil, as the planter, as reaper would, consequently, need possession/ownership of the Land. Here, at the very first glimmers of history we can make out the outlines of the controversy in Israel/Palestine that has raged throughout history and has no intention of being settled....the jealousy for a better way, for a different way, for ownership, all resulting in for division. The need for possession, the need for the power of possession, the need to divide from the old way, led Cain to clear the land, to till and plant, and to harvest... all needing land...all needing possession of the Land. Cain needed Land. Cain need The Land. Cain needed the Land Flowing With Milk and Honey. Cain needed the land of Israel/Palestine which stands for all the land on this planet. But this land was necessary for in this Land, God entered the world. Jerusalem was the navel of God's entrance. Cain needing the Land Abel shared with the tribes of the Land, the lands where they migrated to feed and water their flocks.

Abel was in Cain's way! Until now anyone could use the land! The Land was home. It was owned by everyone. Now the Land is all about ownership and the accompanying violence. "I have worked this land, hewed it out of the wilderness, tilled it and planted it....It is Mine! I will build a wall. The wall means that this is MY land. This wall means that you must stay out. If you trespass, you will be punished. YOU may even be killed. I, Cain will kill you, Abel, my brother for possession of the land". And he did. And Abel's God, the God of the tribes, was displeased for this is where violence was born.

But what the story means is that civilization killed a way of life that was basic and wholesome for humanity and for the Land. The land of the tribal nations was forcefully and violently taken from them by those who were of violence and possession...those who knew greed and jealousy. These people who desired to possess the land, destroyed those who were not of the same determination and drove them from their home and their way of life. There was no other way, really, Cain just had to kill Abel, as civilization had to and has to kill the wilderness-- for the two cannot co-exist. Israel and Palestine are proof.

The next step was easily predictable. Law! When there is ownership and violence, Law is needed. Formation of The Law followed. Laws are now needed to protect property and ensure safety. And this amounts to Civilization. Civilization is the father of science and technology. Here it all began. Civilization demands Law. It's all there in the ancient stories. The story of The Garden, the story of the murder of Abel by his brother , Cain, and the story of Moses. Its all about the Promised Land. The Land that was promised to Israel and also to Palestine. The story of Moses and the Ten Commandments--- its really the story of the beginnings of civilization and the establishment of the Law, all governing the possession of the Land.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Post #131 "Violence and Civilization"

What is the first sign of civilization in a vast and mighty wilderness? A wall! A wall in the wilderness tells a profound story. What about the story behind the purposes and functions of walls? Especially that a wall is the first sign of civilization and also the first sign of violence. Thusly, a wall speaks of and promises violence. What is the basic intention behind building walls? Is the purpose to keep in ? Is the purpose to keep out? The one who builds the wall also has a story to tell. The purpose of the wall may be to provide security....something to hide behind; in a public sense and in a private sense.... a fear of violence. Each sense suggesting that violence is threatening the builder and the builder must get away or hide away. These walls are for the purpose of keeping out. What about keeping in, as a fortress, as ownership...."if you step over this line, something bad will happen to you." The "I need you to respect me and to respect what is mine". These walls can be expected to move, to expand out beyond themselves, ever so slowly at first, and then faster, until the original boundaries are vastly over-extended and the builder becomes much richer and much more threatening to his neighbors because of his walls. His walls violated those of his neighbors, claiming what was theirs as his...and then building his walls higher, much higher to protect his wrongly gotten gains, to protect his stolen property.

Is it possible that in every situation in life, humans build walls? Is wall building an inherent, trickle down characteristic, then, of humanity, as division is the inherent faculty of creation, division in both cases bringing about Time, place, and Matter? Can we assume that Time, Place, and Matter are the basic foundation walls of creation, built by humanity, as in the collective unconsciousness? What about these walls, constructed through the limitations of Time, located through the limitations of Place, and hidden and smothered through the limitations of Matter; these walls behind which each concept of division seeks its own existence? Is it possible that the walls of creation are the walls of the human mind, these walls of unquestioning Faith and the walls of empowering, empirical, Reason?

