Saturday, February 1, 2014

Post #69 "Finding reality-Becoming God"

Studies of ancient cultures show that these people found 'reality' not by their own actions but by doing what they considered to have already been done by some transcendent reality. Life, then, was cyclical and based on constant repetition. Today we would classify these actions as rites and ceremonies. The purpose being to bring about a reality by performing a prescribed action. It could be seen as "if we do this, then this will occur". These ancients thought that if a chosen person imitated a god and did what they thought the god would do, then that person was the God.

Our long-standing tradition of believing that we become God by doing what God does is our reality. But what we consider reality is non-reality. We thought that by building walls we could become Reality by becoming like Reality, but by becoming reality as we saw it. We dreamed that we could take the place of Reality. We create the most powerful positions that we can dream in the hope of playing the role of that which we dream to become. We created our own pseudo-reality because we hoped we could defeat the darkness. We feared that in darkness we would fall into the abyss. We feared that we would fall into the void of pre-creation for the void of pre-creation is always with us. Because we feared the darkness, we created light. We saw the light as 'good'. We knew that our creation would begin and end in Nothingness. To defeat Nothingness, we created Time. We needed Time so that when we failed we could begin over again and again, day by day, week by week, generation by generation, each increment an admission to failure. Each increment an attempt to begin over once again. "Maybe, just maybe, this time we can get it right and accomplish our dream." For this very reason of the need to begin over again and again, we created Death. Because we feared emptiness and despair, we created Place. We needed a Place that we could gather all our pieces together and appear to be whole as Reality is whole as in entity. We divided the waters from the land and saw that it was 'good'. We needed a very special place worthy of our aspirations in which to admire and praise, to acknowledge and reward our accomplishments, proving to ourselves that all was working according to our dreams. We created kingship and titles of esteem that demanded homage and reverence to divide the elite from the commonality/masses to prove our worthiness for there cannot be Power without weakness. Our kingship demanded kingdoms in which to dwell in exalted states. We dreamed that special place of magnificence, that dwelling place of God, and named it Heaven. be continued as all blogs unfold from each other

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