Saturday, December 26, 2015

Post #201, "So Who are the Victims?"

The Collective Consciousness cannot accept Other, the Singularity of Reality and so divides itself, that Self and Other exists within itself, made up of itself.
As every cell of creation contains the whole of itself, contains the essence of itself, it contains within itself its own species, its own particular genre.
The self within the Collective is able, through choice, to divided itself and to recreate itself.
This divided Self recognizes one part of itself as representative of itself and the other as the part sacrificed to the cause of the survival of the whole. 
This division represents within itself the need to eat and the need to provide its own food.
Thereby, one part eats while the other part becomes the food.
Creation divides itself that it may survive.
Creation devours itself.

This division depends on sacrifice.
It depends on victimization.
Basically, this is the story of power.
This could only be the story of power; power lost, that power may be gained.
One dies that another may live.
There is no story of power without the parallel story of weakness.
The story of weakness is the story of death.
The sacrifice of one for the survival of the other is the story of religion. 
Religion has taught that power gained is the story of victims.
The story runs throughout history.

History is built as much on death as on life, maybe more so.
Sacrifice of one for the other is the building block of civilization.
After all, how can one build without building materials?
In order to sacrifice, a victim is needed.
That which is sacrificed is victim. Is victimization by choice? Does one choose to be sacrificed?
Is a part of victimization the wrenching away of life?
How does the victim feel when it is unwillingly sacrificed?
How is the victim made into food to be devoured?
Is this murder?
If the victim is not willing; is this murder?
Can the process of being deprived of life extend over the period of a lifetime? Who are the victims?

The Collective Consciousness is a whole made up of parts, like cells.
Each part, each cell contains within itself the essence of the Collective Consciousness. 
Each cell is aware of itself as contained within the Collective.
Consequently, it is aware of self within self.
It views self as self and from this perspective views itself as individual and as other than self.
If the cell can consume other cells, the other cells become self and self becomes more fragile as it is more capable of breaking apart into pieces of itself.

Cells break apart and, if the loss of energy is too great to sustain the cell, the cell fades away to extinction.
Cells with enough energy regroup as if collecting energy and form new groups, new wholes, each replicas of the whole.
These wholes become extremely fragile because of their ease in breaking apart and regrouping.
Each cell is able to divide itself into halves which are then capable of reproducing itself.

The Collective has within itself the choice of dividing or of not dividing.
This choice is the essence of the Individual Consciousness.
Not dividing calls forth its capacity for wholeness with no parts.
These cells chose to be undividable. They chose Entity. They chose Entity over division.
They chose to be. As Entity they must emerge from the Collective.
In emerging they recognize who they are and are able to recognize that there is Other.
Other is other and is not a cell or made up of cells. Other is not Self in any way. but is Other in all ways.
What does it mean to be victim?
To make the sacrifice more palatable, it is necessary to demean that which will be victim.
To lessen the crime, the victim is thought of as having little or no value.
Religion/civilization would not want to be thought of as self-serving yet religion has flourished on the victimization of parts of itself to be sacrificed as offerings to appease the God within itself.

 Who are the victims? Who are sacrificed? Who has no power?......these are the victims.
These are the food that have fed the powerful.
The powerful can be identified as those of wealth, those of possession.
Those of wealth have the Identity of the Wealthy, of the Elite, of the Chosen. Choseness is Identity. Identity is Power. Power creates Authority.
Power creates the rules, the commandments, for others to obey.

Reality consists of its Singularity within itself, and its Otherness.
Its Otherness is the Individual Consciousness.
The Otherness of the Individual Consciousness plus the Singularity of Reality to itself is the Reality of Reality.
Reality is the Singularity, the Singularity of Entity as Entity, and the Singularity of the Individual Consciousness, the freed Entity as Entity, is the Self and Other of Reality.
Creation exists as it struggles against its divisiveness to become Entity as Reality is Entity of Self and Entity of Other.
By seeking to rid itself of Self and Other, Creation divides.
 Creation is a system of division.
This division seeks to remove Reality, to remove the Singularity of Other, and so creates in itself a divided self which evidences in the divisions of humanity.
Humanity thus, victimizes itself by creating Self and Other within itself.

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