Does religion need and promote these walls? Does religion need the parameters of Time, Place, and Matter? Does science need and promote these walls? Does science need the parameters of Time, Place. and Matter? Are these walls beneficial or destructive to creation, particularly to humanity and to the planet that sustains life as we know it? Is humanity and the walls humanity has created beneficial or destructive to its own purpose and determination?

The most basic symbol of historical division is a wall. The Hunter and Gatherer Age moved into the Agrarian Age with the appearance of walls. The claiming of land was essential to the Agrarian Age. From early recorded history, walls were the visible manifestation of humanity separating itself into groups, tribes, clans, settlements, and eventually cities, and then, nations. When a group forms it forms against the rest of society. It is dividing or separating itself from the rest of humanity. We unite, only to divide. We unite for the purpose of power; for protection against the loss of power and for the opportunity to amass power through combined effort. The divided land of Israel/Palestine has been focused in these posts on violence....what of the high walls surrounding Jerusalem?

What we think of as unity is actually division. Uniting/joining, whether it be through marriage, family, town, country or religion, is a breaking apart that separates and divides. We try to take and amass the power of others to add to and enforce our own. We cause animosity, we create violence for the sake of the power in a facade of unity to, then, come against and defeat another person, another group, another nation. Nations promote wars to unite as a country, to unite under a leadership. We unite that we may divide. We unite to separate from and, thereby, to gather power. Power is amassed in community which then divides down into smaller pieces of itself until, ultimately, power locates in the individual, for the gods are many, but God is One. There lies deep within humanity, the desire of each person to become God through building walls, from dividing down through the amassing of power for the purpose of achieving Perfection. For what is Perfection, anyway, but becoming God?  Perfection and God are One.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Post #130 "Violence, Death "

(continued from Post #129)

Two nations claim the same identity and the same inheritance. Israel/Palestine. It all comes down to the Land, the same land. Really, the same people, who became a divided people   And because the people divided, the Land also divided. Identities were and are lost. Who are the true heirs of Abraham...a first-born slave made prince or the second-born son of tribal kinship? So, to whom did Yahweh give the Promised Land, the Land flowing with Milk and Honey? Seems a shame these two divisions cannot come together to make the whole-the whole of Israel or is it Palestine? ..confused identity.

From these, division, then loss of identity, comes violence. Logically then, does it not seem that if violence is not to be tolerated, the first step would be to eliminate division. But is this possible? This whole blog (Beier Unfolds Reality) is on Reality and the reality of non-reality. Non-reality is the state of Nothingness because creation is a process of division. Division divides down to nothing. We are people of division. We are people of violence. It is who we are. We do not know how to stop dividing. We don't see how our lives are all about division. Every time we form a group, a tribe, a team...any kind of union, between two or many, the reality is that these are all break-aways from the world at large. We break away to reform into a smaller more personal unit. We are competitive. What is competition but division? We compete to show we are better than someone else. This is not forming a whole but forming a part against another part. We strive to look better....better than others  We strive to have more money and better possessions....better and more than our neighbors. We strive to have the most productive and flourising businesses, make more profit than anyone else... more competitiveness. We even strive to collect people...like who's on our side.Who supports us? We are teaching our children to be the best, against the others, to be winners against the others, to make us proud for standing above the others. What is this but division? If some of us cannot keep up with this challenging standards, that person is separated out of the group and looses identity. Violence follows. We think its all games and even funny. We even think this to be healthy.

It is all so much who we are we cannot comprehend a different world of wholistic values. It's because we all have the same divisive goal......to become Perfect, to become God. What happens when everyone strives for prefection and godliness is that perfection and godliness become redefined. The attributes of God are the attributes we need to become Perfect. We put human values on something we call God so that we can be unaware of the Reality which we shut out behind the walls of creation. What does this make us then? We are God-makers and we are God destroyers. We will destroy anyone who competes with us for this is our nature.  

