Sunday, February 1, 2015

Post #186 "After Human Life"

How close or how far are we from Reality? How difficult is the search? How do we find Reality if Reality is not present in and to our everyday lives? The real question is ' who would want to find Reality especially when we are so content with living on the most superficial, closest to the surface levels of existence....the existence we have created as we have dreamed it, desired it, and chosen it?'

Non-reality, as image of Reality, becomes less distorted as we move backwards in Time because of levels or layers of existence. Each level reflects the level preceding it, becoming more distorted as the original image of Reality undergoes further distortion at each increment of image reflects the level preceding it which is image of the image before that; image reflecting, not the first level but image reflecting image reflecting image, on and on.

What, then, is human death? What is human life? Are there also levels of what we know as life, leading away from or toward Reality? Does Intellect bring about life or end with human death? The function of Intellect is choosing and as such chooses life or death....that is chooses Reality or non-Reality. Remember, that as Reality is totally outside the comprehension of creation, that which is of creation does not know Reality, only that it Is and that it is the opposite of the created life, which may shed some light on dark holes, dark energy, and so on....being that creation is opposite Reality which would indicate a controversy between lightness and darkness. Creation is the inversion or the reflection  or the image of Reality. We know that if creation has no real substance, Reality is entity. We know that if creation is fallible and passing away, reality is infinite and cannot pass away. This is what lies behind humanity's desire to become God, only that God as God, is created by humanity and is only the distorted reflection, the image, of Reality. Our non-reality as image is proof of the reality of Reality.

Human life exists on many levels, closer or farther from Reality. After mortal death there are many levels to exist on according to the choice of intellect. Time, as well as our notion of substance do not exist in pre-creation. Place is unlimited in the unlimited expanse of pre-creation and does not exist. Reality is a choice. Not to become Reality, as in becoming God, but to experience Reality in some way.....this we are not now able to comprehend.

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