How achievable is our goal? Can I achieve thi goal? Who can hope to achieve Perfection? Can anyone hope to become God? What do we do when the goal seems allusive and we fear that we may not be able to attain it? What can we do ? What do we do? When the goal of 'who I will become' is looking unachievable what else can we do in great frustration but look for a new beginning? And then another beginning. And another beginning...over and over again. Creating an end, creating endings, to allow for new beginnings. Creating death to bring about new beginnings. Creating death to bring about new life. And so the cycles of Time begin, each a new layer growing to its death, over and over again.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Post #129 "Deeper into Violence"

Probing deeper into violence, the roots of division, to loss of identity, become clearer. Focusing on the Israel/Palestine conflict, it is noticeable that this conflict expresses best the conflicts of all-time and all-place. The conflict reaches back at least 4000 years and is best expressed in the ancient biblical account of the story of the Patriarch, Abraham. This rather historical account has many sources of division resulting in loss of identity that Post #128 began to reveal.

Bringing us up to date....the Egyptian, slave, Hagar was sent in to Abraham to conceive and bear a son that would inherit, according to tribal laws, the governance of the tribes that were on a quest to establish themselves in a new land promised to them and their descendants by their tribal God, Yahweh. Hagar did indeed conceive and did provide a son to Abraham. As the first-born son, according to tribal law, Ishmael became Abraham's heir. He became the crown-prince, so to speak. You would think that this would end all problems but they were really only beginning. First of all, there was the subjection of women to less than human status; to child bearing for wives and cattle status for slaves and the unmarried. How did these women, in reality, feel and consequently act and view themselves? What of identity? To whom did they belong? If people are treated like animals do they lose their self-value? Do they lose their identity? They sure do! So much so that to this day women are unaware of how little human identity they have, and still in so many ways view themselves as owned and possessed by men in their lives. Today's world is very much a patriarchal society. Women do not realize how their existence is that of a possession, unable to think and cope in and with a male dominated world. How does it feel to be possessed? How did Sarah, Abraham's legal wife feel because she did not produce a son? She must have felt that she had no value. How did she feel to send her slave into Abraham, her husband to perform a very intimate act through which Sarah would only be a proxy mother to any children born to her slave? How would women feel about this? What if Sarah thought that Hagar was in Abe's tent a little to often and a little too long? Now these are real women's concerns that are never addressed here in the biblical account but are at the bottom of today's Middle East conflict. Soon things came to a head....After some time......guess what??.....Sarah conceived in her old age and gave birth to a healthy son and named him Isaac. What joy she had in her baby son and of course wanted the best for him. The best for him, of course, was the inheritance of the tribes. After all, she felt herself to be Abraham's Real wife! Can one imagine her feelings of triumph and her returned assumed identity of being Abraham's wife--a 'real' woman? But something stood in the way....Hagar's son, Ismael. Ismael was being brought up as a prince. Now what?????

By now according to the story, Hagar was also Abraham's wife and her son was the first born son of Abraham. Sarah is said to have had it 'in' for Hagar and the whole thing becomes an ugly mess. How did Ishmael feel about being demoted to a slave of Baby Isaac? Hagar was scorned by Sarah and the other women. It turns out that Hagar and Ishmael are finally banished into the wilderness. In a sense, left to die. Hagar was Egyptian and somehow managed.... maybe she was picked up by a caravan headed back to Egypt. It seems, according to the story, that she and Ishmael survived.

What feelings and emotions resulted and magnified to this day? Ishmael is said to have become the Father of the Muslim people as Isaac is said to be the Father of the nation of Israel. Looking at the ancient story, who is the true heir of Abraham? Who has the true identity? Did the same God promise the same thing to two nations? And all the centuries of division, loss of identity and violence!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Post #128 "Loss of Identity to Violence"

At the root of violence in the world is the loss of identity. But how can identity be attained when identity is confused with an assumed identity? Identity is confused with an assumed identity when desire 'to be' overtakes the reality of being 'what is'. Where is the reality of  'what is' when there lies deep within humanity the desire to become God. Where is true identity when the desire to become God is behind all choices and determinations and is the very  basis of human thought, dreams, and aspirations? Where is reality when the desire to become God establishes life cycles, patterns, customs, alliances, and the very structure of created life? Where is true identity when the desire to become God determines human behavior? This desire to become is rooted in consciousness and unconsciousness and in the collective consciousness and collective unconsciousness. Where is truth when every phase, every level, every step, is a piece of the unfolding of the movement to become God, as is every stage of evolution? Where is true identity when the desire to become God is the force of, the actuality for, and the perpetual search for Perfection? But what is Perfection anyway but being God? Where is truth anyway in desiring to become God? After all............Perfection and God are One.

What of the identity of God when the desire of humanity is to become God? Is God's identity affected by humanity's desire to change places? Does God retain God's identity or does humanity's desire determine God's identity? Does God not become lost in this goal of humanity's? Does God's identity not become confused in the eye of those desiring with that of the actual desire? After all, does anyone really believe that they could become God????????????And if they cannot become God does this not change God's identity to humanity's idea of God's identity with humanity's choices and determinations until God and humanity do, indeed, become One?

Let's move for a while from here to the somewhat historical, biblical accounting of the roots of the ancient Israel/Palestine conflict. The conflict is really all about the loss of identity, division, and violence. The patriarch, Abraham, in the book of Genesis sets out to possess the land that his God has given him. This land of 'Milk and Honey' is the site of today's  Israel/Palestine. The story of Abraham lies at the root of the religious cultures of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity and the conflict still raging to this very moment in history. Throughout history many religions have developed and are based on these ancient beliefs. The gist of the Abraham story is that as patriarch of a huge, migratory, nomadic people, Abraham needed an heir. His wife had not born him a son and was now into her old age. An Egyptian slave was given to Abraham, he slept with her and upon the birth of a first-born heir/son was wedded to Abraham. The story neglects the fact that this particular nomadic culture permitted a man to have multiple wives. Now here we already have a story of division and the loss of identity and, if not the physical expression for violence, at least the desire. Let's begin with the women. The story shows that a wife's value was no more than that of a brooding mare. Wives had no value outside of childbearing. Secondly, the only child of value was a son. Women, throughout history, have been deprived of a human identity. If this isn't division according to power and vulnerability!......This is certainly a story of loss of identity in many facets such as marriage and slavery. These females had no identity other than that of the male that owned them. And what of the Egyptian slave? What Egyptian would ever have been humiliated into slavery to Canaanites? Did these women feel humiliated? Did they know who they were? Were they divided from having a true human identity? Were they angry and under other circumstances, freedom from like gender slavery, capable of violence? You bet they were! They had total loss of identity from loss of human identity to a personal identity, they had no real value as a human being, as a person of feeling, integrity, and intelligence. Their loss of identity, their separateness from intelligent humanity, their suppressed violence, is at the root of the story of loss of identity, division, and violence that mark Israel/Palestine today.

(This post will be continued at Post #129.)

Friday, September 5, 2014

Post #127 "The Nature of Violence"

Pulling it all together, then, violence is the result of division. Division is separation that births  alienation. Alienation brings loss of identity which leads to rejection, frustration, and anger. Here is the perfect formula for violence. We have looked at the primary division of creation from Reality, of the creation of creation from the division of atoms. We have looked at division as the make-up of creation from Time to Place to Substance. Truth is the only counter we have for the non-reality of our existence. As we stand at the foot of the mountain of the lies and debris of our history, we see that Truth is much clearer and in more evidence the further down we dig. Truth is at bedrock. We need to find the roots. We need to do all we can to get a clearer picture of who we are, that from here we can determine our purpose. Way down at bedrock there is wilderness of ancient history. There we see a few people, and many trees; nature, the likes of which we have never seen nor anticipated. This view would, in comparison make our world an ugly place of a few scraggly scrub trees, weeds, smog, blight , and millions of people living on a surface of cement. What happened? Whatever caused that person or those people to place the first stone on top of another stone, mortar it in place and begin to erect, out there in the wilderness, the first wall. Here is where we must go to search for answers for this is where it began. Whatever happened there has, throughout history, been multiplied over and over again.
What did that first wall symbolize? It stood for, and stands for, division. Someone wanted to be separate from the others. Others soon joined, and the wall became walls and walls became more walls, until a settlement grew out there in the wilderness. The settlement grew and grew from a wall to many walls and soon there was a city. And more cities. But where are the cities? All one can see now is a large mound, the size of a small mountain covered with silt and scrub growth. Where are those cities? They were destroyed. The cities, as were the settlements, were destroyed. There was violence, back then, as there is now, and then..... total destruction, over and over again.

There is a city in the wilderness of Judea. It is called Jerusalem. Jerusalem is symbolic of the world and all its cultures. Jerusalem tells the story of the history of humankind. It is the prime symbol of division that goes from the building of the first wall in history to the destruction and bombing of the many walls of the old city. Jerusalem is Muslim. Jerusalem is Jewish. Jerusalem is Christian. Jerusalem is claimed by the three great world religions. All three religions grew from a common root. All three come from a common bloodline, all moving under the direction and guidance a common God. All three religions were and are instructed by their God to seek out and destroy all who do not support their point of view or stand in their way. An interesting way to control......just blame it all on your God!

After all the violence of destruction, there remains the loss of identity and this is the real violence. This violence here in Jerusalem of Israel/Palestine is not the most devastating effect. The most devastating effect is the loss of identity, for everyone. Not just everyone in the area, but also in the world that Jerusalem stands for. This is violence within a bloodline. This is violence against those who are family. In fact, the fighting began over the loss of identity and goes back in history at least 4,000 years. It goes back to Abraham of the Book of Genesis and the promises made to him by his God. But other people heard promises made by their God that promised them the same identity as promised to Abraham, and people became violent and more violent. Destrucion resulted until nothing remains in this land of wilderness against civilization but a huge mound of destroyed settlements and cities under silt and scrub growth. All still searching to know who they really are.

(The next post will further discuss the Israel/Palestine situation; its violence and loss of identity)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Post #126 "Civilized Violence"

We stand at the gate of the Garden. The first sense is a sense of loss for the division of creation has already been at work. Humanity has divided...male and female they have divided. But even before that, creation separated from Reality, creation divided from Reality. Through creation's sin against itself, there was and is a sense of dividing and separating even and especially, from oneself. We divide ourselves into bits and pieces. Frustration. Panic. And then the urge to destroy, for a horrible mistake has been made. A horrible choice has been made and the results are not at all what was hoped for and longed for. That God that we desired to become is out of reach, terribly out of reach, like behind walls, large impenetrable walls, walls that we ourselves created. Intelligence feels a need for vengeance. Humanity feels a need for vengeance. We feel a need for vengeance, for violent vengeance. But on who do we act out our frustrations? A victim is needed. Someone who will stand in our place and accept whatever abuse we need to bestow in order to expiate our guilt, as we can not express our hatred on ourselves. Division creates victims. A victim is a victim because of its vulnerability. The vulnerable become victims. The vulnerable become food for the ravenous appetites of the powerful. Division is all about vulnerability and power. The desire to become God is all a desire for power. Why settle for less power when the ultimate power, that ultimate power of God, is within a choice?

So division creates the need for power. Power is energy. There is energy in all matter in creation and certainly in humanity. What we feel we lack, we can take from someone else. But first we must create vulnerability. There is no power without weakness. So who is powerful and who is victim? Everything in creation has a strong side and a weak side, and if there is not a weak side, a weak side will be readily created. Lets begin with intelligence. Intelligence created humanity from the matter of creation. Then, to establish power and weakness, humanity divided into male and female, and into race, color, religion political systems, ad nauseum. Of course, all this division requires violence. The very act of creation was violence at its ultimate.

The divisions of creation are innumerable as creation is division....the creation of non-reality. Ours is a history of victimization, hence violence. Violence creates the perpetrator and violence creates the victim. Violence began creation. Violence will end creation. As atoms, in the process of creation, break down into smaller and smaller subatomic particles, creation, including humanity, breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces of itself. As atoms lose all definition until they finally just pass away, so too the weak lose all definition , and also, just pass away.

There is nothing inherently strong in needing to take strength from others. This need to drain the weak shows that the so-called powerful are weak themselves and are unable to admit that they have no knowledge of Reality. When the strength from the weak and the vulnerable has been depleted, the powerful will always create more vulnerability to feed upon until only one remains...the most powerful. The God of Creation/the Collective  Consciousness and Unconsciousness will then recall Reality and begin to dream. Desire will bring about Choice to become that which image is not and the abyss will begin to frenetically stir again into a great rage. Energy. Heat. Water.....the primordial waters of Nothingness.......Future creating Past.   

Monday, September 1, 2014

Post #125 "Violence to Death"

Loss leads to violence and ultimately to death. This theme runs through our stories, our religion, our nursery rhymes, our lore. We are people of violence. We are people of death. Through our violence we create our death. We can't help it. It is who we are. (If this all seems depressing, this writing is a search for Truth. It is not a self-help). We influence the great void, the abyss of precreation. Creation does not eradicate the void. The void is ever present. Intelligence tried escaping the void through creation. This did not work and caused increased agitation in the abyss. The void is from inside out and outside in and constantly pulls creation into itself. Science would  call the agitation, energy, especially black energy. The reverse is also true. Intelligence also influences the void. If Intelligence experiences frustration and violence, the void also reacts as such. The vibrations of violence and death are part of creation, so creation influences and is influenced. Through vibration and energy, all the tremors of all-times, of violence, are detectable in nature and in humanity. Here, Time becomes non-existent as Time is nebulous. It is possible to feel and experience the effects of occurrences and disturbances from any time in history. Depression and anxiety from another time in history can cause anxiety and depression in people today. Whether we are aware of it or not, a war in another part of the world can cause us sleeplessness and anxiety. These same energies often permeate Time and allow a glimpse into the past or future, if only for an instance..... like that glimpse of someone from out of the past in the corner of your eye, or the smell of flowers in dead winter or the unexpected whiff of a cigar or a special brand of perfume from long-gone memories.....the past and future are always with us. Time is now.

Violence is always with us. It is in all our stories...... We dream. We desire. We choose. Our choice is ultimately to become God. (See post #19). We strive to be perfect as God is perfect. We fail. Now, as Lucifer and Adam, we must leave the presence of God. It's our choice. We can and do however, recreate God. The God we create is the God of Creation, but this God is not the Reality. The Reality has been blocked by the walls of our creation. We have created only the facsimile. We failed. We fail. And we know we fail. We are frustrated! We stir the energy of our timeless world and the energy of pre-creation. We stir the energy of our present world and the energy of the void of pre-existence. It;s only a matter of Time and as we know, Time is nebulous and really doesn't exist at all.

Violence! Loss! Loss of name, place, status, identity, and substance. Lucifer, Adam and ourselves no longer exist in Reality. Lucifer is no longer God's right-hand angel in heaven, and Adam and Eve no longer walk and talk with God in a Garden. Agitation. Frenetic stirring. Heat. Water. The release of atoms. Atoms smashing, colliding, dividing. Time vibrates...its first pulse. Matter vibrates into shapes, like earth, planets, universes. Intelligence roots in humanity. Humanity divides down...male and female. Humanity. No name. No place. No status. No identity. And no substance. The choice is still ours.......Reality or Non-reality?